El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 19 Completo en Español

  • last month
El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 19 Completo en Español
00:00I want you to come in, stir my heart, and you went on.
00:07I know you don't love me, Suculous.
00:10And what do you know about what I feel?
00:13Your eyes.
00:15I see it in you, I see it in me.
00:19Since I saw you again, Aurora, I get nervous, damn it.
00:25My hands sweat.
00:29I love you.
00:31I love you.
00:34Well, you know, when Isabel took me to that DNA test, she told me...
00:39She told you what?
00:41She told me she was in love with me.
00:44That she would leave.
00:51Here we all grow up to be good people for nothing.
00:58Well, that's not Anita's case.
01:01No, you're wrong.
01:05Well, and you, miss, what do you do for a living?
01:09Are you a teacher or what do you do for a living?
01:27Do you want me to help you?
01:40I'm going to help you put on your pants.
01:51Miss Aurora, Mrs. Isabel spoke and said she was not going to return to the office.
01:57Excuse me.
02:11I'm not a teacher.
02:13Nor do I intend to change Anita.
02:16If you think I'm meddling, I apologize.
02:20I won't do it again.
02:21Oh, no, honey, don't worry. It doesn't bother me.
02:24It's true that Anita sometimes uses some swear words.
02:27And I don't like it either.
02:29Well, it bothers me.
02:32And why, if Elena is only trying to help Anita?
02:36Because if the lady thinks she has to correct her speech, my girl,
02:40it's because she thinks she's rude.
02:42And we have educated our children very well.
02:45No, Mr. Pascual, no.
02:47Don't get me wrong about your children.
02:49They are educated from love and respect.
02:52Your daughter is very sensitive, very good.
02:55I just don't want her to say rude things.
02:57But I would never dare to say that she needs another education.
03:02I identify with her.
03:04When my mom died, my dad married a woman who pretended to be a good person.
03:11And at first he treated me very well, but then he started hitting me.
03:16My dad never found out because he was never there.
03:19And that woman brought her daughter Briana, who is now my sister.
03:23Ah, Briana?
03:25Yes, Briana.
03:27She was very rude, but then we changed her way of speaking.
03:35Oh, what a moving story.
03:39It's like you like to change everyone.
03:43Uncle, stop, right?
03:45Enough. You don't have to think about my family and you don't have anything to do here either.
03:49Son, please.
03:50Enough, Angel, calm down.
03:52I mean, it was just a comment, it's not for you to get upset.
04:04Sometimes I feel a lot of anger and the desire to cry.
04:09I feel like hitting my dad.
04:12Don't get upset, Julio Cesar.
04:14Look at your son.
04:16Please continue, Luis Alberto.
04:18But then I regret it.
04:20I have mixed emotions.
04:23Sometimes I hate him and sometimes I love him.
04:27What makes you feel that way about me?
04:32That I feel that you always got along better with my brother.
04:36And I think you would have preferred for him to live and not me.
04:42No, don't say that. I've never thought about that.
04:47I've been remembering things and it's always been like that.
04:51Eduardo was always your favorite.
04:56I never, never filled your expectations.
04:59I never filled them.
05:06I left everything for you and I suffered a lot.
05:08I lost two of the people I loved the most and I didn't want to lose you too.
05:12Listen to me.
05:14When you were in a coma, you were debating between life and death.
05:18I would help you all my life. I need you with me.
05:22Teach me to live life by your side, please.
05:29You help me too, dad. Please.
05:32I need to get out of this hell I live in.
05:35I need to get out.
05:37I need to get out.
05:50I'm coming.
06:02Mr. Demian.
06:04Excuse me.
06:06Don't worry.
06:08Can I come in?
06:09Come in, sir.
06:14Can I sit?
06:15Are you at home?
06:17Would you like something to drink?
06:19No, thank you.
06:20A coffee? Water?
06:21No, thank you.
06:28I came to tell you that you can come back to the corporation whenever you want.
06:33But I already signed my termination, sir.
06:35I know.
06:36My aunt's signature is still missing.
06:37We are still in time to stop the process.
06:43Ms. Esperanza, you are a very important element for us, the Camperos.
06:48You were there when my grandfather started with the corporation.
06:51You've known me since I was a child.
06:55What's wrong, sir?
06:59Actually, I just came to tell you that.
07:02You're right about something.
07:04I've known you since you were born.
07:06And that's why I know something's wrong with you.
07:08Tell me, please.
07:12Ms. Esperanza.
07:14How well do you know that Angel?
07:20Well, it was just a party at his house.
07:22I've seen him a couple of times at the corporation.
07:24But nothing else, sir.
07:27Because he wants to harm Elena.
07:35Doctor, is it normal for Luis Alberto to have reacted so aggressively and rebelliously?
07:40Dr. Mendiola explained to us that there are times when in a coma,
07:45patients may have vivid nightmares related to what happened to him.
07:52The brain is the most complex organ we have.
07:55And it is clear that Luis Alberto's experience has repercussions in his emotional world.
08:00He wants to go back to college.
08:02Is that so, Luis Alberto?
08:04Yes, I would like that very much.
08:07I think it's an excellent idea.
08:09That, and that he retakes his social life,
08:11will help him feel better every day.
08:14Everything that helps him situate himself in the present is welcome.
08:26I can't believe it, damn it.
08:28That boy looks so good.
08:30Well, he's not good at all.
08:34With all due respect, I've been taking advantage of Elena.
08:37He's an interested man, Mr. Esperanza.
08:39And not only has he entangled Elena in a false friendship,
08:42but now he's also looking to take advantage of my aunt Aurora.
08:45What? Of Mrs. Aurora?
08:48But she's very good, I know.
08:50I've seen her help so many people in her association.
08:53And not just there, in the corporate world, sir.
08:57That's why.
08:58There is never a lack of someone who realizes that and wants to take advantage.
09:01The truth is that I never thought that boy was like that.
09:04He gave me the impression of being a good person on the day of the party.
