Mi Amor Sin Tiempo Capitulo 29 Completo en Español

  • last month
Mi Amor Sin Tiempo Capitulo 29 Completo en Español
00:00:00I'm going to give you the package.
00:00:02Where are you going with that baby?
00:00:06Help me, please!
00:00:07He's a thief!
00:00:08And a rapist!
00:00:09And this pervert is a baby thief!
00:00:11Give me that baby!
00:00:12Give it to me!
00:00:13Give it to me!
00:00:16It's her!
00:00:17She planned all of this!
00:00:18Damn it!
00:00:19It's not true!
00:00:20He's a drug dealer!
00:00:21She sells methamphetamines!
00:00:22The baby you were stealing is your son!
00:00:24Look, she just gave birth to him!
00:00:27Let go of me!
00:00:28Let go of me!
00:00:29I didn't do anything!
00:00:30Let go of me!
00:00:35This girl was born with a good star.
00:00:38And a good appetite.
00:00:39She has no idea.
00:00:42Now that Anibal, Luisa and all her organization are in jail,
00:00:46they'll be able to sleep in peace.
00:00:49I can't believe how there are people who sell these beautiful creatures.
00:00:53What do you think?
00:00:54I'm officially the mother.
00:00:58I really like that you came here
00:01:00to celebrate the happy ending of a tremendous story.
00:01:05And we thank you very much for having this café
00:01:08where you can come for advice when you don't know what to do.
00:01:11It's true, Mr. Tomas.
00:01:12You have a lot of experience
00:01:14and every piece of advice you give us helps us get to the solution.
00:01:17And you applied the saying
00:01:19to the bull by the horns.
00:01:50I understand that the past has made you present
00:01:52and that you are a little disconcerted,
00:01:56Well, unless...
00:01:58Unless what?
00:01:59That you're still interested in Greta.
00:02:02Greta is a married woman.
00:02:04And what about that?
00:02:06It doesn't go that far.
00:02:08So where are you going?
00:02:10I don't know.
00:02:11I don't know.
00:02:12I don't know.
00:02:13I don't know.
00:02:14I don't know.
00:02:15I don't know.
00:02:16I don't know.
00:02:18So where are you going, Federico?
00:02:20Could it be that deep down,
00:02:21that unfinished love you had with Greta
00:02:24is asking you for a second chance?
00:02:29Carolina, once again I offer you my apologies.
00:02:31My intention was to return to the photo shoot.
00:02:33Yes, well, you had told me that.
00:02:36I even thought we were going to have a drink
00:02:39with Henry to celebrate his arrival
00:02:41and my signing of the contract.
00:02:43Yes, yes, that was the intention.
00:02:45But, well, I had some unforeseen events
00:02:47and I had to go.
00:02:49But we'll organize it later.
00:02:51Well, yes, we can do it, I don't know, tomorrow?
00:02:55Well, do you think it's better if we see it during the signing?
00:02:58Yes, of course, good idea.
00:03:00Well, I'll leave you.
00:03:01I have to finish up with these pendants.
00:03:04I send you kisses and see you soon.
00:03:10Not even having a girlfriend,
00:03:11you stop being a heartbreaker and you reinvent yourself.
00:03:14No, you should have seen her face when you didn't come back.
00:03:16The shoot was already over.
00:03:18She noticed that she was very frustrated.
00:03:20Well, let's see.
00:03:21If I were single, it would be something else.
00:03:23But right now I only have eyes for Fatima.
00:03:25She's the only woman in my life.
00:03:27No, well, hopefully.
00:03:29And what happened between your father and his mother
00:03:31doesn't complicate things between you two.
00:03:35I swear I still can't believe it.
00:03:37You don't know how angry I am
00:03:39that having so many women in the world,
00:03:41I fell madly in love with the daughter of the woman
00:03:44I've hated the most in my life.
00:03:52I think it's increasingly evident
00:03:53that Diego is interested not only in your work,
00:03:55but in you.
00:03:57No, he likes me.
00:03:59He likes what I do.
00:04:00That's all.
00:04:01Well, if you say so.
00:04:04Hey, what do you think?
00:04:05I'm going to introduce you to someone.
00:04:07Oscar, come in, please.
00:04:11He's going to take care of my security.
00:04:13Oscar, Miss Fatima,
00:04:15is my right arm
00:04:17and a very dear person to me.
00:04:19The pleasure is mine.
00:04:20Excuse me, ma'am.
00:04:21A pleasure.
00:04:25Well, I congratulate you for hiring security.
00:04:28I'm late, but hey, I heard you.
00:04:30That's good, I'm very happy.
00:04:32And what did you tell Mr. Federico?
00:04:33I mean, how did you justify it to him?
00:04:36He doesn't know yet,
00:04:37but I'm going to tell him it's security for the business
00:04:39and not for me.
00:04:41You know I don't like to lie,
00:04:43but I'm doing it to protect him.
00:04:45Not because he's failing him
00:04:47or doing something wrong,
00:04:49but to protect him.
00:04:51But let's see,
00:04:52what do you always tell me?
00:04:54That there is nothing better than speaking the truth.
00:04:56No, I know.
00:04:57And I keep saying it,
00:04:58but this is a very important exception.
00:05:00You know.
00:05:02So please, not a word to Federico or Sebastian.
00:05:20Your room is ready
00:05:21so you can rest, boss.
00:05:23Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:05:25But no, I prefer to stay here.
00:05:27There's nothing like going home.
00:05:30Be careful, dad.
00:05:31Yes, my dear.
00:05:34Dad, let me help you.
00:05:35No, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
00:05:37Well, Jesusa, hey,
00:05:38right now I'll give you the instructions
00:05:39that the doctor gave for my dad's diet
00:05:41and everything about his medicines, please.
00:05:43Oh, please.
00:05:44It doesn't matter, daughter.
00:05:45We're going to Houston tomorrow.
00:05:47Well, yes,
00:05:48but my dad's food has to be salt-free
00:05:50and you still have to buy medication.
