Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 46 Completo en Español

  • 2 weeks ago
Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 46 Completo en Español
00:00Good morning. Can I come in?
00:28Hi. Come in.
00:33I came to ask if you talked to your grandmother.
00:36Yes. I apologized, as you told me. I did it for you.
00:41Oh, Mati, that's not fair. If you apologize, it's because you really feel it.
00:46Also for that. Happy?
00:48I want you to be honest, not to make me happy.
00:51Okay. I apologized because I really had fun with her.
00:55That's much better.
00:58Oh, I knew you wouldn't let me down.
01:02Have a nice day.
01:08We should call a relative.
01:10We don't know her. I don't even know where she lives.
01:13That must be her cell phone.
01:16I'm going to try to call some of her contacts.
01:20I can't. The cell phone is blocked.
01:23Only the last number of the call she made appears. A guy named Vicente.
01:28Why don't you try calling yours?
01:30Good idea.
01:36Good morning.
01:37Vicente Marquez?
01:39Yes, that's me.
01:40Come in, please.
01:50They're not answering. They're rejecting the call.
01:52They're coming to the ambulance.
01:53Here! Here!
01:57Ladies, please leave.
02:02Excuse me.
02:03Slowly, slowly, please.
02:07What happened to her?
02:08A guy ran over her and ran away.
02:11We have to transfer her.
02:12Bring the board.
02:16Are any of you familiar with her?
02:19No, we don't know her.
02:21What happened to you when you ran over her?
02:23I'm calling one of her contacts on my cell phone, but they're not answering.
02:27Ma'am, it's very important.
02:28If the call comes back, tell her we're taking her to Clinic 28.
02:33Yes, I have her cell phone.
02:37One, two, three.
02:41Let's go.
02:42Let's go, let's go.
02:47Hey, would you like some scrambled eggs?
02:50Yes, yes, I love them.
02:52Thank you, ma'am, but I'm going out to have breakfast with Facundo.
02:55And who is Facundo?
02:57A wonderful man I met a few days ago.
03:00Monce, for God's sake, where's your head?
03:03Have you forgotten that you're a fugitive and that you can't be out?
03:06Anyone can recognize you.
03:08No, you don't have to worry.
03:10Facundo just returned to Mexico.
03:12He doesn't know much about what has happened here.
03:15Besides, I'm like Cecilia and well-dressed.
03:19Do I look like a fugitive to you?
03:25See you later.
03:31Do you realize how unconscious she is?
03:34I've tried to make her come to her senses, but she doesn't listen to me.
03:38She's determined to get a boyfriend.
03:41I'm going to the kitchen.
03:49Good morning, Charo.
03:50Oh, my daughter, what are you doing here?
03:52I arrived last night and argued with Ismael.
03:55I thought things were better between you two.
03:58No, Charo.
03:59The effort to recover our marriage has been mine alone.
04:02He wants to break up.
04:05Oh, but how is it possible?
04:07I begged him.
04:08I lowered myself trying to convince him
04:11so that he would realize that he couldn't get away with it.
04:14I lowered myself trying to convince him
04:17so that he would realize that we can't lose everything we have.
04:20But nothing.
04:21I'm tired.
04:23I'm tired of trying to make things better between us.
04:28And he?
04:30Even if he says he tried, I'm not going to put up with his mistreatment.
04:33No, of course not.
04:34Neither Ismael nor anyone has the right to make you feel bad.
04:39Are you very sad?
04:40I'm not sad, I'm angry.
04:42His arguments are so stupid that I don't want to continue with him.
04:46What does he say?
04:47That we hurt each other a lot, that something between us broke,
04:51that he can't get over the past, blah, blah, blah.
04:54All relationships have ups and downs.
04:56Yes, of course.
04:57If you want to be with the person you love, you have to fight.
05:00But it gives me the feeling with Ismael
05:03that I've been rowing alone and against the current.
05:05I'm so sorry, dear.
05:07It's over.
05:08This time I'm not going to start crying for him.
