Most Dangerous Animals-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00I have a list of the 10 most dangerous animals on the planet from sharks to lions to the most dangerous animals on the planet
00:06Game over coming in at number 10 the lion. Oh my goodness. Wait, Jimmy an alligator was the most tough
00:13How is a lion beating an alligator? Lions are spectacular hunters using their speed and agility to capture prey without them
00:20Even realizing yeah, how does a lion bite through an alligator skin? Oh, they got numbers. Come on
00:25You know the cat you have in your house. Yeah, that's just a small lion
00:27Yeah, that is true. If they were bigger they could just destroy it. Oh my god. What do you do when that comes running at you?
00:35Oh, I would poop my pants no, it's he gonna jump if so, I see why you lions are number 10
00:41They're literally cats. Yeah, they're just giant cats number nine
00:45Snakes snakes wait snakes are dangerous snakes can grow up to 30 feet long
00:5130 feet that one might be that whole things one snake that's got to be two
00:56It could be three snakes in a trench coat
00:58Trying to get into a movie theater. That's funny. Thank you fun fact about snakes when it gets cold
01:03They're getting one big snake pile and they all just
01:06All over each other and then you just step on them and they don't care
01:09No, I want to lay in a snake pile. You did in a bathtub
01:12I did not these snakes those these snakes are dangerous the snakes that bit me didn't have any poison in them
01:17Maybe they did which would explain a lot
01:18I am now full of poison snakes like pythons use their incredible strength to wrap around their prey to stop any
01:27attempts of escape
01:31Actually, that is really dangerous because it's holding him underwater
01:34Oh, I would be terrified number eight jellyfish while many jellyfish are not harmful
01:40Some can land you in the hospital some can land you in the hospital that guy's like
01:44Just smacking him in the face, that's a man-o'-war that's that boy a single tentacle could kill a fish or in rare cases
01:52Yeah, they dissolve it in there like stomach acid
01:55It's just alive and just has to get dissolved slowly. You want to know what's more dangerous than a jellyfish?
02:00What number seven bears a bear? Wait, that's Tyler Oliver. It is. That's my friend. Wait, if he's in the cage
02:07What's the camera man? Wait a minute. The camera man is a real cool person
02:17The best thing to do in a bear attack is to get on the ground you have to make yourself look large
02:23So if a bear is coming at me I do this
02:25You actually do and you yell go bear
02:32Is he okay he hit it in the face and ran away right when it hit him Wow
02:39Wow, he's one of the few humans to take a bear head-on and survive
02:43Bears will also break into homes and stores to steal food. Wait bears know how to shop
02:48No bears know how to shoplift imagine every day. He just comes into that 7-eleven grabs food and leave
02:53He learns to associate that 7-eleven with like his feeding place and every year he comes back number six
03:00kangaroos, oh kangaroos are a
03:03Abomination of just like anger look at him. He's holding a dog down just cuz he can look at me squares up to him
03:10Look, is that real? Yeah, he punched him right in the face. That's a tiny kangaroo, dude. Why won't he leave him alone?
03:16Well, why did he fall to the ground? Oh my god, that's terrifying. I thought those are trees
03:20You know the movie kangaroo Jack they should have called it kangaroo Jack cuz those kangaroos are swole
03:27Kangaroos can move at speeds up to 45 miles per hour
03:31Taking single leaps of 25 feet at over 6 feet in the air. Oh my god kangaroos can fly
03:37I didn't know that and have sick POV shots. Does he get hit by a kangaroo after he lays?
03:47No shot they just want violent imagine you saw a foreign thing just float from the heavens
03:52Would your first instinct be to go immediately attack it?
03:55Yeah, I probably thought it was a bird of food. Oh, yeah, like one of those drone delivery services. Yeah, but number five
04:03Crocodiles will actively hunt their prey no matter the species. You don't even see him. I actually don't see him. Oh
04:10My god, he's been creeping up on him and then he sneaks up to him crocodiles have a bite strength of
04:173,700 pounds per square inch. He's gonna pop your tire, bro. There's no way he doesn't pop that tire
04:23Why do we need crocodiles?
