The Childhood of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ Inspiring Islamic Stories. Islamic and informative channel

  • 2 weeks ago
Islamic and informative video
00:00In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:08Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:11I am Jameel Ahmed Jami.
00:13Certainly, all praise is for Allah.
00:16We praise Him alone.
00:18We seek help from Him alone.
00:21I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah.
00:25He is alone.
00:26He has no partner.
00:28Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is the servant of Allah and His Messenger.
00:34In today's video, we will talk about the first two years of the life of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:39We will talk about the events of the life of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:42We will talk about the life of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:45We will talk about the life of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:47We will talk about the life of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:52Before proceeding with the video, I request you not to skip the video and watch it until the end.
00:58If you are new to our channel, please subscribe to our channel.
01:03On the seventh day of his death, Hazrat Abdul Muttalib invited his grandson, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and all the people of Mecca.
01:15Until then, someone asked Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, what is the name of this child?
01:19Hazrat Abdul Muttalib and Hazrat Aamna had already been given the glad tidings of the name of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
01:25Therefore, they said that I have named him Muhammad.
01:29No one on the face of the earth has ever named their son Muhammad.
01:33The literal meaning of which is the person who is praised.
01:36The people of Mecca say to Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, what name have you given that no one has ever given in history?
01:43Hazrat Abdul Muttalib says that my desire was that the whole world should praise this child.
01:48That is why I have named him Muhammad.
01:50Jewish witch, magician and satanic representatives had seen the events of the birth of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
01:58That is why they became enemies of the child to be born.
02:01They were thinking that if this child grows up and announces prophethood, then this will be a great destruction for us.
02:07In view of these circumstances, the intention of the Lord was that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, should go away from the land of Mecca for a while.
02:14So that his enemies come in search of him here, then fail from here and go back.
02:19Viewers, there is a lot of narration about the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, started sitting in two months.
02:29He started running in nine months.
02:31At the age of thirty months, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, used to wrestle.
02:37On the one hand, there was a miracle of prophethood, and on the other hand, there was a hidden problem that the one who comes will look for it.
02:46Where is the child born on the 12th of Rabiul Awwal?
02:49In his mind, it will be that he is a one-year-old child.
02:51He must have been able to walk now.
02:53Therefore, if the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, looks at him, he may ignore him.
02:59But a group of enemies was constantly in search of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
03:03Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, who was on the religion of Abraham, and he had also received some secrets of prophethood from his father, Hashim.
03:09He also had that the enemy of that child would be too much.
03:12Because of this issue, Hazrat Abdul Muttalib wanted to move the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, from Mecca to some other place.
03:20Especially when he found out that the groups of Jews often come here and take a look at the situation in Mecca.
03:27Viewers, why were the Jews coming to Mecca again and again?
03:30Let me tell you about this.
03:32Actually, the Jews were worried about stopping the birth of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, a long time ago.
03:38Abdul Munaf was attacked.
03:40Hazrat Hashim was attacked.
03:41Hazrat Abdul Muttalib and his son, Hazrat Abdullah, were attacked.
03:45Continuous attacks.
03:46According to the narrations, it was the time of the youth of Hazrat Abdullah.
03:49So the center of all the conspiracies of the Jews was that if they were killed somehow, the Prophet's birth would be stopped.
03:55The Jews recognized that Hazrat Abdullah was the father of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
04:00And this recognition was due to the dress of Hazrat Yahya, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, which was with the Jews.
04:06And at the time of the birth of Hazrat Abdullah, blood began to come out of it.
04:10They thought that if Hazrat Abdullah was killed before marriage, then the Prophet's birth would not be possible.
04:16So they attacked.
04:18But they failed in their attack.
04:20As a result, Hazrat Abdullah was married to Hazrat Amna.
04:23When Hazrat Abdullah passed away, the Jews were satisfied that the father of the Prophet has passed away.
