El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 28 Completo en Español

  • last week
El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 28 Completo en Español
00:00I'm so happy you're here.
00:02It's so good to see you.
00:04Thank you, Aurora. I'm also very happy.
00:07Thank you for inviting me, Demian.
00:09I can't miss your enchiladas potosinas, Carmelita.
00:13Excuse me.
00:14Today, nothing will overshadow our happiness, my love.
00:18And yes, I myself ordered your favorite breakfast to be made.
00:21Yes, we are all very happy that you are here, Lenita.
00:25Sister, did you put a restriction order on Patricia?
00:29She just sent me a message.
00:33Oh, I think the one who should have a restriction order is the new worker, not Patricia.
00:42Yes, not only did he rape Patricia, aunt, he also organized a riot among the employees.
00:47Edgar told me that, mom.
00:49And you see, he's not going anywhere.
00:52I wasn't aware.
00:54Well, what can you expect from someone who unfortunately grew up among the poor, thieves, poor people?
01:09I think the best thing is that he doesn't show up to work.
01:12Look, Demian.
01:14I think the best thing is that he doesn't show up to work.
01:17Look, Demian.
01:18I don't know what happened or how Angel got involved in this fight.
01:25But I do know who he is.
01:27And I'm not going to allow you to defame him.
01:30And much less to get him out of the corporation.
01:38I mean, I'm your nephew, aunt.
01:41And in life you have defended me like this?
01:44It seems that Angel is your son.
01:50That he carries your own blood.
02:00No, no, no.
02:03Let me see it.
02:05I swear this photo is not mine.
02:08It's Ada, right?
02:09How can it be?
02:11Ada found her.
02:13Mom, stop lying.
02:15You shut up.
02:16No, no, I shut up.
02:18I'm tired of your lies.
02:19I'm fed up.
02:22They are my dad and my mom and the baby is me.
02:25You are stupid.
02:26Don't you dare!
02:29I didn't know there was something in your past that you were hiding.
02:33You also hid yours.
02:35No, no, no, Patricia.
02:36You always knew that I loved Aurora.
02:40Many times I asked you about Briana.
02:43And your ex-husband.
02:45And you never wanted to tell me anything.
02:48I don't care about this anymore, you know?
02:49Because the difference is that I was never investigating or asking Isabel.
02:54What else are you hiding, Patricia?
02:57I'm not hiding anything, Antonio.
02:58I swear.
03:07I apologize if I overreacted.
03:10I think you're defending a violent man and that's not right.
03:17Demian, you know how Patricia is.
03:19The first to raise her hand to provoke.
03:22I don't see far from the reality that Ángel was defending Briana.
03:26I had to do it myself.
03:29But I think Demian is right.
03:30That boy has reached a limit.
03:34We are not going to fire a boy without the evidence of what he did.
03:38And to clear the doubts, so they can stay calm, there are the security cameras.
03:45Let's check the security cameras.
03:46Let's see the cameras.
03:49By the way, Isabel.
03:50I've been looking for Detective Rocha, but he doesn't answer my calls.
03:54He hasn't come to pick me up?
03:58Well, if he doesn't answer me, I'll have to go to his office to look for him.
04:01Who is Detective Rocha?
04:03It's the detective who made the current portrait of my son in the computer.
04:08Do you remember?
04:12Son, I'm going to go to the hospital if you want to stop by your mom's studios.
04:16Boss, I'm going.
04:18Besides, I have to go through the last payment.
04:20Don't worry, Mr. Palmiero made me a loan.
04:23I can pay them.
04:25Boss, why are you in debt if there is no need?
04:28I had already agreed to collect the money.
04:30Stop arguing.
04:32Let's go with Rola.
04:33I'm sure he's waiting for us.
04:35Well, what do you think if I pay and then we give the money to Mr. Palmiero?
04:40I'd better go.
04:42And then we'll organize the money, okay?
04:45Let's go.
04:47Bye, Mom.
04:48Put it in your backpack.
04:49Put it in your backpack, honey.
04:58Oh, my God, help me, please.
05:31I knew what happened to Patricia.
05:34I want you to know that I'm 100% sure you didn't do anything to her.
05:38I know Patricia very well.
05:40Wow, yes, I feel very sorry for you.
05:43I swear I didn't hit her.
05:45I never hit a woman.
05:47I believe you, Angel.
05:52Angel, Angel, Angel.
05:55What's wrong?
05:58You look different.
06:02It's because of Elena.
06:05Yes, it's because of Elena.
06:08I know how you feel about Elena.
06:12The truth, Mrs. Aurora, is that...
06:14Well, I've come to the conclusion that Elena is from another social class.
06:17And even though I'm very law-abiding, she sees me as a guy who...
06:24Well, even if I wanted to give her everything she's used to,
06:26I honestly can't.
06:28Oh, Angel, I know how you feel.
06:32But I can tell you from experience that Elena is not like that.
06:39Oh, Angel, I grew up with a father who only cared about appearances.
06:45When my father found out that I was pregnant,
06:48he was so ashamed.
06:52He didn't care about his grandson or me.
06:54He didn't care about anything other than appearances.
07:03Well, drop the soup, Cassandra.
07:06It's about Mrs. Aurora.
07:08I think it's bad for the family.
