klass 95 Capitulo 11 Completo en Español

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klass 95 Capitulo 11 Completo en Español
00:30I had to go slowly with Mañita flirting with me.
00:33And that while I have time to see what I'm going to do.
00:36No, no, no, no, but you two kind of screwed up.
00:38Don't you realize?
00:39You, miss, shot Holman and left him over there in a cassock.
00:44Do you think he came back to go slowly, quietly?
00:47Ah, no, he came back to finish everything and everything.
00:52And I'll tell you one thing.
00:54As long as you two continue to live here,
00:56that man is not going to stop coming to get you.
00:59So if that Mr. Edgar loves you so much and is going to protect you,
01:03go tell him to find us a place to live.
01:05Because we can't stay here.
01:07But why?
01:08If I'm fine here, let them go.
01:10Of course.
01:11Since you already kept my job,
01:13now you also want to keep the piece, right?
01:15What else do you want?
01:16You're going to start with the same thing again.
01:17I already told you that I didn't take any of Jessica's work
01:19and you haven't even called me.
01:21Oh, my God.
01:24He's here, he's here.
01:25He's going to kill them all, he's going to kill them all.
01:28But Giselle, the last thing he would do
01:30would be to mess with you.
01:31Go talk to him.
01:32Tony, he's crazy.
01:33How about you do something to him and now for real?
01:35Oh, Mom, don't say that.
01:38Don't be like that, Giselle.
01:39Talk to him.
01:40You know what?
01:42I'm going to go.
01:43I don't owe anything to that man.
01:45Andrea, Vanessa, please.
01:53Are you sure he's here?
01:58If he doesn't, I'm going to go, right?
02:00Asking as if he were going to forget.
02:02Where the hell does he live?
02:13What's that?
02:15What are you doing here?
02:18Did something happen?
02:20Miss Chayo, it's good to see you.
02:22It's a miracle to see you here.
02:24Yes, what a shame you arrived without notifying me.
02:26Didn't you give me the job?
02:28Or what happened?
02:29Yes, you chose it.
02:31But we have a problem.
02:33Can we talk somewhere else for a moment?
02:37And I need your mom.
02:40No, but she's busy right now.
02:42But I can talk.
02:43No, that's the problem.
02:46You're a minor, right?
02:51And you can talk, but you can't sign.
02:55I need your sister, please.
03:05I did sign what she's saying.
03:10What are you talking about?
03:11Since when?
03:13Well, that Saturday that man invited me to have a drink
03:16and he offered me a contract, really.
03:19Andra Vanesa, why didn't you tell me anything?
03:21Well, after the casting, they didn't offer me anything.
03:24I thought it was better not to let any opportunity pass.
03:28What do you get, granddaughter?
03:30No, you do me a favor and respect Najibia
03:32because we don't work for you and we don't work for me.
03:35I didn't offer you anything
03:36because we took the pictures on Friday.
03:38We were preparing for the casting.
03:39I didn't have time.
03:41But I needed the money
03:43and that man offered me an advance.
03:46So I couldn't let him throw that away and I signed it.
03:49And why did you sign like a crazy woman
03:51without asking me anything?
03:53Because it was for the best, Mom.
03:55That way, she can stay with Kelly
03:57and I can stay with that man and avoid problems with my cousin.
04:01And how much did that man give you in advance?
04:04500,000 pesos, aunt.
04:07And don't even ask me because I already spent it.
04:09No, no, no.
04:10How can you say that another lie is hiding from me?
04:12Tell her, please.
04:13Calm down.
04:14What I'm proposing to you is much more interesting.
04:17No, but I already signed the contract.
04:20No, because that contract is not valid.
04:22Look, I'm here to offer you an exclusivity contract.
04:25And not only do I commit myself to giving you an advance,
04:28but also the total payment of the campaign.
04:30And I want to sign it as a top model for my agency.
04:33That means you have a priority to go abroad,
04:35go on campaigns abroad, where you're going to make a lot of money.
04:40Look, I assure you that Grosso can't offer you anything like that.
04:43He doesn't have an international partner like us.
04:45Come on.
04:47And what are we going to do with that money that I received from that man?
04:50That contract doesn't work.
04:51For it to work, the one who had to sign it was his mother.
04:54That's not legal.
04:57So what?
05:00Shall we sign?
