Prophet Shuaib AS Story Quran Stories In Urdu. Islamic and informative channel

  • 2 weeks ago
Islamic and informative video
00:16Hmm, nothing is looking good on TV today.
00:20Why is dad so late today?
00:26Boring, boring, everything is boring.
00:33Walaikum assalam dad, where were you?
00:36I have been waiting for you for so long.
00:39Haha, forgive me son.
00:41There was a lot of work in the office today.
00:44That's why I got late.
00:46No problem.
00:48What were you doing son?
00:50I was watching TV dad.
00:52And what were you watching on TV?
00:54Nothing special.
00:56There was nothing good on TV.
00:58Inshallah, how will it be if I tell you the story of another prophet?
01:03That would be great.
01:05Thank you very much dad.
01:07Okay, today I will tell you the story of Prophet Shoaib.
01:11Who was he dad?
01:13Many scholars believe that Shoaib was an old man who helped keep Moses safe.
01:21Before going to Egypt, Prophet Moses was married to Prophet Shoaib's daughter.
01:28There is no solid proof to believe this or not.
01:32Anyway, Quran tells us that Prophet Shoaib was one of the people of Medina.
01:37And this was the place where Prophet Moses was kept.
01:42Mashallah, this is interesting.
01:44Tell me the whole story.
01:46Okay, now listen carefully.
01:51The Story of Prophet Shoaib
01:55The Story of Prophet Shoaib
02:03The people of Medina were Arabs.
02:05They were from the land of Man.
02:07In today's time, this part is known as Greater Syria.
02:11There were many greedy people who refused to believe in Allah.
02:16They were living their lives in a cunning way.
02:19All in all, they were thieves, robbers and deceivers.
02:23They robbed people passing through the city.
02:29Most of the people of Medina were businessmen.
02:32They weighed less.
02:34They hid their shortcomings.
02:39They lied to their buyers.
02:43They worshipped a tree instead of worshipping Allah.
02:48At this time, Allah sent Prophet Shoaib to guide the people.
02:53Prophet Shoaib explained to the people.
02:56He asked them to turn their attention to Allah.
03:00And he told them about the consequences of their evil deeds.
03:04But people got angry with him and said,
03:06Do you want us to worship your God?
03:09How can you say that we should leave our ancestors' religion?
03:12Do you want us to be honest in our business?
03:15Do you want us to be honest and suffer losses?
03:18And when the Prophet said,
03:21People said,
03:22We will never listen to you.
03:24We would have thrown stones at you if you were not old and childless.
03:28People warned.
03:30But the Prophet did not listen to them.
03:32And he kept explaining to the people.
03:34He told the people not to turn away from the truth.
03:37And to believe in Allah.
03:39At the time of Lot, he reminded people about the punishments they received.
03:44Instead of passing through their own area,
03:46the people of Midian used to collect money from the travelers.
03:55The Prophet explained to them.
03:57And he tried to tell them to live their lives with honesty.
04:01But ignoring the words of the Prophet,
04:04they lived their lives with deceit and deceit.
04:08Still, the Prophet did not give up hope.
04:12He explained to them day and night.
04:14He tried to remind them that they were doing the best for them.
04:19And they had no use for it.
04:22Now those who did not believe in Allah became very angry.
04:26They forcibly took things belonging to the Prophet and his followers.
04:30The people of Midian threw them out of the city.
04:33And then warned them about the punishments they could be given.
04:38The Prophet, who knew the people, gave up hope.
04:42He prayed to Allah for help.
04:46And the answer to their prayer came soon.
04:50And finally, the day of punishment came.
04:54For the people of Midian, Allah made the sun very hot and scorching.
05:00The sun kept burning for at least seven days.
05:05The people of Midian tried to cool themselves with water.
05:09But they could not succeed.
05:12For seven days, the people were very upset.
05:16The wells dried up and the trees fell to the ground.
05:25Then Allah sent a black, big and shining cloud over the sky of the city.
05:32Look, it's going to rain.
05:34The people saw the cloud and said,
05:36People thought that it would rain from this cloud and the heat would end.
