Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 45 Completo en Español

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Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 45 Completo en Español
00:06Lo reconoces
00:10quienes son ustedes
00:11que hacen aquí
00:13tranquilos venimos en buen plan no queremos problemas
00:18Contestan me tienes un hijo que se llama teo hace cuanto tiempo que no lo ves
00:25Si este
00:28Si se llama teo es tu hijo quien
00:37Hey que no ves que está bien pacheca ya déjala no solamente quiero ayudar
00:41pero para eso necesito que me digas si teo es tu hijo ya estuvo como vas
00:49Creo que es hora de irnos las cosas se pueden complicar
01:09Oye lucre no me puedo decir nada está segura de que ella es su mamá siempre anda en el viaje de tanto chemo que se mete
01:19Pero cuando se le bajó un poco pregunta por su hijo siempre anda por estos rumbos
01:24aquí vivimos todos
01:26Gracias cuando regreses traenos unas cobijas en la noche hace mucho frío claro yo se las traigo vámonos
01:40Puro cuento nunca va a regresar
01:46Ya estamos bien verdad sí sí ya todo me haces muy feliz
01:52Lo único que te pido es que me dediques un poco más de tiempo
01:56extraño mucho si no lo hago es porque estoy muy ocupado es más ahora mismo necesito ponerme a trabajar
02:02sí sí ya sé
02:05Han tenido alguna noticia de lorena martínez hoy vino alejandro castillo su abogado
02:10odio ese tipo cómo puede defender a una asesina
02:14saque vino a buscar las cosas que le tenemos incautadas nos dijo que ya no era abogado de la martínez y que había dejado el caso
02:21Como por qué porque según él se ve cansado de defender una mujer que no tenía forma de salvarse de su condena
02:29hasta que se dio cuenta el idiota
02:31en otro país ya lo hubieran metido a la silla eléctrica
02:36Bueno te dejo trabajar
02:41Me llamas
02:47Te amo
02:51Y tú
02:56Yo que me amas así si
03:06Me impresionó mucho ver cómo luc y los demás estaban bajo los efectos de la droga son muy jóvenes
03:12no es posible que echen a perder su vida así de la nada
03:15No que ni siquiera puede hablar como ellos hay muchos viven en condiciones de pobreza extrema
03:20se drogan para fugarse de su realidad su día a día consiste en conseguir algo de dinero para seguir drogándose
03:27es un círculo vicioso del que muy poco salen lo más triste es que la mayoría de ellos muere así de jóvenes
03:35Gracias por acompañarme
03:37lo más me imaginé encontrarme con esto de algo sirvió
03:41por lo menos ya sabes dónde está la mamá de ese niño
03:46tengo que encontrar la manera de poder ayudarla
03:51Se ayudó a lorena a llegar al lugar seguro por qué la va a dejar de defender
03:56ya no puedo hacer nada para demostrar que es inocente no no me diga eso milik
04:01siempre hay un modo yo sé yo sé que usted puede
04:05es que cuando lo haga se va a volver el abogado más famoso de méxico
04:08Bueno que digo de méxico del mundo créeme que no me importaría quedar en el anonimato con tal de ayudarla su está
04:15no se me dé por vencido
04:19No me vaya a salir con que le tiene miedo al éxito no no claro que no
04:26Quien está detrás de la muerte de juan pablo correa es gente muy poderosa y yo ya no puedo hacer nada para ayudarla
04:33Lo bueno es que está bien está en un lugar seguro y ya no va a regresar a la cárcel por un crimen que no cometió
04:39sí pues sí
04:41pero nunca va a dejar de ser una fugitiva
04:44y su nombre va a quedar manchado para siempre
04:47desafortunadamente así es
04:49pero ya no hay nada más que se pueda hacer
04:51pues ahora sí que
04:53usted es el que sabe de esas cosas no
04:58Me dio gusto verlo sí igualmente
05:01y dale mi nuevo número a tu jefe que me llame sí sí claro que le digo
05:06oiga y si de casualidad habla con lorena
05:11dígale que toda la trupa le extraña y pues que se cuide mucho yo le digo
05:18Estamos en contacto
05:20La venga sí dale nos vemos filic cuídate
05:35Ya llegamos
05:43Qué lugar tan lindo
05:45Te va a gustar más cuando subamos la montaña desde arriba se ve increíble
05:49como vamos a subir mi papá y yo hemos subido varias veces va a saber qué padre aquí adelante rentan unas bicicletas de montaña
05:58bicicletas sí qué pasa no sabes andar en bici
06:03más o menos lo que pasa es que hace mucho tiempo que no me subo a una
06:07Camara en mi casa si no te subo a una camara en mi casa
06:10y va a sangrar la onda de volada vamos apúrense
06:23Que diablos le dijiste a matías que piensa que las estoy corriendo
06:27nada solamente estuvimos hablando me pidió que nos quedáramos
06:31Le dijiste que yo las estaba obligando a irse
06:33Let's see, wait, I didn't tell you that.
06:35If he misinterpreted me, I'm very sorry.
06:37But it was never my intention.
06:39I just told him that when we had the money to do it,
06:42we agreed that we would not leave.
06:44I never imagined that he was going to interpret it as if he was chasing us.
06:48I'm tired.
06:49His presence here has only brought problems.
06:52That is very unfair.
06:53We have also contributed a lot to the oasis.
06:56We turned it into a place of success.
06:58And if Matias loves us so much, it is because we have known how to earn his affection.
07:02Instead, all you think about is the day we leave.
07:06Do you think it's easy for us?
07:08Here we have a roof, we have work, we have security, and Matias' immense affection.
07:13And the truth is that we don't want to leave.
07:15And you know what?
07:16You can't force us.
07:18You have to go.
07:19It's a decision made.
07:21Why do you have that superior attitude?
07:23We didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary.
07:25Isn't it bad to lie?
07:26Because that's all they've done.
07:28It's true.
07:29We've had to lie to survive.
07:31And you've also hidden things to protect your family.
07:34I'm sorry to meddle.
07:35Superior, have you thought about the problem?
07:38What will it be for Dario if we leave?
07:40What will happen to the oasis?
07:42Who will take care of the clients?
