Reality Of Miracle Happened In Khana Kaaba.. Islamic & informative channel

  • last month
Islamic And informative video
00:00The miracle that happened in Kaaba Sharif
00:02In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
00:05Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you
00:08I am Jameel Ahmed Jami
00:09All the praises are for Allah
00:12We praise Him
00:15We ask for His help
00:17I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah
00:21Dear viewers, Allah the Almighty, along with His Prophet,
00:25sent all the prophets in this world
00:28Give them some of the miracles from your hidden treasures
00:32There are some miracles
00:34for which it is not necessary to have prophets
00:37and they can only be called a miracle of Allah's power
00:41The real description of a miracle is that it was performed by a prophet
00:46However, in general terms, such strange and rare miracles of nature are also called a miracle
00:51Recently, a video has gone viral of a Pakistani sitting in the Kaaba
00:57about which many people claim that it is a miracle
01:00In today's video, we will inform you about the facts of this viral video
01:05We will also tell you about some of the miracles that took place in Sardamin-e-Haram
01:10Along with Sardamin-e-Haram, we will also mention some of the miracles of that person
01:15who himself was a miracle
01:17To know about all these things, I request you to watch the video without skipping to the end
01:23And if you are new to our channel, then first of all subscribe to our channel
01:28Viewers, in this video, which you can also see on your screen,
01:31it is being shown that in a very hot climate,
01:33the people of Umrah, sitting in the Kaaba, were helpless from the heat
01:37and the intense sun was dazzling them
01:39However, in a few moments, a cloud took them in its shadow
01:44and suddenly the heat of the sun disappeared
01:46The video that the Pakistani shared with the front camera of his mobile
01:51cannot be called an edited video
01:54However, there is some ambiguity in this
01:56In the video, it is claimed that this cloud, which looks completely round,
02:00has surrounded the Kaaba and has shadowed the visitors in the area around the Kaaba
02:09However, this part of the video is worth criticizing
02:11because that person is deliberately giving a miraculous likeness to the round shape of the cloud
02:16It is true that the visitors there keep seeing different miracles of Allah
02:22However, in order to understand the logic of this world,
02:26as Allah has given in the Holy Qur'an
02:29and has said to ponder over the universe
02:32and to understand the logic of the world,
02:35we can understand from its soul that a cloud can never be completely round
02:40As in this video, the cloud is being called round cloud
02:44It looks like a donut
02:46and the sun is shining through it
02:48while the round cloud is visible
02:50If we stop this video and look closely,
02:53we can see the scattered pieces of the cloud around this round cloud
02:57And on this basis, it can be said that this cloud is not round
03:00but a miracle of a scientific vision
03:02It cannot be called a complete scientific religion
03:06because all these religions are actually found in nature
03:10If you have ever seen the light through a round hole,
03:15then you will know that the source of light is spread evenly all around
03:21Similarly, the lens used to see inside the camera also works on this principle
03:26and because of this, this vision of nature is seen in some form of a miracle
03:30Because the light is coming from the middle of this cloud
03:33and it is being reflected from the lens of the camera
03:36so Newtonian rings are being formed here
03:39because of which these light rings
03:41are showing the part of the surrounding cloud more prominently
03:46and this cloud is visible round
03:48but only to the extent of the camera
03:50If we zoom it, we can see the remaining pieces of the cloud around this round cloud
03:56which makes it clear that this cloud is not round at all
04:01In this regard, it is worth mentioning that
04:03this brother cannot be completely blamed
04:06But it can definitely be held responsible for misrepresenting to some extent
04:11Because it is visible round in the video of the mobile screen
04:15so it has put a circle of round cloud
04:18When it sees with its own eyes, then the human eye has the ability
