Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 40 Completo en Español

  • last month
Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 40 Completo en Español
00:05You can't leave.
00:06Excuse me?
00:07What you heard.
00:08You're staying here until the operation is over.
00:11If that's what you want, let's hope so.
00:15That's not all.
00:16Since you refused to cooperate, you're coming with us to the DA's office.
00:20What are you talking about?
00:22You can't force me to go with you.
00:24You don't even have a warrant.
00:26I know you're lying.
00:28I don't believe you that the woman on the motorcycle with you was your friend.
00:32Besides, I know you don't care about lying to the authorities.
00:35Stop it, Dominguez!
00:36They went to rob my house.
00:38They took documents, personal things.
00:40They copied all the information from my computer.
00:42And to top it off, you come with all your people
00:44to mess with my life when I take a few days off?
00:47What's next?
00:48You have no proof that I hid Lorena Martinez from you.
00:51I know you know where she is.
00:53You're covering up a murderer.
00:55She's not a murderer!
00:56You're a murderer!
00:57And I can't stop being surprised how you can believe it.
01:01Instead of ordering a process to be reviewed,
01:03which is full of irregularities,
01:05you're going to divert my attention with this discussion.
01:07And you're not going to tell me how I have to do my job.
01:10Tell me where Lorena is!
01:12I don't know!
01:13I'm telling you for the tenth time.
01:15I'm your lawyer.
01:16And as such, I will continue to defend her.
01:18Yes, because it's fair.
01:19But you...
01:20You're crossing the line.
01:22You better leave me alone
01:24or I'm going to file a complaint against the prosecution for harassment.
01:27Do you want to find Lorena?
01:29Look for her elsewhere, not where I am,
01:31because you're not going to find her.
01:32There is no doubt that you are a lawyer and you know how to defend yourself.
01:36But don't trust yourself.
01:38So far, things have gone well for you.
01:40But sooner or later, you're going to fall.
01:44Do you remember me?
01:55I can't believe you can't control yourself.
01:58For God's sake, how dare you fight like that with Gabriela?
02:00Did you hear what she dared to tell me, the shameless one?
02:03That I killed Juan Pablo?
02:04She's crazy!
02:05Don't ask me to keep my arms crossed, please.
02:08But if you know it's not true, why are you following her?
02:10Isn't it smarter to keep quiet?
02:12I'm not going to let myself be offended by a useless woman like her.
02:15She's a lackey.
02:17For the place you have in this company, I ask you to moderate.
02:20And that you become a little more sensitive with Gabriela
02:22for the moment. What's going on?
02:23What moment is going on?
02:25In the morning, they set up an operation to catch Lorena.
02:28They have already located her.
02:29I hope they catch her and give her death penalty.
02:33Veronica, please stop saying these things
02:35and don't be ignorant that in Mexico there is no death penalty.
02:38Well, it should be for criminals like Lorena Martinez.
02:44And why didn't Nicolas tell me anything about the operation?
02:47Does he have to do with that?
02:49I understand that he does.
02:52Why does he never tell me anything?
02:54I'm his partner, right?
02:55They don't like to talk about his work.
02:57Yes, but Ismael did tell you.
02:59Can you imagine if something happens to him?
03:01I didn't even know where he was from.
03:02What a horror.
03:03He's going to put himself at risk for catching that murderer.
03:06Damn the time he came to work at this company.
03:10And even if Gabriela is here because she is Vicente's girlfriend,
03:13they shouldn't let her keep working.
03:16It's like having the devil among us.
03:18Don't exaggerate.
03:20Poor Gabriela has nothing to do with what her sister did.
03:24Poor Gabriela?
03:26Did she brainwash you or what?
03:28That useless girl is also a fake.
03:30Stop it, Veronica, now.
03:32I ask you not to fight with her as if you were a greenhorn.
03:35So don't provoke her again, did you hear me?
03:40In my life I had been called that.
03:44And don't worry about your protégée.
03:46That today's thing won't happen again
03:48because I'm not going to say the word again.
03:59There are no signs of Lorena Martinez.
04:02We found some burglars.
04:04They didn't see any woman with the description.
04:06No trace of her anywhere.
04:09It doesn't matter if we keep looking.
04:11Let's go back to Mexico.
04:13We have to leave some elements at the exits of the town.
04:16We can't do more.
04:17Ortiz, Chavez, Bombardi and Estevez
04:20are going to watch the exits of the town until further notice.
04:24The rest of us go back to Mexico. Let's go.
04:48You're safe now.
04:53Did they leave?
04:54Yes, they went back to Mexico.
04:57It's over, honey. It's over.
05:01I was so scared when Joel told you to go with them that I don't know what...
05:05I couldn't do it. I was just talking.
05:08I felt lost.
05:10I don't know what to do.
05:12I don't know what to do.
05:14I was just talking.
05:16I felt lost.
05:17I didn't want to be locked up here without knowing anything about you.
05:24The one who worries me is my uncle.
05:27I don't know anything about him.
05:28Do you think they took him to Mexico?
05:30I don't know.
05:31But it's best if you stay here while I go look for him.
05:37I'll be fine.
05:40I won't be long.
05:53What's wrong, Superior?
05:55Why do you look at me like that?
05:57I'm very disappointed in you.
06:00Me? Why? What did I do?
06:02You didn't keep your word.
06:05I saw you kissing Dario.
06:07What's going on?
06:08There's nothing to explain.
06:09I told you I didn't want you to have anything to do with him.
06:13I know, I know.
06:14And I'm sorry I didn't fall in love with your son,
06:17but I couldn't help it.
06:19And you don't know how I feel about having failed my word with you.
06:23And why couldn't you hold back?
06:26One doesn't fall in love overnight.
06:28I know, but I couldn't.
06:30Because Dario also felt the same way I did.
06:33How can you say that?
06:34He was with Carmen.
06:36Ask him that.