07:10What do you mean, bad for the family?
07:12Well, yes.
07:14Because it turns out that Mrs. Aurora and Angel are having...
07:19Yes, they're having an affair.
07:20Yes, they're having an affair.
07:22Oh, no, man, that Angel is really upset.
07:25Well, I'm telling you, it's bad for the family.
07:27Because Mrs. Yesabel also likes young people.
07:31You're saying that because of Carlitos, right?
07:33Oh, no, no, that's enough, that's enough.
07:35Everyone to their positions and God to everyone's house.
07:37I don't think that's true about Mrs. Aurora, huh?
07:40And you, here, you already have me up to my elbow.
07:43With Carlitos going there and Carlitos going here.
07:45Damn, I think you're really jealous of Carlitos,
07:47because he's my real friend.
07:48I think you should go with Mrs. Martinilla, huh?
07:50So she can tell you about those who died in the past
07:53and tell you, Carlos, what she knows.
07:55Oh, well, let's see if Mrs. doesn't know.
07:57Oh, let's see, it'll be serene, huh?
07:59But Angel and Mrs. Aurora are having an affair.
08:01No, I don't think they're having an affair, right?
08:03No, no, no.
08:05Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see.
08:07And Luis Alberto is in love with Mrs. Yesabel.
08:09And the young man from Nyan and Miss Brianna
08:11say that they're having an affair.
08:17All the contracts are ready
08:19to form the Yesabel Society.
08:21It's a pleasure, Julio.
08:23I'm glad you've decided to accompany us in the signings.
08:25It's my duty.
08:27I'm the lawyer of the company, right?
08:29Antonio will already be in the meeting room.
08:31Well, you're able to install Aurora in your house
08:33as long as she doesn't see Antonio.
08:35Oh, it's a joke.
08:37It's a joke.
08:39It's a joke.
08:41It's a joke.
08:42It's a joke.
08:44It's a joke, right?
08:46She loves jokes.
08:53I think I'm going to raffle
08:55with a reggaeton song
08:57to throw a good flow.
09:00Better sing one of Casimiro.
09:02Hey, Anita,
09:04don't you want to go out
09:06to play the net or something like that?
09:08No, I don't want to.
09:09Why are you so sad?
09:11My parents don't love me.
09:13All the time they worry about my brother.
09:15And I, as if I didn't exist.
09:17The other day I told them
09:19and they just hugged me and tickled me.
09:21I know.
09:23All parents have their favorites.
09:26And what are you going to sing?
09:28I'm not going to sing.
09:30Poor thing.
09:32Poor thing, you.
09:34Chale, I just wanted to help.
09:36I'm not going to sing.
09:37I just wanted to help.
09:42I came to talk to Aurora.
09:44I can't continue to take the case.
09:46Notice that
09:48there are people so similar to rats.
09:51As soon as they see that the boat sinks,
09:53they are the first to run.
09:56You are a whole file, Esteban.
09:59And I say, I already imagined it,
10:01but I never thought so much.
10:08If this comes to light,
10:10prison will be the least of your problems.
10:21Where did you get all this information from?
10:24It's clearly false.
10:26Do you think I'm so stupid
10:28to give you false information?
10:32Aurora and your whole family
10:34will find out about the crap you are.
10:35Well, if you decide to drop the case.
10:38Don't meddle in my family, Isabel.
10:40Look, nothing else.
10:42The perfect husband.
10:45The model father.
10:48And they will find out that it was all a lie.
10:55Look, you're not just going to destroy your life.
10:58You're going to destroy your children's.
11:00A criminal father.
11:01You can't do anything to me.
11:03I also know things about you.
11:05If you sink me, I'll take you with me.
11:07And the evidence?
11:10It would be your word against mine.
11:12And look, I have all these documents.
11:15I have your photos.
11:19You cheated on my sister
11:21by falsifying the photo of her son.
11:23You have another family.
11:26You swindled Aurora.
11:28And now you're telling me
11:29you swindled Aurora
11:31and not only that.
11:33You gave a fake son
11:35to a mother from a private institution.
11:39And you were going to do the same
11:41with my sister's institution?
11:43Just to get your check?
11:46Please, Isabel.
11:50Do you want me to keep telling you everything you've done?
11:52No, no, no. Do whatever you want with me,
11:54but leave my family out of this.
11:56Please, I beg you.
11:59Well, I think you only have two options.
12:02The first is that this folder
12:04gets into the hands of the authorities
12:06and you ruin your family.
12:09But the second,
12:12and I think
12:16it's a much better option,
12:20is to die.
12:24And let all this lie
12:25go with you.
12:27That's how
12:29criminals like you are punished.
12:31And look, if you die,
12:33neither your wife, nor your children, nor anyone else
12:35will know exactly what happened.
12:37I think that's
12:39the best option.
12:47You're the devil.
12:52I'm going to take it as a compliment.
12:53Now go.
12:55Get out.
12:57I'll see you at the bar, hidden for a while.
13:12It seems that Demien
13:14already assumes that you are together,
13:16that you have already returned.
13:18We're still giving ourselves some time,
13:20but yes,
13:21it may be that
13:23Demien is the person
13:25I want to spend the rest of my life with, but ...
