La Historia de juana - Capitulo 58 Completo en Español

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La Historia de juana - Capitulo 58 Completo en Español
00:00:00♪ Ah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
00:00:30Yes, Inés, you're looking at the new president
00:00:33of the blonde brewery,
00:00:35and here we all want to celebrate,
00:00:37so please bring us champagne
00:00:39for those of us here
00:00:41and for those of us there.
00:00:43Let's celebrate, everyone.
00:00:45Champagne from the blonde brewery?
00:00:47I mean, the blond star?
00:00:49No, silly, my dad deserves the best,
00:00:51so get a real one.
00:00:53Okay, I'll get it.
00:00:55I'll get it.
00:00:57I'll get it.
00:00:59Get a real one.
00:01:03Please, Inés.
00:01:07Of course. I'll bring it right away.
00:01:10Excuse me.
00:01:15So, what's your first move as president?
00:01:19Cancel the merger with the Spaniards.
00:01:22It's something that should never have been done.
00:01:25They should be at this meeting.
00:01:27They're investors, not shareholders,
00:01:30just like you.
00:01:31Are you a shareholder too?
00:01:33Shut up.
00:01:34And they really want to get out of the business.
00:01:36Do you know why?
00:01:37Because of the situation Gabriel is in.
00:01:39Obviously, it's going to cost us,
00:01:41but we're going to do it right.
00:01:45That's not right.
00:01:47In fact, this decision you made,
00:01:49without Gabriel,
00:01:50is completely illegal.
00:01:58His nephew is in a very bad situation,
00:02:01but my daughter is still legally Gabriel's wife,
00:02:05so she's in charge of his actions.
00:02:08And are you going to keep Carlos in his position?
00:02:12Well, look, he's actually here out of pity.
00:02:15He's Gabriel's uncle,
00:02:17and he leaves a lot to be desired as an executive.
00:02:20You just saw it.
00:02:23Oh, I forgot.
00:02:25Very important.
00:02:26My daughter is the new manager
00:02:29of distribution of the brewery.
00:02:33Bravo, my love!
00:02:39Come back!
00:02:40Marta, Marta!
00:02:41I have what I say!
00:02:42Your son is going to be ashamed
00:02:43to have a murderer father.
00:02:45Gabriel is the prosecutor!
00:02:46Calm down!
00:02:47What are you doing?
00:02:48You're covering up the murderer.
00:02:49He's going to regret everything he just did.
00:02:51You're going to pay for everything, too.
00:02:53I'm the lawyer, I'm the lawyer!
00:02:55Take him!
00:02:56Calm down, calm down, Gabriel.
00:02:57Calm down, please, calm down.
00:03:01Excuse me, Mr. Prosecutor.
00:03:04I ask you to understand that
00:03:06my client is in a stressful situation, Veronica.
00:03:09No, lawyer.
00:03:11Your client will have no bail,
00:03:14no open trial.
00:03:15I'm going to send him to jail
00:03:17with all the murderers in the country.
00:03:19Mr. Prosecutor, it's not that.
00:03:20Mr. Prosecutor, it's not that.
00:03:26Carlos, calm down.
00:03:28We have to talk to Claudio
00:03:29so he can advise us
00:03:30and tell us what to do.
00:03:31I called him as soon as I found out
00:03:32about the happy shareholders' meeting.
00:03:35He's with Gabriel in an interrogation.
00:03:37Do you realize?
00:03:38This is planned to destroy us.
00:03:40We can't go head-on against Rogelio.
00:03:42What worries me the most
00:03:43is how much it will cost us
00:03:44to liquidate the Spaniards.
00:03:46Very expensive.
00:03:47This could cost the Serracería a lot.
00:03:50I'm going to see if I can contact Claudio.
00:03:56What's wrong?
00:03:57Why don't you tell me anything?
00:03:59Are you that scared?
00:04:01Vivi, the fact that I have a difficult relationship
00:04:03with my dad doesn't mean I'm scared.
00:04:06Since you don't say anything,
00:04:07what do you want me to do?
00:04:09So many things are happening at the company
00:04:10and you're wasting your time here.
00:04:13What's going on? What are you talking about?
00:04:14Your dad arrived.
00:04:15He called an extraordinary group of shareholders.
00:04:17He put me in charge of the room.
00:04:19They're going to vote for a new president
00:04:21and he's going to be your father.
00:04:22What did you tell him?
00:04:24I'm not talking to you.
00:04:25Okay, Vivi, sorry.
00:04:26I'll see you later.
00:04:42I can do it myself.
00:05:02What happened?
00:05:03I heard you didn't do well with the DA.
00:05:05I lost control. I couldn't avoid it.
00:05:07The safest thing is that the DA has planned that.
00:05:09And it's pretty good when he plans it.
00:05:11Well, now you have the perfect excuse
00:05:13to send me to jail and do whatever you want with me.
00:05:17I need to see Salvador.
00:05:21If you transfer Gabriel to a prison,
00:05:23I don't have people there who can protect him.
00:05:27This is very clear that the DA set him up
00:05:29and Gabriel fell instantly.
00:05:31And look, I asked him to control himself.
00:05:33I don't blame him.
00:05:34He gets what he wants most in life.
00:05:36He doesn't have it easy.
00:05:37That's exactly what the DA did to get him out of prison.
00:05:40The final blow.
00:05:41He told him about his son
00:05:42and the shame he would feel
00:05:44when he found out he had a murderous father.
00:05:47I would have done the same.
00:05:50And look,
00:05:51the DA has been my boss for years.
00:05:57I didn't think he was so corrupt at that level.
00:06:01Not so bad.
00:06:03Well, yes, but...
00:06:04There's nothing to do.
00:06:05What a day, sir. What a day.
00:06:07Did something happen to him too, detective?
00:06:09It's a personal matter.
00:06:10I didn't want to get blackmailed.
00:06:12I'm very sorry.
00:06:13Now, if you'll excuse me,
00:06:14I'm going to have to go back to the brewery
00:06:16because I received an urgent call.
00:06:18Apparently, Rogelio Fuenmayor
00:06:20has just taken over as president.
00:06:22Well, the war of the titans
00:06:23between the Fuenmayors and the Rubios
00:06:25has been going on for generations.
00:06:29So far,
00:06:32the most probable thing is that Gabriel Rubio loses.
00:06:39Hey, Abu.
00:06:41Have you called Salvador or something
00:06:43with news of Gabriel?
00:06:45Don't you want some broth?
00:06:46No, no, I'm fine.
00:06:48And, well, at least some juice.
00:06:50No, Abu, I'm fine.
00:06:51Try to understand.
00:06:52It's just that my stomach is full of nerves.
00:06:54Oh, well.
