A brief summary of the Quran | JUZ 11 | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

  • 3 months ago
▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
00:02Nahmaduhu wa nusalli ala Rasoolihil Kareem
00:04Amma baad
00:06Allah Rabbul Izzat
00:08in the beginning of the 11th Sifarah
00:10while mentioning such hypocrites
00:12gave three commandments to the Prophet
00:14that now these hypocrites
00:16will eat false
00:18tricks, excuses,
00:20false oaths
00:22and present their excuses in front of you
00:24Allah Rabbul Izzat
00:26gave three commandments
00:28The first one is
00:30O Prophet Muhammad,
00:32tell them not to
00:34present false excuses in front of me
00:36Allah Rabbul Izzat
00:38knows everything
00:40Allah is All-Knowing, Allah is All-Aware
00:42Allah knows everything
00:44The second commandment is
00:46to ignore them
00:48i.e. avoid them
00:50and the third one is
00:52that Allah Rabbul Izzat said
00:54that these hypocrites will eat false oaths
00:56and will try to please you
00:58but you will never
01:00be pleased with them
01:02After this, Allah Rabbul Izzat
01:04mentioned those sincere
01:08whose faith
01:10Allah has testified
01:12and they were
01:14highly sincere
01:16but due to some personal
01:18and temporal reasons
01:20they could not
01:22participate in the Battle of Tabuk
01:24Allah Rabbul Izzat
01:26mentioned them
01:28There were ten such people
01:30Allah Rabbul Izzat
01:32mentioned seven of them
01:34Allah Rabbul Izzat said
01:40These seven people
01:42returned from Tabuk
01:44when Prophet Muhammad
01:46was passing away
01:48They were very sad
01:50and regretful
01:52that they could not
01:54go with Prophet Muhammad
01:56They decided that
01:58they will tie themselves
02:00to the pillars of Masjid Nabawi
02:02and will not open themselves
02:04Our repentance will be accepted
02:06and Prophet Muhammad
02:08will come
02:10and we will keep ourselves
02:12tied to these pillars
02:14Prophet Muhammad came
02:16and Allah Rabbul Izzat
02:18accepted their repentance
02:20The hypocrites
02:22in order to destroy
02:24the power, glory, greatness
02:26and unity of Muslims
02:28built a mosque and a place of worship
02:30Prophet Muhammad
02:32used to invite
02:34They decided
02:36to build Masjid-e-Zarar
02:38and invite Prophet Muhammad
02:40to pray
02:42Prophet Muhammad
02:44accepted the invitation
02:46and said I will return from Tabuk
02:48Allah Rabbul Izzat
02:50revealed the truth
02:52Prophet Muhammad
02:54intended to harm
02:56Prophet Muhammad
02:58and attack
03:00Prophet Muhammad
03:02His intention was
03:04to destroy the power
03:06and unity of Muslims
03:08Allah Rabbul Izzat
03:10revealed the truth
03:12and Allah Rabbul Izzat
03:14forbade Prophet Muhammad
03:16When Prophet Muhammad
03:18received the revelation
03:20Prophet Muhammad sent two companions
03:22and destroyed the building
03:24of Masjid-e-Zarar
03:26Allah Rabbul Izzat
03:28praised Masjid-e-Quba
03:30and the people of Quba
03:32When Prophet Muhammad
03:34came from Makkah to Madinah
03:36Prophet Muhammad
03:38stayed in Quba for a few days
03:40Some people
03:42live in Quba
03:44Those who like
03:48Allah Rabbul Izzat
03:50is explaining their cleanliness
03:52Allah Rabbul Izzat
03:54intended to build
03:58Prophet Muhammad
04:00stayed here for a few days
04:02and later Masjid-e-Quba
04:04was built
04:06Allah Rabbul Izzat
04:10Allah Rabbul Izzat
04:12In brief,
04:14in the 13th year of Prophet Muhammad's
04:18for the third time
04:2070 men and women
04:22came from Madinah
04:24and they
04:26took the oath of allegiance
04:28for Islam, Dawah, Quran, Deen
04:30and Shariah
04:32When they took the oath of allegiance
04:34they asked
04:36If we take the oath of allegiance
04:38what will we get in return?
