Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 32 Completo en Español

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Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 32 Completo en Español
00:30You were talking to Lorena Martinez.
00:31Tell me where she is!
00:32I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:34I heard you!
00:36You were talking to her!
00:37It's in your paranoia that you confuse things.
00:40I was talking to Sofia.
00:42You know her, she works with me.
00:43You're lying to me!
00:45We were talking about the night of the murder
00:46and how you're blaming her.
00:48I don't deny that.
00:49I was keeping an eye on Sofia.
00:51Don't do that to me!
00:53You misheard.
00:55It's not like that.
00:57Don't make me see your stupid face, Alejandro.
00:59It's like you don't know me.
01:01I'd never do something like that.
01:03Besides, I don't have to give you explanations
01:05about who I'm talking to.
01:07It was nice to see you.
01:14That was the last thing I needed.
01:17To be blamed for another crime I didn't commit.
01:20What are you talking about?
01:22Who can blame you for another crime?
01:24Los Marques.
01:26Do you want more?
01:27I'm sure they found out Alejandro was in contact with Vilches
01:29and they had him beaten up so he wouldn't testify
01:31and now they're blaming me for doing it.
01:35Damn it, it can't be.
01:37Calm down.
01:38It can't be. I can't.
01:41What did I do to deserve this?
01:44No one has ever hurt me so much.
01:47Don't ask yourself that.
01:50Sooner or later, life will put that family in its place.
01:58May I come in?
01:59Yes, come in.
02:03Castillo just left.
02:04I saw him when he left.
02:06I followed him to the street.
02:07Before I approached him, he took out his cell phone
02:09and called Lorena Martinez.
02:10They talked about Vilches.
02:12Are you sure?
02:13I heard him when he said Vilches was blaming him for the beating.
02:16What else did he say?
02:17That Florencia has a quarter of the night of the murder.
02:21He was referring to his wife, right?
02:25What does she have to do with all this?
02:27Why is Castillo saying she has a quarter of the night?
02:29There are things I haven't told you
02:31because they have nothing to do with the case.
02:32But they have to do with Lorena Martinez.
02:36Lorena insists she's innocent of the murder of Juan Pablo Correa.
02:39Since she escaped from prison,
02:40she's been following some clues with Castillo's help
02:42to blame someone.
02:44She's convinced that my wife blamed her
02:47and insists on blaming her.
02:49How do you know all this information?
02:51Castillo told me.
02:52Florencia has nothing to do with all this.
02:55No matter how hard I think about it,
02:56I can't understand how Castillo believes that woman.
02:59She's a psychopath.
03:00I insist we have to intervene on her cell phone.
03:02That's the only way we can deal with her.
03:03If we don't have a judicial order, it's impossible.
03:06For the judge, what we have are pure assumptions.
03:09We have no way to prove
03:10that Castillo is communicating with Lorena.
03:13It can't be. He's got his hands tied.
03:15I understand your frustration.
03:17The only thing we have is Vilches.
03:19Why don't you talk to him
03:20and try to get something out of what happened?
03:24Amanda, I swear I'll do everything I can
03:28to catch Lorena Martinez.
03:30I know.
04:15Ha! Bingo.
04:24¿Cómo estás?
04:26Bien, señor. Gracias.
04:28¿Y cómo te va con Vicente?
04:31Me extrañó que no me dijeras
04:32que Vicente nunca se fue de México
04:34y que se había regresado a vivir a tu casa.
04:37Disculpe, señor, pero no me correspondía a mí hacerlo.
04:40Me parece que eso es asunto entre usted y Vicente.
04:42Sí, sí, claro.
04:44En fin, me alegro de que no se haya ido.
04:47Yo quisiera acercarme a él, pero ahora no, no saco nada.
04:51Me va a rechazar, está enojado conmigo.
04:54Le voy a dar un tiempo para que se le baja el enojo
04:56y entonces lo voy a hacer.
04:58Como usted guste.
05:00Te voy a pedir un favor.