00:06:55Well, you're so nervous that you made me nervous.
00:06:58I'm going to grab a Coca-Cola from the fridge.
00:07:00Why hasn't Salvador called me?
00:07:02Or even Gabriel.
00:07:03He could have called me.
00:07:04Don't you think?
00:07:05Honey, Gabriel can't call you.
00:07:08And Salvador came earlier to find out how you were doing.
00:07:12Well, yes, like that.
00:07:13Abu, why didn't you tell me?
00:07:15Well, honey, because the one he actually spoke to
00:07:17was your mom.
00:07:19And, well, he didn't say anything
00:07:21other than we know Gabriel is still in the DA's office
00:07:23or something like that.
00:07:25Where is my mom?
00:07:26I don't know.
00:07:32Oh, honey.
00:07:34Let's see.
00:07:36Gabriel was supposed to be released today, right?
00:07:38And if he's not,
00:07:39he'll have to be in probation anyway.
00:07:43I think it's best if we go to the DA's office.
00:07:46No, no, no.
00:07:47Stop, Juana Guadalupe.
00:07:48You're not going anywhere.
00:07:52Let me remind you of what your mother told you yesterday.
00:07:55And she made it clear.
00:07:57What Gabriel and Salvador said.
00:08:01Don't go to the DA's office because you can complicate things.
00:08:05You're going to make Gabriel even more nervous.
00:08:07And it's best if you don't even let me see him.
00:08:09Well, then what do I do?
00:08:11Oh, honey, calm down
00:08:13about that little thing you have in there.
00:08:16For God's sake.
00:08:21You're right.
00:08:24It's just that I have a very bad feeling.
00:08:27Let's see, honey.
00:08:30God doesn't move or abandon.
00:08:33At this point, it's proof that he loves us.
00:08:37Everything's going to be fine.
00:08:39Sit down.
00:08:41I'm not going to give you any broth,
00:08:42because the baby or the little thing you have in there
00:08:47needs to eat.
00:08:52Where could Jenny have gone?
00:08:53To complain to Salvador about the video.
00:08:55But that proves that he's my boyfriend.
00:08:59What boyfriend?
00:09:00You don't even know what he's up to.
00:09:02And he's just hurting you.
00:09:03Police, please!
00:09:04There's a crazy woman who's going to come at me again!
00:09:08Do you need help?
00:09:09Is something wrong?
00:09:12No, honey.
00:09:13What happens is that I'm tired of filling myself with illusions
00:09:16and suddenly someone comes to take me down from the clouds.
00:09:21Don't play dumb.
00:09:22You were looking for it too.
00:09:23That's what Zoraida, Carmela and all the gossip in the neighborhood would say, right?
00:09:27That everything that happens to me is because I'm looking for it.
00:09:29Don't you get tired of throwing garbage and talking badly about people?
00:09:33Oh, Jenny, don't overdo it.
00:09:35No, no, we don't.
00:09:36What's our fault?
00:09:37Oh, what's your fault?
00:09:38Didn't you have a party?
00:09:39A tremendous party that you had when Berto was cheating on me and you found out, right?
00:09:43When you saw your daughters out here.
00:09:45They made fun of me, celebrating, humiliating me.
00:09:48But I'm tired.
00:09:49I'm tired and I look them in the eye.
00:09:51I'll have a bad time with men.
00:09:53But I'm not one.
00:09:55Wait a minute.
00:09:56It's not our fault that I'm always flirting with men.
00:09:58And much less that Salvador wants my little bones.
00:10:01No, better shut up.
00:10:03That when my brother sent you the gossip, you were running with Salvador.
00:10:07Well, that's true.
00:10:08It's true.
00:10:09He doesn't love you.
00:10:10And he'll never love you.
00:10:12On a night of contempt, right?
00:10:14There you go.
00:10:15You get into his bed.
00:10:16You cover him.
00:10:17You record it.
00:10:18For what?
00:10:19To extort him?
00:10:21To hurt me?
00:10:22I congratulate you.
00:10:24You did it.
00:10:26Because I don't want to see Salvador in my life again.
00:10:30Are you happy?
00:10:39They told me that David is taking over my office.
00:10:42I want to see how you run it.
00:10:44Because he has always been in favor of Juan and Gabriel's relationship.
00:10:48Look at him.
00:10:51If it's true.
00:10:52I was just telling Paula.
00:10:56And it's true.
00:10:58The chair is big for you.
00:11:01And I'm glad to see the three of you.
00:11:03Because there are points that we have to deal with.
00:11:06Carlos, why are you smiling?
00:11:09Cheer up.
00:11:14Have a glass of champagne to cheer you up.
00:11:19Go ahead.
00:11:23Carlos, please.
00:11:25You are a bastard.
00:11:28All this.
00:11:29About Gabriel.
00:11:30You planned everything.
00:11:32You want to end up with this brewery.
00:11:34And you have creditors who help you with your revenge.
00:11:37Do you have proof?
00:11:39Because it's just your word against mine, Carlos.
00:11:42Carlos, you feel a little aggressive.
00:11:44I think it's family.
00:11:45Just like Gabriel.
00:11:47You've been planning this revenge for years.
00:11:50You and your father.
00:11:53They've always felt a miserable envy.
00:11:56With everything that has to do with the blondes.
00:11:58Don't mention my father again.
00:12:00Because you're not going to finish it.
00:12:02The truth is uncomfortable, isn't it?
00:12:04That's the truth.
00:12:06We are all miserable envious.
00:12:10Well, that's enough, please.
00:12:13Listen to me.
00:12:14We all want the best for the brewery, don't we?
00:12:23How are we going to pay the Spaniards if they leave?
00:12:28Well, it's a decision that is being made.
00:12:31It is a presidential decision.
00:12:34Not of employees.
00:12:35I am the president.
00:12:38And you are the employees.
00:12:44I have to go in.
00:12:45Are you coming?
00:12:47For what?
00:12:48For your father to run away?
00:12:50Things are much worse than we thought.
00:12:54Your lawyer has just left urgently to the brewery.
00:12:57He told me a little.
00:12:58It must be because of what he told me about Rogelio.
00:13:00That he wants to take over the presidency of the brewery.
00:13:03And I'm locked up here without being able to do anything.
00:13:04I heard you did badly in the interrogation.
00:13:07Yes, I lost control.
00:13:08I couldn't help it.
00:13:10That's what they wanted.
00:13:11That's what they achieved.
00:13:13The transfer order to the prison is already being prepared.
00:13:17Before they move me from here, I would like to talk to a journalist.
00:13:20To tell them the truth.
00:13:21And not only would I have Paula's and the prosecutor's version,
00:13:24but also mine.
00:13:25We ran out of time, Gabriel.