00:05:52I'll take care of it, my girl.
00:05:55call Pablo.
00:05:57I don't think I'm out of the house right now.
00:05:59Yes, sir.
00:06:01don't get mad, please.
00:06:03Yes, Gonzalo, let it pass.
00:06:06When we return from the United States,
00:06:07you'll talk to him.
00:06:09Oh, he doesn't care.
00:06:12Hi, Dad.
00:06:13I'm glad you're okay.
00:06:15Thank you, son.
00:06:17Son, I...
00:06:19I sent you a call
00:06:20to go to the hospital with me
00:06:22so we could talk,
00:06:24but since I see
00:06:25there's no interest in fixing things,
00:06:29I want,
00:06:30as soon as your mom and I
00:06:31return from Houston,
00:06:33you'll have found a place to live.
00:06:35You're not going to live here anymore.
00:06:37You won't be able to do it.
00:06:49Thank you so much
00:06:50for letting me stay here
00:06:51in your apartment.
00:06:53The truth is,
00:06:54with all the money I'm going to save
00:06:55from the hotel,
00:06:56it's going to be great.
00:06:57Sit at home.
00:06:59And I assure you
00:07:00that when you're the image of the company,
00:07:01you won't have any problems
00:07:02with the money.
00:07:04But are you sure
00:07:05I'm going to get that campaign?
00:07:06Are you sure
00:07:07my name is Adrián de la Fuente?
00:07:09I love men
00:07:10who are so sure of themselves.
00:07:13And I love women like you.
00:07:18Do you want something to drink?
00:07:19What can I get you?
00:07:20Please, make yourself comfortable.
00:07:21Sit at home, okay?
00:07:22You tell me what you want.
00:07:23Please, I need you to be
00:07:24very focused
00:07:25and alert with everything
00:07:26I'm going to tell you.
00:07:27Every indication is very important.
00:07:29No, then please
00:07:30make me a coffee
00:07:31because my flight from New York
00:07:32was at dawn
00:07:33and if I have to be focused
00:07:35and very alert
00:07:36I'm going to need it.
00:07:39So you're willing to do anything?
00:07:41Yes, of course I'm willing to do anything.
00:07:43I'm going to be the image of the company
00:07:44and I'm going to win
00:07:45Sebastián's heart again.
00:07:55What you're doing
00:07:56is very unfair, Dad.
00:07:58but it's my last word.
00:07:59Where am I supposed to go?
00:08:00I don't have money.
00:08:01I don't know, son.
00:08:02I don't know.
00:08:03That's not my problem.
00:08:04The only thing
00:08:05I'm willing to keep paying
00:08:06is the university.
00:08:10as I suppose
00:08:11that was also a trick,
00:08:13I'm going to save some money.
00:08:16You're not going to say anything?
00:08:20They all bring her with them.
00:08:31I know it was a difficult decision
00:08:32for you,
00:08:33but I really think
00:08:34it's what my brother needs
00:08:35for him to react.
00:08:37Well, I don't agree
00:08:38with that decision,
00:08:39but no,
00:08:40I'm not going to contradict you.
00:08:42What you need the least right now
00:08:44is to have discussions.
00:08:50My dad changed your mom?
00:08:58Hey, well,
00:08:59here's your plane ticket,
00:09:00the hotel's confirmation number
00:09:01and your tickets.
00:09:03I'm so excited!
00:09:05Thank you very much.
00:09:06Thank you very much.
00:09:07And in a few days,
00:09:08the production and I
00:09:09will reach you.
00:09:10It's good that
00:09:11the dates are set
00:09:12for your event
00:09:13and the signing of the campaign.
00:09:14Yes, no, it was perfect.
00:09:16My mandate to be.
00:09:18Hey, and please,
00:09:19take good care of yourself.
00:09:20I'm sorry to repeat it to you,
00:09:21but you can't have
00:09:22a lot of spots.
00:09:23We're going to make up
00:09:24all over your body.
00:09:25No, but don't tell me that.
00:09:26Let's see,
00:09:27did you hire a professional?
00:09:28I know, I forgot.
00:09:30No, I'm very aware of that,
00:09:31I promise you, really.
00:09:34you still owe me
00:09:35a dinner, right?
00:09:36I don't forget
00:09:37and it gives me a lot of pleasure
00:09:38to meet her.
00:09:39Well, Constance.
00:09:41Well, I'm leaving.
00:09:42Let's go.
00:09:43I'll send you a message
00:09:44when I get there tomorrow.
00:09:45Yes, perfect.
00:09:46Thank you very much.
00:09:47No, thank you.
00:09:48It's good that
00:09:49I could do that.
00:09:50I'll go with you,
00:09:51I have an appointment outside.
00:09:54Let's go.
00:09:58what do you think of the plan?
00:10:01Well, it's very perverse.
00:10:02It has to be,
00:10:03if we want to fulfill
00:10:04our goal.
00:10:06I need you to follow the plan
00:10:07to the letter.
00:10:09Yes, yes,
00:10:10count on it.
00:10:12And if you do,
00:10:13your career will rise like the foam
00:10:14and not just that,
00:10:16you will reconquer Sebastian
00:10:17very quickly.
00:10:20I will do everything you want,
00:10:21but on one condition.
00:10:23And that is that
00:10:24absolutely nothing happens to Sebastian.
00:10:26I don't want you to do
00:10:27any personal harm to him.
00:10:29The only thing I want
00:10:30is for him to leave
00:10:31and for us to go together
00:10:32to Detroit.
00:10:34That's the plan.
00:10:37Although, honestly,
00:10:39I didn't think
00:10:40you were so machiavellian.
00:10:43I would say.
00:10:45I usually achieve
00:10:46what I want.
00:10:48Well, if you really
00:10:49get Sebastian
00:10:51to leave Fatima
00:10:53and come back to me,
00:10:55I will be
00:10:57eternally grateful
00:11:00I would do anything
00:11:01for you.