13:28Oh, Elena,
13:30it's just that,
13:32just as you say it,
13:34it doesn't reflect the slightest illusion.
13:36It sounds like you're accepting a sentence.
13:40Demien and I have known each other
13:42all our lives, Aurora.
13:44Well, even if you didn't want to tell me
13:46everything that happens, I ...
13:48Well, I feel that it is my obligation
13:49to tell you this.
13:53you don't love Demien.
13:56You are in love with Ángel.
14:07Mr. Antonio.
14:09I hope you have woken up better.
14:11A glass, there I take it.
14:13I hope you are clearer in your feelings
14:15about the mysterious girl
14:17who brings you a wing.
14:20I mean, that girl doesn't want to see me
14:22even in painting.
14:24No, I don't think so.
14:26Elena wants to see you all the time.
14:32You are in love with my daughter.
14:34You love Elena.
14:49I hope what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
14:51I am Carlos Furtado
14:53and I am waiting for you in the news,
14:55your news from Nemás.
14:57Friday, Friday at 5.50 in the morning
14:59with the stars.
15:20You asked me why I married Gonzalo
15:22if I didn't love him.
15:24I have decided to tell you the truth.
15:26Your wife is cheating on you
15:28and you can't imagine with whom.
15:30Mario, why didn't you tell me you were coming?
15:32I hadn't decided until I got these photos.
15:34It is clear that someone is trying to separate us.
15:36Our love had consequences.
15:38One of my sisters is my father's daughter.
15:40Monday to Friday, 6.30 in the afternoon.
15:42A tragedy.
15:44The sister of Ernesto is serious, he was run over.
15:46How are we going to let him know if we don't know where he is?
15:47I think he's in a coma.
15:49He will alter his plans.
15:51I'm going back to Mexico, I want to be with her.
15:53It is too risky.
15:55If we are together, we will be fine, whatever happens.
15:57Miss, excuse me.
15:59Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
16:01Chuy will face the most explosive opponent.
16:03You are a great example, Mike.
16:05Excuse me.
16:07That man needs to be blocked.
16:09And the anesthesia?
16:11Ah, well, they are applying it
16:13as they need it.
16:14It is free.
16:16This Thursday at the end of the noughty.
16:45My father left a letter.
16:47I don't want to be a burden for you.
16:49And maybe forever.
16:51He comes to offer my services as a private investigator.
16:53Tell me he's not my father.
16:55I'm not his father.
16:57More Valesola, this Sunday, 8 at night.
17:14Contacto Deportivo.
17:16Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
17:18at 11.30 at night.
17:20With the stars.
17:22Destiny will reunite you with the past.
17:26I'm Amelia Ferreira.
17:28You don't know how grateful I am
17:30to have saved my wife and son.
17:32And under another identity,
17:34the time to do justice has come.
17:36I will find the culprit
17:38for destroying our family.
17:40I'm Eduarda Ferreira.
17:42Monday to Friday, 9.30 at night.
17:44Advice, exercise routines and games today.
17:46We will have a spectacular walkway
17:48of intervention.
17:50And at the end, notes, kitchen,
17:52celebrities and more,
17:54only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
17:56Camila Cabello was in Mexico for a festival.
17:58She revealed that without Mexico,
18:00she would not exist.
18:02From Monday to Friday with the stars.
18:04In this house, the walls do have eyes.
18:08And we are all watching this game.
18:10An increasingly strategic game,
18:12but also more exciting and fun.
18:14Monday to Friday, 10 at night.
18:16For 5.
18:18Sunday, 8.30.
18:20For the stars.
18:22And 24.7 for VIX.
18:24The love between Angelica and Tristan is impossible,
18:26so he decides to go with Julie.
18:28By making public his angelic romance,
18:30he will die of jealousy,
18:32which he will conceal very well
18:34by making her know that he is
18:36a fan of their relationship.
18:38La Rosa de Guadalupe,
18:40premiere episode.
18:42Wednesday with the stars.
18:44I have decided to tell you the truth.
18:46Your wife is cheating on you
18:48and you can't imagine with whom.
18:50Mario, why didn't you tell me you were coming?
18:52I hadn't decided until I got these photos.
18:54It is clear that someone is trying to separate us.
18:56Our love had consequences.
18:58One of my sisters is my father's daughter.
19:00Monday to Friday, 6.30 pm.
19:02In the Angel of Aurora,
19:04feelings cannot be hidden.
19:06I would like to be alone with you.
19:08You don't love Ademia,
19:10you are in love with Angel.
19:12Although that implies pain.
19:14You're making fun of me.
19:16I would do anything to have you
19:18again in my arms.
19:20Monday to Friday, 4.30 pm.
19:22Contacto Deportivo.
19:24End your day well informed.
19:26The results that interest you.
19:28September classic with Canelo
19:30again going up the ring
19:32to celebrate the national holidays.
19:34Don't miss it.
19:36Contacto Deportivo.
19:38Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
19:40at 11.30 pm.
19:42With the stars.
19:44We want to give you advice
19:46like a friend's.
19:48If you come to fight,
19:50better go.
19:52Be very careful.
19:54This was just a warning.
19:56When will you talk about things that are not so superficial?
19:58I'm forgetting how incredible you are.
20:00As the saying goes,
20:02stories that connect with you.