04:29Only one thing to find out is whether he has any children or not.
04:34If it is found that he has children, then it will be necessary to arrange for his murder.
04:38The Jews formed a group whose purpose was to come to Mecca and find out whether Hazrat Abdullah has any children or not.
04:46So when he came to Mecca, he was satisfied that there were no children of Mr. Abdullah.
04:51Therefore, they went back to Madinah Munawwara with great satisfaction.
04:54After reaching Madinah Munawwara, this good news was conveyed to everyone from Madinah to Sham, where the Jews were scattered.
05:00Congratulations to us, this danger was averted.
05:03The blood that was coming out of the dress of Hazrat Yahya, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has now dried up.
05:08This has confirmed that the father of the Prophet has passed away.
05:11And they have no children.
05:13Which means that the last Prophet has not even been born.
05:17This good news was spread all over the world among the Jews.
05:20Celebrations were held from Madinah to Sham.
05:22And the Jews will be very satisfied.
05:24But they made a mistake.
05:26They only found out that Mr. Abdullah has no children.
05:30They could not find out that Mr. Amna is pregnant.
05:33When strange events occurred on 12th of Rabiul Awwal, 571 A.H., the Jewish scholars were upset.
05:41Because they had read in their books that all these events would occur when the last Prophet was born.
05:46But what happened?
05:47How will the last Prophet be born?
05:49Because we saw the father of the last Prophet with full certainty that he has passed away.
05:53And he was the father of the Prophet.
05:55And the dress of Hazrat Yahya also testified that he is the father.
05:59We also found out that he had no children.
06:02Then where did this Prophet come from?
06:04Therefore, the Jews formed a group to go to Mecca and investigate.
06:09When these people reached Mecca, at that time, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
06:14was moved to the house of Hazrat Halima Sadiyah, may Allah be pleased with her.
06:19And the birth of the Prophet of Islam had passed many months.
06:23Now these Jews were worried and were looking for a child who was born two months ago.
06:28But no such child was seen.
06:30Nor could he ask anyone because the Jews had conspired twice in Mecca.
06:35Mr. Abdullah had also been attacked.
06:37And after that, the same people had also investigated Mr. Amna.
06:41Therefore, now the people of Mecca had become smart.
06:44Especially the people of the Banu Hashim family kept an eye on them.
06:47And no group of Jews could question anyone.
06:50All those investigations of the Jews were unsuccessful.
06:53But when the age of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was seven years,
06:58and the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, came to Mecca regularly,
07:04then a group of Jews had also come to Mecca at that time.
07:07When they looked at that young man, they were shocked to see that this young man,
07:10who is walking with his grandfather and uncle,
07:12the way he walks, the way he talks is exactly the same,
07:16which according to our books is the way of the last Messenger.
07:20Clouds are also shading on his head.
07:22When he passes near the tree, the trees are prostrating.
07:25And wherever there is an obstacle on the way, the obstacle itself starts to move.
07:29All these signs are the signs of the last Messenger.
07:32But if he is the last Messenger, then he looks like a 25-year-old young man.
07:37Whereas according to our knowledge and our books, he should be a 7-year-old young man.
07:41The Jewish gurus consulted their scholars.
07:44So they said, look very carefully.
07:47If he is the last Messenger, then kill him.
07:50The Jews found out that this child was born in the house of Abdul Muttalib.
07:54He is the son of Hazrat Abdullah.
07:56Therefore, the Jews wanted to be 100% sure this time
07:59that this young man is the true Messenger of Allah.
08:02The Jews had read in their books.
08:05And they also knew that whoever is the Messenger of Allah,
08:09whether it is the first or the last bite of Haram,
08:11will not come down from his throat.
08:14Not only his throat, but he can't even touch his lips.
08:17Apart from Haram, the rizq-e-mujtaba'i,
08:20that is, such a rizq that is not known whether it is Haram or Halal,
08:24he can't even touch the lips of the Messenger.
