Most Expensive Airplane Ticket-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00What would you buy if you had infinite money in the world?
00:02Well, just watch this video to see the ridiculously stupid things you could buy
00:06We're gonna start things off small with the world's most expensive chocolate bar. This is a Louis Vuitton gold chocolate bar
00:12It's how much a hundred dollars. Why would you buy the world's most expensive chocolate bar when you could buy the world's best chocolate bar?
00:18Hey feastables. That's not why we put this here. It's edible gold Wow
00:21Oh, and it comes in a box a Louise the 13th grand gold bar. I know my Roman numerals
00:28That's a little cheap now the most expensive water in the world didn't we literally buy this and drink this we bought water from the
00:34Same company, but I think ours was only $800. Apparently, this is
00:38$8,000 Wow, not this guy. Oh, look at his shirt. He's an anime reference. What a nerd. All right, let's see
00:46That's fake sound effects
00:50The bottles not even high enough for him to be gulping yet. Tyler exposed you gross. He's drinking aquafina. I'm a water criticizer
00:57What makes this water 10 times better than what we drink?
01:00So I remember finding out about the $800 water
01:03The only thing that made it expensive was the physical bottle it had diamonds on it now the most expensive air in a can
01:09Oh, I was telling you about this when you told me the title of this video. I love watching this show
01:14We've listed this on our website for 10 grand
01:16And 10 grand air Wow per bottle per can when people are drinking a lot of grape juice in the club
01:22They get too tired because the grape juice you can take that pure oxygen
01:26Get you going. It helps with the grape juice hangover. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you didn't know about that
01:30How about you just drink less grape juice?
01:33This is the most expensive plane ticket in the world. I saw this living room. Oh, it's this guy
01:38I don't like this guy invited this caveman. I can say that cuz I'm his friend Casey's sitting there. He's like we're friends
01:46What makes this expensive is you have a private bedroom a private bathroom and your own living room in the sky?
01:51Wow, that's a lot of cheddar Wowzers. There's a hallway Wow
01:56You guys said that it we did and then you have a bed
01:58But I don't know like even if I was super super rich 30 grand is a lot of money
02:02That's a nice toilet. That is good. You know, it's all it's good if it has LEDs
02:07Right here a shower would be nice because after I fall asleep on the plane for 15 hours
02:12And I wake up in a pool of my own sweat and confusion. I'm gonna want to take a shower
02:17This is the most expensive Xbox controller in the world. It is
02:22$90,000 and wait, I gotta go fart. Tell me if you can hear it from over here
02:25No, I couldn't hear it. Oh, it's Linus. I look how happy he looks happy. He looks homeless
02:31Linus just progressively just got so hopeless as he got more successful
02:36Yeah, I used to watch every Linus video when I was in the IT world now
02:39I don't touch computers at all anymore now
02:41We're up to a pair of a hundred thousand dollar dice
02:43And if you think these dice are cool, just wait till we get to the billions later in this video. Yeah
02:49100k for dice. Hold on. It looked kind of like there was like a little bit of diamonds on the table go back
02:54So when he throws the dice and then he picks him up, there's a little bit of shine on the table
02:58Did he leave like you see that? Yeah, there was some shot. Yeah, he lost like a couple hundred bucks. That's so
03:05And if you'd rather not spend a hundred thousand dollars on a pair of dice, here's a downtown LA apartment
03:09That's only 25 grand more a month. Oh a month a month. Oh, I thought that said oh my gosh
03:15I mean at least that's a helipad. I didn't know if that was just the top of the building
03:18Do you get the whole building?
03:19Oh, you get the very top and it's like a house
03:21Oh, so as an apartment complex and then they build a house at the very top and so the rich guy gets to stay up
03:26There so every day you're spending four thousand dollars to live there. Do you get to control the LED?
03:31I feel like if I live at the top, I'm spending four thousand dollars a day to live there
03:35I can change the LEDs to whatever color whenever I like five bedrooms. That's it
03:40Wait, wait, who has a two bathroom to one bedroom ratio? Yeah, usually it's the complete opposite
03:45Well, who does what this is the world's stinkiest guy the world's richest and stinkiest barely the more richer you get the more bathrooms
03:52You need. All right. This is the most expensive bed in the world 200 grand. Really?
03:56They're just jumping on it laying on a
03:59$200,000 bed made of horsehair
04:02Why was that funny? I don't know good concept. You know what? I'll buy it. Let's say I DM like PewDiePie
04:08I'm like, hey come over and he's like no and then I'm like
04:10I got a $200,000 bed in my guest room. You can sleep on so you want to sleep with PewDiePie on a
04:15$200,000 no rich boy cuddles. Don't you think he would come?
04:21This is the most expensive bike in the world it costs
04:24$325,000 is it actually made out of gold? Wouldn't that technically be so freaking heavy? Oh, it's covered
04:30It's called the 24k gold men's racing bike
04:32If you're a woman and you want to buy this bike get out
04:35This is a gendered bike and it is only for men. Dang it. Go buy a house
04:39Maybe it's not because only men are stupid enough to buy it. I was about to say that. That is so facts. Oh, okay
04:45They just have a business of putting gold on everything. This is the most expensive Monopoly game on earth
04:50This Monopoly board costs 850 grand. Uh-huh. Jimmy wants it. Jimmy loves Monopoly. I do
04:55Why do you love a game that takes five hours to play and everybody just leave because it distracts me from my pain in life
05:01Oh, I call the car or the thimble. I'm always the trash can because it reminds me of me
05:04Okay, what do you want us to say?