20:15My fight for Megavox
20:17begins on September 14th.
20:45This Sunday, 7.30 pm.
20:47A tragedy.
20:49The sister of Leonardo is serious.
20:51He was run over.
20:53How are we going to let him know if we don't know where he is?
20:55The only thing I know is that he is in a coma.
20:57He will alter his plans.
20:59I'm going back to Mexico.
21:01I want to be with her.
21:03It is too risky.
21:05If we are together, we will be fine,
21:07no matter what happens.
21:09Miss, excuse me.
21:11Monday to Friday, 8.30 pm.
21:12The whole country will shout with us.
21:14Long live the excitement!
21:16Long live the laughter!
21:18Long live the fun!
21:20Long live the party!
21:22Long live the music!
21:24But above all, long live Mexico!
21:26The great Mexican party that we will have for everyone.
21:28September 15th at 9 pm on Channel 5.
21:30To finish the house of the famous for the stars.
21:32Plutarco's obsession has already overflowed.
21:34You have to think things through.
21:36You can't go crazy.
21:38But Elena is determined.
21:40Understand it.
21:42Your love shines brighter than the sun.
21:44I want to hug you and tell you a thousand times how much I love you.
21:47For her, I am Eva.
21:49Monday to Friday, 1.30 pm.
21:51Don Amador will leave.
21:53It is necessary to undo our history.
21:55My father left a letter.
21:57I don't want to be a burden for you.
22:00And maybe forever.
22:02He comes to offer my services as a private investigator.
22:04Tell me he is not my father.
22:06I am not your father.
22:08More Vale Sola, this Sunday at 8 pm.
22:12Yes, they have eyes.
22:16And we are all watching this game.
22:18An increasingly strategic game, but also more exciting and fun.
22:21See you daily in...
22:23The house of the famous Mexico.
22:25Monday to Friday, 10 pm.
22:27On Channel 5.
22:29Sunday, 8.30 pm.
22:31For the stars.
22:33And 24.7 pm for VIX.
22:43You left.
22:47The sigh that came in turned the heart.
22:51And you followed.
22:55Advancing through my whole body and you don't stop leaving me.
23:03And here I am still thinking of you.
23:09I don't know if I'm going.
23:11To get used to it, no.
23:16You and I are of equal souls.
23:21That managed to meet.
23:27Writing a new verse.
23:32And it is that we are auroras in the sky.
23:37Illuminating us.
23:40With the moments.
23:44In a parallel world.
23:50I know that this place exists.
23:54Where we can meet again.
24:11Sunday, 8.30 pm.
24:21Yes, I am very sorry that you find out why your boss.
24:25But it doesn't matter anymore.
24:27She is not interested in poor people like me.
24:29That's not true.
24:31In addition, don't go to the floor to get up.
24:34Camera, don't make fun of me, Mr. Antonio.
24:36No, no, no, no, I'm not making fun of you and I would never do it.
24:38On the contrary, you are a worker.
24:41It is seen that you have a good heart.
24:44And you have earned your place in a renown company.
24:47Don't you have any prejudices?
24:49Well, yes, but in this renown company I feel judged by everyone.
24:53Even Mrs. Gisabel saw me ugly.
24:55That's life.
24:59I think that has more to do with how Aurora hired you than anything else.
25:03Sometimes, son, people get confused and make stories in their heads.
25:08Yes, but once they start making good stories about me,
25:12not that they always send me carrying the dead.
25:15Look, when someone really loves you,
25:19it doesn't matter if you are nervous.
25:22Because love can do everything.
25:25Yes, exactly. Love can do everything.
25:28The bad thing is that Elena doesn't love me.
25:30They proved it to me by going to the procession.
25:32No, no, wait for me. Wait for me.
25:34Yes, it was. It came back very quickly.
25:36I don't know why, but...
25:38Is it true or are you kidding me?
25:41No, I'm not kidding you. And yes, it's true.
25:44I have a meeting. We'll talk later.
25:51So, it was.
25:54Angel is just a co-worker.
25:56Just when I met him, I was going through a complicated time with Demian.
26:01And that's why I think I confused my feelings for him.
26:04That's all.
26:06Sometimes love hurts, Elena.
26:09You came back from the procession because you saw him kissing Cumbriana, right?
26:13No, of course not.
26:15I didn't even know he had kissed her.
26:17It's just that Tania told me about some things that were at the office and...
26:21That's why...
26:23Look, I'm not going to insist anymore.
26:25This is a very personal matter.
26:29Thank you for understanding.
26:32Maybe later we can talk better.
26:36And not just about this, but...
26:39Also about what it has been like to live without a mother and...
26:43Everything that has gone through my head.
26:47Of course we will talk. There's no rush.
26:50And you can talk to me when you need it, Elena.
26:57I have to go to a meeting.
26:59Yes, yes, yes, yes.
27:01Very well.
27:07She loves jokes.
27:11Hello, Cesar.
27:13I could check with the construction company that helped us with the...
27:18Construction of the project of the camper mansion.
27:21Tomorrow I go out for the flowers.
27:24And I...
27:27Are you listening to me?
27:30Sorry, I had my head elsewhere.
27:33Don't worry.
27:34If you want, check it out.