00:13:27We depend on your lawyer to do it.
00:13:30Now you have the right to a phone call.
00:13:33To a relative or your lawyer.
00:13:35No more than five minutes.
00:13:38Are you already classified as dangerous?
00:13:40But that's to send me to jail.
00:13:42And be able to get rid of me, you know?
00:13:44We are already looking for people inside.
00:13:48Who can support us.
00:13:50Please don't tell her anything, Juana.
00:13:52You tell her, Gabriel.
00:13:54It's for the best.
00:13:55She will find out through the media.
00:13:58Do you have a way I can talk to her?
00:14:00Of course.
00:14:06Thank you, David.
00:14:07Thank you, Enriqueta, for calming Carlos.
00:14:09The truth is that it doesn't take you badly.
00:14:12I understand how you must feel knowing everything Gabriel did.
00:14:16Gabriel did absolutely nothing.
00:14:19Here the important thing is that I am the president of the company.
00:14:23And that I have to take actions in favor of the company, right?
00:14:28The first thing we're going to do is that you go back to your area.
00:14:31To marketing.
00:14:32What do you know how to do?
00:14:34Gabriel is no longer there.
00:14:35So the privileges of friend, uncle, well, the same goes for you, Enriqueta.
00:14:45You have to be fair in life and all employees deserve the same treatment.
00:14:50Let's see, Paula, why don't you let me ...
00:14:51Talk to dad better, right?
00:14:54Well, the office that was Gabriel's, I'm going to use it.
00:14:58This office that was mine, Paula is going to use it.
00:15:01Because from now on, my daughter is the new manager of distribution.
00:15:07So she's going to work here?
00:15:09Yes, she's going to work here because she was older.
00:15:11We have to be more united than ever.
00:15:13And I'm going to support my father.
00:15:16She, son, is going to be your boss.
00:15:20And well, if any of you don't agree with what's happening,
00:15:25well, the door is very big, right?
00:15:28I'm going to totally respect the old age you have.
00:15:32And don't hesitate, because apart they know my generosity.
00:15:36So what?
00:15:39No, Rogelio.
00:15:40Nobody is going to give up here.
00:15:42In fact, we are going to stay to help you so that the company does not sink.
00:15:48Well, move.
00:15:57Mom, what's up?
00:15:59Why didn't you tell me that Salvador came?
00:16:01Did he tell you anything about Gabriel?
00:16:02No, he didn't tell me anything about Gabriel.
00:16:04Oh, Mom.
00:16:05Who's going to believe you? Look at that face.
00:16:07Oh, my love, if I have this face, believe me, it's not because of Gabriel.
00:16:10It's for something else.
00:16:11Well, what happened? Is everything okay?
00:16:13I'm very tired.
00:16:15I'm going to go to bed.
00:16:16And if you want, we'll talk later.
00:16:22Juana, come here.
00:16:27Leave her alone.
00:16:29They're not telling me anything.
00:16:31Did something happen to Gabriel?
00:16:32Oh, no, my little girl.
00:16:34It's because of the fight I already told you about,
00:16:36that your mom went out with Yadira in front of the little virgin.
00:16:39That's what it brings.
00:16:41Well, do you think she went to talk to Salvador?
00:16:44We have to wait.
00:16:48No, but Jenny, everything she told me is envious.
00:16:53She envies everything about me, that Salvador...
00:16:55He's there flirting at the banquets.
00:16:58She's jealous.
00:16:59No, Yadira, you're very bad.
00:17:01Because, look, one thing is that you record a video there with your boyfriend because you want to.
00:17:04And another very different thing is that you make him dizzy and you put a camera there to fool him, no.
00:17:08Yes, it's true.
00:17:09Did you record a video to extort the police?
00:17:12Of course not.
00:17:13Don't you see that Jenny just says things to make me look bad?
00:17:16Yadira, Yadira, Yadira, for God's sake, Yadira.
00:17:19The word says it.
00:17:23And that is respected.
00:17:24Yes, hey, by the way, did you erase it?
00:17:28No, I'm just asking you to know because there is already a law.
00:17:32That's not right.
00:17:34That's not just done by bad people.
00:17:37No, but I'm not bad.
00:17:39If you love me, I'm not a bad person.
00:17:41I swear I don't...
00:17:42You know what?
00:17:43Don't touch me, don't touch me.
00:17:44Comadre, let's go to the salon of San Cosme.
00:17:45Because I don't want this girl to touch my hair again.
00:17:48No, neither do I.
00:17:49What if the other day I changed at your house and recorded me?
00:17:51No, I'm not exaggerating.
00:17:52But let's go there.
00:17:53Do you believe me?
00:17:55Well, I did it badly.
00:17:59I did it for love.
00:18:01I have the right to defend my man.
00:18:05Yes, do you believe me?
00:18:07Hey, Chimis, how long ago did you change the oil?
00:18:10Oh, I don't remember, bro.
00:18:13What do you mean you don't remember?
00:18:15Hey, Felipone.
00:18:17Your sister, Jenny?
00:18:20No, the other one, the half-sister.
00:18:23I need you to come to the house right now, please.
00:18:25What happened?
00:18:26The thing is that Jenny and Juana are in Retemal
00:18:28and neither my father nor Mrs. Fina can fix them, please.
00:18:30But they need you right now.
00:18:31Wait, wait, hold on, I'm going to change.
00:18:32No, now.
00:18:33Hold on.
00:18:34I won't take long, I won't take long.
00:18:39I'm not telling you if I'm going to clean this house, really.
00:18:51No, Ramón, no, no, no, no, don't scare me right now, please.
00:18:56Ramón, you have a lot of misfortunes in this family,
00:18:59but we don't need another one.
00:19:03You know what, Katrina?
00:19:04Listen to me carefully.
00:19:05You're not going to take him to dance yet
00:19:07because the time has not come, do you understand?
00:19:10Is it clear to you?
00:19:11You leave this man alone.
00:19:20Things don't look good.
00:19:22I already started sending CVs
00:19:24because I just bought a social interest depot.
00:19:26Can you imagine?
00:19:27I can't lose my job.
00:19:28No, no, no.
00:19:29It's just that with Rogelio as president,
00:19:30things are ugly.
00:19:31Oh, don't even tell me.
00:19:33With my boss in prison,
00:19:34this man really doesn't give me a good spine.
00:19:37The truth.
00:19:38Yes, me too, the truth.
00:19:39There he comes, there he comes.
00:19:41Let's see, kids, if you're done cleaning here,
00:19:44go get rid of the lice that David left me in what was my office
00:19:48because now Paula is going to use it.
00:19:50So I want you to leave it very pretty, without dust.
00:20:00Let's see.
00:20:05What's missing there, daughter?