05:11He has a lot more to forgive than I do.
05:13Go to hell.
05:16Are you tired?
05:17Yes, yes.
05:18I'm like new.
05:19We have to ride the bike again.
05:21Until you get better.
05:23But no climbing hills, huh?
05:25First, just pedaling on the flat.
05:28Anyway, I'm going to take her to the doctor's after breakfast.
05:32It's not necessary.
05:33I'm just going to make a fool of myself.
05:35Why the fool?
05:36Well, because I'm going to have to tell the doctor
05:38that they forced me to go see him just because I got tired of riding the bike.
05:41Do me a favor.
05:42No, don't underestimate me.
05:44I agree with Dario.
05:46It's better for you to see a doctor.
05:48It's just that I hate hospitals.
05:49We're not going to a hospital.
05:51We're going to a private consultant.
05:53No, less.
05:54That's too expensive.
05:55I don't have money.
05:56Come on, Estrella.
05:57Don't be stupid.
05:58If you don't want to listen to me,
06:00then listen to Matías.
06:03The girls at the academy are a charm.
06:06I have a great time with Amalia, Marcela, and Julia.
06:10They're great people.
06:11Last night we went to a restaurant for dinner.
06:14It's been a while since I felt so good.
06:16You can't imagine how happy I am to hear you so happy.
06:19How are you?
06:20How are things over there?
06:22I saw Eric.
06:23He told me your friends miss you.
06:25They're still working at the Oasis.
06:27Everything is going well.
06:29I'm glad.
06:31Hey, do you know anything about my brother?
06:33He came to see me last night
06:34because he found out I wasn't going to be your lawyer.
06:36You told him it wasn't true?
06:38I chose not to do it.
06:39Being so close to Vicente Márquez,
06:41it's better to be cautious.
06:43He could have lied to me,
06:45but it's for the best.
06:47Yes, you're right.
06:48But how did you see her?
06:50She's fine.
06:51Oh, that's good.
06:52I feel calmer.
06:54Well, I have to get ready to go to work.
06:57I love you.
06:58I love you more.
06:59I can't stop thinking about you for a second.
07:03I really miss being by your side.
07:05Come back as soon as you can, okay?
07:07How many days to be with you?
07:10Take care, okay?
07:20Oh, what a beautiful place.
07:23I didn't know it either.
07:24A friend recommended it to me.
07:26Good afternoon.
07:27Here are the cards.
07:33And what would you like for breakfast?
07:38I want an orange juice
07:43and some cheese-filled emoladas.
07:48For me, a melon dish
07:49and a mushroom omelette.
07:52Yes, of course.
07:53No problem, I'll be right back.
07:56You're welcome.
07:58Don't you think the waiter gives an air to an actor
08:01who appears in a Hollywood movie?
08:04I'm bad for that kind of movies.
08:06The only ones I like are those of cowboys.
08:09And if they're from the old west, better.
08:11My idol is John Wayne.
08:14He must sound very old to you, doesn't he?
08:16Or you don't even know who he is.
08:18Oh, not really.
08:20He was a famous actor from the 1960s.
08:23Oh, no.
08:24I wasn't even born yet.
08:27We only know him as a fan of cowboy movies.
08:31And what kind of movies do you like?
08:33No, don't tell me.
08:34Let me guess.
08:36Romantic movies.
08:38Oh, yes!
08:39How did you guess?
08:42Thank you, thank you.
08:46What we do is distribute food to the people who live on the streets.
08:51From time to time, we go to see them
08:53so that they know that someone is worried about them.
08:56I understand.
08:57And what you do is priceless.
08:59Those people live in deplorable conditions.
09:01Yes, it's a shame.
09:03What I'm looking for is an institution
09:05that helps me rehabilitate an addict in a street situation.
09:08We don't do it,
09:10but I can ask one of our collaborators
09:13to see if anyone knows how to do it.
09:15I'm going to thank you.
09:17And tell me,
09:18that person you're interested in helping rehabilitate,
09:21do you agree?
09:23I don't know.
