Most Skilled Workers In The World-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00This is a video of the best workers on the planet the best like this guy who can make a whopper in under one second or
00:06This person who can do the job of a hundred people. That's crazy. We should hire. Okay, so we have a bus boy
00:11Cleaning a table bro. This dude's cleaning it like his life's on the line
00:15He's Sonic and he is speed for some reason this reminds me of like a battle in Naruto
00:20I want to go there and order a hundred pancakes, but each on a different plate
00:23So then he has to pick up all of them. I want to see a god in action
00:26Oh, this is the type of stuff. I like this is working smarter. Not harder. No way
00:31Is this how you actually do it?
00:32This is how you break things if you want to but this guy got lucky that is probably the coolest thing I've ever seen
00:37I wonder if it costs less to hire him because he doesn't need a real truck
00:41It probably costs more to insure him because there's a good chance. He's gonna break something bro was moving. Oh my goodness
00:48Oh, it's firefighter. Oh snap. We assume he's a firefighter. He could just be a guy who really likes climbing ladders
00:54You sorry, all right, this is a fastest whopper ever made
00:57I'll be the judge of that actually that person with the clock will be the judge of that look at him his
01:01Positioning his face that is intense focus. We're about to witness history. Oh
01:08Ketchup fell over part of his plan. See now. It's ready. Oh my god. It was ready for the squirt
01:14Yeah, I would say I'm impressed but Burger King sucks go order Beast Burger 30 times better Burger King's do do Beast Burger better. Oh
01:22My god, that's sick. Oh
01:25He's popping off if I saw that I would just walk up to him and give him a $50 bill
01:29Yeah, I have a strong urge to give him tons of money. I wonder what's gonna happen. Oh wait
01:33That's not what I thought would happen. I thought they're about to pop off this man knows physics geometry and math. He's unstoppable
01:40You know, what's more impressive than that guy? Who's clearly forklift certified who this rectangular ice cream cone. Oh, what is this?
01:47I got it circular ice cream cone. This ice cream goes up to the edges when it melts it drips down the side
01:52It's sticky and it sucks this one. It drips into the box. Yeah, it's like a bad. Yes. It's an ice cream cone bathtub
01:57Oh my god, this is genius. Whoa, it's still going look at that and he made a sword with it. This guy's smart
02:03I've always thought about doing this, but I've never done it till he falls. I like the music
02:06It makes it feel like I'm watching a Disney princess making a fence. They make it with sand. Oh my god
02:12That's so genius cuz then they could just pour. Oh my god. It's Minecraft, but real life. That's cool
02:17This is the world's best cucumber chopper. I've already sliced my hands a thousand times if this was me Wow, that's paper thin
02:23Here's the problem cucumbers taste horrible. Whoa. Oh when the clip said a bunch of men pounding on the title card
02:29I thought something else. This is cool. More importantly, where's that spike going?
02:33Are they like literally nailing the parking lot to the earth? I know what they're doing. They're building experiences together losers
02:39Window cleaning contest. I wouldn't believe it's real if there wasn't a giant banner in the background
02:44You're not telling me you're not a big fan of the International Window Cleaning Association
02:48Hi, WCA. It's just a bunch of old dads. This guy's good though. Marty's killing it. Yeah cleaning up dishes
02:57Somebody's dad he's making a flower. I strive to be that annoying of a dad Wow
03:03That's impressive that's someone who loves their job got something new for y'all
03:07I am super proud of this one that toilet paper going to call the mega multiverse combo. Oh
03:13I did not know where that was. Oh my god. That is insane
03:16Wait, so he tie-dyed that he tie-dyed that with rubber bands in certain ways that those patterns would get on the shirt
03:22Some would say epic. Oh, it's the attractive guy that hits wood. I see the comments all the time
03:28Everybody's mom is on this guy's tick-tock page. Oh, he's ripping it this time
03:33Nice mom's leave a comment on the video. I really want to get our mom demographic up a little bit Bobcat ProDriver
03:38Whoa, he nice with it. Oh
03:41Why is this guy so good I would love to see what jobs he gets hired for I'd hire him for a circus
03:46Hey, let's watch this guy work with his wood. You know, that's not his wood. That's a piece of wood
03:50Ah, is this a bedpost? I don't lamb shit. We'll never know
03:53You will forever wonder and never get the answer ever. Good luck sleeping tonight. Oh, yeah
03:59I did this as a kid with my four-wheeler. I lived in the country. I had a four-wheeler
04:02We didn't have these fancy go-karts. Oh my god, that's pretty innovative fun fact
04:06I heard that go-kart speeding past my house at 3 a.m
