工藤阿須加が行く 農業始めちゃいました 2024年9月4日 移住先で見つけた新たな生き方!大自然が育む紀州備長炭

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工藤阿須加が行く 農業始めちゃいました 2024年9月4日 移住先で見つけた新たな生き方!大自然が育む紀州備長炭
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Oh, it's made of metal.
00:04In this special episode,
00:06Asuka Kudo goes to meet a sumiyaki chef from Wakayama Prefecture.
00:16Wow, this is amazing.
00:18Kishu Binchotan, the highest-class brand.
00:22He approaches the unknown charm of Kishu.
00:25He also enjoys delicious sumibi dishes.
00:30Asuka Kudo's Farm
00:34Asuka Kudo's Farm
00:36Let's start farming!
00:42This time, we're going to Hidakagawa Town,
00:46located in the center of Wakayama Prefecture.
00:49Hello, everyone.
00:51Today, we're in Hidakagawa Town.
00:55It's deep in the mountains.
00:57Some of you may be wondering what I'm making.
01:01But this time,
01:03I'm going to make something like this.
01:06If you make it like this, it'll make a sound.
01:11Hidakagawa Town, where many fishermen gather,
01:15is located in the center of the town.
01:19About 90% of the area is forest,
01:24and the forestry industry is thriving.
01:26Kishu Binchotan, the highest-class brand of charcoal,
01:30produces the highest amount of charcoal in Japan.
01:33So, this time,
01:36we're going to meet a couple who make binchotan.
01:45Nice to meet you.
01:47I'm Kudo.
01:48I'm Ito.
01:50Ito Hiroki, a 7th-year charcoal maker,
01:54and his wife, Shuko.
01:57They live with their three children.
02:00His wife is pregnant with her fourth child.
02:04They found a new way of living in the remote area.
02:08Kishu Binchotan is nurtured by nature.
02:12What's special about binchotan?
02:15In general, binchotan is sold at home improvement stores.
02:18It's called kokutan.
02:20It's a black charcoal used in barbecues.
02:24But binchotan is different from that.
02:27Binchotan is called hakutan.
02:29It looks like white charcoal.
02:31It's hard and heavy.
02:34Thanks to that, it feels good and has a lot of firepower.
02:38I see.
02:39That's the difference.
02:41Since you're here, can I touch your binchotan?
02:45Of course.
02:48Binchotan is also called hakutan.
02:52Kishu Binchotan is produced in Wakayama.
02:57It burns for a long time and has a strong firepower.
03:02It emits about four times more carbon dioxide than gas.
03:08Binchotan can heat food efficiently in a short time.
03:13What's special about binchotan is that it's different from ordinary charcoal.
03:18There are various thicknesses.
03:22The sound is amazing because it's hard.
03:28It's made of metal.
03:29That's right.
03:30Can I touch it?
03:34The sound is amazing, but the vibration from the inside is also metal.
03:41That's right.
03:42I can feel it.
03:44This was originally made of wood.
03:46I see.
03:47Why does it look like this?
03:50There is carbon dioxide in the wood.
03:55When you burn charcoal, the carbon dioxide is removed.
03:59I see.
04:00The carbon dioxide is compressed and the charcoal is closed.
04:04It's 99% carbon dioxide.
04:08It's similar to metal.
04:11That's why it's called a diamond.
04:13That's right.
04:14It's called a black diamond overseas.
04:16That's right.
04:19At Mr. Ito's workshop, he uses a kiln that can produce 450 kg at a time.
04:26He produces 10 tons of charcoal a year.
04:31Before moving to Japan, they lived in Nara Prefecture.
04:36What motivated him to become a craftsman?
04:41What did you do before moving to Japan?
04:44I used to work for a camp site management organization.
04:49I see.
04:50When children came to the camp site, I taught them how to light a fire and how to decorate a campfire.
04:57I see.
04:58I also do a lot of camping.