27:36And tell the others.
27:48Hello, hello.
27:50Hello, hello.
27:51How are you?
28:01Everything okay, Daniel?
28:05Well, if the vice president can sign a document without reading it.
28:10We too, right?
28:12Come on.
28:16Look, my love, come.
28:18Turn around.
28:20The president is taking her time to read.
28:28Thank you for accepting me.
28:29I hope this is the beginning of many businesses together.
28:36Welcome to the company, dear Antonio.
28:42I just ask you not to relive old loves, right?
28:45It's nothing like where there was fire, there are no more.
28:48Because, look, in front of you is my sister's boyfriend and...
28:51He's very jealous.
28:54But as my father said, in war and in love, everything is worth it.
28:57And money kills love.
28:59I wish my father were here to see his dream of seeing the campers and the murros together.
29:08And welcome again.
29:11And welcome again.
29:25I really can't believe that Mrs. Audora is with Ángel.
29:29She could be his mother.
29:31So, Mrs. Espe, do we see faces?
29:34No, no, what faces?
29:36Those are insults, falsehoods, gossip of three pesos.
29:40Although, the truth is a gossip that worries me.
29:43Which of all?
29:45That Mr. Demian is giving his arremones with Briana.
29:48I have to talk to him, because that's not right.
29:50Well, yes.
29:51What's going to happen?
29:53Mrs. Espe.
29:55Mrs. Espe!
29:57Don't be sad for problems that are not yours.
29:59Or ours.
30:00The problem that is ours is that...
30:03Aquiles is making me the tamales.
30:05Well, let's see, are you or are you not?
30:07Well, yes, we were.
30:08For a long time.
30:09Something that will never come back.
30:11Is it the young Luis Alberto and the apple of discord?
30:14No, not that one.
30:15The chacángel, the other one.
30:18And besides, Magui and Aquiles are dating.
30:20Besides, traitor?
30:21Chapulín came out to me.
30:23Well, everything is fine, but what is that about Chapulín?
30:25Because I don't understand.
30:26Well, it's that person, friend or partner who jumps on your girlfriend.
30:29Hey, but Maguito has never been a boyfriend.
30:31Well, but no.
30:32Not right now.
30:33But then yes.
30:34And besides, he was very much my friend.
30:41Come on, Anita.
30:42Let's get you distracted.
30:44My logo lasts very little at recess and you here.
30:47I want to be alone.
30:49Even Luis abandons me.
30:51But he only went to the bathroom.
30:54He doesn't understand girls.
30:56They are very sensitive.
31:07Hello, Anita.
31:08Elena, my parents don't love me.
31:10Anita, calm down.
31:11Of course they love you.
31:13Can we see each other leaving school?
31:16I would like to, but I don't know if I can.
31:19Ángel told us you didn't want to come visit us anymore.
31:22Do we make you sad?
31:24Of course I don't feel sorry, Anita.
31:26Never think that, please.
31:28Don't be silly, Anita.
31:30I'm behaving well.
31:32I hardly say rudeness.
31:33What do you think?
31:36I can walk you to the park,
31:38but on the condition that your mom gives us permission.
31:47Don't make that kind of comment again.
31:50I'm not in the mood for your jokes, Isabel.
31:53I was just breaking the tension.
31:56Hey, as I promised in our father's grave,
31:58I want to donate to your association.
32:00I want to help you with everything you need.
32:03Neither the association nor I need you.
32:08Keep your money.
32:10As you've always done.
32:12What a bitch.
32:19Antonio told me that
32:21he's going to look for the documents tomorrow.
32:25What documents?
32:28I'll tell you later.
32:34Aurora, they're together,
32:35but I'm sure she'll pick you up as soon as she gets out.
32:38What happens is that I don't have much time
32:40because I leave the reception alone downstairs.
32:42I'd better come back in the afternoon or tomorrow.
32:45Hey, but there's also something I want to tell you.
32:48It's about Miss Brianna.
32:49About Brianna?
32:52Well, I'm sure you already found out
32:54that she's on Angel's bones.
32:56Even my Lola saw them kissing in the procession.
33:00Well, that's fine.
33:01Well, that's fine.
33:02Both are free to do whatever they want.
33:06But Miss Brianna is not going anywhere with Angel.
33:09He's with everyone in the neighborhood.
33:11I even thought you were going to fall for his charms.
33:14Angel and I only work with two.
33:16That's good.
33:17That Angel is tremendous.
33:19I'm not lying to you.
33:20If he doesn't have kids everywhere,
33:22it's because he's not stupid.
33:24Or they haven't told him.
33:27By the way, tell Miss Brianna to take care of herself.
33:29Because Cassandra is saying that she and Demian are...
33:39Oh, I forgot.
33:41I'll tell you later.
33:47What's wrong with the maid?
33:49I don't know. She was going to tell me something about you and Demian.
33:52About me and Demian?
33:54Don't tell me you're gossiping too.
33:57The maid asked for a loan.
33:59And since she's not a candidate, she's looking for Demian
34:01to see if she can do something.
34:03Well, I have to go.
34:13I know you went to the procession.
34:15And don't deny it.
34:16Your dad already told me.
34:17No, I don't have time to talk about that, Angel.
34:20Don't you want to go eat some canasta tacos?