04:21that it can see why this round shape is being formed
04:25and whether this present cloud is really round or not
04:29It has done this to create a buzz and thrill in the public
04:33Dear viewers, please remember that
04:35we are not saying that miracles do not take place in Haram-e-Pak and Madinah Munawwara
04:40and you do not get to see the wonders of the power of Allah there
04:44This is not the case at all
04:45The biggest miracle of Haram-e-Kaaba is the one that has been mentioned in the Holy Quran
04:49and it is still going on
04:51This miracle came into existence as a result of the prayer of Prophet Abraham
04:54and its blessings and blessings are still present in this region
04:57Even if there is no cruel ruler in this region
05:03The blessings and blessings of this region have been continued by Allah
05:06according to the promise of His beloved Khalilullah to Prophet Abraham
05:10As it is mentioned in different places in the Holy Quran
05:13that Prophet Abraham built the Kaaba
05:16and in this regard, Prophet Ismail raised his hand
05:19Prophet Abraham prayed that
05:22O Allah, open the doors of your blessings to the people living in this region
05:26and grant them all kinds of fruits and provisions in abundance
05:29so that there is never any problem here
05:32and these people keep worshipping only you
05:35If we look at the history of the Haramain Sharifain
05:38then even before the time of Prophet Muhammad
05:41this region of Arabia where Mecca and Madinah are present
05:45i.e. this region of Hijaz is the center of the largest trade route in the world
05:49i.e. the trading caravans coming and going from other parts of the world
05:53would definitely stop on the coast of Hijaz
05:56or at least they would come to Yemen
05:58As the Banu Hashim tribe of Prophet Muhammad
06:02was a part of a large tribe of the Quraish
06:04and the Quraish are the people who trade
06:07In the biography of Prophet Muhammad
06:11it is mentioned that
06:12Prophet Muhammad went from the port of trade to Yemen, Syria
06:16and to the remote areas of Daraz
06:19because of this trade, Allah Almighty
06:21never tested this region with hunger or thirst
06:24and He did not allow the world to be deprived of other blessings
06:28Otherwise, if you see this region in its original form
06:32then where can this desert region produce all these species
06:36which include wheat, various fruits and vegetables etc.
06:39Despite this, all kinds of fruits, fruits and species come here
06:44which the merchants of Mecca used to buy and bring here
06:47and the same process is still going on in this era
06:49Even today, there is no agriculture in Saudi Arabia
06:52Despite this, in Mecca and Madinah
06:54you can get all kinds of fruits, food, vegetables, spices
06:58and all the blessings of the world
07:00from the rest of the countries of the world
07:02at cheap prices
07:04Along with this, Allah Almighty has also given His special grace
07:08and there are very few incidents
07:10when due to the lack of rain, it becomes dry here
07:13Those incidents were also such that
07:15when the people here prayed together
07:17and reached the Kaaba
07:18and asked Allah Almighty for His mercy
07:21then Allah Almighty immediately rained rain here
07:23That is, we never see any kind of natural disaster in this region
07:28Along with this, all the blessings of the world are also present here
07:32The pigeons present in the Kaaba
07:34and the animals around also seem to behave very strangely
07:38and never harm anyone
07:41The biggest miracle present in this region at the moment is that
07:44the pilgrims who go here and the visitors of Umrah
07:47do not get tired of this most difficult worship
07:50but a new energy is filled in them
07:52The most intense physical effort during this worship
07:55if done somewhere else in the world
07:58then the body becomes a victim of a severe type of breakdown
08:01However, the impressions of every person going here
08:03are that no doubt Hajj is a very difficult worship
08:07but the effects of this hard work
08:09appear to some extent only after returning home
08:12Living there, no matter how tired a person is
08:15his body and mind do not have any such effect
08:18These pilgrims of Hajj and Umrah
08:20If they do not return immediately after completing their worship
08:23and stay here for a few days