06:39The only thing I can tell you is that nothing ever happened between us
06:43until Dario decided to leave her.
06:46Please, Superior.
06:49Please understand me.
06:51What else would I have wanted? Not to disappoint her.
06:54I wish you had only disappointed me, but you're a fugitive.
06:58And Dario doesn't know it.
07:00And when he finds out, you're going to destroy him.
07:03What do I do, Superior? What do I do?
07:05Please help me.
07:07You'll have to tell him the truth.
07:09No. No, no, no. I don't want to lose him.
07:11And that's what's going to happen if I tell him who I am.
07:13You should have thought of that before.
07:15It's too late.
07:17I love Dario with all my heart.
07:21In other circumstances, I would be very happy if I were his wife,
07:25but not in your situation.
07:27What are you going to do when he finds out?
07:29I don't know. I've thought a lot about how to tell him,
07:31but I can't find a way.
07:33Either way, I know I'm going to hurt him.
07:35If I don't find my son, he's going to kill himself.
07:37How is he going to recover from such great disappointment?
07:41What I want the least is for him to suffer for my fault.
07:45I'm in a dead end and I don't know what to do.
07:48Tell him the truth. You have no choice.
07:53I just read my horoscope and it's the most accurate.
07:56What are the signs?
08:00Oh, don't tell me they caught the hammer.
08:03No, no.
08:05The superior found out that I'm with Dario.
08:15You already knew?
08:19I thought there were no secrets between us, but I see it's not like that.
08:24Forgive me, Superior, please.
08:26Forgive me, but I was very afraid to tell you.
08:29I knew you weren't going to approve it.
08:31Look, I'm sorry to meddle, but Frida and Dario love each other.
08:35They are happy together.
08:37But he's cheating on them.
08:39Well, yes, but you can't control your heart.
08:43I know.
08:45But in this case, he shouldn't have let himself be carried away by his heart.
08:48There are many reasons why he shouldn't have done it.
08:51It's too late.
08:54Superior, I'm very sorry.
08:57I'm really sorry.
09:17Uncle, are you there?
09:41I'm very angry that the Superior didn't realize that Dario is much better with you than with Carmen.
09:47That's totally false.
09:51All you want is to get money out of him.
09:54You should tell him everything you know about her.
09:57No, why?
09:59Letting Carmen be the way she is won't change the fact that I'm a fugitive from justice.
10:05And that I've hidden it from the man I love.
10:08There's no justification worth it.
10:10You're absolutely right about that.
10:13We don't have the right to a normal life in this country.
10:18The only thing we have left to do is raise money and leave.
10:21No, no, I don't want to think about that right now, please.
10:26I'm very angry.
10:27I'm just telling you because it's the only way for us to have a normal life
10:31and not put Dario and the Superior at risk.
10:34I dreamed about that before I met Dario.
10:39Now I don't want to be separated from him for anything in the world.
10:42Oh, Frida.
10:43I'm sorry to tell you that what you have with Dario was born with an expiration date.
10:50Are you going to tell me that I'm naive?
10:53I hope he forgives me.
10:56It's better if you don't have false hopes.
10:58Even if he forgives you, you won't stop being a fugitive.
11:03How I wish everything was different.
11:06Who cares that in Brazil, having a normal life, you fall in love again?
11:21Good afternoon.
11:22Good afternoon.
11:23I'm looking for my uncle, Mr. Alfredo Lara.
11:25Do you know if the agents who came from Mexico City brought him here?
11:28No, I don't know anything about Mr. Alfredo.
11:31Well, thank you very much.
11:32You're welcome.
11:37You're going to have to stay at home for three more weeks.
11:42I'm going to give you an appointment so that later you can come for a review.
11:45When can I leave?
11:48I'm going to order your leave.
11:50Thank God.
11:55Don't worry, don't be scared.
11:57It's me.
12:02Did you find me?
12:05I went to his cabin, I went to the town police station, and he's nowhere to be found.
12:08I'm sure they took him to Mexico City to pressure him to tell them the truth.
12:13You don't think he's going to betray us, do you?
12:14No, no, I doubt it.
12:16It would be like putting a rope around his neck.
12:18They wouldn't stop him for cover.
12:21He already showed us that he's capable of playing it for us.
12:25I have to go to Mexico City.
12:26They can't stop him against his will.
12:29Maybe you should stay hidden here.
12:31I didn't see anyone around, but I'm going to have to keep watching.
12:37Where are you going?
12:39On the motorcycle.
12:40I checked my uncle's truck and the keys aren't there.
12:43Be very careful.
12:46I'm going to get some water and whatever I find in the pantry.
12:49I promise I'll be back as soon as I can.
12:52Don't worry, I'll be fine.
12:54I'm going to stay here as long as necessary, okay?
12:56Well, I'm going to get my things.
13:02Forgive me.
13:04It's my fault you're involved in all this.
13:06Don't apologize.
13:08Knowing you has been the best thing that's ever happened to me.
13:18I won't take long.
13:19Come here.
13:29Talk to her once and for all.
13:32I already told you how things happened.
13:35Over and over again.
13:37I repeat, if we find out that she helped a fugitive,
13:39we can sue her for complicity.
13:41Do whatever you have to do.
13:42I don't know anything about that woman.
13:44Her nephew must have told her something about his job.
13:46Did you think we were going to talk about your job
13:49after not seeing each other for so long?
13:51All I know is that as a lawyer,
13:53you're dedicated to defending people, nothing more.
13:56She's defending a criminal.
13:58Lorena Martinez murdered a man of cold blood
14:01and she's on the run
14:03because she organized an escape from prison
14:05where 34 criminals like her escaped.
14:08And what do I want her to do?
14:10That's why you're here, right?
14:12Her job is that, to capture them.
14:13I already told you.
14:15I told you that she didn't tell me anything about that woman.
14:18I don't believe you.
14:20She's going to stay here until she tells the truth.
