Hydro Dipping a PS4 Controller-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Alright Jake, are you ready to do some life hacks you bet yeah, oh
00:09This is the first for us are we going to this kind of channel now they look they look very oh no oh no
00:14Oh, no, that was the lightest hit I've ever seen come on fine. What what?
00:21Oh, she was taking a timeout. That's illegal
00:28Don't understand Trey, what are you? What are you getting these clips?
00:34You guys might be wondering why does our set look different and that's because there's a lot of germs
00:40Yeah, that we have a lot of germs out there. This is my basement has the least amount of germs
00:44So that's why we're here. We are not allowed to say due to YouTube demonetizing some things, but there's a lot of germs
00:49So welcome to Jake's basement
00:51Welcome to my basement everybody. We also only have these Bob Barker microphones. There's two things I love
00:58It's female boxing in the places, right? Oh
01:00Dude, look at all the sugar caramelized. That's a gooey lolly right there. I tell you what is what it? Oh
01:07That's me under the pressure of society right now
01:13That's how you get them where they can swallow them without choking
01:17Look it's just like
01:19But they're staying together. It's gonna what Oh
01:23What is that bad, what are this? Oh, it's a shuttle cot
01:27They're mounting a shuttle cock
01:30Friends gonna do on our retreat
01:34Look at that Cheetos. Now. They're extra hot. Oh get it funny humor funny comedy. God mic drop
01:42Finally mic drop. Let me make sure my audio is still good. All right, we can mic drop mic drop
01:48Have you ever thought why could I do this?
01:52What was he out of milk just to make those noises? Oh
01:56Okay, so this is frosted flakes all these are cornflakes worse, oh no, this is a 3d printer
02:01It's just making this is how they make cereal. Yeah, it just gets spit out
02:07Look at it dude making cereal is so much fun. So easy-looking, too
02:12Dude, I don't know why everybody's talking about like we need a bigger supply. This thing can obviously just make random things
02:19What's he making now? Oh mini mix. Wow, that's so cool. It's even like all packaged are ready to go
02:25Do you think he has to put like the ingredients in the bottom or do you think it just knows what he wants?
02:30And it just makes it I think he just sweeps up his hardwood floor puts it in the bottom and then it comes out
02:34Peanuts see the joke their viewers at home is that we don't understand that this footage is in reverse
02:40Comedy gold. Oh
02:43Wait till we start screaming
02:46This isn't a major drill, this is a mini drill
02:57What's the deal with the mini drill what's the deal with random electronics being soldered together am I right
03:07Last night there was a joke and it was really complex and it was very funny and Katie didn't understand it
03:13And so it wasn't funny and I screamed at her you think Adam Sandler farting is funny. What do you know?
03:20And then we just both went to sleep
03:23There marriage over
03:26They say not to go to bed mad at your partner, but if your partner finds Adam Sandler funny go to bed furious
03:32Go to bed furious. Oh
03:34Look at drill
03:38It's more of a screwdriver than a drill, yeah
03:41That's helpful though. So you can use that on his other smaller life hacks
03:45Oh the other day
03:46I saw a funny comment on tik-tok this guy threw a can and it made a weird noise and somebody said boing but incursive
03:56Looks like my grandma when she fell
03:59Sorry, grandma, I love you. Did you see how much I look how high about
04:05Dude it's so jiggly. Whoa
04:09out of here
04:10No, it just hit him in the face for no reason. They didn't even show us. Yes. He's like, oh David
04:15That wasn't in the bit. You just hit me with a balloon winged in bold. You pointed me David
04:22My ears jello and Kiwi are actually two men I met on grinder
04:29It never fails that everything coming out of a meat grinder looks disgusting
04:34You could put literally anything in there and it just look at that. It's just like
04:40That looks like brain
04:57Was under the impression you could wrap this whole time you just scream rapper to me
05:02I'm a rapper. I'm like if Ned Flanders came out with a trap album. Howdy. Howdy. Oh neighbor
05:07How he did Lee I praise the Lord that I go to bed
05:12All right. Well, it's the age-old question who would win a redneck firework or ice?
05:17I think the ice is also redneck by association. I mean, it's in that weird box. What is this?
