The method of delivering a sermon and the rules of speech and oration | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

  • 3 months ago
▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00Nahmaduhu wa nusalli ala rasoolihil kareem amma ba'd
00:03Today we are going to talk about the extraordinary importance of Khitabat and its fundamental and most important responsibility.
00:16First of all, it should be known that the expression of what is in the mind, the statement, the speech, the Khitabat is an extraordinary blessing given to man by Allah the Lord of Glory.
00:32And this is such a strange and strange kind of blessing that Allah the Lord of Glory has mentioned this blessing in many places in the Holy Quran.
00:40After the creation of man, Allah the Lord of Glory has mentioned the most important and extraordinary blessing, which is the power of speech.
00:52Therefore, what is in Surah Rahman verse number 3?
00:56Ar-Rahman Allamal Quran
00:58And in verse number 3 it is being said, Khalaqal Insaan
01:03Allah created man.
01:06What is in verse number 4?
01:08Allamuhul Bayan
01:09Allah the Lord of Glory is stating the blessings of the power of speech after the creation of man, that Allah created man and taught and granted the ability to speak, to speak the power of speech and speech.
01:30Allah the Lord of Glory is stating this blessing after the creation of man.
01:34where the mention of the advent of the Prophets is mentioned in the Qur'an, Allah says,
01:39Wa Ma Arsalna Min Rasoolin.
01:41And what are the following words?
01:43Illa Bi Lisan-e-Qaumi.
01:45What is this Lisan-ul-Qaum?
01:47i.e. we have not sent any Messenger, but in the language of the same Nation.
01:51This is the mention of the language, the mention of the language of the Nation,
01:55and in the language of that Nation, sending the Prophet and the Prophet,
02:00and those Prophets also use the same language.
02:04i.e. those Prophets and Prophets use the same language.
02:10Allah, the Lord of Glory, is specifically mentioning this.
02:13Why? So that the message of Allah,
02:17the true philosophy and message of Allah,
02:21and the lesson of Aqeedah-e-Tauheed,
02:24the knowledge of divinity, and the religion of Islam,
02:27and the message of Haqq,
02:29can be easily understood by people according to their mental level,
02:33according to their common understanding, according to their own language,
02:37and they can convey that divine message to the Prophets and Messengers.
02:43What is understood from this is that the ability to express should be correct,
02:48and the society in which you are speaking,
02:52you should have authority over the language of that society.
02:56So remember, this method that we have,
03:01and we do not have authority over the power of the tongue and the ability of the tongue,
03:07then we all make a very big mistake.
03:09When we speak in Urdu, then Urdu is not Fasih and Baligh.
03:15When we speak in Arabic, then we do not take care of the rules of Arabic.
03:18When we speak in English, then in English.
03:20No matter what language you speak in,
03:23if you do not know any language, then there is no problem.
03:26But the language that you know, according to its rules,
03:29according to the mind of the nation, and according to the common mental level of the nation,
03:34you should speak according to their feelings,
03:37so that you can deliver your message correctly.
03:42This is an extraordinary thing.
03:44And today I understand that our addressees and our Ulema,
03:48especially the new graduates of religious schools, face a very big challenge.
03:53May Allah make the new graduates of our schools realize
03:58the challenges of clashing with the doors and walls of our schools.
04:04May Allah make, more or less, in every second or third school,
04:09if I talk about my Jamia Sufis,
04:11there is a series of regular meetings,
04:15and the students are trained to give a complete speech.
04:20They are trained to give a complete speech.
04:22In our school, on Friday, before Asr,
04:25the teaching schedule is postponed for an hour,
04:29so that the students learn the speech in all the classes.
04:32But with great sadness and regret,
04:34I feel the need to talk about one aspect of the students of Madaris.
04:38Because that speech is not tested separately,
04:42because it is not a part of a syllabus,
04:45and it is considered an external initiative,
04:48because it is not considered to be of extraordinary importance.
04:53So what is the result of this?
04:55It has to be said with sadness,
04:57it has to be said with a lot of regret.
04:59The result of this is that
05:01the students will be excellent,
05:03the students will be able to be studied and accepted.
05:08There will be righteousness,
05:10there will be knowledge,
05:12they will be able to do well,
05:14they will be strong and capable,
05:16but in front of five people,
05:18they will not be able to convince their students,
05:22they will not be able to satisfy their students.
05:27This is such a sad situation,
05:29such a sad situation.