08:26Therefore, for this purpose, they made a very strange and poor plan.
08:30They somehow brought the meat of Haram
08:32and invited Hazrat Abdul Muttalib that you are the leader of Mecca
08:35and the leader of the Ka'bah
08:37and a respectable person.
08:39We are guests from outside.
08:41We want you to have a meal with us.
08:43In Islam, there is a strict obligation to refuse someone's gift or invitation.
08:46Therefore, Hazrat Abdul Muttalib accepted the invitation.
08:49The real purpose of the Jews was to test the Messenger of Islam.
08:53Therefore, the Jews told Hazrat Abdul Muttalib that
08:56you will not come alone to the feast.
08:58Rather, all the men of the Banu Hashim family will come.
09:01Especially, all your sons and grandsons must come.
09:04Hazrat Abdul Muttalib said,
09:06even if you say no, this is my condition
09:08because I do not participate in any feast without my grandson.
09:11Therefore, food was arranged.
09:13Now, the Jews thought that this is Haram meat
09:16and this is Mujtaba'i
09:18and they put up a sign.
09:20Hazrat Abdul Muttalib said,
09:22the leader of Mecca, the feast is in your hands.
09:24Start eating.
09:25Hazrat Abdul Muttalib said,
09:27no, until my grandson starts eating,
09:29I will not eat anything.
09:31Now, this is what the Jews wanted.
09:33All the attention turned to the Messenger of Allah.
09:36They said to the Messenger of Allah,
09:38you should say Bismillah.
09:40The Messenger of Allah replied,
09:42no, this food is not for us.
09:44The food is far away.
09:46It cannot even reach our lips.
09:48How is this possible?
09:50The Messenger of Allah said,
09:52yes, this food is not for us.
09:54When they forcibly took a bite
09:56and extended it towards the Messenger of Allah,
09:58the strange thing was that
10:00as soon as the bite reached the Prophet's lips,
10:02it felt as if someone had forcibly opened it.
10:04And the bite fell on the table.
10:06Once, twice, up to ten times,
10:08they tried,
10:10but the bite could not reach the Prophet's lips.
10:12It could not reach close.
10:14The Jews were apparently worried,
10:16but in their hearts,
10:18they were happy that
10:20half of the sign had been fulfilled.
10:22This was forbidden food,
10:24but the Prophet did not eat it.
10:26The Jews said to Hazrat Abdul Muttalib,
10:28we had invited you sincerely,
10:30but I do not know what is happening.
10:32Is there a divine secret in this?
10:34Hazrat Abdul Muttalib and the Messenger of Allah
10:36understood what the real thing was.
10:38But there was no time to say.
10:40The Banu Hashim family went back to their home
10:42and the Jews were convinced
10:44that the Prophet was right.
10:46After that,
10:48a series of conspiracies began.
10:50This is why after that incident,
10:52Hazrat Abdul Muttalib began to
10:54protect the Messenger of Allah more
10:56and told all his sons
10:58that now the target of all the
11:00enmity of the Jews will be my grandson.
11:02Do not send him out for any household work.
11:04Before this,
11:06Hazrat Abdul Muttalib used to send the
11:08Messenger of Allah out of Mecca
11:10to graze goats and camels.
11:12But today this order has been issued
11:14that no one should send my grandson
11:16out of the house after today.
11:18This is why after one year of this incident,
11:20when the last time of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
11:22came near, he called all his sons
11:24and made a will that I am leaving
11:26this world.
11:28Do not tell me anything about yourself.
11:30All my advice is about my grandson.
11:32Protect him even if you have to give your life.
11:34In any case, despite all the conspiracies
11:36of the Jews,
11:38Allah the Almighty
11:40kept the Messenger of Allah safe from them.