00:20:13How do I look?
00:20:15You're leaving.
00:20:17You're leaving.
00:20:18This is the place of the Fuenmayors, my love.
00:20:20This is it.
00:20:21And before we go home to continue celebrating,
00:20:24well, let's...
00:20:25Hey, Dad, by the way,
00:20:26I need a decorator in your office
00:20:29because I need to make some urgent changes.
00:20:31Your office, daughter.
00:20:32Yours from you.
00:20:33I'll catch up with you in a bit.
00:20:35I have to finish a few things in my office.
00:20:37I think it's very good.
00:20:38I also want you to know how all the other employees are doing
00:20:42and above all, pay a lot of attention to Enriqueta,
00:20:46Carlos and David.
00:20:48We already know that those three can do anything to help Gabriel.
00:20:54Hey, haven't you told me how I look?
00:20:58Very good.
00:20:59Powerful, right?
00:21:04Your brother is as smiling as ever.
00:21:06More champagne, daughter.
00:21:09From what I've been told,
00:21:11there's nothing that can be done.
00:21:13The shareholders' meeting to nominate Rogelio
00:21:16for the presidency of the brewery is legal.
00:21:21He's a bastard.
00:21:23He had everything planned.
00:21:25Well, then we have to put up with it.
00:21:27But we're not going to let things go so easily.
00:21:29We're not going to give up.
00:21:31Gabriel needs us to be in here.
00:22:08With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
00:22:13Also, everything about sports, entertainment and the climate.
00:22:17Wake up, a newscast from NMAS.
00:22:19Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning, with the stars.
00:22:24Look at us.
00:22:26They call us young people with few resources.
00:22:30But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
00:22:35Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
00:22:41The first hours of the day also bring the first stories you need to know.
00:22:45Agile, precise and punctual.
00:22:47That way you'll know all the information in the news.
00:22:50Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
00:22:52I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'll be waiting for you in the news,
00:22:54your newscast from NMAS.
00:22:56Monday to Friday, 5 to 5 in the morning, with the stars.
00:22:59Here you'll find the latest sports news.
00:23:02Moments that mark day after day.
00:23:05Service for Diego, great goal!
00:23:07And the reports that will tell you what they're talking about.
00:23:10I need 20 like him to do something for me.
00:23:13Contacto Deportivo.
00:23:15Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, at 11.30 at night, with the stars.
00:23:19When a door closes...
00:23:21I'm free at last!
00:23:23...another one opens.
00:23:26I'm free at last!
00:23:27...another one opens.
00:23:29I present to you your sister.
00:23:32...and it opens.
00:23:33I found out that the ball is loose.
00:23:35...and it opens.
00:23:37You can do this and much more.
00:23:39More is worth it alone.
00:23:40Premiere Sunday, September 1, 8 at night.
00:23:43When obstacles arise...
00:23:45Someone is behind this.
00:23:47They want Lorena to look like a delinquent.
00:23:50...the heart will show the way.
00:23:52You've made me feel protected, dear.
00:23:54I wanted to be supported.
00:23:55You have a very special magic.
00:23:57I never thought I would get my hopes up again.
00:23:59Follow Las Fugitivas.
00:24:01Mondays to Fridays, 8.30 at night.
00:24:03Super-secret comedy laboratory.
00:24:12Launch me!
00:24:14Laughter is an exact science.
00:24:16Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact,
00:24:19they are the funniest.
00:24:21Televisa. We know how to make you laugh.
00:24:24Swear to me you're going to be honest.
00:24:27You exist, Tornatiu.
00:24:29I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:24:30I think of something and say it.
00:24:32I'm not a teacher.
00:24:33I plagiarized my thesis.
00:24:34And the truth, as I see it.
00:24:35Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
00:24:38Being honest is destroying my life.
00:24:40The Honest Candidate, August 8, only in cinemas.
00:24:43To the fortune of finding the purest love.
00:24:46This way we will be together forever.
00:24:48He was followed by the misfortune of betrayal.
00:24:50Now, in search of the truth, I will return to the fortune.
00:24:53I know God is alive.
00:24:54Life will reunite us.
00:24:58The Price of Loving You
00:24:59Starts Monday, September 2, 9.30 at night on Las Estrellas.
00:25:24Prepare for a return to legendary fights.
00:25:27I'm going to raise you to the quadrillion.
00:25:29The legend of Boricua and the alcohol of murder.
00:25:32Do you know why they call me in magical wheels?
00:25:35I am a fighter, I owe my audience.
00:25:38What you owe me is the taxi.
00:25:40It's free, this Thursday at the end of the lot.
00:25:43Here you will find the latest sports news.
00:25:46Moments that mark day after day.
00:25:49Service for Diego, goal.
00:25:52The reports that will give you what they talk about.
00:25:54I need 20 like him to do something.
00:25:57Sports contact.
00:25:59Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 at night with the stars.
00:26:04These are the news in point.
00:26:06The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee is a celebration of identity.
00:26:10They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:26:14The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:26:18Every night your meeting point with the information.
00:26:21In point. 10.30 by the stars.
00:26:23When the obstacles arise.
00:26:25Someone is behind this.
00:26:27He wants Lorena to look like a delinquent.
00:26:30The heart will show the way.
00:26:32You have made me feel protected, loved, supported.
00:26:35You have a very special magic.
00:26:37I never thought I would get my hopes up again.
00:26:39Follow the fugitives.
00:26:41Monday to Friday at 8.30 at night.
00:26:44This is an advance of what we will have today in the news from Chicago.
00:26:47The Attorney General of the Republic goes against Joaquín Guzmán López for the kidnapping of May.
00:26:52Ten days after his return to school, schools in Chalco are still uninhabitable due to the floods.
00:26:56And the message of Tim Walz, former comrade of Kamala Harris at the Democratic Convention.
00:27:01Details in point of 10.30.
00:27:04The war of the quarters continues.
00:27:06And while they live between strategies, laughs and romances.
00:27:09Outside we know that this is a game where we all have fun.
00:27:13See you daily in...
00:27:15La Casa de los Famosos, Mexico.
00:27:17Monday to Friday at 10 at night.
00:27:19For El Cinco.
00:27:20Sunday at 8.30.
00:27:21For Las Estrellas.
00:27:22And 24-7.
00:27:23For VIX.
00:27:24In the Angel of Aurora, there are truths that cannot be contained.
00:27:27Your sister's son is alive and I know where he is.
00:27:30Our angel already met his mother.
00:27:32Keeping this a secret will be impossible.
00:27:34And feelings that will not stop.
00:27:37What do you know about what I feel?
00:27:39I love you.
00:27:41From Monday to Friday, 4.30 in the afternoon.
00:27:43Cantinflas will surprise you with his knowledge in zoology.