05:02Como ahora, tú eres el único vínculo que tengo con él.
05:05Te ruego que me mantengas al tanto de lo que hace
05:07y si necesita algo.
05:09Digo, nuestra relación nunca ha sido muy buena,
05:11pero es mi hijo, y me preocupa.
05:13Claro que sí.
05:14Cuando quiera, me puedo preguntar por él.
05:16Y disculpa que me tome estas confianzas,
05:18pero sabes, le tengo mucho precio.
05:21En el tiempo que llevas trabajando con nosotros,
05:23te has ganado mi cariño.
05:31Ya pensé que te habías ido.
05:33Me quedo un rato más para poder jugar con ellos.
05:36¿Cómo te fue en tu primera clase?
05:39Teo fue el único que no quiso colorear.
05:41Y como no habla, es muy difícil entender
05:43por qué se aísla tanto.
05:45Pero ya encontré una manera de poderme comunicar con él.
05:48¿Qué es lo que tiene?
05:50Realmente no lo sabemos con claridad.
05:52Una doctora que vino a verlo nos dijo
05:54que podría tratarse de un autismo a nivel muy bajo.
05:58No, de algún trauma que sufrió.
06:01Y su manera de reaccionar es no hablar.
06:03¿Cuánto tiempo lleva aquí?
06:04Un año.
06:05Lo encontramos debajo de un puente.
06:08Sí, cada niño que hemos rescatado significa un reto.
06:11Hay quienes terminan en la calle por pobreza extrema.
06:14Otros, por violencia intrafamiliar.
06:16Algunos simplemente los abandonan sus padres.
06:19Todos tienen su propia historia.
06:21Me gustaría tener acceso a sus expedientes.
06:23¿Será posible?
06:24Por supuesto.
06:25Entre más involucrado estés con ellos, mejor.
06:28Cuando llega un niño nuevo,
06:29¿cuánto tiempo tarda en adaptarse?
06:32Unos en cuando llegan.
06:34Otros pueden tardarse varios días,
06:36pero finalmente lo hacen.
06:37Nuestro objetivo es darles cariño,
06:39que tengan una vida digna,
06:41una alimentación y educación.
06:44Vas a ver que la labor que hacemos
06:46deja muchas satisfacciones.
06:48Con lo poco que he hecho por ellos,
06:49ya lo estoy sintiendo.
06:51Me imagino que así es.
07:00¿Qué se te ofrece?
07:02¿Podemos hablar?
07:03Es que hace rato estábamos muy enojados.
07:05No tengo nada más que hablar contigo.
07:07Para mí ya está todo dicho.
07:08Además, lo que hiciste con Matías es imperdonable.
07:11No, ya reconozco que hice mal.
07:13No debí meterlo en esto,
07:14pero estaba desesperada, compréndeme.
07:17Es que no me puedo quedar de brazos cruzados
07:19y dejar que se pierda
07:20todo lo que hemos construido juntos.
07:22Ya se perdió.
07:23Entre nosotros ya no hay nada.
07:24No, pero es que no puedo creer
07:25lo que me estás diciendo.
07:26Más vale que lo vayas creyendo.
07:28Empieza a hacer tus maletas y te vas.
07:30Darío, por favor,
07:31estás tomando decisiones demasiado drásticas.
07:33Para mí no lo son.
07:34Desde que te perdí la confianza
07:35y me desilusionaste,
07:36sabía que no había marcha atrás.
07:38Pero es que no puede ser tan indolente.
07:40Apenas hace unos días estábamos súper bien.
07:42Ya, por favor.
07:43No quiero regresar a lo mismo.
07:45Ya te di mis razones.
07:46Te dejo para que empaques
07:47y no me hagas una escenita
07:49que no voy a cambiar mi decisión.
07:56Ay, por favor.
08:11¿Qué pasó?
08:13Por favor, me subes algo de comer.
08:15Me muero de hambre.
08:16Pero ya está la comida.
08:17¿Por qué no bajamos juntos?
