El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 27 Completo en Español

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El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 27 Completo en Español
00:00I know, I know.
00:01Please, leave it.
00:05You're welcome.
00:07And you're lucky to be a good boy.
00:10And now what?
00:11What do you mean?
00:12And now what?
00:13You are to blame for all this mess.
00:15And it's better that you come with us to La Cobacha
00:17before I report you with human resources.
00:19No, no, no, no, no.
00:20They don't put me in a cobacha.
00:22That's what they said to Maggie.
00:23And now they have Rolas.
00:26Angel, La Cobacha is where we meet to fix and resolve problems.
00:32Aquiles, better tell me what you wanted to tell me about Maggie, my love, right?
00:37What did you tell her, Aquiles?
00:39She told me that...
00:40I didn't tell you anything.
00:41I told you not to say what I told you.
00:42But what did you say?
00:43I didn't say anything.
00:44So did you say it or not?
00:47Let's see, let's see, let's see.
00:48Let's go to La Cobacha so Aquiles can tell us what he said.
00:51And what he didn't say.
00:52Yes, yes.
00:53If not, then...
00:54And you, little boy.
00:55Peleonero is also coming with us.
00:57Why me?
00:58So you can tell us if you know what Aquiles told Glorio.
01:02Yes, but I don't know anything about what he said.
01:04Tell him what you told him, bro.
01:06Ah, you're hitting me hard.
01:07Ah, ah, ah.
01:08Let's go to La Cobacha.
01:09I'll find out if he said it or not.
01:11I think he did say it.
01:12Don't say anything.
01:13You'll see.
01:16You can't keep being so rude to Aurora.
01:20Did you tell her to give up on marrying me...
01:23...or was it a baseless comment?
01:25I didn't mean to offend anyone.
01:27It's just that everything that's happening is new to me.
01:30Imagine that you're going to sleep with a mom...
01:32...and the next day you already have another.
01:35Son, you haven't gone through the same process as me.
01:38I understand.
01:39I understand that it's harder for you, but...
01:42...we have to get out of this together, you and me.
01:45I won't deny that friendship with Glorio and Aquiles has helped me.
01:48But this doesn't happen overnight.
01:51You told me to ask her to marry me.
01:55Yes, but Aurora must understand that I'm your family right now...
01:59...and not her.
02:01Listen to me.
02:03My relationship with Aurora is just beginning.
02:06And I'm not going to end it.
02:08I'm not asking you to end it with her.
02:11I want you to understand the need we both have to recognize each other.
02:16To be a family again, together.
02:19Make Aurora understand that if she's going to be part of this...
02:23...you won't give me time.
02:25Is it so bad to ask you to get back what we lost?
02:28Where are you going?
02:29To talk to her, dad.
02:31But alone.
02:39What really happened with your dad?
02:43When they found his body, I wasn't there anymore.
02:47I went straight to the military hospital.
02:50After the examinations, it was concluded that he died of a myocardial infarction.
02:55But they never realized it was a suffocation.
02:58And how did your mom react?
03:00My mother lived terrified of that man all her life.
03:05So, as expected, she was happy.
03:08I told her I had killed him, but she didn't believe me.
03:11I could never live with that.
03:16I ended up becoming what he was.
03:19A monster.
03:20No, no. You're not a monster.
03:23It's not your fault you grew up in this hell.
03:27I tried to continue with my life. I married Isabel.
03:30We had Ademian.
03:32But the crises didn't stop.
03:35Isabel stayed away until...
03:37...until she forbade me to approach Ademian.
03:40In one of my crises...
03:43...I started screaming that I had killed him.
03:46Isabel thought I was referring to Ademian.
03:49When she saw the boy was healthy...
03:52...she called the medical service and they admitted him.
03:57So, you did confess.
04:00No one believed me.
04:02Only Isabel.
04:05I hope Isabel doesn't change her mind...
04:08...because if she does...
04:11...she'll accuse you of murder in the first degree.