05:23Why is this dirty ice water? What is this? It is a redneck. I've never watched this
05:28I did not know this was gonna be a redneck firework. I
05:32Hold the wood, please. Alright, so first we're gonna start it small with the m80 style firework gonna see what happens
05:38This is in the cocktail bottle. I'm allowed to say that it is the name. Yeah, I was reading that
05:42Correct. All right. Watch it. I
05:45Didn't time it, right
05:50Got it, right first try that was weak that was terrible feel ashamed never do that again
05:55I have some some dirty dirty ice in my
06:01Boy I'm sad. I wanted to see the big boy. We're gonna tune in next week. You ever had a random idea
06:06Well, this guy's had five and this is his fifth one and he's making ocarina out of a bird
06:11They're not that random if he's like listing them numerically. Oh wait, look at this. He made an air conditioner
06:17Oh, wow, that's smart until it leaks water everywhere. Yeah, I like on to the electronic part of the bottom of the fan
06:23You can't mess up this
06:26That that cools your house down long enough before the house fire starts. I need hacks with more kitties
06:32I want a life hack with only I want a cat themed life at send it to me email it to me. Here's my email
06:41My personal email. This is my personal email. Here's my home phone. Put your cat on speaker. Here's my address
06:46Just come present it to me. Oh, look at that. Now he can cut that
06:52How many times have you been trying to unlock your door at your house?
06:56And you can't get the lights on and you can't see the hole and you've had a couple of apple juices
07:00You just want to go home and go to bed
07:02But you can't get the key in there and then so you just start kicking the door
07:05But then you hurt your foot and then your wife's like are you always get so angry at things and you're like
07:10Shut up. I just won't go to bed. I
07:13Also get yelled at by your wife when I try to break into your home
07:17Our cameras stop recording. We don't know when
07:21Editors, do you wanna?
07:23You want to make us look like Canadians on South Park wink wink those CMOS batteries do be lasting a long time
07:31So you probably got a good two years three years of light in you and you're not gonna use this every day
07:36Just when you need it, that's smart. That is smart. That's the smartest hack. I think we've seen in a while
07:40Yeah, I rate this nine out of ten on the useful scale. All right, so hydro dipping is a huge craze right now
07:47Everybody's getting into it. Number one thing
07:49I want to tell you is if you do want to hydro dip should probably take your controller apart and not just dip it in
07:54Water like this guy the electronics are hydro dipped now. All the wires have paint. What's wrong with your motherboard in here?
08:01Oh, it's hydro dip. I hydro dip my motherboard
08:04It does actually like work really well, though. I've seen a lot of people doing it with phone kit
08:10Oh, that would be before this we were arguing what we should hydro dip and then we deemed that we didn't have anything
08:15I was just gonna hydro dip my whole phone. I just
08:18Last oh, no. Oh, there we go. Sorry headphones get unplugged. We have a lot of makeshift equipment today. Look at that
08:25It looks like those old Dixie cups
08:2890s or 80s or wherever that was making the controller look like sugar ice cream. It says car versus shaving cream probably boring
08:35I'll be the judge of that. Whoa, look at this fruit. That's a it's our peppers fruit is the block ready?
08:41Oh, oh, that's unsafe. I'm gonna pop your tire
08:46Explosion I haven't shaved my beard because there's been no point. So I've just been smashing my shaving cream
08:51What did you think I was talking about? Oh, I thought you meant what I was doing in this basement
08:56Is that what a feeder stick? This is hand soap. It burns less. Oh
09:01My god, if there's one thing I love it's bubbles and color and if you mix those two together
09:06You got a happy Chris. Oh, is this what happens when you're gonna switch bricks?
09:10We want to play Animal Crossing still my question is why is everything in other countries look so different than over here?
09:15Like why are bottle shaped different?
09:17Like have you ever noticed that like you can tell a soda or a water is from overseas because the top is thick
09:24And then the middle is skinny and then the bottom is thick like the bottle you see how all these bottles are like weirdly
09:30Middle is always skinny. Where are they trying to this is they have unrealistic expectations for their bottles
09:35So I was trying to say but my brain couldn't think that's enough. Oh
09:38Whoa, what is that goop? Are you guys trying to make Ninja Turtles? What are you guys doing? Whoa?