08:19No quiero.
08:20No tiene caso que sigas enojado con tu abuela.
08:22Ya lo hablamos.
08:24No es solos por ella.
08:26Tampoco quiero ver ni a mi papá ni a Carmen.
08:29Está bien.
08:30Tus razones tendrás.
08:32Ahorita te subo algo.
08:40Si logras entrar al historial de llamadas de Bill Cheese,
08:43podemos saber con quién habló últimamente
08:45y si lo hizo con alguno de los Marques.
08:47Sí, todo es posible.
08:48No comas ansias.
08:52Lo tengo, lo tengo.
08:53Está ahí dentro.
08:55A ver, las últimas llamadas que recibió
08:57fueron de tu celular.
09:00Sí, yo le marqué dos veces
09:02cuando estaba en los tribunales.
09:03Pero antes no hay más llamadas.
09:05Sí, hay una de ayer en la tarde.
09:07El número es 55-55-90-34-87.
09:14A ver, dímelo de nuevo.
09:16¿Vas a marcar?
09:17Pues sí.
09:18Tengo que saber quién le llamó.
09:21A ver, 55-55-90-34-87.
09:30Buenas tardes, Pizzeria Napoli.
09:33Es una pizzería.
09:37Es que no tiene muchas llamadas.
09:38A ver, aquí hay otra de hace tres días.
09:42A ver.
09:43A ver, te voy a dar el número.
09:55Buenas tardes, ¿con quién hablo?
09:56¿Con quién quiere hablar?
09:58Tengo una llamada perdida de este número.
10:01Seguro le marcaron para avisarle
10:02que sus zapatos ya están listos.
10:04No se equivocaron.
10:06Yo no llevé ningunos zapatos a reparar.
10:08Disculpe la molestia.
10:10Es un zapatero.
10:12¿Hay más números?
10:20¿Puedo pasar?
10:25Me informaron que ya rindió su declaración
10:27con el Ministerio Público.
10:29Es muy importante que lo haya hecho.
10:32Pero necesito hacerle algunas preguntas.
10:36Está bien.
10:38¿Cómo es que recibió las amenazas de Lorena Martínez
10:41mientras trabajaba en el banco?
10:47Señor Vilchis.
10:50Me llevaba sobres que ella mandaba.
10:52¿Tiene esos sobres?
10:54De esa manera podremos comprobar
10:55que lo tenía amenazado.
10:57Y se sumaría otro delito
10:59que se paga hasta con tres años de cárcel.
11:01Lo cual aumentaría su condena.
11:04No los tengo.
11:06Los destruí.
11:08¿Los sobres se los enviaba por correo?
11:13Los dejaron en la entrada del banco
11:14con mi nombre escrito.
11:18Sabía que yo era el primero que llegaba a la sucursal
11:21y que los iba a encontrar.
11:25¿Recuerda la fecha en que Lorena
11:27dio con usted de nuevo?
11:31Hace como dos semanas.
11:33No, necesito la fecha exacta
11:35para pedir que revisen las cámaras del C5 de ese día.
11:38También voy a pedir que revise las grabaciones de anoche.
11:42Lo levantaron llegando a casa de su hermana, ¿cierto?
11:46Voy a necesitar su dirección.
11:48Palomares 18, Colonia Azuriz.
11:51Espero que haya cámaras del C5 en esa zona.
11:55Eso es todo.
11:56Me quiero descansar.
11:57Una pregunta más.
11:59¿Conoce a un hombre que se llama Alejandro Castillo?
12:06Es él.
12:10¿Lo reconoce?
12:13No tengo idea de quién sea.
12:14Su nombre no me suena.
12:19No lo molesto más.
12:20Lo dejo descansar.
12:22Con permiso.
12:30Misión cumplida.
12:31Ya dejé a Matías saboreando su comida superior.
12:34¿Y le gustó?
12:35¿A juzgar por la velocidad con la que se la comió?
12:38Yo creo que sí.
