El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 13 Completo en Español

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El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 13 Completo en Español
00:38Look, there's my angel.
00:44What do you mean, I'm not feeling well?
00:46How are you going to feel well, compadre?
00:48You hit the glass all day.
00:50I'd better stop drinking.
00:52It's about time.
00:54Let's go. This way, this way.
00:59Mrs. Aurora?
01:02What are you doing here?
01:04If this isn't your destination.
01:06Well, I was on my way to my house,
01:08and I got lost for a few things,
01:10and what a nice coincidence to find you, Angel.
01:13Yes, coincidences don't exist.
01:15For some reason, we found each other here,
01:17right now.
01:20What's wrong, Angel?
01:22Is something wrong?
01:24Oh, nothing.
01:26You know.
01:28Family stuff.
01:31Angel, I'm going to be very honest with you.
01:35Look, the truth is,
01:37I did come looking for you,
01:39because I have good news.
01:41I have a job for you.
01:45I can't believe it.
01:46I'm so happy.
01:48And you came all the way here to tell me?
01:51I couldn't wait to tell you.
01:54You fell for me like an angel from heaven.
01:57Yes, but it's weird.
01:59I feel very safe by your side.
02:02Although, I still can't believe I came all the way here.
02:06Well, believe it.
02:07You're a good boy,
02:09and you deserve the opportunity to surpass you, Angel.
02:13I want you to meet my parents.
02:18Where are you going?
02:19This way.
02:20This way?
02:21I want to meet your parents.
02:23Come on, Angel.
02:26Aren't you going to let us live?
02:28Leave us alone, bro.
02:30You're eating alone.
02:32You're even eating with the ladies.
02:46Where is it?
02:48I know you have it.
02:50It's somewhere, Brianita.
02:52Where is it?
02:59It must be around here.
03:05I knew it.
03:07This idiot is still keeping these things.
03:11I should have told Antonio.
03:14Respect the lady.
03:15No, I'm not disrespecting her, Angel.
03:18I'm just telling the truth.
03:20The lady is...
03:21Is what, bro?
03:23No, no, no.
03:25Don't you dare.
03:27People think we're dangerous because of her.
03:31You have to learn to respect others.
03:33Angel, please.
03:35Please, Angel.
03:36Let's go see your parents.
03:37Are you tired of screwing everyone?
03:39You're the only violent one here, bro.
03:41And we all know it.
03:43We were just praising the lady.
03:46Angel, it's not worth it.
03:49Don't listen to them.
03:50They saved us, kid.
03:52Excuse me, beautiful lady.
03:54I got carried away by your charms.
03:58Excuse me.
03:59Stay in your neighborhood.
04:07I'm sorry, Mrs. Aurora.
04:09I didn't have to witness this.
04:11You'll see, the neighborhood is very quiet,
04:13but that guy is very angry because the other day
04:15he went too far and almost broke his...
04:20Let's do this.
04:22Next time you'll introduce me to your family
04:24more calmly, okay?
04:27For now, I'll wait for you in my office
04:28at the first hour tomorrow.
04:30Yes, yes.
04:31Simone Del Monte, I'll be there.
04:32Simone Del Monte.
04:33For my mother, I won't let her down.
04:34I'll go with you.
04:38Thank you, Angel.
04:39No, thank you.
04:45Be careful.
04:46Of course.
04:49Thank you, Angel.
04:54What are you doing, Aurora?
04:57Oh, my God, help me not to go crazy.
05:02You scared me.
05:08I really don't have the words to apologize
05:10for everything that happened.
05:12I'm very sorry.
05:13Hey, Lili.
05:14Why me? It was your idea.
05:16Yes, but you're the one who's most at ease.
05:18Guys, if you don't want to help me anymore,
05:20don't worry, I understand.
05:22Come on, Lili, it's not that.
05:25It's just that, for us,
05:27we do help her,
05:28but here Lorito is right.
05:30It's just that...
05:31Luis Alberto, more than needing us,
05:32he needs a specialist.
05:34He needs someone to accompany him
05:36step by step in this process.
05:38I don't know.
05:39I don't know.
