La Historia de juana - Capitulo 64 Completo en Español

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La Historia de juana - Capitulo 64 Completo en Español
00:01:00Behave yourself!
00:01:01Give it to me!
00:01:02Behave yourself!
00:01:03Give it to me!
00:01:06Give it to me!
00:01:07Shut up! Shut up!
00:01:09Shut up!
00:01:16Barro, are you with Manuel's traitor?
00:01:20Give it to me.
00:01:21His mother's hysterics wants to talk to him.
00:01:25I'll give it to you, boss.
00:01:28It's your mother.
00:01:29Manuel, my son.
00:01:31Where are you, Manuel?
00:01:32Hi, Mom.
00:01:33Don't worry, I'm fine.
00:01:34Don't cry, don't worry.
00:01:36Tell me, but tell me, tell me, tell me,
00:01:37tell me where you are so I can go for you.
00:01:39Tell me where you are, please.
00:01:40I don't know, I don't know, I don't know where I am.
00:01:43But stay away from my dad.
00:01:44Report him and stay away from my dad.
00:01:55Especially if it has to do with Gabriel
00:01:56and everything that has to do with destroying the Rubio family.
00:01:58No, man, in that press conference
00:02:00he wanted to give a security that he doesn't have.
00:02:02Why? What do you mean?
00:02:03Rogelio wanted to make it clear
00:02:05that the purchase of the Rubio brewery had already been made.
00:02:08And it's not like that.
00:02:10The Astro brewery is just doing the procedures.
00:02:14Nothing has been completed legally.
00:02:16What you're telling me is a great relief.
00:02:19Well, yes, you have to admit that it is very clever
00:02:21because it is a way to weaken Gabriel.
00:02:23It's amazing what someone can do out of greed.
00:02:26Especially Rogelio wanting to destroy my nephew.
00:02:28One thing is what he says in a press conference
00:02:31and another very different thing is what is happening in court.
00:02:34Are you expecting any surprises in tomorrow's sentence?
00:02:39I already have the results of the analysis
00:02:41of the blood that Juana stepped on
00:02:43the night of the anniversary party of the brewery
00:02:45at Gabriel's house.
00:02:48And yes, it is Francisco's blood.
00:02:51But that's not good for Gabriel.
00:02:53Don't tell me it ends with the murder.
00:03:44Get up.
00:03:46Get up, quick.
00:03:50Come on, move.
00:03:54Come on.
00:03:58Come on.
00:04:03You're just as cowardly as my dad.
00:04:05You shut up.
00:04:06It's better to get rid of her than with you, right?
00:04:13Did your dad do that to you?
00:04:14It was Rogelio, it was Major.
00:04:17He has never behaved like a father to me.
00:04:20I'm going to kill you, Manuel.
00:04:23If he did that to you, what do I expect from him?
00:04:32In the end, I had everything I expected from my dad.
00:04:35Although he wasn't with us for a long time.
00:04:37I'm glad Ramon has gone in peace.
00:04:40And above all, I'm very happy
00:04:43that you have stayed very peaceful with the care that is hot.
00:04:46Thank you, Ramon.
00:04:47Thank you, Ramon.
00:04:52Do you know what he told me before he died?
00:04:56That he was happy to have seen me dressed in white.
00:04:59And that you liked him very much.
00:05:01Did he tell you that?
00:05:07Answer it.
00:05:10It's Vilorio.
00:05:15Salvador, I'm with Gabriel's uncle
00:05:17and we just found out that Manuel was the Major
00:05:19and now Camila de Armas is missing.
00:05:22She too?
00:05:23Yes, and you know better than anyone how important
00:05:25her testimonies are for Gabriel's trial.
00:05:27They are important witnesses.
00:05:29Salvador, this is Carlos. How are you?
00:05:31We have to find Camila and Manuel,
00:05:33not only because Gabriel depends on them.
00:05:35They may be in grave danger.
00:05:37Why is this so complicated?
00:05:46Five minutes.
00:05:48No more.
00:06:01Engineer Rubio.
00:06:03I know you want to save Camila's life.
00:06:06And everything you've done for me.
00:06:10I'll leave you to it.
00:06:12And everything you've done for me.
00:06:15you did what you could.
00:06:16Look, I talked to my lawyer
00:06:17and he's going to talk to one of his colleagues
00:06:19in the office
00:06:20so he can take your case.
00:06:22I didn't do it to help.
00:06:24What has to be done, has to be done.
00:06:27And this had to be done.
00:06:29I should have taken care of the animal
00:06:31I had as a father, but...
00:06:33But Camila was always very brave
00:06:35despite all the abuse she received.
00:06:37I'm sorry.
00:06:39I didn't know.
00:06:42I only do what my sister asks of me.
00:06:47And she asked me to take care of her.
00:06:50That's all.
00:06:55if you want to help me, take care of her.
00:06:59She's in more danger out there
00:07:01than I am in here.
00:07:12Oh my God.
00:07:20It's me, Chaparro.
00:07:22I found the last memory,
00:07:23the memory that was missing.
00:07:27Do you remember?
00:07:28Do you remember that I told you about this?
00:07:30No, yes, yes. I remember that you told me about it last night, Chaparro,
00:07:31but I never imagined some images like that.
00:07:33And then,
00:07:34when I saw this
00:07:35and I came back with Gabriel,
00:07:36there was nothing of this anymore,
00:07:37it was all full of water,
00:07:39I only found a little piece of that piece of clay.
00:07:42It was here.
00:07:44It was here? We're supposed to see it.
00:07:46I saw it. I'm sure it was here. I didn't imagine it.
00:07:50Hey, did you check all the images in that memory?
00:07:54Look, look, look.
00:07:55Those are a little blurry, but in this one,
00:08:00I'm sure those are silhouettes.
00:08:05Do you see it?
00:08:06You can't tell, Chepa.
00:08:08I'll expand it as much as I can,
00:08:11and I'll zoom in on the whole exhibition.
00:08:13I think maybe you'll be able to see it.
00:08:17Well, you should edit it, Chepa,
00:08:19because this could be very important for Gabriel's case.
00:08:23Can you imagine?
00:08:32My father, Ramón Bravo,
00:08:34like all of us, was not a perfect person.
00:08:38But he taught me perhaps the most beautiful virtue
00:08:44that a human being can have,
00:08:47which is to recognize their mistakes and apologize.
00:08:55You know how difficult it was for me to accept his return.
00:09:01And it was precisely him, along with my mother,
00:09:05who made me see that one cannot live like this, with so much resentment.
