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00:00Fuses aren't typically that massive.
00:02Yes, you should probably run.
00:04I agree with that.
00:05Why are we standing up?
00:07Because that's what we do now.
00:09Because we stand.
00:10Can we have the chairs back?
00:11The chairs are so much better.
00:14My feet hurt because I'm just standing on carpet.
00:15Yeah, the carpet is nice.
00:17I got this carpet.
00:18I bought this carpet because it was comfortable.
00:20Well, we have different definitions of comfortable.
00:24It's soft and squishy,
00:25like that soap that's getting burned.
00:27Dude, I'm really glad you can't hear this
00:29because soap screams.
00:30It was like.
00:41Look at the sound wave.
00:46Dude, I need to sit actually.
00:49You can't sit down.
00:50Here we go.
00:50Start the video.
00:51This is the alien.
00:52So question, why did.
00:54Who's there?
00:55Doctor who?
00:56No, just the doctor.
00:58It's not the time for jokes.
00:59I'm recording the message and I'm still.
01:02That was weird.
01:03What are we listening to?
01:04I don't even know.
01:05They're showing you how to make bread not hard.
01:07That's an alien like move.
01:09Wow, water.
01:10Pour water on bread.
01:11Now it's not hard.
01:12Yeah, it's soggy now.
01:13That's not a hack.
01:15Oh, put it in the microwave.
01:17And what?
01:18What you gonna do?
01:19Put that thing on.
01:20Five, four.
01:21Four minutes.
01:23Oh, it's steamy.
01:24Well, hot and steamy.
01:25That works.
01:27I know you can do that with pizza.
01:28This is a fun fact.
01:28If you ever like need to reheat pizza,
01:31if you take water and put droplets of water
01:33all over the pizza and on the crust,
01:35it tastes like straight out of a light oven.
01:37Now, does this also fix the mold that's on it?
01:40Watch this.
01:41Oh my God.
01:42Your idea.
01:43I got tired.
01:44Sorry, Connor.
01:45I got tired.
01:47I also love chocolate.
01:47Do you like chocolate?
01:49Look at that.
01:49Or do you like it when it's slowly peeled off
01:52and put into shavings?
01:53Dude, that's pretty cool.
01:54And then we pour a little syrup on.
01:57Oh, are they making a chocolate taco?
01:58They're making something.
01:59That's a chocolate taco.
02:01It's a chocolate taco.
02:02Oh, it's a chocolate taco.
02:03Can we do it?
02:03Is it powdered sugar?
02:05What a great chocolate taco.
02:06Thank you for showing me this.
02:07I'm going to make this tonight.
02:08Should we block out the concoction for this?
02:13Yes, we should.
02:14Where are kids going to find four grams of potassium
02:16per magnitude?
02:17At their local science store.
02:19Dude, what if they did have a science store?
02:21They could hit up their science professor.
02:24Why are you touching my mic?
02:25Anyway, you're like, yo, Dr. Graham,
02:29I need some potassium per magonite.
02:31They're going to be like, oh my God, you know what that is.
02:33Here, here's 12 grams.
02:36And they're going to be like, oh snap.
02:37And then that weekend, they're going to be like,
02:38look at this.
02:39Boom, there goes their hand.
02:40I severely doubt that.
02:42Egg capsule.
02:43I wonder what that could mean.
02:44What do you think that means?
02:44I have like a, or no, like an eggshell.
02:46You think it would be an actual eggshell?
02:49Would you use that on an eggshell?
02:50I don't know.
02:52Are they using?
02:53Oh, wow.
02:55That's weird.
02:57We definitely thought actual egg.
02:58Oh, but that's a really good way to keep your shaven.
03:01Keep the shavings.
03:02That is a very smart thing to do.
03:03That's not the most useless thing I've ever seen.
03:05The only thing is it's way easier to just go on Amazon
03:09and order something like that product.
03:14Put a few grams of sodium chloride.
03:15That's salt, by the way.
03:17I learned that from Jimmy Neutron.
03:18Put a few grams of strontium.
03:20Play the Jimmy Neutron sodium.
03:22Lead nitrate and boric.
03:24I'm trying to make the videos entertaining.
03:27I tried to tell him to add a meme in,
03:29the Jimmy Neutron sodium chloride meme.
03:31Repeat after me.
03:32Dude, that would be salt.
