Insane Random Acts Of Kindness-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00This woman bought every banana in a Walmart and gave it to some monkeys
00:03And this guy saw his neighbor's house on fire and started putting it out. What a good Samaritan
00:08We're gonna be reacting to random acts of kindness. Yay. This is why you don't trust carnival ride
00:13Yeah, I mean dude, they literally package these things up and move them like 10 times a year. Oh, it's literally falling
00:19No, it's like tipping over and they're holding it down. Isn't there a stop button? Why is it still going?
00:23The kids are like, ah, I'm dying!
00:25And the guy's like, you want one more?
00:27Uh, yes! Yes!
00:29The boys! We eating tonight!
00:31Oh and rice!
00:33Bananas and rice, bananas and rice.
00:35This homeboy's eating for the next month. Wait for it.
00:37Oh, there you go. He's got bananas for the month.
00:39She's like, everyone take one.
00:41And he's like, take one bunch?
00:43Owner saves fish.
00:45Yo, look at that brain!
00:47Can he save his head from being so lumpy?
00:49This dude knows how to cure cancer. We just gotta get it out of him.
00:51He knows how to solve climate change
00:53and we're just ignoring him.
00:55Obviously not if he's choking on a freaking piece of grass.
00:57He can't solve how to breathe right.
00:59Look, he's trying to go back for it.
01:01What an idiot.
01:03Unexpected John Cena prank on fans.
01:05Before we play this clip, admire this tweet I made with John Cena.
01:07I don't see John Cena. I just see you.
01:09That was a joke.
01:11Oh wait, it's the meme.
01:13Are you sure about that?
01:15Is that where the meme came from?
01:17For this epic meme.
01:19That kid went through all
01:21stages of reaction.
01:23Utter fear to shock
01:25to shock to excitement.
01:27See, I could never do that.
01:29If I popped out like that and a kid was like,
01:31Invites to taco night?
01:33We are having taco night.
01:35If you like to eat, you just come over.
01:37You going to taco night?
01:39I'm seriously considering taco night.
01:41I'll see you at taco night, bro. I'm going.
01:43I wanna host my own taco night.
01:45Saving man from train tracks?
01:49You can hear the train coming.
01:51Look how close that was.
01:53More crossing the freaking road.
01:55It's a sloth.
01:57Look at him. He's like,
01:59This one definitely needed help.
02:01He just saved that sloth like
02:03eight hours of his day.
02:05Students buy teacher brand new shoes.
02:07He got the Jordans.
02:09Are they heat?
02:11You know they've been clowning on his
02:13shoes all year probably.
02:15Why does he kind of look like a student?
02:17He does look like a student.
02:19This doggo is cold.
02:21He looks like my dog Boomer.
02:23You just go home tonight and Boomer's just not home?
02:25I come home and Boomer's wearing that coat.
02:27Look how much bigger their
02:29hands are than his.
02:31He's like, come in with me.
02:33He's like, wait a minute. Maybe I shouldn't steal this kid.
02:35He's like, you know what? I'll put that one back.
02:41And he scores and then does it?
02:43No way.
02:45That's so cool.
02:47More importantly, why did it look like the goalie didn't care at all?
02:49Look, look, look, watch.
02:51He's just like.
02:53Maybe he knew that was coming for the kid.
02:55Would you want to be the goalie that stopped that?
02:57Win above all else.
02:59He's like, screw that child.
03:01Oh, this is where it's Tom Holland, right?
03:03Oh, it's Zendaya.
03:05If Chandler was one of them, he'd be freaking out.
03:07Chandler's a huge Zendaya fan.
03:09Wait. Yo, it's Toby.
03:11It's Peter McGuire.
03:13Any kids?
03:15Any kids in the house?
03:19Look how it's already melted the back of the house.
03:21I love how this guy just knows what to do.
03:23That looks like where the fire came from.
03:25Probably had some faulty electricity running to it.
03:27She owes her house to him.
03:29I just like how he was like, any kids inside?
03:31That honestly would not have been my first instinct.
03:33Do I gotta go beat up a fire or I'm saving lives?
03:35Hey, it's Billie Eilish.
03:37She has more than one Billie eyelashes.
03:39So a fan passed out.
03:41Gets a bottle of water for her.
03:43Gives the fan a bottle of water?
03:45You're supposed to do it.
03:47I'm so glad that every musical artist in the world does this.
03:49Yeah, every single one.
03:53First guy's not the guy who did the random act of kindness.
03:55He just kept running.
03:57Don't be like the first guy.
03:59Be like this guy. He's helping him.
04:01What's with people in orange shirts and just running past people?
04:03Apparently the brighter your shirt, the meaner you are.
04:05You're not a good person if you wear a bright shirt.
04:09Police officer gives his Pokemon collection away.
04:11Some kid stole them right out of my hand.
04:13Oh, so he was going to go trade some Pokemon
04:15and he got nabbed.
04:17Police recovered the binder,
04:19but some of Bryce's cards were still missing.
04:21Those were Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
04:23It's the thought that counts.