00:09:11Oh, boss, this time you leave us more complete, stronger,
00:09:20without so many wounds, boss.
00:09:24Fly high, boss!
00:09:35Fly high!
00:09:55How is it possible that you have not yet found
00:09:57Manuel and Camila's whereabouts?
00:09:59Let's see, where is Detective Castillo?
00:10:01Detective Castillo is burying his father-in-law.
00:10:03And Mr. Villorio, I will assure you that all night long
00:10:06trying to tie the knots to deal with Camila Montes and Manuel Fuenmayor.
00:10:10And we will not rest until we do.
00:10:12An official apology, I did not know what you were telling me.
00:10:15But please understand the pressure.
00:10:17Today they were both going to testify in Gabriel's trial.
00:10:20So far, no clue has led us to them.
00:10:22But Detective Castillo does not take long.
00:10:24And you know perfectly well that the case of Gabriel Rubio
00:10:27is a personal case.
00:10:30I'm very sorry.
00:10:32How did you see Gabriel in the trial?
00:10:35Well, Rennie's testimony helped a lot.
00:10:39And believe it or not, Paula's intervention helped even more.
00:10:43Paula went?
00:10:45She went, interrupted a couple of times,
00:10:47and that only helped the judge raise more suspicions against Mr. Rogelio.
00:10:51To the extent that it allowed us to interrogate Villorio.
00:10:55And you think that with that they are already pointing him out
00:10:58as the true culprit of Francisco's death?
00:11:01Not quite.
00:11:03But this whole situation generates a lot of noise
00:11:05so that they start seeing him as a possible suspect.
00:11:08That's good.
00:11:09Well, so be it.
00:11:11I'm going to talk to Salvador, my second.
00:11:14Thanks again for coming.
00:11:19How are you?
00:11:20I'm going.
00:11:21I have great news.
00:11:24I found the memory.
00:11:27Something relevant?
00:11:28Totally relevant.
00:11:29You can see the blood, you can see the broken vase.
00:11:32I mean, I don't know if it will work because
00:11:34it seems to me that it is perhaps unbelievable that I returned
00:11:37and there was nothing of that anymore.
00:11:38Of course it will work.
00:11:39Villorio will take care of that.
00:11:40Well, there are still some photos that are very dark,
00:11:42moved and everything,
00:11:43and I tried to upload them to the exhibition,
00:11:45bring them closer and nothing.
00:11:46But well, maybe it will work.
00:11:47I have a team and the experts will take care of it.
00:11:49You don't worry about that.
00:11:50Okay, perfect.
00:11:51Here they are.
00:11:55And well, Villorio told me that we have to put them in now
00:11:57so that they are considered in the trial.
00:11:59I'll take care of it.
00:12:00I thank you very much.
00:12:02No, to you.
00:12:03It was very nice how you talked about your dad.
00:12:07I'm glad you haven't forgiven him from the heart.
00:12:10He was right when you told me that it was the only way to heal.
00:12:14Well, I imagine that now it must be very hard for you
00:12:17since they had made peace, right?
00:12:20Sometimes you don't want to say goodbye to the people you love.
00:12:25That you love them so much that you feel that they are the same person.
00:12:34Sorry to interrupt.
00:12:38We have to go.
00:12:40Villorio is waiting for us at the brewery.
00:12:42Yes, yes, yes.
00:12:43It's a great day for Gabriel and for the brewery.
00:12:48I love you.
00:12:51Well, thank you.
00:13:00There's no better way to thank you.
00:13:03Those were very emotional and beautiful words for your father.
00:13:07Thank you very much, Carlos.
00:13:18I'll take care of your brother.
00:13:20I have to go back to the prosecutor's office.
00:13:22Yes, yes, yes.
00:13:23Be careful.
00:13:31Isn't it enough with everything you've done for us, Angel?
00:13:34Dad, how far do you want to go?
00:13:40How do you see them, Camacho?
00:13:41They are a couple of ungrateful people.
00:13:43You don't realize which one of them chose you
00:13:46to come and celebrate the end of the blonde brewery.
00:13:52That's not going to happen.
00:13:55That's already happening, son.
00:13:57Astro has already absorbed Gabriel's company.
00:14:00So it's a matter of days before that last name is forgotten.
00:14:06But Angel, please, enough.
00:14:09Let us go, please.
00:14:12What for, Camila?
00:14:14Oh, yes.
00:14:15What you want is to go to Gabriel's trial
00:14:16so that both of them betray me there?
00:14:21Now that I know you're capable of killing me,
00:14:24let me tell you that if my grandfather committed suicide,
00:14:26it was because he had a son like you.
00:14:28Shut up!
00:14:29Shut up!
00:14:30Let him go!
00:14:31Let him go!
00:14:42You too, shut up.
00:14:51I need you to analyze this.
00:14:53These are photographs.
00:14:56Extract them.
00:14:59What's up?
00:15:01You do work, don't you?
00:15:03What's up? What do you have?
00:15:04I just received the documents
00:15:07registered in the brewery's estate.
00:15:10What's there?
00:15:11Well, Rogelio Felmayor doesn't appear as an owner,
00:15:13nor as a shareholder,
00:15:15nor as an employee.
00:15:17What he does have is an open file for tax evasion,
00:15:20both him and the brewery.
00:15:23This one here.
00:15:26And you want the cherry on the cake?
00:15:27Let's see.
00:15:28It turns out that the brewery makes a huge deposit
00:15:31every month to a Swiss account.
00:15:35Good job, Pacheco.
00:15:40No, no, no, I swear to you that Manuel is not like that.
00:15:42I mean, if he were fine, he would have answered me,
00:15:43he would have given me a sign of life, right?
00:15:45Girl, yes, but please calm down, I'm going to give you an ulcer.
00:15:48You have to wait, he's going to be fine.
00:15:49Yes, I can't believe Rogelio got so far.
00:15:52Look, trying to disappear the brewery broke.
00:15:56Trying? He did this, he's already disappeared.
00:15:58They're going to come in droves this week.
00:16:01This has been life for many, it's not fair.
00:16:04What happened? Another bad news?
00:16:07Juana's grandfather died.
00:16:10And we came from the funeral.
00:16:13And David right now went straight to Enriqueta, Carlos and Vilorio.
00:16:16He says that Vilorio assures that he can stop the acquisition
00:16:19of the Rubio brewery by Astro.
00:16:21Oh, I hope so.
00:16:23Being realistic without the testimony of Manuel and Camila,
00:16:27now the situation of Gabriel does not look good at all.
00:16:30And what can we do?