03:35I got it.
03:37Just a little sodium chloride.
03:40Look, colorful fire.
03:42I knew you hated me.
03:42Dude, no joke though, imagine it back in like the dark ages
03:46if you found this out.
03:47You could live.
03:48You would literally.
03:49You're a witch.
03:50That's so cool though.
03:51The green one.
03:52I want the green flame.
03:53Oh wow, that one's like Mountain Dew color.
03:54Which one was that?
03:55Play that back.
03:56Boric nitrate, I think it was.
03:57Yeah, that sounds about right.
03:59Hey look, more Coke.
04:01That's always Coke, man.
04:02You want a Coke?
04:03No, I hate Coke.
04:04Share a Coke with a friend.
04:05I don't have any friends.
04:07Have kids, they'll be your friends.
04:09That's a bold strategy.
04:11Just have a bunch of children so you can have friends.
04:14I have no friends, so here's six kids.
04:15I don't think that's the best idea
04:17anyone's ever had.
04:18You have six people who by law and nature
04:20have to hang out with you.
04:22And I am not one of them,
04:23because I don't care about you guys.
04:25How's it going?
04:26It's going pretty good.
04:27We're watching a balloon fish ball experiment.
04:29I don't know what.
04:34Wait, that looks like poop.
04:36You missed the one right before it.
04:37He had a boiled egg with a tennis racket
04:40and he diced it in slow-mo.
04:43Did I see that?
04:43It was beautiful.
04:44Can you just play that clip?
04:46Don't just zoom in on my face and do something.
04:48He will.
04:49Zoom in on his face.
04:50Trey will always do that.
04:51Well then, zoom in on this.
04:55Ooh, rar.
04:56Do we even sell that one anymore?
04:58Okay, continue.
04:59I'm a fan.
05:01Is this just the machine that makes barbed wire?
05:02Oh, do you remember those TV show
05:03that was called like, How It's Made?
05:05Yeah, that's one of my favorite TV shows.
05:06That was such a great show.
05:08And the intro, bom, bom, bom, bom.
05:11On this episode of How It's Made,
05:13today we're having barbed wire.
05:15Barbed wire.
05:16Is it interesting?
05:17No, but you're still gonna watch it
05:18because it's 3 a.m.
05:19and you don't know what else to watch.
05:21Imagine this 50 years ago
05:22when this machine wasn't available.
05:25You know who invented barbed wire?
05:28A guy named Barbara?
05:30I think it was, no, it was.
05:34Enjoy your hackies.
05:34Bye, Jim.
05:36Tennis, tennis time.
05:37Okay, good form.
05:38All right, let's see what that's in slow-mo.
05:41Wow, that's really cool, actually.
05:44Look at that form.
05:46Wrist rotation.
05:47Dude, look at the egg.
05:48What do you mean, his wrist?
05:49I'm watching the form.
05:49Look at the wrist rotation.
05:50Look at that little, uh.
05:51It like diced it instantly.
05:53I'm actually upset he didn't grunt when he hit.
05:55You know, tennis players?
05:56Uh, uh, uh.
06:01He didn't do it.
06:03I'll do it for him.
06:07Dude, that's so cool.
06:08I love the rewind.
06:09Fast forward, rewind.
06:10Fast forward, rewind.
06:11Wow, how did they think to do this?
06:12Like, it's cool,
06:13but I would never think to be able to do it.
06:15Now, here's the question.
06:15Would you eat it knowing it was cut up
06:17from a tennis racket?
06:20Just eat it?
06:22Doesn't bother me.
06:22Full strategy?
06:23All right, by myself.
06:24Here we go.
06:25I can do it.
06:28There we go.
06:30Oh, you're, okay.
06:31I'll move over.
06:32I'm gonna come back in here now.
06:34Okay, drill a little hole.
06:35Good dremel there.
06:37Where's that battery?
06:38They always, they must've ordered those in bulk.
06:39They have a lot of those.
06:40Wait, what is it?
06:41Uh, oh, we can't even say what it is
06:43because of YouTube.
06:44Oh, we can't.
06:45Boom, boom, stick.
06:47Pew, pew, pew.
06:49It is kind of frustrating
06:50that YouTube demonetizes normal words now.
06:53Like, I understand.
06:54Darn you, Susan.
