A brief summary of the Quran | JUZ 18 | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

  • 2 days ago
▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00Surah Al-Mu'minun 18, verse 10
00:04The most brief summary of the 18th chapter of the Quran is that Allah the Lord of Glory has started it with Surah Al-Mu'minun
00:12And in it, Allah the Lord of Glory has stated the most important attributes of the believers
00:20The believers have been successful in their research
00:23Now the following attributes
00:25Those who are humble in their prayers
00:30Those who do not get involved in the mischief of purpose
00:35Those who spend their time and their precious life in vain
00:43Those who do Zakat
00:47Those who have a pure heart and have no shame
00:54Those who have a marital relationship limited to their life partner
00:59Or in the old times, the concept of bondage
01:04Those who protect their belongings
01:08These are the attributes that Allah the Lord of Glory has stated
01:13These people will inherit
01:15What will they inherit?
01:17They will inherit Jannatul Firdaus
01:19Allah the Lord of Glory has mentioned the attributes of the believers in the beginning
01:24And then mentioned the Prophets
01:28While mentioning the Prophethood of Noah
01:31Allah the Lord of Glory has said
01:33I have sent Noah to my people, and they said, O my people, worship Allah. You have no god but Allah, so do not fear
01:40Noah gave the same invitation
01:42There is no one other than Allah to worship you
01:45Are you not afraid?
01:47The people mocked and made fun of the invitation of Noah
01:53As a result, Noah made a boat with the command of Allah
01:58Noah gave the command to his faithful companions to board the boat
02:03And the rest of the people who were not worthy and disbelievers were drowned
02:07Then Allah the Lord of Glory has mentioned Shirk as opposed to Tawheed
02:12He said, what is the deprivation of the polytheists?
02:15On what basis are these polytheists deprived?
02:18The matter is that they do not listen to the Qur'an
02:21When the Qur'an is recited in front of them, they run away
02:24And they do not get advice from the Holy Qur'an
02:27So that they do not get involved in any work
02:30So they run away
02:31When they do this and commit this crime, Allah the Lord of Glory said
02:36The result of this is that they are deprived of guidance and faith
02:41Then Allah the Lord of Glory mentioned the blessings of divinity on man and said
02:45He is the One who created the hearing, the sight, and the heart
02:49He is the One who created the hearing, the sight, and the heart
02:57The power of hearing, the power of hearing, and the blessing
03:01Similarly, Allah the Lord of Glory has given the power of seeing
03:06Allah the Lord of Glory has given the heart
03:09But there are very few people among you who are grateful
03:12For the disbelievers, Allah the Lord of Glory has mentioned the punishment
03:16He said to Prophet Muhammad
03:20If you want to punish them here in this world, then protect me
03:27Allah said to Prophet Muhammad to pray
03:31It is obvious that Prophet Muhammad will always be protected from hell, this world, the hereafter, and the punishment of this world
03:39But Allah the Lord of Glory asked Prophet Muhammad to pray for the protection of the believers
03:51After this, there is a painful mention of the punishment of the hell
03:59Their faces will be swollen
04:01And they will be in constant torment
04:05They will even call upon Allah after they are in this torment
04:12And when they will call upon the Master of Daruqah and request from Allah
04:18In response, they will be told
04:23Get lost!
04:24Stay in the torment of hell again
04:28And don't talk to me
04:30And before this, it was said that wasn't there a series of Prophets for guidance?
04:35Didn't the Messengers come?
04:37Didn't they call upon you again and again?
04:40Of course, they invited and called upon
04:43After this, Allah the Lord of Glory in the end of Surah Al-Mu'minun
04:47Mentioned a beautiful principle
04:50And warned man for ever
04:54Do you think that Allah has created you useless?
05:03And that you will not be returned to Allah?
05:06If you think so, then Allah the Lord of Glory is pure from this useless work
05:11That there is no reckoning
05:13And there is no reckoning
05:15And there is no revenge and reckoning for the oppression of the oppressor
05:19And there is no reward for the constant worship
05:23Do you think that Allah the Lord of Glory has created you useless?