00:27:46That long hair is the characteristic of the Pekinese.
00:27:49Ah, well, it's not San Bernardo Chiquito.
00:27:51And he puts melody to everything.
00:27:52Did you learn it?
00:27:53In Sol Mayor.
00:27:54Because we had to rehearse it at noon and it was hot.
00:27:57Join him this weekend in...
00:27:59If I were a deputy.
00:28:00This Saturday.
00:28:01And Sunday.
00:28:02The test.
00:28:03With the stars.
00:28:04Super Secret Comedy Laboratory.
00:28:11Throw me!
00:28:14La Risa is an exact science.
00:28:16Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact,
00:28:19they are the funniest.
00:28:21Televisa, we know how to make you laugh.
00:28:23What's going on?
00:28:24What love of your life were you talking about, mom?
00:28:26I still have a lot to do at this point.
00:28:29I always hated the woman who prevented my parents from being happy.
00:28:32How much I regret that woman is you.
00:28:34If there is going to be a conflict between us, it will not be for her.
00:28:37I don't want him to make me lose my children.
00:28:39I'm going to talk to Sebastian again.
00:28:41Monday to Friday, 6.30 in the afternoon.
00:28:43To the fortune of finding the purest love.
00:28:46We will be together forever.
00:28:48He was followed by the misfortune of betrayal.
00:28:50Now, looking for the truth.
00:28:52I'm going back to the fortune.
00:28:53I know God is alive.
00:28:55Life will bring them together again.
00:28:58The price of loving you.
00:28:59Starts Monday, September 2 at 9.30 at night by the stars.
00:29:03In the angel of Aurora.
00:29:05There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:29:07Your sister's son is alive and I know where he is.
00:29:10Our angel already met his mother.
00:29:12Keeping this a secret will be impossible.
00:29:14And feelings that will not stop.
00:29:17What do you know about what I feel?
00:29:19I love you.
00:29:20From Monday to Friday, 4.30 in the afternoon.
00:29:37Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:29:40In the angel of Aurora.
00:29:42There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:29:44Your sister's son is alive and I know where he is.
00:29:47What do you know about what I feel?
00:29:49I love you.
00:29:50From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:29:53In the angel of Aurora.
00:29:55There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:29:57What do you know about what I feel?
00:29:59I love you.
00:30:00From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:30:03In the angel of Aurora.
00:30:05There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:30:08What do you know about what I feel?
00:30:10I love you.
00:30:11From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:30:14In the angel of Aurora.
00:30:16There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:30:18What do you know about what I feel?
00:30:20I love you.
00:30:21From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:30:24In the angel of Aurora.
00:30:26There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:30:28What do you know about what I feel?
00:30:30I love you.
00:30:31From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:30:34In the angel of Aurora.
00:30:36There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:30:38What do you know about what I feel?
00:30:40I love you.
00:30:41From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:30:43In the angel of Aurora.
00:30:45There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:30:47What do you know about what I feel?
00:30:49I love you.
00:30:50From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:30:52In the angel of Aurora.
00:30:53There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:30:55What do you know about what I feel?
00:30:57I love you.
00:30:58From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:31:00In the angel of Aurora.
00:31:01There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:31:03What do you know about what I feel?
00:31:05I love you.
00:31:06From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:31:08In the angel of Aurora.
00:31:10There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:31:21What do you know about what I feel?
00:31:23I love you.
00:31:24From Monday to Friday, 6.30 at night by the stars.
00:31:27In the angel of Aurora.
00:31:29There are truths that cannot be contained.
00:31:31¡Ay!, es que no entiendo porque te estás haciendo daño así.
00:31:35¿Además?, este video fue antes de que tú y Salvador estuvieran juntos.
00:31:39¡No, no!
00:31:39Entonces, ¿Y qué es eso?
00:31:40¿Qué es eso?
00:31:41Nada, nada.
00:31:42¿Y qué es eso?
00:31:44¡Para corta dónde vas!
00:31:45¡Para corta donde vas!
00:31:46¡Para corta dónde vas!
00:31:48¿Por qué te estas haciendo daño así?
00:31:50¡Ya, ya!
00:31:51¿Por qué?
00:31:52¡Porque te estás haciendo daño así!
00:31:54¡Porque te estas haciendo daño así!
00:31:55¿Por qué te estás haciendo daño así?
00:31:57¡Porque te estás haciendo daño así!
00:31:59Well, for me, it was like it was yesterday.
00:32:01Well, yes, because you're watching the video
00:32:03over and over again.
00:32:04Well, obviously it seems like it was just now.
00:32:06It's just that I can't.
00:32:07I swear I can't.
00:32:08I have the images of that video.
00:32:10I tried to remember the beautiful things that happened to him,
00:32:13but I can't.
00:32:14I can't.
00:32:15It hurts me a lot more.
00:32:17Well, I already deleted it
00:32:18so you don't torment yourself.
00:32:19Come here.
00:32:20Come here.
00:32:29Why do all our love stories have to end in tragedy?
00:32:32What do you mean, why?
00:32:33Because all the women in this family have...
00:32:35No, no, no, don't say it.
00:32:37Enough with the...
00:32:39We can't deal with those superstitions.
00:32:43Come here.
00:32:51We couldn't do anything.
00:32:52Rogelio is the new president of the brewery.
00:32:57I feel that every minute I've spent here
00:32:59since I turned myself in,
00:33:00I'm losing something important for my life.
00:33:03First, saying goodbye to Juana and my son,
00:33:05and then what happened to Paula and her humiliations,
00:33:09and what happened to the DA,
00:33:11which I shouldn't have done.
00:33:12And I understand that you feel like
00:33:14your world out there is falling apart,
00:33:17but you have to be strong, brother.
00:33:20It's easy to say.
00:33:21Look, I'm not saying this as your lawyer.
00:33:23I'm asking you as your friend.
00:33:26Hang in there.
00:33:27Even if you look lost,
00:33:29you can recover everything.
00:33:32But you have to be strong and hold on to what's coming.
00:33:38That's Gabriel Rubio's transfer order
00:33:40to the northern prison.
00:33:42In terms of preventive pressure, boss,
00:33:44I did know he got aggressive,
00:33:47but locking him up with all those thugs and scoundrels...
00:33:50Boss, I know you want to do the right thing,
00:33:52but look at what happened to us
00:33:54with those hitmen we arrested
00:33:56and our own separatists eliminated.
00:33:58Yeah, well...
00:34:00You'd say that
00:34:02the scoundrels are no longer safe in prison, right?
00:34:04But that's not our fault.
00:34:06These kind of criminals
00:34:08always have the guillotine around their neck
00:34:10and associate themselves with people who...
00:34:13have them sentenced.