00:11:06And why don't you
00:11:07start giving me a taste
00:11:08of your loyalty?
00:11:14Like this?
00:11:18More like this.
00:11:31Why didn't you say anything?
00:11:32Why didn't you defend me?
00:11:33You should have told my dad
00:11:34that this is also my house.
00:11:35First of all,
00:11:36because your father is delicate
00:11:37and I want him to be calm.
00:11:39And secondly,
00:11:40because I no longer have
00:11:41arguments to defend you.
00:11:43You're going from bad to worse.
00:11:45You should have gone
00:11:46to see your father at the hospital,
00:11:47but no, of course,
00:11:48you didn't feel like it.
00:11:49Mom, please help me.
00:11:50Without a house, without a job,
00:11:51what am I going to do?
00:11:53Well, you have to go back
00:11:54to the company.
00:11:56My dad just fired her.
00:11:57I know.
00:11:58But right now
00:11:59that we're in Houston,
00:12:00Álvaro is going to take
00:12:01charge of the factory.
00:12:03You can take advantage
00:12:04to make yourself indispensable
00:12:05in the business
00:12:06now that your dad is gone.
00:12:08Mom, please.
00:12:09Please what, son?
00:12:10Please what?
00:12:14right now I can't do anything
00:12:15for you until I get back
00:12:16from Houston.
00:12:18While I'm there,
00:12:19I'm going to try
00:12:20to fix things
00:12:21with your father,
00:12:22but I need you
00:12:23to win points
00:12:24with Álvaro too.
00:12:25And what am I going to work
00:12:26with that old man for?
00:12:27Whatever, Pablo!
00:12:30You have to show your dad
00:12:31that you're sorry,
00:12:32willing to sit down,
00:12:35That's a lot to ask for,
00:12:36Pablo, please.
00:12:38Take me away!
00:12:49What's up?
00:12:50How are you doing
00:12:51with the copies
00:12:52of the bank cards?
00:12:53I need the money.
00:12:57I need the money.
00:13:27I need the money.
00:13:58My past
00:14:00is present
00:14:02and the future
00:14:04is pending.
00:14:13Oh, honey.
00:14:14I'm sorry, Olga.
00:14:17Hey, why didn't you tell me
00:14:18that you hired a bodyguard?
00:14:19Oh, don't worry about it.
00:14:20It's nothing.
00:14:21It's nothing.
00:14:22It's nothing.
00:14:23It's nothing.
00:14:24It's nothing.
00:14:25It's nothing.
00:14:26Oh, I hadn't told you.
00:14:28If you had,
00:14:29I would have asked
00:14:30the safety department
00:14:31at the soda station
00:14:33to find you
00:14:34the ideal person.
00:14:35Oh, I'm sorry.
00:14:36No, no, no.
00:14:37I didn't mean to bother you.
00:14:38I hadn't felt good about you,
00:14:40we've both had a lot of work
00:14:41and, well,
00:14:42we haven't seen each other much.
00:14:44You're right, I have neglected you.
00:14:45No, no, no, no.
00:14:46You've been very nice.
00:14:47So, please,
00:14:48don't blame yourself.
00:14:49Well, if we're going on a trip
00:14:50for a few days,
00:14:51you and I alone,
00:14:52we can forget
00:14:53about everything
00:14:54and everyone.
00:14:55You told me you wanted to go to New York to see some galleries.
00:14:59Believe me, I would love to, but right now I can't go on any trip with you.
00:15:04Why not? It would be good for both of us.
00:15:06Of course it would be good for both of us, my love, but I really can't.
00:15:10Remember that we are preparing the exhibition where Fatima is going to exhibit her work.
00:15:14Of course.
00:15:17And what if you go?
00:15:19No, my love. Without you I don't want to go anywhere.
00:15:25I'll leave you to it. See you later.
00:15:31I love you.
00:15:33Hey, and never doubt it, please.
00:15:38You too.
00:15:53The past is present and the future is pending.
00:16:16Mom, Dad, I'm so glad you're here. We missed you so much.
00:16:20I wanted to see you so much.
00:16:22Me too.
00:16:23How have you been, my love?
00:16:25She's been great. She's a lovely girl.
00:16:30It's a pleasure to take care of her. She doesn't give anything away. She's great.
00:16:33I hope she stays with us for a long time.
00:16:36Yes. Well, I have to go back to Guadalajara tomorrow.
00:16:39What? So soon?
00:16:41Well, yes, my love, but I'm going to stay here with you on the ranch.
00:16:45Thank you for taking care of her.
00:16:47It's a pleasure.
00:16:49Did you know that Daniel and Maricruz are no longer dating?
00:16:59Well, my dear, I made a delicious snack and we're going to enjoy it.
00:17:06I'm going to get my bag.
00:17:08I'm coming.
00:17:09I'll bring it for you.
00:17:11No, I also brought your jacket.
00:17:14Your jacket.
00:17:16How did you behave? Tell me the truth.
00:17:18Super good.
00:17:20Are they witnesses? Can I ask them?
00:17:28Hey, Daniel, I'm sorry that things didn't go well with Maricruz.
00:17:34Yes, I couldn't continue with her because there is another woman in my heart.
00:17:40Another woman?
00:17:45A woman who is forbidden for me.
00:17:49I think I will give my life for that love to be possible.
00:17:53That she correspond to me.
00:18:18I want to have an enviable hair.
00:18:48Someone keeps control of the company.
00:18:50Amelia will do everything she can to take away what Renato has to give to the first grandson.
00:18:55A war will break out because of The Succession.
00:18:59The Rose of Guadalupe.
00:19:01Premiere episode. Thursday with the stars.
00:19:04Auditions, compadre. Action.
00:19:06What are you doing kissing the damn cripple?
00:19:10He stole everything to get back on TV.
00:19:12Oh, fuck.
00:19:14Emilio, what did we agree on?
00:19:16That's your representative.
00:19:17And he did it.
00:19:18We know how to make you laugh.