05:06Let's see.
05:07Wait a minute, Miss Chayo.
05:10Before signing anything, I want to put a condition on you.
05:14I need you to sign my niece too.
05:17I want you to get her a contract abroad as soon as possible.
05:25But I understand that she is older, right?
05:27We wouldn't have any problem.
05:29We can do it directly with her.
05:30We don't need a representative.
05:32No, wait a minute.
05:33Yes, she is older.
05:35But I represent her.
05:37So everything has to go through me first.
05:45I sign it.
05:46So what?
05:51Do you owe me an apology or not?
05:53Because I think you already realized that I had nothing to do with Vanessa.
05:56Yes, I owe you an apology.
06:00I accept kisses as an apology.
06:02Or if you want, we can go to my friend's pool.
06:05I still have the keys hidden out there.
06:09Bernie, no.
06:10There is no pool.
06:13Are you going to take me or am I going in a taxi?
06:15Come on.
06:16How can you think that I'm going to leave you alone in this insecure city?
06:20No, ma'am.
06:21I'll take you home.
06:22Because it's true that I don't like you being with Nico.
06:25But another thing is that I don't want to see you all alone.
06:27I'll take you.
06:28What's more...
06:31Do you want to drive?
06:33I promise you that I will behave.
06:35I promise.
07:00Vanessa is ours.
07:01Colombia 5, Argentina 0.
07:08Why are you laughing, grenadier?
07:09You're stupid.
07:11What is that?
07:12I got hooked on this shit joke.
07:16You're stupid.
07:17It's a shit joke.
07:21Well, I'll do it.
07:23This girl is the discovery of the year.
07:25I'm not going to kill her with that light.
07:27I want her to look sexy.
07:28But pretty.
07:29Do you understand me?
07:31I'm not going to detail her like the photos of her calendar.
07:33That's why the photos of my calendar look bad.
07:36Don't worry about the photo.
07:38A good photograph is achieved by knowing where to place yourself.
07:41So, locate yourself there.
07:42Away from me.
07:44Well, guys, let's start.
07:53Look at me, beautiful.
07:54Look at me.
07:55That's it.
07:56Pretty, run away, I'm blocking the light.
07:59Oh, no, no, no, don't give me that.
08:00Suddenly I get dizzy and I drown.
08:02Get out.
08:03Get out.
08:05Yes, yes, I'm going to clean up a little.
08:06We're going to ride.
08:07Please, everyone in silence.
08:09Show me sensuality with that divine soap.
08:12And smile at me a little, heart.
08:13That's beautiful.
08:18Sell me the soap, but as if it were part of you.
08:21Keep the essence of delicacy, of softness.
08:24That's it.
08:25Oscar, rub the flex more.
08:26You are beautiful.
08:27That's it.
08:28The soap on your skin, on your face.
08:31I love it.
08:32That's great.
08:33Oscar, rub the flex more.
08:39It's your lover.
08:40Your life partner.
08:41A kiss for both of you.
08:44Yes, it's an orgasm what you're having with the soap right now.
08:48So that's what I'm looking for.
08:49That's what I'm looking for.
09:01We haven't seen each other in a long time.
09:04We discussed it with Agustin.
09:08And now that you're going to open so many doors
09:10and that you have a bright future ahead of you,
09:13you have to be very careful with what you're eating, right?
09:16Be careful with excess food.
09:18Because from now on, your body is your company.
09:21No, no, no.
09:22But she was born blessed.
09:23Look, she can eat whatever she wants,
09:25don't worry.
09:26I'm telling you, I'm her mom.
09:27And I keep her.
09:29That's not going to be a problem anymore.
09:30Neither feed her nor keep her.
09:32Vanessa is not only going to be the regional face of the soap.
09:35I'm going to take her to Houston
09:37so that she is the world face of the brand.
09:44Yes, we are ready for what is coming, right?
09:47For us it is much better that it is in Houston
09:49because our partner Brandon is already there.
09:51So it works very well that you go there.
09:54We have to celebrate.
09:55We have to celebrate, of course.
09:57How wonderful.
09:59No, Brandon is going to be happy.
10:03Let's see.
10:04Well, what about Edgar?
10:07Let's not sing victory because
10:09we have to put Brandon on his face
10:11and he's going to want to go.
