Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 37 Completo en Español

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Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 37 Completo en Español
00:13Don't worry, it's me, Alejandro.
00:20Look at you, condemned boy.
00:23I haven't heard from you in so long.
00:26Give me a hug.
00:28It's nice to see you, uncle.
00:31Likewise. We thought you had forgotten your family.
00:35And who is this young lady?
00:39Nice to meet you, girl.
00:40Sorry for scaring you, but this condemned boy didn't tell you he was coming.
00:45Don't worry.
00:47This is my uncle Alfredo, my mom's brother.
00:50And why are you here?
00:52Well, I had time with the intention of coming to spend a few days.
00:55And now that I'm on vacation, I took advantage of it.
00:58Well, you did well.
00:59Welcome, miss.
01:02So, how long are you going to stay here?
01:05Well, just a few days until we get bored.
01:09Don't get bored, man, there's a lot to do here.
01:12I don't know how people prefer to live there, between the noise and the pollution.
01:17Well, the city also has its own thing.
01:20I didn't find it anywhere.
01:22Here you live in peace, you breathe fresh air.
01:25That's right.
01:27Uncle, I'm going to the town to buy some food, okay?
01:29No, man, why are you going out?
01:31I can bring you what I have in the house.
01:33No, don't bother.
01:34No, it's not a bother.
01:36With great pleasure.
01:38You go installing and I'll be back in a moment.
01:40Go ahead.
01:43Ah, in the pantry there are coffees, if you want to prepare one.
01:46Just open the gas, the tap is closed.
01:51It looks like your uncle is a good person.
01:54When we were kids he was very grumpy.
01:57He forbade my cousins and me to go to the river to swim alone.
02:00But we always hid.
02:02And we scared him.
02:04No, he scared us.
02:06When I saw him with that rifle, I felt my heart coming out.
02:09Yes, yes, yes.
02:11I should have told him we were coming.
02:13Well, I told him to call you Angelina for anything.
02:16You did well.
02:18Hey, your uncle is right.
02:21Here one must have a great time.
02:24Why didn't you come?
02:26It's because I never have time.
02:28And if I have time to go somewhere, I prefer to go to the beach.
02:32Oh, the beach, how nice.
02:35Someday we will be together, lying in the sand, enjoying the sun.
02:43It sounds like a dream.
02:44I'm going to make it come true.
02:52You have no idea how good I feel in your arms.
02:56And I would like to spend the rest of my life like this, lying in you.
03:03But we are in the kitchen and anyone could have entered.
03:06We must not let ourselves be carried away.
03:08Imagine that your mother comes in.
03:10Well, if that's the case, no way.
03:12We'll tell her. I think she'll be happy.
03:14No, no, no, no, no.
03:15I have a very good relationship with her and I don't want it to deteriorate.
03:19Especially now that Carmen has just left.
03:21Imagine what she's going to think.
03:22Calm down, nothing happened.
03:26Let's go step by step.
03:30Soft, soft.
03:36The line of the tortillería was going around the corner.
03:39It looked like they were giving them away.
03:41Are we Mexicans? What did you want?
03:43Without tortillas there is no life.
03:46I love that you are so happy.
03:48It seems that it was good for you to have separated from Carmen.
03:51Well, yes, that's it and other little things.
03:58He looks better every day.
03:59Soon he will be able to go home.
04:02The doctor told me that the recovery process is slow,
04:05that you have to be patient.
04:06When you least expect it, you will be at home resting.
04:09If you need anything, let me know.
04:10Thank you. Excuse me.
04:18We have to get out of here.
04:22You were the one who insisted that I forget about that.
04:25I thought better.
04:27We have to go.
04:29Otherwise we will be under the watchful eye of the Marques.
04:33I'm tired of all this.
04:34I don't want to live like this.
04:35You're right.
04:37But there is no way to get out of the hospital.
04:39The man who is watching us is still out there.
04:41He doesn't move from here.
04:42At some point he has to distract himself.
04:45Go out.
04:46Locate the corridors.
04:47Emergency exits.
04:49Strategic points.
04:51The more we know where things are,
04:53the less difficult it is to escape.