34:22Angel, your sister just told me about the school.
34:25And she told me that her parents don't love her.
34:29Last night she was down, saying that no one appeals to her.
34:32It could be true.
34:34She doesn't have to lie.
34:36And if that's how you feel, it's for a reason.
34:38But we told her that we do love her.
34:41And that we're looking after her.
34:43Actions are more important than words, Angel.
34:47Can you give me your mom's cell phone to ask her permission?
34:49I give you permission.
34:51Your mom's cell phone, Angel.
35:29What are you doing?
35:31I stayed here with a friend to see us.
35:34But I'd better wait in the courtyard.
35:47I'm here to pick up my wife's studies.
35:50Mrs. Victoria Bonilla Lopez.
35:52One moment, please.
35:57We already have the results of the studies.
35:59But you have to liquidate them so we can give them to you.
36:13Look at us.
36:14They call us young people with few resources.
36:18But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
36:25Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
36:44He's a fan of your relationship.
36:46La Rosa de Guadalupe.
36:48Premiere episode.
36:50Wednesdays with the stars.
37:15Agile, precise and punctual.
37:17This way you'll know all the information in the news.
37:20Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
37:23I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'll be waiting for you in La Noticia, your newscast.
37:26Tuesdays, Fridays, 5.50am.
37:28With the stars.
37:44Los Famosos México.
37:46Mondays to Fridays, 10pm.
37:48Sunday, 8.30pm.
37:50With the stars.
37:52This September 15th.
37:54The whole country will shout with us.
37:56Long live the excitement.
37:58Long live the laughter.
38:00Long live the fun.
38:02Long live the party.
38:04Long live the music.
38:06But above all, long live Mexico.
38:08The great Mexican party we'll have for everyone.
38:10September 15th, 9pm on Channel 5.
38:11With the stars.
38:13Visitors from the past will arrive.
38:15I'm Lola Calia.
38:17Yes, I'm Agustin Cholano's daughter.
38:19From up to hundreds of years ago.
38:22I'm Jenny.
38:24The genius who lived in this lamp.
38:26You've set me free.
38:28This Sunday, 5.30pm.
38:30With the stars.
38:32A tragedy.
38:34The sister of Lorenza Gravel was run over.
38:36How are we going to tell her if we don't know where she is?
38:38The only thing I know is that she's in a coma.
38:39She'll change her plans.
38:41I'm going back to Mexico. I want to be with her.
38:43It's too risky.
38:45If we're together, we'll be fine.
38:47No matter what happens.
38:49Miss, excuse me.
38:51Monday to Friday, 8.30pm.
38:53Chuy will face the most explosive opponent.
38:56You're a great example, Max.
39:01That man needs a vulcanization.
39:04And the anesthesia?
39:05I don't know.
39:07You apply it as you need it.
39:09He's free.
39:11This Thursday at the end of the Noti.
39:13This little return.
39:15I'm going to give a contract to the compadre
39:18so that you stop being here.
39:20It will bring great surprises.
39:23This is not my business.
39:25Without complaining.
39:27Poor thing, let him retire.
39:29Hit them, compadre.
39:31This Sunday, 7.30pm.
39:33These are the news in point.
39:35The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee
39:38is a celebration of identity.
39:40There has been an increase in the number of rescues
39:42of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
39:44The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
39:47Every night, your meeting point with the information.
39:49In point. 10.30pm.
39:51For the stars.
39:53In El Bicho, to be able to connect with you,
39:55we want to give you advice like a friend's.
39:58If you come to fight, better leave.
40:01Be very careful.
40:03This was just a warning.
40:05It's so superficial.
40:07You are forgetting how incredible you are.
40:09As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
40:12Your day begins in Despierta.
40:16With the analysis of the information
40:19and the stories that matter to you.
40:22In addition, everything about sports,
40:24entertainment and crime.
40:26Despierta, a newscast from NMAS.
40:28Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
40:30With the stars.
40:32Alborre will give you a lot of love.
40:34I don't know if one day you will have time.
40:37If you want, let's go to my house and I invite you to a coffee.
40:40We already hit a gum.
40:42And Paco will not receive any crumbs.
40:44Oh no, he fell asleep.
40:46I would have gone with Goronoto.
40:4840 and 20, this Friday at the end of the Noti.
40:50For the stars.
40:52Start your mornings with all the energy.
40:54At 9, music, advice, exercise routines and games today.
40:58We will have a spectacular walkway of intervened mesquite.
41:01And at the end, notes, kitchen, famous and more.
41:04Only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
41:06Camila Cabello was in Mexico for a festival.
41:08She revealed that without Mexico, she would not exist.
41:10From Monday to Friday with the stars.
41:12The first hours of the day also bring the first stories you need to know.
41:15Agile, precise and punctual.
41:17This way you will know all the information in the news.
41:20Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
41:22I am Carlos Furtado and I wait for you in the news,
41:24your newscast from NMAS.
41:26Monday to Friday, 5 to 5 in the morning.
41:28With the stars.
41:31The future will bring you back to the past.
41:35I'm Amelia Ferreira.
41:37You don't know how grateful I am to have saved my wife and son.
41:40And under another identity, the time to do justice has come.
41:43I'm going to find the culprit who destroyed our family.