05:30By doing this, Allah the Lord of Glory is pure
05:33He is holy
05:34And Allah the Lord of Glory is free
05:36After this, Allah the Lord of Glory mentioned Surah An-Nur
05:40The beginning of Surah An-Nur is from the 18th verse
05:43And in the beginning of Surah An-Nur
05:46Allah the Lord of Glory has given a lot of emphasis on a few social, moral and religious rulings
05:51Especially on public dealing and ethics
05:54And while emphasizing on ethics, He has given the order to avoid adultery
06:00And has advised that there should be no immorality and purity
06:04If someone commits adultery, male and female
06:07And does it with consent and is unmarried
06:11Then Allah the Lord of Glory has ordered about them to be whipped
06:15And if someone is unmarried
06:17Then he will be whipped according to the Ahadith
06:21But remember that this punishment is the work of the government of the time
06:26It is the work of the court and the court
06:29These rulings are directed towards the court
06:32That the Islamic judge and the Islamic court should implement these punishments
06:38After this, Allah the Lord of Glory has mentioned the incident of Ifq
06:42And the incident of Ifq is that in the year 6 Hijri
06:45On the return from the battle of Balil Mustalq
06:48The Prophet and his companions were going with a caravan
06:52They stopped at one place
06:54Hazrat Ummul Momineen, our beloved mother, Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa
06:59Went to the Qaza-e-Hajat
07:01The caravan did not know and the caravan departed
07:04Hazrat Ummul Momineen, Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa
07:07She came later
07:09Hazrat Safwan's camel was left
07:12She got on her camel and went ahead
07:15And then she met the caravan
07:17Abdullah Ibn Ubay, who was a hypocrite
07:20He saw this opportunity and he accused of adultery
07:24This accusation had to be made
07:26That more than this
07:28What else can be more harsh
07:30And more than this
07:32What else can be a matter of humiliation
07:35But the sacrifice of Ummul Momineen, Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa
07:39For the sake of her chastity and purity
07:42Allah revealed the verses for her marriage
07:45Not just the verses
07:47He revealed 1.5 rakuh
07:49Till the Day of Judgment Allah has declared her as a part of the Quran
07:53Ummul Momineen, Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa
07:56For her purity and chastity and marriage
07:59After this
08:02The brief background of this verse is that
08:05Hazrat Mistah, may Allah be pleased with him
08:07He was a relative of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq
08:10Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq used to help financially
08:13But he was influenced by the independent propaganda of some hypocrites
08:18And he also became inclined towards
08:20That such a mistake may have been committed
08:23When Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, found out
08:26That despite being my relative
08:28With regards to my daughter and daughter-in-law
08:31He was thinking about something like this
08:34He swore that he will not help financially from now on
08:39Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, said
08:43He said that the people of wealth and wealth should not swear
08:48They should give their charity
08:50They should show generosity
08:52And Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, liked this generosity
08:56You do not like Allah to forgive you
08:59Therefore, you should also forgive and forgive
09:02After this, Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, mentioned about chastity and purity
09:06For the protection of the eyes and chastity of Muslims
09:09He gave this command
09:13Tell the Muslims to keep their eyes closed
09:17And protect their private parts
09:19Similarly, he gave this command to women
09:21After this
09:25Noor means Allah
09:27But here Noor means illuminator
09:30Meaning the one who illuminates
09:33So Allah is the one who illuminates the seven heavens and the seven earths
09:37Allah has given a beautiful example of the light of Allah
09:41It is like a lamp
09:44And there is a lamp inside that lamp
09:48And that lamp is inside a pot
09:51And that lamp is being lit with olive oil
09:55And that olive oil is the oil on which the sun shines
10:03On this basis, this oil will become pure and beautiful
10:09The purpose of giving the example is that this means the heart of a believer
10:13That he has the ability to accept faith naturally
10:18And when the matter of revelation comes together
10:22Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, gives him the ability to act
10:25In the end, Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, said
10:31This is the verse of opposition
10:33It is called the promised verse of Khilafat-e-Rashidah
10:38What does it mean?
10:40Those who do good deeds, believe and do good deeds
10:46Allah will definitely make them Caliphs on earth
10:49Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, made a promise
10:52Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, gives power to the earth through faith and good deeds
10:57After this, Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, at the end of this 18th verse
11:01He has also started Surah Al-Furqan
11:03Furqan means the one who distinguishes between truth and falsehood
11:08The fundamental beliefs of the polytheists have been mentioned here
11:11And then the answers to their objections
11:13Two objections, especially at the end of the 18th verse
11:17At the beginning of Surah Al-Furqan, Allah has said
11:23These polytheists say that the Qur'an was taken by the Prophet himself
11:28Or he used to say about some Jews
11:30They learn from them
11:32So Allah has said that this is not taken
11:34It is revelation and the truth of the word
11:36And Allah has sent it
11:38The second objection was
11:43What kind of messengers are they?
11:45They eat food and walk in the market
11:47So if they are messengers, then either they should have been angels
11:50Or a group of angels and angels should have been with them at all times for their protection and help
11:56So Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, has said here
12:02Before this, the prophets and messengers who were sent
12:09They also ate food in the same way
12:12So Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, has sent humans and humans as messengers
12:17So that the message of monotheism can be delivered through them
12:21If angels are sent, then they cannot convey this message to humans
12:29Nor can humans understand them
12:31May Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, grant us the correct understanding of these Qur'anic teachings