07:44Obviously he knows that this is going to be a big problem.
07:47But why is it so urgent that we leave?
07:49It's because Frida is with her son.
07:51Now you've gone too far.
07:53I am the owner of this house.
07:54And just as I decided at the beginning that you would stay,
07:57I don't want you to be here anymore.
07:59I'm not moving from here.
08:00And I'm sure Frida and Montse don't want to leave either.
08:03If you don't, I'm going to have to tell Dario who you are.
08:06Okay, tell him the truth.
08:08What do you think he'll think when he finds out that you were our accomplice?
08:11How low have you fallen?
08:13I thought you were people of the word.
08:22Don't you think you've gone too far?
08:24I only said what I thought.
08:26Who knows how he interpreted what Matias said so that he got like this?
08:30I don't know.
08:40Wait, wait.
08:44Are you okay?
08:46Yes, I'm just a little tired.
08:48What happens is that it costs me a little bit of work to follow you.
08:52Here, have a drink.
08:53Sorry, can we go slower?
08:56No, no, no.
08:57You know what?
08:58You guys go on, I'll wait for you here.
09:00What do you mean? We came together.
09:01If you need to rest, it's okay.
09:03Let's stop for a while.
09:05Let's go on.
09:06Let's go on, just go a little slower, okay?
09:09What's wrong?
09:10Do we have to go slower?
09:12Yes, dad.
09:13Oh, thank you.
09:18Stay in front of me.
09:26Oh my God, don't fail me.
09:29Don't force me.
09:39Are you busy?
09:41No, no, come in.
09:44How did it go?
09:46It turns out that the hospital doesn't have a record of the visits.
09:49With this, we can't prove that Castillo was there to see Vinicius.
09:52That means we can't know if Castillo and the man who was watching them have anything to do with it.
09:58Yes, we have nothing. We're at the beginning.
10:01Calm down.
10:02Castillo decided to drop the case, and that's good for us.
10:05But Ana Martinez was left alone.
10:07More vulnerable than ever.
10:09At some point we're going to catch him.
10:12And how are we going to do it?
10:13Don't be a pessimist anymore.
10:15At some point he's going to make a mistake, and you and I are going to be there to stop him.
10:24You won't believe what I'm going to tell you.
10:27Now what happened?
10:28I went to talk to Nicolas to ask him to forgive me, and he left me with my mouth open.
10:33It turns out that it is impossible for him to be with the detective.
10:36Why not?
10:37Because the girl likes women.
10:40Who told you that? Him?
10:44You don't know how relieved I felt.
10:46My soul returned to my body.
10:48I'm glad.
10:49So things between you and Nicolas are already settled?
10:52He loves me as much as I love him.
10:54I'm very happy.
10:56Now I need you to get to work, because you've been very scattered and you've been out for a long time.
11:00And I need the budget for today for the nickel developer.
11:04Get to work.
11:05Yes, yes, yes.
11:06I'll do it right now.
11:07It won't take long.
11:14What a good idea to tell Veronica that Amanda likes women.
11:20Sir, just to inform you that we are already here.
11:23And Vicente?
11:24He left.
11:25He didn't want to come in, he asked me to thank him.
11:28Did you find the person you were looking for?
11:30Yes, we found the child's mother, but she was under the effects of the drug.
11:33There was no way for her to talk.
11:36It's a shame that there are people in those conditions.
11:40It's a shame that there are people in those conditions.
11:43Thank you for your support.
11:44You can leave.
11:45Yes, sir.
11:50From tomorrow I start exercising.
11:53It's just that I don't have any condition.
11:55You should have told us.
11:56I thought you were going to pass out.
11:58Oh no, it's not that bad.
12:00I was also scared.
12:01Don't make me feel worse.
12:03I have enough that I couldn't have followed you.
12:06It's okay.
12:09Be careful.
12:24Hello, Florencia.
12:26I wanted to tell you that I got a CV from Mario Olivares.
12:29Wasn't he your high school classmate?
12:32The one who didn't eat anything when he went home because he was vegan?
12:35Yes, it's him.
12:36Well, he's an architect now and I got his CV to work here.
12:40What a small world, right?
12:41That's right.
12:43Hey, taking advantage of your call,
12:45is it true that Ismael cheated on you with Lorena Martinez?
12:50Is it true?
12:52And why didn't you tell me?
12:54Because that's something private between Ismael and me.
12:58How did you know?
12:59Veronica told me.
13:02I shouldn't have told you or you or anyone.
13:04And why are you still with him?
13:05He cheated on you with your secretary.
13:07Because when I decided to get married,
13:09I promised that it would be forever.
13:11I think it's very low that Ismael has betrayed you.
13:14It was a thing of the past.
13:15That's what you think.
13:16Because you prefer to hold on.
13:18But I'm not going to forget.
13:20I leave you.
13:29What happened?
13:30I need you to come to my office right now.
13:35What's going on?
13:38How dare you tell Vicente
13:40that Ismael and Lorena Martinez were lovers?
13:42For him to know that his girlfriend's sister
13:44not only murdered Juan Pablo,
13:46but also tried to take your husband away from you.
13:48The only thing you got is that Vicente hates Ismael
13:51and now he's against him.
13:52And what?
13:53Only you can keep holding on.
13:54Don't get involved in my life again.
13:56It's the last time I pass you that you're talking too much.
13:59Next time you're not only going to lose my friendship,
14:01but your job too.
14:02You're too imprudent.
14:03Go back to work.
14:04I don't want to see you.
14:05Hurry up.
14:19Do you think it's normal that he's so tired?
14:23He's not used to riding a bike.
14:25And the climb was very heavy.
14:27He's not used to riding a bike.
14:29And the climb was very heavy.
14:35I confirm it, but I don't deny it either.
14:37Because I don't know for sure.
14:40May I?
14:41Go ahead.
14:45I was watching Castillo's interview with Elisa Solorio again.
14:49Castillo seems determined to prove Lorena's innocence.
14:53How is it possible that he left the case aside just like that?
14:56I don't understand.
14:57Sometimes, when a lawyer doesn't find a way to prove his client's innocence,
15:02he ends up taking a side.