00:34:14And that's out of our hands.
00:34:16And anywhere, detective.
00:34:20What you're telling me about Paula,
00:34:21that she's presenting herself as my wife
00:34:23to make use of the actions of the brewery,
00:34:25is a farce.
00:34:26I know.
00:34:27And everything would be clear
00:34:28if the divorce sentence had come out.
00:34:31But I was talking to some colleagues,
00:34:33friends of the family court.
00:34:36And they told me that Paula's lawyer
00:34:37was in charge of putting in all kinds of obstacles
00:34:40to delay the divorce.
00:34:41What if the divorce sentence was already in place?
00:34:43She couldn't present herself as my wife
00:34:46and make use of the actions of the brewery.
00:34:48Because I inherited those actions
00:34:50before I married her.
00:34:52That's right.
00:34:53And Rogelio knows that too.
00:34:55That's why he's playing dirty and cheating
00:34:57to be the president of the blonde brewery.
00:34:59And you know what's going to happen next?
00:35:01Rogelio doesn't care about the brewery
00:35:03because he's blond.
00:35:04Because it belongs to my family.
00:35:07He just wants to destroy it.
00:35:09End it.
00:35:14Well done, Kiros.
00:35:16You got your act together.
00:35:18Gabriel made it easy for me.
00:35:20Today he will go to the northern prison.
00:35:23And we already know that the violence in that place
00:35:26is out of control.
00:35:29I want them to wait to finish him.
00:35:32I want Cain to suffer.
00:35:35I would also do anything to see you again.
00:35:39I've been locked up here for years
00:35:41just because I can't be close to you.
00:35:43I miss you so much.
00:35:46I want to go see you, but my family won't let me.
00:35:49Okay, listen to them.
00:35:51If the press comes
00:35:53or the people who want to hurt me,
00:35:55you're just going to put yourself at risk.
00:35:57I don't want you to be in danger because of me.
00:35:59I don't want you to be in danger because of me.
00:36:02I don't want you to be in danger, please.
00:36:04But I don't care about that.
00:36:06You and I have to be together.
00:36:08We made a promise.
00:36:10I know.
00:36:11I know, but what happens is that you won't be able to come here
00:36:14because I won't be in the DA's office.
00:36:18What do you mean you won't be in the DA's office?
00:36:20What are you talking about?
00:36:21The DA is going to take me to a prison.
00:36:23No, no, no, no, no.
00:36:25No, it's not true.
00:36:27What are you talking about?
00:36:29No, that can't happen.
00:36:31Joana, hey, hey, my love, calm down.
00:36:34But how?
00:36:35How can you be okay if you're going to be between criminals and murderers?
00:36:39No, they can't take you to that place, no.
00:36:41Calm down, I'll be fine.
00:36:43I promise.
00:36:44How can you ask me to calm down?
00:36:46I can't be without you,
00:36:47much less knowing that they're going to take you to such a horrible place.
00:36:50My love, listen to me, listen to me.
00:36:52You have to calm down.
00:36:53You have to try for our son.
00:36:56No, David.
00:36:57I'll be fine, I promise you.
00:36:59I'll be fine.
00:37:00And I have to go now because they only gave me five minutes.
00:37:03But listen to me, I love you.
00:37:05I love you, Joana.
00:37:10No, no, no, no.
00:37:12No, Gabriel.
00:37:16Oh, my love.
00:37:17They're going to take him to jail.
00:37:19Don't let yourself fall.
00:37:22Look, I know it's hard,
00:37:24but you can't do anything about it.
00:37:26I have to go to the DA.
00:37:28No, Joana, no.
00:37:29What's going on?
00:37:31Chaparra, why are you like this?
00:37:33The thing is, they're going to transfer Gabriel and Joana here
00:37:35to see him before they take him.
00:37:37No, no, that doesn't make sense, Chaparra.
00:37:39I mean, you know I always support you,
00:37:41but think about yourself, think about your baby.
00:37:43Take care of yourself.
00:37:44Who's going to think about Gabriel?
00:37:46No one's going to think about my son's father.
00:37:50Look, calm down.
00:37:53Oh, my love.
00:37:57I thought these three were going to give up.
00:38:00Good thing they didn't.
00:38:01But why are they here?
00:38:03Did Rogelio's jewel take away their offices?
00:38:05Oh, I don't know.
00:38:10The employees are very worried.
00:38:12Rogelio doesn't care about that.
00:38:13He's never been interested in the employees.
00:38:15All he wants is to undo the legacy of the blondes.
00:38:23They're transferring Gabriel to a prison.
00:38:35I'm sorry, sir.
00:38:37You're the one who encouraged me.
00:38:39It's not your fault.
00:38:44Like this.
00:38:46Let's go.
00:38:52Let's go.
00:39:20Hey, you.
00:39:25No, it's okay.
00:39:26Leave it on the table.
00:39:27Yes, that's how it works.
00:39:28And I'll put your things in your office.
00:39:31Oh, I'm glad you left that creepy office, huh?
00:39:38I admire you a lot for how you're taking things, Dani.
00:39:42I can imagine how you must feel.
00:39:46Everything that's happening is so unfair.
00:39:47I swear I...
00:39:51What's going on?
00:39:52Tell me or you'll get sick.
00:39:54They just took Gabriel to a prison.
00:40:01Oh no, David, no.
00:40:21Shall we proceed?
00:42:21Throw me!
00:44:22Throw me!
00:44:24La risa es una ciencia exacta.
00:44:26Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos no son los más exactos,
00:44:29sí son los más divertidos.
00:44:31Televisa. Sabemos hacerte reír.
00:44:33El Borre tendrá su primer día de trabajo.
00:44:37¿Ya conseguiste chamba?
00:44:38¿Yo, de botarga?
00:44:39Por favor.
00:44:41Y probablemente el último.
00:44:43Acaba de conseguir chamba como bartender.
00:44:45Voy a dejar que tu sugar me invite a un trago, ¿está bien?
00:44:4840 y 20, este viernes al terminar el noti por las estrellas.
00:44:53Cuando los obstáculos se presentan...
00:44:55Alguien está detrás de esto,
00:44:57que quiere que Lorena parezca una delincuente bestiadada.
00:45:00El corazón indicará el camino.
00:45:02Me has hecho sentir protegida, querida, apoyada.
00:45:05Tiene una magia muy especial.
00:45:07Jamás pensé que iba a volver a ilusionarme.
00:45:09Sigue a las Fugitivas, lunes a viernes, 8.30 de la noche.
00:45:13Tu día empieza en despierta.
00:45:15No pasa las horas.
00:45:18Con el análisis de la información y las historias que te importan.
00:45:23Además, todo sobre el deporte, el entretenimiento y el clima.