05:40I don't know.
05:41I don't know.
05:42I don't know.
05:43I don't know.
05:44Luis Alberto, my friend is very sensitive
05:46and his blood sugar is going down.
05:47Yes, I'm still nervous.
05:49Calm down.
05:50My pants are even coming down.
05:51Hey, I'm telling you the truth.
05:53Calm down.
05:55Okay, talk to me.
05:58Anyway, thank you for trying.
06:17Please, Father.
06:20Please, Holy Virgin,
06:22help my little boss recover her health.
06:25I don't know what I would do without her.
06:27I also need Ms. Aurora's help with her job.
06:31You know I need it a lot,
06:33more than ever.
06:34Because even if my bosses don't say it,
06:35they're tired and I want to help them.
06:38I want to give them
06:39a life without worries.
06:41I want to get over myself.
06:42I don't want to be...
06:44I don't want to be starving.
06:47But I don't know how.
06:48I don't know what to do
06:49or if I did something wrong.
06:51Why are you mad at me?
06:53What did I do to you?
06:59Forgive me, God.
07:02Forgive me for what I said.
07:05But sometimes I feel like I can't.
07:10But I won't give up.
07:14I know you have a plan for me
07:16and I'm going to be strong for my family
07:18and my little mom.
07:27Yes, yes, architect.
07:28Tomorrow I'll wait for you at the office
07:30to review this co-working project.
07:34Okay, get some rest. Bye.
07:38Yes, come in.
07:39Come in, sir.
07:42Mauricio, hello.
07:44I wanted to say hello to your wife,
07:45but she was already asleep.
07:47The girl told me she wasn't well.
07:49What happened to her?
07:54She got out of the car
07:55when there was a movement.
07:59But why?
08:02She was looking for a way
08:03to keep everything.
08:05I offered to take care
08:06of all her needs,
08:08but no, she wants more.
08:10I mean...
08:11A peculiar woman.
08:13I never thought you'd marry
08:14an actress.
08:16when I met her, she was like that.
08:18She didn't care about money.
08:19She was understanding.
08:20She was fun.
08:21We got along well.
08:24But I don't want to talk about that.
08:25Look, you should know her.
08:28She's my daughter.
08:29Your future is not.
08:34Fate is always
08:35trying to get us together, my friend.
08:41you don't know how much I love you.
08:43How long ago did you leave the psychiatric ward?
08:45In fact, why hadn't you come to see me?
08:49About a year ago.
08:52But I had to take care
08:53of my father's business.
08:58I thought that when you
08:59entered the psychiatric ward,
09:00you had lost everything.
09:01Did you lose the house?
09:02No, no, no.
09:03Not everything.
09:04There were losses, but...
09:06After my mother died,
09:08I kept charging the old man's pension.
09:12Because I...
09:16Why did you do it?
09:28Hi, Julio.
09:31Do you think you can
09:32come home early tomorrow?
09:34Is everything okay?
09:36Did something happen to your son?
09:38That's why I need you.
09:40I don't know what to do anymore.
09:46And for how long are you going to
09:47keep this secret, bro?
09:49Easy, easy, kid.
09:51You haven't won my trust all day.
09:54Where are you going so perfumed?
09:56That smells rotten.
09:57Oh, my God.
09:58Ah, Camara.
10:00Camara, don't be so nosy.
10:03Hey, tonight I already have
10:04your money to pay you
10:05for the job you did to me.
10:07In the afternoon, Angel
10:08was with a very pretty lady.
10:10And what about it?
10:11It's weird, isn't it?
10:12The lady had a big face
10:13with the whole driver.
10:14She looked like she was rich.
10:21Excuse me, here you go.
10:23Come on.
10:25All that is in the past, Antonio.
10:27It's better to stay there.
10:29Like you and Aurora.
10:32Yes, I understand you.
10:36Where do you live?
10:37Where are you staying?
10:39I'm staying at a hotel in Paso,
10:40in the area.
10:43And are you okay there?
10:44Don't you want to come here?
10:46I mean, the house is very big.
10:49Just tell me,
10:51did you continue with your therapies
10:52now that you left the hospital?