04:17They fight all the time.
04:19Tattoos are useless.
04:21Gloria started it.
04:23As soon as she checks the security cameras...
04:26...and finds out I wasn't there...
04:28...they'll fire me.
04:30What about you? Why are you standing there?
04:33Didn't you tell me what I'm doing here?
04:35What? You don't know?
04:37Because of you, they fought.
04:39Because of me?
04:40No, never.
04:42I was taking the...
04:44...the girl and...
04:46...I saw them about to break their teeth.
04:48I tried to stop them.
04:49Yes, ma'am. It wasn't Isabel's fault.
04:51What's your name?
04:54You're so silly.
04:55You even went to her party.
04:57At her house.
04:59Yes, that's true.
05:00For family reasons.
05:02Well, it wasn't Angel's fault.
05:05It was Godito's.
05:07And me.
05:08We have...
05:09...some problems, don't we?
05:11Oh, yeah?
05:12There she is.
05:13I'd better go. I have to get back to work.
05:16You stay.
05:17Don't get up.
05:18Because the big warehouse workers' cooperative...
05:21...isn't over yet.
05:22Sit down. Stay there.
05:23What do I stay for?
05:24They keep accusing me of being violent.
05:27Ma'am, I told you it wasn't his fault.
05:30Yes, it wasn't.
05:31It was her fault.
05:32Oh, no.
05:33They're not accusing me.
05:34What do I have to do with this?
05:36Who did she say was your boyfriend?
05:41No, no, no, no.
05:42I didn't say I was your boyfriend.
05:44I said...
05:49Maybe one of these days we could be boyfriends.
06:02No, no.
06:03Those two made a mess in the office.
06:05They threw everything that was in their reach.
06:07And Naco was there, too.
06:08Why? What happened?
06:09I don't know, but it was all thrown away.
06:12Hey, brother.
06:14You asked me for the names of those useless people to fire them...
06:16...and here they are, please.
06:17Those two?
06:18I don't care.
06:19No, but...
06:26You're very good.
06:30In your other life, I'll make you my wife.
06:32I promise.
06:33Oh, thank you.
06:35Well, then you can die whenever you want...
06:37...because I'm not interested in having anything with you anymore.
06:48You promised me you were going to fire them.
06:50And now you don't care?
06:52Oh, I know.
06:53I'm not your friend, right?
06:55Of course you're my friend.
06:57In fact, you're...
06:58...you're my right hand.
07:02Now, tell me.
07:04What happened?
07:05What happened with the little scare we were going to give the dog Naco?
07:09Well, it didn't work.
07:11My contact called me to tell me that Angel didn't fall for the provocations, but...
07:15...well, we still have to pay him what we told him, right?
07:24And pay them.
07:25And what's more...
07:29...that they keep the change.
07:31Because the plan...
07:33...was a success.
07:35The plan turned out great.
07:42I don't know how you could tell me I don't have a house.
07:44It's a mansion.
07:46And if I stayed in the company all day, it was because I was waiting for Adriana, who was out all the time.
07:53This one just twisted my mouth.
07:55What's wrong with this one?
07:57No, no, no, that's not true, Jess.
07:59What happens is that I have a tic and sometimes I gesticulate by accident.
08:03You know what?
08:04I'm not in the mood for silly arguments.
08:07Let's see.
08:09Is it true that that employee raised his hand at you?
08:11Because if that's the case, I'll fire him right now.
08:13No, no, no, no, I was there.
08:15And the third actress is making up things to make herself interesting.
08:21If my Patty says so...
08:24...it's true.
08:27And I'm sure Aurora did her part to protect him, right?
08:35Luis Alberto, what I least want is to cause a problem between your dad and you.
08:42But I'm not going to give up marrying your dad.
08:45Aurora, neither you nor my dad understand me.
08:49Well, in my opinion, you were very clear.
08:51I want you to be aware that you are not only going to marry my dad.