04:40We will get Jannah
04:42After that
04:44the remaining three
04:48mentioned the three
04:52His name is
04:54Hazrat Marara bin Rabee'
04:56Hazrat Hilal ibn Umayyah
04:58Hazrat Ka'b ibn Malik
05:00They stayed in Tabuk
05:04came to Prophet Muhammad
05:06without any excuses
05:08and confessed their mistakes
05:10Prophet Muhammad
05:12heard their mistakes
05:14and confessed their mistakes
05:16but he said, until the revelation
05:18came, these three
05:20were to be cut off
05:22so that they were to be
05:24separated from their spouses
05:26After that
05:28this verse
05:30time is very short
05:32they mentioned
05:34how sad they were
05:36how sad they were
05:38but Allah accepted
05:40their repentance
05:42and their sincerity
05:44and sincerity
05:46till the Day of Judgement
05:48was proven by Allah
05:50After that
05:52the way to become righteous
05:54Allah said
05:56Fear Allah
05:58and be with the truthful
06:00till the Day of Judgement
06:02Then Prophet Muhammad
06:04like the compassionate
06:06personality of Prophet Muhammad
06:08Imam of the Prophets
06:10the reason for the existence of the universe
06:12is mentioned like this
06:14laqad ja'akum rasoolun min anfusikum
06:16azeezun alaihim ma'anittum
06:18harisun alaikum al mu'mineena ra'oofun raheem
06:20meaning he wants
06:22all people to come into the circle of faith
06:24they are merciful
06:26they are kind
06:28they are dear
06:30Allah the Lord of Glory
06:32in the beginning and the end
06:34if these people
06:36don't believe
06:38you can say
06:40la ilaha illa huwa alaihi tawakkaltu
06:42wa rabbul arshil adheem
06:44la ilaha illa huwa alaihi tawakkaltu
06:46wa rabbul arshil adheem
06:48this is the best Quranic way
06:50to get rid of sadness
06:52you should recite it
06:54you should remind your children
06:56after this
06:58in the 11th chapter
07:00this is the beginning
07:02as a special mention
07:04of the nation of Yunus
07:06this is why it is called
07:08Surah Yunus
07:12akana linnasi ajaban anau hayna
07:14a question of the polytheists
07:16was answered
07:18they used to say
07:20why was a human
07:22sent to us as a prophet
07:24why wasn't an angel sent
07:26Allah the Lord of Glory answered
07:28if an angel had come
07:30the purpose of the prophethood would have been lost
07:32how could a human understand the words of an angel
07:34how could there have been a dialogue
07:36how could there have been a message
07:38how could Allah's message have been conveyed to humans
07:40Allah the Lord of Glory answered
07:42after this
07:44the proofs of Tauheed and prophethood were stated
07:46inna rabbakum allahu alladhi khalaqa as-samawati ala al-akhirah
07:48after this
07:50the question of the polytheists
07:52was answered
07:56they used to say
07:58give me another Quran
08:00or change this
08:02they used to object
08:04Allah the Lord of Glory
08:08there are two things
08:10one is Tawheed
08:12and the other is Tawdeed
08:14Tawheed means
08:16whatever has come
08:18should be changed
08:20i.e. by changing it
08:22I can't even change this
08:24nor can I change
08:26whatever Quran comes to me
08:28whatever command comes from Allah
08:30I am bound to
08:32convey that command
08:34the question of the polytheists
08:36was also asked
08:44tell me
08:46who gives you sustenance from the heavens
08:48and who gives you food from the earth
08:50who owns the ears
08:52who owns the eyes
08:54who owns the strength of hearing
08:56sight and hearing
08:58and the power of
09:00speaking and speaking
09:02and who gives you strength
09:04when Allah the Lord of Glory
09:06is the owner of everything
09:08then worship will be only of Allah
09:10then Allah gave guidance
09:12on the truthfulness of the Quran
09:16if you are in doubt about this Quran
09:18then bring a surah like this
09:20bring a surah like this
09:22Allah has said about a verse
09:24and about a surah
09:26and the objections that
09:28Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
09:30took the Quran from himself
09:32then Allah the Lord of Glory
09:36then you also
09:38bring a surah like this
09:40you also
09:42make a surah of the Quran
09:44from yourself
09:46and gather your helpers
09:48and gather your helpers
09:50this is the truthfulness of the Quran
09:52which Allah the Lord of Glory has challenged
09:54after this
09:56the answer to the question of the polytheists
10:00when in the form of disobedience
10:02in the form of rebellion
10:04in the form of rebellion
10:06Allah the Lord of Glory
10:08used to say
10:10when will that promise be fulfilled?
10:12when will that punishment come on us?
10:14bring that punishment
10:16Allah the Lord of Glory
10:20I am not the owner of
10:22my own self's gain and loss
10:24Allah is the owner of
10:26the gain and loss of everything
10:28when I am not the owner of
10:30my own self's gain and loss
10:32then how can I
10:34bring punishment on anyone else?
10:36these are the choices of Allah the Lord of Glory
10:38after this
10:40Allah the Lord of Glory
10:44in this
10:46when it is said
10:48that it is the belief
10:50of resurrection
10:52after death
10:54i.e. a person will be resurrected
10:56after his death
10:58then he will be cut into pieces
11:00and his organs and ingredients
11:02will be cut into pieces
11:04then how can one part be from there and the other from there
11:06so Allah the Lord of Glory said
11:08do not compare Allah's knowledge and power
11:10to your own knowledge and power
11:12and Allah the Lord of Glory
11:14is fully capable of
11:16resurrecting all of them
11:18after this Allah the Lord of Glory
11:20mentioned the story of Noah
11:22Noah invited his people
11:24and they did not
11:26accept except a few
11:28then Allah the Lord of Glory
11:30sent punishment on them
11:32Moses and Aaron
11:34were sent to Pharaoh
11:36and then
11:38to show their signs
11:40then Allah the Lord of Glory
11:44how Allah the Lord of Glory
11:46drowned Pharaoh and his people
11:48and Allah the Lord of Glory
11:50saved Moses
11:52and saved Pharaoh's body
11:54for the Day of Judgment
11:56as a lesson Allah the Lord of Glory
11:58saved Pharaoh
12:00after seeing the punishment
12:02and the belief after seeing the punishment
12:04is not reliable
12:06in the end Allah the Lord of Glory
12:08the people of Jonah
12:10were also not accepting in the beginning
12:12but they were saved
12:14because they
12:16before the punishment came
12:18they became believers
12:20they brought faith
12:22the life that Allah the Lord of Glory
12:24has given us
12:26we should repent in this
12:28and turn to Allah the Lord of Glory
12:30so Allah the Lord of Glory
12:32accept our repentance and our worship