08:25then the effect of this hard work on their body
08:27is completely eliminated
08:29They do not fall ill even after returning home
08:31These are the miracles of Allah Almighty
08:33which are still continuing in this region today
08:35It is not an ordinary thing for such miracles to take place on this land
08:39The relationship of this land is with the Master of two worlds
08:41peace and blessings of Allah be upon him
08:43and the Prophet himself was a miracle
08:46Viewers, here with the land of Arabia
08:48We will continue to discuss the miracles of the Beloved Prophet
08:53The first miracles of the Prophets
08:56were all collected in the blessed body of the Prophet
09:01to the extent that the Prophet's hair was considered a miracle
09:06Many of the miracles of the Prophet
09:09are related to plants, plants and animals
09:12The pebbles are inscribed in the hand of the Prophet
09:17Trees and palm trees send salutations and prostrations to the Prophet
09:22Deer accept the Prophet as a guarantor
09:26Camels narrate the stories of sorrow to the Prophet
09:30In the books of Hadith and Seerat-e-Mubarak
09:33there is mention of many fortunate trees
09:36which glorified and honored the Prophet
09:40and recognized the status of Prophethood
09:42Many trees, on the call of the Prophet
09:45came to the court of the Prophet
09:47tearing the earth
09:48and gained the glory of the Prophethood
09:50All the Prophets were given practical miracles
09:55But the Master of the Universe
09:58was given thousands of practical miracles
10:01along with a great scientific miracle, the Holy Qur'an
10:05The living and the living is a great miracle
10:09which with its miraculous status and glory
10:12is still present with the Ummah
10:15The word miracle is derived from the word Ijz
10:18which means something that makes the mind weak
10:21Something that is completely different from the ordinary
10:24which amazes the human being
10:27Without a doubt, the miracle of the Prophets
10:29is the miracle of the Divine Power
10:31Once upon a time, in the desolate valley of Mecca
10:34the Prophet of Allah
10:37Raqana bin Abdul Yazid
10:39who was a very powerful wrestler of the Quraish
10:41and there was no greater wrestler in the Quraish
10:44met him
10:46He invited him to Islam
10:48He demanded that if you defeat me in wrestling
10:51then I will accept Islam
10:53The Prophet of Allah
10:55not once, but twice defeated him in wrestling
10:58He said to the Prophet of Allah
11:01It is amazing that you defeated me
11:03The Prophet of Allah said
11:06I will present to you even more strange and strange things
11:09but the condition is that you fear Allah
11:11Change your behavior and accept my feet
11:14He asked what do you want to show?
11:16The Prophet of Allah said
11:19I will call that tree to me
11:21He said call it
11:23The Prophet of Allah commanded the tree
11:25and the tree walked from its place
11:27and came to the Prophet of Allah
11:30After that, the Prophet of Allah commanded it to go back
11:33and it went back to its place
11:35Similarly, Aqasha bin Mahsan
11:37Mahsan was fighting in the Battle of Badr
11:39with a lot of heartlessness
11:41that his sword broke while fighting
11:43He came to the Prophet of Allah
11:46The Prophet of Allah gave him a date stick
11:50and said, Aqasha go and fight the enemies
11:53Hazrat Aqasha, may Allah be pleased with him
11:55grabbed that stick and shook it
11:57then it became a long sword
11:59whose blade was sharp and shiny
12:01and it was strong
12:03Hazrat Aqasha used this sword well in the battlefield of Badr
12:06The name of that sword was Al-Aun
12:08Hazrat Aqasha had this sword for a long time
12:11and he kept showing his strength in Jihad
12:14Similarly, Hazrat Qatada bin Nu'man
12:16fought in the battle of Uhud with a lot of heartlessness
12:19and showed the strength of his bravery
12:21In the battle of Uhud, Hazrat Qatada bin Nu'man's eye was injured
12:24and his puppet came out and started hanging on his cheek
12:27Hazrat Qatada narrates
12:29The Prophet of Allah
12:31put the puppet back in his eye with his blessed hand
12:34and his eye was completely cured
12:36This eye was sharper and better than the other eye
12:39Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood says
12:41I used to graze the goats of Uqba bin Abi Mu'id
12:45Once the Prophet of Allah passed by
12:49He asked me, O boy, do you have milk?