15:07I still have my doubts.
15:09Maybe we can't do anything.
15:11Now, for whatever reason, it's going to be more difficult to deal with Lorena's whereabouts.
15:15Everything that has to do with Lorena Martinez is very strange.
15:19The issue of Vilchis.
15:21The man who was watching him.
15:24Did Amanda tell you that the hospital doesn't have a record of his visits?
15:30We have to find Vilchis or that man.
15:32Otherwise, we'll never know for sure what Castillo was doing in the hospital.
15:35We have no choice but to keep working.
15:38I have to admit that, for the first time, I feel like we're losing the battle.
15:43We have nothing to find Lorena.
15:46Something will come out.
15:47We're not going to give up.
15:52I'll continue.
16:02You slept all the way back.
16:05Oh, Mati.
16:06What a shame for you.
16:08They're going to say I can't stand anything.
16:11Now, what worries me is that tomorrow I'm going to wake up in pain.
16:14It's been so many years since I've exercised that my whole body hurts.
16:17Take a muscle relaxer.
16:19Do you have it?
16:20Yes, thank you.
16:22Go take a shower.
16:23See you.
16:25I'm going to take a shower too.
16:26No, wait.
16:27I want to ask you something.
16:29Tell me.
16:30Do you think what happened to you has to do with the same thing that time you passed out?
16:35No, not at all.
16:37You can't be so sure.
16:39I would prefer that we go to the doctor to check you.
16:44It's not necessary, really.
16:45If you don't have anything, we'll be fine.
16:47But if you do, we'll have time to fix it.
16:51Don't worry.
16:53I'll be fine.
16:54Right now, all I want is to take a shower.
17:16Miguel Martínez is making an arm to hug.
17:25The vocalist of Coldplay went on stage.
17:45More sports this Sunday at 11am with Las Estrellas.
17:51In the women's MX league, the Eagles plan to keep the undefeated at home.
17:58When they receive the college girls who are on a big plan.
18:03This Sunday, America Pumas, 11.55am with Las Estrellas.
18:10El Chavo Ruco will no longer have as much endurance as before.
18:13How old are you, little creature?
18:15I'm 25.
18:16Let's see if you can handle the drop.
18:23I think she hung Mr. Paki's sneakers.
18:25At 9.20pm, this Friday at the end of the Noti, with Las Estrellas.
18:30When this door opens, everything comes in.
18:32What are they?
18:34Don't tell me it's you.
18:35Not even Federico?
18:37These are for you.
18:40Raka and Bunda.
18:42Here, fun comes in all sizes.
18:45In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
18:48Premieres this Sunday at 8pm.
18:50Here you will find the latest sports news.
18:53Moments that mark day after day.
18:56Today for Javier Aguirre, the names of the great figures must return.
19:00Among them, Raúl Jiménez and Irwin Estupilosa.
19:02Enter in Contacto Deportivo.
19:05Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11.30pm with Las Estrellas.
19:10They don't know they must pay the price.
19:12You saved our lives. I'm in debt to you.
19:15Since that man came, you're another.
19:17I'm tired of your jealousy, Iván.
19:19Wait, daughter.
19:20Hug me.
19:21I'm going to fight for you.
19:25El Precio de Amarte starts this Monday at 9.30pm with Las Estrellas.
19:40We'll see you daily on La Casa de los Famosos Mexico.
19:43Mondays to Fridays at 10pm on El Cinco.
19:46Sundays at 8.30pm on Las Estrellas.
19:48And 24 hours a day on VIX.
19:50Life can hit hard.
19:52You must be strong for them.
19:54And only do good.
19:56After everything you've been through in life, you still have so much heart for people like me.
20:00It will be the strength you need to live.
20:03If it hadn't been for him, I don't know what would have happened to my children and me.
20:07Sin Miedo a la Verdad, this Saturday at 11pm.
20:10Laboratorio Supersecreto de Comedia.
20:19Launch me!
20:21La risa es una ciencia exacta.
20:23Fortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos no son los más exactos,
20:26sí son los más divertidos.
20:28Televisa. Sabemos hacerte reír.
20:31Swear to me you'll be honest.
20:34Existe tonatio.
20:36No sé qué me pasa. Pienso algo y lo digo.
20:39No soy licenciado. Plagié mi tesis.
20:41Ya, la neta. Cómo me veo.
20:42¿Traes colitis o es panza normal?
20:45Será que esto me está destruyendo la vida.
20:47El candidato honesto. 8 de agosto, solo en cines.
20:50El error que la unió al amor de su vida cambió el destino de Juana.
20:54Te amo, nuestro hijo.
20:56Te amo.
20:57¿Puede una historia de amor que empieza al revés tener un final feliz?
21:01Ella tiene que pagar por haberme quitado a Gabriel.
21:03Y va a pagar.
21:04Mi vida sin ti estaría completa.
21:07Gran final, hoy, 9.30 de la noche.
21:33Ellos son...
21:34No me digas que tú eres...
21:35Mi Federico.
21:37Estos son para ti.
21:40Caca imunda.
21:42Aquí la diversión viene en todos los tamaños.
21:45En Más Vale Sola, sabemos hacerte reír.
21:48Estreno este domingo, 8 de la noche.
21:50Aquí, el sol sale para todos.
21:53¡Es el mismísimo Luis!
21:56Todos van a participar en el documental.
21:58Como soy abeja, quisiera que la peli saliera en el panel de las estrellas.
22:02Pero hay uno que otro bien eclipsado.
22:04Esto me huele mal.
22:06¿Tú tienes bañado?
22:07Tal para cual, este domingo, 5.30 de la tarde.
22:10En El Ángel de Aurora, las estrategias se pondrán en marcha.
22:13Todo esto lo estoy haciendo para destruir a Aurora.
22:16Quisiera pedirte formalmente la mano de Elena.
22:19Y no habrá lugar para la duda.
22:21¿Por qué estás tan interesada en ese muchacho?
22:24Hay algo en él que me recuerda mucho a mi hijo.
22:27Lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
22:31Tu día empieza en Despierta.
22:35Con el análisis de la información y las historias que te importan.
22:41Además, todo sobre el deporte, el entretenimiento y el crimen.