11:42Viewers, since we were talking about
11:44the childhood of the Messenger of Allah,
11:46let me tell you
11:48who gave milk to the
11:50Messenger of Allah in his childhood.
11:52There is a narration that
11:54immediately after his birth,
11:56for the first eight days,
11:58Hazrat Sobia gave milk to the Messenger of Allah.
12:00This Sobia was the son of
12:02an uncle of the Messenger of Allah,
12:04Abu Lahab.
12:06It is narrated that Abu Lahab
12:08freed the Messenger of Allah
12:10at the time of the birth of the
12:12Messenger of Allah.
12:14At that time, Abu Lahab
12:16was not against him
12:18because he was not married at that time.
12:20Later, one of the reasons for
12:22opposing the Messenger of Allah
12:24was his wife.
12:26After marrying in the Banu Umayyah family,
12:28Abu Lahab left his family
12:30and met with his in-laws.
12:32According to another narration,
12:34the Messenger of Allah
12:36was given milk by
12:38the Messenger of Allah
12:40a few days before
12:42he was handed over to his in-laws.
12:44After that, the Messenger of Allah
12:46was handed over to his wife,
12:48Halima Sadiyah,
12:50who gave milk to the
12:52Messenger of Allah
12:54for two years,
12:56according to Shariah.
12:58It is narrated that
13:00when Halima Sadiyah gave milk to
13:02the Messenger of Allah,
13:04the Messenger of Allah
13:06could not refuse.
13:08A polytheist or infidel
13:10gave milk to the Messenger of Allah.
13:12The year before the birth of
13:14the Messenger of Allah
13:16was a year of great
13:18trouble for the whole of
13:20Arabia and the people of Mecca.
13:22There was less rain,
13:24which caused less drought.
13:26The people of Mecca were also
13:28worried and the people
13:30outside Mecca were also worried.
13:32People were coming to Mecca
13:34for employment.
13:36On the one hand, there was
13:38no drought in Mecca,
13:40but on the other hand,
13:42there was an epidemic
13:44in Mecca at that time,
13:46especially children
13:48were coming very soon.
13:50This disease was spreading
13:52from one house to another
13:54and from another to the
13:56third house.
13:58The Messenger of Allah
14:00was kept away from the children
14:02but the parents were worried.
14:04Secondly, it was necessary
14:06to help the people
14:08outside Mecca who were
14:10looking for employment.
14:12Thirdly, as mentioned earlier,
14:14the Jewish spies were constantly
14:16looking for Mecca to see
14:18whether the last Messenger
14:20had been born or not.
14:22In these circumstances,
14:24the more the Messenger of Allah
14:26was transferred from Mecca,
14:28the more he could protect
14:30the Messenger of Allah.
14:32However, it was also difficult
14:34to take him away from Mecca.
14:36On the seventh day,
14:38the Messenger of Allah
14:40was to be buried.
14:42On the day of his burial,
14:44the Messenger of Allah
14:46was lying on his bed
14:48in the morning.
14:50The Messenger of Allah
14:52is the mother of the
14:54Messenger of Allah
14:56on the eighth day of his
15:00However, he was told
15:02to hand over his son
15:04to Halima Sadiyah.
15:06On the eighth day of his
15:08birth, the Messenger of Allah
15:10was transferred from Mecca.
15:12As mentioned earlier,
15:14there was a lockdown outside
15:16Mecca, but even if there
15:18was no lockdown,
15:20it was a custom of the Arabs
15:22that two times a year,
15:24a woman would go to a man's door
15:26and say, if you have a child,
15:28give him to me,
15:30I will raise him,
15:32I will give him milk,
15:34and the child will be
15:36handed over to him.
15:38During the lockdown,
15:40more and more women
15:42were coming.
15:44On the eighth day,
15:46Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
15:48called his slave and said,
15:50go to the streets of Mecca
15:52and ask for milk.
15:54Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
15:56said, go to the streets of Mecca
15:58and ask for milk.