09:09Faces we see, intentions we don't know.
09:13Well, I'm going to talk to Elena, because she's a very smart girl.
09:17But I think she's very naive.
09:20Can I ask you a favor?
09:21Yes, sir, tell me.
09:22Go to the company tomorrow.
09:24Take back your job.
09:26And I'm going to make sure you get a good compensation
09:29for all the trouble you caused him.
09:30No, no, no, sir, no need, no need.
09:32No, I'll take care of it, really.
09:35Well, it serves that you take a walk around Elena's office.
09:39Of course, sir.
09:43Excuse me.
09:44No problem, I'll go with you.
09:52It didn't take me long.
09:53I just went to talk about an issue with Aurora and we talked.
09:57I'll wait for you here.
09:58Better than at the parking lot.
10:00Hey, don't worry so much about me, okay?
10:02I'm not a kid anymore.
10:03I know how to take care of myself.
10:05It's doing us a lot of good to go to therapy together, right?
10:10It didn't take me long.
10:14Yes, I did what you asked me to.
10:16I told Mrs. Aurora that you wouldn't come back to the office.
10:20And you are?
10:22Luis Alberto Rey, ma'am.
10:24Nice to meet you.
10:25Luis Alberto Rey?
10:26Yes, I'm Julio Cesar Rey's son.
10:29Look, I didn't know Julio Cesar had a family.
10:31I'm Isabel Campero, nice to meet you.
10:35I'll pass the phone and I'll see you in my office.
10:38Excuse me.
10:39No problem.
10:45Come in.
10:47Hey, guys, come here.
10:48What happened?
10:49How did it go with La Cruda?
10:50Because it was horrible for me.
10:52I woke up singing Guadalajara.
10:54What a mess.
10:57Weren't you going to Mrs. Espe's house?
10:59Mrs. Espe?
11:00Well, yes, but not always.
11:01It's just that someone...
11:05Hey, Cassandra, we need to know what exactly happened
11:08between Mrs. Isabel and our Carlitos.
11:13Tell us.
11:19I'm glad you're here.
11:20Hey, I'm very sorry about what happened to my friend.
11:24Hey, but above all, Elena and you witnessed that scene.
11:27I think the best and most correct thing
11:29is that he doesn't live here.
11:30So I'm going to ask him to leave,
11:32although I will continue to support him.
11:33No, no, no, no, no.
11:34Don't worry about me.
11:35I have no problem with him staying.
11:37A lot of people have nervous breakdowns.
11:39In the artistic world, that's the bread of every day.
11:44The important thing is that you can support your friend here.
11:47Seriously, you don't want him to leave?
11:49No, no, no, he can stay.
11:52But what if you go to your apartment
11:54and you can see Aurora all you want,
11:56like that, without any problem?
11:59Let's see, why did you change your mind, Patricia?
12:03Were you reluctant for me to leave the house?
12:15Stay seated in my chair.
12:18I was going home, but Carmelita told me you weren't there.
12:22I didn't believe Cassandra either
12:24that you weren't going back to the office.
12:28I want you to leave the house.
12:34I just can't believe Elena did this to me.
12:37To me.
12:39I saw them kissing, Briana.
12:42Let's see, I'm sure you got confused.
12:45I don't think Angel really likes Elena.
12:48How do you think I'm going to get confused with something like this?
12:50I'm going to get confused with something like this, damn it!
12:52Please, don't be stupid.
12:56I had to swallow the courage not to break that dog's snout.
13:01Well, then it's Elena.
13:03The one who's already dragged.
13:10She looks for me all the time, with any excuse.
13:14Do you know what she's doing?
13:15She's using her little sister.
13:30Come in, Edgar.
13:34Thank you, but I'm not Edgar.
13:41I'm not Edgar.
13:48Look, I don't know why you're going through depression,
13:50but I'm not going to let you get rid of me.
13:52No depression!
13:56I finally see how you really are.
14:00Why have you been cheating on me for so many years?
14:08Sir, we...
14:09Thank you, Briana. See you later.
14:18Elena and I are giving ourselves some time.
14:20That gives me the freedom to do certain things.
14:23No, you don't have to give me any explanation
14:26of what you do or stop doing with your life.
14:29Right, what do you care?
14:33What can I do for you, Julio Cesar?
14:35I wanted to know what happened at the meeting.
14:38I'm sure that with the financial plans your aunt made,
14:42we can have good results,
14:44as long as they reach the specific areas.
14:49That's a decision that the board of directors has to make,
14:52not the lawyer.
14:56Now it's Edgar.
14:59Excuse me.
15:13I'm tired of having to explain to you
15:15every single decision I've made in my life.
15:18All of them have been to help you.
15:20I can't believe you're so cynical.
15:23I have plenty of reasons to think like that.
15:25You have no right to disrespect me,
15:27let alone kick me out of a house that...
15:29What do you think?
15:31It's between us.
15:32Telling the truth is not disrespecting.
15:35I warned you, Isabel.
15:37I wouldn't lie anymore if I didn't have to.
15:40I don't want you near me.
15:42Then leave!
15:46I've never lied to you.
15:49I hid things from you, yes.
15:51But it was for your own good.
15:52And that's very different from lying.
15:55Get out of the house because I order you, Isabel!
15:58How can you give me orders?
16:00Look at yourself.
16:01You can't even put order in your life.
16:04Let's see.
16:05What was your real intention in bringing Antonio to the company?
16:10Why did you accept Elena's relationship with your son
16:13so many years ago,
16:15knowing that it was going to hurt me?
16:17Because of you.
16:18Because of me?
16:20So you can overcome your past,
16:21so you can face your fears,
16:23so you can be strong.
16:25Make me stronger by crushing me.
16:29Who do you think you are
16:30to control my life and my feelings?
16:32I'm your older sister!
16:35And I'm the only person who hasn't abandoned you, Aurora.
16:39My father abandoned you.
16:41Antonio abandoned you.