12:53I said, Yes, I have milk, but it is someone's property
12:56I do not dare to give
12:58The Prophet of Allah said
13:00Do you have a goat that has never been pregnant?
13:03I said, Yes, if there is such a goat
13:05Then I served that goat
13:07The Prophet of Allah turned his hand on his thigh
13:11He kept stroking his thigh for a while
13:13Milk came down from his thigh
13:15He filled a pot with milk and drank it himself
13:17and also gave it to his companion
13:19Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq
13:21After this, the thighs of the goat became like before
13:24Once Abu Lahab's son Utaiba
13:26insulted the glory of the Prophet of Allah
13:29The Prophet of Allah said
13:32The Prophet of Allah cursed him
13:36O Allah, make a dog out of your dogs
13:39The curse of the Prophet of Allah was fulfilled
13:43After a while, Utaiba and his father Abu Lahab
13:46went on a business trip to Syria
13:48They stayed at a place
13:50There was a fort there
13:52The people there said that lions roam here
13:54Like goats roam in other areas
13:57Abu Lahab was cursed by the Prophet of Allah
14:00He said to other caravans
14:02that the Prophet of Allah
14:04has cursed my son
14:06I am very worried about him
14:08So, you gather all the goods in the courtyard of the fort
14:11and put my son's bed on it
14:13Then you all sleep around the goods
14:15The caravans did the same
14:17When they slept at night, a lion came from the forest
14:20He smelled all the people of the caravan
14:22But he did not say anything to anyone
14:24He was looking for the Prophet of Allah
14:26The lion jumped from behind
14:29He climbed on the top of the goods
14:31He smelled the face of Utaiba
14:33He tore his face
14:35He opened his head
14:37Abu Lahab was in a very bad condition
14:39He was saying that he knew
14:41that his son will never be saved from the curse of the Prophet of Allah
14:44After the victory of Khaibar
14:46When the Prophet of Allah
14:48was sitting peacefully
14:50A Jew, Zainab bin Al-Harith
14:52killed the Prophet of Allah
14:54She conspired
14:56and poisoned the meat of a goat
14:58and gave it to the Prophet of Allah
15:00She gave it to the Prophet of Allah
15:02Before she sent the meat
15:04She found out
15:06which part of the meat
15:08the Prophet of Allah liked
15:10It was said that the meat of the hand
15:12was preferred
15:14So, she poisoned the meat of the hand
15:16After that, she roasted the meat
15:18and gave it to the Prophet of Allah
15:20She gave it to the Prophet of Allah
15:22She picked up the meat of the hand
15:24The Prophet of Allah took a bite
15:26but it did not come out
15:28Instead, he re-roasted it
15:30The Prophet of Allah said
15:32This goat's bone is telling me
15:34that it has been poisoned
15:36The woman was called
15:38She admitted that she did it
15:40When she was asked
15:42why she did it
15:44She replied
15:46The Prophet of Allah
15:48treated my nation
15:50in front of the Prophet of Allah
15:52I will be relieved
15:54from this poison
15:56If you are a true Prophet
15:58Allah will inform you
16:00The Prophet of Allah
16:02forgave her at that time
16:04But later, the effect of the poison
16:06killed the Prophet of Allah
16:08The Prophet of Allah
16:10killed the woman
16:12Similarly, the battle of Ahzab
16:14which is also called the Battle of Khandaq
16:16Before that battle
16:18When Khandaq was being dug
16:20A stone fell
16:22The stone hit hard but did not break
16:24The Prophet of Allah
16:26was informed
16:28The Prophet of Allah came
16:30and hit the stone
16:32sparks came out
16:34The Prophet of Allah said
16:36Rome was conquered
16:38The second hit
16:40sparks came out
16:42The Prophet of Allah said
16:44Iran was conquered