14:25Let's see who gets tired first.
14:27I'm a man who respects the law.
14:29And if I had seen that my nephew
14:31was doing wrong things,
14:33I would have reported him, wouldn't I?
14:36Since you got to the cabin,
14:38all I've done is collaborate with you, yes or no?
14:40I can't do this.
14:46Let's go out for a moment.
15:12You filthy rat!
15:14Here, fun comes in all sizes.
15:17In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
15:20This Sunday, September 1st, 8pm.
15:23From hell,
15:25a battle for glory.
15:27From home,
15:29the devils will close all spaces.
15:31The Potosinos will do whatever it takes
15:34to win without getting burned.
15:36This Sunday, Toluca vs. Atlético de San Luis
15:38at 11.55am on Las Estrechas.
16:09I don't know what's wrong with me.
16:11I think of something and I say it.
16:13Sir! I'm not a teacher, I plagiarized my thesis.
16:15Now, really, how do I look?
16:17Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
16:19I don't know where this is destroying my life.
16:21The Honest Candidate.
16:23August 8th, only in cinemas.
16:25The most special nights are lived in this show.
16:28We paint each news in color.
16:31We invite you to explore the sports world.
16:34Close your week with good humor.
16:36Have fun, get informed
16:38and have a good time.
16:40This Sunday, 11pm on Las Estrechas.
17:08It's an identity celebration.
17:10They have reported an increase in the number of rescues
17:12of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
17:14The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
17:17Every night, your meeting point with the information.
17:20In point. 10.30 on Las Estrellas.
17:39Monday to Friday, 2.30pm on Las Estrellas.
17:43Auditions, compadre. Action.
17:45What are you doing kissing the damn cripple?
17:49He stole everything to go back to TV.
17:52Emilio, what did we agree on?
17:54Really? That's your representative?
17:56And he did it. We know how to make you laugh with Chocala, compadre.
18:00New season, Sunday, September 1st, 7.30pm.
18:03They say that the married love home.
18:05And they too.
18:06The owner of this apartment has decided to sell.
18:09Get out.
18:13Look, this one is cheap and very close, Prince.
18:15I don't think we're going there, Prince.
18:17It's a niche in the pantheon.
18:19You think? This Sunday, 7pm on Las Estrellas.
18:22What seemed to be full of innocence.
18:25And I love you with all my heart.
18:27It may be that life stops being a child's game.
18:30How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
18:33She wanted a child. I gave it to her.
18:36Games Interrupted.
18:38This Thursday when you finish on time.
18:40And from August 30th available on VIX.
18:44Look at us.
18:46They tell us young people with few resources.
18:49But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
18:57Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
19:03When you leave no trace.
19:05There's no way to find him. He's a ghost.
19:07He doesn't have an email, he doesn't have a server, he doesn't have anything.
19:10There are battles you can't win.
19:12Remember that you shouldn't get into love trouble.
19:15Unless you want to pay the price.
19:17See what they do with their lies.
19:19No fear of the truth.
19:21This Saturday, 11pm.
19:35Here, fun comes in all sizes.
19:38In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
19:41Premieres Sunday, September 1st, 8pm.
19:43Miguel, it's Diogo Herrera!
19:45I've never taken my eye off you.
19:47Well, take it off me because it's stuck.
19:49I have my eyes like this because with one I read and with the other I review.
19:52Kicks, punches, kicks.
19:54Moment, moment.
19:56When he gets mad, he transforms.
20:00Losing the trial. This Monday when you finish on time.
20:03You'll cross a Friday the 13th in the calendar.
20:06Seven years of bad luck.
20:09The two of them bring dirt to the soul.
20:11It looks like we haven't showered.
20:13I'll fix it right now.
20:15I'm Lucia Tepilar.
20:17I want to wear an enviable wig.
20:19Just for which, this Sunday, 5.30pm.
20:23In El Dicho, we remind you that every experience is an opportunity to grow and gain experience.
20:30I won't forget it.
20:32Don't treat me like that.
20:34I know you're not having a good time. Neither am I. I'm very worried.
20:37Count on me for whatever you need.
20:39I accept very gratefully.
20:41As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
20:44This office needs more integration.
20:46The best integration system is a chipmunk.
20:50Is it true?
20:52I thought it was a joke.
20:54It smells weird to me.
20:56Answer, for example.
20:58Let's see if they get mad at us.
21:00Nothing happened.
21:03From hell, a battle for glory.
21:07From home, the devils will close all spaces.
21:12The Potosinos will do anything to win without burning.
21:16This Sunday, Toluca vs. Atlético de San Luis.
21:19At 11.55am.
21:21For the stars.
21:23What seemed to be full of innocence.
21:26And I love you with all my heart.
21:28Can make life stop being a child's game.
21:30How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
21:33She wanted a child. I gave it to her.
21:36Interrupted Games.
21:38This Thursday at the last minute.
21:40And from August 30th, available on VIX.
22:00For the stars.
22:02And 24-7 on VIX.
22:04When you don't leave a trace.
22:06There's no way to find him. He's a ghost.
22:08He doesn't have an email, he doesn't have a server, he doesn't have anything.
22:10There are battles you can't win.
22:12Remember that you shouldn't get in love trouble.
22:15Unless you want to pay the price.
22:17See what they do with their lies.
22:19No fear of the truth.
22:21This Saturday at 11pm.
22:23If the plan doesn't go as expected.
22:25You don't know how many times I've paid in jail to hurt him.
22:28Everything survives.
22:31Our son.
22:33We have a serious problem.
22:35That child is the heir to everything.
22:37They will try the unthinkable.
22:39Grand Finale. Friday, August 30th. 9.30pm.
23:00We have a serious problem.
23:02They will try the unthinkable.
23:04They will try the unthinkable.
23:06They will try the unthinkable.
23:08They will try the unthinkable.
23:10They will try the unthinkable.
23:12They will try the unthinkable.
