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00:00I love watching liquid nitrogen. It's so fun. This is like some mission impossible stuff. It is
00:06Oh, wow, it's my favorite thing to watch. Oh, it's life hacks. Hey guys, that was a nerdy corny intro
00:14I went to the uk and this is how their moundew is stored and it's in that bottle and it tastes like butt cheeks
00:21And this is why everybody that's not from north carolina always is like chris
00:26Why do you like moundew?
00:28It's because your moundew sucks and ours is like godlike. That was a public service announcement by chris
00:34I think I know who's gonna win. Gillette
00:37Oh, remember that ad they put out? Oh that one about the yeah, you really missed the mark on that one
00:43They were trying to be woke and they were asleep the whole time. This is not a heat device. This is a torch
00:50It is a torch. Okay, it's it's it's building up. It's oh
00:56You're not supposed to do this don't do this at home, uh me when she says she likes anime
01:03Come on
01:04Somebody you gotta make a meme out of this
01:07And make it a gif and then make a meme and tag tag me in it on instagram. I will repost it
01:12That's that's too funny or you know, just send it to me on twitter
01:15Just send it to him on twitter because his twitter is pretty funny right now
01:19His twitter is on fire right now just like that life hack
01:24Oh, I love peanut m&ms. They're delicious the best kind. Oh, wait. Let me make sure mover eats is almost here
01:30All right, they're gonna sponsor me one day. Dude. He just blended all the peanut m&ms. That looks insane
01:35It looks like uh pencil shavings. Yeah, it does. Wait. Is that what peanut m&ms are? Pencil shavings?
01:41They just lump them and surround them and chop them together. If you put anything if you put chocolate over anything
01:46It's gonna taste good. Oh amazing. You could do pencil shavings rocks
01:51Your cousin still knows I knew something was coming. So he's blending. I love the slow motion
01:56Oh, this looks actually delicious. You can like sprinkle it over like
01:59ice cream ice cream
02:02Yo, name it name it name it name name it dessert. All right, what would you call it m&ms?
02:08Nutty sauce
02:10All right, you wanna go fishing dude. I love to fish actually
02:13I don't have the patience for fishing because I never catch anything
02:15You know, the best part about fishing is what you go on the water
02:18You have no phone signal and you're just alone for like four solid hours
02:22And you're just sitting there with a rod in the water. Oh my god sounds awful. It's amazing. What?
02:28Some people just don't get it. If you're a fishing guy, you get it
02:31Look, man, I tried fishing one time and I got not only seasick, but I I didn't catch anything. I I just sat there
02:37Well, you know why you didn't catch anything why?
02:42It's called fishing not catching
02:44You suck. I heard that all my life with my dad
02:48Now I get to do it to other people. That sounds like a really good life lesson. This is cute. This is cute
02:54Cute. This is so cute
02:56Cute look at that. This is the cutest thing i've ever seen in my entire life
03:00I like how you point it with like the most aggressive. This is cute. Just cuteness. This is cool. That's spit everywhere
03:13What is that utensil, oh, oh this sounds great. Oh my god
03:22More please
03:24My ears are melting. Yes. Oh
03:28That's nice. Are you guys hearing this?
03:30Because i'm hearing this too and it's wonderful. It's it's amazing. It sounds like somebody hawking a loogie. Oh
03:35Dude this is so much better. This can I just listen to this all day? Like let's just
03:40Dude, this is nice. Look at how nice that knife is. I know everything about this channel is so high quality. It is. Oh
03:47Oh my gosh
03:49I almost want to eat this now. I don't know if it's edible, but I always want to eat it. That's amazing
03:53Dude, how awesome is the internet because this stuff exists like this would never be on television or like a newspaper?
03:59So you can't get the same experience from a newspaper
04:02You can't get the same experience from a newspaper
04:05Extra read all about it. See you guys later man
04:08This man brings up the newspapers
04:10Dude, I like how the knife says time and table
04:12So it's only for time they'd read just dropping to say that it's pronounced time not time
04:18Awesome lighter ball pin. All right, it better be awesome because it's in the title. I'm i'm not amused
04:23Nah, it's i'm it's not awesome so far. He's taking apart a lighter
04:27You can just throw it on the floor and you can get the same result
04:29Well, maybe he needs to use that part of the lighter just one part
04:33Or maybe he just doesn't want to destroy a lighter for a life hack. That's fair. That's fair. So we have a pen
04:38And we're taking apart the pen
04:40And we put the thing on the pen and we take it back out
04:42Don't tell me that he is combining a pin and a light. Why what's the point? That looks dangerous
04:47Wait, can't you get electrocuted? Well, he took out the the piece that makes the electricity, but what's the point in the end?
04:53Like oh, there's glue. There's gonna be a point and what's the point of this? I don't understand. I don't even click it anymore
04:59Oh, so he's using the lighter as a as like a fat pen, you know
05:02You ever have just like a thin pen. No, this is a fat pen
05:06No, this is not this no one needs this. No one. Yeah. All right. We're just gonna put your mic over here to re
05:15If I had a nickname it would be fat pin
05:18A lot of folding and there is a lot of folding, you know, but we're getting a little craftsy a little craftsy craft
05:25Craft we're gonna get crafty crafticle crafty. Oh my gosh macaroni and cheese english is my second language
05:31Dude, that's my first and i'm still not good at it
05:34I feel you
05:36All right. So we have a balloon. We you put a straw in a balloon and you get what?