12:39Estaba muerto de hambre el pobre.
12:41¿En un ratito le subes el postre?
12:45Bueno, pues siéntense a comer.
12:47¿Y Carmen y Darío?
12:48¿No los vamos a esperar?
12:49Vi salir a Carmen.
12:50Probablemente no va a comer aquí.
12:52Ah, voy a buscar a Darío.
12:57Ah, voy a buscar a Darío.
13:04Ay, niña, qué fregadera lo que te está pasando.
13:07Estoy aterrada.
13:09Todo se vuelve contra mí.
13:12Ay, te voy a servir.
13:15Espero que después de que comas te sientas un poquito mejor.
13:24Jefecito, ya está lista la comida.
13:27Gracias, pero no tengo hambre.
13:29Ni ganas de sentarme en la mesa con nadie.
13:31Quiero estar solo.
13:32Uy, al parecer hoy todos en esta casa andan con el ánimo por los suelos.
13:37¿Quieres que te traiga a comer algo?
13:39No, no, te lo agradezco, pero no tengo hambre.
13:42Bueno, de todas maneras te voy a traer.
13:44Quien quita que viendo la comida se te antoja, ¿no?
13:48De la vista das el amor, ¿no?
13:50Así está mejor.
13:52Si vieras lo bien que te ves cuando sonríes.
14:05Olvídate de ese celular.
14:07No vamos a conseguir alguna pista que te lleve a los que mandaron golpear a Vilchis.
14:12No puede ser.
14:14Seguramente Vilchis pensó que los había engañado.
14:16fingiendo que se había ido de México.
14:18Pero me queda claro que lo tenían vigilado porque en cuanto aparecí yo,
14:21se pusieron alertas y decidieron callarlo.
14:24Sí, es muy probable.
14:26No se veía tan fácil.
14:28¿Qué hago?
14:30¿Cómo puedo convencer a Vilchis de que colabore conmigo?
14:33No veo cómo.
14:34Si yo estuviera en su lugar,
14:36no quería volver a verte por ningún motivo.
14:39No me voy a dar por vencido.
14:42Antonieta, soy Alejandro Castillo.
14:45Por favor, llámeme.
14:46Tenemos que denunciar a ese agente por lo que le hicieron a su hermano.
14:49No permita que esto se quede impune.
15:13Bueno, bueno, bueno. Creo que comiste con ganas.
15:17Las penas con pan son menos.
15:19Estaba rico, ¿no?
15:20La verdad...muy bueno.
15:22Bueno, es que no hay nadie que cocine como tu mamá.
15:25Oye, ¿no quieres salir a dar una vuelta?
15:28Tomar aire fresco siempre hace bien.
15:30Me gustaría, pero tengo que hacer los pedidos del mes.
15:39Now that I think about it, I can make the order later.
15:43Where do you want to go?
15:46Can I take you?
15:47Let's see.
15:49I'm going to take you to breathe fresh air.
15:52To a place far from pollution and the noise of the city.
15:55What do you say?
15:56I think it's a good idea.
15:58I'll leave the plate in the kitchen and I'll be right back.
16:00But don't move from here, okay?
16:01Are you waiting for me?
16:02I'll be right back.
16:06Lorena's threats arrived in packets.
16:08They were left at the entrance of the bank.
16:10Unfortunately, Vilchis destroyed them.
16:12Did you ask him about Castillo?
16:14Yes, I even showed him a photo, but he has no idea who he is.
16:17Then we have to wait for the C5 report.
16:20Yes, but I'm worried that there are no images of Lorena.
16:24Without them, Vilchis will not be able to file charges.
16:26We have no evidence against him.
16:29Come in.
16:31Is it true that Lorena Martinez sent a guy to the hospital?
16:36Who gave you that information?
16:38A reporter called me asking if I could give him more details.
16:42Did you leak the information to that reporter?
16:43Of course not.
16:45So it's true?
16:47What happened?
16:50A man who was beaten up in the hospital showed up.