08:55You're also going to marry me because I can't live without him.
08:59We're both getting over what happened to us.
09:01We need each other more than ever.
09:04I think I know what you mean.
09:07Of course you don't understand.
09:09I was in a coma for two years.
09:11And when I came back, I couldn't even recognize the taste of an apple.
09:16I know what it's like not to recognize the world around you.
09:20So why do you want to take me away from my only anchor in this world?
09:25No, Luis Alberto, I don't want to take you away from him.
09:29If I'm doing this, it's because...
09:31...because I'm trying to prevent his relationship from wearing out and nothing else.
09:36I don't want you as an enemy, Aurora.
09:38Nor as a friend if you don't want to.
09:41I just need you to understand me.
09:44That you respect my way of dealing with this.
09:46Do you understand?
09:47Even if you don't like it.
09:48Even if you think I'm making a mess.
09:51I need my dad with me.
09:54If they get married, I'm going to be in the background.
09:57And if I took care of preparing his office...
09:59...if I asked him to win you over...
10:02...it's because we never get along.
10:06Brother Eduardo was always his favorite.
10:18I love you.
10:28Ángel, no!
10:30Because I am!
10:33How dare you lay a hand on me?
10:36Let her go!
10:37What's wrong, Paisa?
10:47May I?
10:50I'm sorry I'm late.
10:53You saw the mess he made and I couldn't explain it to you.
10:59Bermián is one of the owners of the company and it's not the first time something like this has happened.
11:04Your violence has come out more than once.
11:08You don't have to explain anything to me.
11:11The one you're committed to here is Aurora.
11:14...Bermi will find out what you did.
11:30I think the smartest thing you can do...
11:33...is not to fight with her.
11:34Yeah, I agree.
11:35But I can't leave my son in that woman's hands.
11:39Look, I think you should be patient.
11:41Don't give up.
11:43Bermián is not a fool.
11:45We'll find a way for them to talk to you without putting you at risk.
11:49He's very smart, Fabricio.
11:51The company has created a very good rapport with him, you know.
11:55I can tell you, he's not like his mother.
11:58When I saw him again, I realized they have a lot of differences.
12:02Although evil is also inherited.
12:05But I pray to God that he has not inherited anything from me or his grandfather.
12:10My friend, if Bermián approached you, it's because he's different.
12:16He feels bad for you.
12:18Well, also for his mother.
12:20Both in his mother and in me, there is evil in the heart.
12:24No, you're not bad.
12:26You should have faced very bad people.
12:29I know that.
12:35When did you put the pillow on the general?
12:44I understand why you're so serious with me.
12:46But I swear to you, I didn't do anything.
12:49On the contrary, I was just trying to defend your sister.
12:53The way to select the brands...
12:57Come on.
12:59Even if you look me in the eyes.
13:01I should be the one who is upset.
13:03If this is me...
13:05If you weren't interested at all, why did you kiss me again?
13:11All to leave me stranded in the procession?
13:14Do you think I left you stranded?
13:16Besides, I told you that if you didn't go, I would understand that you weren't interested at all.
13:23You made it very clear to me.
13:26I can't stop thinking about you.
13:30I'm not going to get into that discussion.
13:33I don't want what happened between us to be misunderstood.
13:36And yes, I kissed you.
13:37But it's also true that...
13:39I was confused.
13:42Are you making fun of me?
13:43No, no, I'm not making fun of you.
13:44I'm being honest.
13:46Something that apparently you don't know how to do.
13:49Look, the truth is that I don't understand you.
13:53If you get into fights again or in any situation...
13:57I'll ask for your dismissal from the company myself.
14:00Now, please keep working on the project that Aurora asked us to do.
14:05And don't come back to my office without my permission.
14:09Thank you, you can go.
14:29He was alive when I put the pillow on his face.
14:36Did you kill him?
14:38I killed him.
14:40I killed him, I killed him, I killed him, I killed him, I killed him!