00:19:21New season, Sunday, September 1st.
00:19:237.30 at night.
00:19:25To the fortune of finding the purest love.
00:19:27So we will be together forever.
00:19:29He was followed by the misfortune of betrayal.
00:19:31Now, looking for the truth.
00:19:33I'm going back to the fortune.
00:19:34I know God is alive.
00:19:36Life will reunite us.
00:19:39The Price of Loving You.
00:19:40Starts Monday, September 2, 9.30 at night.
00:19:43For the stars.
00:19:45The most special nights are lived in this program.
00:19:48We paint each news in color.
00:19:51We invite you to explore the sports world.
00:19:54Close your week with good humor.
00:19:56Have fun, get informed and join us in La Jugada.
00:20:00This Sunday, 11 at night.
00:20:02With the stars.
00:20:05This Saturday, Gastana will take us to know a crepe of nougat to see to eat.
00:20:10We will make a trip through 1972 to remember what we lived, heard and saw 52 years ago.
00:20:18Without forgetting the most fun of the house of the famous Mexicans.
00:20:21Saturday, 10.30 for the stars.
00:20:25Look at us well.
00:20:27They tell us young people with few resources.
00:20:31But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
00:20:36Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
00:21:05Enjoy your summer mornings with the stars.
00:21:07At 9, advice, exercise, games, music and a lot of fun.
00:21:11Only today.
00:21:15And at 12, interviews, recipes, notes, guests and everything about the famous in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:21:20Salma Hayek turned on social networks.
00:21:22From Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:21:25Your day begins in Despierta.
00:21:29With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
00:21:35In addition, everything about sport, entertainment and climate.
00:21:39Despierta, a newscast of N+.
00:21:41Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
00:21:43With the stars.
00:21:45The end of the romance has arrived.
00:21:47It is better that we end our relationship.
00:21:49And this obsession does not understand reasons.
00:21:52The one who always wakes up early is my wife Selena.
00:21:55Because love is stronger than adversity.
00:21:57For me it was very important that you were with me and accompanied me to look for my mother.
00:22:01For her I am Eva.
00:22:02Monday to Friday, 1.30 in the afternoon.
00:22:05The fortune of finding the purest love.
00:22:07So we will be together forever.
00:22:09He was followed by the misfortune of betrayal.
00:22:11Now, looking for the truth.
00:22:13I'm going back to fortune.
00:22:14I know that Diego is alive.
00:22:16Life will reunite us.
00:22:19The price of loving you.
00:22:21Starts Monday, September 2, 9.30 at night.
00:22:23With the stars.
00:22:25This Saturday, Gazara will take us to know a crepe of nougat.
00:22:29To see, to eat.
00:22:31We made a trip through 1972 to remember what we lived.
00:22:35We listened and saw 52 years ago.
00:22:38Without forgetting the most fun of the house of the famous Mexicans.
00:22:42Saturday, 10.30 by the stars.
00:22:45Here you will find the latest sports news.
00:22:47Moments that mark day after day.
00:22:50Service for Diego.
00:22:53And the reports that will give you what they talk about.
00:22:55I need 20 like him to do something.
00:23:00Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 at night.
00:23:03With the stars.
00:23:05The situation is complicated for Paulina.
00:23:07I need the arrest warrant as soon as possible to detain Paulina Martínez.
00:23:11For Paola too.
00:23:13Will love be able to win?
00:23:14I need you, Paulina.
00:23:16The problems that are approaching?
00:23:18I made the police know that the usurper is here.
00:23:21Monday to Friday, 2.30 in the afternoon.
00:23:23By the stars.
00:23:25Auditions, compadre. Action.
00:23:27What are you doing kissing the damn cripple?
00:23:30He stole everything to go back to the TV.
00:23:34Emilio, what are we left with?
00:23:36Really? That's your representative?
00:23:38And he did it. We know how to make you laugh.
00:23:41New season, Sunday, September 1, 7.30 at night.
00:23:45On Saturdays, we also have a saying.
00:23:48This grandmother has each member of the saying in her family.
00:23:51Which saying?
00:23:52Of musician, poet and crazy, we all have a little.
00:23:55Here we are, on the road we walk.
00:23:57And here we are like a family.
00:23:59That's what Mr. Tomas said.
00:24:01As the saying says, thoroughly.
00:24:03This Saturday, 7 at night.
00:24:06These are the news in point.
00:24:08The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity.
00:24:11They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:24:16The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:24:19Every night, your meeting point with the information.
00:24:22In point, 10.30 by Las Estrellas.
00:24:25The first hours of the day also bring the first stories that must be known.
00:24:28Agile, precise and punctual.
00:24:30This way you will know all the information in the news.
00:24:33Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
00:24:36I am Carlos Hurtado and I wait for you in the news.
00:24:38A newscast from NMAS.
00:24:39Sunday, Friday, 5.50 in the morning with Las Estrellas.
00:24:53Do you know why they call me in magical wheels?
00:24:57I am a fighter, I owe my audience.
00:24:59What you owe me is the taxi.
00:25:02It's free, this Thursday at the end of the noti.
00:25:229.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:25:53Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:25:56Moment, moment.
00:25:57When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:26:01Losing his mind, this Monday at the end of the noti.
00:26:22I am a fighter, I owe my audience.
00:26:24It's free, this Thursday at the end of the noti.
00:26:269.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:26:28Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:26:30Moment, moment.
00:26:32When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:26:34Losing his mind, this Thursday at the end of the noti.
00:26:369.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:26:38Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:26:40Moment, moment.
00:26:42When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:26:449.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:26:46Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:26:48Moment, moment.
00:26:50When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:26:529.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:26:54Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:26:56Moment, moment.
00:26:58When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:27:009.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:27:02Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:27:04Moment, moment.
00:27:06When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:27:089.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:27:10Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:27:12Moment, moment.
00:27:14When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:27:169.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:27:18Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:27:20Moment, moment.
00:27:22When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:27:249.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:27:26Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:27:28Moment, moment.
