Liquid Nitrogen vs Samsung-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Hey, what's up, guys? We're gonna be doing Life Hacks.
00:02We're gonna play Rock, Paper, Scissors after each hack.
00:04And at the end, the person with the most points
00:06gets to tweet on the loser's account.
00:08We're doing another Life Hack today!
00:10Ooh, you got a nice Walmart flip-flop.
00:12Those are the kind you get when you forgot your flip-flops.
00:15And you're like, we need to go to Walmart and get some flip-flops.
00:17What's going on in the Life Hack again?
00:19Oh, okay. So he broke...
00:22No, he broke the bottom of his thing
00:24and it was pulling through, and now, look.
00:26Oh, we're doing it right now? Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
00:29Dang it, I thought you were gonna go paper that time.
00:31Oh, boop, boop, boop, boop.
00:33One point for the Chan Man.
00:35Have you ever wanted orange juice, but you didn't have none
00:37and all you had was orange?
00:39I'm sure I have, yeah.
00:41There it is. That's good for weak boys
00:43if you can't really get in there and squeeze it out.
00:45Oh, not a pirate ship.
00:47Dude's gonna take the pulp. Oh, no.
00:49Argh, give me your booty.
00:51That's what pirates say.
00:53They say, give me your booty.
00:55Dude, that was... Thanks, man.
00:58I didn't give you a compliment.
01:02Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
01:04Yeah! Ow!
01:06Sorry, I'm sorry. I get really excited.
01:08Oh, is that Play-Doh? That's Play-Doh-Doh-Doh.
01:10Let's get right into it.
01:14Oh, he's putting the secret container
01:16inside of the tennis ball.
01:18That's where he can keep his Play-Doh.
01:22Oh, his Play-Doh.
01:24Oh, I mean, his random trinkets
01:27That's what he's keeping in there.
01:29Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
01:31It's good to see what you're through.
01:33I want to do this hack backwards.
01:35Chandler apparently is going to not look at the hack
01:37but still get it right somehow.
01:39There's some wires and a piece of silver
01:41and something that spins.
01:43There's a little bit of glue-age going on.
01:45Yeah, yeah.
01:47They're making something. Oh, there's electronics
01:49and a motor. They're shoving some electronics
01:51into it.
01:53And they're soldering wires together
01:56and they're taping it all down.
01:58It's almost done.
02:00I'm almost done building it in my head.
02:02They're putting a battery on the back
02:04and they're plugging the battery in.
02:06Oh, they're plugging in more wires
02:08and now they have a controller.
02:10And when they press up,
02:12things happen.
02:14A helicopter.
02:16It's a plane.
02:18That was so close, man.
02:22Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
02:24Burning home easily.
02:26Why would they not name it matchstick house?
02:28Hey, how to burn your home, kids.
02:30Alright, so what you're going to want to do is take
02:32a bunch of matches and make a scale
02:34replica of your house and then
02:36light it on fire in the living room and then boom,
02:38house down.
02:40We tried to do something like this one time
02:42and it took us a long time and
02:44it didn't even do that well and it was
02:46all around not a good time.
02:48But it's fun to watch people do it.
02:50I'm down to burn.
02:53Alright, let's burn.
02:55Oh, it looks like Shino Numa, doesn't it?
02:57You know,
02:59it's got the two stories and then it's got
03:01downstairs, it's got a bunch of fences
03:03around it.
03:05Do you not see Shino Numa?
03:07Chris, the house is burning.
03:09Are you a
03:11very low-pitched, slow, easygoing
03:15What if that's how sirens were?
03:17That would be so much more pleasant.
03:22Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
03:26Told you it was going to be scissors.
03:28Look at that.
03:30Yeah, of course I did.
03:32Let's do the next hack. You ready?
03:34Why do you need the donuts so bad?
03:36Why do you just have
03:38somebody to hand you donuts?
03:40This is what the YouTuber life does to you.
03:42Alright, so that is a lot of
03:46just onto the ground.
03:48Eggs in a box. Four to be exact.
03:50Why do they have barcodes on the eggs?
03:52Do eggs have serial numbers?
03:54They got names.
03:56No! She gone.
03:58Dude, you know what that makes me want?
04:00I want some French toast.
04:02Ooh, ramen noodles. One time I went to the store
04:04when I was in college and they were having a sale
04:06and I got 100 cases of ramen noodles
04:08for like $14.
04:10Wow! Incredible!
04:12And we just filled it and ate it every day
04:14and then I was 200 pounds by the end of that
04:20Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
04:25Whoa! You seen that?
04:27I didn't see it. Wait, hold on. They'll do it again.
04:31Oh, we gotta try this.
04:33But we need a good slow-mo camera.
04:35Oh, what kind of magnet is that?
04:37That is a super magnete.
04:39Ooh, it's a Spanish magnet.
04:41But look how much damage that small little ball does.
04:45Yeah, the small balls do damage.
04:47It's putting some work in.
04:50Oh, look at that.
04:52Oh, that's dangerous.
04:54Oh, that's dangerous.
04:56Like, imagine.
04:58Change my mind, alright?
05:00I'm changing it.
05:02Glass is more beautiful than diamonds.
05:04And it's way cheaper.
05:06Dude, glass looks awesome
05:08when it's like shattered and stuff.