23:14They will try the unthinkable.
23:16They will try the unthinkable.
23:18They will try the unthinkable.
23:20They will try the unthinkable.
23:22They will try the unthinkable.
23:24They will try the unthinkable.
23:26They will try the unthinkable.
23:28They will try the unthinkable.
23:30They will try the unthinkable.
23:32They will try the unthinkable.
23:34They will try the unthinkable.
23:54buscando la misma salida
23:56teniendo la misma condenas
23:58que limitan la espeluda
24:00Fugitivas, buscando la misma salida.
24:05Nos tocó arruinar a la vida, pero esta es una nueva apuesta.
24:17¿Te ayudo a cambiarte?
24:18No, gracias, yo puedo.
24:24Me acabo de enterar que ya lo dieron de alta.
24:27Saliendo de aquí, los voy a llevar con el ministerio público.
24:30¿Para qué?
24:31Tienes que ratificar tu denuncia contra Lorena Martínez para que tenga validez.
24:34Es que el doctor le ordenó que reposara y...
24:36Eso será para después, primero lo primero.
24:38Pero no podríamos esperar a que...
24:40¿Qué esperar ni qué nada? Aquí se hace lo que yo digo.
24:43Voy a acercar el coche a la entrada y vengo por ustedes.
24:52He hecho muchos interrogatorios y sé perfectamente cuando alguien está mintiendo.
24:56Yo también lo creo, pero no podemos corroborarlo.
24:59En las mismas estamos con Castillo.
25:02Como sea que se haya dado cuenta del operativo
25:04y se las arregló para esconder a Lorena Martínez en algún lugar
25:07y echarnos ese cuento de la caminata.
25:09Castillo se vio hábil, pero estoy seguro que pronto se le va a acabar la suerte.
25:14Momento es ahora.
25:15¿Tenemos a su tío?
25:16No podemos retenerlo más de 72 horas.
25:18Así lo estipula la ley.
25:20Mientras tanto vamos a mantenerlo aquí.
25:23Puede que el cansancio y la desesperación lo hagan hablar.
25:26Lo he visto en otros casos.
25:28Lo que más me molesta es que estaba seguro de que íbamos a regresar con Lorena y con Castillo por encubrirla.
25:32Suele suceder.
25:34A veces uno está a punto de capturar a alguien y por alguna razón logra escapar.
25:39Esperemos que no sea así.
25:41Como hemos atrapado a otras prófugas, estoy seguro que lo vamos a lograr.
25:47No puedo creer que el operativo haya fracasado.
25:49Estuvimos cerca de detener a ese delincuente
25:52y desapareció así nada más como si le hubiera tragado la tierra.
25:54Si va a decir algo, que sea algo que no sepamos.
26:07¿Me hace el favor de llevarse las cosas de mi hermano y sus medicinas?
26:10Tengo que ayudarlo.
26:17Vamos. Tú puedes.
26:25¿Nicolás? ¿Ya están en la ciudad?
26:27Sí, ya regresamos.
26:29¿Atraparon a Lorena Martínez y a Castillo?
26:31No. A ninguno de los dos.
26:33¿Pero cómo es posible?
26:35Castillo apareció solo.
26:37Buscamos en todos los alrededores y no había rastro de Lorena Martínez.
26:40¿Y por qué no detuvieron a Castillo?
26:42No hay pruebas en su contra.
26:44¡Ay, netitos!
26:46¡Ese tipo está apoyando a Lorena Martínez!
26:48¡Lo dijo abiertamente, por favor!
26:50¿Qué más quieren?
26:51Sí, sí, sí. La está apoyando.
26:53Pero dice que solo como su abogado.
26:55Insiste que no tiene idea de dónde puede estar Lorena Martínez.
26:57¡Está mintiendo!
26:59Claro que está mintiendo.
27:01Pero no hay cómo demostrarlo.
27:03Me sorprende cómo esos dos pueden ser más astutos
27:06que todo el cuerpo policíaco que fue a atraparla, caray.
27:09¡Se están burlando de ustedes!
27:11Pues, ¿qué le digo, don Arturo?
27:13Cualquier cosa le llamo.
27:27Ya haga las modificaciones que sugiere el cliente, por favor.
27:30Déjenos solos.
27:32Sí, señor.
27:35¿Qué pasa?
27:37Lorena Martínez. Se les volvió a escapar.
27:40Pero, ¿cómo? Si ya la tenían localizada.
27:42¡No la encontraron!
27:44Son unos buenos para nada.
27:46Unos ineptos, incogentes a tu marido.
27:47No te preocupes.
27:49La mujer es muy astuta.
27:51Sí, claro.
27:53Mucho más que toda esa bola de policía.
27:55¿Cómo te enteraste? ¿Te habló Nicolás?
27:59Y, por supuesto, que a ti tu maridito no te dijo nada.
28:01¿Sabes que no habla de trabajo conmigo Ismael?
28:05Y como no creo que él tenga la deferencia de avisarte,
28:07yo te lo voy a decir.
28:09Ya están en la ciudad y con las manos vacías.
28:11Entiendo tu frustración, que también es la mía,
28:13pero te ruego que no te desquites con Ismael.
28:15¿Qué pasó con Castillo?
28:17No lo encontraron y no lo detuvieron.
28:19¿Puedes creerlo?
28:21¿No pudimos porque no tenemos pruebas contra él?
28:23Estúpidos, imbéciles, inservibles.
28:27Papá, ya. Cálmate, te va a dar algo.
28:34Disculpe, lo busca el licenciado Castillo.
28:37Hágalo pasar.
28:48Mi tío no cometió ningún delito.
28:50¿Por qué lo detuvieron?
29:13¡Suéltame! ¡Suéltame!
29:23¡Vámonos! ¡Vámonos!
29:29Lo detuvimos porque es parte de la investigación.
29:31No me vengas con eso.
29:33Tu operativo fue un fiasco.