04:58I've finished reviewing the things in the castle.
05:01Who gave it?
05:02I didn't find anything relevant.
05:04We made the search hoping to find something
05:06that would serve to accuse Castillo
05:08of covering up or complicity with Lorena and nothing.
05:11If there was something that incriminates him,
05:14he probably took care of keeping it somewhere else.
05:17Castillo is a very intelligent man.
05:19I'm sure he's going to make a mistake at some point.
05:21And we're going to be there to find out.
05:24Any news on Rosa Verdin?
05:26They just captured her.
05:28And the search began immediately.
05:30As soon as he arrives,
05:31do you want me to let him know so we can interrogate him?
05:35I'll let you know.
05:36Excuse me.
05:46Well played!
05:47Well won!
05:48That's it, guys!
05:49We won!
05:50We won!
05:51We won!
05:52To the dining room!
05:54Go to the bar and go to the dining room.
05:58Let's go!
06:02I'm glad you wanted to leave the room today.
06:05Do you feel better?
06:07That's good.
06:09Come on, go wash your hands so you can go eat later.
06:14What's wrong?
06:24Do you want to know about your mom?
06:25I already started investigating.
06:26But you have to be patient.
06:27It won't be easy to get to her.
06:29Do you agree?
06:31I promise I'll do everything I can to find out about her.
06:47What happened?
06:48I want to talk to you.
06:49Come in, please.
06:55You're very mysterious.
06:57What do you want to talk about?
07:02I saw you kissing my dad.
07:07Look, the thing is...
07:08How do I explain this to you?
07:10You don't have to explain anything.
07:12From what I saw, it's very clear.
07:14You're with your dad.
07:15You're with your dad.
07:16You're with your dad.
07:17You're with your dad.
07:18From what I saw, it's very clear.
07:19You're with your dad.
07:23Yes, but I want you to understand
07:24that I had nothing to do with Carmen's separation.
07:26And I don't want you to think
07:27that I want to take a place that doesn't belong to me.
07:29You're always going to be the most important thing for your dad
07:31and you're always going to be like that.
07:32Calm down, calm down.
07:34It's not what I'm thinking.
07:37The truth is,
07:38I like it.
07:41Doesn't it bother you that I'm with your dad?
07:43No, on the contrary.
07:44I really like you.
07:46Oh, Mati.
07:48Oh, Mati, Mati, Mati.
07:49You're so cute, so cute.
07:54if you want to be with him,
07:56you have to tell him who you really are.
08:00Do you want me to tell him everything?
08:05That you're a fugitive.
08:06That everyone else is too.
08:08That you were together in jail.
08:10That it's not true that you came from Puerto Vallarta.
08:13And your real name.
08:15It's fair if you're going to be a couple.
08:24I sent Gabriel to his house.
08:26He was very disturbed because last night he went to the hospital to visit Vilchis.
08:32How strange.
08:33Yesterday he was in jail and he didn't tell me he had intentions of going to see him.
08:36He wanted to make sure that it had been Lorena who had him beaten.
08:40It affected him a lot that Vilchis had confirmed it.
08:44Well, then it's good that he went to see him.
08:46Because that way he has no doubt about what his sister is capable of.
08:50She's never going to be totally convinced.
08:52She's his sister and she still believes that Lorena hasn't done anything.
08:56She's always going to tell him.
08:58She's talking with her heart.
09:00That's where we go in to make her understand little by little
09:04that it's better to forget about her.
09:06I already told you.
09:07I think that as a first step, everything is fine.
09:12The one who worries me is the damn Castillo.
09:15And now what did he do?
09:16This morning he called me.
09:18He told me to leave Lorena alone or that he was going to make sure
09:21that everyone knew that you were Juan Pablo's lover.
09:24He assured me that he has proof.
09:26Please listen to him and don't do anything.
09:29Let the police take care of stopping them.
09:31If Castillo opens his mouth, I'm finished.
09:32Please don't worry about that.
09:35I would like you to be in the mouth of everyone.
09:40I'm fed up with Castillo.
09:42Damn the time they assigned him the case of that bastard.