22:45Despierta, un noticiero de NMASC.
22:47Lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
22:51Porque los domingos, el deporte no se detiene.
22:55Mantente informado con los resultados que más te interesan.
22:58Dinámicas y el mejor entretenimiento están aquí.
23:02Bienvenidos al programa que siempre te da más.
23:05Más deporte, este domingo, 11 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
23:10Laboratorio Supersecreto de Comedia.
23:19¡Lancen B!
23:21La risa es una ciencia exacta.
23:23Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos no son los más exactos,
23:26sí son los más divertidos.
23:28Televisa, sabemos hacerte reír.
23:30¡Guerra de chiste!
23:32Estos tipos destruyeron la vida de nuestra clienta.
23:36¡Vámonos, hijo!
23:37¡Ven, que trefe!
23:39Yo puse la denuncia.
23:41¡Protestamos, su señoría!
23:43Pues, yo quería ser monja.
23:47Perdiendo el juicio, este lunes al terminar el nodi.
23:50¿Prepara tu parte de la cooperacha?
23:52¿Para sacar dinero y comprar nuestro departamento?
23:54Que se viene la mudanza más divertida.
23:57Sería muy mala idea que viviéramos todas juntas.
24:00Como la casa de los famosos, pero sin famosos.
24:03¡Abuelita con tu nieto!
24:06¿Tú crees? Este domingo, 7 de la noche, con las estrellas.
24:12En la Liga MX Femenil, las águilas piensan mantener el invicto en casa.
24:18Cuando reciban a las universitarias, que están en plan grande.
24:22Este domingo, América Pumas, 11.55 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
24:52¡Oh! ¡Oh! ¡Oh! ¡Oh! ¡Oh!
25:22Y ahora nos tocó perder, fugitivas.
25:25Buscando la misma salida, nos tocó llevar a la pila.
25:30Pero esta es una nueva apuesta, fugitivas.
25:48¡Maldita enfermedad!
25:52¿Puedo pasar?
25:54Sí, tú nunca tienes que preguntarme.
25:57Muchas gracias.
25:59Quería saber qué pasó con tu abuela.
26:02Ya te fue con el chisme.
26:04Por favor, no te enojes.
26:05Solamente quiero saber cómo estuvieron las cosas.
26:07Nada más le reclamé, porque las está obligando a irse.
26:10Y se empezó a defender con su bla, bla, bla.
26:12Hasta que amartó.
26:14Y le dije que prefería que me quedara en casa.
26:17Y se empezó a defender con su bla, bla, bla.
26:19Hasta que amartó.
26:21Y le dije que preferiría que se fuera ella y no ustedes.
26:24Mati, eso es muy ofensivo.
26:26Pues será. Pero es la verdad. Y no me arrepiento.
26:28Oye, ya párale. Esta casa es de tu abuela.
26:31Nos abrió las puertas con muchísimo cariño,
26:33podiendo dejarnos en la calle.
26:35Estamos muy agradecidas con ella.
26:37Que nos tengamos que ir, pues, es otra cosa.
26:39Y tú bien sabes los motivos.
26:41Yo ya les dije que pueden seguir escondidas aquí.
26:43Mati, necesitamos libertad.
26:46Tú no tienes idea de lo que es vivir perseguida día y noche.
26:49Si yo estuviera protegido en un lugar como este,
26:51no me importaría.
26:52No sabes lo que dices.
26:54Entiendo que para ti sea muy difícil
26:56aceptar que nos tengamos que ir, pero así va a ser.
26:59Más vale que te vayas haciendo la idea.
27:01Pero nuestra amistad no se va a acabar.
27:03Nos vamos a seguir comunicando.
27:05Nunca va a ser lo mismo.
27:06Tienes razón.
27:07Pero hay otros modos de estar cerca.
27:09Videollamadas, mensajes, no sé.
27:12Ahora lo que tienes que hacer es pedirle disculpas a tu abuela.
27:15Debe de sentirse muy ofendida.
27:17Lo que hiciste estuvo muy mal.
27:19Prometeme que lo vas a hacer.
27:21¿Para qué?
27:22Si sigo pensando que es mejor que se vaya ella que ustedes.
27:25Tu abuela no tiene por qué irse a ningún lado.
27:27No es una prófuga como nosotras.
27:29Y esta es su casa.
27:31Si no arregla las cosas, vas a ocasionar un conflicto.
27:36No sé, déjame pensarlo.
27:46¿Se puede?
27:48¿Quién, Dante?
27:50Cuéntame, ¿cómo te fue?
27:52Es terrible cómo vive toda esa gente.
27:55Me hizo una pena.
27:57¿Encontraste a la mamá de Teo?
28:00Y estaba muy drogada.
28:01No podía ni hablar, solo balbuceaba.
28:03Lo más probable es que lleve mucho tiempo drogándose.
28:06Yo también lo creo.
28:07¿Y qué piensas hacer?
28:09Pues buscar la manera de ayudarla para que salga de ese mundo.
28:12No quiero desanimarte, pero va a ser una tarea difícil.
28:15La gran mayoría de los adictos son muy renuentes.
28:18Se fugan de su realidad de esa manera.
28:21Sí, lo sé, pero no hay peor lucha que la que no se hace.
28:24Y lo voy a intentar.
28:32¿Cómo les fue?
28:33Estuvo muy lindo, pero estoy agotada.
28:38Rentamos bicicletas.
28:40Darío y mamá te quisieron subir un monte.
28:42Ay, me duele todo.
28:44¿Tan difícil estuvo?
28:47Ni te lo imaginas.
28:49Tengo que descansar o no voy a poder bajar a trabajar.
29:00Razones del cansancio extremo por hacer ejercicio.
29:06Extremo por hacer ejercicio.
29:13La fatiga muscular se puede presentar por diferentes causas.
29:16Por niveles de calcio insuficiente,
29:19acumulación de ácido láctico,
29:21falta de hidratación.
29:23Buenas, jefe.
29:25Eric, ¿cómo estás?
29:27Pasar del país, no me quejo.
29:30Estrella me comentó que estabas buscando un abogado.
29:33¿Qué crees? Ya te conseguí uno.