41:47I'm Eduarda Ferreira.
41:49Monday to Friday, 9.30 pm.
41:51In this house, the walls have eyes.
41:55And we are all watching this game.
41:57An increasingly strategic game, but for you.
42:00Also more exciting and fun.
42:02We see each other daily in
42:04La Casa de los Famosos, Mexico.
42:06Monday to Friday, 10 pm.
42:08On 5.
42:10Sunday, 8.30 pm.
42:12For the stars.
42:14And 24.7 pm.
42:16Contacto Deportivo.
42:18End your day well informed.
42:20The results that interest you.
42:22September classic with Canelo again going up the ring to celebrate the national holidays.
42:25Don't miss it.
42:27Contacto Deportivo.
42:28Monday to Friday, 11.30 pm.
42:30For the stars.
42:37Before being a champion for your country.
42:44You were already a champion in life.
42:46Dedicated to Laz and the athletes who raise the name of Mexico.
42:50Teletón. Proudly stubborn.
42:52Super Secret Comedy Laboratory.
42:58La risa es una ciencia exacta.
43:00Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos
43:02no son los más exactos,
43:04sí son los más divertidos.
43:06Televisa. Sabemos hacerte reír.
43:08Estas son las noticias en punto.
43:10La Convención Nacional Republicana en Miwoki
43:12es una celebración de identidad.
43:14Han reportado un aumento
43:16en el número de rescates de personas
43:18en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
43:20Las autoridades siguen buscando
43:22la fuente de esta contaminación.
43:24Cada noche, tu punto de encuentro
43:25con la información.
43:27En punto. 10.30 pm.
43:29Por las estrellas.
43:57Eres un gran ejemplo, Mike.
44:01Aquel señor necesita que le den una vulcanizada.
44:04¿De la anestesia?
44:06Ah, pues esa la van aplicando
44:08a según la vayan necesitando.
44:10Está libre. Este jueves al terminar el noti.
44:18Los estudios los tiene la doctora Rubio.
44:20Nos dijo que en cuanto vinieran por ellos,
44:22pasarán con ella, por favor.
44:24Pero solo vine yo, señorita.
44:26Mi esposa no pudo venir.
44:28Deje, me comunico con la doctora
44:30para que me indique que hacer.
44:37¿Qué le fuiste a decir a mi hermana?
44:40Nada. Solo que fue a ver a la señora Aurora,
44:43pero me dijo que estaba en una junta.
44:45No te hagas la tonta.
44:47¿Le dijiste algo sobre Demian y yo?
44:49No, no le dije nada.
44:51A lo mejor se confundió.
44:53Pues te voy, Margarita.
44:55Porque si todo esto lo estás haciendo
44:57por lo de tu préstamo,
44:59de una vez te digo
45:01que ni hablando con Aurora te lo vamos a dar.
45:10Sí, Anita me llamó muy triste,
45:13por eso quería saber si me daba permiso
45:15de llevarla un ratito al parque.
45:17Yo paso por ella a la escuela.
45:19Claro, Elena, tienes mi permiso.
45:21Si gusta, puede acompañarnos.
45:28¿Cómo que le salió un moretón de la nada?
45:31¿No se habrá pegado con algo?
45:34¿Y los análisis ya se los entregaron?
45:38Según Pascual iba a ir,
45:40pero luego Ángel dijo que él lo acompañaba.
45:42Ay, no sé qué tanto mitotes se traían.
45:45Lo que pasa es que como todavía debían dinero...
45:50No se preocupe, estoy segura
45:51de que todo va a estar bien.
46:21Señor Joventino,
46:23ya me fui a otro salón,
46:25pero como los niños son más grandes
46:27se llevaron su celular al recreo.
46:30¿Cómo pretendes ser mi socio
46:32si solo revisas tres mochilas y ya?
46:34Pues que no te dije que tienes que revisarlas todas.
46:37Y si es necesario,
46:39pasar por todos los salones de la escuela.
46:41Pues hazlo.
46:46Pero nada.
46:48Chamaco este,
46:49necesito por lo menos
46:51tres celulares.
46:53Porque si no voy a ir a cobrarle a tu mamá
46:55el adelanto que le di con todo
46:57e intereses.
47:04¿Con quién hablabas?
47:06Con nadie.
47:08Digo, sí, con mi mamá.
47:10¿A poco ya te animaste a salir al recreo?
47:12Sí, me quedé de ver con Elena
47:14en el parque.
47:16¿Yo también puedo ir?
47:19Bueno, luego me dices,
47:21tengo que ir al baño.
47:33¿Engañaste a mi hermana
47:35falsificando la foto de su hijo?
47:37¿Tienes otra familia?
47:39¿Estafaste a Aurora?
47:41Y que toda esta mentira se vaya contigo.
47:46Y mira, si te mueres,
47:48ni tu esposa, ni tus hijos, ni nadie
47:50va a saber exactamente
47:52lo que pasó.
47:54Yo creo que esa es...
47:56es la mejor opción.
47:58Que te mueras.
48:00Que te mueras.
48:02¿De plan para pintar casas, coches y banquetas
48:05me pintas?
48:08¿De plan para pintar casas, coches y banquetas
48:10me pintas?