06:55I understand swearing,
06:57but it's hard with the,
06:58it's hard to even speak sometimes
07:00because you don't know what's gonna be demonetized.
07:02Sooner or later,
07:03you're not gonna be able to say hard.
07:06This is hard.
07:08The button.
07:11I don't know what to do right now
07:13because we can't say much.
07:13Yeah, we just,
07:15oh, it's gonna be like a potato thing.
07:17Does it have a laser pointer?
07:18Can I say laser?
07:22I'm not even gonna look.
07:23It's got a pointer.
07:24Pew, pew.
07:24What's he, what's he launching?
07:26Is it a battery?
07:27We'll never know.
07:28Was it a battery?
07:29Or was it a, was it a Nerf gun?
07:30We'll never know.
07:31Ping pong ball spinning pool.
07:34I never see ping pong balls anywhere.
07:36Where do people get them?
07:38Actually, you know, the one place-
07:39Like, Harris Teeter.
07:40I was about to say,
07:41the one place I've ever seen ping pong balls
07:43has been at a grocery store.
07:45Why would you need ping pong balls at a grocery store?
07:47Because what do they normally go with?
07:50Ping pong tables?
07:54Sorry, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a Christian boy.
07:55I got that good Christian channel.
07:57It was a Christian channel.
07:58Dude, that looks like a old, like, propeller.
08:00That's kind of cool.
08:01For like a plane.
08:02You know what I mean?
08:03It's actually called a prop.
08:06I tell the jokes no one laughs at.
08:08Those are some big fireworks.
08:11Are they really?
08:11I've never had, mm.
08:12There's no way that was,
08:13they made that.
08:15If this is a real thing, I want it.
08:17They're using a rope as a fuse.
08:19Fuses aren't typically that massive.
08:21Yes, you should probably run.
08:23I agree with that.
08:24Holy jeez.
08:27Oh my God.
08:31Dude, it blew a tree apart.
08:33Can we get one?
08:34I would love to do that.
08:35Can we get one?
08:36Next video that requires us to do that to something,
08:39can we have one of those?
08:40I tell you, this was either filmed in Texas or Russia.
08:43It blew a hole in Russia.
08:45Yeah, he's got Adidas shoes on.
08:46Yep, Russia.
08:47Movie recording has been stopped automatically.
08:49Oh no.
08:50This is awkward.
08:52Oh, I'm excited.
08:53Egg versus what?
08:54Rat trap?
08:56It's the crazy Russian hacker.
08:58This is Russian.
08:59This is Russian.
09:00I drop egg on the snare.
09:04Clean through it.
09:05Dude, that's amazing.
09:07That is fantastic.
09:08Oh, the shell broke on impact.
09:11Dude, the way it just slices through it.
09:12Oh, that's epic.
09:13Big fan.
09:14Why didn't they just sit it on it?
09:15Yeah, why'd they hit the draw?
09:17Put it and then yank your hand back.
09:19Or just do your hand like this.
09:21You see what I'm saying?
09:22That's a thick razor.
09:24That is a razor.
09:24Not a foam stand.
09:25I can't use this.
09:26Me either.
09:27They leave so many like bumps and stuff,
09:28and it's just like, ah.
09:30I don't even feel like I shaved.
09:31It feels like I just took like a rock
09:33and just went, and cut some of the hairs.
09:36What, what is?
09:38I'm actually lost for words right now.
09:40I know, it's like,
09:42is it a foam stand or is it like a self-adjustable?
09:42It's a self-adjustable foam stand.
09:45Oh yeah, I get it.
09:46Oh, okay, yep.
09:46Got it now.
09:48There it is.
09:49Dude, that actually looks like a lawnmower.
09:50Imagine taking that through your bush.
09:51Not seeing a lawnmower, but uh.
09:53You don't see a lawnmower like that.
09:54See it, and that's like the handles.
09:55Take this part off.
09:56And then just plow through.
09:59That's how you shake your head and know the camera.
10:00Dude, that dude needs enough sun.
10:02I see all now that I'm standing here.
10:04This is definitely done in Ireland.
10:05It's a gross potato.
10:07It had eyes all over it.
10:08You gotta clean it.
10:08You gotta clean it.
10:09Why can you not keep secrets on a farm?
10:12Does the corn have ears and the potatoes have eyes?
10:18I actually hate you right now.