14:45Fabrizio, that's my story, let me tell you that.
14:49But we have to remember the truth.
14:52You have to be prepared for whatever may come.
14:55No, no, I didn't realize when he stopped breathing.
14:58I just heard his voice,
15:00barking at me over and over again in my head.
15:03I heard his voice.
15:04Yes, yes, calm down, calm down, calm down, my friend.
15:12You must be ready to get your son back.
15:18Look, when I lost,
15:21I had contact with Elena.
15:22I had contact with Elena.
15:32Your son is very special.
15:34He's like an angel.
15:36It's not to compare them, but...
15:39I find it so curious that two boys so different came into my life.
15:45And at the same time, they are very similar.
15:49Sometimes that can be overwhelming, right?
15:52Luis Alberto is asking for attention.
15:57What he wants is to integrate into the world, but he's very afraid.
16:01And what Angel asks for is just an opportunity.
16:05He also wants to integrate.
16:09I don't know that boy very well.
16:13But sometimes, Luis Alberto gets to the point of becoming the victim.
16:17At first glance, it may seem so.
16:19But the reality is that he's not asking you for anything from another world.
16:24I try to understand him.
16:26As you say,
16:28he's a special boy.
16:31Hey, and before the tragedy, did Luis Alberto have a girlfriend?
16:36As far as I know, no.
16:41But what I'm telling you is that we didn't get along.
16:45It's true.
16:46It's true.
16:48It's not that my son, Eduardo, was my favorite.
16:53But we did get along.
16:55We got along very well.
16:57Although I confess that I deeply regret
17:01not having tried to get closer to Luis Alberto.
17:15It can't be.
17:17Why is this happening to you?
17:29Get out of my head.
17:45What happened between us was a misunderstanding.
17:48And yes, it must be.
17:49But it's also true that I was confused.
17:53Look, the truth is that I don't understand you.
17:57If you get into fights or any situation again,
18:01I'll ask for you to leave the company.
18:12I've been looking for you.
18:14I'm very sorry about what happened to my mom.
18:16What a shame.
18:17And then I heard something that you did in the office.
18:20Yes, of course.
18:22Create fame and go to sleep.
18:24I don't understand.
18:26I do.
18:28Do you think Mrs. Aurora has already entered?
18:31Well, I'm sure she has.
18:33It doesn't seem like it, but this company is very small
18:35when it comes to gossip.
18:44El Moro was at El Pinta's house and I put him in his place.
18:47And what did that bastard tell you?
18:49Well, he swore to me that he was not provoking Angel.
18:52That it was Bumpy and Wowie.
18:54Well, he even told me that he stopped them.
18:56Well, who knows.
18:57But my Angel is fulfilling what he promised.
19:00Not to fight again.
19:02Well, it's not like he's giving up.
19:04There is no better weapon than words.
19:07And if in the end those scoundrels left him alone,
19:09it's because my son convinced them.
19:11Well, I'm still worried about them talking to Elena and Briana.
19:15Leave that subject alone, Pascual, please.
19:18You saw that Mrs. Aurora saw you and nothing happened.
19:21No one will know anything, you will see.
19:24We just have to let time pass.
19:27Forget about all that.
19:29And keep enjoying our kids.
19:32Old woman.
19:34You're right.
19:36The most important thing is that our children are happy.
19:41Our Angel is changing.
19:49Hey, beautiful.
19:50Did Demian tell you that we were the ones who altered the numbers of the Aurora project?
19:54Don't do anything again without telling me first.
19:58Demian hides many things from me, but one of our agreements is that you have to tell me everything.
20:04Unless he wants you to go back to living with your parents.
20:08I know you don't like to be betrayed, but...
20:10You always put me between your head and the wall, beautiful.
20:12No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
20:14You want to fix everything by kissing.
20:16I thought that was what you liked about me.
20:18But you hardly come, you don't talk to me, I don't know anything.
20:21You're with someone else, right?
20:23And if I'm what?