10:12Well, one problem at a time, right?
10:16Let's celebrate that we won this campaign
10:18and that everything turned out spectacular.
10:21And then we'll think about what to do with Edgar.
10:24Of course, we have to get him off the bus, okay?
10:26But for now, cheers.
10:29Yes, you're right.
10:30I'm going to drink.
10:34All those who want, Monío.
10:36All at once, all at once.
10:39The most!
10:42And it's not because it was a party.
10:45But there wasn't so much to celebrate.
10:59How did it go?
11:00Did they give you the exams?
11:02Yes, you know how Carlos Alberto is with those things, right?
11:05It takes an eternity to give the news.
11:09But he finally spoke.
11:11What did he say?
11:12Did you go in with him?
11:14No, he didn't let me in.
11:17Joaquín, my love.
11:19The idea that Nico was with you was precisely that.
11:22As you say, if I went with you, I would make you nervous.
11:25If I go with you, Carlos Alberto doesn't turn around or lie to me.
11:29I don't know when I let myself be convinced to let you go alone.
11:32Don't worry.
11:34This time he didn't turn around and he lied to me.
11:39The cancer has advanced a lot.
11:43It has already metastasized elsewhere.
11:45I don't think there is much that can be done.
11:51This is not possible, my love.
11:54Medicine has advanced a lot.
11:56There are many options, many treatments.
11:59Yes, but not here.
12:01I don't know, maybe in the United States they can do something.
12:04Well, if we have to travel today, we travel today.
12:07I don't know.
12:09I don't know.
12:11I don't know.
12:12I don't know.
12:14Well, if we have to travel today, we travel today.
12:17I'm going to get the tickets and I'm going to talk to the girls.
12:20No, no, no, no, no, no.
12:22Don't get the girls involved in this.
12:24My love, they are your daughters. They have to know.
12:27No, not yet.
12:29They are with the agency.
12:31They are happy with that.
12:33The only thing they don't need is news like this.
12:38Let's organize things.
12:39Let's go see what we're going to do.
12:42I'll talk to them later.
12:44Nico, Nico, for no reason are you going to say a word to them?
12:48No, no, no, no.
12:50I can't say this to Chayo.
12:52I'll kill her.
12:54Don't worry.
12:56My love, I need a drink.
12:58Oh, my heart, this is not a good time for that.
13:00Joaquin, I'm going to die.
13:02Can I do the only thing that gives me joy in life?
13:05I need a drink now, Nico.
13:07Nico, I said no.
13:09And being in the last ones,
13:11do they take care of you in this house?
13:13I don't know.
13:32Oh, I don't understand.
13:35How is that woman going to forgive him for what he did to her?
13:37What he did to her.
13:39We should be seeing how to put her in jail.
13:44If you had had that girl all these years,
13:47how I feared her,
13:49you wouldn't be telling me that.
13:52That he is a great woman.
13:56I will never have a woman like that again.
14:02Where are you going to get one that kills him with love like that?
14:04No, no, I'm sorry.
14:08And that's why she's going to humiliate herself?
14:10She's never coming back.
14:12If she's going to take the money out of him
14:14and leave him worse than he left him.
14:18No, not this time.
14:20I need you to investigate that guy in the warehouse very well.
14:25That guy wants to get rid of Kelly,
14:27and I'm not going to let him do that.
14:29Not him,
14:31not anyone.
14:32Kelly is mine.
14:47Don't worry, Ernie.
14:49Don't worry.
14:51As soon as they realize what's going on here,
14:53they're going to run.
14:55What do you mean? They don't know what the party is for?
15:00And we're not going to tell them either.
15:02Let them find out for themselves.
15:05They didn't want to get rid of the partner,
15:07and they got rid of him through the back door.
15:10That's life, right?
15:12You don't want him as a partner.
15:14You don't want me as a son-in-law.
15:16Good people definitely don't work for you.
15:18No, but we're going to serve you.
15:20You'll see, Ernie. We're going to serve you.
15:26The queen of the night has arrived.
15:29How are you?
15:34How did your cousin do with the campaign?
15:36Well, I guess fine.
15:38When I left, she hadn't arrived.
15:40Well, but I talked to her,
15:42and she said she was going to fix it and she was coming.
15:44Oh yeah?
15:48There are some papers in the account that would have your name.