09:47I still can't conceive that you got involved with Juan Pablo.
09:51We already talked about that.
09:53And it's not necessary for you to throw it in my face again.
09:57Damn Castillo.
10:01You're right.
10:03It's fair that your father knows the truth.
10:06But it's going to be very difficult because if he finds out...
10:08He accepted my grandmother because you didn't.
10:12Because it's not the same.
10:14She already fulfilled her sentence.
10:15Instead, we escaped from jail.
10:18We are fugitives.
10:20That's why we changed our identity.
10:22Anyway, my dad has to know the truth.
10:27You're right.
10:30All I ask is that you please give me time to think about how I'm going to tell him
10:35and to find the right time to do it.
10:38It's going to be a bomb.
10:40It would be worse if he finds out through the mouth of others.
10:44You're right about that too.
10:46I hope it won't take long.
10:48If my dad gets mad for something, I'll defend you.
10:51Thank you, Mati.
10:53I don't want any more lies.
10:55I've had enough with my grandmother.
10:57I have to go.
11:01Thank you, Mati.
11:09I brought you bread.
11:13Some fruit over there.
11:15Minced meat.
11:19And guess what?
11:21A bottle of wine.
11:24Tomorrow when I go to town, I'll pay you back.
11:26Pay me back?
11:28Okay, fine.
11:30But we do have a lot to talk about.
11:33Tomorrow you'll tell me how much things have changed around here.
11:35No, there's not much to say.
11:37Time stops here.
11:39Nothing happens.
11:41We're just like before.
11:43But you know what?
11:45I'll gladly come.
11:47We'll have a coffee and get ready for the day.
11:49Sounds good to me.
11:53Rest well, young people.
12:08It would be incredible if we stayed here.
12:11Away from everything.
12:13I don't know, we could have our own garden, chickens,
12:17two cows and a few sheep.
12:20It sounds wonderful, but it's not possible.
12:24We're only going to stay a few days in what we plan to do
12:27and then we'll keep moving.
12:29There you go.
12:31Anything can happen at any time.
12:32It becomes more relevant and they forget about you.
12:35I hope so.
12:38Well, for now, I want to propose a toast
12:42because we're together.
12:54My friends and I were investigating how to cross Guatemala.
12:58This city, Hidalgo, is close to Tapachula.
13:00And there is a point where we can cross without anyone noticing.
13:04Very good.
13:14What are you doing here so early?
13:17Your sister saw me very upset and told me to come home to rest.
13:21Little girl.
13:23In the morning, when I came back from school,
13:25a man showed up and gave me a coffee.
13:26There it is, on the table.
13:29Whose is it?
13:31My sister's.
13:33What does it say?
13:35I didn't want to open it.
13:37You're not going to?
13:39I'm afraid. I don't want the content of the letter to compromise me.
13:42I don't think so.
13:44And if that were the case, you have the freedom to decide what to do with the information.
13:48Don't stay without reading it.
14:07Look, I found some very cheap makeup
14:10so we have more options for tonight.
14:13What's wrong?
14:15Matías saw me kissing Dario.
14:19Did he say anything to you?
14:23Yes, the good thing is that he's happy that his dad and I are together.
14:26The bad thing is that
14:28he wants me to tell him the truth about who we are
14:31and that I tell him our whole story.
14:33And what are you going to do?
14:35I don't know. I don't know, I don't know.
14:37I know I have to do it, but I wish I knew how Dario was going to react.
14:41Most likely, he'll send me flying and we'll all go straight home.
14:46I don't know what to do.
14:48I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do.
14:57And what does he say?
14:59That he didn't do anything to that man anymore.
15:01But with all the press, it's better if he goes far away, so...
15:06He's gone.
15:09And whatever happens, he'll never stop loving me.
15:12How do you feel?
15:14I'm scared.
15:16Of what?
15:18That something will happen to Lorina.
15:20I have no idea where she has gone and she's alone.
15:22I wish her with all my heart that they don't catch her.
15:26For her, the best thing would be to disappear.
15:31I wish her the best too.
15:35Come in.
