Real Flying Suit-

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00:00For thousands of years, humans have tried to fly like birds.
00:03We can't do it.
00:04We couldn't before, but we can now.
00:06We can?
00:07Watch this clip.
00:08Oh my goodness.
00:10He is literally flying.
00:11Tell me, what's the difference between this gentleman
00:13here and Superman?
00:13This guy has probably a million dollar suit on.
00:15More of an Iron Man, really.
00:16I just want to make sure it's very clear.
00:18I've never seen Superman and this guy flying
00:20at the same time.
00:21That's true.
00:21All right, this is a little speed boat.
00:23The Sea Breacher.
00:24It looks like a whale!
00:25Oh my god!
00:25A whale boat!
00:26It's so cute!
00:27Wait, since when were whale boats a thing?
00:29I don't even want the flying thing anymore.
00:31I just want this cute thing.
00:32Comment down below.
00:33Whale boat or flying thing?
00:34Whale boat.
00:34Perhaps if you just-
00:36Yeah, whale boat.
00:37All day.
00:37Aw, the whale boat lost its owner.
00:38It knows it's waiting for me.
00:40All right, Boston Dynamics.
00:41Everybody's seen them.
00:42Let's see what it can-
00:44Oh, that's smooth.
00:46It is more nimble than us.
00:47Oh my god.
00:47We need to be careful.
00:48Boston Dynamics might take over the world.
00:50So now we've got a plane.
00:52How is this allowed?
00:53Those guys are flying by themselves.
00:55With those jet packs.
00:57This is some GTA 5 stuff.
00:59Oh my goodness.
01:01Dude, they're getting so close to the plane.
01:03Dude, chill out.
01:04Dude, that just goes to show you, in Dubai,
01:06if you've got enough money, you can do literally anything
01:08you want.
01:08That's probably the coolest thing I've seen all day.
01:10You know what's really cool?
01:11Slow-mo shot walking out of the water.
01:13Oh, wait.
01:13He's not walking.
01:14He's flying, you idiot.
01:16I'm stupid.
01:17I'm just so dumb.
01:19These things are so hard to use.
01:20Have you ever seen people that don't
01:21know how to use them use them?
01:22I feel like I would just drown.
01:23They'd just go, pfft.
01:25Oh, he's just dropping this guy.
01:28That's so humiliating, just getting
01:29dropped by the flying cool guy.
01:31He's Dolphin Man.
01:32There's no way that's real.
01:33I refuse.
01:34Flying bike.
01:34Does it turn into a normal bike, please?
01:38Oh, I need it.
01:39This is definitely the car you unlock
01:41at the end of some James Bond video game.
01:44No way.
01:44Is this actually a flying car?
01:46This is so cool.
01:47Isn't that spinny thing usually on the front?
01:48The propeller?
01:49Yeah, usually.
01:50Except for this is a flying car.
01:51Oh my god.
01:53That is so cool.
01:54I'm going to go rob a bank and then just get away with this.
01:56That is so cool.
01:58Bravo to whoever built that.
01:59At first I thought that was a real person.
02:01It's a plasma torch style lightsaber.
02:04AKA a lightsaber.
02:05Hacksmith, please let me use it.
02:06I meant to reach out to him to ask if we
02:08could borrow his lightsaber.
02:09I think I forgot, though.
02:10You should remember to do something like that.
02:12Look at this.
02:12You forgot this?
02:14If we had this when we were doing the Bounty Hunter video,
02:16it would have been over instantly.
02:18What would you have done if I had somehow contacted you?
02:20Oh, yeah, when I was stuck in the safe and you had that?
02:23I mean, I just would have ran out the secret door faster.
02:25It's the drone.
02:26It's the pizza delivery drone.
02:27Oh, my god.
02:28You're telling me there's pizza drone?
02:30I want this in my neighborhood.
02:31It gives you a little pizza and it keeps
02:33it warm in the pizza warmer.
02:34Oh, get pushed over, you stupid robot.
02:37Get the hawk.
02:38Do you want robots to take over?
02:40How about you stop being an idiot?
