I Built the World’s Largest Spider-Man-

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00:00I just bought these foam blocks so we can build the world's largest spider-man over the last year
00:03We have built the craziest things for the biggest creators in the world Wow
00:06But what most people don't know is Baila Levine is one of the first creators I ever
00:10Collabed with and we both happen to love spider-man
00:12I love spider-man so the plan is we'll be surprising Baila Levine with the world's largest spider-man
00:17We're gonna be using the Funko pops as our model
00:20We will divide into two teams team head will glue up the head while team body cuts out the body once we have everything shaped
00:26We'll put the two pieces together any questions. How do we get down?
00:30That's a good question since our spider-man is so massive. We have to start by gluing the foam blocks together
00:36So right now we're laying down all of the foam
00:38This is just for the massive head and we still have another layer on top to add what's next more spray-paint
00:44Oh once this giant build is completed. It'll be over 16 feet tall
00:49This is just the head alone and it's taller than I am we really want to ensure that this spider-man looks perfect
00:54So we're gonna start by making a stencil. We'll use a foam cutter and trace this edge
01:00Now that we have these stencils made we can start grabbing our foam to start cutting
01:06I love how heavy you're breathing. Why is that? It's not in shape
01:09Now that we have the stencil on top of our phone
01:12We can use our wire cutter going over it giving us the perfect shape so we don't have to freehand it
01:16That would be way harder
01:20Have you ever seen a straight line before bro, this looks like someone's heartbeat
01:29Hours of using the wire cutter believe it or not
01:32This block is fully cut and once we take it apart, it's gonna look just like half of spider-man
01:36I actually tweeted this morning follow me at Matthew Dean. I actually asked everybody what we were building today and someone said
01:48This is our rough shape we're gonna spend an hour sculpting and sanding it looks amazing
01:51Let me bring the other half over here
02:01Now that we gave the gigantic body a rough cut next we're gonna be doing the massive head
02:05This is the piece of foam. We're gonna be using as you can see, it's gigantic
02:08We're hoping that little itsy-bitsy body can hold all of that weight, but I guess we have to start sculpting first to see
02:21I don't like how this thing cut so I have to use this low way
02:29This is about to require a lot of sanding to get the perfect Funko pop rounded head
02:34We're gonna spend the next two days sanding it into shape
02:42What you're covering me in foam that's bound to happen bro, let's keep going
02:57Have to go to the bathroom can someone unzip my suit
03:01There you go
03:02Next part of the process is by far the most difficult
03:05We have this rough outline of the body and when you go in and start making everything 3d as you can see he has all
03:10These little intricate muscles fingers all these little details that our spider-man currently doesn't have
03:14So what the guys don't know is I actually have some help coming in
03:17It's an old friend from our science video that Noah is terrified
03:27What do you need man, what can I help you with you want to drink you need equipment?
03:30Um, I think I'm good for now. He got me a Sharpie before but yeah, thank you. So actually let me know man
03:35I shoot him. It doesn't even look like me. Hey Hayden's the one drawing him. What do I look like to you spider-man?
03:41We spent the next 24 hours hand carving and sculpting all of the intricate details into our spider-man Funko pop
03:46The foam is pretty much where I need it to be
03:48But now I need to go in with the sander and get rid of these boxy shapes
03:56Know how's that look that looks phenomenal Aaron nice roundness to it
04:05Spider-man has all these crazy details on his body and we have to replicate each and every one of those little web patterns
04:14So we have this trash can right here filled with all of our extra foam I'm gonna go dump it on air
04:18I don't know if I've ever done
04:28Am not surprised I thought that was the trash can just filled with foam but there's also a taco bag in there. Yeah
04:37We just got done carving in the webbing into spider-man's face and this looks incredible it gave it this deep 3d look
04:43I love it insane to me how massive this is and this is just the head look how tall it is now
04:48It's time for the most exciting part. We are about to bring this spider-man to life with the paint
04:53I used to paint cars, so I'm excited for this
04:58I just realized that this is gonna actually suck to paint all of the webbing grooves. Oh Aaron's got it
05:06And I'm sort of getting the grooves, but I do need more paint here you go
05:12Thanks Aaron, I'm actually really pumped to see Bailey's reaction. He is going to freak out when he sees this
05:19All this paint on my body is from Aaron, um, yeah, but it looks like I missed a spot
05:27You know what all this redness reminds me of a subscribe button, but you should press right now every week
05:31I give one person who subscribed to the channel and follows me on Twitter a thousand dollars just like this
05:35So for being subscribed you just won a thousand dollars. Oh
05:41I just dripped on the red. Oh, no, don't worry, buddy. I got you
05:48That we've been painting for a little bit this thing is looking spectacular
05:50We're in a really good place, but it's still missing some of the key details
05:55The size comparison. This is how gigantic the body and the head are imagine when they're stacked on top of each other
06:00I really don't know if this is gonna fit in Bailey's house
06:02But now it's time to load spider-man up and drive him all the way across the country to bail in Levine
06:06Oh stop. It's not even close to fitting
06:08The only way that we're gonna be able to get this in is if we cut it in half. I
06:12Want you to go full lumberjack mode?