09:24When I found her,
09:25she was under the effects of some inhalant,
09:27active or drug.
09:29I couldn't even talk.
09:31Look, if at any time you can establish communication,
09:34I advise you to first create a bond of trust
09:37before proposing it.
09:44No, don't worry.
09:46No, don't worry.
09:48And where is this person located?
09:50In La Saladita.
09:51One of the areas of the city with the highest death rate.
09:56He was run over, he is unconscious,
09:57but his vital signs are stable.
09:59He received a strong blow to the head.
10:01Give him a skull tomography.
10:03Yes, sir.
10:12Are you ready?
10:14Why spend money on a doctor?
10:16Who knows how much the consultation will cost you
10:18to tell me that I have nothing.
10:21Don't worry about the money.
10:23I'll take care of it.
10:24But now, stop putting obstacles and let's go.
10:28Either way, we're not going to go.
10:30So you better not resist anymore.
10:34Well, it's fine.
10:40Let's go.
10:45Do you really only like western movies?
10:48Well, I see very few of the others.
10:50I get bored.
10:51Oh, I love them.
10:52There are some that I even see twice.
10:55Like which ones?
10:58Titanic, for example.
11:00I love Leonardo DiCaprio.
11:02It's true, I do know him.
11:04He's a very good actor.
11:06I saw The Aviator, it's splendid.
11:08Did you see it?
11:11It's about the life of the magnate.
11:13North American Howard Hughes.
11:17Excellent interpretation of DiCaprio.
11:21Facundo, are you okay?
11:23The truth is no.
11:25I feel my tongue and lips swollen.
11:28A lot of itching.
11:30No, let's see, you're turning red.
11:32Let's see, wait, I need something.
11:34Are you allergic to something?
11:35No, it's the first time it happens to me.
11:38My throat is closing.
11:39Let's go to the hospital, let's go to the hospital.
11:41Help, please.
11:46Oh, thank you.
11:51Loosen your neck so it doesn't tighten so much.
12:02Excuse me, I'm calling because I have two missed calls from this number.
12:05My name is Guadalupe Higareda
12:08and I called you because your number appears on the cell phone
12:11of a girl who was run over today on Commerce Street.
12:15Well, I don't know her name, but she's a young girl, thin,
12:20short, with very pretty features.
12:23And she was taken to Clinic 28.
12:25I'm on my way.
12:28Estrella Aneir?
12:29Yes, it's me.
12:31Come in, please.
12:33Do you want me to come with you?
12:34No, it's not necessary.
12:38I'll wait for you here.
12:39Yes, thank you.
12:41Thank you, miss.
12:49Come with me, please.
13:01Let's go.
13:13Let him in.
13:21Good morning, sir.
13:22How are you? Good morning.
13:24Have a seat, please.
13:30Tell me, what can I do for you?
13:32I'm Alejandro Castillo, Mr. Dario Estrada's lawyer.
13:35I'm here to tell you that the lawsuit
13:37that your client, Carmen Salgado,
13:39intends to file against my client, does not proceed.
13:41Excuse me?
13:42The Civil Code stipulates that when one lives in concubinage
13:45in order to have the right to claim part of the patrimony of the spouse,
13:49it is necessary to have lived together for at least five years under the same roof
13:53or to have procreated children,
13:55which in none of the cases is fulfilled.
13:58Let me finish.
13:59The lawsuit you filed against your client
14:02so that he could take Mr. Dario Estrada
14:04was only to intimidate him.
14:06Because you and I know that you have no validity.
14:10Our work requires professional ethics, lawyer.
14:13Taking advantage of the ignorance of people about the laws
14:16is a lack of respect for our profession.
14:19People like you only dirty our work.
14:22So if you don't want my client to sue you for harassment
14:26and put a restraining order on you,
14:29tell your client to leave Mr. Estrada alone.
14:35Excuse me.
14:43Have you felt tired?
14:45No, doctor.
14:46I usually have a lot of energy.
14:48Except for what I told you about the bike, nothing else.