10:54Do you take any medication?
10:55Or something?
10:57No, no, I've taken care of myself.
10:58A hundred percent.
10:59Oh, really?
11:00Do you have any indications?
11:01Have you seen your son?
11:02Hey, go to the interrogation room.
11:04I'd better stay at the hotel
11:05so you don't question
11:06everything I do.
11:07No, no, don't worry.
11:08I didn't mean to offend you.
11:10It's just that I'm worried about you.
11:14But you're right,
11:15I shouldn't interrogate you.
11:17If you're hungry,
11:19I mean, dinner is ready.
11:20Are you sure?
11:21No, no, not at all.
11:22I'm almost not hungry.
11:24Well, I...
11:25No, I'm serious.
11:26Hi, Dad.
11:28Daughter, my love.
11:31This is Fabricio Morrea,
11:33Demiano's father.
11:35Nice to meet you.
11:44What are you doing, Mr. Guajardo?
11:46What are you doing?
11:47What are you doing?
11:48What are you doing?
11:49What are you doing?
11:50What are you doing?
11:51What are you doing?
11:52What are you doing?
11:54Local authorities report that...
11:56Are you done, daughter?
11:57Yes, Mom.
11:58Hey, I can't find one of my white sneakers.
12:01And I need them for tomorrow,
12:02for physical education.
12:04Have you seen them?
12:05Maybe they're under my bed.
12:07You see, then you come and throw your things
12:11I'm going to look for them.
12:14Hey, it's weird that Angel hasn't arrived yet
12:16and it's kind of late.
12:17What are you worried about, old man?
12:19He's probably with the tits and the motor.
12:21I saw him talking to a lady on the street a while ago.
12:24A lady?
12:25Yes, but I got the impression that she was lost.
12:28She only asked Angel for information.
12:31She couldn't get close to me anymore
12:32because Pintas got really sick
12:34and I had to take him to his room.
12:36How quickly you forgave him.
12:38No, well, not 100%.
12:40He's sorry and he's my buddy.
12:43Well, no.
12:44No and no.
12:45Pintas doesn't stop here again.
12:47I don't want him in this house, Pascual.
12:50Well, he promised me he was going to leave Angel alone.
12:53Well, I don't believe anything he says.
12:55He's abusive and a liar.
12:57I'm really sorry.
12:58I don't want him near us.
13:19Forgive me for what I did.
13:24I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare.
13:29I don't know what happened to me.
13:33Don't worry.
13:41You're not alone.
13:42I'll always be with you.
13:45And we're going to get through this.
13:49And I think the best thing I can do is...
13:53quit my job.
14:06Oh, Briana.
14:07You scare me.
14:08Can't you see I'm convulsing?
14:11Sorry, I didn't want to...
14:12Yes, yes, yes.
14:13You never want anything.
14:14Come on, give me a kiss.
14:16What did you tell Antonio about me?
14:19You're gossiping, aren't you?
14:29What's up, bosses?
14:31Son, where were you?
14:34I was at church.
14:36It's been a long time since I went.
14:38Speaking of which, they already told me at church
14:40that we have to prepare the food for the procession of St. Judith.
14:44Are you going to help me?
14:46Yes, mom.
14:48What's wrong?
14:51Everything's fine.
14:53Did you tell my dad that the doctor asked for more studies?
14:57I don't even know how much I spend.
14:59I already feel great.
15:01It doesn't hurt anymore.
15:03Hey, who was the lady you were talking to on the street a while ago?
15:07That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
15:09That lady is the owner of the company where Elena works.
15:12Her name is...
15:13I found my white tennis, but...
15:16What is this that you burned?
15:21Did you burn the newspaper I found, boss?
15:29You're very pretty, Elena.
15:32I'm sure my son is very happy with you.
15:34Fabricio is an old friend, my love.
15:37Well, we'll be in-laws soon, right?
15:40Yes, but it's not too soon.
15:43There's just one thing I don't understand.
15:44Does Demian know you're here?
15:47Yes, yes, yes, of course.
15:48We even saw each other.
15:53You're hurting me.