29:35Te lo agradezco. ¿Dónde lo puedo ver?
29:37Déjeme ver.
29:39Te voy a dar su celular para que se pongan de acuerdo.
29:42Es el licenciado Alejandro Castillo.
29:49Échenle un telefonazo.
29:51El link le va a ayudar. Es muy bueno.
29:53Gracias. Sí, al rato le llamo.
29:55Oye, ¿puedo pasar a ver a mi hermanita?
29:58Sí, claro. Debe estar en su cuarto. Pasa.
30:06¿Tú vas?
30:09Frida está dormida. Se siente mal.
30:13Se fue a andar en bici con Darío y Matías y regresó agotada.
30:16Bueno, hay que desplatarla. Estuve con el link.
30:19Les tengo noticias de Lorena.
30:23Frida. Frida.
30:27¿Qué pasó?
30:29Eric está aquí. Trae noticias de Lorena.
30:33¿Qué te dijo Alejandro?
30:35Que Lorena está bien. Que la dejó en un lugar seguro.
30:39Solo me dijo que la ayudó a cruzar la frontera y que no se preocuparan.
30:43Que donde está no corre peligro.
30:46También me dijo que había decidido dejar su caso.
30:51¿Por qué?
30:52No sé. Que todo estaba muy complicado.
30:55Que no tenía manera de comprobar su inocencia.
30:58Eso está muy raro.
31:00Seguro se enojó con ella porque no se ha podido sacar de la cabeza al fiscal.
31:04Y eso decepciona a cualquiera.
31:06No. Todo en la vida se trata de amor.
31:08Seguramente fue por lo que dijo Márquez en la entrevista que le hizo ese periodista.
31:12Alejandro se debe de haber quedado sin recursos para seguir defendiéndola.
31:16Sí. A mí me late. ¿Qué es eso?
31:18¿Y no has encontrado alguna prueba en casa de los Márquez?
31:22¿Algo que la pueda ayudar?
31:26Oh, bueno. De veras que sí estuvo pesado el paseo en bici.
31:30No puede ni con su alma.
31:32Hay que dejarla descansar.
31:47Quiero hablar contigo.
31:50No estuvo bien lo que te dije.
31:52La casa es tuya y no tendrás por qué irte.
31:55Pero es que tampoco quiero que se vayan mis amigas.
31:58No las estoy corriendo.
32:00Es una decisión que tomamos entre todas. Ya te lo expliqué.
32:03Está bien.
32:05Pero eso puede cambiar si tú le dices que se queden.
32:08Hazlo. Eres la dueña de la casa.
32:23Buenas tardes. ¿Hablo con el licenciado Alejandro Castillo?
32:26Sí, él habla.
32:28Usted debe ser el jefe de Eric.
32:30Darío Estrada. Mucho gusto.
32:33Eric me comentó que su ex mujer lo quiere demandar para quitarle la mitad del oasis.
32:38Así es.
32:39¿Y están casados?
32:40No. Solo vivimos juntos.
32:42¿Cuánto tiempo?
32:43Casi cuatro años.
32:45¿Y tuvieron hijos?
32:47Entonces no tiene de qué preocuparse.
32:50La demanda que quiere interponer no va a proceder.
32:53Mire, el código civil estipula que en el concubinato,
32:57cualquiera de los cónyuges tiene derecho a reclamar parte del patrimonio
33:01siempre y cuando hayan vivido por lo menos cinco años en unión libre bajo el mismo techo
33:06o hayan procreado hijos.
33:08Qué alivio escucharlo, porque ella insiste en que le corresponde la mitad del oasis.
33:13Seguramente lo hace para ver qué saca, pero por ley no le corresponde nada.
33:18¿De casualidad le dio el dato de su abogado?
33:21Sí, permítame.
33:26Es el licenciado Héctor Villa.
33:29¿Me podría mandar los datos a mi celular? Yo voy a hablar con él.
33:33Claro. Muchas gracias.
33:35Con gusto. Estamos en contacto.
33:38Bueno, y cuéntame cómo van las cosas en la fiscalía.
33:41¿Ya saben quién era el hombre que acompañaba a Vilchis?
33:44No, pero sigo pensando que trabaja para Lorena Martínez.
33:47El tipo estaba consciente de las cámaras.
33:49En todo momento estaba volteándose abajo.
33:52También vimos imágenes de Castillo entrando al hospital.
33:55Pero Ismael dice que no es suficiente para detenerlo.
33:59Si yo estuviera al mando del caso, ya le hubiera sacado toda la verdad a Castillo.
34:03¿Se puede decir que sí?
34:05Y más ahora que decidió renunciar a la defensa de Lorena Martínez.
34:11Estaba convencidísimo que era inocente. Hasta me difamó.
34:15Seguro terminó por darse cuenta que no iba a conseguir nada.
34:18Y que con sus necesidades estaba acabando con la poca reputación que le queda.
34:23Como haya sido, ya no va a seguir calumniándome.
34:27Es un pobre diablo que quería sus cinco minutos de fama.
34:30Pero se quedó con las ganas.
34:32Nunca va a salir de perico, perro.
34:34Bueno, pues, salud por eso.
34:39La mera cosa va a despertarla.
34:41Pero si no lo hacemos, se va a enojar.
34:47Frida, despiértate.
34:52¿Es hora de bajar?
34:54Sí, ya te tienes que arreglar.
34:56Sí, sí.
35:02Oye, no puedes trabajar así. ¿Qué te está pasando?
35:06Nada, nada. Solo estoy muy cansada.
35:09A ver, no, no, no, no.
35:11Acuéstate. Nosotras le decimos a Darío que no te sientes bien.
35:13Y nos hacemos cálculos.
35:15No, no, no.
35:17No, no, no.
35:19Acuéstate. Nosotras le decimos a Darío que no te sientes bien.
35:21Y nos hacemos cargo de todo.
35:24¿Sabes qué? Te voy a dar un relajante muscular
35:26para que te sientas mejor, ¿ok?
35:28Ya me tomé uno.
35:29¿A qué hora?
35:30Cuando regresé.
35:32Tómate otro.