00:27:30When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:27:329.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:27:34Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:27:36Moment, moment.
00:27:38When he gets angry, he transforms.
00:27:409.30 at night by Las Estrellas.
00:27:42Kicks, stones, beatings.
00:27:44Moment, moment.
00:27:46Well, it must be very difficult for you.
00:27:50Yes, it has been.
00:27:54I hope you can forget her.
00:27:56I hope.
00:27:58Because it is not my intention to hurt anyone.
00:28:00But she has gotten into my mind.
00:28:02And I don't know how to get her out of my heart.
00:28:04Well, I hope you can.
00:28:06Let's go?
00:28:10Let's go?
00:28:14Let's go.
00:28:22Now it smells like you.
00:28:32Did you know that since my accident I have not slept with anyone?
00:28:34Yes, I imagined it.
00:28:38Didn't you like it or what?
00:28:40No, let's say I like things like
00:28:42with more time, right?
00:28:44Without so much hurry.
00:28:46But why didn't you enjoy it?
00:28:48I know.
00:28:50Yes, yes, yes, that was very clear to me.
00:28:52Do you have a bathroom out there?
00:28:54I want to take a shower.
00:28:56Yes, in the room, in the full bathroom.
00:28:58I'll leave you some copies of the keys here, okay?
00:29:02I'm going to the office.
00:29:04Let me know if you need anything.
00:29:06Sit at your house.
00:29:12So handsome and so bad in bed.
00:29:18There it is.
00:29:30Do you think I'm going to be okay?
00:29:32No, I don't think so.
00:29:34I'm sure you're going to be fine.
00:29:36I'm so excited.
00:29:38I wish with all my heart
00:29:40that this is just the beginning
00:29:42of something very important in my career
00:29:44as a plastic artist,
00:29:46just like you told me the other day.
00:29:48But I don't know, I don't want to get my hopes up.
00:29:50You are a great artist.
00:29:52I trust you.
00:29:54You are so complete.
00:29:56You are beautiful, talented, sensitive.
00:29:58Everything a man could wish for a woman.
00:30:04My love.
00:30:08I'm glad you're here.
00:30:10Yes, I left early
00:30:12and took the opportunity to bring you the pieces I had.
00:30:14Thank you, my love.
00:30:16How are you, Sebastian?
00:30:18Fine, and you?
00:30:20Fine. My love, I want to introduce you.
00:30:22He is Diego Montesinos.
00:30:24How are you? Nice to meet you.
00:30:26Likewise, Sebastian.
00:30:30You don't look forced, ma'am.
00:30:34Then how did you get in?
00:30:36I don't know, but look, open up
00:30:38and I'll check to make sure there's no one inside.
00:31:02Let's go.
00:31:14Give me your pieces.
00:31:16We have to register them and place them in the exhibition.
00:31:20I'll help you.
00:31:32What do you think?
00:31:36I think...
00:31:38Diego likes you.
00:31:42My love,
00:31:44I meant the space, the place,
00:31:46the exhibition.
00:31:48And I meant him.
00:31:50How can you say that
00:31:52if you just met him?
00:31:54I just heard him, ma'am.
00:31:56No, Fatima.
00:31:58My love, I just heard him.
00:32:00You can't say no,
00:32:02because you know I'm right.
00:32:04What happened?
00:32:06There's no one.
00:32:08I just found a picture of you and Mr. Federico
00:32:10and a box on your bed.
00:32:12A box?
00:32:14No, no, no.
00:32:16I didn't leave any box on my bed.
00:32:18Let me see.
00:32:20I'll go with you.
00:32:22No, it would be best if you wait for me.
00:32:24No, José is no longer there and I'm not in danger.
00:32:26What's that box?
00:32:28I saw something similar when you saw me with Carolina.
00:32:30My love,
00:32:32are you jealous of Diego?
00:32:34No, no.
00:32:36Are you jealous?
00:32:38Let's just say
00:32:40I just don't like the idea
00:32:42of him being close to you.
00:32:44I see.
00:32:46Well, I felt the same with Carolina.
00:32:48Just the same.
00:32:50So I hope you behave very well
00:32:52now that you're going on a trip.
00:32:54Be a saint.
00:32:56I'm very happy that you're leaving
00:32:58one day after my exhibition
00:33:00because if you hadn't been here
00:33:02I would have been very sad.
00:33:04No, you know I wouldn't miss it at all.
00:33:06Besides, it helps that we make it clear
00:33:08that you're mine.
00:33:14And we also make it clear to Carolina
00:33:16that you have a mistress.
00:33:18I like that.
00:33:20My love.
00:33:26What is it?
00:33:28What is it?
00:33:32What is it?
00:33:44I'm sorry.
00:33:52It's a tragedy.
00:33:56Why don't you leave me alone?
00:34:06You told me that Fatima
00:34:08had broken up with Adrián.
00:34:10You didn't tell me she had a boyfriend.
00:34:12It was all very fast.
00:34:14It was love at first sight.
00:34:16What a shame.
00:34:18I would have expected Fatima
00:34:20to break up with Adrián
00:34:22and open her eyes to that guy.
00:34:24I don't see a difference between Adrián
00:34:26and Sebastián.
00:34:30So you don't see any hope for me?
00:34:32Honestly, I don't think so.
00:34:34She's very in love with Sebastián
00:34:36and him with her.
00:34:46What's wrong?
00:34:48I'll be right there.
00:34:50Diego, I have to go.
00:34:52Did something happen to Renata?
00:34:54I can't tell you, but please
00:34:56don't tell Fatima anything.
00:34:58Pretend that call didn't exist.
00:35:06I told Grandpa Alvaro
00:35:08that we were going to Spain to visit
00:35:10my grandmother Rosa María.
00:35:12She was so excited to tell us that she was going to Madrid
00:35:14that we even thought of going to visit my sister.
00:35:16It's been a long time
00:35:18since I've seen my daughter
00:35:20and that I'm not going to Madrid.
00:35:22Get ready and go, Grandpa.