29:35Fueron hasta allá buscando a Lorena y no encontraron nada.
29:37No tenías por qué detener a mi tío.
29:39¿Te equivocas?
29:41Ya nos dio información muy importante.
29:43A otro con ese cuento.
29:44Mi tío no les pudo haber dicho nada relevante
29:47porque nunca hablé con él sobre Lorena.
29:49Así que ya párale a tu juego y libéralo.
29:51Si no quieres que levante una denuncia por abuso de poder.
29:54Aquí tengo el...
29:58Qué rápido se acabaron los días de descanso.
30:00Piensen lo que quiera.
30:02Vine para que liberen a mi tío.
30:04No tienen nada en su contra como para que lo hayan detenido.
30:06¿Me permite, es Castillo?
30:08Tengo que hablar a solas con el comandante.
30:10Que sea rápido, porque no tengo su tiempo.
30:15Desafortunadamente vamos a tener que soltarlo.
30:18Castillo me amenazó con denunciarnos por abuso de poder.
30:20Lo que menos necesitamos en este momento
30:22es un escándalo y quedar en evidencias
30:24de que el operativo no sirvió de nada.
30:26Aunque estoy seguro de que ese hombre oculta algo.
30:29Voy a dar la orden para que lo liberen.
30:31Aquí está el informe.
30:35¿Supiste algo de Lore?
30:39Traté de sacar la información a doña Chara,
30:41pero no me dijo nada.
30:43Solamente me reveñó para andar
30:45escuchando conversaciones de Márquez.
30:47Ay, no sé cómo la aguantas.
30:49Se me resbala, no te preocupes.
30:51No, no, no, no, no.
30:53No, no, no, no, no, no.
30:55No, no, no, no, no, no.
30:57No, no, no, no, no, no.
30:59No, no, no, no, no, no.
31:00Se me resbala, no te preocupes.
31:02¿No han dicho nada de las noticias?
31:06Hemos estado revisando las redes sociales y nada.
31:08Eso es bueno, ¿no?
31:10Si le hubieran atrapado la noticia,
31:12se hubiera regado como pólvora.
31:14Pues sí, yo también pienso lo mismo.
31:16Esperemos que así sea.
31:18Me tranquiliza saber que Alejandro está con ella.
31:20Capaz que la próxima vez que sepamos de Lorena
31:22sea para invitarnos a su boda.
31:24Ay, ojalá que por fin se olvide del maldito fiscal.
31:28Que sea feliz con el único hombre
31:30que le ha mostrado su cariño.
31:43No, no, mejor no te vayas.
32:01Firme esto.
32:03¿Eso qué?
32:05El acta donde da constancia
32:07de que nunca fue torturado
32:09durante el interrogatorio.
32:11Después que firme se puede ir.
32:13Qué caray,
32:15cómo cambian las cosas, ¿verdad?
32:17Yo ya estaba viendo
32:19cómo acomodarme aquí
32:21para pasar la noche, fíjese.
32:25Bueno, nada más que déjeme darle
32:27una leidita.
32:28Así no vaya a acabar poniéndome
32:30las esposas.
32:36Bueno, comandante.
32:39Muchas gracias.
32:42Sí, algo que he aprendido
32:44es que ese discurso
32:46que si supiera que un familiar
32:48está haciendo algo indebido
32:50lo denunciaría.
32:52Es una mentira.
32:55Lo voy a mantener vigilante.
32:56Lo voy a mantener vigilado.
32:58Perdón, pero ¿sabe qué?
33:00Le aconsejo que se lleve
33:02un chorro de crucifixos
33:04y se va a poner
33:06al fin y al cabo.
33:19Te puse solo lo indispensable
33:21porque vamos a viajar ligeros.
33:23Gracias. Me sorprendió lo decidida
33:24de ese hombre.
33:26Estaba nerviosa, no te creas.
33:28Pero no podíamos fallar.
33:30Nos estamos jugando la vida.
33:32Lo que me preocupa es qué vamos
33:34a hacer con tu tratamiento.
33:36Ya encontraremos un doctor
33:38que me atienda allá.
33:40También tenemos que comprar
33:42tus medicinas.
33:44Se quedaron en el coche
33:46de ese hombre.
33:48El taxi debe estar por llegar.
33:50Tenemos que irnos antes
33:52de que aparezca ese tipo.
33:54Dime la puerta, nada más, por favor.
33:56A ver, a ver.
33:58Dame una.
34:00No, no, no.
34:05¿Estás bien?
34:07Sí, hombre.
34:09Por más que insistieron
34:11en que les dijera sobre Lorena,
34:13me mantuve en la misma.
34:15Que tú habías llegado solo a la cabaña
34:17y que yo no vea a nadie más, punto.
34:19Gracias, tío.
34:21Ni me digas, hombre.
34:22Pues le dije que se quedaran
34:24en el sótano hasta que regresara.
34:26Y ya ni amuelas, hombre.
34:28Debe estar en tu vida.
34:32Vamos, vamos.
34:34Nunca voy a olvidar lo que hiciste por nosotros.
34:36Ni cómo pagártelo.
34:38Hice lo correcto, mijo.
34:40Yo no iba a permitir que la atraparan
34:42y pagara por un crimen que no cometió.
34:44Además, pues es como si fuera
34:46parte de la familia.
34:48Te ves enamorado tú.
34:50Sí, es una mujer maravillosa.
35:16No, olvídalo.
35:18No te voy a dar más información.
35:20No insistas.
35:22Te filtré lo de Vilchis
35:24y hubo problemas.
35:26No me vuelvas a llamar.
35:31Vaya, vaya.
35:33Con quesos tenemos.
35:35¿De qué habla?
35:37No te hagas, mi reina.
35:39Fuiste tú la que infiltró la información
35:41de que Vilchis estaba culpando a Lorena.
35:43¿Cómo se le ocurre?
35:45Yo solamente digo lo que escuché.