16:43Your son abandoned you.
16:46And you live thinking about everything you've lost, don't you?
16:50Do you see what you have in front of you?
16:53My son didn't abandon me.
16:55But you did to me.
16:59And since that damn day,
17:02I lost my sister.
17:05And all I've done since then
17:07is try to...
17:09try to get you back.
17:12You're just as manipulative as my father.
17:17Maybe I am.
17:19If unconditionally loving you is being manipulative,
17:24yes, I am.
17:27But look,
17:32you're always here with me.
17:35You've never loved anyone more than yourself.
17:38It's like you're staying close to me
17:40just to torture me.
17:44I don't know how you can think like that.
17:46You're obsessed with your own sister.
17:49No, I'm not obsessed.
17:52I'm disillusioned.
17:56I already knew you were always in love with Antonio.
18:01Is that why you took him to the DNA test?
18:03What else did you do to separate us, Isabel?
18:07I admit it, yes.
18:09I was in love with him.
18:21You're not his sister.
18:34Thank you for coming and worrying about me.
18:37Tomorrow, if necessary, we'll meet at the office
18:39to give you a hard time.
18:41Excuse me.
18:43Goodbye, Miss Elena.
18:46It was a pleasure to meet you and talk to you.
18:51And this boy turned out to be just like his father.
18:56A real conquistador.
18:59No, no, no.
19:00Yes, yes, more.
19:01With a tremendous woman.
19:05You already have me, Sarato.
19:07Who do you think you are to come and say all that nonsense?
19:11Get out of my house right now and respect Elena.
19:15Angel, let her go!
19:16Let me go!
19:17Let me go!
19:18No one raises their voice at me.
19:20Shut up, you!
19:21You respect me.
19:22Let me go.
19:23I'm not like your mediocre father,
19:25who makes you do everything.
19:27I can give you a good beating.
19:29Because I am...
19:30Shut up!
19:31Let me go!
19:33Let me go!
19:34You respect him.
19:35Let me go!
19:37Shut up!
19:40Shut up!
19:58For me, it was very important that you were with me,
20:00that you accompanied me to look for my mother.
20:02For her, I am Eva.
20:03Monday to Friday, 1 to 30 in the afternoon.
20:05Because on Sundays, sport doesn't stop.
20:09Dynamics and the best entertainment are here.
20:13Because they did know that he lost to America, right?
20:15He lost to America.
20:16They knew, right?
20:17Welcome to the show that always gives you more.
20:20More sport.
20:21This Sunday, 11 in the morning, with the stars.
20:26Here, the fun is what is on offer.
20:29You will learn that if one does it, the others will pay for it.
20:33And that the best strategies are in this house.
20:37That's how Sundays are in...
20:39Do you think?
20:42And the house of the famous.
20:44With the stars.
20:46Auditions, compadre. Action.
20:48What are you doing kissing the damn cripple?
20:52He stole everything to return to the TV.
20:55Emilio, what did we agree on?
20:57Really? Is that your representative?
20:59And he did it.
21:00We know how to make you laugh.
21:02New season, Sunday, September 1, 7 to 30 at night.
21:06Enjoy your summer mornings with the stars.
21:08At 9, advice, exercise, games, music and a lot of fun.
21:13Only today.
21:14Birthday of...
21:16And at 12, interviews, recipes, guest notes and everything about the famous in...
21:21Tell me now.
21:23From Monday to Friday with the stars.
21:25On Saturdays, we also have a saying.
21:28This old lady has every member of the saying in her family.
21:31Which saying?
21:32Of musician, poet and crazy, we all have a little.
21:35We are open, on the way we walk.
21:38And here we are like a family.
21:40That's what Mr. Tomas told me.
21:41As the saying says, deep down.
21:43This Saturday, 7 at night.
21:45Your day begins in Despierta.
21:49With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
21:55In addition, everything about sport, entertainment and climate.
21:59Despierta, a newscast from NMAS.
22:01Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
22:03With the stars.
22:05They will cross a Friday 13 in the calendar.
22:08Your seven years of bad luck.
22:11The two of us bring dirt.
22:12The soul.
22:13Since we haven't showered.
22:14Right now we will.
22:15I am Lucia Tertilar.
22:16I want to show an enviable hair.
22:19As for which, this Sunday, 5.30 in the afternoon.
22:22The situation is complicated for Paulina.
22:24I need the arrest warrant as soon as possible to arrest Paulina Martínez.
22:28For Paola too.
22:30Will love be able to win?
22:31I need you, Paulina.
22:33The problems that are approaching.
22:35I made the police know that the usurper is.
22:38Monday to Friday, 2.30 in the afternoon.
22:40On the news.
22:42Monday to Friday, 2.30 in the afternoon.
22:44For the stars.
22:46Here we will not let you lose hope.
22:48The angel of Aurora.
22:50We want you to love without limits.
22:52My love without time.
22:54May the truth come to light.
22:57And that you find people who change your life.
23:00The story of Juana.
23:02We want you to live these emotions from Monday to Friday.
23:04With the stars.
23:06Julio announces that the first of his children to be given a heir
23:09But it will be who stays with the control of the company.
23:12Amelia will do everything possible to take away what is Renato's turn to give to the first grandson.
23:17A war will break out because of the succession.
23:20The rose of Guadalupe.
23:22Premiere chapter.
23:24Thursday with the stars.
23:26These are the news in point.
23:28The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee is a celebration of identity.
23:32They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
23:37The authorities are still looking for the source of this pollution.
23:40Every night your meeting point with the information.
23:43In point.
23:4410.30 by the stars.
23:46And the farm of fortune germinates the seed of contempt.
23:49She has always lied to you.
23:50What are you doing with this woman?
23:51It's your sister.
23:52But also the one of love.
23:53Do you remember someone from my past?
23:55One day I will tell you the truth.
23:56Let go of my wife, idiot!
24:00The price of loving you starts Monday, September 2 at 9.30 at night by the stars.