00:35:24Let's go.
00:35:26And if we all go together?
00:35:32I have to talk to your mom
00:35:34and you about the holidays.
00:35:36I have a lot of pressure
00:35:38in the works of Guadalajara
00:35:40and maybe I can't take you
00:35:42to that trip I promised you right now.
00:35:46So we're not going to Spain anymore?
00:35:50Honey, if your dad can't do it now,
00:35:52we'll go some other time.
00:35:54So don't be sad.
00:35:58Are you serious?
00:36:00I thought you were going to get mad.
00:36:02You really want to go.
00:36:04Well, if you can't,
00:36:06you can't, right?
00:36:16I really wanted to see you.
00:36:18I was waiting for you all morning
00:36:20and I thought you weren't coming.
00:36:22I was busy doing a lot of things.
00:36:26we have to celebrate, right?
00:36:28What do you think
00:36:30if we go to our apartment?
00:36:36I didn't know today.
00:36:38Why not?
00:36:40Because Verania is in the apartment.
00:36:44She already arrived in New York.
00:36:46I told her she has money problems.
00:36:48I don't care.
00:36:50It's my apartment too.
00:36:52Brenda, please.
00:36:54She knows our plans
00:36:56and she's helping us.
00:36:58But you didn't tell me she was staying there.
00:37:00She's part of this plan.
00:37:02So she stays in the apartment and you shut up.
00:37:04No, I won't shut up.
00:37:06I don't like anyone else
00:37:08and I don't like her staying in our bed.
00:37:10So it's clear to you.
00:37:12She only stays one night and that's it.
00:37:14But at least
00:37:16we can go to the amusement park in Orlando, right?
00:37:20I promise you.
00:37:22As soon as I have 15 days off,
00:37:24we're going to Madrid, okay?
00:37:26With Seth?
00:37:28Grandpa Alvaro and Lucia,
00:37:30would you like to go to Orlando with me?
00:37:32Of course.
00:37:34Of course.
00:37:36In fact, I pay for everything.
00:37:52Why do you always minimize
00:37:54everything I say or feel, Adrián?
00:37:58I'm going to see the engineer, okay?
00:38:00Let's see, Brenda.
00:38:02By the way, did you solve Javier's problem?
00:38:04No, Adrián.
00:38:06What are you waiting for?
00:38:08Remember that
00:38:10the league breaks
00:38:14Take care of it.
00:38:28Here, fun is
00:38:30what's on offer.
00:38:32You'll learn that if you do it,
00:38:34the others will pay.
00:38:36And that the best strategies
00:38:38are in this house.
00:38:40That's how Sundays are in...
00:38:42Do you think?
00:38:44Neighbors and
00:38:46The Famous House with the Stars.
00:38:48El Borre will have
00:38:50his first day of work.
00:38:52Borrego, did you get a job?
00:38:54Me? As a butler? Please.
00:38:56And probably the last one.
00:38:58I just got a job
00:39:00as a bartender.
00:39:02I'm going to let your sugar invite me to a drink, okay?
00:39:0440 and 20.
00:39:06This Friday at the end of the Noti.
00:39:08The Famous House with the Stars.
00:39:10From hell,
00:39:12a battle for glory.
00:39:14From home,
00:39:16the devils will close all spaces.
00:39:18The Potosinos will do
00:39:20anything to win without burning.
00:39:22This Sunday, Toluca
00:39:24against Atlético de San Luis
00:39:26at 11.55am.
00:39:28The Famous House with the Stars.
00:39:30The first hours of the day
00:39:32also bring the first stories
00:39:34to know. Agile, precise and punctual.
00:39:36In the Noticias.
00:39:38Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
00:39:40I'm Carlos Furtado and I'll be waiting for you
00:39:42in the Noticias, a newscast from NEMAS.
00:39:44Friday, Friday at 5.50am.
00:39:46With the Stars.
00:40:06Friday, Friday at 10.30am.
00:40:08With the Stars.
00:40:36With the Stars.
00:40:38With the Stars.
00:40:40With the Stars.
00:40:42With the Stars.
00:40:44With the Stars.
00:40:46With the Stars.
00:40:48With the Stars.
00:40:50With the Stars.
00:40:52With the Stars.
00:40:54With the Stars.
00:40:56With the Stars.
00:40:58With the Stars.
00:41:00With the Stars.
00:41:02With the Stars.
00:41:04With the Stars.
00:41:06With the Stars.
00:41:08With the Stars.
00:41:10With the Stars.
00:41:12With the Stars.
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00:47:02With the Stars.
00:47:04With the Stars.
00:47:06With the Stars.
00:47:08With the Stars.
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00:47:12With the Stars.
00:47:14With the Stars.
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00:47:22With the Stars.
00:47:24With the Stars.
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00:47:28With the Stars.
00:47:30With the Stars.
00:47:32With the Stars.
00:47:34With the Stars.
00:47:36With the Stars.
00:47:38With the Stars.
00:47:40With the Stars.
00:47:42With the Stars.
00:47:44With the Stars.
00:47:46With the Stars.
00:47:48With the Stars.
00:47:50With the Stars.
00:47:52With the Stars.
00:47:54With the Stars.
00:47:56With the Stars.
00:47:58With the Stars.
00:48:00With the Stars.
00:48:02With the Stars.
00:48:04With the Stars.
00:48:06I want to get you back.
00:48:08And more so when, in a few days,
00:48:10Sebastian will be leaving with the whole team to shoot the campaign.
00:48:12This way I will have your support in the offices.
00:48:16You can always count on me. Here I am.
00:48:18I don't want you to overdo it, eh.
00:48:20You don't have to be all the time
00:48:22at the soda.
00:48:24You can combine time in person and virtual.
00:48:28Thank you, thank you, Inner Engineer, but
00:48:30I'm sick of working from home.
00:48:32I know that there are many things to do here.
00:48:34Thank you. If you need anything from the campaign, let me know.
00:48:38No, don't worry. I don't need anything.