00:16:31When you interrogate, you will have to pressure Rogelio a lot
00:16:35to tell the truth.
00:16:36Of course I will.
00:16:38The issue is that surely the prosecutor Quiroz advised him.
00:16:41Rogelio is going to deny everything.
00:16:43It is his word against that of Reni and it is all I have.
00:16:46And Juana's testimony?
00:16:48Juana could testify that Gabriel was away from the crime scene
00:16:52when she saw the blood.
00:16:54And that could help us a lot.
00:16:56But now I'm waiting for the screening of the photos.
00:17:00In some you can see some silhouettes that are not very clear.
00:17:04Hopefully the digital experts will be able to clarify
00:17:09what or who it is.
00:17:14Salvador, allow me.
00:17:17We are fine, Carlos, we are fine.
00:17:19I made him go to Hacienda Fuenmayor and they got caught.
00:17:23It turns out that Astro Brewery deposits a good amount
00:17:27monthly to a tax haven, Cuentite, abroad.
00:17:33Salvador, this is Claudio Ovilorio.
00:17:35A favor, I need you to pressure the director of Astro
00:17:39to get a confession that Rogelio is linked to Astro Brewery.
00:17:43Of course, I'm obviously on that.
00:17:45You don't worry.
00:17:55Oh, aunt, thank you very much for taking care of Eduardo.
00:18:00Don't even mention it, my love.
00:18:02I'm very sorry for your loss.
00:18:05And from the bottom of my heart,
00:18:07that the father of that little angel came out free.
00:18:11I love you.
00:18:12Thank you, aunt.
00:18:15Well, I'm going to say goodbye to Josefina.
00:18:26Oh, my love, calm down.
00:18:27You were in a bad mood.
00:18:28Inel, what can I tell you?
00:18:31I'm scared to death.
00:18:33To water it, to say something that instead of helping Gabriel
00:18:37harms him when it comes to testifying.
00:18:39And if that happens, I...
00:18:40I won't be able to forgive myself.
00:18:42My love, calm down.
00:18:44Calm down, your mother will be there with you,
00:18:46supporting you, and you will do amazing.
00:18:48No, mommy, no.
00:18:49No, not that.
00:18:50You had a very hard day.
00:18:52You have to stay here and rest.
00:18:54I will always be with you.
00:18:55I'm your mother.
00:18:58Besides, I already put a watch on the Virgin of Guadalupe
00:19:01so that she gives you the right words.
00:19:04So that I wish Gabriel comes out soon.
00:19:06So that I wish Gabriel comes out soon.
00:19:09You're going to do great.
00:19:16Grandpa, we left you asleep, Eduardo,
00:19:19and I left two bottles in the fridge.
00:19:21If you need anything, please call me.
00:19:23I'll be super on my cell phone.
00:19:25Don't worry, go without me.
00:19:27I'll take care of Eduardo.
00:19:29Go with God, girls.
00:19:32Go with God.
00:19:33Okay, okay.
00:19:36Take care.
00:19:38Take care, take care.
00:19:44I admire you, Josefina.
00:19:46From the bottom of my heart, I tell you, I admire you.
00:19:49The way you behaved with Ramones
00:19:52is an act of greatness.
00:20:06I already have a citation for Abel Madrazo here in the DA's office.
00:20:09And we still don't have anything from Manuel or Camila.
00:20:11I'm sure Rogelio Formaggio has them.
00:20:14The issue is where he has them detained.
00:20:16Go to court.
00:20:18Camacho, his assistant, Chichincle, driver, Ampon, will be there.
00:20:22I'm sure he's going to help us.
00:20:24But be careful.
00:20:26The guy looks like he's a professional.
00:20:27So follow him discreetly.
00:20:33You don't have to train me to testify, Severiana.
00:20:37I'd rather we did a round of questions.
00:20:40According to the information I have,
00:20:41your son Manuel and Camila Montes de Armas
00:20:43are going to testify against you.
00:20:44That's not going to happen.
00:20:46And even if it's their word against yours,
00:20:47Mr. Reni said he was your accomplice
00:20:49in the bad distribution of the ruby beer.
00:20:52You have to be careful with what you answer.
00:20:54I called Reni several times for being a bad employee.
00:20:57The only thing you have is resentment.
00:21:00I'm worried you're so confident.
00:21:01Those who don't drink, don't have anything.
00:21:08Oh, honey, don't you think we got here too early?
00:21:10This is the only time I can maybe say hello to Gabriel
00:21:13before anything happens.
00:21:15Yes, you're right.
00:21:17I'm coming this way.
00:21:18Oh my God.
00:21:19There he is.
00:21:24Let's go.
00:21:25We're going to be fine.
00:21:26We're going to be fine.
00:21:27We're going to be fine.
00:21:28Everything's going to be fine.
00:21:30I love you.
00:21:31Everything's going to be fine.
00:21:32Oh, honey, did you hear that?
00:21:37We're going to be fine.
00:21:44How's Felipe?
00:21:45I saw you talking to him at the funeral yesterday.
00:21:48And his family too.
00:21:49They're going through a lot, as usual.
00:21:52It's tough, isn't it?
00:21:53I feel like these kinds of things are the ones that...
00:21:56I don't know, they make you...
00:21:59make you think about how fragile life is.
00:22:01Yes, definitely.
00:22:05Listen to me.
00:22:06You have to make it clear
00:22:08how and with whom you're going to spend the rest of your life.
00:22:11I know it's with him.
00:22:13So stop putting him aside
00:22:15and stop acting like you have time left
00:22:17and it's never going to end.
00:22:29Super Secret Comedy Laboratory
00:22:37Launch B!
00:22:39Laughter is an exact science.
00:22:41Fortunately, although our scientists
00:22:43are not the most exact,
00:22:45they are the funniest.
00:22:46Televisa, we know how to make you laugh.
00:22:49On stage or behind the scenes,
00:22:51there are always entanglements.
00:22:53This smells bad to me.
00:22:55My shoes are my feet.
00:22:57What are you doing here?
00:22:58We're here having fun. Sit down, old man.
00:23:00This Saturday you'll see
00:23:02El Circo
00:23:03and on Sunday,
00:23:04El Bolero de Raquel
00:23:06with Las Estrellas.
00:23:07I'm going to start the maroma.
00:23:09I feel like my heart is going to explode.
00:23:10I can't stand so much love.
00:23:12I know that what's ours is forbidden,
00:23:13but this is love.
00:23:14I don't know why Fatima is so distrustful
00:23:17and she feels so insecure.
00:23:20You still love me and you can't forget me.