14:52Pain in the joints?
14:55Prolonged fever?
14:58Can you cover your abdomen again, please?
15:02What worries me are these red spots.
15:05I'm going to send you to do some studies.
15:07I want to make sure everything is fine.
15:13Be careful.
15:14It is very important that as soon as you have the results,
15:17bring them to me to check them.
15:28Thank you, doctor.
15:30How did you find her?
15:31Apparently everything is fine.
15:33She told me what happened yesterday with the exercise.
15:36But it could have happened because of a simple lack of conditioning.
15:39And so much fatigue is normal.
15:41She slept since we got back until the next day.
15:43Yes, it may be, but to get out of hard,
15:45I sent her to do some studies.
15:47As soon as you have the results, come back.
15:49Okay, thank you.
15:50Thank you very much, doctor.
15:51You're welcome. Excuse me.
15:52You're welcome.
15:53You see?
15:54She had nothing.
15:55You see?
15:56She had nothing.
15:57The most important thing is to make sure.
15:59I'm going to pay.
16:01I'm a little sorry.
16:15Now you are ready for your class.
16:19You're welcome.
16:22Come in.
16:23I'll see you in class.
16:26I've noticed that you get along very well with the girls.
16:29Do you have children?
16:30No, but I have a younger sister.
16:33Since my parents died a few years ago,
16:35I've taken care of her.
16:36They must be very close.
16:38Yes, we get along very well.
16:40And don't you miss her?
16:41A lot.
16:42I adore her.
16:43She's the person I care about the most in life.
16:45In fact, as soon as I can, I want her to come live with me.
16:47I miss her a lot.
16:48I miss her a lot.
16:50Of the 34 times they escaped,
16:52we still have 14 to capture.
16:55Where the hell are they?
16:57How are we going to find their whereabouts
16:59if we don't have a trace of them?
17:01They're criminals.
17:02At some point, they're going to make a mistake.
17:05They can't stay hidden for so long.
17:08Unless someone is helping them,
17:10like in the case of Lorena Martinez.
17:12Lorena's case has become an obsession for you.
17:16If I didn't have any kind of relationship with Castillo,
17:19it would be the same as the other proofs.
17:21You're wrong.
17:22I want to catch all of them,
17:24but especially her,
17:25because I had her in front of me.
17:27She escaped me.
17:28Besides, she made fun of all of us.
17:30And even if Castillo says he dropped the case,
17:32I'm sure he's still in contact with her.
17:35I know him.
17:36I know when he's lying.
17:38Even if that were the case,
17:40as long as there's no proof of the opposite,
17:42we can't do anything.
17:46Our job is to find all the fugitives.
17:49And Lorena Martinez is just another one.
18:04Honey, how are you?
18:06Why didn't you call me?
18:08I'm sorry, I've had a lot of work.
18:10I can imagine.
18:11I was thinking we could meet tonight.
18:14What do you think if I drop by your house?
18:18I'm sorry,
18:19but I've already stayed with my classmates.
18:22Where are you going?
18:23Can I drop you there?
18:24No, no, no.
18:25No women.
18:26How boring.
18:27How can you have fun like this?
18:29No, we have a good time.
18:30It's nice to remember the times when we were students.
18:34Well, yes.
18:35And tomorrow?
18:36Tomorrow what?
18:37Can I drop you tonight?
18:39Let me see how the work is going.
18:41I'll call you.
18:42You always tell me that and you never do.
18:44I won't.
18:46I have to go.
18:47They're waiting for me at a meeting.
18:49Don't forget me.
18:51I love you.
18:58Miss, I need you to give me information
19:00about a person who was run over and brought here.
19:02In the name of the patient?
19:04Gabriela Martinez.
19:06Is that your family?
19:07I'm her boyfriend, Vicente Marquez.
19:09Excuse me.
19:12How do you feel?
19:15What happened to me?
19:17You had a food poisoning.
19:19What did you eat?
19:21Just a slice of melon and a mushroom omelette.
19:24Oh, no.