05:31I usually tell my students,
05:35that your old parents sent you here,
05:39and it is obvious that
05:41when an old father sends his child to school,
05:44then how did he study Sharah Jami,
05:46how did he not study it,
05:48and how did he not learn Qutubi,
05:50in the same way,
05:52did he study a technical book correctly,
05:55that is, did he study Muqtasar-ul-Ma'ani correctly or not,
05:58and did his book get corrected or not.
06:02That old, ignorant father
06:05is not aware of these things.
06:07He has only one desire,
06:09and that desire is that
06:11when my son, after a year,
06:13or after completing his education,
06:15comes to my village, village, area,
06:17neighborhood, town,
06:19when my relatives are sitting there,
06:21in between them, my son
06:23should be able to deliver the true message of religion.
06:26My son should be able to lead Jummah in the local mosque.
06:30My son, my brother,
06:32my grandson, my grandson,
06:34those old people who are sitting in the villages,
06:37what do they want?
06:39That today, if our community gathers,
06:41then they should be able to talk about Allah and His Messenger.
06:44It is very sad to say that
06:46how many of our students are there
06:48that they have the ability to do this.
06:50Therefore, to remain silent, to remain silent,
06:52to remain silent,
06:54to not be able to talk,
06:56in front of one's own self,
06:58to mock the religion of truth,
07:00the poet of Islam,
07:02to not have the ability to protect and defend the religion of truth,
07:07is such an extraordinary weakness.
07:09It is such a great weakness.
07:11It is such a place of sorrow.
07:13It is a place of sadness.
07:15Khalaqal Insaan Allamahul Bayan
07:17The ability to speak,
07:19Allah the Lord of Glory has said,
07:21Ahsanu Qeela
07:23is being said somewhere.
07:25Waman Ahsanu Qaula
07:27is being said.
07:29And then, what is being said?
07:33The beauty of speech.
07:35About whom?
07:36Waman Ahsanu Qaula
07:37Mimman Da'a ila Allah
07:38Wa Aamila Saliha
07:39Wa Qala Innani Minal Muslimeen
07:41The one who calls people towards Allah,
07:43the caller of God,
07:45the caller of Islam,
07:47the Mubaligh-e-Quran,
07:49and the translator of Islam,
07:51his speech is the best.
07:53His speech should be the best.
07:55This is one of the most important issues of today's sermons.
07:59One is the ability to speak,
08:01and the ability to speak correctly.
08:03Now, I would like to say two things
08:05and ask for your permission.
08:07One more point I would like to mention is that
08:11every era has its own style and style.
08:16Perhaps, there was an era
08:18in which the style of speech and speech
08:22was considered good.
08:24The era was fine.
08:25We do not put a fatwa on anything
08:27that it will be wrong,
08:29or this method will be right,
08:30or this method will be wrong.
08:32But I would like to mention a point
08:34about the psychology of the nations,
08:36the nature of the nations,
08:38the psyche of the society,
08:40their psychology,
08:42the nature of the society.
08:44Putting a style,
08:46with a style,
08:48and speaking with a style.
08:52Perhaps, it was considered good in the past.
08:54But, in today's era,
08:56this style and method does not work.
08:58Then, there was an era
09:00in which, perhaps,
09:02shouting loudly,
09:04with a lot of strictness,
09:06that the throats should be swollen,
09:08and there should not be a lot of shouting.
09:10Perhaps, it would have been preferred.
09:12This would have been the psychology of the nations.
09:14But, in today's era, that also does not work.
09:16Now, the modern style,
09:18it is necessary to understand and learn
09:20that modern style.
09:22All the preachers,
09:24all my young brothers,
09:26and all the new religious schools,
09:30the new scholars who have graduated,
09:32in today's era,
09:34there is no style,
09:36no shouting,
09:38no shouting.
09:40In today's era,
09:42as the Prophet said,
09:44the last era will come.
09:46Knowledge will spread.
09:48This is one of the signs of the Day of Judgment.
09:50Everyone has it.
09:52When the speaker is speaking,
09:54the audience in front of him,
09:56at the same time,
09:58puts what he is saying
10:00in Google,
10:02puts it in the computer,
10:04and searches it.
10:06One question is put,
10:08and 50 answers come.
10:10That era has passed.
10:12When you needed something,
10:14you should go to a school,
10:16to a library,
10:18then the wait of the guard,
10:20the wait of the librarian,
10:22the wait of the key,
10:24the timing,
10:26and then you go and take out the book,
10:28and make a watcher of it,
10:30that has become very less.