05:00When I was a kid, I taught my brothers how to light a fire.
05:05That's it.
05:06That's it.
05:07What about you, ma'am?
05:08I was originally a member of the Nara Regional Cooperative Corps.
05:12I see.
05:14Why did you become a charcoal-grilling craftsman?
05:19I decided to move to Wakayama.
05:22I see.
05:23I was wondering what kind of job I should do.
05:25I came here because I had a chance.
05:28I wanted to do a charcoal-grilling business that can only be done here.
05:32So I started.
05:37I see.
05:38What did you think when you heard that you would be a charcoal-grilling craftsman?
05:41I thought I did it.
05:42You thought you did it.
05:43I see.
05:44When you heard that you would move to Wakayama, did you agree?
05:48I decided to do it.
05:49I see.
05:50Did you?
05:51Did you look for a good place and decide to live here?
05:57Did you?
05:58Yes, I did.
05:59I just followed you.
06:00You just followed me.
06:02Shuko was fascinated by the great nature of Wakayama.
06:06She moved to Wakayama with her family in 2016.
06:10In addition, it seems that the job of a craftsman is perfect for Hiroki's personality.
06:17He is not good at interacting with people.
06:22I see.
06:23I think it's better to do what you can do in nature than to interact with people.
06:31I think it's good.
06:33Are you okay?
06:34I'm often told that I'm in trouble because I'm too attractive.
06:39Hiroki chose a job that is closely related to the natural world.
06:44He follows his decision.
06:48Can I help you with anything?
06:50I'm going to the mountains today.
06:52You're going to the mountains?
06:54I'm going to cut the wood to make charcoal.
06:58Would you like to go with me?
06:59I'd love to.
07:00I don't know if I can do it.
07:02It's hard work.
07:03I know.
07:05So, Hiroki moves by car to the forest where the wood grows.
07:11The raw material of Kishu Binchotan is called Ubamegashi.
07:18The job of a craftsman starts from cutting the wood.
07:24It's usually a mountain road, isn't it?
07:26Yes, it is.
07:27I think it's different because I'm going up a road without a road.
07:33Please be careful.
07:35It takes 10 minutes to climb up a steep slope.
07:37Finally, they arrive at the cutting point.
07:41Do you own this mountain?
07:44No, I don't own it.
07:46It's a mountain owned by a local.
07:49I talk to him and ask him to cut the wood.
07:57So, you buy the wood you want to cut and cut it.
08:02That's right.
08:03I see.
08:04What happens if you cut all the wood?
08:07Do you get hurt in the forest?
08:12If you cut all the wood in the mountain, it will take a long time to regenerate.
08:19We cut the wood in a way called Takubatsu.
08:24For example, if it's a thin tree like this, we leave it.
08:27There are several trees around here.
08:31We cut this thick tree first and leave the rest.
08:37By doing this, the regeneration speed will increase and the tree will not regenerate in the first place.
08:45That's why we always cut trees like this.
08:48That's interesting.
08:51If you choose a tree to cut considering the ecosystem,
09:01we gradually spread the cutting edge using a chainsaw.
09:21Next, we will cut this tree to a length of about 2 meters.
09:26I see.
09:27So, I will cut it.
09:29I will cut it here.
09:31I see.
09:51Do you cut a lot?
09:56I see.
10:01I see.
10:02Ubame-gashi is cultivated in steep cliffs.
10:07Therefore, you have to carry it out by yourself until you go out to the road.
10:13I do this about 100 times every time.
10:15You do it, right?
10:16I do.
10:17It's hard.
10:18It's hard.
10:19Don't you get tired of working?
10:21Well, it's hard physically.
10:25So, I often feel that I don't want to do it.
10:29But, I like to work together with nature rather than working with people.
10:36That's why I do it.
10:39You don't meet people here, do you?
10:43In the end, he used a lift and carried it out of the forest.
10:47Then, he finished cutting the tree.