19:25Well, it was probably the mushrooms.
19:27Many times they cause an allergic reaction in certain organisms.
19:32First time it happens to me.
19:34Maybe you hadn't eaten that type of mushroom
19:36with which they prepared your omelette before.
19:38Your reaction was somewhat serious.
19:41But there are more serious cases.
19:43And how do I know which mushroom hurts me?
19:46There are studies that define which foods
19:48cause allergies in each organism.
19:51Is it a complicated study?
19:53It's done through a blood sample.
19:55Many laboratories do it.
19:57In your case, it's worth it.
19:58You've realized you're allergic to certain foods.
20:00I will, Doctor.
20:02Can I go now?
20:04As soon as the serum is finished, you can go home.
20:07I'm going to give you an antihistamine.
20:09I recommend you drink a lot of water
20:11and, above all, avoid eating mushrooms from now on.
20:13I will, Doctor.
20:17You're welcome.
20:21Miss, please, tell me.
20:23Oh, young man, don't insist.
20:25I can't give you any more reports.
20:27All I know is that when he arrived, he was unconscious.
20:30And right now they're doing studies
20:32to determine what his condition is.
20:35Look, keep calm.
20:37As soon as Dr. Carballo, who's in charge of the patient,
20:40has the diagnosis, he'll come out to inform you.
20:52I hope your girlfriend's condition isn't serious.
20:56Look, I can imagine how you feel.
21:01Why did I have to leave before her?
21:04If I had waited, this wouldn't have happened.
21:06No, look.
21:07Don't feel guilty.
21:08What were you going to know?
21:10It was an accident.
21:13Right now, all that matters is that he's okay
21:16and that it's nothing serious.
21:18Miss told me he was unconscious.
21:20Everything will be fine. You'll see.
21:30Can we talk?
21:31Yes, of course.
21:33Come in.
21:36Come in.
21:41Last night, I went back to your house.
21:44I didn't notice.
21:46It was too late and I didn't want to wake you up.
21:50What happened?
21:52I had a very strong argument with Ismael
21:55and I left the house.
21:59But this time, it's final.
22:02Unfortunately, for his part,
22:05it's a way for our relationship to progress
22:08and I'm tired of fighting.
22:10I really don't understand how that idiot doesn't value you.
22:13He has a status that he can only have.
22:17It's not the same to be Florencia Marquez's husband
22:19than any other Dominguez.
22:21Apparently, he doesn't see it that way
22:23and I'm not going to insist anymore.
22:28It's very tiring to be with someone
22:30who all he does is reject you.
22:33I never thought you were such an idiot.
22:36Don't be afraid, dear.
22:38How do you feel?
22:40Very angry.
22:42To be honest, I'm very angry
22:45because I can't understand his attitude.
22:47There, there. Don't worry.
22:51He's going to regret saying something to you.
23:04Is it from your mom?
23:05What does it say?
23:06Matias told me he wasn't coming to eat.
23:08I'm not going to eat at home either.
23:10In the refrigerator, the picadillo and yesterday's rice.
23:12Until later, Marta.
23:14Well, then we'll eat picadillo again.
23:17Do you want me to make you something else?
23:18No, it's fine for me.
23:20Yes, for me too.
23:26What's wrong?
23:27The light went out.
23:29I'm going to the laundry for one.
23:32While I heat up the food, okay?
23:44I'm going to clean the garden, ma'am.
23:47First, make Florencia's room.
23:49Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, but I did that yesterday.
23:51You don't have to do it every day if no one uses it.
23:53They don't pay you to question my orders.
23:57If I'm telling you to make Florencia's room,
23:59obey me.
24:00I was just saying.
24:01The garden is full of leaves.
24:03On the other hand, the lady's room...
24:04Stop arguing and obey me.
24:07Okay, as you say.
24:27Now I understand.
24:28Florencia is back.
24:37Family of Gabriela Martinez?
24:39It's me.
24:41She's my girlfriend. How is she?
24:43She underwent several tests.