05:05It's a gold Monopoly board some rich dummies gonna buy it and show his friends and they're gonna be like Wow
05:11Geoffrey that's impressive now. We're up to the millions. This is where we film creator games
05:15We literally played hide-and-seek in these rooms and might I add these rooms are insane
05:19You have your own private kitchen private bathroom private like seating section. I didn't go to that video
05:24I went to the one where we cleaned up trash on the beach
05:28But I'm glad I went to that one. This is the most expensive diamond
05:31Oh the most expensive diamond chain you guys got a picture of mine. Oh my god. It's the mirakami chain
05:36Isn't that six nines also? Yeah, it is. It's a million dollar chain. This is before he he did the snitching and stuff
05:42That's funny
05:43That's cool. All right, this is a 1.25 million dollar motorhome. I know you want this
05:48How do Lamborghinis like this cost more than this mobile home? That thing is big and you could put a smart car in
05:54Yeah, that's cool to having the little cars clutch. That is really nice actually for RV
05:59I've been in a lot of RVs. This actually kind of reminds me of a nice boat. Oh
06:04That's a good bed and not a 28 inch TV like most RVs have up next is a 1.5 million dollar
06:12Guitar, let's see this guitar dude just to play where his fingers touch would be insane
06:16You can tell he actually like played the crap. Oh, wait, he's just playing it
06:22What if he snaps a string and now we're onto something actually interesting. This is the most expensive dog on the planet
06:29He got a fat face. Oh my gosh. Can I buy that dog?
06:32No, why probably cuz the owner probably doesn't want to sell it cuz it's so freaking cute man
06:37Look at it. These shoes have
06:3918,000 diamonds on them and are worth over two million dollars. That sounds like a great way to get robbed
06:44Remember that guy from Nickelodeon Nick Cannon. Yeah, these are his I still can't get over the fact that you introduced Nick Cannon
06:50That's the guy from Nickelodeon. He's probably so bad. I don't think Nick Cannon's watching our react videos
06:54Hey, if you are come be in one. Hey, Nick, we love you. Now, we're gonna move on to a five million dollar
07:00Watch colored diamonds that are extraordinarily rare. Did you fart Jimmy? I did. I didn't leave the room this time
07:06The one time I don't leave the room. Hey, it's fine. I can still react like this
07:10Bro, that doesn't even look like a watch
07:12Like it looks like you just threw diamonds at something and they just stuck there and then you're like beautiful
07:17And that's why we've called it the hallucination. How about you hallucinate onto a better design for your watch?
07:24What the freaking face of the watch is tiny?
07:27What the heck that's literally just jewels on your wrist. Remember that home on wheels that was only 1.2 million dollars
07:33Mm-hmm. Well, this is another car, but it costs 25 million dollars
07:37There are two million crystals on the door. Some people say that I wasted so much money on this car
07:43Some would say I wasted so much money on this car
07:46I wonder who was crazy enough to insinuate you wasted money on your 25 million dollar diamond Lamborghini
07:51I'll be that person in the world of supercars. The Lamborghini will always reign supreme. I don't know about that
07:57It's kind of like the Walmart of supercars. Lamborghini's is peak car
08:00I'm Ivan if you're a basic like normal look at that. That looks like a freaking Batmobile
08:05All right. Now we're on to a 31 million dollar golden. Yeah, which isn't a Jeffrey Bezos shot
08:10We're still working our way up, but it's a nice shot. This is gotta be a clip from Grand Theft Auto
08:13This is not real. It has to just be painted gold. There's no way it's covered in gold and only 31 million
08:18Yeah, just a yacht normally cost tens of millions. Yeah, this is just a really nice yacht and it has a gold color on it
08:25If it was actually golden it would cost billions now
08:27We're really getting up there
08:28This next item is a hundred million dollars and I'm gonna let you viewers try to guess what it is
08:32Is it a car a house or a candy bar the candy bar might just be there to throw you off
08:36But you never know. It's a hundred million dollar car. If you thought it was a candy bar. You're literally stupid slightly a car
08:41Yeah, I'm starting to get into it. If a
08:43100 million dollars Wow
08:48And they let her start it a hundred million dollar car. Not only did they let her start it
08:52I bet she's gonna drive it. It's super car blog. Oh wait, she's not driving
08:55Oh now take that and double it
08:58This is a 200 million dollar private jet potentially one of the most expensive private jets on earth
09:03I'm gonna hit you with this Jimmy. Yep. It looks like somebody just bought a big normal jet. Oh, they're mine
09:08They're mine Jimmy. They need to make it look cooler on the outside
09:11It looks like a freaking United Airlines flight on the outside on the inside. It's the Palace of Versailles. That's so beautiful
09:17I love the this is ridiculous. Oh
09:20Cut the camera in 5k what a dingus and now the moment you've all been waiting for
09:25Jeffrey Bezos is half a billion dollar yacht
09:28This yacht cost more than everyone watching this video has in a bank account combined probably times like four
09:32This is capitalism in a ship. Holy crap
09:36Oh, man, is that Jeff that was the most expensive yacht in the world. This is the most expensive home in the world
09:41It's in India two billion. It's located in the inner city of Mumbai India
09:46And you're some of the city's most poverty stricken slums
09:49That's somebody's house and they built it over the poverty so they didn't have to deal with it
09:54Who let someone have that much money? It also has a one hundred and sixty-eight vehicle multi-level car parking lot
09:59Wow, well three helipads if your other two helicopters are landing, what are you gonna do with the third helicopter?
10:05What situation are you in where you're landing three helicopters at one time?
10:09I can't give you a two billion dollar home
10:11But I can give one of you a thousand dollars someone that subscribes in the next seven days is gonna be walking away with a
10:15Grant so if you haven't already hit the subscribe button right now, I'm gonna go put my shirt back on