05:10There is a hold on the diamond supply.
05:12There is one company who owns
05:14most of the diamonds in the world
05:16and they keep them and release them yearly
05:18for an artificial need for them.
05:20The birds work for the bourgeoisie.
05:22Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
05:28That was not synced together, but it was my fault.
05:32Five centimeters.
05:36Oh, dude, he's making a little beach house.
05:38Look at that.
05:40Oh, it's a birdhouse, I called it.
05:42It's not a birdhouse.
05:44It's a birdhouse with a porch so they can walk.
05:46Walking on the sidewalk all the time.
05:48Dude, that's crows and crows are different.
05:50Crows are wild.
05:52What's a pigeon then?
05:54A rat with wings, a government spy.
05:56The bourgeoisie.
05:58Dude, it's got a windmill on it, come on.
06:00What kind of house got a windmill?
06:02I ain't never seen a birdhouse.
06:04How are the birds gonna get in there?
06:06Fly through the door.
06:08Dude, they can't open that door.
06:10Look, it's got lights and stuff in it.
06:12It's on fire.
06:14Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
06:20Samsung Galaxy S7.
06:22Not the brand new Samsung Galaxy S7
06:24with the no copyright sounds.
06:26The NCIS.
06:30Please don't pour liquid nitrogen on that brand new phone.
06:32I can't read.
06:34Oh, it's getting cold in there.
06:36Oh, it's still working.
06:38What's that do to the sound?
06:40It's because the speakers are covered up.
06:42Dude, it's still working.
06:44It sounds like it's drowning.
06:46I can't tell.
06:48Oh, we got a spatula going to fish it out.
06:50We got to fish it out with a spatula.
06:52Dude, it worked for a long time though.
06:54I think it's done.
06:56Why'd you pause it?
06:58We're bringing it out.
07:00Alright, let's check it out.
07:02It looks clean.
07:04Golden hammer, baby.
07:06It froze.
07:08It actually froze it.
07:11Oh, I like this music.
07:13We're getting into it.
07:15Did you say music?
07:17Oh, okay.
07:19He's making...
07:21You know what he's making?
07:23Oh, he's making like a torch.
07:25This is really wild.
07:27This music is crazy.
07:29You ever seen a blue phantom?
07:31Yeah, it's blueberry.
07:33It's a new flavor.
07:35You're not keeping up with phantom news, bro?
07:37What are you doing?
07:39You're not a juggalo?
07:41Oh, he's going to be cooking bacon and stuff up there.
07:43Look at that.
07:53Look at this. It's so satisfying.
07:55You got to watch this.
07:57Are those ice cubes?
07:59They're mushing sand and glass.
08:01Look at that.
08:05Listen to that.
08:07Oh my god, this is the best video ever.
08:09Why are we not showing this in schools?
08:11It's like cheese balls.
08:31It's like Yoshi's brain.
08:35I want to show you something.
08:36Goodbye, camera.
08:37We no longer need you.
08:38Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
08:42Oh, look at those little magnets.
08:43Those are small magnets.
08:44They're small, but they're just as equally as good.
08:48No, small magnets can form together
08:52to make really cool big things.
08:54Nope, big magnets are better.
08:56No, I think the small magnets are just as important.
09:00No, I don't know.
09:02No, big magnets.
09:03All right, well, let's just test it then.
09:04Here's a big boy magnet versus a small magnet.
09:08Small magnets still matter, OK?
09:10They don't.
09:11There's no difference.
09:12Be gone.
09:13It's about the pull of the magnet, not the size.
09:16A small magnet can still have a big pull.
09:20This magnet has a very big pull.
09:22Well, look, it just drops them.
09:23It just dropped them and put them all back together.
09:25The small ones are better.
09:27They just came off of it and went right back together.
09:32Ooh, look at that.
09:35What's his name?
09:36A pumpkin.
09:41Couldn't think of his name.
09:43A pumpkin.
09:45Why is a pumpkin a he?
09:47Oh, that's a good cut.
09:49Oh, that looks like Minecraft.
09:50A flower.
09:51Oh, it's a pretty flower.
09:52See, if I was a kid, I'd be eating that stuff.
09:54Yeah, they say, especially Play-Doh,
09:57they're like, fun to play with, not to eat.
09:59But also, here's Play-Doh donuts, Play-Doh ice cream.
10:02How am I not supposed to eat it?
10:04It ain't that bad.
10:05It's just really salty.
10:06Yeah, I mean.
10:07I've ate a lot of Play-Doh in my life.
10:08And I'm not going to lie.
10:09It was not like when I was a child.
10:11It was in art class in seventh grade.
10:13I used to eat the corners of paper and then put them back.
10:18Rock, paper, scissors.
10:19Rock, paper, scissors.
10:20Rock, paper, scissors.
10:21Rock, paper, scissors.
10:28All right, Chandler, we are on my Twitter.
10:31You can tweet whatever you want.
10:32Go unfollow.
10:34You're telling everybody to unfollow you?
10:36This is what your true feelings are about me.
10:39Can I change it so everything's capitalized?
10:41No, this is how it has to be.
10:42He got a long head.
10:44People are going to know that's not me by the death.
10:46This is you.
10:47Make sure you subscribe, click like, comment.
10:50We out.
10:51We're doing another Artifact today!