Most Extreme Collections-

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00:00We're gonna be reacting to the most extreme collections on the planet like this guy that owns over
00:04100 cars or this guy whose literal house is filled with video games. Okay, that's cool
00:09This is the world's largest Lego collection. Oh my god. Look all the Star Wars ships are flying. What a genius
00:14This is so sick. It's a complete collection of Lego Ninjago minifigures. Oh, he's got all the Ninjago's, bro
00:21That's got to be at least 30 grand right there all the stormtroopers that's adding another 50 grand easily
00:26This man's dedicated that's got to be at least what like 30 40 million dollars worth of Legos all sorts of y-wings all hanging in
00:32formation here
00:33They made a movie about this the Lego movie is literally about not
00:37Hoarding all your Legos and just having fun and being creative with them and welcome to my games room
00:42This man just bought a blockbuster and called it a camera. No, he bought a blockbuster and an arcade
00:48His whole house is a game room. This is where I keep all my joy pads for the modern console
00:53Modern console his different eras it kind of does look like a store though. Like it doesn't look like a collection
00:59No, I'm not dogging on it though. Oh
01:02That's pretty cool. You don't have one of those. I know you also don't have really hype music
01:06Do you think this would attract women? I yeah, this will attract women. Yeah, I'll buy largest Garfield
01:11Whoa, I didn't know if that was Andrew Garfield
01:14You know who's the biggest fan of Garfield ever that you probably didn't know remember in the video where we stole stuff from their house
01:20And Chandler was like don't touch anything Garfield related
01:23Interesting because she's a huge Garfield fan. Oh my gosh. Is this Chandler's mom? This might be Chandler's mom
01:28Here's the thing you get to a club, right?
01:29I mean the greatest girl ever, uh-huh. You go back to her house. You walk in a room Garfield room
01:34You stay in or leave it. I'm grabbing a Garfield. I'm cuddling with it. All right
01:38I don't think nobody more than a hundred but just in case one doesn't meet the standards for the Guinness Book of Records
01:44I have more than a hundred. No, I think you're fine. I'm pretty confident. You got this old record. You'll be scared
01:50This guy owns more phones than I have had Wow, okay, is this this is cool very emotional when it comes to my phones
01:56I can't see someone drop my phone. I can't see someone scratch it. These are my babies
02:01Wait, some of those are broken
02:03Didn't he just say those are his babies and he couldn't stand to see him broke just means when he drops him
02:07It doesn't look one two, three
02:10Today I have counted all the phones and those are
02:142371 and you're holding a Guinness Book of World Records adds a prestiginous to you and your personality
02:20Oh, do you think owning?
02:222371 phones adds to your personality do those two that are literally butchered in half can't like it's time for the sneaker collection
02:30Million-dollar sneaker collection. That's it. Yeah, but I bet he doesn't have these. I'm not gonna lie
02:34I've seen a bigger shoe collection. Yeah, dude a million dollar shoe collections
02:37Not the biggest shoe collection the project flex blitz warehouse
02:40Had like 20 million, it's actually closer like 30 million some say collection I say horror house literally
02:45That's what our notes say. I always wanted to have a little demon baby in a black crib in my living room
02:50No, I do so
02:52It's a collection that might have some people running for the hills. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's fair. Well now it makes sense
02:59Oh, wow, Marilyn Mansfield of New York City has spent tens of thousands of dollars on the uniquely horrifying collection
03:06This is a collection I would just say this is more of like a problem
03:10They really are like a part of the family Oh part of the family
03:14Okay, I say we put her on the FBI watch list kid spends five years making a rubber band ball started on April 10th
03:222004 and it was the size of probably like a like a golf ball. Hey, wait, I actually remember this
03:28They made a commercial with this and they played the song the rubber band man
03:32Not only how do you spend five years doing this?