00:48:40Okay, well, I'm going to work, okay? Excuse me.
00:48:48Hi, Barbara. Are you back?
00:48:52Yes, I arrived a while ago. How are you?
00:48:56Well, not as well as you. I see that you are already adapting and you even changed your clothes.
00:49:01Oh, yes. Daniel gave it to me. And now that I went to Mexico, I bought a little more style.
00:49:06Did Daniel give you clothes?
00:49:09I guess you already know how he behaved.
00:49:12Maca told me. We just got here.
00:49:15I'm not going to give up. I'm going to keep fighting for him.
00:49:20Maricruz, let's see, I don't want to meddle, but do you think that's the right thing to do?
00:49:25Don't you think it's better to accept when love is not given and when love is not reciprocated?
00:49:31In love, everything is worth it, Barbara. And there is no worse fight than the one that is not done.
00:49:36Daniel is for me or for no one.
00:49:40We're leaving.
00:49:43Do me a favor.
00:49:50Do you think you have already overcome your relationship with Fatima?
00:49:54I don't think so. But hey, I hope it has become clear to him that Fatima doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.
00:49:59Well, Dad, I'm leaving.
00:50:01See you later, son.
00:50:09Engineer, Mr. Ortega is here.
00:50:12Thank you, Dulce. Let him in.
00:50:20Nice to meet you, Mr. Ortega.
00:50:23Juan Jose, please, talk to me about you. And my friends tell me when.
00:50:28Sit down, Juan, please.
00:50:31I can call you Federico, right?
00:50:35Of course.
00:50:38He's a cynic, a bastard. Look at what getting into your apartment and leaving that creepy monkey. He's crazy.
00:50:45He's crazy and he doesn't feel remorse for anything, for anyone.
00:50:51What I don't understand is how he got in without forcing the plate.
00:50:54Because he achieves everything he sets out to do, because there are no obstacles for him.
00:50:59What he wants is to drive you crazy.
00:51:01Yes, he is achieving it, my daughter.
00:51:04I feel terrified just to think that he was here, here in my space.
00:51:10Renata, we have to do something. We have to file a complaint.
00:51:14Now you have a way to prove the harassment.
00:51:17Yes, yes, yes, you're right.
00:51:21I can't anymore, I can't anymore.
00:51:24Will you accompany me to the police station, please?
00:51:27Of course, and in the car we'll talk to Narvaez,
00:51:30so he can investigate how to put cameras all over the apartment and a security plate.
00:51:35Come on, come on.
00:51:37Let's go, let's go.
00:51:47Our product is new and it's doing great in Europe,
00:51:51so we want to start promoting it here in America.
00:51:55How interesting.
00:51:57The company for which I work is very interested and that you know our entire line.
00:52:03In principle I am interested, but I would need to see the product physically.
00:52:07Yes, yes, of course.
00:52:09Well, the intention of this first appointment was to meet you,
00:52:13give me your orders and talk to you so that you know how convenient it would be for us to form a company.
00:52:19What do you think if we make a new appointment for you to bring me the product?
00:52:22And my son, who is the vice president, is present.
00:52:26Yes, of course.
00:52:29It's just that I also studied my son, but unfortunately I lost him.
00:52:37Him and my wife.
00:52:39How sorry.
00:52:41No, no, no, I am now a lonely man, I go from here to there.
00:52:46And every time I hear that the children work with their parents,
00:52:49well, the truth is that it gives me a lot of envy.
00:52:53I understand.
00:52:55Somehow I had also lost my son, but now he is with me again,
00:53:01and I do not change that for anything in the world.
00:53:06It is seen that you are a very fortunate man.
00:53:10Yes, I am.
00:53:11Yes, I am.
00:53:16You say that Mr. Ortega has not committed any act of violence against you.
00:53:22Physically no, but yes emotionally and psychologically.
00:53:27He has been harassing me and he is a very dangerous man.
00:53:30Before entering prison, he brutally beat me and I'm afraid that if I do it again, he will have to be free.
00:53:36Are you sure that Mr. Ortega was the one who entered your apartment?
00:53:40But there is no way to check it.
00:53:42In addition, there are no traces of theft or aggression on your person.
00:53:46Unfortunately, I can not do anything to help.
00:53:49But how is it possible that you tell us that?
00:53:52Let's see, what has to happen for you to intervene?
00:53:55Understand it, ma'am.
00:53:57We have no record, no evidence against Mr. Ortega.
00:53:59I can not stop him for sending messages to his cell phone,
00:54:02for showing up in the gallery,
00:54:04and for his alleged entrance to his apartment.
00:54:07There is not enough evidence to prove that he was the one who left the plastic doll.
00:54:13Do I have to wait for him to kill me so that they can lock him up again?
00:54:18But unfortunately, with the elements we have, we cannot proceed.
00:54:22That's why we are as we are.
00:54:30Tomorrow, very early,
00:54:33Gonzalo's driver will be here to take me to Mexico.
00:54:37Also, and do not forget that the group of Maricruz
00:54:41has to go to take the second part of the update course.
00:54:46And they will be out for a week.
00:54:49I hope that Maricruz, being outside, gets distracted and stops thinking about you.
00:54:53Now that I went out to play with the children, I saw her very affected by the breakup.
00:54:57I'm sorry.
00:55:00I know and I'm sorry.
00:55:03But love is given or not given.
00:55:06And you can not do anything to avoid it,
00:55:09or to force it.
00:55:12I feel sorry for that girl.
00:55:14She has been in love with my son for years.
00:55:16And it will cost her a lot of work to accept
00:55:18that Daniel will never feel the same as her.
00:55:20Yes, well.
00:55:22They say there is no evil that lasts without years.
00:55:25Not even love.
00:55:29Sooner or later she will have to overcome it.
00:55:31Because between her and me,
00:55:33there will never be anything again.
00:55:35Oh, son.
00:55:37I hope one day you fall in love again.
00:55:39And you are lucky to have such a beautiful family like your cousin has.