15:54What did you tell Antonio about me?
15:56Answer me.
15:58I don't know what you're talking about.
16:00I warn you.
16:01If you say anything bad about me to Antonio,
16:03you're going to pay for it.
16:06Mom, you're hurting me.
16:07Let me go!
16:08Let me go!
16:10Have you gone crazy?
16:11Let her go!
16:23Where are you going, Mom?
16:25To visit Patricia.
16:30We already received your sanction.
16:33Are you happy?
16:35I'm not talking about that.
16:38It's office stuff.
16:42In the office, give us your account number
16:44so we can deposit you.
16:47Hey, you know what?
16:49Let's see.
16:50I thought that after what Patricia did,
16:51you were going to cut off her friendship.
16:54My friendship with Patricia is already broken,
16:56but the girls have made a sea of tears.
16:58What do you want me to do?
16:59She just needs a little company.
17:01Is it bad? Does that bother you too?
17:03You're so charitable, sister.
17:07Hey, are you going to tell us how it went
17:09in your trial or not?
17:13It went well.
17:15Thanks for asking.
17:17By the way,
17:18the judge is going to call you to testify.
17:20Sister, I asked you to keep me out of everything.
17:29What did you do with the medical record?
17:31Why did you disappear it, Isabel?
18:02What did you do with the medical record?
18:03What did you do with the medical record?
18:04What did you do with the medical record?
18:05What did you do with the medical record?
18:06What did you do with the medical record?
18:07What did you do with the medical record?
18:08What did you do with the medical record?
18:09What did you do with the medical record?
18:10What did you do with the medical record?
18:11What did you do with the medical record?
18:12What did you do with the medical record?
18:13What did you do with the medical record?
18:14What did you do with the medical record?
18:15What did you do with the medical record?
18:16What did you do with the medical record?
18:17What did you do with the medical record?
18:18What did you do with the medical record?
18:19What did you do with the medical record?
18:20What did you do with the medical record?
18:21What did you do with the medical record?
18:22What did you do with the medical record?
18:23What did you do with the medical record?
18:24What did you do with the medical record?
18:25What did you do with the medical record?
18:26What did you do with the medical record?
18:27What did you do with the medical record?
18:28What did you do with the medical record?
18:29What did you do with the medical record?
18:30What did you do with the medical record?
18:31What did you do with the medical record?
18:32What did you do with the medical record?
18:33What did you do with the medical record?
18:34What did you do with the medical record?
18:35What did you do with the medical record?
18:36What did you do with the medical record?
18:37What did you do with the medical record?
18:38What did you do with the medical record?
18:39What did you do with the medical record?
18:40What did you do with the medical record?
18:41What did you do with the medical record?
18:42What did you do with the medical record?
18:43What did you do with the medical record?
18:44What did you do with the medical record?
18:45What did you do with the medical record?
18:46What did you do with the medical record?
18:47What did you do with the medical record?
18:48What did you do with the medical record?
18:49What did you do with the medical record?
18:50What did you do with the medical record?
18:51What did you do with the medical record?
18:52What did you do with the medical record?
18:53What did you do with the medical record?
18:54What did you do with the medical record?
18:55What did you do with the medical record?
18:56What did you do with the medical record?
18:57What did you do with the medical record?
18:58What did you do with the medical record?
18:59What did you do with the medical record?
19:00What did you do with the medical record?
19:01What did you do with the medical record?
19:02What did you do with the medical record?
19:26My dad disappeared. You know how he was with us.
19:29He was also in my bedroom, Isabel.
19:32Antonio said he saw him.
19:34And I can't call the doctor.
19:37The doctor is dead.
19:39Well, I'm sorry I don't have an elephant's memory like Antonio.
19:43How am I supposed to know what happened to that paper?
19:45Excuse me, Quintero.
19:47Don't you think it's a little stupid to be arguing about a paper that disappeared more than three years ago?
19:52No, Demian!
19:54With that paper, the indictment for rape is settled!
19:59It's not just any paper.
20:01For me, it's an extremely important paper.
20:04Don't be insensitive, son.