09:43Now if you want to see something cool
09:46Elephant foam elephant foam on the screen right now. Look at that. That's cool phone. This looks like what teletubbies do after a rave
09:55The ground is vomiting I
09:58Bet the worms were like this is cool, but uh, we supposed to do with all this
10:06This isn't like this is this is we don't want that on any of this equipment
10:10I only care cuz most of this is mine. Oh my bad. No, if it was trays we can keep doing it
10:14Yeah, there's this trace we could just throw it away. All right chemistry me. Oh, that's a nice camera
10:20This is a nice beat for chemistry. Dude. This has a really weird aesthetic vibe to it. You know what I mean?
10:25This is like an alt alt rap music video. Oh
10:28This looks like something you would see on TikTok. Actually just cut the borders out and then put like a caption
10:34That's like I can't believe they did this and then you've got 2 million views on TikTok. Easy. Steal it. We don't care
10:41Oh joy division album cover. I love that dude
10:43It does look like an album cover or it looks like it looks like if somebody ate a bunch of really bad stuff
10:49This would be their x-ray. We don't know what's going on in there, man
10:52I ate several Rorschach tests. This is what happened to them up. This is what happens when you lick
10:58lead paint walls
11:00Your organs are just like
11:11It's technically okay to say I said brownies man, he's talking about cosmic brownies
11:16Also, by the way, I saw a thread on Twitter people were hating on cosmic brownies cosmic brownies are incredible
11:22Brownies could get me hot meals by trading
11:26Hey sneeze into your elbows elbows cuz then only your elbows carry the germs I guess. Oh
11:32So first thing you got to do is cut the tops off water. I thought it was gonna hydro dip his contact lenses
11:38I can't see but I look so cool
11:43That's actually really good
11:49Don't know how many times I've thrown something away and the trash bag was like
11:53No, you stay your job is to stay in there trash cans like
11:58But I'm shy you got company over whoa, what are we doing with this Disney sweater? That's probably not
12:06You got broad shoulders you got some broad manly shoulders
12:11You ever been to a really really nice like designer clothing place and they have those big
12:17Like hangers. Yeah, that's what they're doing
12:20I've always wanted those but have you ever seen how much they are?
12:23How much are they it's like $10 for a pack of five what you get 30 hangers for a dollar?
12:28Yeah, and then you just get a couple of a couple of bottles
12:30It's probably roughly the same price if you bought a ping, but a boom BAM
12:33All right, so you take something useful like a light bulb and make it not useful
12:40With a plastic cup, bro, you didn't have to waste an entire light bulb. We're getting some stuff happening now
12:46We're putting wires in this. I thought he was just gonna put like his phone in there
12:49Oh, I think you should cut his fingernails. That's what I think. I think he's a clean. I hear the sound of a drill
12:54I don't know drill. Yeah
12:57He just has work construction noises in the background. So his wife doesn't come in honey. What are you doing in there inventing?
13:03I'm inventing things. It sounds like it. I hear the drill. I hear the drill. It's fine
13:07I remember when I was a kid
13:09I had a bunch of random little toys and one had a speaker in it and broke and I took it apart because I was
13:14Just playing around and I I put the two wires on a piece of metal and it just went
13:21And it literally scared the absolute crap out of me because I thought I had just got electrocuted
13:27Cuz that's your first instinct when you're a kid, you don't understand how I'm dead. Am I dead? I'm good. All right
13:32All right. This is how long is this video? We're not watching five minutes five minutes. All right
13:37We're gonna click ahead
13:44He's wiring what is that it's a circuit board dude, this is so complex
13:48I thought he was just gonna put a phone inside of a cup. I don't have this kind of time. I don't have five minutes
13:54Whoa, it's Bluetooth. No, what it looks like he may wait himself. You're gonna hear it
14:07I feel like I'm in an elevator that's going past an Indian restaurant. That's what I feel
14:28That does look like a camera it looks like a really weird camera
14:31I like in a movie, you know, you ever seen those like cartoons where the camera's eye also has like a real person's eye
14:37Yeah, like blinks at you. That's what that looks like. It's set up in a shower, too
14:41Like you're trying to wash and it's like I'm sorry Chris. I'm afraid I can't let you do that
14:44All right, ladies and gentlemen, we hope you enjoyed this weird episode of life hacks
14:48I know our set looks a little different but bear with us until all of these germs are gone
14:53They say wash your hands and go outside as little as possible. Try not to kiss your homies
14:58Please don't kiss your homie unless you have to