35:33No, no, de verdad. Tengo que bajar a trabajar.
35:36No seas necia, por favor.
36:19¿Y hay algo en él que me recuerda mucho a mi hijo?
36:22Lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
36:25En el escenario, tras bambalinas,
36:27siempre hay enredos junto a cantiflas.
36:30Esto me huele mal.
36:31Mis lapos son los pies.
36:33¿Qué hace usted aquí?
36:34Estamos aquí vacilando. Siéntate, viejo.
36:36Este sábado te espera en El Circo.
36:39Y el domingo, El Bolero de Raquel.
36:42Con las estrellas.
36:44Ay, si yo iba a empezar la maromba.
36:45Cuando esta puerta se abre, entra de todo.
36:48Ellos son...
36:49No me digas que tú eres...
36:50Mi Federico.
36:52Estos son para ti.
36:55¡Raca impunda!
36:57Aquí la diversión viene en todos los tamaños.
37:00En Más Vale Sola, sabemos hacerte reír.
37:03Estreno este domingo, 8 de la noche.
37:05Compañes, hube volvido y con alineación de lujo.
37:08En la portería, soy la yadira que todas las paran.
37:11Sake Kaki, medio sonso el pobre.
37:14De mascota viene Bruno.
37:15Ellos van de titulares, así que agárrense.
37:17Que hasta las manitas salen en la tele.
37:19Sabemos hacerte reír con...
37:20¡Chócalas, compañito!
37:21Nueva temporada, este domingo, 7.30 de la noche.
37:35Laboratorio Supersecreto de Comedia.
37:45La risa es una ciencia exacta.
37:47Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos no son los más exactos,
37:51sí son los más divertidos.
37:53Televisa, sabemos hacerte reír.
37:55En El Dicho, te recordamos que cada vivencia
37:58es una oportunidad de crecer y adquirir experiencia.
38:02¿Sabes que le doy casa y comida y así me pagan?
38:05Yo te conozco bien y sé cuando me mientes.
38:07Todos estamos preocupados por ti.
38:09No te preocupes, ¿va?
38:10Soy más fuerte de lo que parezco.
38:12Como dice El Dicho, historias que conectan contigo.
38:15Aquí encontrarás las últimas noticias deportivas,
38:18momentos que marcan jornada tras jornada.
38:21Hoy para Javier Aguirre,
38:22los nombres de las grandes figuras deben de regresar,
38:25entre ellos Raúl Jiménez e Irving Estrupulosa.
38:27Entra en Contacto Deportivo,
38:30martes, jueves y viernes, a las 11.30 de la noche, con las estrellas.
38:35Porque los domingos, el deporte no se detiene.
38:39Mantente informado con los resultados que más te interesan.
38:42Dinámicas y el mejor entretenimiento están aquí.
38:46Bienvenidos al programa que siempre te da más, más deporte.
38:51Este domingo, 11 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
38:56En la Liga MX Femenil,
38:58las águilas piensan mantener el invicto en casa
39:03cuando reciban a las universitarias que están en plan grande.
39:08Este domingo, América Pumas, 11.55 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
39:15Guerra de chiste.
39:17Estos tipos destruyeron la vida de nuestra clienta.
39:21¿Cómo nos dijo?
39:24Yo puse la reduncia.
39:26Protestamos, señoría.
39:28Pues yo quería ser monja.
39:32Perdiendo el juicio, este lunes al terminar el lobby.
39:35En el Ángel de Aurora, las estrategias se pondrán en marcha.
39:38Todo esto lo estoy haciendo para destruir a Aurora.
39:41Quisiera pedirte formalmente la mano de Elena.
39:44Y no habrá lugar para la duda.
39:46¿Por qué estás tan interesada en ese muchacho?
39:49Hay algo en él que me recuerda mucho a mi hijo.
39:52Lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
39:55Lo que jamás pensamos que pasaría.
39:57A ver si ahí suceden las estrellas.
40:00Yo sé que algún día tenían que volar del nido.
40:02Abandonarnos a su madre y a mí.
40:04Lo que quiero saber es cuándo van a volver por sus tiliche.
40:07Nos lo dejaron aquí, no sabemos qué hacer con ellos.
40:09Sabemos hacer reír con una familia.
40:11De 10, nueva temporada.
40:13Domingo 15 de septiembre, 7 de la noche.
40:15El chavo ruco ya no tendrá tanto aguante como antes.
40:18¿Cuántos años tienes, criaturita?
40:20I'm 25.
40:21A ver si le aguanta el trote.
40:28Yo creo que ya colgó los tenis del Don Paquis.
40:3140 y 20, este viernes al terminar el noti por las estrellas.
40:35Prepara tu parte de la cooperacha.
40:37Para sacar dinero y comprar nuestro departamento.
40:39Que se viene la mudanza más divertida.
40:42Sería muy mala idea que viviéramos todas juntas.
40:45Como la casa de los famosos, pero sin famosa.
40:48¡Abuelita con tu nieto!
40:51¿Tú crees? Este domingo, 7 de la noche, con las estrellas.
41:01This is an advance of what we will have today in El Noticiero.
41:04Intense storm and hail in Mexico City.
41:07The most affected area in the west.
41:09Taxco police and officials arrested this week
41:12were involved in other criminal acts.
41:15And it is Friday of the sleeves of the vest.
41:17Details in Punto at 10.30.
41:21These are the news in Punto.
41:23The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity.
41:27It has brought an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
41:31The authorities are still looking for the source of this pollution.
41:34Every night, your meeting point with the information.
41:37In Punto, 10.30, por las estrellas.
41:41Because on Sundays, sport doesn't stop.
41:44Keep yourself informed with the results that interest you the most.
41:47Dynamics and the best entertainment are here.
41:51Welcome to the program that always gives you more.
41:55More sport. This Sunday, 11 in the morning, with Las Estrellas.
42:00Life can hit hard.
42:02You must be strong for them.
42:04And just do good.
42:06After everything you've been through in life, you still have so much heart for people like me.
42:10It will be the strength you need to live.
42:12If it hadn't been for him, I don't know what would have happened to my children and me.
42:16No fear of the truth. This Saturday, 11 at night.