16:00Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:02said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:04and ask for milk.
16:06Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:08said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:10and ask for milk.
16:12Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:14said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:16and ask for milk.
16:18Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:20said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:22and ask for milk.
16:24Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:26said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:28and ask for milk.
16:30Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:32said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:34and ask for milk.
16:36Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:38said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:40and ask for milk.
16:42Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:44said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:46and ask for milk.
16:48Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:50said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:52and ask for milk.
16:54Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
16:56said, go to the streets of Mecca
16:58and ask for milk.
17:00Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:02said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:04and ask for milk.
17:06Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:08said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:10and ask for milk.
17:12Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:14said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:16Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:18said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:20and ask for milk.
17:22Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:24said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:26and ask for milk.
17:28Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:30said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:32and ask for milk.
17:34Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:36said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:38and ask for milk.
17:40Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:42said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:44and ask for milk.
17:46Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:48said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:50and ask for milk.
17:52Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
17:54said, go to the streets of Mecca
17:56and ask for milk.
17:58Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:00said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:02and ask for milk.
18:04Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:06said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:08and ask for milk.
18:10Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:12said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:14and ask for milk.
18:16Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:18said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:20and ask for milk.
18:22Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:24said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:26and ask for milk.
18:28Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:30said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:32and ask for milk.
18:34Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:36said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:38and ask for milk.
18:40Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:42said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:44and ask for milk.
18:46Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:48said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:50and ask for milk.
18:52Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
18:54said, go to the streets of Mecca
18:56and ask for milk.
18:58Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:00said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:02and ask for milk.
19:04Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:06said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:08and ask for milk.
19:10Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:12said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:14and ask for milk.
19:16Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:18said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:20and ask for milk.
19:22Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:24said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:26and ask for milk.
19:28Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:30said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:32and ask for milk.
19:34Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:36said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:38and ask for milk.
19:40Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:42said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:44and ask for milk.
19:46Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:48said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:50and ask for milk.
19:52Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
19:54said, go to the streets of Mecca
19:56and ask for milk.
19:58Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:00said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:02and ask for milk.
20:04Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:06said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:08and ask for milk.
20:10Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:12said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:14and ask for milk.
20:16Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:18said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:20and ask for milk.
20:22Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:24said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:26and ask for milk.
20:28Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:30said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:32and ask for milk.
20:34Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:36said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:38and ask for milk.
20:40Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:42said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:44and ask for milk.
20:46Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:48said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:50and ask for milk.
20:52Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
20:54said, go to the streets of Mecca
20:56and ask for milk.
20:58Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:00said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:02and ask for milk.
21:04Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:06said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:08and ask for milk.
21:10Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:12said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:14and ask for milk.
21:16Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:18said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:20and ask for milk.
21:22Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:24said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:26and ask for milk.
21:28Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:30said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:32and ask for milk.
21:34Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:36said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:38and ask for milk.
21:40Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:42said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:44and ask for milk.
21:46Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:48said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:50and ask for milk.
21:52Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
21:54said, go to the streets of Mecca
21:56Hazrat Halima Saadiah
21:58said, I heard my
22:00son saying,
22:02I swear by God,
22:04I was dead,
22:06I was given life,
22:08I was weak,
22:10I was not given strength.
22:12O women of Bani Saad,
22:14you are surprised and heedless.
22:16You do not know who is on my back.
22:18On my back are Sayyid-ul-Mursaleen,
22:22and Habib-e-Kibriya.
22:24Hazrat Halima Saadiah
22:28I heard my son saying,
22:30I swear by God,
22:32I was dead,
22:34I was weak,
22:36I was not given strength.
22:38On my back are Sayyid-ul-Anbiya,
22:42and Habib-e-Kibriya.
22:44On my back are Sayyid-ul-Anbiya,
22:48and Habib-e-Kibriya.
22:50On my back are Sayyid-ul-Anbiya,
22:52and Habib-e-Kibriya.
22:54On my back are Sayyid-ul-Anbiya,
22:58and Habib-e-Kibriya.
