Most Expensive iPhone-

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00:00This is a solid gold PlayStation 5, and this is a hundred million dollar robot that's so expensive
00:06And this is a flying car. We're gonna be reacting to the most expensive technology on earth
00:10So we're gonna start things off with this ten thousand dollar Gucci Xbox so wait
00:14That's ten thousand dollars, and there's no difference between a normal Xbox
00:18Well, you're paying nine and a half grand for the box normally you throw the box away when you get like a new console
00:24If somebody throws this box away, they're gonna be like mom. No. Why would you throw it away?
00:28Could you imagine inviting your friends over for a slumber party and so just brings their Xbox and a Gucci box if you just add
00:34An extra $4,000 you can get this custom-made Iron Man suit Wow that looks like movie quality that looks way better
00:41Than it calls. I know it costs a lot, but still that looks really good
00:46I was expecting this to be more in the like $20,000 rate does it work. Yeah, I think it's just for aesthetics
00:51Oh, you think it's for what yeah, but he can't fly well
00:55Don't you can't fly, but look at my man 14 grand. I want to fly okay
00:59Maybe it is a little too expensive, but I just won't be Iron Man. Okay. I mean you can
01:06Up next is a solid gold PlayStation 5 only 17 and a half grand. Oh my god
01:11Why would you grab it with your grubby Cheeto fingers it comes with two gold controllers? Oh?
01:18The gold controllers are cool an interactive pool table wait how much was this I don't know
01:23But if anyone I love is watching this buy me this pool table
01:26I love you, but I probably can't apply oh my god. You can get better at pool. It's doing the math for you
01:32That's so cool. We got to get this like why have a normal pool table if you can have this
01:36I don't even have a pool table. I don't have a pool wait, so this is a
01:40$27,000 R2-D2 I want it. I want it too. Why don't we own all these things I'm beginning to think
01:45Maybe we stop doing the donating thing and we start doing the bye-bye thing
01:51Collecting thing that would make us terrible we would never do that. Oh, it's a golden Mac
01:55Why does the golden Mac cost twice a golden PlayStation?
01:58I would rather have the golden PlayStation to be honest the thing is if you have a golden Mac
02:02You're gonna get robbed in a Starbucks apparently. This is the most extreme VR setup
02:06I'll be the judge that look at it the hood makes it extreme enough. That is amazing. Oh, I want that
02:12I do too. Is this available to buy or here's the thing no answer the question
02:17I don't know what about the internet. I'm gonna go look. All right, good luck. Luminor car paint just the paint wait
02:23It lights up. So there's paint that can change colors. Yeah, it uses
02:28Bioluminescence, I think wait, so why doesn't every rich person have this on their car if it can only do that pattern?
02:34I mean for 50 grand though
02:37Okay. Oh my god. Yeah, it looks like a initial D animate car. It makes it look like a
02:44One no, it's not overpriced this robot dog. Yo, because it doesn't cost ten million dollars, which is what it should robots can be cute
02:51I stand by it. Oh, the dog is terrified of the robot and they'll look the robots like please love me
02:57I am you I want to feel love. What is love? You're really getting into this one, man
03:03I like this I could tell Boston Dynamics. Just send me one. He knows how to climb stairs how to avoid walls good for it
03:10It's gonna murder the human race this right here is a normal iPhone and this is a hundred thousand dollar golden phone
03:16No, I didn't get that for a Christmas present. I need to know why is it so expensive?
03:21No one told me diamond custom-made watch
03:23Why would you need a watch on a phone when you can just turn it on literally just flip it over?
03:28Is that a watch in the back? Yeah, it is a watch. So this is a hundred and fifty grand Tron bike
03:33Oh, I need to see that at nighttime. I would be terrified. Yeah, if you got a wreck that looks like you done
03:38You're like already laying and so like if you can't stop suddenly you just but it looks so cool Wow
03:45It does look good at night. Well, if you thought that was cool. Here's a hundred ninety thousand dollar combat robot
03:51One point how the heck is this a hundred ninety grand? I need someone to fact-check these prices
03:55That looks like it costs like twenty million dollars. No shot. That is a hundred ninety grand
04:01They gotta let us use this. Just let me use it. Just once
04:05250k super zoom camera lens Tariq just pops up. He's like, what'd you say?