20:24What do you care?
20:26I have plenty of houses for kids like you.
20:29And I pay you so that you are with me.
20:31Because if I find out that you are in Cusco with someone else...
20:34What? What are you going to do to me?
20:36Are you going to kill me with love like you did with Carlos?
20:48I wanted to apologize for all the mess you made.
20:53It was a terrible first day at work.
20:57Yes, man.
20:58I thought it was going to be different.
21:00Well, you'll see that tomorrow will be better.
21:03Maybe you just have to adapt.
21:07You are very treacherous, Aquiles.
21:08And now I can't even erase the tattoo.
21:11Luis Alberto, don't leave me too.
21:14Aquiles is a traitor.
21:16Hey, don't you want a beer or a soda from the foundation?
21:19I understand.
21:23It's stupid what you just said.
21:25It's intuition.
21:27That Carlos was with you, yes or no?
21:29Who told you that nonsense, my God, Demian?
21:34No, don't even think about it, Abril.
21:35It's the housekeeper.
21:37Since you haven't deposited the rent, he comes every day to collect it.
21:42Oh my God.
21:45Brother, I wasn't expecting you.
21:47Wait for me.
21:48Hey, can we go to dinner sometime?
21:58Don't tell me I'm interrupting the gigolo and his sugar.
22:14Come in.
22:17How did Angel do on his first day at work?
22:20Good, I think.
22:29I like it, I really like what I saw, but better not.
22:32I'm not going to see it anymore.
22:34I don't want to read because I don't want to ruin the surprise.
22:41Is everything okay, baby?
22:45Can you give me a hug, please?
22:47Oh, please, of course.
22:49What happened?
22:51What's going on?
22:54What are you saying?
22:59The truth is that...
23:02I just want to get home.
23:04Take a shower and...
23:07forget everything that happened.
23:09I can imagine.
23:11Hey, did they tell you anything about what happened?
23:13Something worse?
23:16Angel, did they fire you on your first day?
23:19I'll tell you later.
23:21Right now I don't want to think about it anymore.
23:23Okay, then.
23:27See you tomorrow.
23:35Mr. Antonio.
23:40Thank you very much, hugs.
23:48Why don't we talk about it at my house?
23:51We're like two adults, and you're better off right now.
23:54Mom, why wait for the house?
23:56This place is...
23:58Look, it's pretty comfortable.
23:59It's very nice.
24:01I knew it the first time I saw you here.
24:04Remember when we ate sushi?
24:06That's when I knew my mom and my best friend were lovers.
24:10This isn't the place or the time.
24:12Please go home because I don't want to talk here.
24:16Hey, calm down, right hand.
24:18Don't be afraid.
24:20Right now it's with Isabel.
24:24In a robe and everything.
24:26It's a shirt, not a robe.
24:29Even so, what would your other lover say if he saw you?
24:31What's his name?
24:33He doesn't have a name.
24:35It's a nickname.
24:39What would he say?
24:41Or what would he say when he finds out you're cheating on him with your son's best friend?
24:48Who do you think you are to question my life?
24:50Your life?
24:52Do you think I'm stupid?
24:54It's not just your life, Mom.
24:55I don't want you to cheat on me with my son, Campero.
25:04What's wrong?
25:08I'm sorry, I just felt the urge to hug him.
25:11For a moment I thought of my dad.
25:13I felt the world coming at me.
25:16We all sometimes feel the urge to hug someone.
25:21Here I am, Elena.
25:23I'm sorry, Aurora.
25:25Sometimes I miss the love of a mother.
25:28And today, more than ever, I need that hug I've missed since he left.
25:34Everything is fine.
25:36No, not everything is fine, but you're crying.
25:42What's wrong?
25:44Nothing's wrong.
25:46Something's wrong, but I don't know how to tell you.
25:49Don't worry.
25:51I can hear you when you need it.
25:55You're the last person I can count on.
25:58Look, I've been looking for Elena, but you look so distressed.
