I Built Bella Poarch A GIANT Stuffed Animal-

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00:00Bella torch is currently working on another massive music video
00:02So to celebrate i'm going to surprise her on set with a giant version of her iconic alpaca
00:07Oh my gosh
00:09Bella's one of my favorite creators and I want this to be perfect
00:11So we started planning we are going to recreate a seven foot tall version of her favorite plush alpaca
00:16But that's when we ran into our very first problem so far
00:18We haven't had any luck finding a pattern online
00:20We can use yeah, man
00:21I think our best bet is to get one of these plush alpacas and see it in person make our own pattern
00:26After a few days our plush alpaca finally arrived
00:29My goal is to build an exact replica of bella's most prized possession my best friend paka this big boy
00:35But ours is going to be way bigger. It's going to be over seven feet tall
00:38It's going to be massive if we can make this work first
00:41We take this little guy and trace all of the body parts
00:43So it's the exact same shape once we trace every single part of the alpaca
00:46We will then use a projector to scale it up properly. We now have the alpaca all scaled up
00:50We broke it down into different parts like the head body and legs
00:52So that way when we go to the fabric store, we know exactly how much materials we'll need
00:56I have a list of everything we need right here
00:57I'm also going to be bringing this alpaca so we can match the fabrics now
01:00Let's go get the materials now that we have our plan. It's time to start shopping
01:03We're going to need a lot of fabric to build a stuffed animal over seven feet tall requires a ton of material
01:08This project is going to cost a lot of money since we're going to be building a massive stuffed animal
01:12We're going to need something to put it together. I have a question. What's your most expensive sewing machine? It's 17 000
01:17Seventeen thousand dollars will it sew it for me?
01:21No, you you're gonna have to put in some time if you're going to make the biggest stuffed animal
01:26Okay, so we have multiple problems
01:27I am not gonna pay seventeen thousand dollars for a sewing machine and I don't even know how to sew well
01:32I figure out these problems the team started tracing the patterns onto the fabric
01:35There's so many pieces to do and while they do that i'm gonna need to learn how to sew so I decided to call
01:39The only expert I knew that can make me a professional. Okay, grandma. I need you to teach me how to sew
01:44I thought we were done
01:46Oh, no, we just started here
01:48There's a little tiny hole and you got to take your thread and put it through there
01:53And you can play with this for an hour sometime
01:55I don't feel like i'll be very good at sewing if you can't sew then you probably can't write
01:59Because all you're doing is pushing on the thing. I can't really write that well. How old is this sewing machine?
02:03I got this in
02:051968 so this thing's like 60 years old
02:09You put this under here put that down and then under here. There's a foot press
02:14My grandma was making this look very easy. Now. It's my time to try you're gonna have to guide it with this hand. Here we go
02:24Pushed it through too fast or pulled it through too fast. This is actually really hard
02:28It's not as easy after hours of training
02:29I'm still not ready to take this project on alone
02:31But luckily my friend ben is an amazing artist and has done countless sewing projects in the past
02:35We're gonna be putting our massive alpaca in this same outfit bella wore in her music video build a bad word
02:41I can't say that word
02:42So to replicate the wardrobe we're going to be combining these two fabrics together to give it the same patchy look building a stuffed animal
02:47This big requires hundreds of thousands of stitches and tons of work after days of hard work
02:52The fabrics are sewn together now
02:53I need to add the black stitching and I should be talented enough to do that part
02:56So we're using this small needle and the yarn going through every little area to give it this texture
03:00This is a lot of work. I keep pricking my finger with this little needle. This sucks
03:04So bad, I was finally able to start putting my newfound sewing skills to the test and it was looking incredible
03:10Hey, grandma, you're training help me i'm sewing
03:15Me and brian just finished doing all of these stitches and it took 13 hours
03:18This is so tedious, but it looks amazing
03:20Usually when I try to surprise people I have no idea how to contact them
03:23But luckily this time i've been in touch with bella's manager the entire time
03:26So things are gonna be way easier
03:27So the plan is to bring our giant alpaca on set when bella is recording her new music video and surprise her bella
03:32Has no idea we're doing this. So I really hope she likes it. I don't know. It looks nothing like this yet
03:36We're not done yet. Well, I hope it looks like this next we're going to start sewing the alpacas face together
03:43Ben we need you to make the sound of an alpaca
03:47I think that's chewbacca
03:49It looks great though. Thank you
03:51So on the smaller alpaca the ears stand straight up, but since ours is so big they just flop right over
03:55So we're using this thicker material to put inside of the ear. So they stand straight up time to sew the ear
04:02So both ears are on they're not gonna flop over and the face looks incredible
04:06This thing is so massive. Look at this. It's gonna be taller than me
04:11This is crazy
04:12The only problem with a stuffed animal this big is we're gonna need a lot of fluff
04:14I'm currently on the way to the store right now to buy every single pillow they have
04:19These pillows are seven dollars and I have to buy every single one of them
04:24I am literally about to buy every single pillow they have I kind of feel bad
04:28But we're doing this for you bella
04:29This project is going to cost thousands of dollars and speaking of that if you subscribe right now
04:34You could win thousands of dollars just like this
04:36For being subscribed you just won a thousand dollars
04:40Wow, everybody subscribe for a thousand dollars, I haven't even got half of the pillows yet and i've already filled up two carts
04:47Do you think it's enough pillows?