35:47¿Me permite? Tengo que trabajar.
35:49Está bien.
35:50Mientras tanto yo voy a ver a Ismael.
35:52No creo que le guste nada enterarse
35:54de que eres una soplona.
36:20¿Quieres un bañado?
36:22¡Ahorita te arreglo!
36:24Yo soy Lucía Tetilar.
36:26Quiero lucir una cabellera envidiable.
36:28Tal para cual
36:30este domingo 5.30 de la tarde.
36:50Las Estrellas.
37:21Cuando esta puerta se abre,
37:23entra de todo.
37:25¡Ellos dos!
37:27No me digas que tú eres...
37:29¿Mi Federico?
37:31Estos son para ti.
37:33¡Rata inmunda!
37:35Aquí la diversión viene en todos los tamaños.
37:37En Más Vale Sola, sabemos hacerte reír.
37:39Este es el domingo 1 de septiembre,
37:41ocho de la noche.
37:43Desde el infierno,
37:45una batalla por la gloria.
37:47Desde casa,
37:48en todos los espacios.
37:50Los Potosinos harán lo que sea
37:52para ganar sin quemarse.
37:54Este domingo,
37:56Toluca ante Atlético de San Luis
37:58a las 11.55 de la mañana
38:00por Las Estrellas.
38:02Con tinflas de sorprenderá
38:04con su conocimiento en zoología.
38:06Ese pelo largo es la característica
38:08de los pequineses.
38:10Ah, pues que no es San Bernardo, chiquito.
38:12Y a todo le pone melodía.
38:14¿Ya se lo aprendieron?
38:16En Sol Mayor, porque tuvimos que ensayarla
38:18y el domingo,
38:20El Profe con Las Estrellas.
38:22¡Júrame que vas a ser honesto!
38:25Existe tonatio.
38:27No sé qué me pasa.
38:29Pienso algo y lo digo.
38:33No soy licenciado.
38:35Traes colitis o es panza normal?
38:37Ser honesto me está destruyendo la vida.
38:39El candidato honesto.
38:41Ocho de agosto, solo en cines.
38:43Audiciones, compañito. Acción.
38:45¿Qué haces besando a la maldita aliciada?
38:46¡Trobó de todo para volver a la tele!
38:48¡No es...
38:50Emilio, ¿en qué quedamos?
38:52Neta, ¿eso eres tu representante?
38:54¡Y lo logró! ¡Sabemos hacerte reír con chocalas, compañito!
38:57Nueva temporada.
38:59Domingo, primero de septiembre, siete treinta de la noche.
39:01Lo que pareciera estar lleno de inocencia.
39:03Y yo te amo con todo el corazón.
39:05Puede ser que la vida
39:07deje de ser un juego de niños.
39:09¿Cómo es que dieron con el orfanato de Artur?
39:11Ella quería un hijo.
39:13Yo se lo di.
39:14Juegos interrumpidos.
39:16Este jueves al terminar en punto
39:18y a partir del treinta de agosto disponible en VIX.
39:21Algunos vecinos partirán.
39:23Queremos que usted sea el nuevo director general en...
39:26¡Tuxla Gutiérrez!
39:28¡Por favor! ¡No me dejen mi polar!
39:31Y llegarán hasta el Polo Norte.
39:33¡El día cinco, tipo agosto!
39:35¡Va a ser Navidad!
39:37Vecinos. Final de temporada.
39:39Este domingo, siete treinta de la noche.
39:41Laboratorio Supersecreto de Comedia.
39:44¡Lancen B!
39:46La risa es una ciencia exacta.
39:48Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos
39:50no son los más exactos,
39:52sí son los más divertidos.
39:54Televisa. Sabemos hacerte reír.
39:56Disfruta tus mañanas de verano con las estrellas.
39:58A las nueve, consejos, ejercicio, juegos,
40:00música y mucha diversión, solo en hoy.
40:02¡Cumpleaños de...
40:06Y a las doce, entrevistas, recetas,
40:08notas y mensajes.
40:14Atentimientos, talentos, invitados
40:41Y la finca, la fortuna, germina la semilla de los invitados,
40:44She's always lied to you.
40:45What are you doing with this woman?
40:46She's your sister.
40:47But also the one of love.
40:48Do you remember someone from my past?
40:50One day I'll tell you the truth.
40:51Let go of my wife, you idiot!
40:55The Price of Loving You
40:57premieres Monday, September 2 at 9.30pm on Las Estrellas.
41:14El Línez confirms a qualified majority of brown and allies in the House of Representatives.
41:21And the sleeves of the vest with the details on point at 10.30pm.
41:27Look at us.
41:29They call us young people with few resources.
41:32But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
41:40Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
41:46La Guerra de los Cuartos continues.
41:48And while they live among strategies, laughs and romances,
41:52outside we know that this is a game where we all have fun.
41:56See you daily on La Casa de los Famosos México.
42:00Monday to Friday, 10pm on El 5.
42:02Sunday, 8.30pm on Las Estrellas.
42:04And 24.7pm on VIX.
42:06Enjoy your summer mornings with Las Estrellas.
42:09At 9pm, advice, exercise, games, music and a lot of fun, only on Hoy.
42:14Happy Birthday!
42:17And at 12pm, interviews, recipes, notes, guests and everything about Los Famosos in Cuéntamelo Ya.
42:22Salma Hayek turned on social media.
42:24From Monday to Friday, with Las Estrellas.
42:26Some neighbors will leave.
42:28We want you to be the new Director General in Tuxtla Gutierrez.
42:34Don't leave me in my pole.
42:36And they will reach the North Pole.
42:38It's like a gospel.
42:40It's going to be Christmas.
42:42Neighbors, season finale.
42:44This Sunday, 7.30pm.
42:46What seemed to be full of innocence.
42:49And I love you with all my heart.
42:51Can make life stop being a child's game.