20:07Your aunt is a very brave woman.
20:09She just filed a complaint, even though it's been 30 years.
20:13She's an example for many women.
20:16She's empathetic, my dear.
20:18I don't want your false empathy.
20:21I want that paper.
20:23And no one takes my mind off the fact that you had something to do with it.
20:28Calm down.
20:30We're not all against you.
20:32We're not all your enemies, please.
20:34She's my mom, she's your sister.
20:36Why would I take away such an important paper from you?
20:38It's very sad that you think so badly of me.
20:43But I'm still going to help you find it.
20:45And I'm going to go declare if it's what you need to find that rapist.
20:52And from now on, my son and I are going to support you in absolutely everything.
21:00Well, I'm leaving, sister.
21:04Because Patricia is waiting for me.
21:05Don't wait for me for dinner.
21:06Thank you, my love.
21:08Take her.
21:09Hey, please.
21:10I'm asking you a favor.
21:11Go with your aunt.
21:13She needs you.
21:22Why do you treat my daughter like that?
21:24Oh, no, nothing happens to me.
21:26This was a misunderstanding.
21:28You were hitting him, Patricia.
21:30Since when do you treat yourself like that, Briana?
21:32Why didn't you say anything?
21:34Look who they are to ask for explanations when they don't even see you as their family.
21:39Let's see, wait a minute, wait a minute.
21:40That's not true.
21:41I've always treated you like a daughter.
21:43Yes, they are my family, Mom.
21:45But he pulled my hair by accident.
21:48And you want to be the great dad just because your friend is here listening.
21:52But the truth is that he wants to leave us.
21:55Sorry, I don't know what's going on.
21:58Briana, you don't have to cover for your mom.
22:00I know we have differences, but I'm here to support you.
22:03Let's see.
22:04Daughter, my love, forgive me if I hurt you.
22:08You know I've never wanted to hit you, much less...
22:12The only thing is that I wanted to get up.
22:15I felt like I was going to fall and I grabbed her hair.
22:17This was all that happened.
22:19Yes, I screamed because it hurt, but I know I would never hurt myself.
22:31It's my fault, son.
22:33There was nothing to light the candle with.
22:35You see that here with so much stew, the candles are out.
22:38Boss, could you have used a lighter?
22:41Well, I've been looking and looking and I couldn't find it.
22:45And since I already wanted to light the candle,
22:47and your mom was arranging her things,
22:49I grabbed the newspaper and lit it with the boiler.
22:52Coincidence, right?
22:53Don't even remind me, son.
22:55I'm fed up with your dad.
22:58Do you see what you're causing, Pascual?
23:02No, you've been saving all the junk you find.
23:05You even look like the old iron.
23:07They sell, they don't buy, mattresses, washers.
23:12We're going to find mice in the house.
23:14Mice, mice, be careful.
23:19Mom, don't be stubborn.
23:21Now do everything the doc says.
23:23You have to continue with the sale and take your medication.
23:26You also have to go to all the studies.
23:29Without protesting, ma'am.
23:33You have to do the studies the doctor asked you to do.
23:35I'll take care of all the payment.
23:38I'm sure my sneakers are in my room.
23:40I don't even care anymore.
23:42Besides, I'm hungry.
23:44Oh, no, wait for me.
23:46Look, daughter.
23:48There's cereal here.
23:50Sit down.
23:52Do you want something to eat, son?
23:54No, dad.
23:55I'd like to have a drink.
23:57I'm exhausted.
23:59The fireworks, the games, the walk.
24:01It was an intense day.
24:03I'm going to sleep.
24:07Bless you.
24:08With the other one.
24:11Get some rest, son.
24:13Get some rest.
24:20I love you.
24:21That's bad.
24:28Oh, I'm sorry.
24:30Elena, offer something to your dad's friend.
24:34Aldo. Aldo Narvaez.
24:35Elena, what are you waiting for?
24:37Tomato juice, grapes, tangerine...
24:39Grapes, grapes, grapes are fine.
24:40Grapes, grapes.
24:43And where are you from?
24:44Oh, well, from Mexico City.
24:46But it's been a long time since I saw Antonio.