10:51Hiroki-san now has a sense of fulfillment in the work of a sumiyaki craftsman.
10:57However, he had various thoughts until he got there.
11:02I used to have a longing for the sea.
11:04When my wife decided to go to Wakayama, I thought I should be a fisherman.
11:08I see.
11:09So, I had a longing for the sea.
11:11But, I found a house in a mountainous area.
11:14So, I was worried about getting up in the morning.
11:20So, I was looking for something else.
11:22Then, I found sumiyaki.
11:24Then, I got interested in it.
11:26So, I went to a sumiyaki shop to ask for advice.
11:31I see.
11:32In sumiyaki, there is a process of making a charcoal-grilled charcoal.
11:39I was fascinated by the process.
11:41I see.
11:42I asked my seniors about the work of a sumiyaki craftsman.
11:46They told me that 80% of the work is done in the mountains.
11:49They cut the wood and bring it out.
11:51I was doing outdoor work.
11:54So, I thought it was advantageous.
11:57I see.
11:58So, I decided to do it seriously.
12:00Did you have any concerns?
12:02In terms of my life,
12:04I had no choice but to ask someone to teach me how to make sumiyaki.
12:09So, I had concerns about my income.
12:12But, at that time,
12:14I got a transfer fee from a person who moved to Wakayama.
12:20So, I managed to pay it off.
12:24I see.
12:26After a half-year transfer,
12:28he learned sumiyaki from various senior craftsmen.
12:33After that, he became a master and became independent at the age of 26.
12:40After finishing the work of charcoal-grilling, they came back to the workshop.
12:44Next, we prepare the wood for the kiln.
12:47We start preparing the wood for the kiln.
12:51The wood for the kiln?
12:52What kind of wood is it?
12:54The wood for the kiln is curved.
12:57If the wood for the kiln is curved, there will be a lot of gaps.
13:02So, we make the curved part straight so that the wood for the kiln can be bent easily.
13:08I see.
13:09I see.
13:10I understand.
13:12However, Mr. Ito's workshop is being repaired on this day.
13:18Nice to meet you.
13:20Nice to meet you, too.
13:21Nice to meet you, too.
13:22Nice to meet you, too.
13:23Nice to meet you, too.
13:25Mr. Ito's fellow craftsman, Mr. Komatsu Takahiro, will cooperate with him.
13:31How do you know each other?
13:33We are about the same age.
13:36We each make sumiyaki independently.
13:40We started making sumiyaki at the same time.
13:43We are neighbors, so we get along well.
13:47Mr. Komatsu, are you from Ijigumi?
13:50No, I'm from Miyagi Prefecture.
13:52Oh, from Miyagi Prefecture.
13:53I moved to Ijigumi from Miyagi Prefecture.
13:54So, you moved to Ijigumi at the same time, right?
13:56Yes, almost the same time.
13:58Mr. Komatsu moved to Ijigumi from Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture in 2017.
14:04He used to work as a car mechanic.
14:09Why did he decide to change jobs?
14:12The Great East Japan Earthquake caused the house to be washed away.
14:17I used to live in the mainland.
14:19My wife wanted to live in the countryside.
14:24So, my father-in-law moved to Ijigumi.
14:26My father-in-law told me to move to Wakayama.
14:29My husband is still young.
14:31So, my father-in-law told me to move to Sumiyaki.
14:33I wondered what Sumiyaki was.
14:35So, I searched it on YouTube.
14:37I found it interesting.
14:40So, I decided to move to Sumiyaki.
14:44You were determined to move.
14:46Yes, I was.
14:48Mr. Komatsu will teach us how to make a binchotan.
14:51He will show us how to make a binchotan.
14:53He will show us how to make a binchotan.
14:56When you put the binchotan in the kiln,
14:58you put the thick part on top.
15:02It's bent, isn't it?
15:04If you put it in like this,
15:06there is no space.
15:08There is no space.
15:10So, you make it straight.
15:14How to make it straight.