06:22After cutting it in half it still doesn't fit. We are so close. It's just like an inch right there
06:26We're gonna have to cut it again down the middle. So now it'll be in four sections instead of two
06:35Better fit I am dead and we're leaving about five hours 12 hours later. We want to
06:43It's fitting
06:46Last piece
06:47Alright, so we managed to get every single piece inside of the trailer. It took tons of work
06:51We basically ruined the spider-man. So we have a lot to do when we get to Atlanta, but luckily we got it to fit
06:58Erin you're gonna do great. Don't talk to strangers. You put a sander in the car for you. All right, you have snacks
07:04Well, the guy started driving to Atlanta I headed to the airport to fly and meet them, but there's one huge problem
07:10I wasn't paying attention and we ran out of gas. What a middle-of-nowhere. Oh my gosh
07:15So I just got off the phone with the guys and they completely ran out of gas on the side of the road
07:19I have no idea how that happened, but I'm hoping I can still meet them tomorrow and all is good with the spider-man
07:25We ran out of gas to the side of the highway don't really know if anybody can somehow help us
07:30All right, guys. Well, we are on our way to the gas station. I'm here with officer
07:34Officer I've never ridden in the front of a cop car before
07:39You've got a really good personality for this you should be a youtuber
07:44We just arrived at the gas station and we have to buy a five-gallon fuel can for our diesel
07:48I want to reach down to that switch right there and pull it over towards you three clicks
07:58No, oh that is awesome
08:06All right next stop Atlanta
08:10This truck still won't start we put 10 gallons in it and the battery died
08:15So now we have a tow truck on the way to help us jump it
08:22We had to get towed to the hotel unfortunately tired
08:28So we have made it surveillance house this is where we are going to stand up the massive spider-man
08:32We're still waiting on my friends to get here with the trailer. They're running a little bit behind us because they ran out of gas
08:37We're good to go. The truck is up and running
08:39I guess the truck just didn't want to start last night because it's a diesel and it was just so cold
08:44We're pulling up to Baylands house right now. I can't wait to see his reaction. It's gonna be legendary
08:53Little white specks happened on the drive and that's not even the worst part. We still have to glue the head back together
08:59Let's reassemble this head that we just cut up two days ago
09:04Now we're gonna start gluing the body
09:07Next we're gonna be adding on the most special part the logos that really make it pop and come to life
09:14So far everything has gone to plan
09:15But we have never officially had this head on top of the body before and this is still extremely heavy even though we hauled it
09:20Out somehow we have to take the head off of the truck and put it onto that body
09:42This thing is very scary, but we finally got the head on now. It's time to surprise Bailin and actually here he comes right now
09:49Need you to hold something before I surprise you. Okay. Ah, what is it? Ready Bailin? I'm ready. Check it out in three two one
10:00It's so big it's amazing
10:02It's amazing, I would not get too close to it or like you can blow on it
10:09It really does look exactly like it. He hand sculpted that entire body with his bare hands. Damn! You're a man of many talents. Thank you
10:15Oh, dude, his ass looks good
10:18This is so awesome. I think it could fit in my photo house. My ceilings are high, right? This is so cool Bailin. Thank you