I Built MrBeast a Real Life Fortnite Battle Bus-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00I built the fortnight battle bus in real life and because fortnight just revealed. Mr. Beast is in the game
00:04I'm gonna surprise him with it. Oh
00:06My gosh now the thing is this bus has been in storage for over a year
00:11Wow before the bus can be delivered to mr. Beast. We're gonna add a ton of modifications such as a jet engine
00:16Mr. Beast branding and the next level gaming room
00:19Fill the trash in here. It's been a long time since I've been in this and it is disgusting
00:24Look how filthy this couch is watch this
00:26That is so gross. Do you think it's gonna start? I don't know if that's a good noise or a bad noise
00:39It won't start since the bus wouldn't start I called in a tow truck to bring it to the mechanics
00:45This whole thing could have been fixed correctly, but we don't have the time to fix it correctly
00:49So now we are making the shit out of it
00:51Making her go bud
00:53For mr. Beast, I expect a chocolate bar
00:55So the problem we're running into is the part the bus needs to start running again is three weeks out since it's a 1988 bus
01:00And it's not very common
01:01So what we did was buy random materials that don't belong on cars to fix it in time. Hot damn. That's redneck engineering
01:07Go ahead and hop in. This is the moment. This is the moment. All right, here we go
01:14Is it working? It's running. This is just rigged up to get you there and back. So this isn't very long term
01:19This is not long-term by any stretch of the imagination, okay, how about to go take it for a test drive?
01:27I have not driven this thing in a year. So we gotta be careful the brakes a little bit
01:31Believe it or not. It's taken two days to get the bus running and mr. B skin drop soon. So we need to be fast
01:37Now we can finally start cleaning up this disgusting bus
01:41Gotta make this thing shine for mr. Beast, you know after a deep clean on our fortnight bus
01:46In the new season of fortnight the bus has a giant jet engine on the backs
01:50We're definitely gonna have to add that and since this thing's for mr. Beast
01:53We have to take this to a whole nother level
01:54The plan is to add giant mr. Beast lightning bolts and logos on both sides and completely redesign the entire gaming room on the inside
02:00To make sure we can replicate this engine. We're gonna start by using our foam and cutting it to shape
02:04There's a ton of intricate triangles and sharp edges. So we have to be precise
02:09I'm tired of cutting foam. This is really slow and boring. So the back of our jet engine has these two thrusters right here
02:14So we're gonna cut those out of this foam
02:18After making amazing progress on the jet engine it's time to get the supplies for the gaming room
02:22So we're pulling up to Best Buy right now and one of my close friends works here
02:25So I'm gonna call him and tell him to come outside. He has no idea what we're doing
02:30I explained to my friend Koof that we need a gaming setup good enough for mr. Beast himself. Let's go guys
02:35We got the TVs over here got some lighting over here the kitchen stuff. Don't even worry about that
02:39We're heading straight for the consoles. Let's do it
02:48We've been in the store for a while now, we've been going crazy buying a lot of stuff
02:51I have a ps5 right here. Let's go have some fun. Watch this. Do you guys happen to watch YouTube at all?
02:55Yeah, if you subscribe to me, I'll give you this PlayStation 5 right now
02:59You did it. This is yours. Yeah, no, I've been looking for one, too
03:03Let's go lucky winner right here. It's garden Matthew beam
03:12After shopping we rushed to the warehouse to start painting the bus. All right, let's start painting this baby. Yeah, let's do it
03:17Yeah, just got done tracing the fortnight logo on the side right here
03:20So we can put that on and then we're gonna be adding giant pink lightning bolts
03:24Just like mr. Beast logo across the entire side. This is about to be fire
03:28So we have these giant mr. Beast logos that we're gonna be putting inside the bus and on the hood to make it even more
03:33Mr. Beast of fun
03:36So we have the battle bus all loaded up
03:38But unfortunately, we're gonna have to work on the gaming room while we're driving there because if we stay here
03:42We will miss the drop of his fortnight skin
03:44So we need to start heading to North Carolina and still work on the bus while we're driving. This is not good
03:49Next stop. Mr. Beast. Hey, Matt. Are we there yet?
03:51We just started driving and it literally says one day in one hour we are so far away and this bus is extremely slow
04:04This is your captain speaking we are eastbound on highway 24 headed toward the mr. Beast warehouse
04:11My mom said I'm not allowed to sit this close to the bus
04:14I'm not allowed to sit this close to the bus. I'm not allowed to sit this close to the bus. I'm not allowed to sit this close to the bus
04:19My mom said i'm not allowed to sit this close to the tv, but she's not here look our stickers coming up. Hold on little fella
04:26Please hold on for dear life
04:28Don't fall off the people love the bus. I feel famous right now. Everybody's got their phone out
04:34I always thought I looked like an old tom holland who told you that nobody told me that it's my own original thought
04:40As me and the boys were driving everyone was loving the bus. It's amazing the stuff you see out here on the road
04:45Did you guys do this? Yeah, we did. This is absolutely amazing
04:48Oh my god, we're giving it to a youtuber named. Mr. Beast
04:52So this is the current status of our fortnite battle bus and it's not looking too hot
04:56Unfortunately, the mr. Beast logo completely blew off. We're gonna have to fix that
05:00We still have to do the entire interior of the bus turning it into a gaming room drive all the way across the country
05:05In less than 24 hours and surprise, mr
05:07Beast we're gonna get in the bus keep driving through the night every time we have to turn off the bus to get gas or anything
05:12I get very nervous that it won't start again. I'm gonna turn it on and hopefully it starts
05:22Right now it's 7 00 a.m. We have driven through the night. The sun is about to rise right now. We are all so exhausted
05:27We've just been taking turns sleeping and driving to get this done
05:32How long have you been driving right now eight hours I slept that long. Yeah, how much have you slept none?