10:20Oh, hey, I've actually linked these up at times.
10:23This seems like this would take.
10:27All day.
10:28If you get in this situation,
10:29just go to the store and buy a new potato peeler.
10:33Dude, why would you be in this situation?
10:36That too.
10:36Just go to McDonald's and get some fries.
10:38It's true.
10:40That's what you're making.
10:41McDonald's fries are actually really good though.
10:42Are they good tasting?
10:44Are they good for you?
10:45Is anything from the,
10:46actually McDonald's cheeseburger has 24 grams of protein.
10:49Look it up.
10:50A candle.
10:51You're a candle.
10:52Mythbusters, come on.
10:54Nah, we're not gonna react it.
10:56My camera died and we talked about stuff
10:57and he wants me to react the same way,
10:59but I'm switching it up.
11:01Microwave, gonna melt it.
11:02Gonna melt it down a little bit.
11:05That looks like egg white.
11:08Gosh, I hate egg white.
11:10I had to drink it when I was on a diet every single day
11:13and I literally,
11:14I will never drink another thing of egg whites ever again.
11:17He made them waterproof because they got wax on them.
11:20So what did he just dip them in?
11:22He dipped them in water to show that it wasn't like,
11:24it wouldn't mess up the match.
11:26Because when you strike the match,
11:27it rubs off the wax and then,
11:30nice and the wax is flammable.
11:32But that was really cool.
11:32That was definitely worth me getting another battery,
11:35getting up and having to swap it out.
11:38They need to clean that CD.
11:39Dude, this sounds like a Bruno Mars song.
11:4224 karat?
11:44It's just real funky.
11:45It's funky music.
11:46Still waiting for them to clean that CD.
11:48I'm actually a little appalled at that.
11:49Well, they're using this CD
11:51because it's obviously old and messed up.
11:53Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
11:55Look at that.
11:56Ooh, a little wobbly.
11:57It's going.
11:57Look at that.
11:58All right.
12:00Let's battle.
12:01Let it rip.
12:02Dude, we used to put razor blades on Beyblades.
12:04Okay, that's a little dangerous.
12:06Why would you do that?
12:08Whoa, what is that made out of?
12:09That was actual instant.
12:10It looks like gummy.
12:12Looks like a snock.
12:13What's a snock?
12:14Snock, you know, they slither around
12:16and they're all sneaky.
12:17Oh, snake?
12:18Yeah, a snock.
12:19A snake.
12:19Yeah, a snock.
12:20It's a snooker snake.
12:22Sometimes when I poop, it looks like that.
12:24I didn't want to know that.
12:25Dude, have you ever had a poop?
12:26That's a terrible image of my head.
12:27Have you ever had a poop that just keeps on going?
12:29I've had a poop that's come out that quick, yeah.
12:31And it just keeps on going,
12:32and you're like, how long is this poop gonna be?
12:34Buddy, stop.
12:36The human body's the weirdest thing in the world.
12:38Oh, we got another crossbow.
12:39Wait, can we say crossbow?
12:40Yes, you can actually say crossbow.
12:41Crossbow, got it, okay.
12:43Ooh, that looks like he's making tap feets.
12:44Okay, he must be fighting three vampires
12:46that are huddled close together.
12:48Ooh, that joke was so lame, it made me yawn.
12:53I'm gonna leave.
12:55I'm out.
12:57Just come back.
12:59Force you to do this by yourself.
13:00Yeah, that would be hard.
13:02Reacting to life hacks ain't as easy as people think it is.
13:05You run out of stuff to rant about.
13:06I don't know, I have very hard opinions
13:08about a lot of things.
13:10Oh, this is really good.
13:11More of a bow.
13:12Yeah, it's not really a crossbow.
13:14More of a bow, crossbow has a bow.
13:15Yeah, it's not a crossbow at all, actually.
13:17Look, more Coke.
13:19This guy drinks a lot of Coke.
13:20Wow, good job, great job.
13:22I'm not healthy.
13:23You're not healthy.
13:24Thank you guys for watching.
13:25Make sure you're not already subscribed.
13:27Subscribe, ring the bell, like the video,
13:28do all the things, this is Jake the Viking.
13:31Jake underscore the Viking.
13:32Jake underscore the Viking.
13:33All social medias.
13:35All social medias.
13:36Guys, we'll see you in the next one.