24:06What happened and you did not see?
24:08Or do you want to see the sports again?
24:10Start the leagues in European football.
24:13In the program that all families have enjoyed for years.
24:17Ball, error and figure.
24:19Get ready to get into action.
24:22This Sunday, two in the afternoon with the stars.
24:26If the plan does not go as expected.
24:28You do not know how many times I have paid in prison to hurt him.
24:31And everyone survives.
24:32You have to pay for your protection.
24:33Our son.
24:35I love you.
24:36We have a serious problem.
24:37That boy is the heir to everything.
24:39They will try the unthinkable.
24:42Grand Finale.
24:43Friday, August 30.
24:449.30 at night.
24:46Enjoy your summer mornings with the stars.
24:49At 9.
24:50Advice, exercise, games, music and a lot of fun.
24:53Only today.
24:54Birthday of a human child.
24:56And at 12.
24:57Interviews, recipes, guest notes and everything about the famous in.
25:01Tell me now.
25:02Salma Hayek burned the social networks.
25:04Monday to Friday with the stars.
25:34Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
25:37Look at us well.
25:39They tell us young people with few resources.
25:43But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
25:50Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
25:56Julio announces that the first of his children to give him a heir will be the one who stays in control of the company.
26:02Amelia will do everything she can to take away what is Renato Cordara's first grandson.
26:07A war will break out because of the succession.
26:11The rose of Guadalupe.
26:12Premiere chapter.
26:14Thursday with the stars.
26:16And the farm, the fortune, germinates the seed of contempt.
26:19She has always lied to you.
26:20What are you doing with this woman?
26:21She's your sister.
26:22But also the one of love.
26:23Do you remember someone from my past?
26:25One day I'll tell you the truth.
26:26Let go of my wife, idiot!
26:29The price of loving you begins Monday, September 2, at 9.30 at night with the stars.
26:36What happened and you didn't see, or do you want to see the sports again?
26:41The leagues start in European football.
26:44In the program that all families have enjoyed for years.
26:48Ball, error and figure.
26:50Get ready to get into action.
26:52This Sunday, two in the afternoon, with the stars.
26:57In El Dicho, we remind you that every experience is an opportunity to grow and acquire experience.
27:03I'm not going to forget it.
27:04Forgetting is allowing them to continue treating us that way.
27:06I know you're not having a good time.
27:08Me neither, I'm very worried.
27:10Count on me for whatever you need.
27:11I accept very gratefully.
27:13As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
27:16This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
27:20Realize that I want to be by your side for the rest of my life.
27:23He falls in love and marries her.
27:25That's not going to happen.
27:26I want to study.
27:27Be a professional.
27:28Help my mom.
27:29My mom will not accept that I walk with someone like you.
27:31We must continue to hide in what I plan to do.
27:34This Saturday, five in the afternoon.
27:56Avanzando por todo mi cuerpo y no dejas de irme
28:04Y aquí sigo pensándote
28:10No sé si voy a acostumbrarme, no
28:18Tú y yo somos de almas tan iguales
28:23Que lograron encontrarse
28:29Escribiendo un nuevo verso
28:34Y es que somos auroras en el cielo
28:39Iluminando los momentos
28:45En un mundo paralelo
28:50Sé que existe ese lugar
28:54Donde podamos encontrarnos de nuevo
29:05Y es que somos auroras en el cielo
29:11Y es que somos auroras en el cielo
29:19¡No quiero que vuelvas a...
29:20¡Hijos de...
29:21¡Ah, no!
29:22¡Ah, no!
29:23¡Hijo de tu madre!
29:24¡Te voy a... te voy a... te voy a partir la cara!
29:28¡Cállate, Rita!
29:29¡Y no te vuelvas a meter con mi hijo!
29:31¡Te voy a enseñar a respetar a tus mayores!
29:34¡Porque yo soy...
29:35¡Ah, cállate!
29:37¡No eres bienvenido en esta casa!
29:38¡No vuelvas a...
29:39¡Hijo de tu madre!
29:41¡Por favor, no le pegues!
29:43¡Lárgate ya!
29:44¡Ya somos mandados, carnal!
29:47¡Ay, que te cuide tu mamá, ¿no?
29:50¡Tranquilízate, mi hijo, por favor!
29:53Pues, yo entiendo muy bien que Fabricio
29:55necesita más de sus amigos
29:57que de unos doctores a los cuales les vale
29:59si se recupera o no
30:00¿No sabía que hablaste con Isabel?
30:02¿Y ella te hizo cambiar de opinión?
30:04Sí, hablé con ella
30:05y, de hecho, me dijo que lo sacara de la casa
30:08¿En serio?
30:09Pero a mí nadie me controla
30:10y qué poca fe tienes en mi corazón
30:13Mira, simplemente me parece muy extraño
30:16tu cambio de actitudes
30:17Es todo
30:18Bueno, pues, aunque no lo creas
30:19esta vez estoy de tu lado
30:21Bueno, como sea
30:23Fabricio está mal
30:24y aunque no necesita a sus amigos
30:26él debe volver al sanatorio
30:28Entiendo que te preocupes, Antonio
30:30Pero estoy bien
30:32Lo único que necesito es tu ayuda
30:35Internarme sería acabar con mi vida
30:37A ver, a ver, mira
30:38Justamente eso es lo que no quiero
30:40que acabes con tu vida
30:42Entonces no me quites la oportunidad
30:44de recuperarme fuera de ese infierno
30:47No me quites la oportunidad
30:48de recuperar a mi hijo
30:52A mí me da igual que Julio César
30:53nos haya visto a Briana y a mí
30:56Sí, pero es muy amigo de tu tía
30:57y se lo puede contar
31:02Al que veo que también cacharon fue a ti
31:04¿Quién te pegó?
31:06Ah, fueron los que trabajan
31:07en las oficinas de abajo
31:08ni siquiera sé quiénes son
31:10Averigua sus nombres
31:12Nadie le va a pegar a mi mejor amigo
31:13sin que yo le ordenen, o sea
31:16¿Cómo vas con lo que te pedí?