15:43Since you told me that the information about Vilchis was leaked, I was worried.
15:47What's the name of the reporter who called you to tell you that?
15:50What's the name of the reporter who called you to ask you if you had more information?
15:57I don't remember his last name. Why?
16:00I need to know how he found out.
16:02I mean, very few people knew that information.
16:05I'm aware that in the hospital it could have been leaked.
16:08I don't know, some nurse or Vilchis himself.
16:10Locate him and ask him how he got that information.
16:14Yes, of course, if you like.
16:16But look, I'm sorry to tell you.
16:17In addition to the people in the hospital, the commander and detective Rojas also knew it.
16:22They have never given me a good idea.
16:24No, forget it, I trust them blindly.
16:27Look for him, investigate, okay?
16:31Okay, I'll keep you informed.
18:17May I come in?
18:19Come in!
18:23What happened?
18:25Were you able to deliver the letter to Gabriela?
18:29Well, you should have told us.
18:31I had other things to do.
18:33What did Gabriela tell you?
18:35She didn't want to receive it.
18:37She said she had told Lorena that she didn't want to know anything about her.
18:39But I insisted.
18:41I told her that she had left, that her sister was a good person,
18:42and that all she cared about was that she was okay.
18:45I can't believe she didn't want to know anything about her sister.
18:48It's all Arturo Marquez's fault.
18:50He has dedicated himself to putting her against him.
18:52No, if you had heard what he had told her...
18:54And add to that everything the press has published?
18:59What if Dario reads one of those notes?
19:01Then we are in trouble.
19:04Shut up, man.
19:06We'll be in trouble and then we'll all end up in jail again.
19:08All we have left to do is pray to God
19:10so that this doesn't happen.
19:17What would you do without me?
19:19I'm really a genius.
19:21What are you talking about?
19:23I have a solution so that Dario doesn't see those notes.
19:27It's just a matter of blocking all the applications and news pages on his cell phone.
19:30Can you do that?
19:32Of course.
19:34The problem is how are you going to grab his cell phone
19:36without him noticing?
19:38Frida, that's your job.
19:40Besides, if I already realized that when he's with you
19:43the world is so small, boss.
19:45In one of those,
19:47take the opportunity to grab his cell phone without him noticing.
19:49I'll take care of the rest.
19:51Well, that's fine.
19:53I'm going to have to sacrifice myself.
19:56If that's what you ask for, don't do it.
20:01The coffee was delicious.
20:04You go ahead.
20:06I'll make the coffee and you'll make the food.
20:08You said you were a good chef.
20:11You nailed it.
20:21I still can't believe it.
20:26That we're here.
20:28Now more than ever,
20:30I confirm that I did the right thing
20:32when I decided to take your case.
20:34I had already told you that it was no coincidence
20:36that they assigned it to me.
20:38I asked for it.
20:40I wanted to defend you.
20:43Alejandro, you have not only defended me,
20:46you have made me feel
20:50loved, supported.
20:52It would not have been the same
20:54if that day you had not entered through that door.
20:57And today we are here alone,
20:59in no hurry to get in here
21:01because they are watching you.
21:04I've been living this nightmare for months,
21:07but today with you by my side
21:08is the first time in a long time
21:10that I feel happy again.
21:14I love you, Alejandro Castillo.
21:38I love you.
21:58Two mundete.
22:05What's up?
22:06Oh, I forgot to put credit on my cell phone
22:09and I need to talk to my cousin Daniela.
22:11You can use mine.
22:13The password is 234523.
22:15Thank you very much.
22:17Not long.
22:26I have it.
22:33Here you go.
22:37Here you go.
22:44Do you believe in life after death?
22:48I've never asked him.
22:52Because if I could choose,
22:54I would like that in my next life
22:56we meet before
22:59to be able to spend more time with you.
23:06I love you.
23:25I'm so sorry
23:27I couldn't talk to you
23:29with sincerity from the beginning, but...
23:31Oh, come on.
23:33You already told me that my dad didn't leave you.
23:34Don't say that again.
23:36I don't want to talk about that.
23:39Do you think that one day
23:41you can forgive me
23:43and we can have the beautiful relationship we had again?