02:41Jimmy, he's getting up.
02:42It was the one thing robots were never able to do.
02:45They can do it now.
02:46They can get up.
02:47Oh, you pushed me down?
02:47I'll just run away.
02:48I'm leaving.
02:49This looks like a sad scene from a movie.
02:51Yes, Chris?
02:52I found your car.
02:52You need this.
02:53Oh, my god.
02:54The tires were enough reason to get this car.
02:56Fucking bullseye.
02:57Crab car.
02:59Yo, he's literally surfing on a drone.
03:01That's so cool.
03:02I never would have thought to do that, but now I want to.
03:04Oh, there's a disclaimer.
03:05I can't replicate this.
03:06They're dancing.
03:08Robot dance party.
03:10This makes me happy.
03:11I personally accept our robot overlords
03:14and I'm looking forward to serving them.
03:15Please spare me.
03:16As long as I get to make YouTube videos, I'll be fine.
03:18I just love how that guy right up there is just like, yes,
03:20dance for me, robot.
03:21And they're like, ah, it hurts.
03:23I love the dog one.
03:24He's really into it.
03:25I also love the guy in the background just walking away
03:27like, yeah, I've seen the robot dance party 1,000 times.
03:30Nothing special.
03:31This seems like it would be a part of a movie.
03:33It's all happy, and then all of a sudden the music stops.
03:36Their lights turn red.
03:37Yeah, and they just start taking over the world.
03:39And this one is like the leader because he's like the snake
03:41and he's really smart.
03:43Oh, no.
03:43Oh, a robot.
03:44How many robots do they have?
03:45Yo, he's racing a Lamborghini.
03:46Who's faster, Lamborghini or Fly Guy?
03:48What if that Fly Guy just fell off?
03:49I don't think he can.
03:50I think he's like locked to it.
03:52That's so cool.
03:53It's so dangerous.
03:53He only lived one life.
03:54Just have a little fun.
03:55Fly through the sky every now and again
03:57at ridiculous breakneck speeds.
03:59Is this an ad?
03:59No, this is a video.
04:01Razor made a mask.
04:03It just goes to show gamers will put RGB on anything.
04:06Literally anything.
04:08They got me, though.
04:08I want it.
04:09This is just something some guy made.
04:11This is cool.
04:12It looks like the thing from Tron Legacy.
04:13Yeah, it does.
04:13I feel like he's not going that fast.
04:14No, I was about to say that.
04:16Like, I feel like I could walk faster than this.
04:17But you have to think.
04:18I mean, he probably doesn't want to go too fast
04:20because it looks really dangerous.
04:22He's just on a rotating tire.
04:24Man, he built that.
04:25That's so crazy.
04:26Yo, did this guy just interrupt a soccer match?
04:28Is this planned or not?
04:29This is planned, yeah.
04:30Oh, wait.
04:31He's delivering the ball.
04:32No way.
04:33That's so cool.
04:33That's cool.
04:34Man, this guy probably has a lot of girlfriends.
04:36It's a shame if he only has one girlfriend.
04:40Oh, that's when you want to reveal your full face.
04:42That was really cool.
04:43Drone bite.
04:44Dubai police?
04:45The Dubai police is going to fly through on drones?
04:47Oh, my god.
04:48You're trying to steal some old lady's purse.
04:50And then, drone force.
04:53You thinking a mackerel or a shrimp?
04:55I'm thinking a YouTube.
04:56Just the capital U.
04:57That is.
04:57I wonder if people working at YouTube sees this video
04:59and they're like, ugh.
05:00They were like, ugh, we were going to sue them, but.
05:02It's not YouTube.
05:03It's YouTube.
05:03Whoa, mini helicopter.
05:05If there's one thing I've learned today,
05:06it's that literally anything can fly.
05:08A car, a jet pack, a bike, anything.
05:10Even man.
05:10I wonder if he prefers flying over land or water.
05:13Because if you fall, water doesn't hurt as bad, I guess.
05:15And then, is he just going to land?
05:17No way.
05:17He lands on the rock.