00:45:28Despierta, un noticiero de NMAS.
00:45:30Lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
00:45:48Todo lo que tu donación puede hacer por nosotros.
00:45:54Continflas te sorprenderá con su conocimiento en zoología.
00:45:57Ese pelo largo es la característica de los pequineses.
00:46:00Ah, pues que no es San Bernardo, chiquito.
00:46:02Y a todo le pone melodía.
00:46:04¿Ya se lo aprendieron?
00:46:06En Sol Mayor, porque tuvimos que ensayarla al mediodía y hacía un calor.
00:46:08Acompáñalo este fin de semana en...
00:46:10Si yo fuera diputado.
00:46:12Este sábado y el domingo.
00:46:14El Profe, con las estrellas.
00:46:15Hay verdades que no se pueden contener.
00:46:17El hijo de tu hermana está vivo y yo sé dónde está.
00:46:20Nuestro ángel ya conoció a su mamá.
00:46:22Mantener esto en secreto va a ser imposible.
00:46:24Y sentimientos que no se detendrán.
00:46:27¿Qué sabes tú de lo que yo siento?
00:46:29Te amo.
00:46:31De lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
00:46:33Las primeras horas del día también traen las primeras historias que hay que conocer.
00:46:37Ágil, precisa y puntual.
00:46:39Así conocerás toda la información en las noticias.
00:46:42Porque lo que pasa en México y el mundo está aquí.
00:46:43Soy Carlos Furtado y te espero en las noticias.
00:46:45Un noticiero de NEMAS.
00:46:47Lunes a viernes, 5.50 de la mañana.
00:46:49Con las estrellas.
00:47:14Júrame que vas a ser honesto.
00:47:17Existe tonatio.
00:47:19Yo no sé qué me pasa.
00:47:21Pienso algo y lo digo.
00:47:25No soy licenciado, traje mi tesis.
00:47:27Ya la neta, cómo me veo.
00:47:29¿Traes colitis o es panza normal?
00:47:31Según esto me está destruyendo la vida.
00:47:33El candidato honesto.
00:47:358 de agosto, solo en cines.
00:47:37Prepárate para un regreso a luchas legendario.
00:47:39Yo te voy a subir al cuadrilátero.
00:47:41La leyenda boricua y el alcalde asesino.
00:47:43En ruedas mágicas.
00:47:45Yo soy luchador, me debo a mi público.
00:47:48Tú lo que me debes es el taxi.
00:47:50Está libre este jueves al terminar el noti.
00:47:53Aquí encontrarás las últimas noticias deportivas.
00:47:56Momentos que marcan jornada tras jornada.
00:47:59Servicio para Diego. Golazo.
00:48:01Y los reportajes que te darán de qué hablan.
00:48:04Necesita 20 como él para hacerme algo.
00:48:07Contacto Deportivo.
00:48:09Martes, jueves y viernes a las 11.30 de la noche.
00:48:12Con las estrellas.
00:48:14A la fortuna de encontrar el amor más puro.
00:48:16Así vamos a estar juntos por siempre.
00:48:18Le siguió la desgracia de la traición.
00:48:20Ahora, al buscar la verdad.
00:48:22Voy a volver a la fortuna.
00:48:24Yo sé que Diego está vivo.
00:48:26La vida los volverá a unir.
00:48:28El precio de amarte.
00:48:30Inicia el lunes 2 de septiembre, 9.30 de la noche por las estrellas.
00:48:34En el dicho, te recordamos que cada vivencia es una oportunidad de crecer y adquirir experiencia.
00:48:39No lo voy a olvidar.
00:48:41Olvidar es permitir que nos sigan tratando de esa manera.
00:48:43Yo sé que no le estás pasando bien.
00:48:45Yo tampoco. Estoy muy preocupada.
00:48:47Cuenta conmigo para lo que necesite.
00:48:49Acepto muy agradecido.
00:48:51Como dice el dicho, historias que conectan contigo.
00:48:54Tu día empieza en Despierta.
00:48:56No pasa las horas.
00:48:58Con el análisis de la información y las historias que te importan.
00:49:03Además, todo sobre el deporte, el entretenimiento y el clima.
00:49:08Despierta, un noticiero de N+.
00:49:10Lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
00:49:37El hijo de tu hermana está vivo y yo sé dónde está.
00:49:41Nuestro ángel ya conoció a su mamá.
00:49:43Mantener esto en secreto va a ser imposible.
00:49:45Y sentimientos que no se detendrán.
00:49:47¿Qué sabes tú de lo que yo siento?
00:49:49Te amo.
00:49:51De lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
00:50:08Por el triunfo de los Fuenmayor, mi amor.
00:50:10Por la alegría de haber visto a Gabriel tras las rejas.
00:50:19Manuel, ven a brindar con nosotros.
00:50:22Te sirvo.
00:50:26¿Y tú qué te traes con Camila?
00:50:28Últimamente los he visto muchísimo juntos.
00:50:37¿Están locos o qué?
00:50:45¿Qué te dijo Rogelio?
00:50:47¿Quiere que sigas trabajando con él o ya no?
00:50:49No sé qué va a pasar conmigo.
00:50:51En estos días que estuvimos trabajando juntos,
00:50:53me di cuenta de lo inteligente y lo valiosa que eres.
00:51:01Voy a ir por el resto de tus cosas a la oficina de Rogelio.
00:51:28¿Estás llorando, hija?
00:51:31Hasta la recámara te estoy oyendo.
00:51:34¿Por qué lloras?
00:51:37Por ese hombre que te tiene viviendo aquí.
00:51:40Ese no vale la pena.
00:51:46Tú puedes encontrarte a alguien que de verdad te ame.
00:51:49No necesitas estar aguantando un patán
00:51:52que te tenga nomás en el tormento, hija.
00:51:55Ay, mamá.
00:51:56Ay, mamá.
00:52:01No es tan fácil.
00:52:06La única manera de...
00:52:08de deshacerme de un hombre como él es
00:52:12refundiéndole a la cárcel o...
00:52:17o hacerle lo mismo que le hice a mi mamá.
00:52:20¿Juana ya está más tranquila?
00:52:23Sí, se quedó dormida y tanto llorar.
00:52:28Ha sido un día en el que ha llovido sobre mojado.
00:52:32Muchas lágrimas de Juana, muchas lágrimas tuyas.
00:52:36Ay, papá, perdóname.
00:52:38No, perdón por haberte dejado hablando solo
00:52:41y no contarte lo que me estaba pasando.
00:52:44A los de hace rato.
00:52:45Vale, amor, es verdad.
00:52:49Mi amor me contó.
00:52:51Sí, me dijo que tuviste un problemón ahí con Yadira y que...