04:50This is the last one every single pillow at walmart
04:55My car is absolutely filled to the top with pillows. This is ridiculous. I don't even know where my sister's at. I'm right here
05:01This is insane
05:04Now that we have all our pillows
05:05We're gonna start cutting them open and getting all of the fluff out
05:07But matthew before we cut them open, there's something i've always wanted to do
05:13That was pretty lame i'm not gonna lie next it was time to start cutting each of the pillows open to get as much fluff
05:18As we possibly can
05:20Aaron since hayden jumped into the pillows. I dare you to jump into this. Okay, I feel like this is gonna go really bad
05:28Are you good that was a little painful i'm not gonna lie now that we have all of our cotton out
05:32It's time to finally start filling bella porch's stuffed animal with all of the fluff. Wait, I can't keep this. Sorry, buddy
05:39It looks like baby yoda's little hairs next we install this inner layer to hold the cotton so it keeps the alpaca to shake
05:44So somehow we have to fit that massive fabric inside of this little tiny hole. How are we gonna do that?
05:49This process took over four hours alone
05:51We have to be extremely careful because if anything rips we'll have to start all the way over
05:54We were able to successfully get the brace inside now we can add the cotton
05:58This is so heavy and it's just filled with fluff for the inside of the alpaca this stuffed animal is massive
06:03It's gonna require a ton of cotton to complete. I'm kind of getting throwbacks of my childhood at build a pair
06:09After hours of work we started to make some good progress this thing is starting to look incredible
06:13Look how massive that is. How heavy is this thing gonna be? I don't know like 10 000 pounds
06:18We're almost out of cotton already and we haven't even finished filling the head yet. This is insane
06:23I've been stuffing this for about four hours and we're not even close to being done. This takes a lot
06:29This is actually really tiring bella's shooting her music video in two days
06:32So we have to finish this tonight so we can start the 2000 mile drive to la
06:35So we're on the last stretches before we're finishing this
06:37We have to leave in about three hours to be able to make it in time for her music video. We got to be quick
06:44This is actually so heavy for a teddy bear it's so big that you can't even see ben's behind it
06:49It's so big that you can't even see ben's behind it i'm here it probably weighs 300 pounds literally this thing is so hard to carry
06:55I legit don't even think this is gonna fit in the minivan after weeks of planning and work
06:59It's time to finally deliver this to her. All right
07:01next stop
07:03Bella porch while the team started driving I headed to the airport
07:06So we just made it to the airport the guys are currently driving all the way to california in horrible weather
07:10And now it's time for us to catch a flight, but it might get canceled
07:12You can barely see the planes that are just right there. There is no way our plane's taking off
07:16So all of these people have been stuck in the airport all day because no planes are taking off
07:20This is not good at all. And after hours of delays, we finally got the okay to board the plane
07:25Next stop bella porch's music video. Yeah
07:27I'm, actually kind of nervous after a quick flight. We arrived
07:30So we just made it to la with the giant alpaca now. It's time to go and surprise bella porch at her music video
07:36I'm, really hoping everything goes well. It's massive. It's super delicate and i've never been on the set of a music video before
07:40So i'm super nervous
07:43We're four minutes away
07:44I hope this goes good. All right, we're here at bella porch's music video. Let's go do this
07:47So we're trying to take this out right now and there's a ton of bees everywhere, dude. There's bees everywhere
07:52We can't even grab it. They're gonna attack us
07:56I think I just swallowed one
07:57We have to be really careful when we're grabbing the neck because the head's extremely heavy. This is so massive
08:01The bees are everywhere. This is great
08:05All right, it's finally time to surprise bella
08:08Hi bella, hi, we have a giant surprise for you. We worked very hard on it
08:14Oh my gosh, wait, is this paca? Yeah in your outfit in the patchwork outfit. Oh my gosh
08:21This is so cute. That's like heavier than me
08:24Oh my gosh, this is like perfect. This is going in my bedroom
08:28Is it bigger than the other one bigger than my paca? Yeah, for sure. I wonder what he thinks right now
08:32How did you make this? This is crazy
08:35The last two weeks sewing it and then drove it all the way here from colorado the details
08:44Of course we worked hard we're glad you like it. I love it. I don't like it. I love it
08:50After I surprised bella we took some pictures and then she filmed her new amazing music video
08:54We just surprised bella porch. That's it for this video new videos every tuesday
08:56I'll see you guys next week. Make sure you subscribe for a thousand dollars. Click this video right here. Bye
09:00Oh, it's hard to talk that fast