03:34But how do these people afford this? I'm just wondering how they resisted the masculine urge not to drop that thing
03:39I want to see big rubber band. Wow. So these nerf guns. Oh, those are cool. Keeps going
03:44You know, I'm actually a zombie apocalypse happens. This guy's like dang. I was collecting the wrong gun
03:48He's like I could have collected real guns. I chose nerf. I heard it was nerf or nothing. Apparently it's nothing
03:53Hey, if you're a real nerf pro, you'll know that barrel attachments actually hinder your trajectory
04:00The longer the barrel than not as accurate. Yeah, you don't want too many attachments. You want to just rob all you what a nerd
04:05Yeah, this one looked pretty cool. That one looks like a real gun. That was not safe napkin collector
04:10No way Antonia Kozakova from Slovakia is the proud owner of the largest collection of napkins in the world
04:17Oh, she's quirky. This is like being a Google search query collector. It's just a piece of paper with different images
04:23It's like those people who collects magazines like who came well
04:27Magazines make sense because those were printed and sent out. This is literally just random images from Google on a piece of paper
04:33Well, this was before Google was a thing because she's old
04:35Okay, then that would make a little more sense, but you don't know that well now it's like I don't know
04:39It's like the printer and the internet have made this collection
04:42Useless because I could just go make this entire collection if I really wanted to your entire life is futile, ma'am
04:49How will you deal with this information? Oh Guinness actually gave her a world record. Oh, yeah
04:54Very collecting in 1997. That's my least favorite world record, but it's still world
04:58I'm with Janet Estevez who has the Guinness World Record for the biggest Mickey Mouse collection. What was the very first Mickey?
05:05Do you have the first Mickey that started the whole collection off?
05:07I used to have a clown collection when I was a little girl and
05:12This Mickey Mouse dress as a clown was in that clown collection. Disney adults are weird there. I said it
05:18Those are diamonds really that's worth a lot of money. She rich rich. Yeah, this ain't like your normal everyday collection
05:25She really liked Disney. She has to constantly be buying it to not lose her world record. Yeah, I'm sure you know
05:31What I used to collect when I was a kid. He's nuts
05:33Rocks close one million dollar Hot Wheel collection. Okay, this is gonna be interesting collection
05:39Today is worth well in excess of a million dollars. Well, I just see 30 of the same vans
05:43So far yo, let Tucker come over he won't he gonna want to play with that included in Bruce's collection
05:49Is the most valuable Hot Wheels vehicle in the world worth a whopping?
05:55$150,000 no, you don't just say a Hot Wheels worth 150 K not tell us why no
06:00I am suing editor edit Chris's face and make him tell us why it's so valuable
06:03It is expensive because it is a prototype pretty much every focal pop every man
06:09He's like yo, these are gonna be collectible a hundred percent the Big Bang Theory Funko Pops
06:14Did they ever reach collectible status? No, like you Funko Pops resell for more money yet
06:19There's been like a few that like sold early on like for like five. So what you're telling me is L
06:24So this guy has over 100 cars. Oh
06:26I'm just gonna be a hundred percent honest all those cars look the same they are but they're all like different years and models
06:33He has the collections lined up by all of that model
06:37Every single car is a different version of itself. Look he has all those Lambos
06:41There's no way that Lambo is the same model as that other car. No, what do you say Ford's?
06:46He lines up all the Ford's. Oh, yes
06:49What do you think I'm stupid? Yes
06:53Most terrifying collection ever. Oh boy here. You tell me if it's good. Can I look it's heavy metal with spiders? It's cool
07:01Yeah, that's fine. Oh
07:04Oh my god, he's got big old fat sausage legs. This shouldn't be legal. I want one so bad
07:10But he's up to something Kenny told me she will divorce me if I get a spider sounds like we're buying a spider
07:17Jokes jokes, I support your marriage
07:19Although I would love to spend more time with Chris and spiders meet Mike Fontaine owner of the world's largest collection of
07:2675,000 pieces of McDonald's memorabilia
07:2970,000 I wonder if there's someone somewhere out there doing the same thing for Beast Burger just collecting it all
07:35I'm just not aware. They exist. Yeah, you should stop
07:37Yeah, get some out behind the doors of this seemingly ordinary house. It's a colorful history of a global fast-food favorite
07:44I have glasses
07:50I have glasses. I can't confirm. Yes. He does. He does have glad you do great astute observation
07:57Equipment lapel pins. My table of contents is
08:02398 different categories. He made a table of contents for his own collection admit it you're jealous. I'm jealous
08:08Thank you for watching. If you haven't already hit the subscribe button do it or I will fart. Please save me