15:50We have money that would be earned
15:52in that stupid campaign, okay?
15:54I know.
16:01And why is that?
16:04To exist.
16:06To make my life better.
16:09Oh, thank you.
16:14Well, let's go.
16:16We were just waiting for you.
16:18Let's go.
16:19Let's go.
16:29What do you think, Vanessa?
16:33This campaign was divine.
16:35The best.
16:37Even I'm going to drink today so I don't deserve it.
16:41And what?
16:43Are we going to celebrate alone as if it were the school prom?
16:47Well, I don't care, but now we're going to...
16:49They're helping me by lowering the noise a little.
16:51What happens is that Joaco doesn't feel well
16:53and my mother-in-law and I are trying to get him to rest.
16:55What do you mean he's not feeling well?
16:57What happened to him?
16:59They went to the doctor, right?
17:01Yes, yes, darling, we were there.
17:03And what did he say?
17:05I think the best thing is that I told you.
17:07Chayo, you have to see what's going on with Edgar.
17:09Tell me.
17:11Chayo, come on.
17:13What happened?
17:15Come on.
17:17Come on.
17:25What are you doing there?
17:27That can't be.
17:29No, well, that's exactly why I'm calling you,
17:31so you can tell me that what I'm seeing there is not true.
17:34The one who's there, almost hugging Edgar,
17:36is our partner Brandon.
17:38Tell me it's not true, Chayo.
17:40Oh no, but what are you doing here with Edgar?
17:44And with the butter from the sweatshop.
17:50I want to die.
17:57Do you have partners?
17:59My cousin and my sister.
18:02And no one else?
18:06You know, I don't want to do business with the whole world.
18:10Colombia, drug traffickers, money laundering.
18:15I don't want any problems with the law.
18:17Of course.
18:19And don't worry, that's why we have nothing to do with that.
18:23This is a family business.
18:28Yes, they had a partner.
18:30Let's see, but ...
18:32Was that true the first time Chayo contacted Brandon?
18:35Yes, but she had already accepted Edgar and did not tell him.
18:39That's why when she saw that Brandon, her foreign partner,
18:42the top of international modeling,
18:44was at Edgar's butter house,
18:45she shocked them.
18:47And that's why it was urgent to take out the heavy artillery
18:50so that the business wouldn't be screwed.
18:53At this point, Edgar should have already told him that he was an agent.
18:57We screwed up.
18:59He's never going to talk to us again.
19:01And now he's going to call Grosso and he's going to partner with him.
19:04Calm down, that man is all less bored.
19:06He's happy.
19:08What we have to do is change ourselves,
19:10put on our shoes and get to that party as if we were invited.
19:12That's when we'll find out what he's doing here.
19:15Yes, we can also make sure that the agency's business doesn't go down.
19:18I don't understand.
19:20Why right now, when everything was starting to go so well?
19:23We're not going to let Edgar's fault make us throw everything away.
19:27We're going to save the agency.
19:31But if they hadn't gone to the party, what would have happened?
19:36Well, I don't know if they had another option.
19:38But what I do know is that that night everything was at stake.
19:40The future of the agency and the life of each one of them.
19:43Even their future and mine and none of them had any idea.
19:46But what do I have to do?
19:48We brought wine, right?
19:52Well, uncover that because I'm going to need to wet the word.
20:11What happened?
20:13Well, I'm here thinking about bullshit.
20:17And what about all these Nicolas?
20:20What was I thinking? What was I doing?
20:23Your specialty.
20:25Look outside the text.
20:27Chayito, my love, come here a second.
20:30I have to tell you something.
20:32We have to postpone the wedding.
20:34Yes, I know.
20:36All my dreams, everything I've worked for,
20:38is about to collapse because of that idiot Edgar.
20:42I mean, we won the campaign and I have no idea
20:44if we're going to be able to continue with the agency.
20:46Do you understand?
20:48Yes, my love.
20:50Your dream is to marry me.
20:52Calm down.
20:54We can't let this idiot ruin our marriage.
20:58My life.
21:00Tell me.
21:02I think at this point you already know what kind of neighbor we have, right?
21:04Yes, ma'am.
21:05We're all going to have a hard time.
21:07All of us.
21:09Including you.
21:11So talk to her later.
21:13Let her go and solve this matter.
21:16Okay, go.