24:45The blow to her head was very strong.
24:48Her brain is very inflamed.
24:50Tell me she's going to be okay.
24:52I'm sorry, but she's in a coma.
24:56What does that mean?
24:58We have to wait for her to wake up to be able to evaluate her.
25:01Let's hope that when the inflammation goes down, she does.
25:03How long will she deflame?
25:05I can't tell you exactly.
25:08It depends on how she responds to the medication.
25:11It can last days, even months.
25:14No, no, no.
25:15Don't tell me that, please, no.
25:17I'm going to do everything I can,
25:19everything that's in my hands,
25:20so that your girlfriend is okay.
25:23Can I see her?
25:24Now she's going to go through intensive care.
25:27As soon as she's ready, I'll let you know so you can see her.
25:31I recommend that even if she can't hear you,
25:34tell her how much you love her.
25:36It's very important that she feels surrounded by her loved ones.
25:40Tell her family to always be with her, okay?
25:45Cheer up.
25:55I'm so sorry.
26:11Hi, Vicente.
26:13What happened to Gabriela?
26:15She was run over.
26:16Is she okay?
26:18They hit her hard on the head and she's in a coma.
26:22Can you come, please?
26:23Yes, of course.
26:25Where are you?
26:26Clinic 28.
26:28I'm on my way.
26:37Flo, Flo, Flo.
26:38I know you don't want me to tell you anything
26:40that has to do with the murderer's sister,
26:42but look at the time it is and she hasn't arrived.
26:44She's a nuisance.
26:46Don't talk nonsense.
26:47Gabriela was run over.
26:48She's in the hospital.
26:50She's going to die.
27:02Estrella, where are you?
27:08Are you here?
28:02That's amazing.
28:03Did you have all this prepared?
28:05I took advantage of the fact that we're alone
28:08to surprise you.
28:09And you did it.
28:20Let's imagine we're in Brazil.
28:30Why do you like Brazil so much?
28:33I love it.
28:35It's a dream country.
28:37I've always wanted to know it.
28:39And now that I'm with you,
28:40I'd love for us to escape and live there.
28:43How do you think?
28:44Why not?
28:45Can you imagine?
28:46We could have a house by the sea.
28:49Mati would learn Portuguese.
28:51And in the afternoons,
28:52we'd go for long walks on the beach,
28:54holding hands.
28:56That would be wonderful.
28:59But I like living here.
29:01I have my own bar.
29:02Mati has her friends at school.
29:05Don't you like it?
29:06Yes, yes, yes.
29:07Of course I like it.
29:09I was just fantasizing.
29:11We're fine here.
29:16We have everything to be happy.
29:18And with you by my side,
29:19I feel so full.
29:21I don't need anything else.
29:29Am I interrupting?
29:45What happened?
29:46I don't know.
29:47I wasn't with her.
29:48Thanks to a woman who was calling me on my cell phone,
29:51I found out that she had been run over
29:53and that an ambulance had brought her here.
29:55And what did they tell you?
29:56That she received a strong blow to the head.
29:59She's in a coma and
30:00they're going to transfer her to intensive care.
30:03Oh my God.
30:04It can't be.
30:05What a tragedy.
30:06Oh, yes.
30:10Oh, what happened?
30:11Are you okay?
30:13I got intoxicated with the mushrooms from the omelette I ate.
30:16Oh, no.
30:17I already knew that mushrooms are very treacherous.
30:19And with what I liked.
30:21Goodbye, mushrooms.
30:23Well, yes.
30:24Let's go.
30:25Let's go.
30:27Excuse me.
30:30You have to be strong.
30:32Your girlfriend needs you.
30:34Wait, ma'am.
30:39And who is she?
30:40I have no idea,
30:41but it's clear to me that she's a good person.
30:43She was very supportive of me.
30:50Are you going to keep telling me that there's nothing between you two?
30:53Oh, and are you going to make up that you're rehearsing a new show?
30:57Admit it once and for all,
30:58since you got here,
30:59all you wanted was to get rid of Dario, you bitch.