16:46The third hit
16:48The Prophet of Allah said
16:50I swear to God
16:52I can see the red palaces of Bahrain
16:54In the days to come
16:56Rome and Iran were conquered
16:58And many areas of Rome
17:00came under Islam
17:02Only the city of Constantinople
17:04was left
17:06To conquer this city
17:08To fulfill the prophecy of the Prophet
17:10More than 14 kings
17:12killed the army
17:14After 800 years
17:16The Prophecy of the Prophet
17:18was fulfilled
17:20On the occasion of the Battle of Khandaq
17:22When everyone had tied stones on their stomach
17:24A Sahabi went to his house
17:26and killed a goat
17:28He asked his family
17:30to cook food
17:32He came to the Prophet
17:34He said
17:367-8 people's food is ready
17:40The Prophet
17:42came with 60-70 people
17:44The Prophet
17:46saw the face of the Sahabi
17:48and said
17:50Without removing the plate
17:52take out the food
17:54and without removing the handkerchief
17:56take out the bread
17:58In the same way
18:0060-70 people
18:02ate the food of those 7-8 people
18:04and when the guests left
18:06the remaining food
18:08was still left
18:10Understanding the language of animals
18:12It was a miracle of the Prophet
18:14When some people
18:16came to meet him
18:18His camel put his head long
18:20and put his feet on his feet
18:22and said
18:24The Prophet said
18:26He is complaining to me
18:28that you take a lot of work from him
18:30You give less food
18:32and you are strict
18:34After two months
18:36they brought the camel again
18:38and presented it to the Prophet
18:40and said
18:42During this time
18:44we did not take any work from him
18:46and just fed him
18:48You take care of his health
18:50and if you allow
18:52we will start taking work from him
18:54In the same way
18:56a Sahabi
18:58for the Prophet
19:00made a wooden pillar
19:02and placed it in the Masjid-e-Nabawi
19:04The Prophet
19:06was excited to give a sermon
19:08and the pillar
19:10was made of dry wood
19:12and the Prophet
19:14used to give a sermon
19:16before the pillar
19:18and he started crying
19:20When the Prophet
19:22saw the pillar
19:24he gave a sermon
19:26and came to the pillar
19:28and hugged him
19:30and said
19:32This is a sin
19:34I swear
19:36If I had not hugged him
19:38he would have cried
19:40for my separation
19:42The Prophet
19:44asked the pillar
19:46Do you want me
19:48to put you in the same garden
19:50from where you were cut
19:52where you will be filled with green
19:54so that by the end of the day
19:56the people of the East and the West
19:58will eat your fruit
20:00He replied
20:02I could not bear
20:04the separation from you
20:06How can I bear the loneliness
20:08till the Day of Judgment
20:10The Prophet asked
20:12Do you want me
20:14to plant you in the garden
20:16so that you will be filled
20:18with green
20:20so that by the end of the day
20:22the people of the East
20:24and the West
20:26will eat your fruit
20:28The Prophet
20:32The Prophet
20:36The Prophet
20:40The Prophet
20:44The Prophet
20:48The Prophet
20:52The Prophet
20:56The Prophet
21:00The Prophet
21:04The Prophet
21:08The Prophet
21:12The Prophet
21:16The Prophet
21:20The Prophet
21:24The Prophet
21:28The Prophet
21:32The Prophet
21:36The Prophet
21:40The Prophet
21:44The Prophet
21:48The Prophet
21:52The Prophet
21:56The Prophet
22:00The Prophet
22:04The Prophet
22:08The Prophet
22:12The Prophet
22:16The Prophet
22:20The Prophet
22:24The Prophet
22:28The Prophet
22:32The Prophet
22:36The Prophet
22:40The Prophet
22:44The Prophet
22:48The Prophet
22:52The Prophet
22:56The Prophet
23:00The Prophet
23:04The Prophet
23:08The Prophet
23:12The Prophet
23:16The Prophet
23:20Surah Nisa
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