04:09Last night and I looked out and Carl was doing doughnuts in my front yard
04:12Well, why don't I get invited to the adventures? I guess you just got to be there when Carl has his 3 a.m. Adventures. Whoa
04:18He said physics pause for one second. I gotta look cool. Okay, it touched his finger on the last one
04:24Did anybody see it pour down his finger and go into the drink? Oh, I'm still taking the shot of grape juice
04:29Shot of grape juice. I mean I could trim a bush like this
04:32I feel like I don't feel like this one's any special show me a penguin or a giraffe
04:41Yeah, there we go I almost ended the video this person's cutting up some food they have pretty hands is that Chandler
04:49Wait since when can Chandler cook with the sponsors video? Hello fresh anyone in the world can cook
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05:17No reason not to do it
05:19Look how good that food turned out if Chandler can make food like that
05:22Anyone can make food like that
05:23So go to and use code react 65 for 65% off and free shipping whenever we finish this video
05:29Let's go eat at Chandler's house as long as he's making hello fresh
05:34Building a cell tower. Oh my god. That is insane. How'd they get up there? Oh my goodness old man with ten lawnmowers
05:41This is probably the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life
05:43This is the smartest old man in the entire world. Oh this guy pulls up to your front door demands your girlfriend
05:49What you doing? It's hers. I mean it is I don't know
05:52I'm so confused by these lawnmowers. He can have whatever he wants. He can have the house my dog the yard
05:57Wait, what's going on here? Oh
06:00Drift a holic. Yeah, this guy's good at parking. This is the most British thing
06:04I've ever seen a man getting excited about parallel parking. Oh my god
06:08They're playing Minecraft IRL put the Minecraft music over it and then when he puts it in the wheelbarrow make the chest sound
06:14That's funny now lighting a lighter with an excavator. No way what how did he do that? That is so cool
06:20Why did he have to use seven phones as a table couldn't he use like a rock or something?
06:25He just borrowed everyone's like hey everyone give me your phones. Give me your phones. I need them
06:29They might break this guy needed a trim bad. Give him a good shear call him Ed Sheeran
06:34No, that's not the same person. There's no way that's the same person. Hold on
06:38It is he made that guy look like a completely different person with that haircut. Wow, that's wild
06:42They say the hair makes the man. Wait, what happens here? He's destroying the ceiling. He's on but he's on a crane
06:48He's like, I'm free. Oh
06:51My god, it's Jason Bourne. I feel like I could do that
06:56Delivering your food on time. I want to go here right now. Hey, bro. It's 100 pancakes. I ordered earlier
07:03One for a bowl. Oh my gosh, I didn't even know this is here. Let's go
07:07What the callback of a century whatever this restaurant is bring that guy in you can clean it up quick
07:11I'm leaving whatever this job can be considered to go be a roller. You don't work here. Okay. Yeah, you're right
07:16They just keep on locking the door and let me back in I give him free food
07:21That's got to be in Japan and why do we live in America man, look they got it figured out
07:25But is she drawing? Oh my gosh. Is she better with their feet or with her hand?
07:29She's doing them all at the same time. The ones with her hand are so photo realistic. There's no way this is real
07:35I do I refuse to believe it this is real
07:37It is factually the coolest thing I've ever seen and I've said that many times in this video zoom in on the bottom
07:41Right one. She drew that with her foot while drawing with her other foot. You have no talent compared to her
07:46Hi, you're right. Neither do I this looks like a really good way for a customer to be like, all right
07:50I'm walking out and then just bang tire using a water shield. Oh, that's cool
07:54Oh, it was like a propane tank that was on fire
07:56So he's using the water to shield the fire so he can turn it off genius
08:06Where do you where do you get that fire from? I don't know where the fire came. He's a he is Prince Zuko refueling an RC
08:12car. Oh
08:14This is one of those cars that runs off of like pure alcohol, that's why they're so fast
08:19Look at that thing right to him. We tried to push a car with RC cars. Oh
08:25My god, is that really how they film Wow, he is really good at that
08:29He might just put Tariq out of a job. Oh my god. So the wasps are just like standing there
08:34It's like the wasps are paid actors
08:36Well, I think the wasps were like God wouldn't intervene between the fights of wasps and bees and then God's like that make sense
08:45A funny pan sound is it the spinning drummer guy? Yeah, go drum guy go drum guy
08:51Would you say he's the best drummer in the world? I would say he's probably the dizziest drummer in the world
08:55Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed if you haven't already subscribed, please