23:47I don't know.
23:55Hurry up.
23:57I told Dario that I was only going to call my cousin Daniela.
23:59Okay. Hey, it's blocked.
24:01Did you ask for the password?
24:15Is it too much?
24:17No, give me a chance.
24:19I'm not peeling walnuts.
24:21You have your joke.
24:24And now what?
24:26Don't you dare get involved
24:28in Dario's personal stuff.
24:30No, how do you think?
24:32Are you serious?
24:34I have no idea.
24:36But block it in case you doubt it.
24:40Done. I'm a genius.
24:42Now call your cousin
24:44so that the call is registered.
24:46Don't make Dario realize you didn't call him.
24:48But I don't have a cousin, Daniela.
24:50It was just an excuse.
24:52Well, then call any number.
24:57What are you thinking about?
24:59About my friends.
25:00Who knows how they organized
25:02to serve the clients of the murder base.
25:05They must have done something.
25:07They seem to be very busy.
25:09Can you imagine how busy?
25:12Although I would have liked to say goodbye to them.
25:15And why didn't you do it?
25:17Because if I told them I was going to leave,
25:19they wouldn't let me.
25:21They were going to try to convince me not to do it.
25:24And I couldn't risk
25:26that a client would recognize me
25:28and the police would find us all.
25:30You appreciate them a lot, don't you?
25:32A lot.
25:35Since we escaped from prison,
25:37a very strong brotherhood was born between us.
25:41We were like the three musketeers.
25:45One for all and all for one.
25:49You know,
25:51I never thought that in prison
25:53I would meet women so supportive,
25:55willing to do anything,
25:57that with them I would know
25:58the true meaning of friendship.
26:02When things are calmer,
26:04you will be able to get in touch with them.
26:07I would love to.
26:09And also with my sister.
26:11I left her a letter with my friends.
26:13I hope they can give it to her.
26:15Don't tell me that.
26:17What did you put in the letter?
26:19Easy, nothing compromising.
26:21I just put that I was leaving
26:23and that I will always carry her in my heart.
26:26I'm worried.
26:30Because being Vicente's girlfriend,
26:32we run the risk that Arturo Marquez
26:34finds out what that letter says.
26:36I've made a lot of mistakes,
26:38but I've learned.
26:40I have to admit that your mistakes
26:42bothered me a lot,
26:44but I also have to admit
26:46that you have been very brave.
26:49I'm exhausted.
26:51Let's go to sleep.
26:56Good night.
26:58Good night.
27:01Let's do the three.
27:03One, two, three.
27:11Thank you very much.
27:13What happened with your cousin?
27:15Everything okay?
27:17Yes, she just wanted to let me know
27:19that my niece was born.
27:23If you want to meet her,
27:25I can go with you.
27:26It's the first time
27:28you tell me something about your family.
27:30I would like to know more.
27:32Where do they live?
27:34Are your parents alive?
27:36Do you have siblings?
27:38You know everything about my life
27:40and I don't know anything.
27:42Well, except that your grandfather
27:44took you to baseball.
27:48Another day, boss.
27:50Duty calls me.
27:52Yes, young man.
27:56Good morning.
27:58How did you sleep?
28:00I couldn't sleep at all.
28:02It's as if I was in a constant state of alertness.
28:05As if someone was watching us all the time.
28:12With everything you've been through lately,
28:14it's natural.
28:16But when we're in Guatemala,
28:18you'll be calmer.
28:21Did you hear anyone outside?
28:25Hello, hello.
28:27Good morning.
28:29Look, I brought you bread
28:31so you can have a nice breakfast.
28:35You're welcome.
28:37I have to take you to get to know the town.
28:39It's very beautiful and picturesque.
28:41You're going to like it.
28:43There will be an opportunity.
28:45Well, see you later.
28:47I'll go around later to see if you need anything.
28:51Thank you, uncle.
28:52You're welcome.
29:01Good morning.
29:03Good morning.
29:05Get up.
29:07I made eggs with chorizo.
29:09How delicious!
29:11I can't wait to have breakfast.