42:20Here you will find the latest sports news.
42:23Moments that mark day after day.
42:26Today for Javier Aguirre, the names of the great figures must return.
42:30Among them, Raul Jiménez and Irving Estupilosa.
42:32Come to Contacto Deportivo.
42:35Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11.30 at night.
42:38With Las Estrellas.
42:54I owe you.
42:55Since that man came, you are another.
42:57I'm tired of your jealousy, Iván.
42:59Wait, daughter.
43:00Hug me.
43:01I'm going to fight for you.
43:05The price of loving you starts this Monday, 9.30 at night.
43:08For Las Estrellas.
43:24I don't want to continue with this relationship.
43:26For them, I am Eva.
43:28Monday to Friday, 1.30 in the afternoon.
43:31These are the news in point.
43:33The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee is a celebration of identity.
43:37They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
43:41The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
43:44Every night, your meeting point with the information.
43:47In point.
43:4810.30 by Las Estrellas.
43:50What we never thought would happen.
43:52Let's see if it happens there.
43:54In Las Estrellas.
43:56I know that one day they had to fly out of the nest.
43:58Abandoning us has added and to me.
44:00What I want to know is when they will return for their tiliche.
44:02They left us here.
44:03We don't know what to do with them.
44:04We know how to make you laugh with a family.
44:07New season.
44:08Sunday, September 15, 7 at night.
44:17Estrella will not be able to go down to work.
44:20Since she returned from the walk, she has been asleep.
44:22We try to wake her up, but she has no strength to get up.
44:26She is very tired.
44:28We took the liberty of telling her to continue resting.
44:31They did well.
44:32I'm worried about her excessive fatigue.
44:34I'm going to see her.
44:35Don't open until I get back.
44:52New season.
44:53Sunday, September 15, 7 at night.
45:07Forgive me, I fell asleep, but in five minutes I will be ready.
45:11No, no way.
45:12You have to rest.
45:14Forgive me.
45:16I have nothing to forgive.
45:17What I do know is that tomorrow I'll take you to the doctor
45:20so he can examine you.
45:21And I don't want a no as an answer.
45:29Get some rest.
45:42Gabriela, what are you doing here?
45:43Can I come in?
45:44Of course, come in.
45:46Come in, please.
45:49Come on in.
45:50Sit down.
46:00I was told you're not going to defend Lorena anymore.
46:02Is that true?
46:04How fast do rumors run in the Marquez family.
46:07If you did it for Vicente, he didn't tell me.
46:09It was Veronica.
46:10Is it true or not?
46:16Because I don't have any more evidence to prove his innocence.
46:20Claudio Vilchis, the bank manager who testified against him,
46:23was the only letter he had.
46:26Whoever is behind Juan Pablo's death
46:28threatened him, had him beaten,
46:30and he's probably being threatened to death.
46:33Because the day he was discharged from the hospital,
46:35he disappeared.
46:37Or they disappeared him.
46:38There must be some other way to prove he's innocent.
46:41Unfortunately, there isn't.
46:45I'm sorry.
46:47Do you know where she is?
46:50No, I lost all contact with her.
46:54I understand how you feel.
46:56But the best thing is that you don't look for me again.
46:59Look, I thought you didn't just see her as your client.
47:03That you also considered her your friend, but I was wrong.
47:06Goodbye, Alejandro.
47:16Good evening.
47:17Thank you for everything.
47:18Have a good day.
47:19Excuse me.
47:40Boss, good evening. Tell me.
47:42The prosecution has you well located.
47:44Fortunately, they think you're one of the men
47:46that Lorena supposedly sent to beat Vilchis.
47:49I'm telling you this so you're very careful.
47:51Yes, sir.
47:53I also found out that Castillo dropped the case.
47:55Good thing he was right.
47:57Well, what about Vilchis?
47:59So far, nothing. I haven't been able to locate him, boss.
48:02But as soon as you do, I'll let you know.
48:04Okay, that's all.
48:14Don't cry.
48:16What's wrong with you?
48:17Nothing's wrong.
48:19Darío told me you were feeling bad.
48:22And I brought you a chicken broth with rice so you can eat.
48:26Thank you very much.
48:29And what happened?
48:31We went biking and I got very tired.
48:35I'm in terrible shape.
48:37Not like Mati and Darío, who climbed a mountain like nothing.
48:41But tomorrow I'll be like new.
48:43And that's all?
48:45Or do you have any other annoyances?
48:48None that I'm going to have.
48:50I'm just very tired.
48:52Eat your broth before it gets cold.
48:56I want to ask you a question.
48:58Tell me.
49:00Do you think I've been too hard on you,
49:03insisting that you leave?
49:06It was an agreement that we all made.
49:09Why do you ask?
49:10Because I was talking to Lisette.
49:13And she told me she didn't want to go and neither did you.
49:17In a way, I understand you.
49:20I don't know if it's good or not for you to leave.
49:24If you leave, you're going to break Matías and Darío's hearts.
49:27And there's no guarantee that you'll get what you want in Brazil.
49:31Well, yes.
49:32But if we stay and they catch us,
49:35we're putting you and Darío at risk.
49:37Life is so hard, isn't it?
49:39Unfortunately, we're fugitives.
49:42Is the broth good?
49:46There's no better seasoning than yours.
49:48I'm liking it a lot.
49:50Thank you very much.
49:54I'll go with you.
50:22I think it's time for us to focus on ourselves.
50:32Florencia, no.
50:34Why not?
50:35We're husband and wife. Relax.
50:38It's just that we don't make love.
50:43Florencia, Florencia.
50:44Florencia, please. Stop it. Stop it.
50:48What's going on?
50:51Why do you have such a reluctant attitude?
50:54If you want things to work between us, you have to do your part.
50:58I'm sorry, but I can't.
50:59I can't do it.
51:00So what do you want to do?
51:02Do you want us to continue living as roommates?
51:04Of course not.
51:06I've tried to make things work, but apparently we'll never make it.
51:09I don't believe that.
51:11Day after day I make my best effort and I'm not going to give up.
51:15I know and I appreciate it.
51:17But I can't.
51:19I'm sorry.
51:21I think the best thing is for us to separate.