00:55:52Who is it?
00:55:56I already gave your message to Pablo.
00:55:58Go away, please.
00:56:00We know you heard it, but he has not fulfilled it.
00:56:02Mom, who are they?
00:56:04My love, go to the sofa quickly.
00:56:06Go away from my house right now.
00:56:08We'll do it as soon as we talk to Pablo.
00:56:10Mom, what's going on? What's going on?
00:56:12Go to the room, please.
00:56:14No one is going to move from here until I say, okay?
00:56:16Do not touch my children.
00:56:18What do you want?
00:56:20Call Pablo right now.
00:56:22We do not answer.
00:56:23Don't mess with us.
00:56:25No, no, you're going to obey.
00:56:27Do you understand?
00:56:29And don't make me violent in front of your children.
00:56:31Do you trust me?
00:56:33Call Pablo.
00:56:37Call him.
00:56:39I put up, I go down.
00:56:41I put up, I go down.
00:56:43Hello, my life.
00:56:45Pablo, my friends are here.
00:56:47Pablo, we agreed on something and you have not fulfilled it.
00:56:49They are leaving my girlfriend's house right now.
00:56:50Let's see how many photos we ask you to send us.
00:56:52And hurry up, because your girlfriend's children have already started crying.
00:56:55And this could get worse.
00:56:57Pablo, please do what they ask you.
00:56:59Please tell them not to bother my children.
00:57:01Please do something.
00:57:03My love, calm down.
00:57:05Pablo, please do something.
00:57:10Hey, well, everything is ready.
00:57:12And in three days we start filming.
00:57:16And I need to have finished the commercial.
00:57:18Hey, enjoy it.
00:57:20You have to finish the process.
00:57:22Not everything is the goal.
00:57:24You're right, you're absolutely right.
00:57:26Hey, I like it, what do you think?
00:57:30I like it, I like it.
00:57:32Okay, well, I'm leaving.
00:57:34Have a nice afternoon, take care.
00:57:36Bye, bye.
00:57:38Excuse me.
00:57:40Hi, how are you?
00:57:42Oh, I'm here.
00:57:44My love, we were waiting for you.
00:57:50That's right, how are you?
00:57:52I wanted to meet you.
00:57:54Besides, Sebas doesn't stop talking about you all day.
00:57:57And my friend of him.
00:57:59Well, tell me if I'm not the luckiest man in the world.
00:58:02Yes, obviously.
00:58:06Hey, hey, stop, stop.
00:58:08Don't eat bread in front of the hungry.
00:58:10Let's go, let's go.
00:58:12Let's go, let's go.
00:58:14Oh, my bag.
00:58:20Let's go.
00:58:35Those are all.
00:58:37Didn't you say it wasn't that hard?
00:58:39Don't run away from us, Pablo.
00:58:41Let's keep in touch, dear Pablo.
00:58:43You realized that you can't play with us, right?
00:58:45I'll give you a girlfriend, Pablo.
00:58:47Stop, stop, kids, don't cry.
00:58:48We're only bad when we're not fulfilled.
00:58:50So tell your mom's boyfriend to behave and obey.
00:58:54Now go.
00:58:58My love, are you okay?
00:59:00I was very scared.
00:59:03It's okay.
00:59:05Pablo, come to my house right now or you won't see me again in your life, did you hear me?
00:59:27It fell round.
00:59:29Well, yes, it's just that he's playing all day.
00:59:32But it's good that she's happy, right?
00:59:34And that the treatment is working.
00:59:36Yes, yes.
00:59:38I mean, at least your sacrifice is worth it.
00:59:44Well, I'm going to put on my pajamas.
01:00:07I want to be with you.
01:00:09Mario, no.
01:00:11Maca is in the room.
01:00:13Yes, I'm going.
01:00:15I'm really tired, yes.
01:00:16I miss you a lot.
01:00:18We have a lot of time without making love.
01:00:20I know, but Mario, better not right now.
01:00:22Maca is there and I don't feel comfortable.
01:00:46Let's go.
01:01:02Stop calling me, please.
01:01:04So you want me to give the video to Barbara?
01:01:06If you dare, I'm delighted to teach you how to ride.
01:01:08That's it.
01:01:10But if she doesn't like horses.
01:01:12Well, he's already liking it.
01:01:14Maybe with your presence they will break.
01:01:16Because you don't know how I like that man.
01:01:18He fascinates me.
01:01:20Who was going to tell us that you and I were going to be in love
01:01:22mother and daughter?
01:01:24I already found it.
01:01:26But also this letter.
01:01:28Who is Federico?
01:01:55Come on, friend.
01:01:57You can't keep living in sadness.
01:01:59I can't help it.
01:02:01I'm going through some very sad days
01:02:04since Renato and I broke up.
01:02:06Come on, Mariela.
01:02:08You have to cheer up.
01:02:10You can't spend your whole life locked up here.
01:02:12Look, Laura and I came to see you
01:02:13to convince you that we were going to dance at the club.
01:02:18I don't feel like it, Indra.
01:02:20I have a broken heart because I love Renato.
01:02:23Yes, friend.
01:02:25But your life goes on.
01:02:27And what better remedy for your broken heart
01:02:29than to have a few drinks and have fun?
01:02:33Friend, you have every right.
01:02:35Come on.
01:02:37Accept and let's go as friends.
01:02:41Let's dance for a while.
01:02:43Help me put this on.
01:02:47Nora, what's wrong with you?
01:03:02We're having a great time.
01:03:04The club has a great atmosphere
01:03:06and the music is the best.
01:03:10I'm glad you convinced me to come, Laura.
01:03:11This moment of distraction is going very well for me.
01:03:14And the night is going to get even better, huh?
01:03:17Because you already hit the jackpot, Mariela.
01:03:21Ay, you're super gallant.
01:03:27Come here.
01:03:34I came to bother you, but I couldn't stop looking at you.
01:03:36No, not at all.
01:03:38My name is Fermin.