16:54It turns out he was the bank manager
16:55who authenticated the deposits Juan Pablo made to Lorena.
16:59Do you know why Lorena had him beaten up?
17:01Because he refused to change his statement
17:02in front of the judge who sentenced him to murder.
17:04Does that mean that man was in contact with her?
17:07I suppose so.
17:09Lorena didn't threaten him by telling him
17:11that he would suffer the consequences,
17:13but did what she told him.
17:14Vilchis is alive by miracle.
17:16That Martinez is a fake.
17:18If the information has already been leaked,
17:20take the opportunity to talk to the press.
17:22If Castillo dared to say on national TV
17:25that Lorena Martinez was a victim of the system,
17:28this is our chance to deny it.
17:31The detective is right.
17:32Let him know what his defendant is capable of.
17:34Exactly. If he doesn't,
17:36Vilchis' story will be like a simple piece of news.
17:39I prefer that.
17:42Well, as you wish.
17:44If you need me, I'm in my office.
17:48Excuse me.
17:54I'm sorry to insist,
17:56but I'm convinced that remaining silent is counterproductive.
18:00Everyone should know that the type of criminal
18:03that Martillo is is a way to corner her.
18:05Don't forget it.
18:06I'm not going to get involved in that media game.
18:16Mr. Arturo, I have important information
18:18about Lorena Martinez.
18:26I'll see you at El Bar Pelayo at 6 p.m.
20:05It's over there, on the left.
20:07Where the terrace is.
20:09Are you sure?
20:11I'm sure. Trust me.
20:14You're very mysterious.
20:16Mystery is worth it.
20:18You'll love it when you see the place.
20:31This is getting worse.
20:33What if there was a camera
20:35and it found out things weren't as you told them?
20:38Don't worry.
20:39If there are cameras,
20:40some men will see I was in a truck.
20:43I never said it was Lorena Martinez.
20:45That's a lie.
20:47I'm worried.
20:49I had no other choice.
20:50May God forgive me for hurting that woman.
20:56I've been watching everything.
20:58I saw the Public Prosecutor and the detective here.
21:01I did everything he asked.
21:02I hope so.
21:03You know what can happen to you if you open your mouth too much.
21:17Did you like it?
21:19Mati, let's talk, please.
21:23I'm not interested.
21:24I need to explain.
21:26What are you going to explain?
21:27You came here pretending to be nice
21:29when the truth is you came from jail.
21:32I didn't want to lie to you,
21:34but since your dad always said I lived in peace,
21:36I couldn't contradict him.
21:38It's the same for me. You lied to me.
21:40Please, Matias.
21:41Don't call me a liar because I'm not.
21:44I did hide the truth from you, but that's different.
21:48I was going to tell you the truth, but I was too late.
21:51You found out the worst way.
21:53No matter what you did, you killed my grandfather.
21:56It wasn't my intention. It was a terrible accident.
21:59Enough! I don't want to hear you.
22:02My dad told me that story.
22:03I don't want to know the details.
22:05My grandfather died because of you.
22:07Please. It was an accident.
22:09What do you want me to tell you? I don't want to know anything.
22:13You and I get along. You always listened to me.
22:16Why not anymore?
22:17Because I don't believe you anymore. Period.
22:20What do you want me to do to make you believe me again?
22:23Nothing. I don't care.
22:25If we got along, we don't anymore.
22:35This is wonderful.
22:38I told you you'd love it.
22:41How did you know this place?
22:43I came here with some friends.
22:45I come back whenever I can.
22:47It's very peaceful.
22:52It's the first time I've brought someone here.
22:56I'm very happy that it's you.
23:02It's beautiful, isn't it?
23:03It's beautiful.
23:05Take your shoes off.
23:07What for?
23:10To feel the earth and connect with it.
23:21Now close your eyes.
23:23Close them.
23:24Inhale with me.
23:31One more time. Inhale.
23:39How do you feel?
23:49Very good.
23:52Come here.
23:56Let's hug him.