05:19No, that wasn't the rock.
05:20That was a rock.
05:20Oh, the rock is probably busy filming a movie or something.
05:23Exactly, exactly.
05:24This robot's good at Minecraft parkour.
05:26This is the next Dream.
05:27This is Dream IRL.
05:28I mean, Dream hasn't done a face reveal.
05:30For all we know, this could be Dream.
05:32Dream actually might just be a robot.
05:33We don't know yet.
05:34Oh, gosh, no.
05:35I don't want this.
05:36Microsoft can own every fabric of your life.
05:38I want this.
05:39You want holograms?
05:40Of course.
05:41Once they can implement it to video games.
05:4312 seconds later.
05:45Oh, there it is.
05:45OK, yeah, you got me.
05:46It's cool.
05:47All right, now it's fine.
05:47All right, never mind Microsoft.
05:49You can have every right to my body.
05:51The Marines were like, we need jet to go fast.
05:54Fast from beginning.
05:55At all times, fast.
05:56They're like, how can we get this plane to ascend fast?
05:59The plane's literally on fire.
06:00It really does not look OK.
06:02Like, oh, and now it's fine.
06:03Yo, I love these things.
06:05Do you know what these are?
06:06No, what is this?
06:06So it's an artist.
06:07And he builds these contraptions that
06:09move on their own on the beach.
06:10They propel theirself.
06:12With wind.
06:12That's so cool.
06:14It looks like a creature.
06:15These things are crazy.
06:16But sometimes the wind takes them over.
06:18Another jetpack.
06:19But this one has wings now instead of on his hand.
06:23How many kinds of jetpacks exist?
06:25The Falcon rocket landing?
06:28Look at it.
06:30Elon Musk is perfect.
06:31Tell us how you really feel, Jimmy.
06:33That's the Elon meme.
06:34Let's go.
06:34Hey, you know what's cooler than a rocket landing?
06:37Raft surfing.
06:37Raft hang glider playing.
06:39Did you see that guy look back at the camera?
06:40He's like, you getting this?
06:41He's like, that's cool, I guess.
06:43It's kind of like the one wheel, but with two wheels.
06:45Yeah, I'm going to need that.
06:46You're going to need a lot of things from this video.
06:48If any of these companies want to send me any of these things,
06:51I'll take even this.
06:52What about giant moped?
06:53I don't know.
06:53It's kind of chunky.
06:54Wait, that's a moped jet ski.
06:57Give it to me.
06:57I don't care how goofy it looks.
06:59I was about to say, I'd take it back, too.
07:00I was about to trash on it.
07:01You should have started off by telling us
07:03it was a moped jet ski.
07:04Like this shot.
07:04Start with this.
07:05This is how you sell this.
07:07Is that easy?
07:07That's a smooth transition.
07:08Robot man.
07:09Is this a Honda robot?
07:10Honda made a robot.
07:11Wait, this is CGI, is it not?
07:13Oh, no, Asimo's real, yeah.
07:14Asimo's been in development for a long time.
07:16Oh, I thought it was CGI.
07:18More like Absim-no.
07:20Oh, he's sad.
07:21Hey, who's this nerd?
07:22Is that guy no one likes?
07:23He's definitely not cooler than us.
07:25He ruined vlogs.
07:26Yeah, anyways, I'm going to call Casey.
07:27I love that guy.
07:28Yeah, same.
07:28I miss when Casey used to do these videos.
07:30I don't think he does them anymore.
07:31Oh, my god.
07:32Casey, you are literally insane.
07:33This is literally Iron Man.
07:35This is like the cave Iron Man, too.
07:36Oh, this is going to be so cool.
07:38Imagine movies when this stuff gets more streamlined.
07:41Yeah, they don't even have to CGI or anything.
07:43You know what, everybody?
07:44I'm going to need you to hit that subscribe button right now.
07:46We are closing in on 10 million subscribers,
07:48and if we hit 10 million subscribers,
07:49I'll be very happy.
07:50I will also be happy.
07:52Does this make you happy?
07:53Mr. B6000, oh, oh.