24:49Are you an architect, an engineer?
24:51No, no, no, no.
24:52I used to work in a hotel.
24:56I don't need to introduce myself.
24:58You must recognize me from the soap operas.
25:01The first actress, Patricia Gil?
25:07Well, I don't watch soap operas.
25:09But, well, where I lived, I did watch television.
25:15Cinema? Theater?
25:18You must be one of those men who are on social media,
25:22doing TikToks with their girlfriend.
25:25Or are you married?
25:35What happened here?
25:39You know, I couldn't find a blouse, and I got desperate.
25:42I forgot to ask Ada to make me one.
25:49Daughter, tell me the truth.
25:51What happened to your mom?
25:53I already told you.
25:54It was an accident. I have no reason to lie to you.
25:57You know how much I love you, right?
26:04That's why you didn't leave me alone.
26:10If you leave, I don't know what my mom can do.
26:15You know how it is.
26:17Even if you get divorced, you don't have to leave the house.
26:20Many divorced couples decide to live together for the good of the family.
26:23No, no, no, no, honey.
26:25That's not right. That's not right.
26:27You're our dad.
26:32My dad.
26:34I'm begging you.
26:38You made this house for us.
26:41I need a family. I don't want to feel alone.
26:45I don't want to feel like an orphan, Antonio.
26:57It's okay.
27:01Everything's okay.
27:13Your father and your mother broke up.
27:17What happened?
27:28Thank you, Carmelita. I'm going to serve.
27:30Yes, ma'am.
27:31Good night.
27:35Good night.
27:43It's okay. Thank you.
27:48Can I ask you a question?
27:51Yes, you can.
27:56Why do you treat me so badly?
27:59Sometimes I think you hate me.
28:06How can I hate you?
28:09You're my nephew and I love you very much.
28:14It's hard for me to believe it.
28:20Come on, Demian.
28:22Can I tell you something?
28:25When you were a baby,
28:27you didn't let anyone else make you proud more than me.
28:31I spent hours singing to you like I sang to my Gabriel.
28:37You fell asleep in my arms.
28:41Then I carried you to your crib so carefully.
28:45Your mother got so jealous.
28:49But I was the only one who could put you to sleep.
28:53So your mother did let me put you to sleep.
28:57I believe you.
29:07Did you meet my dad?
29:12Yes, I met him.
29:22didn't he leave my mom and me?
29:30I don't like talking about my dad, Antonio.
29:33He was very bad to me and my mom.
29:36Besides, I was very young.
29:37There are things I don't even remember.
29:44There are things you don't have to relive because they can be very painful.
29:52I'm here for both of you, daughter.
29:56I don't want your mother
29:58to have false expectations.
30:04Don't worry, honey.
30:06I love you.
30:25Hi, Angel.
30:26How did it go with your mom's doctor?
30:33More or less.
30:34And you?
30:38I just left the office.
30:42When are you coming to help Anita with her homework?
30:47And if I call you because I have something to tell you?
30:51I also have something to tell you.
30:59Oh, it can't be.
31:02At that time, I was desperate looking for Gabriel.
31:07I spent a lot of time outside and yes,
31:10there were a lot of things I didn't realize.
31:12Weren't you worried about what was happening to your nephew?
31:15When your dad and mom got divorced, you were older.
31:20I was traveling a lot.
31:22I looked for my son in every corner of the country.
31:26You didn't even realize that my parents' relationship was deteriorating, aunt.
31:29What happened to my dad?
31:31Why did he leave all of a sudden?
31:34Look, it seems to me that you have to have this conversation with your mother.
31:39I don't know in depth the reasons your mom had to separate from Fabricio.
31:44And much less to prevent him from being close to you.
31:47I don't know.
31:48Did you agree with those supposed reasons?
31:50How am I going to agree?
31:52Well, what kind of family do I have?
31:54What are we?
31:55You are supposed to be the bright aunt, the good aunt, the aurora aunt.
31:59Weren't you able to realize that your nephew was going through exactly the same thing as your son, aunt?
32:06I was running out of a father too.