00:52:56Cuántas cosas le dijiste enfrente de todos, hija.
00:52:59Ay, ya, papá.
00:53:01Estoy en boca de todo el mundo, soy lo peor.
00:53:04Para nada, ¿eso qué tiene que ver?
00:53:07¿En serio?
00:53:09Por supuesto.
00:53:11¿Por qué?
00:53:13¿En serio?
00:53:15Por supuesto, hija.
00:53:17A ver, para hacer lo que tú hiciste se necesita mucho...
00:53:22Y eso a ti te sobra.
00:53:25Eres una mujer con un corazón
00:53:29más grande que toda esta casa.
00:53:32Eres una mujer maravillosa.
00:53:34Ay, abrazame.
00:53:36Ay, hijita.
00:53:43¡Tú! ¡Tú!
00:53:45¡Tú me hiciste daño! ¡Tú!
00:53:47¡Tú te burlaste de mis sentimientos!
00:53:49Lo único que quería hacer es acostarte conmigo.
00:53:52Eres un desgraciado.
00:53:54De ninguna manera, Jenny. Yo...
00:53:56¿De qué hablas?
00:53:58¡Eres una hipócrita! ¡Eres una hipócrita mentiroso!
00:53:59¡Eres una hipócrita mentiroso!
00:54:10No puedo creer que después de todo lo que se acaba de pasar con la Jenny
00:54:13y que todo el mundo se enteró que me engañaste con ella,
00:54:15ni siquiera me hayas hablado.
00:54:19Lo hice, Yadira,
00:54:21porque tengo claro una cosa.
00:54:26No quiero que te vuelvas a parar por aquí
00:54:31Y, sobre todo,
00:54:33jamás intentes chantajear a un hombre
00:54:36como lo intentaste conmigo
00:54:38porque no sabes cómo vaya a reaccionar.
00:54:48y valórate.
00:54:50Si no lo haces tú,
00:54:52nadie lo va a hacer por ti.
00:54:57¿Está claro?
00:55:30Estos son los de...
00:55:32¿Cómo vas, mami?
00:55:34Ay, mi amor, ¿sabes? Esto de Precious es un éxito.
00:55:37Mira, ventas, ventas, ventas, ventas.
00:55:40Tú me diste suerte.
00:55:42Te amo, te amo, te amo.
00:55:44Ay, estoy en la puerta, mi amor, pero ahí voy.
00:55:46Este vestido, ¿quién era tú?
00:55:48Hola, abu.
00:55:50¿Te ayudó?
00:55:52No, estoy bien.
00:55:54Ay, qué rico. ¿Me sirves un platito?
00:55:57Sí, mi amor.
00:56:05Llevo mucho tiempo diciendo esto.
00:56:19Por más difícil que sea,
00:56:23tengo que creer que vamos a estar los tres juntos otra vez.
00:56:36Buenos días, mi persona favorita.
00:56:39Ay, Juana, esa es tu panza de seis meses.
00:56:42Imagínate la de nueve, vas a estar bien panzonona.
00:56:44Ya sé. Ay, te ves hermosa.
00:56:46Mi niño, soy tu visa.
00:56:48Ah, Ulua, es verdad.
00:56:50Lo bueno es que mi nieto va a nacer
00:56:52para cuando su papá salga de la cárcel.
00:56:54Pues sería lo justo, ¿no?
00:56:56A ver, todos a comer, que se enfría la comida.
00:56:57¿Qué? ¿Qué pasó?
00:56:59¿Qué pasó?
00:57:01Rompió fuente, rompió fuente.
00:57:03¿Y qué hago? ¿Qué hago?
00:57:05¡Ve por el coche!
00:57:07Abu, le tienes que llamar a Gabriel.
00:57:09No te preocupes, mi amor, yo me ocupo de esto.
00:57:11A ver, Ulua, vámonos.
00:57:13Vámonos, vámonos.
00:57:15Despacito, despacito.
00:57:17Tranquila, Juana.
00:57:19¿Todavía no sientes contracción?
00:57:21No, es muy pronto. Vamos, vamos.
00:57:28¿Te duele?
00:57:30Buen día, necesito ver al interno.
00:57:37Mucho gracias.
00:57:41Es propio.
00:57:43Mira, en cuanto pudo, ¿estado bien?
00:57:45¿Qué dijo el médico?
00:57:47Estoy vivo de milagro.
00:57:49El interno que me atacó está en aislamiento,
00:57:51pero estoy seguro que cuando salga me va a volver a atacar.
00:57:53Mi cabeza ya debe tener presión.
00:57:54Oye, ¿y Juana?
00:57:56A ver, está muy bien y pronto va a estar mucho mejor.
00:58:03¿Cuándo va a estar mucho mejor?
00:58:05¿Por qué va a estar mucho mejor?
00:58:07Porque hay buenas noticias.
00:58:09Acabo de hablar con Josefina, cuidado, con cuidado,
00:58:13y me contó que Juana acaba de iniciar la boda de parte.
00:58:19Y pese a eso,
00:58:20Juana acaba de iniciar la boda de parte.
00:58:24Pero si faltan dos meses para eso, Salvador.
00:58:31Ay, mamá.
00:58:34Lo estás haciendo increíble.
00:58:36¿Todo va bien?
00:58:38Todo está perfecto, Juana, sí.
00:58:40Vamos muy bien.
00:58:42Y ahora sí, ya viene, ya viene.
00:58:44Ya nació, ya, ya nació.
00:58:46Está bien.
00:58:48Está perfecto, es un hermoso varón y muy sano.
00:58:50Ay, mi amor.
00:58:52¿Está bien?
00:58:54¿Qué es eso?
00:58:56A ver, a ver, a ver.
00:58:58Ay, está lindo.
00:59:00Es tan hermoso.
00:59:02Ay, Josefina, mi amor.
00:59:07Ay, mi amor.
00:59:13Los amo.
00:59:15Los amo de corazón.
00:59:17Los amo de corazón.
00:59:20Los amo de corazón.
00:59:25Es que yo no sé qué más quieres hacer, pero hundir a la empresa.
00:59:28Vamos a hacer un despido drástico de personal.
00:59:30A ver si de una buena vez ya le da un infarto a Gabriel y se muere.
00:59:33Oye, tiene más vidas que un gato.
00:59:35Así que Rogelio Alfin le dio el golpe de gracia a Gabriel.
00:59:37Quiere terminar con él, con la celosería y con la dinastía Rogelio.
00:59:40No sí podemos impedirlo.
00:59:42Y para eso David tenía una idea.
00:59:50Ella no se lo esperaba.
00:59:52No lo imaginaba.
00:59:54¿Qué le pasará?
00:59:56Querida Juana.
00:59:58Qué bonita que eres tú.