31:17Justo estoy hablando con las personas
31:18que se van a encargar del lunaquito ese
31:25¿Y qué pasa que has estado
31:26enamorado de Antonio?
31:28No fue importante, te lo juro
31:30Estaba, estaba muy joven
31:32Estaba confundida, era una tonta
31:34Y luego, y luego me di cuenta
31:36que al que amaba era
31:38era Fabricio Porentos
31:39¿Para qué te lo decía?
31:41¿Y de eso también tuvo la culpa
31:42mi papá?
31:44¿También te obligó a que te enamoraras
31:45de mi novio?
31:46Eso, de eso sí fue mi culpa
31:49Y fue por tonta, porque
31:53Todo ese tiempo estuve muy angustiada
31:55de que tú te dieras cuenta
31:58Y entonces lo que hice fue
31:59aferrarme a Fabricio
32:00al amor que Fabricio me ofrecía
32:09¿Qué pasó con, con esos hombres
32:10que nos prometieron amarnos y
32:13y cuidarnos siempre?
32:17Se fueron todos
32:20Y aquí seguimos tú y yo solas
32:29Por recuerdos amargos
32:33Ya se es la víctima, Isabel
32:36No me vas a convencer
32:41¿De verdad?
32:43Perdón por haberme puesto así
32:44Pero es que
32:46No me puedo controlar
32:47No soporto ese pintas
32:49Es mi culpa que haya pasado esto
32:51No voy a volver a meterme
32:52en las cosas de Anita
32:53Aunque mi intención nunca fue
32:54causar un problema de verdad
32:55No, no te preocupes, hija
32:57Sabemos que tus intenciones
32:58son buenas
32:59El pintas es el que siempre
33:00causa problemas
33:03Acompáñame al cuarto
33:04Necesitamos hablar
33:05¿Para qué?
33:07¿Para defender a tu amigo?
33:08Vamos a hablar, Ángel
33:10Quédate aquí, por favor
33:17Me engañaste
33:19Te aprovechaste
33:20de mi estado emocional
33:22Y lo vuelves a hacer ahora
33:23diciéndome que estamos solas
33:26¿Quieres que olvide todo?
33:29¿Quieres que olvide
33:30que me has manipulado
33:31todos estos años?
33:33No, ya no confío en ti, Isabel
33:36No quiero que me vuelvas
33:37a dirigir la palabra
33:43¿Y un día?
33:44¿Sabes qué va a pasar?
33:46¿Te vas a dar cuenta
33:47de que estabas equivocada
33:48y vas a venirme a dar gracias
33:49por todo lo que he hecho
33:50por nosotras?
33:53Life doesn't treat us
33:54very badly, Aurora, but...
33:58And maybe you're
33:59my mom's living portrait
34:02But can I tell you something?
34:05You have all the character
34:06of my father
34:07I don't have
34:08any of that, ma'am
34:09Look at you
34:11Look at you
34:13All full of anger
34:16You're a real camper,
34:20Seguramente tu hijo
34:21iba a ser igual que tú
34:22No hables de mi hijo
34:26Mira, si tengo que ser yo
34:27con quien te vengas
34:28a desquitar
34:29y a vomitar todo tu dolor
34:30está bien
34:32Lo acepto
34:33Te pongo mi otra mejilla
34:35¿Y sabes por qué?
34:36Porque te quiero
34:39Durante mucho tiempo
34:40traté de convencerme
34:41porque de verdad
34:42de verdad me querías
34:43de verdad querías cuidarme
34:47Pero ocultar tu amor
34:48por Antonio
34:51La prueba de ADN
34:55Eso jamás
34:57jamás te lo voy a perdonar
34:59Pero voy a seguirte pidiendo
35:00perdón por eso
35:02Por eso sí
35:04Pero todo lo demás que he hecho
35:06lo he hecho porque te quiero
35:09Y aún así
35:10de mi casa
35:11de nuestra casa
35:13no me voy a ir
35:15Está bien
35:17Si descubro
35:19Otro engaño
35:21No te lo voy a pedir
35:23Simplemente te voy a sacar
35:24de la casa
35:30Y de la empresa también
35:49Ay, Aurora
35:52Vas a dar vueltas igual
35:55tantas veces como yo quiera
36:02¿Qué pasa?
36:03¿Estás bien?
36:04¿Nos podemos ir de aquí, por favor?
36:06Sí, sí, sí, claro
36:07Vine con mi hijo
36:08No importa que nos vayamos
36:09los tres, ¿no?
36:12No, no
36:13No, no
36:14No, no
36:15No, no
36:16No, no
36:18No, mejor te veo más tarde
36:20Estoy muy tensa
36:21No te quiero causar problemas
36:22con Luis Alberto
36:23No, de verdad
36:24No hay ningún problema
36:26Mi hijo no tiene nada
36:27en contra tuya
36:28No, no es eso
36:31Discutí muy fuerte con Jezebel
36:32Necesito calmarme
36:34Después hablamos de eso, ¿sí?
36:40Entiendo que no quieras
36:41volver al sanatorio
36:42pero te escapaste, Fabricio
36:47At least introduce yourself
36:48Speak up, as you should
36:51If I go, they'll lock me up again
36:53Well, I can go with you
36:54Well, if Antonio can't
36:56Thank you
36:59Look, maybe he can integrate you
37:00to the construction company
37:01They know you work
37:02and you live with us
37:03without problems
37:04They'll probably fire you, right?
37:06I totally agree
37:07because work ennobles a man
37:10and Fabricio needs to distract himself
37:18I'm innocent
37:20I don't remember anything
37:22Calm down, baby
37:24Didn't you see that she was
37:25very impulsive?
37:26She didn't even know her name
37:28What are you doing?
37:29What do you mean, what am I doing?