29:13I don't want to be late for work.
29:15Lately, you always go without breakfast.
29:17Are you having a hard time?
29:19No, don't worry, Superior.
29:20I'll go down right now
29:22and make a sandwich with your eggs and chorizo
29:24and I'll take it.
29:26That's better.
29:28See you later.
29:32I'm going to the bathroom.
29:34You didn't tell me the commander answered you.
29:36There's not much to tell.
29:38We've been sending messages,
29:40wishing us a good day,
29:42asking us how we are.
29:44You know, that.
29:46Oh, that's enough.
29:47You're going too far.
29:49I feel so ridiculous.
29:51At this age, excited like a 15-year-old.
29:53Enjoy it.
29:55There's no age for love.
29:57But don't stop being ridiculous
29:59that at my age,
30:01I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach.
30:03Superior, tell me,
30:05how long ago did I not feel it?
30:07I don't even remember.
30:09And I never thought I'd feel them again.
30:13Take it as a gift of life
30:15and enjoy it.
30:17Invite him to dinner tonight.
30:21How do you think I'm going to invite him to dinner?
30:23What's wrong with that?
30:25Don't be so old-fashioned.
30:27Today women can also invite men.
30:31he already confessed that he's in love with you.
30:33Let's see, give me your cell phone.
30:35No, no, no, don't start.
30:37And hurry up so you can go down to breakfast.
30:39You're getting cold, huh?
30:41Come on.
30:43Come in.
30:45Good morning.
30:47Good morning.
30:49What's up with him?
30:51He left his house very early yesterday morning.
30:53He left on his motorcycle.
30:55I was going to follow him,
30:57but apparently he noticed and I couldn't follow him anymore.
30:59I went back to his house until my relief arrived.
31:01He just told me he never came back.
31:03It's been 24 hours and there's no sign of him.
31:05Keep watching and keep me informed.
31:07Yes, sir.
31:13What are you thinking?
31:15Maybe he stayed to sleep with someone.
31:17Unless he's with Lorena Martinez.
31:19I think it's a little hasty
31:21to come to that conclusion.
31:23Let's wait for Ortiz's reports.
31:25As you wish.
31:35What are you doing?
31:37I'm looking to see if there's any news.
31:39We have to stay alert.
31:44Look at this.
31:46Look, I found something.
31:50The prosecution reported today
31:52about the arrest of another of the fugitives
31:54from the Santiago prison.
31:56It's about Rosa Verdin.
31:58She was captured in San Luis Potosi
32:00at a family restaurant,
32:02the place where she was hiding.
32:04With her capture, fewer and fewer continue to escape.
32:06As for Lorena Martinez,
32:08the prosecution has not given any statement
32:10regarding the man named Claudio Vilchis,
32:13which makes us think
32:15that what Mr. Arturo Marquez said
32:17in an interview with Marcelo Canales is true.
32:20Lorena Martinez was the one who had him beaten.
32:24Arturo Marquez won't stop until he sees me behind bars.
32:27Don't worry.
32:29I'm sure he'll keep quiet for a long time.
32:32How can you be so sure of that?
32:34Because I called him yesterday
32:36and I told him that if he did anything else against you,
32:38I would make it public
32:40that his daughter Florencia
32:42was Juan Pablo Correa's lover.
32:45I'm not going to let him keep injuring you.
32:47That guy cares a lot about appearances.
32:50And he's not going to risk
32:52that his daughter
32:54was unfaithful to the prosecutor
32:56with someone they considered his brother.
33:08Vicente, what a surprise.
33:12How are you?
33:13Very good, and you?
33:15Good, here working, but good.
33:17What brings you here?
33:19I need to ask you a favor.
33:21I came to work at a foundation
33:23that helps street children.
33:25That's great. It's a very noble job.
33:27I'm very happy.
33:29It gives me a lot of satisfaction.
33:31It gives me a lot of pleasure.
33:33Tell me, how can I help you?
33:35I want you to help me find the mother of one of the children.
33:37Her name is Teo.
33:39And the boy hasn't spoken since he came into the house.
33:40With great difficulty,
33:42I've tried to understand what's wrong with him.