51:25I've tried to correspond to you, but I swear I can't.
51:28What the hell are you saying?
51:31Do you think it's easy for me?
51:33Not at all.
51:34But I'm still fighting.
51:35Because if I married you, it was for life.
51:37Me too.
51:38I also thought things could work, but I realized they didn't.
51:40For God's sake, stop thinking about the past once and for all.
51:44Or do you want us to keep talking about Juan Pablo and Loren eternally?
51:47Is that it?
51:48Of course not, Florencia.
51:50Trust is broken.
51:51What you did was a disappointment that I can't forget.
51:54Whether you like it or not, our relationship is ruined and there's nothing else to do.
51:59I'm sorry.
52:00Because whatever you say, I'm not going to separate from you.
52:03I'm sorry.
52:15Where were you?
52:16I thought you would arrive earlier to study.
52:20It's Alejandro.
52:22Your sister's lawyer?
52:27I found out that he decided to stop being his defense lawyer.
52:31I wanted him to explain to me why.
52:34And what did he tell you? Why did he leave her?
52:36Because he has no way to prove his innocence.
52:39He already got all the possibilities.
52:41Do you realize? He left her alone.
52:43Alejandro was the only person he counted on.
52:47Now he's left alone in the world.
52:49And he didn't give you a better explanation?
52:52Besides, he was very rude to me.
52:56And he's always been very kind.
52:57I don't understand.
52:58What did he do to her?
52:59You never know with your sister.
53:01Why do you say that?
53:03Did you know that while working with Florencia,
53:05he was Ismael's lover?
53:10And what are you going to do?
53:12You can't force me to stay with you.
53:14No, I'm not going to force you.
53:16But the only thing I ask of you is that you don't make crazy decisions.
53:20We had a very strong crisis.
53:22We were both very confused.
53:24No, no, no. I was not confused.
53:26Oh, no?
53:27You fell in love with a murderer.
53:30My feelings for Lorena were not confused.
53:33I knew what I was doing because you and I were separated.
53:36On the other hand, you were in a relationship with Juan Pablo
53:38while you and I were together.
53:40We both betrayed each other.
53:43But it can be solved.
53:44It's a matter of having a disposition.
53:46We could go to a couple's therapy and...
53:48No, no, no. I've already decided.
53:49I'm sorry.
53:50I don't want to continue with this.
53:51So why did you let me get excited?
53:53Because I thought we could solve it.
53:55Solve it.
53:56But I realized that no.
53:58Never, never in my life had I felt so uncomfortable living in my house.
54:03I can't pretend that we are a happy relationship when we are not.
54:06We broke up.
54:07This has no turning back.
54:09You are ungrateful and I can't believe you're doing this to me.
54:12I'm very sorry that you see things like this.
54:15But now I have to recover.
54:17And for that I need to be alone.
54:18You are selfish and you don't think about me.
54:20To recover I need to be by your side.
54:23It doesn't make sense for us to keep talking like this.
54:25I'm going to the hotel.
54:27Tomorrow I come for my things.
54:28You can stay in the apartment.
54:29No, Seba. It's me.
54:31I didn't come here to be receiving your crumbs.
54:35Tomorrow I send for my things.
54:37You are a coward.
54:45I'm asking you.
54:47Did you know?
54:50How is it possible that he messed with Ismael?
54:51I'm sorry to say it like this, but this speaks very badly of your sister.
54:55It was when he and Florencia were separated.
54:57But he worked with her.
54:59The woman Ismael was breaking up with was his boss.
55:02But Lorena didn't know.
55:03Please, how could she not know?
55:05And not only that, he also messed with Juan Pablo.
55:07It's not true.
55:08He never had anything to do with that guy.
55:11They made it up to blame her for his death.
55:14I'm sorry, but I can't believe it.
55:16As you will understand with all this,
55:17it is very difficult for me to believe in the innocence of your sister.
55:19My sister is neither a frivolous nor a shameless.
55:23And believe it or not, she is innocent.
55:25They blamed her and set everything up to make her look like a criminal without values or principles.
55:30I wouldn't put my hands in the fire for her.
55:32And I understand that you cannot see clearly because she is your sister and you love her.
55:36Don't blind me to the love I have for her, I assure you.
55:38And one day you will know the truth.
55:41And I hope you don't regret judging her the way you did.
55:46Aren't we going to study?
55:47Not now. I prefer to be alone for a while.
56:18Sorry, I just wanted to know how you were.
56:21Good night.
56:32Good morning.
56:36Sit down.
56:41I want to apologize for last night's argument.
56:43I promised not to meddle in your sister's affairs and I didn't.
56:47I'm sorry.
56:49I understand.
56:51They told you that your sister also suffered Lorena.
56:54Did that hurt you?
56:56Well, yes.
56:57But you have nothing to do with what she does or stops doing Florencia or your sister.
57:03That's why I ask you to forgive me.
57:06I'm sorry.
57:08Finally, this issue of Lorena always causes conflicts.
57:11We must learn to put it aside so it doesn't hurt us.
57:15That's right.
57:18I already left you your breakfast, ready?
57:21Where are you going? It's very early.
57:24I contacted one of the organizations that helps people who are on the street.
57:28And they gave me an appointment early.
57:30So I'm leaving.
57:38I love you.
57:40I love you.
57:42I love you too.
57:44Good luck and thank you for breakfast.
58:07Good morning! How do you feel?
58:10Much better.
58:12Oh, you worried us. You looked very bad.
58:14Don't exaggerate.
58:16Anyone who doesn't get used to the exercise you've done just needs to rest.
58:21But I'm like new.
58:23Are you sure?
58:58My throat is closing!
59:00Let's go to the hospital!
59:02I had a very strong argument with Ismael and I left the house.
59:08But this time it's final.
59:10Ma'am! Your bag!
59:12Thank you, Iris.
59:15Excuse me!
59:17You have no idea who this woman is.
59:19You'd better control yourself.
59:21Miss, I need you to give me information about a person who was run over and brought here.
59:25Gabriela Martinez.
59:27Urge to locate Lorena.
59:29Why? What happened?
59:31Gabriela was run over by her sister and she is very serious.