00:23:22I want to get my kids back,
00:23:23but I won't be able to if you don't help me.
00:23:25If you don't help me, my son will leave you.
00:23:26He'll leave you.
00:23:27Friday at 6.30 p.m.
00:23:29On stage or behind the scenes,
00:23:31there are always entanglements.
00:23:34This smells bad to me.
00:23:35My shoes are my feet.
00:23:37What are you doing here?
00:23:38We're here having fun. Sit down, old man.
00:23:40This Saturday you'll see
00:23:42El Circo
00:23:43and on Sunday,
00:23:44El Bolero de Raquel
00:23:46with Las Estrellas.
00:23:47I'm going to start the maroma.
00:23:49Here, the sun comes out for everyone.
00:23:52This is my best movie ever.
00:23:55Everyone is going to participate in the documentary.
00:23:57Since I'm a bee,
00:23:58I'd like the movie to be released
00:24:00in Las Estrellas.
00:24:01But one thing led to another.
00:24:03This smells bad to me.
00:24:05You're wet.
00:24:06So be it.
00:24:07This Sunday, 5.30 p.m.
00:24:09In El Ángel de Aurora,
00:24:11the strategies will be in motion.
00:24:13I'm doing all this to destroy Aurora.
00:24:15I would like to formally ask you for Lena's hand.
00:24:18And there will be no room for doubt.
00:24:20Why are you so interested in that boy?
00:24:23There's something about him that reminds me of my son.
00:24:26Monday to Friday, 4.30 p.m.
00:24:29When this door opens,
00:24:30everything comes in.
00:24:32Don't tell me it's you.
00:24:34No, Federico.
00:24:36These are for you.
00:24:39You filthy rat!
00:24:41Here, fun comes in all sizes.
00:24:44In Más Vale Sola,
00:24:45we know how to make you laugh.
00:24:47Premiere this Sunday, 8 p.m.
00:24:50The most special nights are lived in this show.
00:24:53We paint each news in color.
00:24:56We invite you to explore the sports world.
00:24:59Close your week with good humor.
00:25:01Have fun, get informed,
00:25:03and join us in La Jugada.
00:25:05This Sunday, 11 p.m.
00:25:07With the stars.
00:25:09What seemed to be full of innocence...
00:25:12And I love you with all my heart.
00:25:14...can make life stop being a child's game.
00:25:17How did it go with Artur's orphanage?
00:25:20She wanted a child. I gave it to her.
00:25:22Interrupted Games.
00:25:24Today at Terminar en Punto.
00:25:26And available tomorrow on VX.
00:25:29They don't know they'll have to pay the price.
00:25:31You saved our lives.
00:25:33I'm in debt to you.
00:25:34Since that man came, you're another.
00:25:36I'm sick of your jealousy, Iván.
00:25:38Wait, daughter!
00:25:39Hug me.
00:25:40I'm going to fight for you.
00:25:42El Precio de Amarte.
00:25:45Starts this Monday, 9.30 p.m.
00:25:47With the stars.
00:25:50These are the news in Punto.
00:25:52The National Republican Convention in Miwoki
00:25:54is a celebration of identity.
00:25:56They reported an increase in the number of rescues
00:25:58of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:26:00Authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:26:03Every night, your meeting point with the information.
00:26:06In Punto, 10.30, with the stars.
00:26:09Paulina is in trouble.
00:26:11She's under arrest.
00:26:12She discovers the truth.
00:26:14She, Paola, is your sister.
00:26:17So she defends Paola.
00:26:19I declare myself guilty of everything.
00:26:21And she deceives them again.
00:26:23You're not sick.
00:26:25The Usurper.
00:26:27Mondays to Fridays.
00:26:29The house is taking a new course.
00:26:31And the competition between rooms
00:26:32makes the inhabitants show all their nuances.
00:26:35Laugh, cry, and a big surprise
00:26:38What awaits us this week?
00:26:40We'll see you daily on
00:26:41La Casa de los Famosos Mexico.
00:26:43Mondays to Fridays, 10.00 p.m.
00:26:44With the stars.
00:26:45Sunday, 8.30 p.m.
00:26:47With the stars.
00:26:48And 24.7 p.m.
00:26:49With VIX.
00:26:50The first hours of the day
00:26:51also bring the first stories
00:26:52that you have to know.
00:26:53Agile, precise, and punctual.
00:26:55That way you'll know all the information
00:26:57in the news.
00:26:58Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
00:27:00I'm Carlos Hurtado, and I'll be waiting for you
00:27:02in La Noticia, your newscast.
00:27:04Mondays to Fridays, 5.50 a.m.
00:27:06With the stars.
00:27:09Not all are the same.
00:27:11What is it that women want?
00:27:15Some are afraid.
00:27:17I'm Siberian.
00:27:18Between a dog and a dog.
00:27:20And others are very determined.
00:27:22I don't want to continue with this relationship.
00:27:25For her, I'm Eva.
00:27:27Mondays to Fridays, 1.30 p.m.
00:27:29I feel like my heart is bursting,
00:27:30that I can't have so much love.
00:27:32I know that ours is forbidden,
00:27:33but this is love.
00:27:34I don't know why Fatima is so distrustful
00:27:37and feels so insecure.
00:27:40You still love me and you can't forget me.
00:27:42I want to get my kids back,
00:27:43but I won't be able to if you don't help me.
00:27:45Let my son leave you.
00:27:46Leave you.
00:27:47Mondays to Fridays, 6.30 p.m.
00:27:49This is an advance of what we will have today in the news.
00:27:57Shooting in the Jesus Maria syndicate
00:27:59generates drug blockades in Culiacán, Sinaloa.
00:28:01The new legislature of the Congress is installed
00:28:03with banked movements.
00:28:05The repatriation of the Guanajuat citizen
00:28:07who died fighting in Ukraine
00:28:09could take weeks.
00:28:10Details at 10.30.
00:28:14They don't know they'll have to pay the price.
00:28:16You saved our lives.
00:28:18I'm in debt to you.
00:28:19Since that man came, you're another one.
00:28:21I'm sick of your jealousy, Ivar.
00:28:23Wait, daughter.
00:28:24Hug me.
00:28:25I'm going to fight for you.
00:28:29The price of loving you
00:28:30starts this Monday, 9.30 p.m. on Las Estrellas.
00:28:49There's a tornado.
00:28:50I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:28:51I think of something and I say it.
00:28:53I'm not a teacher.
00:28:54I did my thesis.
00:28:55I'm serious.
00:28:56How do I look?
00:28:57Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
00:28:59To be honest, you're destroying my life.