33:44And I found out that he possibly received a great trauma
33:47when he was abandoned.
33:49And he misses his mother a lot,
33:51but I can't find her.
33:53Where did you find him?
33:55Under a bridge in an area called La Saladita.
33:57I know that area well.
33:59A lot of thugs, bad people, criminals out there.
34:02That's what I read on the Internet.
34:04Tell me specifically, how can I help you?
34:06I would like to ask
34:08if anyone knows anything about Teo's mother.
34:10But I don't want to go alone.
34:12Is it possible that one of your elements will accompany me?
34:15Yes, of course.
34:17Let me see how we are in person and I'll gladly help you.
34:21I'm glad to see you.
34:23Enthusiastic about your work.
34:25Are you living with Gabriela?
34:29How is she?
34:31Very affected by what is happening with her sister.
34:33She insists that she is innocent of everything they accuse her of.
34:35Luckily she left the city.
34:37How do you know?
34:38She is telling him that she was leaving.
34:40When did she leave the letter?
34:46I'll let you know when I have an element available
34:48to accompany you to La Saladita.
34:50Do you have the same phone number?
34:52Yes, yes, yes.
34:54Perfect. I'll call you.
34:56If you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.
34:59Thank you for your support.
35:01You're welcome.
35:06Amanda was right.
35:08Lorena and Castillo are together.
35:13And Alejandro?
35:15He went to the town to buy some things.
35:18He feels much more at ease in this place.
35:21How long have you known my nephew?
35:23Not long, a few months.
35:25And if you can know, how did you meet?
35:28At a meeting.
35:30We have a common friend.
35:32Ah, look, how good.
35:34You do not know what a pleasure it gave me to see him
35:36and that he came so well accompanied.
35:40What do you do? If you can know.
35:42I am the secretary of an import company.
35:44What's the difference with my nephew?
35:46I have always thought that you have to be crazy
35:49to be defending criminals.
35:51Not everyone is guilty.
35:53And besides, Alejandro helps many people
35:55to prove their innocence.
35:57Well, yes.
35:59But how about when the culprit turns out?
36:01All the criminals he catches say,
36:03I am innocent.
36:05And when the opposite is proven,
36:06it's a waste of time for the lawyer, isn't it?
36:09And anyway, he already lived with the criminal
36:12and something hit him.
36:14That should not leave anything good.
36:16Those people, you know what?
36:18Look, from far away, look.
36:21Well, I'm leaving.
36:23Tell my nephew that I'll be back later, okay?
36:25Meanwhile, keep enjoying all this.
36:34Good morning.
36:36Good morning.
36:43What's wrong with you?
36:45It looks like you saw the devil.
36:47Nothing, nothing. What are you reading?
36:49A note about the war in the Middle East.
36:51No, read this.
36:53Those news only depress.
36:57Remember what we talked about.
37:02What did you talk about with Matías?
37:04About things.
37:06What things?
37:08Well, things, you know, teenagers.
37:11Hey, you look especially handsome today.
37:14Will it be love?
37:16I don't know.
37:21I just found out that Lorena Martínez left the city.
37:24I knew it.
37:26If Castillo does not return to his house, it is because he is with her.
37:28They left together.
37:30When you told me, I thought it was unlikely.
37:32But now that I found out about Lorena,
37:34the safest thing is that it is.
37:36What about Castillo's motorcycle?
37:38I'll take care of it.
37:40As soon as you have them, you have to find out
37:42if they crossed a toll booth.
37:44That will tell us the direction they took.
37:53The judge has just authorized the order
37:55for Castillo's cell phone to intervene.
37:57Oh, what good news.
37:59Make sure the experts come.
38:01Right away.
38:03I'll take care of the data on the motorcycle
38:04That's all.
38:06Get to work.
38:08Last night I dreamed with you.
38:10What did you dream?
38:12That we were on a beach watching the sunset.
38:16Sitting, hugging on the sand.
38:20You know, it was such a strong feeling,
38:22so full,
38:24that every time I remember I get goosebumps.
38:26What a beautiful dream.