42:54How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
42:57She wanted a child. I gave it to her.
42:59Games Interrupted.
43:01This Thursday when it ends on time.
43:03And from August 30th available on VIX.
43:06The romance has come to an end.
43:08It's better if we end our relationship.
43:11And this obsession doesn't understand the reasons.
43:14The one who will always be my wife is Elena.
43:16Because love is stronger than adversity.
43:19For me it was very important that you were with me,
43:21that you accompanied me to look for my mother.
43:23For her, I am Eva.
43:24Monday to Friday, 1.30pm.
43:27These are the news on point.
43:29The National Republican Convention in Miwoki
43:31is a celebration of identity.
43:33They have reported an increase in the number of rescues
43:35of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
43:37Authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
43:40Every night your meeting point with the information.
43:43On point.
43:46El Borre will have his first day of work.
43:50Did you get a job?
43:51Me? In Botarga?
43:54And probably the last one.
43:56I just got a job as a bartender.
43:58I'm going to let your sugar invite me to a drink, okay?
44:03This Friday at the end of the Noti.
44:05For the stars.
44:06They will meet on Friday the 13th in the calendar.
44:10Seven years of bad luck.
44:12The two bring dirt to the soul.
44:14It's just that we haven't showered.
44:16I'll fix it right now.
44:18I'm Lucia Tepilar.
44:20I want to look like an enviable hairdresser.
44:23Just for which.
44:24This Sunday, 5.30pm.
44:32Please don't tell him anything.
44:34I only did it once.
44:36And it was for the good of the case.
44:38People had to find out what Lorena did to that man.
44:41Besides, it was the only way for her to find out
44:44that the police knew about her new crime.
44:48Prosecutor Dominguez was...
44:51I proposed to him that we do a press conference
44:54and he refused.
44:55And you?
44:56You were so straight, you decided to act behind his back.
44:59I already told you that it was only that time.
45:01But you stayed quiet.
45:02And everyone thought it was me.
45:05It's not worth it.
45:06I promise you, it won't happen again.
45:09You heard me when I told the man I was talking to.
45:12And in the meantime, what?
45:14You keep your reputation impeccable.
45:16And in front of everyone, I...
45:18I'm still the one who filters that information.
45:20I'm sorry, but I'm not going to miss the opportunity to clean my image.
45:24I'm sorry.
45:25I'm sorry, but I'm not going to miss the opportunity to clean my image.
45:28I'm sorry.
45:30It's time to go to rest.
45:32It was a long and complicated day.
45:34Unfortunately, we didn't catch Lorena Martinez.
45:37See you later. Rest well.
45:46What the hell happened to the Vichys?
45:48What's the emergency?
45:49I'm very sorry, boss, but the Vichys escaped.
45:52What do you mean they escaped?
45:54I told you that leaving the hospital, I was going to take you to the public ministry
45:57so that the Vichys would ratify your complaint as you ordered.
45:59Damn it!
46:02How did they manage to escape?
46:04What happened?
46:06When we got in my car, the sister of the Vichys injected me
46:09I don't know what substance that left me unconscious.
46:12And when I regained consciousness, I flew to his house and...
46:15I didn't find them.
46:16How can it be possible that those two idiots made fun of you?
46:21I'm sorry, boss.
46:22I'm sorry, boss.
46:24I don't know how you're going to do it, but you're going to find them as soon as possible.
46:28Do you understand me?
46:29I'm not going to let Vilsi regret it and open his mouth.
46:32I'll take care of it.
46:33Now get out and keep me informed.
46:35Yes, boss.
46:53Good evening, Patricio.
46:55How have you been?
46:56Fine, thank you. And you?
46:59A little tired.
47:01I saw your missed call, but I couldn't answer it.
47:04I was in the middle of an operation.
47:06And everything okay?
47:08Yes, it was a quiet operation.
47:10Nothing violent.
47:12We were looking for a criminal.
47:14And did you find him?
47:16Unfortunately not.
47:19Were you calling me for something special?
47:22No, I just wanted to know how you were and talk a little.
47:28I also want to talk to you.
47:33What do you think if we talk about what happened?
47:36What happened in your operation?
47:40What happened between us.
47:43I haven't stopped thinking about the kiss we gave each other.
47:46Don't say that.
47:48Why not?
47:50There's nothing wrong with expressing your feelings.
47:53I know, it's just that at my age I'm a little shy.
47:58Okay, I respect that.
48:02So, tell me, how was your day?
48:06A little complicated.
48:08I found out something that worries me.
48:12My son.
48:13He just broke up.
48:15And he's with someone else.
48:17What can I say?
48:20Young people today change partners like shoes.
48:24My daughter is like that.
48:26And unfortunately she doesn't make the best decisions.
48:30What would I do if I had a good man by her side?
48:33To build a family.
48:36But nothing, I can't get into that part of her life.
48:39Yes, it's better not to get involved.
48:42Although the concern for them never disappears.
48:46What I would like is for my son not to get hurt.
48:50We can't help you with that either.
48:52Because if we tell them something, they get even more angry.
48:55No way.
48:57We have to let them learn on their own.
49:00Although sometimes it's based on cheating.
49:03In addition to being a good cop, you are a very good counselor.
49:09It's the experience of an old man, nothing more.
49:14So what do you think if we go to dinner tomorrow night?
49:17I think it's very good.
49:19And where would you like to go?
49:21I'll think about it.
49:23And I'll send you a message.
49:24I'll be waiting.
49:26Have a good night.
49:28You too.
49:29Good night.
49:40I bring you news.
49:41Of Lorena?
49:43The operation is over and they didn't catch her.
49:45Oh, thank God.
49:47And who told you?
49:48Commander Rojas.
49:50So it's official news.
49:52And he didn't say anything else?
49:54Where do you think he is?
49:56And I didn't want to go deeper into this conversation
49:58so as not to raise suspicions.
50:00Thank you, Superior.