24:00Hug him.
24:03You'll see how strong you'll feel.
24:20Are you busy?
24:21I'm busy as hell.
24:24Alejandro called Lorena Martinez and she denied it.
24:28If the judge allowed us to use the phone,
24:30I wouldn't be able to deny it.
24:32Don't get mad.
24:33The judge's decision is final.
24:35Now, if you're sure Castillo is still in contact
24:38with the hammer, surprise him again.
24:42Tell him that you're in contact with the hammer.
24:45Tell him you're in contact with the hammer.
24:47Surprise him again.
24:49Are you asking me?
24:50If anyone knows him, it's you.
24:52Bonilla, we have a 10-14.
24:55Let's go.
24:56See you.
25:13Get out of here.
25:14I'm not leaving.
25:16You have to listen to me.
25:17It's the only way we can resolve this.
25:20I don't want to resolve anything.
25:21I do.
25:22Why don't you understand that your father asked me
25:24not to tell the truth?
25:26Because I don't care.
25:28I've found out who you are.
25:31A murderer?
25:33Unfortunately, that's how I was sentenced,
25:35but I'm not.
25:37Your grandfather's death was an accident.
25:40It's very hard to understand.
25:42But you pushed him down the stairs.
25:44I defended myself.
25:46He was very aggressive with me.
25:48And it wasn't the first time he hit me.
25:50Things between us were getting worse every day.
25:53The last time he hit me, I went to the hospital.
25:56And my dad didn't notice?
25:59I always tried to keep him from knowing
26:01how violent his father was.
26:03It was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life.
26:07I never reported it in time.
26:09Why did you marry him if he was a hammer?
26:12Because at first he was charming,
26:15seductive, nice.
26:17Besides, we were both very young.
26:20At that time, I never saw his bad side.
26:24Over time, I realized
26:26that he was also perverse, rude, and violent.
26:30That's how misogynistic men are.
26:33One day, they're adorable.
26:35They make you feel like the most special woman in the world.
26:40The next day, they offend you, insult you, hit you.
26:46And then they regret it,
26:48promising you they'll never mistreat you again.
26:52And you know what the worst part is?
26:54That you believe them.
26:56I can't imagine you being one of those women who let themselves go.
26:59Maybe not now.
27:02But at that time, yes.
27:04With men like him,
27:06a vicious circle of love and hate is formed,
27:09and it's very hard to get out of it.
27:13Besides, I depended on him financially.
27:16I didn't work.
27:17Another big mistake.
27:19Without economic independence,
27:21women are dependent on men.
27:24And maybe some of them behave very well,
27:28but that wasn't your grandfather's case.
27:33On the other hand, your father adored him.
27:35And I didn't want him to have a bad image of him.
27:38That's why I insisted that he didn't find out he mistreated me.
27:44If I was in prison for 18 years,
27:48it wasn't just to pay for your grandfather's death.
27:54It was also to pay for the pile of mistakes you made.
28:03I've already paid them.
28:05And I don't want to carry on with that penance.
28:11I can't lose your love and end up like this,
28:15with my arms crossed.
28:18I'm going to do everything to get it back.
28:23You and my son are my reason to live.
28:29Please try to understand me.
28:51How's it going, Mr. Estrella?
28:53I've had better days.
28:56If you need anything else, just say so.
29:00I need to talk to Lorena.
29:02Can you go get her, please?
29:03I'll give her a call.
29:04Yes, I'm in the oasis right now.
29:07I'll go get her.
29:14May I come in?
29:16Come in.
29:22It's Lick.
29:26Alejandro, who was the woman with you when you called me?
29:29Detective Rojas.
29:31No, she wasn't with me.
29:33When I left the station, she followed me
29:35without me noticing, and then she took my cell phone.
29:39We have to meet.
29:40Can you go to the cafeteria where we met last time?
29:43Yes, I'll see you there.
29:48Is everything okay?
29:50Things got complicated.
29:52Plagas, what happened?