38:30hopefully one day it will come true.
38:34Look for the counter.
38:36Yes, I'm going.
38:38Excuse me.
38:43Did you tell him?
38:45Oh, Mati.
38:47Mati, give me a chance, please.
38:49I don't know how to do it.
38:51Do you think it's easy?
38:53Besides, look, if I tell him,
38:55I'm going to involve Lizette and Monce,
38:57and that's it.
38:59Please, don't bother me anymore
39:01asking him to tell your dad the truth.
39:02We don't have much time to leave.
39:04What do you mean they're leaving? Where?
39:06Far away from here.
39:08We're saving and we're going to leave
39:10as soon as we have the money.
39:12No, no, no, they can't leave.
39:14They're fine here,
39:16and you can't leave my dad now that they're dating.
39:18I can't keep hiding the truth from him either.
39:20He's going to be very upset.
39:22It's going to be a bucket of cold water for him,
39:24one of the worst in his life.
39:26I'd rather go before.
39:28Why didn't you tell him everything from the beginning?
39:30Because, because he wouldn't have accepted us.
39:32I'm going to help you understand the situation.
39:34I wish it were that simple.
39:36Okay, don't tell him anything.
39:39But don't go.
39:41You are very important to me.
39:48Castillo and Lorena Martinez are together.
39:50Here are the images of the moment
39:52when they crossed a booth.
39:57Although they wear a helmet,
39:59there is no doubt that it is them.
40:00The plates correspond to Castillo's motorcycle
40:03and the one behind it is Lorena Martinez.
40:05Which booth did they cross?
40:07The one at the exit to Puebla.
40:09As soon as we know which was the last booth they crossed,
40:11we must map the area to trace a search area.
40:14The agents who are going to intervene
40:16on Castillo's phone have arrived.
40:18They are assembling the team in the meeting room.
40:20Arteaga is with them.
40:22Let's go.
40:24I was talking to my brother-in-law,
40:26who is a prosecutor,
40:28to ask him for a police officer
40:30to accompany me to the meeting room.
40:32And he said yes, that he could support me.
40:34I understand what you want to do
40:36and he is very noble on your part.
40:38But you have to take into account
40:40that maybe Teo's mother doesn't want her to find him
40:42because she can't take care of her son.
40:44For some reason she abandoned him.
40:46But I can't stay with my arms crossed.
40:48All children are like that.
40:50They come in here without having any children.
40:51They come in here
40:53without having any information from their parents.
40:55Let's review the situation of each of the children
40:57so that you have it clear.
40:59Let's see.
41:06Oh, I love peppers.
41:09I'm going to stew them with garlic, vinegar,
41:11olive oil, pepper.
41:13They are delicious.
41:15Well, we'll have to try them.
41:19I'm sorry, Sofia.
41:25The call was cut off.
41:27There is little signal here.
41:29I'm going to go out to look.
41:31Yes, it's fine.
41:33While I prepare the food.
41:35I'm going to make meatballs with rice.
41:37Do you feel like it?
41:39Well, I was going to cook, but it's fine.
41:41And don't forget those peppers,
41:43you already made me feel like it.
41:47I won't take long.
41:53The one who called didn't do it again.
41:55The one who answered didn't seem to listen.
41:57He only said good two times and the call was cut off.
42:01A call is coming out of the phone we used.
42:06I want to hear what they say.
42:11I don't have a very good signal.
42:13I didn't hear anything.
42:15Yes, you're right.
42:17I've been calling you for a while
42:19and the message came in that your cell phone was off,
42:21Alex, where are you?
42:25I can't hear you.
42:27Where are you?
42:35Where is Alejandro?
42:37He went out to talk on the phone.
42:39Did something happen?
42:41They're not going to see my face, girl,
42:43I'm not an idiot.
42:45Why do you say that?
42:47I'm from the village, but I watch the news.
42:49Well, Alfredo, let me explain.
42:51You're from the prison?
42:53Please listen to me, I can explain.
42:55I don't understand how my nephew
42:57can be with a criminal like you.
42:59Go back or I'll turn you in to the police.
43:21I'm not what people make up.