05:39a balloon wrapped up in a straw
05:43Still a strong balloon. They're just together. They're just together now. They're conjoined
05:48Uh now we have the star that we folded earlier and we're it's getting glued down. You know what it is, right?
05:54What is that's the fins of the rocket bro, and you blow up
05:58And then the air comes that's actually pretty smart
06:00I don't know how well it's gonna work because I think it's gonna work because everything's light everything's lighter watch this
06:05I think it's gonna go out of control
06:08That is so cool. Honestly when like my little cousins come over i'm gonna i'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do that project
06:14That's gonna be a crazy. It was stabilizing itself. It's defying gravity
06:19Gravity gravity what is wrong with you today? I don't know my I have locked y'all. All right, so he's freezing a lot
06:25Wow, this is like some I love watching liquid nitrogen. It's so fun. This is like some mission impossible stuff
06:31It is all we need is that oh, no, we can't do the music doom doom doom doom doom
06:36That's the non-copyright version. What would the oh, it's just one note. It's just a doom doom doom doom doom
06:43And it gets faster
06:59Amazing what a wonderful wonderful experience this was i'm gonna remember this moment and he's probably gonna remember it, too
07:04I think with a thumbnail like that. I definitely would have clicked on this video. I'm already clicked on this video
07:09You do this every time. Hey future. Chris sitting on the couch eating a thing of aina sausages
07:14If you use your drink sitting on the couch
07:17Reading a book
07:19Oh, this is gonna take a while
07:21You got a minute and six seconds. I'm already done with. Oh, actually. No, not this is magnet
07:26Yeah, this they're making an entire soccer ball out of magnets
07:30I feel oddly drawn to this video because you like magnets and soccer. No, just because I made a metal
07:36That was terrible
07:38I'm gonna have to restrict your joke privileges
07:41You're gonna have to run everything you say by me before you say it for me
07:44Is it because I made a metal or should I just say something different? You should probably say something different. Try me again
07:50All right. I feel oddly drawn to this video. Why do you feel oddly drawn to it? Because I have metal in my teeth
07:59Guys this is hard
08:01That's not a soccer ball. It's not. Oh wait. He's not done yet. I love the I love the noise. They're making
08:08It's like i'm working i'm working i'm working
08:12Oh, what a nice little oh, he's
08:15This is a soccer ball connor. This is like a piece of art. This is beautiful. How dare you?
08:21This is a soccer ball beautiful. Oh, man. What do we got here? This is crazy
08:25Oh, I thought you were calling our chemistry crazy. Oh, we have great chemistry. It's not crazy. It's just fun
08:31I wonder if trey is gonna text me and tell me that tarik should have scooted over to the right a little bit
08:36The world may never know. Oh, whoa science is happening
08:41Are we?
08:42Fire there's an explosion wait get your thumbnail face out
08:52This is how man created fire
08:54Oh my gosh. Oh, it's just this thing just turns everything into fire
08:58If you touch it, oh, that's like when people spontaneously combust. Whoa, and now it's pretty dude
09:02This looks like a really really big contact lens and then in the middle of it is like that
09:07It lit a potato chip on fire bro, bro, it lit a potato chip on fire, dude
09:12Who needs an oven when you have crazy chemistry? I don't think you would want to eat that
09:16Look at the like stuff coming down. Is this slow motion or is it just normal life? I don't understand. What is that stuff?
09:23Amazing. That's what you can't breathe that
09:26It's probably bad for your lungs like asbestos in the air or something. That's how they make asbestos
09:30All right. This looks like I said. All right at the same time. It was awkward
09:35So we got paper airplane looks like he's making the boat from it
09:38Don't let it sail down into a sewer or you lose your arm. I don't like scary movies, man
09:43Why'd you have to say that you don't like anything to read you're scared of everything what makes you so scared of everything
09:49If you looked into my past, you'd know. Oh, that was dark. All right back to things that aren't dark
09:54Look, it's a boat. Look at the boat. It actually kind of looks like an envelope right now last. Oh, wait
09:59Hold on. How many envelopes is he making?
10:02It's just one, you know, dude, I could never do any of these things
10:04Could I could just I would just lose like count of how many folds I made
10:09I just love how you uh tried to swing past that. Uh that just how many letters is
10:16What was that, I don't know man, I was just trying to make conversation, you know, it looks like a star wars ship
10:21I was gonna say it looks like what did you say? Oh
10:25You can't say that. I can't say that at all. Oh, it's a canoe. It is a boat. It is a boat
10:30We got a can
10:32We got plastic. No, this is not plastic. That is tape. That's tape
10:35I saw the word plastic somewhere and i'm not aware. So we're here just missing the draw today. I am
10:40Were you sleeping buddy? Are you gonna not sleep at home?
10:43Chris i'm glad you asked
10:45I don't know. I don't really know about the first one
10:48You could have just said yes or no. Oh, well, it's a it's a prank. Oh, wait. No, it's not greenback. It's what?
10:54Oh lint roller, dude. Yeah, he put the thing, you know
10:56You can just take the tape and just go click or just buy a lint roller
10:59Oh, yeah, they're like 80 cents. It's a lot easier. You don't have to like use your hand back and forth just
11:06Djing over there
11:09All right guys, thank you for watching the life hack. Hope you enjoyed it. This has been tariq you can find him
11:15Idris three twitter right here and you can find me on instagram at chris underscore the meme god and i'll see you guys later
11:22Nutty sauce