04:24Can we just get rid of them all the planet tried to when there was a meteor that hit it that couldn't even get rid
04:30Of crocodiles they've survived planetary extinction. They're good, bro. Look at this. Oh my gosh. Ha that's what you get
04:36You were egging him on bro. I don't even feel sorry for you. Oh
04:41Look how he breaks that watermelon
04:47Wow, wait, they don't breathe air fun fact
04:49Crocodiles can manually breathe and when they go to sleep a part of their brain stays awake that tells them to hold their breath
04:56But how long can it hold its breath for up to 24 hours? Holy crap. I like crocodiles a lot number four
05:04Standing at over seven feet tall. Oh, this is where he goes
05:08That moose just got flashback to like his family's like legacy hundreds of millions of years ago a caveman just go
05:16He had something in his instincts telling to stop. Oh my gosh
05:19I never knew if this was real or not. It is so are some mooses like seven feet tall
05:24How did our ancestors survive those? Oh
05:27my gosh
05:30He just gave up the moose was like, all right, I did it they are able to run at over 35 miles per hour
05:36Holy crap, how fast can I run? Maybe like one mile an hour. I think you're making fun of me. I am
05:41Hey, they're seeing who's gonna get who gets to marry the girl. Yeah, what if humans settled their difference to just headbutt in each other?
05:47Well, you have extra cushion. I got my bone of power number three sharks
05:53The third most dangerous animal is a shark which doesn't make sense because sharks kill less humans and lightning each year if a shark
05:59Wanted to hurt you. I could oh my gosh. Is that a megalodon sharks?
06:03They're just eating robots. They just swim around and just eat. Wait, is that real?
06:08Did you see all the fish starting to get into a circle cuz that shark is like swarming around them
06:13Oh, those fish are drawing his shark. Oh
06:16Are you kidding me? What?
06:22Oh my gosh, here's the thing look at the bottom, right that's on discovery
06:25So if discovery allows it YouTube you better allow it you have to YouTube YouTube number two
06:30Elephants elephants elephants aren't dangerous
06:35Whoa, whoa, he just decided no more this elephant doesn't like its picture taken. Oh
06:44Look at her smile fade slowly fade. Oh look at that girl in the back. She's like
06:49No, he wanted oh my god, I'm gonna get free I'm gonna call my homie he's like yo, is this the new iPhone? Oh
06:56My gosh, oh he's just choosing violence today
06:59I think he just hates vehicles and a situation like this. Who do you think paid for all the damage?
07:03I would say the elephant. He's got to have a really big wallet. Hey
07:07My gosh, he does not like that one car and that motorcycle. I like how he's still holding the motorcycle
07:13He's using tools. They're learning if they charge at you
07:16You can't outrun them as they can run over 25 miles per hour. They can run 25 miles an hour
07:21Why is everything so fast? Oh gosh, that one's not having it
07:28Drive just drive away drive away. They were fine. And number one on the most dangerous animal list. It's hippos
07:34Let's find out why they're able to swim at nearly 20 miles. Wow. Why is everything so fast?
07:39Well, this is a dangerous list. Oh, that's just part of being dangerous
07:42Oh, this crocodile ended up in the wrong area and was quickly dealt with
07:47Yeah, but I mean they do have like 80 to 1 numbers bro. What do you mean bro?
07:52They said don't come around here no more. Oh my gosh poor croc. He's getting manhandled and he's still biting them, though
07:58He's not going down without a fight
08:01Their jaws can crush anything. That's your head squash your head. That's wash 800 pounds per square inch. They're so cute though
08:09Oh my god. Oh, how can something that dangerous be that cute? Oh, oh no
08:18You in the wrong place, oh and he's coming like a freight train. Oh my gosh. What's you doing in my lake?
08:24Look at that line over there. That lands like oh, oh, I'm glad I didn't go first. I'm just gonna stay over here. Yeah
08:31Wow, oh my gosh, yeah, okay. He's not the lion got away. He was telling them to back off of his territory
08:38He looks so fat and chubby. You know, it's funny
08:40He's like really territorial and obsessed with like people being on his property and his fat. He's like most Americans. Goodbye