00:29:01The Honest Candidate, August 8, only in cinemas.
00:29:19In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
00:29:22Premieres this Sunday, 8 p.m.
00:29:24What seemed to be full of innocence...
00:29:27I love you with all my heart.
00:29:28...could make life stop being a child's game.
00:29:32How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
00:29:35She wanted a child. I gave it to her.
00:29:37Interrupted Games.
00:29:39Today at Terminar en Punto.
00:29:41And starting tomorrow, available on VX.
00:29:44Here, the sun comes out for everyone.
00:29:47This is a polemic business.
00:29:50Everyone is going to participate in the documentary.
00:29:52Since I'm a bee, I'd like the movie to be in the star panel.
00:29:56But there are some well-equipped.
00:29:58This smells bad to me.
00:30:00Did you take a shower?
00:30:01Just for which.
00:30:02This Sunday, 5.30 p.m.
00:30:05Because on Sundays, sports don't stop.
00:30:08Keep yourself informed with the results that interest you the most.
00:30:12Dynamics and the best entertainment are here.
00:30:16Welcome to the show that always gives you more.
00:30:19More sports.
00:30:21This Sunday, 11 a.m. with the stars.
00:30:46That life never waits.
00:30:49And love sometimes comes.
00:30:52In different ways.
00:30:56And this happened to Juana.
00:31:00Juana the Virgin.
00:31:02She didn't expect it.
00:31:05I didn't imagine it.
00:31:08What will happen to her?
00:31:11Dear Juana.
00:31:14How beautiful you are.
00:31:19It was because of fate.
00:31:22Or maybe good luck.
00:31:25That the day I least expected.
00:31:28Would change forever.
00:31:31And it's very true when they say.
00:31:33That love sometimes comes.
00:31:36In different ways.
00:31:41And this happened to Juana.
00:31:44Juana the Virgin.
00:31:46She didn't expect it.
00:31:49I didn't imagine it.
00:31:52What will happen to her?
00:31:55Dear Juana.
00:32:02How beautiful you are.
00:32:07You don't worry about the supposed acquisition.
00:32:11Of the blonde by the star.
00:32:13Because that at this moment was in your favor.
00:32:16The important thing now is Salvador.
00:32:18That Salvador manages to make Abel Madrazo confess.
00:32:21That's all.
00:32:22But what do I have to do with the president of the star?
00:32:24A lot.
00:32:26The farm brings them the look.
00:32:27To him and Rogelio for tax evasion.
00:32:31It turns out that Rogelio.
00:32:33Receives large amounts of money from the star in Switzerland.
00:32:37This serves us to show that Rogelio has personal interests in the star.
00:32:41That's why he wants to break the blonde.
00:32:43Very good.
00:32:44For the first time we have something in our favor, but.
00:32:47That doesn't absolve me of Francisco's death.
00:32:50No, but it helps us a lot.
00:32:52And I already have the result of the blood they found in Juana's shoes.
00:32:57And yes, it is indeed Francisco's blood.
00:33:00Claudio, I want to ask you something.
00:33:01I don't want them to involve Juana.
00:33:05Don't worry, things don't go that way.
00:33:07I don't want Quiroz to convince the judge that Juana is involved.
00:33:12In fact, I don't want her to testify.
00:33:16You know Juana better than anyone.
00:33:19She's not going to accept that you keep her out of this.
00:33:25As you can see, Mr. Madrazo,
00:33:26the judge is about to grant me the arrest warrant against you.
00:33:31Here is the sheet of all the transfers that you deposit to Rogelio Fuenmayor monthly.
00:33:39Here is his electronic signature.
00:33:41Of those transfers, all they say is that they go to a company called Transportes Internacionales.
00:33:47And that's it.
00:33:48Paraíso Fiscal.
00:33:49Here is his electronic signature.
00:33:50And if I may, here is his physical signature.
00:33:53Are you going to tell me that you don't know that Transportes Internacionales is a façade company?
00:33:57Social reason is the only thing that exists.
00:33:59There is no tax home.
00:34:01You can only receive money.
00:34:02There are no operations.
00:34:04There are no administrative tasks.
00:34:06I'm going to be very honest with you.
00:34:09It's complicated.
00:34:10If I have also made you money laundering, which is possible,
00:34:14and a criminal association for profit,
00:34:17you are defrauding the Mexican state.
00:34:21It will give me at least 14 years.
00:34:23I can also put you money laundering in what is being investigated.
00:34:27On the other hand, if you cooperate with this prosecution, it's six or seven years.
00:34:31And if I talk to the judge,
00:34:34you can take the trial in freedom.
00:34:38With right of conscience.
00:34:45Oh, Mom, stop.
00:34:47Stop thinking nonsense.
00:34:48How do you think my dad is going to hurt Manuel?
00:34:51Rogelio is a monster.
00:34:52Mom, Rogelio, that monster you're talking about, is my dad.
00:34:55And Manuel is also his son.
00:34:57He would be unable to hurt him.
00:34:59Manuel didn't want your dad to keep hurting Gabriel.
00:35:03Yes, Gabriel is in so many problems.
00:35:05It's his own fault.
00:35:07Don't you realize that since he met Juana, he completely lost his way?
00:35:12Don't you want to see?
00:35:15Your dad has always wanted his ruin.
00:35:18Since you married him, he endured it his way.
00:35:21But he never agreed to your marriage.
00:35:24Well, maybe he realized that Gabriel didn't love me.
00:35:27And look, he was right.
00:35:30You lost Gabriel the day you cheated on him.
00:35:33The day you went unfaithful to him.
00:35:35Of course.
00:35:36Now it turns out that Gabriel is a saint.
00:35:38And my dad is a demon.
00:35:41That's right, and you're going to realize it.
00:35:45He trampled me as a woman.
00:35:47Your brother humiliates him.
00:35:49Because he's not like him.
00:35:51And he's using you.
00:35:53He uses you to end the blonde brewery with Gabriel.
00:35:58My life, realize it.
00:36:01Mom, that's a lie.
00:36:02Realize it.
00:36:03We are his family.
00:36:05No, no.
00:36:06We are his chips.
00:36:08And he handles us, manipulates us as he pleases.
00:36:11And when he no longer needs us, when we are a nuisance,
00:36:14he throws us away like garbage.
00:36:16He did it to me, and he's doing it to Manuel.
00:36:18And he's going to do it to you too, Mom.
00:36:25Sir, what is coming for the brewery?
00:36:27What is coming is to win.
00:36:29That's what we came for.
00:36:30To win.