05:40So they ran out in the hope of rain and started dancing happily.
05:49Some of them knew that this was the punishment sent by Allah.
05:53Those who did not believe in Allah were punished.
05:58Then suddenly the clouds began to thunder and the fire began to rain.
06:04The earth began to shake with lightning and people began to fall one after the other.
06:09The flames of the fire turned people into a pile of ashes.
06:13The next day, when the Prophet returned to the city, no one was alive in Midian.
06:19Thamud and his followers were waiting for him.
06:23No one was alive in Midian.
06:26Just like Thamud, there were dead bodies lying on the ground.
06:30And those who did not believe in Allah were finished.
06:34Even the wealth of Midian could not save them from the punishment of Allah.
06:38After seeing this destruction,
06:40Shoaib said that he was not at all saddened by this punishment.
06:45Because these people were fighting against Allah.
06:48And he had warned them many times.
06:53Mashallah, this was a wonderful story.
06:57Prophet Shoaib increased the glory of the world for many more years.
07:02Do you know who fed and sheltered Prophet Moses when he came out of Egypt?
07:09I don't know. Please tell me.
07:15The story of Prophet Moses
07:19While trying to save himself from the people of Egypt,
07:22Prophet Moses came far away.
07:25He traveled in the desert for many days.
07:28And finally he reached Midian.
07:31The Prophet was very thirsty.
07:33So he went to a well to drink water.
07:37But as soon as he reached the well,
07:40he saw some people feeding their animals with water from the well.
07:45He saw two women waiting for water.
07:49Why are you standing here?
07:51He asked them.
07:53We cannot give water to our cattle
07:56until the calves quench their thirst.
07:59One of them said,
08:00Our father is very old and he is waiting for our water.
08:05The other woman said,
08:07Hearing this, the Prophet went to the well.
08:09And he took a bucket from the calves.
08:17Everyone got together and gave way to the Prophet.
08:21Then he took water from the well and gave it to the women.
08:24Then the Prophet sat under a tree.
08:29After a few moments, a woman came back and said to the Prophet,
08:33Our father wants to give you a reward for the trouble you have caused us.
08:38She said to him.
08:40The Prophet got ready and went with her.
08:45The Prophet met Moses and the Prophet Shoaib
08:49and told them his story.
08:51The Prophet met Moses and the Prophet Shoaib
08:55and told them his story.
09:00You have freed yourself from the tyrants.
09:03The Prophet said.
09:05Then his daughter advised him to give him a job
09:09because he was strong and reliable.
09:12You have seen his strength in the well.
09:15The Prophet said.
09:16But how can you claim to be reliable?
09:19The Prophet asked.
09:21His daughter replied.
09:23When he was coming home,
09:25he told us to follow him and told us
09:29that he belonged to a family where men did not look at women.
09:34The Prophet Shoaib was very pleased with this and said,
09:38I want you to marry my daughter,
09:41but on the condition that you have to take care of my cattle for eight years.
09:46The Prophet Shoaib agreed to this and married his daughter.
09:51And then he took responsibility for the cattle for eight years,
09:56as he had promised.
09:58Mashallah, this was a very good story.
10:01I am glad you liked it.
10:03Now can I ask you some questions about this story?
10:06I am ready.
10:08Okay, here is the first question.
10:11What sins did the people of Midian commit?
10:15First, they used to cheat to weigh things.
10:18Am I right, father?
10:20Yes, yes, absolutely.
10:21What were their other sins?
10:23False worship of God and robbery.
10:27Very good, Amir.
10:29Now tell me, how did Allah punish the people of Midian?
10:33Allah sent a scorching heat that lasted for seven days.
10:37The wells dried up.
10:39The plants died.
10:41The trees died.
10:43On the seventh day, a very big black cloud came,
10:47which destroyed the people of Midian.
10:50Mashallah, absolutely right, my child.
10:53That's all for today.
10:54Tomorrow I will tell you another story about the Prophet.
10:58Good night, Amir.
10:59Good night, father.