32:10Weren't you able to think that my dad was going through something similar to what you were going through?
32:17Angel, I'm very sorry, but it was not possible to get you to stay in the commercial.
32:22I already knew that a mummy was not going to give me a chance.
32:26And Pedro said Alfredo.
32:28Hey, look, Mrs. Aurora came to see me.
32:31Aurora went to your house?
32:33Well, as much as she came to my canton, she came to see me.
32:38I don't know, I don't know.
32:40I don't know.
32:42I don't know.
32:44I don't know.
32:45As much as she came to my canton, she didn't.
32:48But I found her giving the roll around the neighborhood, do you think?
32:51Yes, she told me that she was looking for me to give me a job.
32:54Accept it, Angel.
32:58So, are we going to keep seeing each other?
33:01Yes, right?
33:03Well, it seems so.
33:05That's what I say.
33:06Yes, well, I also say it.
33:08Well, if they give me the job, I say it.
33:10Sure, if they give it to you, I say it.
33:23Does that offer it?
33:29It's me.
33:43I warn you.
33:44If you say anything bad about me to Antonio, you're going to pay me, ungrateful.
33:49Mom, you're hurting me.
33:50Let me go now.
33:51Let me go.
34:04This spot we see here can be indicative of a tumor.
34:08And this can be malignant or benign.
34:12Don't scare me, Doc.
34:25I lost my mom and my dad at the same time.
34:27When did you think of me?
34:29It wasn't my intention to leave you.
34:32I'll never forgive you for leaving me like this.
34:36Much less now that I know why Aurora hates me because of you.
34:45I'll change in a few days, friend.
34:48See you later.
34:49See you later.
34:50See you later.
35:04Even if you tell me you pulled Brian's hair by accident, I don't believe you.
35:09Well, if you believe it or not, I believe it.
35:12Well, if you believe it or not, you're so careless.
35:15I already explained to you how things were.
35:17Patricia, Patricia, Patricia.
35:19Why have we come to this?
35:21Why don't we make a truce?
35:23Look, Patty.
35:24There's no point in fighting.
35:25What I offer you in a divorce agreement makes you a rich and free woman.
35:30Let's see, I'm not doing anything wrong.
35:32I'm just doing it for my interests and Briana's.
35:37Look, the construction company was just my business.
35:39I set it up on my own.
35:41Yes, you helped me with a client, but it was just a client.
35:45Just a client.
35:46It doesn't mean you've always been there.
35:49Well, you don't decide that.
35:51The law does.
35:52And Julio Cesar knows it very well.
35:54If you want to go to war with me, I'm going to give you war.
35:59I'm not going to give in to your whims.
36:01And then I won't give you a single peso.
36:04And I'm going to put my construction company in Helena's name.
36:06Try it and you'll see how I make you a scandal that you won't have a place to fall dead.
36:16I'm not going to fall for your provocations, Patricia.
36:19If you open my correspondence again, I'm going to ask for a property embargo until this is resolved.
36:27And you go to the street.
36:37God, help me get my son out of here, so he won't hate me anymore.
36:52I will.
37:07What happened?
37:09Did you see a ghost or what?
37:11I couldn't get there sooner.
37:13I have all the time in the world for you.
37:24So pretty and so rude.
37:27Talking about your secret is also a job, Isabel.
37:31It's a big load.
37:32Don't treat me badly.
37:34It's not good for you.
37:37And besides extorting people, what do you do?
37:40Well, I'm a businessman like you and I have many businesses.
37:44Well, if you want, we're going to have a coffee, I'll tell you, and we're going to trust each other.
37:48Do you think I care about your life?
37:50It was a joke.
37:52Well, now with the business we have together, pretty.
37:56Well, maybe you are interested.
37:58Sorry, sorry.
37:59I remembered that you don't like me to call you pretty.
38:02Well, I'm going to dedicate myself to enjoying life.
38:07To have it all.
38:09Except you.
38:18Maybe you're good for something more than keeping a secret.
38:21Oh, yeah.
38:23Do you want me to conquer your sister again?
38:26Oh, don't be stupid.
38:27Oh, don't be stupid.