05:37Give me a take back over. Yeah, let's just switch right now in the middle of the highway
05:42Now that the sun has risen we can start turning us into a gaming room
05:45But unfortunately since we've been living in here the last 20 hours, we recreated another mess believe it or not
05:49Aaron broke the couch back there that mr. Beast was supposed to sit on. No that couch broke itself. All I did was lay on it
05:56This gaming room is gonna be fire
05:58So these are our led strips right here and these are new ones. They're double the size way stronger and better
06:03While they're busy setting up the gaming room. We're going to be adding something else to make this even cooler for mr
06:06Beast so with his fortnight skin, he has a backpack that he wears and money guns
06:10So we're gonna be customizing these making them look just like they are in the video game
06:16Wow that looks epic we just spent the last two hours completely redoing the entire inside of the bus check this out
06:25Whoa, you see I went through like a lightning bolt. This looks so much better. Oh
06:31This is actually insane
06:32We went all out with the theming making this feel just like a gaming room
06:35What sucks about this is we don't have much time left on our drive. I wish it was like this the entire time
06:41So this bus is incredible now, I think anybody would love it. Do you guys like it? Oh, I love this, bro
06:46We have one small problem though. What what's that? Who's gonna want to drive this thing now? It looks so cool back here
06:52You how did I know you guys are gonna say that fine?
06:54This has to be the most insane bus in the entire world. I am in love with this project. This is so sick
07:00You wish you were us
07:03Boys, mr. Beast is gonna love this. All right, someone's gonna stay in the bus while we go inside to get gas. I'll stay
07:07I'm playing a game. All right, have fun getting really excited because we're getting closer closer
07:11This is one of our last gas station stops
07:14How many more miles do we have 600 more miles 600 more miles of fun?
07:22Oh my god, i'm just holding the tv so it doesn't break we are 100 miles out next stop. Mr. Beast. This is about to be insane
07:33We stopped to get a little bit of sleep we're supposed to surprise mr
07:36Beast about an hour and the bus is just not starting
07:39We did bring some jumper cables just in case this happened
07:41So we had some random people help us so currently trying to charge up the battery and hope that works
07:45This is not good. We were supposed to be at mr
07:47Beast warehouse 18 minutes ago. All we can do now is wait for that thing to charge
07:51It's just crazy to me that we got all the way here and we're 15 minutes away from his warehouse and this happens
07:56I don't even believe it. All right, i'm gonna call the mechanic back home
07:59Hey, buddy. How are you? I'm doing good. How are you doing? How's the bus?
08:02So we got all the way to north carolina and the battery died it seems you should be good as soon as you get it
08:07Started just do not shut it off
08:12We've been charging it for a minute, let's hope this works we got it
08:16Yes. All right. Next stop. Mr. Beast warehouse. Hopefully we make it and we're so close
08:23As soon as we got to mr
08:24Beast warehouse we got busy to work adding in the finishing details
08:27The last thing we have to do is set up a balloon and I can walk in and surprise jimmy
08:32All right
08:34All right, what'd you build this time? So I wanted to congratulate you if you're a fortnight skin
08:38Oh gosh, so we got something special for you. Wait, let me try to guess
08:40Did you make a giant statue of me like you did for banks? Uh, no. Okay, then I don't let's see it
08:45Can I look three two one? Check it out
08:48Oh my gosh
08:51Well, I was not expecting that but that looks better than the one we made we wanted to make it like mr
08:55Beastified so we got your lightning bolt on the side. Uh-huh. Oh snap. That is cool in the new update
09:00They added a jet engine to the back of the fortnight bus. Do you want to beat elon musk to space?
09:04Someone's stepping up their videos. This is the best part. Oh, wait
09:08It's your bus. What do we do with it?
09:10Is this how people feel when I give them stuff monopoly money? I was gonna make a joke
09:13But it would have sounded rude. I was gonna be like why not real money not that something else really cool. Oh snap
09:18Yeah for my fortnight skin. Yeah, so your fortnight skin. We have your money guns right here
09:22And then here's your backpack too. Oh, that's great
09:26This gun doesn't fire. How can I give you two fully loaded?
09:28It's a thought that coach and then I got your logo up there, too
09:31Dang, this reminds me of when I gave tfue about a bus, but this one's actually better. Thank you
09:36You did better than me four years ago. It's crazy. Well, thank you so much. I appreciate it
09:40You know what you earned this guys subscribe to matthew beam. Thank you