48:12Pues hace mucho que no pinto, burro.
48:16¿cómo estuvo eso de que le ibas
48:18a rajar la mouser al ángel?
48:20Pues se cebó porque el angelito
48:22anda jurado de pelea.
48:24Este business se lo aventaron
48:26solamente el guau y el vampi.
48:28¿Y quién lo mandó a golpear?
48:30No, seguro algún ruco al que le bajó la morra.
48:32Pero te repito,
48:34ese business no era business mío,
48:36ni pregunté.
48:38No tanto.
48:40¿Por qué ese chamaco así como lo ves?
48:42No es nada tonto,
48:44es bien bueno para los negocios.
48:46Es que yo voy a abrir mi tienda
48:48de accesorios para celulares.
48:50Pero todo por la derecha.
48:54Con el dinero que me pagó la Isabel
48:56me voy a hacer de muy buenos equipos
48:58para venderlos.
49:00¿Ah, sí?
49:02¿Y el Rollas qué música toca, pintás?
49:06O sea, no comas ansias, mi estimado.
49:08¿Qué pintás?
49:10Yo ya te había dicho que no te metas
49:12con los chavos del barrio.
49:14Es quien te viera, morrito.
49:16Bien que tienes tu corazoncito
49:18por los chamacos.
49:20¿Crees que el Rollas le está consiguiendo
49:22celulares de los buenos
49:24para venderlos en el negocio?
49:39A ver.
49:41Ah, mi llave, por favor.
49:43Disculpe, señor, pero tenemos la instrucción
49:45de no dejar manejar en estado inconveniente
49:47a nuestros clientes.
49:49Inconveniente tienes el cerebro, ¿eh?
49:51¿No sabes quién soy o qué?
49:55No, señor, perdón.
49:57No, señor, perdón.
50:05Mi hijo iba a venir por los estudios,
50:06pero me adelanté.
50:08Yo soy el esposo de la señora Bonilla
50:10y, pues, ella no pudo venir.
50:13Huele se leó otro moretón de la nada
50:15y no se siente bien.
50:18Es necesario que su esposa esté presente.
50:20Además, su hijo me pidió
50:22que solo le hablara de los resultados
50:24si estaba él.
50:26¿Mi hijo pidió eso?
50:30La mejor opción es morirte
50:32y que toda tu mentira se vaya contigo.
50:34Yo creo que no.
50:36Yo creo que esa
50:38es la mejor opción, Esteban.
50:40Que te mueras.
50:42¡Que te mueras!
50:45¡Muérete, estúpido imbécil!
50:47¡Muérete, imbécil!
51:00Señor, ¿está bien?
51:04¿Qué es eso?
51:06Una ambulancia, por favor.
51:10Yes, ma'am.
51:12Yes, ma'am.
51:17No estaba enterado de todo esto,
51:19pero, de todas formas,
51:21yo soy el esposo.
51:23Señor Santos,
51:25lamento la situación,
51:27pero me temo que su esposa
51:29presenta algo mucho más grave
51:31que cáncer en los huesos.
51:33¿Qué dice, doctora?
51:34Su esposa presentó un cuadro de mieloma múltiple,
51:37una enfermedad letal.
52:04Esteban, ¿qué tienes?
52:09Ya no puedo más
52:11con esto.
52:16¿Qué pasa?
52:28Eres lo mejor que tengo, Elena.
52:32Yo seré el hombre para ti.
52:34El hombre perfecto.
52:37El mejor papá para tus hijos, Elena.
52:41¿Qué pasa? Me estás asustando.
52:45Mi papá...
52:49Mi papá es un asesino.
52:52Mi papá mató a mi abuelo.
53:04¿Qué pasa?
53:16Te ves muy guapo trabajando, Ángel.
53:25La neta es que eres muy guapa.
53:29Pero tengo que decirte algo.
53:31Pues dime.
53:32Me encantan los hombres misteriosos.
53:37Tú eres una mujer muy hermosa, pero...
53:41A mí me interesa tu hermana.
53:43Y tienes que saberlo.
53:45Elena me gusta y tengo...
53:47Y quiero luchar por ella.
53:56Julio César ya iba de salida.
53:59Se quedó con su hijo afuera.
54:00Yo creo que van a comer juntos.
54:02Tienen tantas cosas que arreglar.
54:05¿En verdad te vas a casar con él?
54:10Sí, Antonio. Sí me voy a casar con él.
54:13No, a ver...
54:15No me toques.
54:17Que ya seas sucio de la empresa no quiere decir absolutamente nada.
54:21No, no, no me digas más.
54:23Por favor, Aurora, yo daría mi vida por estar en su lugar.
54:26Daría todo por tenerte de nuevo ante mis brazos.
54:30Mi amor...
54:40¿Y si aquí ha estado enviando los anónimos y el violador es una misma persona?
54:46Olvida lo que pasó entre nosotros. Olvida, mi angel.
54:50¿Y crees que es tan fácil olvidarte?
54:52Enséñame cómo hacerlo.
54:54Porque no te puedo olvidar.
54:56¿Mataste al detective Esteban Rocha?
54:59Esta esa maldita desgraciada.
55:02No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...
55:04No te acerques, Patricia.
55:06Puedo hacer que te lleven detenida en este instante.