15:25This is a rake.
15:27You cut it like this.
15:30You cut it like this.
15:32You cut it like this.
15:34You cut it like this.
15:36You cut it like this.
15:38You make it straight.
15:40You put the finished one here.
15:43You make it straight.
15:45He will prepare 400 or more wood for the kiln.
15:52He will try to make it straight.
15:54Is it OK to do it here?
15:56Yes, it is.
15:57As you cut it,
15:58if you feel it's bent,
15:59you stop.
16:00I see.
16:07Is it OK?
16:09It's bent a little.
16:12you make a triangle shape
16:16that looks just right.
16:19Bend it like this.
16:26It's straight.
16:27It's straight.
16:30He will bake the straight wood
16:32in the kiln for about a week.
16:37After that,
16:38he will remove the charcoal from the kiln
16:40that is burning brown
16:42and put it in the kiln.
16:46he will separate the wood
16:49and ship it to Kishu.
16:52Mr. Komatsu has to do heavy work
16:55that takes two weeks to finish.
16:58I've never thought of quitting.
17:03I have some setbacks, though.
17:04What kind of setbacks?
17:06First of all,
17:07I have to remove the water from the charcoal
17:09and let it evaporate.
17:11There is a way to make it evaporate.
17:14But if I fail,
17:15it won't be charcoal.
17:17In other words,
17:18it will be a dry charcoal.
17:21I won't be able to live on that day.
17:24No, no, no.
17:26if a farmer fails,
17:28he won't be able to live
17:30until the next year.
17:33in the case of charcoal-grilling,
17:34if you go to the mountains and cut the wood,
17:36you can recover from the failure.
17:40if you have a bad feeling,
17:42you will fail.
17:43I see.
17:44You have to let the bad feeling evaporate with the water.
17:47That's right.
17:48After a short break,
17:51Mr. Komatsu takes a break.
17:54I'm in the middle of work.
17:56What is this?
17:57I'm a little hungry.
17:59Let's grill shiitake mushrooms
18:01and eat them.
18:02Thank you very much.
18:03It's a great luxury.
18:04That's right.
18:06There are many things to do.
18:07There are many things to do.
18:08I've never skipped work.
18:12What a good time.
18:17After 10 minutes,
18:18the grilled shiitake mushrooms
18:20with soy sauce and butter
18:22are ready.
18:29It's delicious.
18:31You can eat grilled shiitake mushrooms
18:33with the umami of shiitake mushrooms.
18:37It's good.
18:45I feel like I've scored a goal in the World Cup.
18:48Have you ever scored a goal?
18:49No, I haven't.
18:52But it's delicious.
18:53It's delicious.
18:57After this,
18:58they will experience the inside of the kiln
18:59where they make Binchotan.
19:01It's a sauna.
19:02It's amazing.
19:04I like waiting.
19:06Me, too.
19:10I'll make it for my friends.
19:12That's right.
19:17Mr. Hiroki Ito
19:18produces Binchotan from Kishu.
19:21The next task is
19:23the final step of making Binchotan.
19:25It's called sorting.
19:27The charcoal is buried here.
19:30I'll burn it with a torch.
19:32I see.
19:33I'll burn it with a torch.
19:35The charcoal from the kiln
19:37is more than 1,000 degrees Celsius,
19:39so it's burned with ash and sand.
19:43After 2 or 3 days,
19:44when the temperature is stable,
19:46it's sorted.
19:49I'll sort them.
19:52There are four kinds.
19:55There are the split ones
19:57and the round ones.
19:59The split ones are at the end.
20:02The round ones are thin and thick.
20:06This is the thinnest.
20:08This is medium.
20:09This is large.
20:11I see.
20:12Let's do this.
20:14Let's do it.
20:23It's warm.
20:26I put it out 3 days ago.
20:30It's completely digested,
20:33but it's still a little warm.
20:35It's warm.
20:38Kishu Binchotan is shipped
20:40once every 2 weeks.