10:32Now, the book that is kept in the library,
10:34which you have to study,
10:36has come in the same PDF format.
10:38It has come in the same computer software format.
10:42And therefore,
10:44thousands of books have come
10:46So, through mobile,
10:48smartphone, LCD,
10:52everything is searched.
10:54So, when this is the case,
10:56such books,
10:58and such materials,
11:00are available at the fingertips
11:02of every person.
11:04It has come in the PDF format.
11:06The style that can be successful today,
11:08the style that can be successful,
11:10is only one.
11:12Your speech should be concise.
11:14You should quote the verses of the Quran,
11:16and state the numbers of those verses.
11:20The numbers of the verses,
11:22you should definitely quote the numbers.
11:24References and references.
11:26Along with that, if you quote Hadith,
11:28then you have to give reference to it.
11:30This is in Bukhari, this is in Abu Dawood,
11:32this is in Tirmidhi, this is in Sayyid Muslim,
11:34this is in such and such book.
11:36Its reference, chapter number,
11:38verse number, ayat number,
11:40these references and references,
11:42should be authentic.
11:44It should be firm.
11:46It should be solid and strong.
11:48Try not to quote something
11:50that you do not have a reference for.
11:52And then,
11:54another important thing is that
11:56in a suitable way,
11:58sometimes, in a moderate way,
12:00you certainly state the incidents of Akabir,
12:02with wisdom,
12:04there is nothing wrong with that.
12:06The story of Akhsar is also mentioned in the Quran.
12:08But the style and style of people today,
12:10the style and style of people today,
12:12those students who have graduated from
12:14modern schools, colleges and universities,
12:16those students who have graduated from modern schools, colleges and universities,
12:18their style and style,
12:20the stories written in our Sufism books,
12:22or sometimes,
12:24the incidents,
12:26they are not declared to them.
12:28Now, they need authenticity.
12:30Therefore, now,
12:32you should direct your speeches
12:34towards the verses of the Holy Quran.
12:36Towards Ahadith-e-Tajjiba.
12:38Ahadith, Ayahs,
12:40and is there anything missing in the Holy Quran?
12:42Ma farratana fil kitabi min shay'ah
12:44We have not left anything out in the Holy Quran.
12:46Everything has been stated.
12:48Allah, the Lord of Glory, has said.
12:50So, I have made these three requests.
12:52Request and point number one.
12:54You should have the ability to give a full speech.
12:58The ability to convince,
13:00rather, the ability to deceive,
13:02rather, the ability to mislead.
13:04Moderate style,
13:06full ability,
13:08strong queen,
13:10such a firm and strong queen,
13:12that there is no compromise in it.
13:14So, first of all,
13:16the ability to give a full speech,
13:18the ability to convince,
13:20should be correct.
13:22The second number,
13:24which I would like to request,
13:26the most important request is
13:28that in your speech,
13:30along with moderate style,
13:32there should be firmness.
13:34Along with moderate style,
13:36there should be references.
13:38In your speech,
13:40in your statement,
13:42there should be references on a permanent basis.
13:44There should be references on a permanent basis.
13:46These references are very important.
13:48Your speech should be based on
13:50scientific material.
13:52It should be based on solid material.
13:54These are the requests.
13:56May Allah, the Lord of Glory,
13:58enable us to follow these requests.
14:00Since I have been
14:02instructed to do so,
14:04even though there is no time,
14:06I have submitted some requests to you.
14:08May Allah, the Lord of Glory,
14:10enable all of us to follow them.
14:12And finally,
14:14Surah Muzzammil, Ayah 6
14:16Inna naashiyata al-layl
14:18hiya ashaddu wat'an wa aqwa muqeela
14:20Waking up at night
14:22is a means of suppressing desires
14:24and creating an impact in the conversation
14:26in the morning.
14:28This is the most important point.
14:30Seek help from Allah.
14:32Keep in mind
14:34the translation of Allah.
14:36And think that
14:38whatever I am saying is the translation of Islam.
14:40My personal emotions
14:42are not involved in this.
14:44The impact of the conversation during the day
14:46is not the impact of the conversation.
14:48It is the effect of waking up at night.
14:50May Allah, the Lord of Glory,
14:52enable us to pay attention
14:54to this most important point.
14:56And finally,
14:58Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