29:54Won't Lick be able to prove you're innocent?
29:56Oh, Lick.
29:57Now less than ever.
30:00You had Lick's hair all over your hand.
30:03To make you see my bad luck.
30:06They're accusing me of having my own witness
30:08beaten up and they're in the hospital.
30:12It's the tower.
30:14I'm going to get it fixed so I can go with Alejandro.
30:17You'll find out the details of what happened later.
30:30How do you feel?
30:32Very well.
30:35I like being close to nature and your company.
30:41My life hasn't been easy.
30:45I know you've been through a lot
30:48and you've had to face it alone.
30:50We all face life's problems in different ways.
30:53Yes, but you were able to get through it.
30:56You made Adela a good, studious, noble boy
31:01with a heart of gold.
31:03Stop it.
31:05You're going to make me blush.
31:08It's not a curse, it's the truth.
31:11It's not wrong to say good things about someone.
31:16And with you, it's very easy to do it because you have a lot.
31:19But you also have a lot of good things to say about me.
31:23With you, it's very easy to do it because you have a lot.
31:26But you too.
31:28You're so happy, nice, optimistic, honest.
31:32Stop it.
31:33It feels weird to hear you say your virtues.
31:38We're used to making mistakes and not good things.
31:45Even if I try, it's hard for me to find fear.
31:52We're not talking about me, we're talking about you.
31:55So you can say what you think and I can't.
32:03What do I have?
32:22Let's go.
32:45How did they find out he was in the hospital?
32:48I heard he asked Ismael to personally talk to him
32:50to tell you everything.
32:52He's very scared of what Lorena Martinez might do.
32:55Damn it.
32:58That woman has no limits.
33:00Why does she want to pretend to be innocent
33:02when we all know she killed Juan Pablo in cold blood?
33:05Appearances can be deceiving.
33:07The woman we thought was innocent turned out to be a murderer.
33:11I don't understand how Ismael got involved with her.
33:13Hey, don't bring that up again.
33:18It's a shame.
33:19If Ágela finds out you're in love with that woman,
33:25goodbye to your political career.
33:28That's not good for you or for me.
33:45What's wrong?
33:46Are you upset about Carmen?
33:48No. No, no, no.
33:51I asked her not to break up with me this morning.
33:54Ever since you got to the base, my life has completely changed.
33:59I've never felt what I feel for you.
34:04That's why I want us to do things right
34:06and not rush things.
34:07If we continue, we won't be able to contain ourselves.
34:10Oh, Jefecito, how can I not love you?
34:14Everything you say makes me fall in love.
34:17I haven't felt what I feel for you in a long time.
34:21You brought me back to life.
34:24You'd better stop, because...
34:26You're right.
34:27Let's take it step by step.
34:30Softly, softly.
34:32You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.
34:36Me neither.
34:45I'm done, ma'am.
34:47Is there anything else I can do to help you?
34:51If you don't feel well, I can stay longer.
34:53I already told you no.
34:56Besides, don't put on such a show with my headache.
34:59I just needed to lie down for a moment.
35:01It's not a show.
35:02It's normal at your age.
35:03My grandmother used to have it the same.
35:05Shut up, you insolent boy.
35:08Get out of here.
35:10My headphones, please.
35:12And don't bring them back.
35:15No, I won't, ma'am.
35:17My walk is long enough to be relieved by listening to music.
35:20I'll bring them back.
35:21I don't care what you do on the way.
35:25But don't use them again.
35:27That's better. We're getting along.
35:30See you tomorrow.
35:31Don't come back for me.
35:33Ma'am, do you know the story of the wolf?
35:36One day he'll miss me.
35:38You think?
35:40You think?
35:52Hi, honey.
35:53How'd it go?
35:55I'll tell you in a minute.
35:56First, tell me how was your first day at work?
36:00I love the guys. They're so talented.
36:03I was surprised.
36:04Why do you say that?
36:05I let them color and blow their imagination away.
36:09I told them they could transform their animals.