00:36:31Thank you very much.
00:36:32But why did you have to come to the tribunal?
00:36:34Why so smiling, Severiana?
00:36:36This is more than won.
00:36:38You have to get it out.
00:36:41First Rogelio will testify, and then you.
00:36:43I know what I'm going to ask of you is difficult.
00:36:46Make sure that what the prosecutor tells you or what Rogelio says doesn't affect you.
00:36:51And when it's your turn, keep calm and just tell the truth.
00:36:55Well, the truth, yes, of course, of course I'm going to tell it all,
00:36:58but keeping calm, that's the father of my son,
00:37:02the one they're trying to destroy, you know?
00:37:04But, well, I'm going to make my best effort.
00:37:07Don't worry, it's going to be fine.
00:37:09Attorney, you have a call from Detective Castillo.
00:37:12Tell him I'm coming.
00:37:14Excuse me.
00:37:16Juana, I know it's hard, but you can do more with this.
00:37:21For Gabriel, whatever.
00:37:23Oh, and by the way, if you see my mom out there,
00:37:26I think I won't be able to tell her not to do anything very crazy.
00:37:29Because I think that as soon as she sees Rogelio, she's going to go after him.
00:37:32No, don't worry, I'll take care of that.
00:37:35Now, if you'll excuse me.
00:37:37Of course.
00:37:46We're going to start this session,
00:37:48and I ask that the first witness come in, please, officer.
00:37:53No, no, hold me, because I feel like...
00:37:55That's a rude kid.
00:37:58Look at that face.
00:38:06Oh, no, the one we needed.
00:38:08That girl is crazy.
00:38:10We take the jury's decision.
00:38:12The jury's decision.
00:38:14The jury's decision.
00:38:16The jury's decision.
00:38:18The jury's decision.
00:38:21We take the jury's decision.
00:38:24Rogelio Fuenmayor Higaredo.
00:38:28And I swear to tell the truth,
00:38:31and nothing more than the truth.
00:38:45Mr. Fuenmayor,
00:38:47what was your relationship with Mr. Francisco de Armas?
00:38:50Friendly, but distant.
00:38:53The truth is that Francisco de Armas
00:38:55had spent a lot of time living abroad.
00:38:59And did you know that Mr. de Armas
00:39:02wanted to sell his shares of the Rubio brewery?
00:39:06Actually, I found out from the employees
00:39:09who told me that they had heard Francisco
00:39:12arguing with Gabriel in his office.
00:39:18And how would you describe the relationship
00:39:21between Mr. de Armas and engineer Gabriel Rubio?
00:39:26They were friends.
00:39:30But the truth is that Gabriel
00:39:32all he wanted was to buy Francisco's shares.
00:39:35Francisco didn't want to sell them.
00:39:38When Francisco made the decision to sell the shares,
00:39:42Gabriel no longer had the money.
00:39:45And well, that's all I know.
00:39:47Thank you very much, Mr. Fuenmayor.
00:39:49I have no more questions, Your Honor.
00:39:53Mr. Vilorio, your turn.
00:39:59Mr. Fuenmayor,
00:40:01Mr. Reni Cabello accuses you
00:40:05that you ordered him to block the distribution
00:40:09of the Rubio brewery.
00:40:11Is that true?
00:40:12He's lying.
00:40:14Reni was a bad employee.
00:40:17I had to call his attention many times
00:40:19as distribution manager for the Rubio brewery.
00:40:23Why didn't you fire him?
00:40:25My son protects him.
00:40:26Do you insinuate that your own son
00:40:30could be the person who wanted to block
00:40:33the distribution of the Rubio brewery?
00:40:35Look, I can't put my hands in the fire for anyone,
00:40:38not even for my own son.
00:40:40My son is young, impulsive,
00:40:42and just like many people,
00:40:44he doesn't want Gabriel Rubio.
00:40:48And what did you have to do with the contamination
00:40:51of the beer lot with a bacteria
00:40:53introduced on purpose?
00:40:59And with the fake document that Mrs. Camila de Armas
00:41:02presented to be able to manage
00:41:04the actions of her missing husband?
00:41:10Damn, that's something I'm finding out right now.
00:41:12What a coincidence.
00:41:14Because both say otherwise.
00:41:17Well, why don't you bring them both here
00:41:19and let them tell me in my own face?
00:41:22Because both are missing.
00:41:29Excuse me, Your Honor.
00:41:31Let's see, Vilorio.
00:41:33You are accusing me
00:41:36of having done something to my own son?
00:41:38Objection, Your Honor.
00:41:40If the lawyer is accusing Mr. Fuenmayor of something,
00:41:43let him present evidence.
00:41:45Lawyer, do you have witnesses to that?
00:41:49No, Your Honor.
00:41:51But I have strong evidence
00:41:55that Mr. Rogelio Fuenmayor
00:41:58wants to destroy the Rubio brewery.
00:42:05Because he is the majority shareholder
00:42:07of the Astro brewery.
00:42:21Silence in the room.
00:42:24Let's see, this is a lie.
00:42:25Your Honor, obviously what you are doing
00:42:27is distracting attention to another side.
00:42:30What you are doing is a trap.
00:42:31Quiroz, please.
00:42:33Lawyer Vilorio,
00:42:36this information,
00:42:38although it inculcates the witness
00:42:40for a tax crime,
00:42:42and if it were the case,
00:42:45it would limit the Astro brewery
00:42:48to acquire the Rubio brewery,
00:42:52it does not show in any way
00:42:54that the witness had anything to do
00:42:57with the death of Mr. De Armas.
00:43:01I'm going to ask you,
00:43:02if you don't have any more questions for the witness
00:43:05about the murder,
00:43:08let's call your next witness,
00:43:10the citizen Juana Bravo.
00:43:30Let's go!
00:43:33I filed the complaint.
00:43:35We protest, Your Honor.
00:43:37Well, I wanted to be a nun.
00:44:00This Sunday, 11 am, with the stars.
00:44:30Stop being a child's game.
00:44:32How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
00:44:35She wanted a child. I gave it to her.
00:44:37Interrupted Games.
00:44:39Today at Terminar en Punto.
00:44:41And starting tomorrow, available on VX.
00:45:00A new season of Diez Nueva Temporada.
00:45:02Sunday, September 15th, 7 pm.
00:45:04To the fortune of finding the purest love.
00:45:06This way we will be together forever.
00:45:09He was followed by the misfortune of betrayal.
00:45:11Now, looking for the truth.
00:45:13I'm going back to fortune.
00:45:14I know God is alive.