04:09He said how much was that camera camera? I want to see it. All right, zoom in. Oh, wait, that's the camera
04:15Oh, wait, let's see this. Oh my gosh. It's still going. It's still going
04:19It's still go. Wait. Can you actually see the people? No way you can see them pretty clearly. That's insane
04:26So it went from this to that, dude
04:28I'm gonna go buy this so I can spy on people now that I know this technology exists
04:32I'm always gonna be paranoid. Someone could be watching us right now flying car. Oh snap. Really? You can just fly anywhere
04:37I wonder if you have to have a driver's license and a pilot's license, which is the plane and which is the car?
04:43Wait, can you get pulled over by the sky police? Oh, no
04:47What if you're getting chased by the police and you just take off and then they have to start following you with the helicopter
04:52But then you land and they're like crap. We gotta get cars again. We can't keep up with this guy
04:56So that seems a little unsafe. He looks like he knows what he's doing. Probably
05:00He seems calm. The landing would make me super nervous. It looks like it'd be really easy. Oh
05:05How much was it? 350 grand. I mean, this is what I'm saying
05:09You could buy a Lamborghini and like yeah, it's cool or whatever or you could buy a flying car
05:14You could fly to anywhere you want in your car. Yeah. Well this next thing's
05:18560 grand. What is it? I don't know. It said iPod something
05:23It's not an iPod. No, it's like a tube. What am I looking at? Well, he's got an iPad
05:31I don't understand. It's a giant speaker. A dock. A half a million dollar speaker? Yeah for your iPad. I'm skipping this one
05:38$680,000 hoverbike. I can see myself cruising the streets in that. I'm not gonna allow you. Please. You would die. I need you
05:44Well, you think I can be funny on my own? No, God no. 3d printer for boats. Oh, this is so cool
05:50This is where like 3d printing becomes practical. 3d printing. Okay, I spent a lot of time around my family these holidays
05:57My family. You know what? I'm going home. I don't even want to see them complete this really cool boat and look at him Jimmy
06:03They're floating in it. Wait, are they wearing life vests in that tiny little pool? They're all just standing there. No one is smiling
06:12most expensive projector in the
06:18Walnut. Can I watch anime on this? I think you have to watch something specifically made for it, right?
06:23Oh my gosh, I'm watching anime on it. I don't care
06:26Someone start a fundraiser and use the money to buy me this. Put me in this futuristic Lamborghini because apparently it's four million dollars
06:33I'm gonna be honest. I think the Aventador looks nicer. Mm-hmm and it costs way less. I like this better
06:38No, that doesn't look cool. It looks like a Star Wars like Podracer like. Guys, here's this and then here's a Lamborghini Aventador
06:45That is like 1 7th the cost. I'm buying the Aventador. This is so cool. 54 million dollar SpaceX Starship
06:51Really? It's only 54 million. Oh, that's like pocket change. No, I mean, that's actually really cheap compared to what I thought
06:59Is this the one that crashes? I think they've all crashed. Hey, you got a fail before you can succeed
07:04Oh that doesn't look like it's going all the way
07:06The camera's like this is where it should be and then he's like, wait a minute
07:09Why does it look like it's going slow and also fast at the same time? All right, let's see it doesn't go. Oh
07:15It's got it. It actually landed. This is the one that actually did it really Wow. Good job, Elon
07:22Robot arm prosthetic. That's actually pretty cool. Can he control it? Yeah, it looks like I wonder if it's nerves or if it's muscles
07:29It looks like those sensors might be like because when you move your arm your whole arm the muscles move
07:35So it looks like there might be reading this muscle movement. That's so cool. So this is supposedly 200 million dollars
07:40He's very expensive. Nah way too realistic. I've seen this robot before but I didn't know I didn't know her name or anything about her
07:47I've just I've seen her she got to meet Will Smith. I've never met Will
07:50I need to look good for my fans. Yes, you do and you have a lot of fans. That was so dry
07:56That was a robots just can't do humor. I know that that that ruined the video. Goodbye