38:29I want you to watch a person.
38:32I want to know who he hangs out with, what he does.
38:36And I'll pay you well.
38:38Then I'll tell you who it is.
38:42And what about that son of your sister?
38:48He died.
38:58This and more you will have, my pintas.
39:13I'm glad you're here.
39:15I offer you something to drink.
39:17No, thank you.
39:19Let's see how your son is doing.
39:22I would like to be able to tell you something else, but my son is bad.
39:27Yesterday he had a very strong crisis.
39:30He took a bat from his room and almost destroyed everything.
39:34No, that's very serious.
39:36And what are you going to do?
39:38I want to do the best for him.
39:40But that means making some changes in my life.
39:47It's hard for me to tell you this, but ...
39:50I think I'm going to have to leave the Campero Corporation.
39:55Well, yes, I understand you.
39:57Your son is back and it is natural that you want to spend more time with him.
40:01But also my work has allowed me to think about other things.
40:05Yes, yes. Sometimes work is a consolation.
40:09But it can also be an evasion.
40:11I'm afraid to stop working and that the memories become ghosts.
40:16That I get overwhelmed day and night.
40:19And if you try to work from home?
40:24Your son needs his dad next to him.
40:27I would leave everything to be next to my Gabriel.
40:31I know it's going to be difficult at first.
40:34But just as you ask Luis Alberto to be strong.
40:37You also have to be to help him face the pain.
40:43My son wanted to kill me.
40:44I'm sorry.
40:55Hey, did you see? It's not your rival that is there.
40:59Yes, that dog is not a rival, really.
41:03Hey, and if we have a little fun with the problem?
41:08Look, did you make a puddle? I'll pass by and we'll bathe that cat. How about it?
41:13Let's go.
41:17Come here!
41:19Come on, animal!
41:22I can't believe your son did that.
41:26If I hadn't been here, they wouldn't have turned a hand or opened my head.
41:32Luis Alberto needs urgent psychological help.
41:36A specialist is already attending him, but I never imagined this, really.
41:39Besides, everything is happening at the worst of times.
41:44I don't want to leave you alone with everything that is to come.
41:49You don't know how much I love you.
41:53And I wouldn't forgive myself to see you facing all the situations alone.
41:58Ante Antonio, the lawsuit, the contracts.
42:03You're going to have to go to the flowers again.
42:06Please, don't worry about me.
42:14I want to be with you.
42:21This is the woman you're going to marry, Dad.
42:24Do you want to leave me for her?
42:32Don't you know how to drive or what?
42:35Angel? Oops!
42:38No, I didn't see you, damn it.
42:40I didn't see you.
42:42Hey, what a shame with you.
42:44You got me all wet.
42:46Look, calm down.
42:48I'm going to give you so you can buy yourself some new pants.
42:52Have you already worked at the corporation?
42:55Or no, I know, you don't have anything to do and you come to look for a pantry or something like that.
42:59No, this guy has been looking for someone else.
43:02What the hell do you care?
43:04Did they tell you that you are not going to be the idiot of the commercial?
43:07Or what? Are you looking to know if there is a chance?
43:10As you say.
43:12The woman already told me and I don't come to that.
43:14Oh, no? Well, she probably didn't tell you the truth.
43:16But don't worry, that's why I'm here, I tell you.
43:19The clients, the brands, they didn't like you for being poor.
43:22Because you're a loser.
43:24Because you're a loser.
43:26That you're probably going to steal their cell phone or something like that, right?
43:28Look, bro, I'm from the neighborhood and I have a lot of honor.
43:29I'm from the neighborhood and I have a lot of honor.
43:31But I'm not a thief like you.
43:33Who is looking for crumbs of this poor ...
43:36Of this poor what, idiot?
43:38Come on.
43:40Don't mess with me, bro.
43:42You're going to find it.
43:44Edgar, you're going to let him talk to you like that.
43:47No, no, no.
43:49No, no, I already know.
43:51All you want is to look for a ring to make a party for your mom on the street.
43:54Don't mess with my mom, bro.
43:56I'm going to break your snout.
43:57You see?