00:45:16Life will bring us together again.
00:45:19The Price of Loving You.
00:45:20Starts this Monday, 9.30 pm, with the stars.
00:45:31Throw me!
00:45:33Laughter is an exact science.
00:45:35Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact,
00:45:38they are the funniest.
00:45:40Televisa, we know how to make you laugh.
00:45:42Comrades, I came back with a luxury lineup.
00:45:45At the door, I'm the maid that everyone stops.
00:45:48I took out Kaki, half Sonso the poor.
00:45:51Bruno comes as a pet.
00:45:53They go as headlines, so hold on.
00:45:55Even the little hands come out on TV.
00:45:57We know how to make you laugh.
00:45:59We know how to make you laugh with jokes, comrades.
00:46:01New season, this Sunday, 7.30 pm.
00:46:05These are the news in point.
00:46:07The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity.
00:46:11They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:46:15The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:46:19Every night, your meeting point with the information.
00:46:21In point, 10.30, by the stars.
00:46:25Look at us well.
00:46:28They call us young people with few resources.
00:46:31But our resources are unlimited when you discover our capacities.
00:46:39Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
00:46:45Joke war.
00:46:47These guys destroyed the life of our client.
00:46:50How do I tell you?
00:46:52Make it 13.
00:46:53That's right.
00:46:54I made the complaint.
00:46:55We only protest, Your Honor.
00:46:57Well, I wanted to be a nun.
00:47:02Losing the trial.
00:47:03This Monday at the end of the Lodi.
00:47:05Prepare your part of the cooperation.
00:47:07To get money and buy our apartment.
00:47:09The funniest move is coming.
00:47:12It would be a very bad idea if we all lived together.
00:47:15Like the house of the famous.
00:47:16But without famous.
00:47:17Grandmother with your grandson.
00:47:20You believe?
00:47:21This Sunday, 7.00 pm.
00:47:23With the stars.
00:47:24The first hours of the day also bring the first stories that must be known.
00:47:28Agile, precise and punctual.
00:47:30So you will know all the information in the news.
00:47:33Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
00:47:35I am Carlos Gustavo and I wait for you in the news.
00:47:38A newscast from NEMAS.
00:47:39Sunday, Friday, 5.50 am.
00:47:41With the stars.
00:47:45We have the best for you to start your mornings.
00:47:47At 9.00.
00:47:48Interviews, fashion, advice, music and a lot of fun today.
00:47:51Miguel Martínez is doing arm to arm.
00:47:54And at 12.00.
00:47:55Kitchen, guests, notes, gossip and more.
00:47:58Only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:48:00The vocalist of Coldplay went on stage.
00:48:02From Monday to Friday for the stars.
00:48:04A threat.
00:48:06Why do you have those photos?
00:48:07I'm going to disappear one by one these people.
00:48:09If you do not forget Lorena Martínez.
00:48:11Do you know where she is?
00:48:12I lost all contact with her.
00:48:14It can bring desperate measures.
00:48:16I do not know if it's good or not to leave here.
00:48:18If we stay and they catch us.
00:48:20We are putting you and Darío at risk.
00:48:22Monday to Friday, 8.30 pm.
00:48:24Why Sundays?
00:48:26Sport does not stop.
00:48:28Keep yourself informed with the results that interest you most.
00:48:32Dynamics and the best entertainment are here.
00:48:36Welcome to the program that always gives you more.
00:48:39More sport.
00:48:41This Sunday, 11.00 am.
00:48:43With the stars.
00:48:45Your day begins in wake up.
00:48:48With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
00:48:55In addition, everything about sport, entertainment and crime.
00:48:59Wake up, a newscast from NMAS.
00:49:01Monday to Friday, 7.00 to 9.00 am.
00:49:03With the stars.
00:49:05What seemed to be full of innocence.
00:49:07And I love you with all my heart.
00:49:09It may be that life ceases to be a child's game.
00:49:12How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
00:49:15She wanted a child.
00:49:17I gave it to her.
00:49:18Interrupted Games.
00:49:20Today at Terminar en Punto.
00:49:22And starting tomorrow, available on VIX.
00:49:25What we never thought would happen.
00:49:27Let's see if there.
00:49:28It happens in the stars.
00:49:30I know that one day they had to fly out of the nest.
00:49:32Abandon us to his mother and me.
00:49:34What I want to know is when they are going to return for their quiles.
00:49:36They left us here.
00:49:37We do not know what to do with them.
00:49:39We know how to make you laugh with a family of ten.
00:49:42New season.
00:49:43Sunday, September 15, 7 pm.
00:49:46Swear to me that you are going to be honest.
00:49:49You did it, Tornatiu.
00:49:51I do not know what's wrong with me.
00:49:52I think something and I say it.
00:49:54I am not a lawyer.
00:49:55I plagiarized my thesis.
00:49:56And the truth as I see it.
00:49:57Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
00:50:00Being honest is destroying my life.
00:50:02The honest candidate.
00:50:03August 8.
00:50:04Only in cinemas.
00:50:05Here you will find the latest sports news.
00:50:08Moments that mark day after day.
00:50:11Javier Aguirre.
00:50:12The names of the great figures must return.
00:50:15Among them, Raúl Jiménez and Irwin Estupilosa.
00:50:17Enter in Contacto Deportivo.
00:50:20Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 pm.
00:50:23With the stars.
00:50:25Prepare your part of the cooperation.
00:50:27To get money and buy our apartment.
00:50:29That the most fun move is coming.
00:50:32It would be a very bad idea that we all lived together.
00:50:35Like the house of the famous.
00:50:37But without famous.
00:50:38Grandma with your grandson.
00:50:41Do you believe?
00:50:42This Sunday at 7 at night.
00:50:44With the stars.
00:50:45They do not know that they must pay the price.
00:50:47You saved our lives.
00:50:49I'm in debt with you.
00:50:50Since that man came, you are another.
00:50:52I'm fed up with your jealousy, Iván.
00:50:54Wait, daughter.
00:50:55Hug me.
00:50:56I'm going to fight for you.
00:51:00The price of loving you.
00:51:01Starts this Monday, 9.30 at night.
00:51:03For the stars.
00:51:12Launch me.
00:51:15Laughter is an exact science.
00:51:17Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact.
00:51:21If they are the funniest.
00:51:23We know how to make you laugh.
00:51:25For years we have shared the latest news.
00:51:28All the most relevant events of the week.
00:51:31With the summary of the sports categories.
00:51:34To keep you informed.
00:51:36In the program that the whole family enjoys.
00:51:39Get ready to get into action.