23:00On my back are Sayyid-ul-Anbiya,
23:04and Habib-e-Kibriya.
23:06On my back are Sayyid-ul-Anbiya,
23:10and Habib-e-Kibriya.
23:12On my back are Sayyid-ul-Anbiya,
23:16and Habib-e-Kibriya.
23:18On my back are Sayyid-ul-Anbiya,
23:20and Habib-e-Kibriya.
23:50My breasts are full of milk
23:52because of the milk of the Prophet.
23:54My breasts are full of milk
23:56because of the milk of the Prophet.
23:58The Prophet drank milk from his right breast
24:00and left his left breast for my son.
24:02My son, Abdullah, drank milk from his left breast.
24:04My son, Abdullah, drank milk from his left breast.
24:06Hazrat Halima Sadiya narrates that
24:08when my husband and I went out of our tent
24:10after putting our children to sleep,
24:12we were very surprised to see
24:14that our old and weak camels
24:16were full of milk.
24:18that our old and weak camels
24:20were full of milk.
24:22Similarly, our goats were full of milk.
24:24The goats that were not able to give
24:26even a drop of milk a few hours ago
24:28were now under the influence
24:30of a miracle
24:32that a white, fragrant stream of milk
24:34came out of their calves
24:36which filled the pot of milk
24:38and my husband and I walked a lot
24:40and washed the milk.
24:42Thus, this night was very peaceful
24:44and comfortable.
24:46Hazrat Halima Sadiya narrates that
24:48she took the Prophet in her lap
24:50and gave a lot to his mother
24:52and uncle, Hazrat Halima Sadiya.
24:54Seeing this,
24:56all the women of the tribe were amazed.
24:58But the most surprising thing was
25:00that Hazrat Halima Sadiya's
25:02calves were full of milk.
25:04In the beginning, everyone thought
25:06that this was a miracle of a herb
25:08that Hazrat Halima Sadiya's husband
25:10Hazrat Halima Sadiya's husband
25:12Harith bin Abdul Uza
25:14with which he has fed the goats
25:16and the goats have started giving milk.
25:18But this was also
25:20just an imaginary thing for them.
25:22Hazrat Halima Sadiya narrates that
25:24when the Prophet's age
25:26was eight months,
25:28he had a conversation
25:30for the first time.
25:32When the Prophet's age
25:34was nine months,
25:36he began to talk.
25:38Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:40and her husband
25:42Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:44Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:46Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:48Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:50Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:52Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:54Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:56Hazrat Halima Sadiya
25:58Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:00Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:02Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:04Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:06Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:08Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:10Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:12Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:14Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:16Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:18Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:20Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:22Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:24Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:26Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:28Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:30Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:32Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:34Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:36Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:38Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:40Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:42Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:44Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:46Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:48Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:50Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:52Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:54Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:56Hazrat Halima Sadiya
26:58Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:00Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:02Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:04Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:06Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:08Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:10Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:12Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:14Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:16Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:18Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:20Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:22Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:24Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:26Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:28Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:30Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:32Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:34Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:36Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:38Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:40Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:42Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:44Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:46Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:48Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:50Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:52Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:54Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:56Hazrat Halima Sadiya
27:58Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:00Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:02Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:04Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:06Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:08Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:10Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:12Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:14Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:16Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:18Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:20Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:22Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:24Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:26Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:28Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:30Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:32Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:34Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:36Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:38Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:40Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:42Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:44Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:46Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:48Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:50Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:52Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:54Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:56Hazrat Halima Sadiya
28:58Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:00Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:02Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:04Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:06Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:08Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:10Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:12Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:14Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:16Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:18Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:20Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:22Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:24Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:26Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:28Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:30Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:32Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:34Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:36Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:38Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:40Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:42Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:44Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:46Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:48Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:50Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:52Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:54Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:56Hazrat Halima Sadiya
29:58Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:00Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:02Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:04Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:06Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:08Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:10Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:12Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:14Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:16Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:18Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:20Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:22Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:24Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:26Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:28Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:30Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:32Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:34Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:36Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:38Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:40Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:42Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:44Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:46Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:48Hazrat Halima Sadiya
30:50You can send your questions in the comments
30:52May Allah keep you in His protection