50:02Let's pray for a minute.
50:04Because he's still safe.
50:05And well, so that soon we have news of her.
50:08Yes, yes, yes.
50:28I'm here.
50:35Are you okay?
50:38It's over.
50:40You can go out now.
50:42Let's go.
50:43Let's go.
50:52How are you, honey?
50:55Fine, fine.
50:56How are you?
50:57Did they do anything to you?
50:59They just asked me the same questions as here.
51:01What if I had seen you?
51:02What if I knew something about you?
51:04Nothing new.
51:05The commander threatened to detain me until I spoke.
51:09But my nephew arrived and here we are.
51:11You don't know how much I appreciate what you did for me.
51:14Can I give you a hug?
51:23I'm glad you're safe, honey.
51:25Me too.
51:30But I have to go.
51:34I can't keep putting them at risk.
51:36What are you talking about?
51:37We started this together and that's how we're going to continue until the end.
51:41No, no, no.
51:42They've done enough for me.
51:43The best thing is for me to go alone and cross the border.
51:46If you don't come back to Mexico, they'll suspect.
51:49Son, I think you're right.
51:52Let them suspect whatever they want.
51:54I'm not going to leave you alone.
51:56I understand.
51:57It's the best for everyone.
52:03But I'm going to accompany you to the border.
52:05And as soon as you've crossed, I'll be back.
52:11We'll meet there today.
52:12And at night, on the motorcycle, it can be very dangerous.
52:16I'm sorry, but could you please take us to the bus terminal in Tlaxcala?
52:21We're going to take my uncle's truck.
52:24We had already told him that we were going to Guatemala.
52:27You know who was going to take us.
52:29But the commander said he was going to keep an eye on him.
52:33Why should we compromise more?
52:37I'm sorry for you.
52:38No, don't worry.
52:39I don't use the truck much.
52:42What matters here is that you are well and safe.
52:47You are an angel.
52:56Good evening.
52:57Good evening, Eddie.
53:03Good evening.
53:10I'm sorry.
53:11It's okay.
53:12It's okay.
53:22Princess, why do you have that face?
53:26Oh, don't ask me that.
53:27I'm going to start crying.
53:29What happened?
53:33I don't know.
53:41What's wrong with you, princess?
53:43You're not like that.
53:47My love, please tell me what's going on.
53:52Today is my mother's birthday and I couldn't be with her.
53:57Oh, little one.
54:04I'll be back in a few days.
54:06Thank you for the truck.
54:08You're welcome.
54:09The one who says goodbye a lot doesn't want to leave.
54:13God bless you. Take care.
54:30I've thought about everything.
54:32I've thought about my mother all day.
54:36You have no idea how much it hurts to not be with her.
54:41I should never have broken into the house where she worked.
54:45Yes, it was wrong.
54:48But you apologized and she didn't want to forgive you.
54:51Her bosses brainwashed her and put her against you.
54:55Yes, it's true, but what I did has no justification.
54:59You have no idea how much I regret it.
55:02She probably forgave you.
55:04You're her only daughter.
55:07What else would I want?
55:11While I was in prison, I thought one day she would visit me.
55:16And she never did.
55:20The only thing I remember about her is her disappointed face when she found out I was stealing.
55:27Yes, she must have been very sad.
55:32That's why she decided to erase me from her life.
55:35For her, the most important thing is honesty.
55:39And her daughter, her only daughter, received a thief.
55:46She couldn't do it with that shame.
55:49It's never too late.
55:50Try to apologize again.
55:53No, it doesn't make sense. She'll never forgive me.
56:00Oh well, don't listen to me anymore.
56:03On this day I get very sentimental, but nothing like that happens anymore.
56:12I'll always be there for you.
56:15You can call me as many times as you want.
56:17I love you so much.
56:31I love you so much.
56:47Good night.
56:49How did the operation go? I was worried about you all day.
56:54He was tired, but everything was very quiet.
56:58Did they capture Lorena?
57:00No, unfortunately we can't find her anywhere.
57:03If you want, I'll take a bath so you can relax while I prepare dinner.
57:13Damn Lorena, where the hell are you?
57:18Are you calmer now that you saw that there is no news of your sister?
57:22Yes, a little.
57:24On the one hand, I'm glad that it seems that they didn't catch her,
57:27but on the other, I don't know how I'm going to live without knowing anything about her.
57:31Where is she? How will she be? I don't know, she's my only family.
57:35Honey, you're not alone, you have me.
57:38Yes, you don't know how much I value your company.
57:42But I'm afraid you'll get tired of my problems and leave me alone.
57:45That will never happen.
57:47We are a couple to be in the good and the bad.
57:50Besides, I've never felt as good with someone as I do with you.
57:55So stop thinking about that nonsense.
57:59I love you and I will always support you.
58:13It's a hold.
58:25And if we go back, if we look for another way?
58:27No, no, no.
58:29They already saw us. If I turn around, they won't suspect anything.
58:32They will chase us.
58:34Don't worry, act naturally. Everything will be fine.
58:38Good evening.
58:40Good evening.
58:42Where are you going?
58:44Tapachula, in Chiapas. We are going to visit my family.
58:51We have no identification.
58:53We have no identity.
58:54I don't know where they went.
58:56We have no identity.
58:58I don't know where they went.
59:00We have no identity.
59:02We have no identity.
59:04We have no identity.
59:13Vicente and Eric, you, Dario, Lorena, your lawyer,
59:17and even Marta are going out with the Commander.
59:19You're the only one who's alone.
59:21You can't go out with anyone
59:22because we're fugitives of justice.
59:25She's one of the fugitives.
59:27It's her, Soledad Ureña.
59:29How is it possible that a man who just got out of the hospital
59:33and an old woman have been able to do more than you?
59:36Son, how are you?
59:40-♪ No soy perfecta, no soy leyenda ♪
59:42♪ Tampoco soy lo que la gente inventa ♪