26:03And I think it's good.
26:06Tell me, what's going on?
26:13I'm reviewing Mr. Murrieta's social contract.
26:17It's important that you get it to the legal area of your building, okay?
26:22Today, thank you.
26:23You're welcome. Thank you.
26:27Everything okay, Dad?
26:28Yes, yes, everything's fine.
26:30I talked to Aurora, you know?
26:32And what did she say?
26:34She didn't hallucinate because of everything I told her?
26:36No, no, no. On the contrary.
26:38We agreed that we were going to be patient.
26:40And I think she's right.
26:42We all have to adapt to our lives.
26:46It's good that I've calmed down and accepted Aurora as I promised you.
26:50Almost without knowing her.
26:51And after coming out of a coma.
26:53I think, Dad, that she has to get the hang of it.
26:57She's a very mature woman.
26:59And she's at her best to adapt to our lives.
27:04I don't want to lose you, Dad.
27:06For you and me to be together is the most important thing.
27:10For me too, son.
27:12Besides, seeing you recovered is a miracle.
27:17We're a family, Dad.
27:18You and I are a family.
27:27Edgar, close it.
27:29Save your explanations.
27:31What's between my mom and you is more than obvious.
27:33Everything is a mess, brother.
27:35Edgar, shut up.
27:37No, Mom, let him talk.
27:41What's the mess?
27:47That you're in shorts and my mom's in a shirt?
27:51Your mom came here.
27:53Because she needs me to keep hacking your aunt's information.
27:56So you'll find out everything.
27:58Yes, you're stupid.
28:02Really, brother, don't get the wrong idea.
28:04She came here for that.
28:06And she's in a shirt because you brought something that bothered her in her dress.
28:10Tell me.
28:12Demian, I'm sleeping with your friend.
28:15And it's good that you already know so you don't have to keep another secret.
28:20There's no doubt.
28:23You can win over whoever you want.
28:26And you also do a great deal with them.
28:29That's why I like you.
28:31I won't bother you anymore.
28:33I know where the exit is.
28:42I told you not to open, stupid.
28:45Well, I just wanted...
28:47And shut up!
29:01You didn't have to hit me.
29:03Well, no way.
29:05The stupid doesn't take hits.
29:07It's a shame no one told your mom.
29:08It's a shame no one told your mom.
29:14But I remember that you work for me.
29:18So you better not believe anything you hear about Carlos.
29:22Do you understand?
29:27And about Demian, he knows I'm not a saint.
29:30He did this to scare you.
29:32Demian can kick me out of the company.
29:34No, man, he can't do anything.
29:38Are you going to cry?
29:42Now I need you to do something very important.
29:48You're going to investigate Detective Esteban Rocha.
29:53I want to know everything about him.
29:55I want to know how many children he has.
29:57If he has lovers, addictions.
29:59Anything you think is not important, he will surely do.
30:02Is the detective the lover I'm talking about?
30:08Listen, it's good that you're handsome.
30:10Isn't it?
30:12So why do you want all that information?
30:14You shouldn't know.
30:16Because if you don't, you're going to become a nuisance to me.
30:19And you know what I do with nuisances.
30:30There are friends who call themselves your friend
30:34and when you turn your back, they stab you.
30:38Well, I don't know how there are friends who think
30:41that when they talk to crazy people, they're going to answer them.
30:43Yes, yes.
30:45Glorio, I didn't betray you.
30:50So why did you get upset?
30:52You better go with your friend, El Chacangue, right?
30:54Your best friend.
30:56Come on, baby.
30:58You're jealous, huh?
31:00I'm not jealous.
31:02I'm going to explain something to you.
31:03Maggie, until I get to your networks and it's official,
31:06I'm not going to get out of the way.
31:08How do you see it?
31:10How do you see it?
31:12And brush your teeth well, huh?
31:17Why is it taking so long, Angel?
31:20What do you want for coffee?
31:22Well, I don't know, Viquita.