31:01Stop it.
31:02You did nothing but look at my face.
31:04That's enough.
31:05Let's talk like civilized people.
31:07What civilized people?
31:08I'm not even eight quarters.
31:09Well, you're going to hear me,
31:10even if it's by force.
31:11Estrella and I never had anything to do
31:13while we were together.
31:15So put your complaint down,
31:16because I don't have to give you explanations.
31:18We're separated.
31:19Do you think I'm stupid?
31:21You kicked me out of the house
31:22because you wanted to be with this bitch.
31:24Stop it.
31:25Stop your car.
31:26I won't let you refer to Estrella like that again.
31:28You have no idea who this woman is.
31:30I'm going to make you control yourself.
31:31Don't threaten me.
31:34Hey, you have nothing to do here.
31:35Go away, please.
31:36Not before you give me more money,
31:38because what you give me is not enough for me to live.
31:40That's your problem.
31:41All I do is keep paying you your salary.
31:43I'm not going to give you a single peso more.
31:45Don't you have money for me,
31:46that I gave you my life?
31:47But you do have to spend it on this bitch.
31:49Enough, enough.
31:50It's over.
31:51Damn bitch.
31:52I'm going to kill you.
31:53I swear.
31:54Let's go.
31:55Let me go.
31:56Let's go.
31:57Take it off.
31:58Don't touch me.
32:04The dog was given to me.
32:07But my father was very fond of him.
32:10Rufus was inseparable from him.
32:12When my father came home from work,
32:14he threw him a party.
32:19The day my father died,
32:22Rufus disappeared.
32:24We looked for him everywhere,
32:26we put up signs with his photograph,
32:29and nothing.
32:30We couldn't find him.
32:32Poor thing.
32:35It's incredible
32:37the sensitivity that dogs have.
32:40It affected my father's death a lot.
32:42Of course.
32:43You told me they were inseparable.
32:47And you won't believe what I'm going to tell you.
32:50A week later,
32:51after my father died,
32:53my mother and I went to the cemetery
32:55to bring her flowers.
32:57And what was our surprise?
32:59There was Rufus
33:01lying on his grave.
33:03Don't tell me.
33:04I can't believe it.
33:06Neither can we.
33:07But there he was.
33:09We asked the person in charge of us
33:11that Rufus had appeared a few days earlier
33:13and that he hadn't left the grave at all.
33:16The person in charge gave him food
33:18and water.
33:20He didn't want to leave his master.
33:22When Rufus died,
33:25we cremated him
33:26and buried his ashes
33:28with my father's ashes.
33:31And now he doesn't have a pet?
33:35He has no idea how much I'd like him.
33:37But with my job,
33:38it's impossible to take care of him.
33:40He'd be alone all day.
33:41Of course.
33:42Pets require a lot of attention.
33:48I can't believe Carmen
33:49dares to come here
33:50and shout at us
33:51whatever she wants.
33:52It's obvious that she's very hurt.
33:54But on the one hand, I understand her.
33:56Why do you say that?
33:57Because it must be very difficult
33:58to accept that in the short time
34:00they've been apart,
34:01we're already together.
34:03I understand.
34:04But our relationship
34:05didn't break up because of us.
34:07It didn't work for us
34:08a long time ago.
34:13All I want is
34:14that this situation doesn't affect us.
34:16Don't worry.
34:17It's annoying,
34:18but nothing else.
34:19I can't stand
34:20for anything or anyone
34:21to ruin what we have.
34:23I'm madly in love with you.
34:26I'm madly in love with you.
34:34He's Gabriela's doctor.
34:37Good afternoon.
34:38Good afternoon.
34:40You can see your girlfriend now.
34:43She's my sister.
34:44Can she come with me?
34:45You can't let two people
34:46come in at the same time.
34:47You come in.
34:48I'll wait for you here.
34:50I'll show you
34:51where the intensive care unit is.
34:52This way.
34:56Tomorrow morning
34:57we can go to the labs
34:58so they can do the tests
34:59the doctor recommended.