00:51:42This Sunday, 2 in the afternoon.
00:51:44With the stars.
00:52:00You should have planned this.
00:52:02I told you to check it out before the interrogation and you didn't want to.
00:52:05I told you, don't talk to me like that.
00:52:08They practically spat in my face.
00:52:10That the star can't absorb the blonde.
00:52:12That has been my life project.
00:52:13And everything went to hell because of your ineptitude.
00:52:18Get out of my sight if you don't want me to disappear.
00:52:22Get out.
00:52:27He's going to take the body to his pilot.
00:52:29Follow them, but very carefully.
00:52:31A lot of discretion.
00:52:32Camacho is a professional.
00:52:33Don't put yourself at risk.
00:52:35If they get to any suspicious place or what you need, ask for reinforcements.
00:52:39It's an order.
00:52:43We'll have to enlarge this.
00:52:45It's going to pixelate.
00:52:46But then give sharpness to the faces.
00:52:50This is.
00:52:52Mrs. Bravo.
00:52:53Admit that you have a son with Mr. Gabriel Rubio.
00:52:57And that he left his wife for you.
00:53:00I don't believe it.
00:53:03I mean, yes, we have a son together.
00:53:05But that's not the reason they broke up.
00:53:07And if he got pregnant knowing that Mr. Rubio was married?
00:53:12No, no.
00:53:13In fact, I didn't know he was my son's father.
00:53:15And he didn't know I was pregnant with him either.
00:53:19So you were with several men at the same time.
00:53:23How dare you?
00:53:24How dare you?
00:53:25Let's see, I'm not going to let you talk like that about my daughter.
00:53:27What's wrong with me?
00:53:31Objection, Mr. Judge.
00:53:33The prosecutor is attacking the witness' private life to destabilize her.
00:53:38But your questions have no relevance in the trial.
00:53:41I want you to finish this, Claudio.
00:53:43I don't care if it's something sentenced.
00:53:45I don't want you to involve him anymore.
00:53:46It's serious.
00:53:47Don't worry.
00:53:48Don't worry.
00:53:50Advocate exclusively to ask about the murder.
00:53:54Yes, Your Honor.
00:53:55I want to show you some pictures
00:53:58where we believe that Mr. Francisco de Armas was murdered.
00:54:13This is the Rubio Mansion, and as we can see,
00:54:16here is a pool of blood and a broken vase.
00:54:21All these pictures were missing for a long time.
00:54:26Why didn't you give us these pictures from the beginning, Ms. Bravo?
00:54:31Well, because the memory that contained these pictures was lost for a long time.
00:54:35I couldn't find it anywhere.
00:54:37And what purpose did you take these pictures?
00:54:39With no purpose.
00:54:41They were taken by accident.
00:54:42In fact, I was inside the house, I heard a noise...
00:54:45No, here what it seems is that you didn't want these evidence
00:54:51of your lover's murder to come out.
00:54:54No, no, no, that's not the case.
00:54:56As soon as I saw that, in fact, I went to look for Gabriel and he was at the party.
00:54:59Look, what we think is that you are covering up the murder of Mr. Gabriel Rubio.
00:55:08Although, are you giving these pictures maybe because you want to keep the money from the engineer?
00:55:15What is that?
00:55:17Your Honor, the testimony of this witness has no meaning.
00:55:24The witness has no meaning.
00:55:45Camila, we're running out of time.
00:55:47With guards here, there's not much to do, Manuel.
00:55:50If we don't escape before he comes back, we're dead.
00:55:54Why are you so upset?
00:55:57Of course, since I didn't let you talk in court,
00:56:00the only thing left for you is to talk here among yourselves, right?
00:56:02But what do you think?
00:56:03I have news for you, right, Camacho?
00:56:06From today on, neither of you will ever talk again.
00:56:17Yes, that's the last picture I took of Mr. Francisco Dernas.
00:56:21And he's with Rogelio Fuemayor.
00:56:24Why didn't you take more pictures of Mr. Francisco Dernas?
00:56:27I didn't see him again that night.
00:56:31The witness gave, counting the lost and later found, a total of four digital memories.
00:56:42The photo we see on the screen is from memory number one,
00:56:46that is, from the first photos that were taken.
00:56:50Where was Mr. Francisco Dernas all the time that he was not seen again?
00:56:57And why, in the last photo, is he seen with Mr. Rogelio Fuemayor?
00:57:03Mr. Francisco Dernas,
00:57:16Miss Bravo,
00:57:19the prosecution insinuates that you did not lose, but hid
00:57:25the last memory card of your camera,
00:57:29the one where you see the images of the blood and the broken vase.
00:57:33Is that true?
00:57:35No, that's not true.
00:57:36I knew it was important to find that last memory and I looked for it for a long time.
00:57:41As soon as I found it, I gave it to him, voluntarily.
00:57:44Because I know Gabriel is innocent.
00:57:47I know he would be unable to hurt anyone.
00:57:49He's a...
00:57:51He's a wonderful person.
00:57:54He's a man, a partner, a father...
00:57:58I really have no words.
00:58:00Detective Salvador Castillo, Mr. Judge, to present a last-minute test.
00:58:05Attorney General.
00:58:07Mr. Judge, this test is definitive.
00:58:10It is one more distraction, Your Honor.
00:58:12This test was not presented in time and shape and must be dismissed.
00:58:16Here I am the only one who decides whether or not the last-minute tests are accepted.
00:58:22I want to see those tests.
00:58:24Thank you, Mr. Judge.
00:58:26Thank you, Your Honor.
00:58:37The photos you will see below were very dark.
00:58:42But thanks to the work of the digital experts who managed to raise the levels of light to clarify them,
00:58:49in them we can see the true murderer of Francisco de Armas.
00:58:55Francisco de Armas! Francisco de Armas!
00:59:22I don't feel like forgiving anyone.
00:59:25Because just today I was going to a bar, Rubio.
00:59:28And today, just today, everything went to hell!
00:59:36Rogelio was the oldest.
00:59:37Hide. Move.
00:59:40I'm willing to kill you if I don't care if two of them are my children.
00:59:56What will happen to you, dear Juana?
01:00:02How beautiful you are.
01:00:08Good evening.
01:00:09A federal forces operation north of Culiacán, in Sinaloa,
01:00:13unleashed a series of blockades, burning of vehicles,
01:00:16and clashes between civilians and security elements.
01:00:20The events occurred shortly after the Attorney General of the Republic published a statement.
01:00:25In which he says he does not know the location of Ovidio Guzman,
01:00:28who was extradited to the United States in September 2023.