31:24If we send him a message.
31:26Yes, I think so.
31:28Don't let those guys catch him again and want to wake him up.
31:30Can you put salt in my coffee, Mom?
31:31Yes, baby.
31:33Well, the good thing is that in the procession there were no accidents,
31:35no motorcycles, nothing.
31:37All the people behaved themselves.
31:39I think my brother is fine.
31:41He's getting better and you guys worry and worry about him.
31:44As if he were a little boy.
31:46And I don't even care.
31:48And that's it.
31:50I'm also his daughter and you guys don't even worry about my homework.
31:53I told you about the contest he sang
31:55and no one has worried about rehearsing with me.
31:58I think I'm going to give him cats to the kid
32:00so they pay attention to me.
32:02Hey, my daughter, what's wrong with you?
32:05I want a coffee with milk.
32:10Why aren't we normal parents?
32:18Hey, Dad.
32:20What would you think
32:22if I told you that I'm falling in love?
32:26I admit I didn't expect it,
32:28but I'm glad to hear it.
32:30And who is the lucky young woman?
32:32Well, she's not that young.
32:34She's an older woman than me.
32:36How old?
32:38One year, two?
32:40I don't think that makes a lot of difference, does it?
32:42I'm glad you have such an open mind, Dad.
32:45She's older.
32:47More than two, more than three, more than four.
32:52It's a joke, right?
32:53She loves jokes.
33:24Do you think
33:26a woman like Isabel Campero
33:28is going to look at you
33:31if you don't even have the strength
33:33of a real man?
33:36My son expressing his feelings in a letter.
33:40Do you think this will interest a woman?
33:49I want you to write
33:51all the letters you wrote.
33:57Let's see how good a romantic writer you are.
34:02Love is not for you.
34:05You'll never have it.
34:07No one will ever be able to love you.
34:18Demian, son, don't hang up.
34:21Demian, I came back for you.
34:23Because your life is the most important thing to me.
34:26I love you, son.
34:28I don't forgive myself for what I did.
34:31But knowing that you give me the opportunity to be close
34:34makes me find the strength to go on with life.
34:37To get to the truth.
34:46I love you.
34:48I'd give my life for you to be a happy
34:51and free man.
35:13No, no, no.
35:16Look, Angel.
35:17I don't want to meddle in your life,
35:18but I want you to know that you count on me.
35:21I can listen to you when you need me.
35:25I feel like I don't really know what love is.
35:30When I see Demian and how he looks at his dad,
35:33my heart is filled with tenderness.
35:37But what I feel now
35:39is something new.
35:41Something I've never felt before.
35:44It's as if my heart...
35:47I want to take away what I feel
35:50and at the same time bury it.
35:53Forget that I met her.
35:57I don't know who that young man you have is.
36:02But I confess,
36:03that also makes sense.
36:08I gave all my strength
36:10to a great woman.
36:13But I wasn't...
36:15brave enough
36:17to defend that love.
36:19I was a coward.
36:21And beyond all that,
36:24of greed,
36:26of ambition,
36:28love is what saves us.
36:31When I was young, I was convinced
36:33that I had found the love of my life.
36:36What you say is what I feel.
36:40I'm afraid.
36:43It's the first time in my life
36:46that I feel so afraid.
36:48Look, my friend, if you feel like this, you have to act.
36:53Face the fear because it paralyzes you.
37:00That's why
37:01we think that
37:02running away is the solution, but no.
37:05No, no, the past always comes back.
37:07It always comes back.
37:09I am now in front of the love of my life, you know?
37:15It was always the love of my life.
37:18Are you talking about my dad?
37:21Do you still love him?
37:23Do you still love her, Mr. Antonio?
37:27With all my strength.
37:31I still love Aurora Campero.
37:34She is the love of my life.
37:36She is the love of my life.
37:39I've never loved like I loved him.
37:43And I think I'm loving more.
37:46More than I wanted to love that woman.