35:00But what are you doing
35:01if you can't find anything?
35:02Then the doctors exaggerate.
35:04I'm not going to rest
35:05until the doctor
35:06confirms that you're okay.
35:14And that face?
35:15Can we talk alone?
35:17Yes, go with Cecilia.
35:18I'll pick up.
35:19Yes, yes, yes.
35:21Let's go, let's go.
35:26Let's go.
35:32What's going on?
35:35I found out about something horrible
35:37that happened to Gabriela.
35:38Lorena's sister?
35:40She was run over
35:41and she's in a coma.
35:43How did you find out?
35:44Facundo felt bad
35:45because of what he ate at breakfast
35:47and took him to the ER
35:48at Clinic 28.
35:49And while he was there
35:50a guy came in
35:51asking about Gabriela.
35:52It was Vicente Marquez.
35:54I heard when the doctor told him everything.
35:56Oh my God.
35:57Then I thought about Martillo.
35:59His sister is the person
36:00he loves the most in the world.
36:02How are we going to tell him
36:03if we don't know where he is?
36:05I know.
36:06Eric, he can help us.
36:14What's up, Frida?
36:16We need to ask you
36:17to go get Alejandro
36:20What happened?
36:21Lorena's sister is serious.
36:22She was run over.
36:23Alejandro needs to talk to Lorena
36:25to inform her.
36:26Oh my God.
36:27How is she?
36:28Is she okay?
36:30She's in a coma.
36:34Are you sure?
36:36Montse was at the clinic
36:37and I heard when Vicente Marquez
36:38came to ask about her.
36:49My love.
36:54I don't know what to say.
37:01I can't believe you're here.
37:05We were together this morning.
37:09We said goodbye.
37:14I'm sorry.
37:16I'm sorry.
37:17I shouldn't have left you alone.
37:20I'm sorry.
37:21I shouldn't have left you alone.
37:23I could've gone to school with you.
37:34You have to get better, my love.
37:37My life without you doesn't make sense.
37:42I love you.
37:43I love you.
37:49You have to get better, my love.
37:52Don't leave me alone, please.
37:54Don't leave me alone.
38:14Hurry up. We're going to miss our flight.
38:16Don't worry, my love.
38:18We're on time.
38:25Your bag!
38:26Thank you, Iris.
38:29What's wrong?
38:30The keys.
38:32I'm sure I took them.
38:34You don't know...
38:35It can't be.
38:36Iris, go get them, please.
38:44I'm sorry.
38:49Vicente sat next to me and told me everything that had happened to Gabriela.
38:54The poor boy broke down and I couldn't take it, so I gave him a hug.
38:57And he was alone?
39:00But then a woman came along, I think her name was Florencia.
39:04She was very worried about him.
39:06And do you know what the doctor said?
39:08How long can a coma last?
39:10He said he didn't know.
39:11He said it could be days or months.
39:14Oh, my God.
39:21What's wrong?
39:23They ran over Gabriela.
39:25Lorena's sister is in a coma.
39:35How is she?
39:41They've connected her to a respirator.
39:44She can't even breathe on her own.
39:49The doctor told me to call her.
39:52To tell her how much I loved her, but...
39:55I don't know if she can hear me.
39:58Why did this have to happen to her?
40:00I'm an idiot.
40:02If we had gone out together, this wouldn't have happened.
40:05It was my fault.
40:06No, don't say that.
40:07It was an accident.
40:08The doctor told me he didn't know when she would react.
40:11It could be days, it could be months.
40:13I don't know if I can stand it.
40:15Gabriela is my life.
40:21Don't worry.
40:27I'm coming.
40:28I'm coming.
40:30What's wrong? Why are you knocking like that?
40:32I need you to find Lorena.
40:34Why? What happened?
40:35They ran over Gabriela and her sister.
40:37And she's very serious.
40:42I'm going to disappear one by one from these people
40:44if you don't forget about Lorena Martinez.
40:47She never existed for you.