37:32Oh, I get it
37:34Of course, you want to be
37:35the good cop
37:36You don't have to be
37:37the bad cop
37:38You're a genius
37:39Go, go, go
37:43Cassandra Avila
37:47You stated that Mrs. Isabel
37:48had a relationship with Carlitos
37:51Our Carlitos
37:53Oh, no, no, no
37:54I don't like liars
37:57Oh, no, no, no
37:58It's such a shame
37:59that Mrs. Espe isn't here
38:00so I can pull their ears
38:02I didn't say any of that
38:06You mentioned a music box
38:08Yes, and that music box
38:10had something to do with all this
38:13No, no, no
38:15Don't get me involved
38:16in your gossip
38:17No, no, no, sir
38:18Cassandra Avila, we're not done
38:20Let her go
38:21She probably knows something
38:22but she's not going to tell us
38:26The lawyer was right, Ray
38:28We shouldn't judge
38:29the investigators
38:30They're going to end up
38:31firing us
38:33Oh, but look
38:34What if Carlos died?
38:36Well, it's no one's fault
38:37Just because
38:39Carlos, my best friend
38:41is dead
38:42And are you going to blame
38:43Mrs. Isabel
38:44for what happened?
38:46Well, yes
38:47If she's to blame, yes
38:52We're just simple employees
38:58How are we going to compete
39:00with the owner of the company?
39:02With the boss?
39:06God gave his strongest battles
39:09to his best warriors
39:12It was like that, right?
39:14It was like that, yes
39:16Don't worry, son
39:17I'm not scolding you
39:18What you did was wrong
39:20But you're not a little boy
39:21to not understand
39:22I know, boss
39:23I know
39:25I can't control myself
39:26I don't know what happened to me
39:28And the worst thing is
39:29I was in front of Elena
39:31Now what is she going to think of me?
39:34You really care about that girl, don't you?
39:39I swear to God
39:40I tried to control myself
39:42I can't, I can't
39:44That pintas gave me a very bad spasm
39:45since I met him
39:47Your mom and I have told you a thousand times
39:49Violence does not solve anything
39:51Boss, I'm going to tell her something
39:52No, no, no, no
39:54This has happened to you many times
39:56And you don't pay attention
39:58Anita imitates you in everything
40:00Your mother gets stressed
40:01and I get sick myself
40:03And if you don't control yourself
40:04you grab yourself with the nose
40:05or with anyone
40:08If you don't control yourself
40:10One day a tragedy will happen
40:12And that
40:14we will not stand it
40:18Forgive me, boss
40:19I don't know what to tell you
40:21It's not the first time
40:22that Elena sees me get like this
40:25Right now she wants to kick me
40:26out of her life
40:44This is how Sundays are
40:47Do you think?
40:50the house of the famous
40:51with the stars
40:53Get ready for a return
40:54to legendary fights
40:56I'm going to raise you to the quadrilateral
40:58The queen of Boricua
40:59and the alcohol of murder
41:01You will know why they call me
41:02on magical wheels
41:04I am a fighter
41:05I owe my audience
41:07What you owe me is the house
41:09It's free
41:10this Thursday
41:11at the end of the lottie
41:13The end of the romance has come
41:15It's better to end our relationship
41:17And this obsession
41:18doesn't understand the reasons
41:20The one who will know sooner or later
41:21is going to be my wife, Selena
41:23Because love is stronger
41:24than adversity
41:26For me it was very important
41:27that you were with me
41:28to accompany me
41:29to look for my love
41:30For her I am Eva
41:31Monday to Friday
41:32at 1.30 pm
41:33Join us in
41:34This story sounds to me
41:35at full volume
41:36on Saturdays
41:37I realized that she is by your side
41:38that I want to spend
41:39the rest of my life
41:40Gerard falls in love
41:41and he marries her
41:42That's not going to happen
41:43I want to study
41:44be a professional
41:45help my mom
41:46My mom won't accept
41:47that I'm with someone like you
41:49We have to keep hiding
41:50in what I think I have to do
41:51This Saturday
41:52at 5 pm
41:54When this door opens
41:55everything comes in
41:57Don't tell me that you are
41:59My Federico
42:00These are for you
42:05Here fun
42:06comes in all sizes
42:08In Más Vale Sola
42:09we know how to make you laugh
42:11Every Sunday
42:12First of September
42:138 pm
42:15that you are going to be honest
42:17There is tonation
42:19I don't know what's wrong with me
42:20I think something and I say it
42:22I'm not a teacher
42:23I plagiarized my thesis
42:24Now the truth
42:25How do I look?
42:26Do you have colitis
42:27or is it normal belly?
42:28I know where you are
42:29destroying my life
42:30The honest candidate
42:31August 8
42:32Only in cinemas
42:33In the saying
42:34we remind you that
42:35every experience
42:36is an opportunity
42:37to grow
42:38and acquire experience
42:40I'm not going to forget it
42:41Forgetting is allowing
42:42them to keep treating us
42:43that way
42:44I know you're not having a good time
42:45Me neither
42:46I'm very worried
42:47Count on me
42:48for what you need
42:49I accept very grateful
42:50As the saying goes
42:51Stories that connect with you
43:09I accept very grateful
43:10I accept very grateful
43:11I accept very grateful
43:12I accept very grateful
43:13I accept very grateful
43:14I accept very grateful
43:15I accept very grateful
43:16I accept very grateful
43:17I accept very grateful
43:18I accept very grateful
43:19I accept very grateful
43:20I accept very grateful
43:21I accept very grateful
43:22I accept very grateful
43:23I accept very grateful
43:24I accept very grateful
43:25I accept very grateful
43:26I accept very grateful
43:27I accept very grateful
43:28I accept very grateful
43:29I accept very grateful
43:30I accept very grateful
43:31I accept very grateful
43:32I accept very grateful
43:33I accept very grateful
43:34I accept very grateful
43:35I accept very grateful
43:36I accept very grateful
43:37I accept very grateful
43:38Me, from Botarga?