04:25I think it might have been the cop that stole the Pokemon cards
04:27because this story's getting a little weird.
04:29They're Pokemon cards and he's got some Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
04:31The cop just felt guilty,
04:33but the cop was like,
04:35I can't give him his Yu-Gi-Oh cards back,
04:37so I'm going to give him these Pokemon cards I stole from some other guy.
04:39Oh, you know what he did? He probably gave him all the bulk
04:41of the bears.
04:43There's only about 10 of these in the world.
04:49We're on sync.
04:51We even pressed the pause button at the same time.
04:53We're bad people.
04:55This dude's fishing off his backboard.
04:57That's a level 30 dad.
04:59Whoa, that's a level 30 redneck.
05:01Watch as she climbs down one ladder
05:03and then up another into her ride to safety.
05:05That guy was like,
05:07told you, I told you 10 foot wheels
05:09were necessary.
05:11Every time he posted a picture of it, people laughed at him,
05:13mocked him.
05:15For every 100 of those, only one of them gets used
05:17in a situation like this, and he was that one.
05:19There was a kid in my high school who had one that high
05:21and he jumped out of it and literally broke his ankle
05:23and had to go to the hospital.
05:25Welcome to North Carolina.
05:27Shaving head to support girlfriend?
05:29Did she get cancer?
05:31Wait, is he just going to shave his head without telling her?
05:33Videos like those are always so emotional,
05:35but I'm a manly man and I don't cry.
05:37See, not a single tear.
05:39Just a little red.
05:41So Michael Lafitte started Dads on Duty.
05:43I'm sure it's very,
05:45very good organization,
05:47just Dads on Duty is kind of funny.
05:49Let's learn what they're on duty for.
05:51Any negative energy that enters the building
05:53has to run a gauntlet of good parenting.
05:55We stopped fighting, people started going to class.
05:57How could that be?
05:59You ever heard of a look?
06:01A look? Dads have the power to do that?
06:03Yes. Apparently Dads on Duty can fix everything.
06:05Dude, I can't wait until I level up
06:07to a level 15 dad,
06:09because then I get the ability to get the look,
06:11and then when I get to level 20,
06:13I'll be able to get the belt of power.
06:15You're going to spank your kid? No.
06:17Inmate saves baby locked in. Aww.
06:19A couple of them pried open the door
06:21just enough to slide a coat hanger inside
06:23and hit the unlock button.
06:25Yes! Thank God!
06:27Why was there a car at a prison?
06:29Sometimes inmates get to work outside of the prison.
06:31It was a joke. No, we have to explain things!
06:33What if a cop was just using this
06:35to lock him back up?
06:37The inmate just gets out of jail,
06:39and then he sees a baby in a burning hot car.
06:41He breaks the window to free the baby,
06:43and the cop's like, got him.
06:45Got him. You fell for it.
06:47Family's Christmas decorations nearly paused.
06:49One man, a heart attack.
06:51I mean, maybe after a couple of seconds
06:53I would have realized, but from afar.
06:55Why would they not put a sign on his back
06:57that says not real?
06:59Come on, that kind of ruins the immersion.
07:01How about the virtue of death? Good.
07:03Helping a stuck giraffe? I like giraffes.
07:05Why, because they put their tongue in your mouth one time?
07:07How did you remember that? Yes, yes, yes!
07:09You have to tell them.
07:11This one time when I was a kid, we went on a safari tour at Disney
07:13and they said, put the piece of lettuce up to your cheek
07:15and the giraffe will kiss your cheek.
07:17And I did, and it wrapped around the lettuce
07:19and went in my throat.
07:21I kissed a giraffe. That's right.
07:23Chris made out with a giraffe. He belongs in jail.
07:25Is that the giraffe you made out with? That's a female giraffe.
07:27Oh, you made out with a male giraffe.
07:29Katie, if you guys go to Africa,
07:31you need to keep a close eye on this man.
07:33Oh wait, we are going to Africa soon.
07:35Oh no!
07:37Delete the footage, don't tell Katie.
07:39Alright, where's the random act of kindness?
07:41What if it was just he rung the doorbell?
07:43What if it was he placed the packages without breaking them?
07:45Because he wouldn't be my mailman.
07:47I have to wait an extra week because my package
07:49gets destroyed, mailman.
07:51We live in a world where not throwing packages
07:53is considered a random act of kindness.
07:55Santa signs to death trial?
07:57Aw, that's so nice.
07:59I hereby make it mandatory for every mall
08:01Santa to no sign language.
08:03If you don't learn it, we'll bust your kneecaps.
08:05Don't hold him to that.
08:07Oh, that's the worst.
08:09Oh, that got stopped to help him too.
08:11One time I was driving and smoke
08:13just started coming out of my hood and then my car stopped working.
08:15Oh look, he dug a hole for her bag.
08:17Oh, I thought she just sucked it in.
08:19Where's it going to go?
08:21There's a whole human in there.
08:23Thank you for watching. Subscribe. I'm going to go fart.