36:11And guess what they did?
36:12They made amazing alebrijes.
36:15Some better than others,
36:17but in general, their animals were like a fantasy.
36:20Wow, and did they know what alebrijes were?
36:23No, I had to explain it to them.
36:25That's why I say they're so talented.
36:30Why don't you bring them an alebrije so they can meet them?
36:33Yes, that's what I'm going to do.
36:34In a next class, I'll bring my alebrije.
36:37Now, tell me how was your day?
36:41Everything was normal,
36:42except that I'm talking to your dad.
36:46He asked me out.
36:47For what?
36:49He's worried about you.
36:50You should call him.
36:51No, no, no.
36:53I feel much better without him.
36:55And I don't believe he's worried about me.
36:57Why not? He seemed very honest.
36:59I know him.
37:00If he's worried about something, it's not being able to control me.
37:03That's all.
37:04I don't want to ruin the moment.
37:06I was waiting for you for something else.
37:08Sit down, please.
37:15what is this?
37:17welcome to your first preparation class
37:19for the university exam.
37:21Did you get the guides?
37:23That's right.
37:24They're the sheets you have in front of you.
37:25They're divided by subjects.
37:27I think it's best if we start with history,
37:29because you and I know that math, algebra...
37:59I'm sorry to interrupt,
38:01but this has to do with this.
38:05We have new information
38:06about the case of the fugitives at the Santiago prison.
38:10Again, the protagonist, do you know who she is?
38:12Lorena Martinez.
38:14A man was admitted to the hospital severely beaten.
38:18This information has not been confirmed by the prosecution,
38:21but it is presumed that she was the one who had him beaten.
38:26How did this information get leaked?
38:28Who could it have been?
38:29Artiaga? Who else?
38:31No, I doubt it.
38:33He didn't know.
38:34That's why I found out it was leaked.
38:36It must have been someone else, someone from the hospital.
38:38It could be, but we have no way of finding out.
38:43I'm going home. I need to clear my head.
38:46You can find me on my cell phone.
38:58Thank you for inviting me out.
39:00It was an incredible ride.
39:03Why are you looking at me like that?
39:07Because it's been the happiest day of my life.
39:10After today, I can die in peace.
39:12No, no, no. Please don't die.
39:16We have a lot to live through together.
39:20I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
39:25Let's say little by little.
39:28I couldn't resist telling you.
39:31That's my wish.
39:33You know, you're the best thing in my life, Estrella.
39:47Let's go slowly, okay?
39:58Let's go.
40:14What are you doing here?
40:28My love, I'm aware that a lot has happened between us
40:32that has kept us apart.
40:34But since the day I met you,
40:36I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you,
40:39and that hasn't changed.
40:40Even if it seems like our relationship is falling apart,
40:43I'll always be there for you, loving you.
40:46I love you.
40:48I love you.
40:50I love you.
40:52I love you.
40:54I love you.
40:56I love you, loving you.
41:02It's too early.
41:04I was waiting for you.
41:11No, no, no, no. Wait.
41:13I'm not ready for this.
41:14Come on, let me take you.
41:16You'll see how fast we'll get back together.
41:20Florencia, Florencia.
41:22I feel like I'm forcing things.
41:25We can't get back together if we don't make an effort.
41:28I'm doing everything I can.
41:30Yes, and I appreciate that.
41:33I just need a little more time.
41:38I'm going to take a shower.
41:59Come on, what's wrong with you?
42:02This is the best day of my life.
42:06Because Dario and I kissed.
42:08And not just once, but many times.
42:13Yes, yes, yes, yes.
42:14And he told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.
42:18I can't believe it.
42:20And Carmen?
42:21He's going to break up with her.
42:26Oh, congratulations!
42:28You deserve it more than anyone else.
42:30Dario is a great guy.
42:40Come on, let's go.
42:44Lorena Martinez!
42:46Don't move, you're under arrest.
42:55Subtítulos por José Miguel Pinto Escuela de Lingüística PUCE