43:40And probably the last one
43:42I just got a job as a bartender
43:45I'm going to let your sugar invite me to a drink, okay?
43:4840 y 20, this Friday at the end of the Noti
43:51For the stars
43:53They will cross a Friday 13 in the calendar
43:56Seven years of bad luck
43:59The two three dirty
44:00The soul
44:01It's just that we haven't bathed
44:03I'll fix it right now
44:05I'm Lucia Tepilar
44:07I want to show off my enviable hair
44:10Just for which
44:11This Sunday 5.30 in the afternoon
44:13The war of the rooms continues
44:15And while they live between strategies, laughs and romances
44:19Outside we know that this is a game
44:21Where we all have fun
44:23See you daily in
44:24The house of the famous Mexico
44:26Monday to Friday 10 at night
44:28For the five
44:29Sunday 8.30
44:30For the stars
44:31And 24.7
44:32For VIXX
44:33Then everything is exposed
44:34Make the image of the company
44:35And reconquer the heart of Sebastian
44:37In my mind and my heart there is another woman
44:39I will give my life for her to correspond to me
44:41You are beautiful, talented, sensitive
44:43Everything a man could want in a woman
44:45Who was going to tell us that you and I were going to be in love with mother and daughter
44:49Do you know who Federico is?
44:51Monday to Friday 6.30 in the afternoon
44:53The first hours of the day also bring the first stories to know
44:56Agile, precise and punctual
44:58So you will know all the information in the news
45:01Because what happens in Mexico and the world
45:03Is here
45:04I am Carlos Gustavo
45:05And I wait for you in the news
45:06Your news of NMAS
45:07Monday to Friday 5.50 in the morning
45:09With the stars
45:13Your day begins in Despierta
45:17With the analysis of the information
45:19And the stories that matter to you
45:23Also everything about sport
45:26And crime
45:28A news of NMAS
45:29Monday to Friday 7.00 to 9.00 in the morning
45:31With the stars
45:33In the farm, fortune germinates the seed of contempt
45:36She has always lied to you
45:37What are you doing with this woman?
45:38She is your sister
45:39But also the one of love
45:40Do you remember someone from my past?
45:42Someday I will tell you the truth
45:43Let go of my wife, idiot!
45:47The price of loving you
45:49Starts Monday, September 2, 9.30 at night
45:52For the stars
45:53If the plan does not go as expected
45:55You do not know how many times I have paid in prison
45:57To hurt him
45:58And everything survives
45:59You have to pay for his protection
46:01Our son
46:02I love you
46:03We have a serious problem
46:04That boy is the heir to everything
46:06They will try the unthinkable
46:09Grand Finale
46:10Friday, August 30, 9.30 at night
46:14Look at us
46:16They tell us young people with few resources
46:20But our resources are unlimited
46:22When you discover our abilities
46:25Imagine everything that your donation can do for us
46:31Because on Sundays, sport does not stop
46:34Dynamics and the best entertainment are here
46:38Because they knew they lost America, right?
46:41Welcome to the program that always gives you more
46:44More sport
46:46This Sunday, 11 in the morning
46:48With the stars
46:54The end of the romance has arrived
46:56It is better that we end our relationship
46:58And this obsession does not understand reasons
47:01The one who will be my wife sooner or later is Helena
47:04Because love is stronger than adversity
47:06For me it was very important that you were with me
47:08Accompany me to look for my mother
47:10For her I am Eva
47:11Monday to Friday, 1.30 in the afternoon
47:13Prepare for a return to legendary fights
47:17I'm going to raise you to the quadrilateral
47:19The legend of Boricua and the alcohol of murder
47:21Do you know why they call me in magical wheels?
47:25I am a fighter, I owe my audience
47:27What you owe me is the taxi
47:30It's free, this Thursday at the end of the lottie
47:33Miguel is my eye Herrera
47:35I have never taken the eye off
47:37Well, take it off because it's already stuck
47:39I have my eyes like this because with one I read and the other I review
47:42Kicks, stones, shots
47:44Moment, moment
47:46When he gets angry, he transforms
47:48He transforms
47:51Losing the trial, this Monday at the end of the lottie
47:54The war of the quarters continues
47:56And while they live between strategies, laughs and romances
47:59Outside we know that this is a game
48:01Where we all have fun
48:03See you daily in
48:05The house of the famous Mexico
48:07Monday to Friday, 10 at night, at 5
48:09Sunday, 8.30 by the stars
48:11And 24.7 by VIXX
48:14Your day begins in wake up
48:17With the analysis of the information
48:19And the stories that matter to you
48:23Also everything about sport, entertainment and crime
48:27Wake up, a newscast from NMASC
48:29Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
48:31With the stars
48:52You are like a lion who takes care of his pack against everyone
48:55But when you do it you take risks too
48:57I give my life to take care of them, boss
49:00I don't care if it means keeping them safe
49:04And I also want to take care of Elena
49:05But how can you take care of her or us if something happens to you?
49:09What would have happened if Anita and Rolas were here?
49:13What would your little sister say?
49:16I'm sorry, boss.
49:27Boss, I need help.
49:30Of course, son.
49:33I'll never leave you alone.
49:37Son, I've been thinking about it a lot.
49:40What if we move out of Colonia?
49:42Move out of here?
49:44Well, it's best to change the air and friendships.
49:46It helps you.
49:48No, I can't leave the neighborhood or my friends, boss.
49:52But I promise I'll think about it.
49:56I'm afraid to think that something worse could have happened because of me.
50:00Don't worry, daughter.
50:02That's how people like Pintas are.
50:04Causing problems wherever they go.
50:09Tell me the truth, Elena.
50:11What do you feel for my son?
50:14Why do you ask me that, ma'am?
50:16Because my son loves you.
50:19And I don't want him to lose something with you just because he can't take that anger.
50:26Angel is no longer a kid.
50:28He's a man who, if he continues with that character,
50:31one day he's going to have an accident.