20:44In Wakayama Prefecture,
20:45it's produced 1,200 tons per year.
20:50How much does it cost?
20:52It depends on the brand.
20:55It's about 10,000 yen per pound.
20:57How much per pound?
20:59It's 15 kg.
21:00In a 15 kg box?
21:01Yes, in a box.
21:02I see.
21:03Is there a way to tell which one is good?
21:06The round ones are
21:08about the same thickness.
21:11This one has a lot of cracks.
21:13This one doesn't have any cracks.
21:15I see.
21:16So, it's better to grill it.
21:19I see.
21:20You should give it to your friends.
21:22That's right.
21:25Thin charcoal has a strong firepower.
21:28Thick charcoal has a long burning time.
21:32It's used for different purposes.
21:36How much was the initial cost?
21:38I borrowed this kiln
21:40because the original owner
21:42didn't have a kiln.
21:44So, it didn't cost much.
21:46I see.
21:47It's a mechanical kiln.
21:49It's a wood kiln.
21:51It costs less than 1,000,000 yen.
21:55How much does it cost to make this?
21:57You need to make all the kilns.
22:00It costs about 3,000 to 5,000 yen.
22:02I heard it's necessary.
22:04Can I take a look inside?
22:06Of course.
22:07Please come in.
22:08What is the inside of the kiln
22:10that makes the charcoal charcoal?
22:12Let's go inside.
22:19It's a sauna.
22:20It's amazing.
22:21It's made from the whole thing.
22:24It's the best sauna.
22:27I'm serious.
22:28It's made from soil.
22:30The soil is kept warm.
22:32Even after three days, it's still warm.
22:35It's really nice.
22:36It's the best.
22:40The charcoal kiln craftsman
22:41sometimes sleeps in the workshop
22:43depending on the work.
22:45What does Ms. Shuko,
22:47who supports the family,
22:48think of her husband?
22:50Do you watch him work?
22:52I think it's a tough job.
22:56If he comes back safely,
22:58I feel relieved every day.
23:01How do you feel after moving here?
23:03Do you have any trouble
23:05with your neighbors?
23:06I'm lucky.
23:08I get along well with people in Wakayama.
23:11They treat me like family.
23:14It's a good thing.
23:16Yes, it's fun.
23:18What a nice atmosphere.
23:21It warms my heart.
23:23I'm sweating a lot,
23:24so I'm sweating, too.
23:26It's about to evaporate.
23:28Let's open the door.
23:29Yes, please come in.
23:32After this,
23:33they enjoy charcoal-grilled food
23:35cooked in a charcoal kiln.
23:37This is what happiness is.
23:43They enjoy charcoal-grilled food
23:45cooked in a charcoal kiln.
23:48Let's grill the chicken
23:50and eat it in a charcoal kiln.
23:56I like waiting.
23:59Me, too.
24:01If I can't do this,
24:03I don't like outdoor activities.
24:06I don't like fire.
24:09I don't admit it.
24:11You haven't grilled it yet?
24:12No, I haven't.
24:15By grilling it slowly,
24:17the fragrant smell of charcoal-grilled chicken
24:19spreads all over the room.
24:21I love it.
24:23It smells good.
24:25Let's eat.
24:26Let's eat.
24:30They enjoy charcoal-grilled food
24:32cooked in a charcoal kiln.
24:36It's cooked well inside.
24:39But it's not hard.
24:41It's not salted at all.
24:44It's delicious.
24:47This is what happiness is.
24:49I want a beer.
24:53I learned a lot
24:55from today's work.
24:57We were in the mountains,
25:01surrounded by danger,
25:03but there were people working for us,
25:06so we could eat
25:08delicious food like this.
25:10It was a great opportunity.
25:13If you say so,
25:15we'll do our best.
25:19Thank you for watching!
25:21Please subscribe to our channel!
25:25It's a good place.
25:26It's open.
25:27It's great.