50:33Even if he does things to defend the people he loves.
50:37And has he always been like that?
50:40He's explosive.
50:42He loses control very quickly when someone messes with his family.
50:47He has to learn to calm down.
50:51And Wally needs someone to understand him.
50:55Someone to give him a push.
50:58And do you think that person is me?
51:02I know you love my son.
51:05That's why I'm asking you to help him.
51:08It's not about if this is your fault or if you help Anita.
51:15It's about love.
51:19Love, Elena.
51:21If you really love my son,
51:24then don't abandon him.
51:27Help him to be better.
51:37What are you doing, Rolas?
51:38Ah, I'm doing my Sundays.
51:42Hey, but that's a lot of money.
51:44Do they give you all that on Sundays?
51:47Of course.
51:49Well, there are several Sundays together.
51:52Oh, uh-huh.
51:53Yes, seriously.
51:55Did Pinta give you that, yes or no?
51:57No, there are several Sundays together.
52:01Well, we're going to play because if not,
52:03my mom is going to arrive and she's going to make us do the homework.
52:08The fact that you're the head of human resources
52:11doesn't give you the right to fire employees without prior authorization.
52:16That attribution doesn't only apply to you.
52:19You're right, Aurora.
52:20I made a mistake, but it won't happen again.
52:22I need you to call Mrs. Esperanza.
52:24Give her an appointment for her to come to the company.
52:27I want you to treat her well and with all the respect she deserves.
52:33And there goes the coffee, Briana.
52:37Let's go.
52:43Run, run, run.
52:44Jump, jump.
52:46Are you going to tell me who gave you so much money?
52:50There are several Sundays together.
52:53I already told you.
52:54I think Pintas gave you that money.
52:57I already told you.
53:03No, man, I think the angel has no respect
53:05for the elderly of the third age.
53:06Shut up, kid.
53:08Calm down.
53:12I'm going to cut that little angel's wings
53:17so he learns who's in charge.
53:27Well, maybe the nurse can keep coming twice a week, right?
53:35Hey, what's up?
53:36You've been very quiet lately.
53:39Dad, I met Mrs. Yesabel.
53:43And you told her that...
53:45That I'm your son?
53:47But I didn't think she was as bad as Aquiles and Glorio say.
53:53On the contrary.
53:55I think she's a woman.
53:59Very beautiful.
54:01And very... everything.
54:06I want everything very well written.
54:09For tomorrow.
54:11First class.
54:13What do you want well written?
54:22My aunt's dismissal as president of the company.
54:30I brought you here because there's something very important.
54:35I'm suspicious of Patricia and I don't want her to hear us.
54:40Have you talked to her or did she say anything strange?
54:43No, we haven't talked about anything relevant.
54:46Just what's necessary.
54:49Well, does she know the reason for your crisis?
54:52No, she doesn't know any of that.
54:55I ask you to trust me.
54:58Don't tell Patricia details of your life.
55:01She shouldn't know what happened to your family.
55:12What was it that made you so tense?
55:20Aren't you going to answer me?
55:25She doesn't know anything about your past.
55:28Answer me, Fabrizio.
55:29Patricia doesn't know what they accused you of.
55:32Why did you tell Isabel that you were my son?
55:36Because I was going to lie to her.
55:38Don't you think it's time to face the world?
55:41Isn't that what you want?
55:42For me to get out of this confinement and start living life?
55:48But in the company I've always been very discreet with my private life.
55:52And you know very well why, don't you?
55:54I don't agree that you keep pretending that you're a Godin without money.
55:57When could you buy that company if you wanted to, dad?
56:01Listen, Alberto.
56:02Don't question my decisions, okay?
56:04After the nightmare we lived,
56:06do you want everyone to know that we are millionaires?
56:09Dad, I just want to forget what happened.
56:13I want to live my normal life.
56:20Can I know how it was with your dad?
56:23Your friend Patricia doesn't waste time.
56:26Typical of your generation, right mom?
56:29Well, I want you to know that tomorrow after the meeting I'm going to Las Flores.
56:33Everything okay?
56:37I just don't feel like going to the Public Ministry.
56:42I don't understand why you're going.
56:43Make up any excuse.
56:45Please, let's all avoid continuing to feed my aunt's circus.
56:50It's already quite a scandal that the president of the company has filed that complaint.
56:55Now you're going too?
56:58No, honey, I can't.
57:00But it's something you wouldn't understand.
57:02It's personal.
57:04Oh, mom.
57:06Stop being so interesting, please.
57:09What my aunt Aurora did
57:11is what we were waiting for to get her out of the presidency.
57:19Now it's easy.
57:21We are a majority.
57:23The clauses of the contract are very clear.
57:26We can get her out of the way without any problem.
57:29You know what?
57:31Despite everything, your dad was a very intelligent man.
57:35He will always be.
57:38We're not talking about my dad.
57:46You're going to support me, right?
57:52Whatever you say, baby.
57:53I'm going to my office.
57:55I think I'm going home because I haven't eaten anything.
57:58And my head is starting to hurt.
58:12I offer you both an apology
58:14for the inconvenience I may have caused with my comments.
58:17To all of you.
58:19It's okay, Elena, don't worry.
58:21I have to go to the office tomorrow.
58:23We'll probably see each other there.
58:25I think it's better that you rest a few more days, Angela.
58:28At least until the pain of the blow is gone.
58:31I can't delay it any longer.
58:33And besides, my boss needs to do some medical studies.
58:47Okay. Yes, of course.
58:49When you're here, send me a message to go out.
58:53Angel, Aurora is on her way. She wants to see you.
58:57Is it true?
58:59Take the opportunity to explain to her that I ran over a motorcycle.
59:03I'd better tell her to come so she can meet my bosses.
59:11Aurora is smarter than I thought, Dad.
59:14But I'm going to win her trust again.
59:16Look at him. He sits at the table as if nothing happened,
59:20taking my daughters and the love of my life.
59:27Ms. Aurora.
