Shocking Black Hole Discovered in the Space. Islamic & informative channel

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Islamic and informative video
00:00Friends, do you know that there is going to be a very big explosion somewhere in the depths of space?
00:06This explosion will be due to the collision of two black holes.
00:10When these two black holes collide, a very strong shock wave will come out of them, which will break our universe into pieces.
00:19And all this will happen at such a high speed on the cosmic scale that in a few milliseconds our universe will be completely destroyed.
00:27In this video, you will be able to know how to find out such a strong laser bomb.
00:33Why do scientists believe so much that no one can stop the explosion of space?
00:39And when and how the monsters are going to collide in black hole space, you will know in today's video.
00:45So watch the whole video.
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00:56Scientists have discovered this laser bomb some time ago, while they had been keeping an eye on it for a long time.
01:03Another such object was also discovered in 1950.
01:07And as soon as it was discovered, it bothered science.
01:11There was no star around the place where these very bright things were found.
01:17At that time, these objects were called Kosi Stellar Radio Sources or Kuzars.
01:22But recently, scientists have discovered many times more bright objects than that.
01:28These are incredibly bright Kuzars.
01:31The telescope has also detected very dangerous X-rays and cameras in these Kuzars.
01:36Scientists first thought that they were seeing Galactic Nikolai with a supermassive black hole.
01:42These are the kind of things that are pulling everything that goes near the black hole inside itself.
01:46And this has happened for the first time.
01:48Friends, do you know that we can see Kuzars in two ways?
01:52We mostly see Kuzars only and only from the side view.
01:56Because of this, we can not see anything other than the radio waves coming out of their discs.
02:01The radio waves that reach us are very weak.
02:06And with this, looking at some Kuzars, it seems that the pole of the black hole is just above us.
02:12And the powerful X-rays and gamma rays coming out of their aggression discs are falling just above us.
02:19These Kuzars are called Blazers.
02:21If any of these Kuzars fall into our own galaxy,
02:25the ozone layer around our screen will be completely destroyed by the rays coming out of it.
02:30With the destruction of this layer, the lives of every living being on Earth will also be in danger.
02:36And scientists have just discovered such Kuzars.
02:39But this special Kuzar, which has not yet been named, is far away from Earth at a distance of 9 billion light years.
02:47Despite 30 years of observation, scientists have not been able to notice any kind of danger from them.
02:53But in 2021, scientists felt that the object they have been observing for years is very close to exploding.
03:01The thing to think about here is that which of these blazers is different from all other things like them.
03:08Other regular blazers are unstable because their black holes attract matter in an unequal amount.
03:15Because of this, they spread very quickly without any order.
03:21But 9 billion light years away, the light coming out of these blazers is visible every two years.
03:27It seems that there is something that forces it to make such cycles.
03:32Because in the universe, only pulsars have such cycles.
03:36And their cycles are measured in the fraction of a second.
03:40And their cycle is due to small neutron stars, not due to supermassive black holes.
03:46And if we talk about Kuzars, then scientists have seen that there is only one Kuzar among the Kuzars, whose cycle is like a pulsar.
03:54And that Kuzar is OJ-287 Galaxy.
03:58Can you see the flashes in the nucleus of OJ-287 Galaxy on the screen?
04:03It is actually a black hole.
04:05Its mass is equal to 100 billion suns.
04:08And this monster lurking in its accretion disk is equal to 18 billion suns.
04:13This is the reason that it will be very destructive.
04:17Its cycle is such that sometimes flashes come out of it once a year or once in ten years.
04:24Scientists say that the cycle of these flashes is like this because there are two black holes here.
04:30In which one black hole goes around the gate of the other black hole in a very long orbit.
04:35And so far, there is only one pair of Kuzars to be discovered.
04:39First, scientists thought that the pleasure that will burst in the universe is someone else.
04:44But then they failed to explain the collision ticking of the accretion disk.
04:48Because of which they could not know what is happening in this pleasure.
04:53Scientists studied it for a long time.
04:56After which a surprising theory emerged.
04:59That theory is like this.
05:00Friends, imagine that a lamp is burning in front of you.
05:04Whose light is very bright.
05:06And that lamp is not stopped at one place.
05:08In fact, it is moving back and forth.
05:11When that lamp comes in front of you.
05:14And the beams coming out of it fall into your eyes.
05:17Then you do not see anything.
05:19As soon as the lamp bursts in front of your eyes.
05:22Then you do not feel any kind of pain.
05:25And your eyes also get better again.
05:28The effect of this pleasure is exactly the same.
05:31But the question is.
05:33What takes the black hole of 100 million suns to go from one side to the other.
05:39It takes so much time for it to re-light.
05:42If we keep this pleasure above our solar system.
05:45Then the center pleasure will reach the orbit of Mars.
05:48And its second black hole will be in the Oort cloud.
05:51Which is the last boundary of our solar system.
05:54This means that it will be only 2,000 astronomical units away from the center pleasure.
06:00Scientists have calculated.
06:02That these two are approaching each other for 100 million years.
06:06And now they are only 1% away from each other to collide with each other.
06:11When this pleasure will burst.
06:13What will happen to it with the spin?
06:15Scientists have found out about this collision with the help of a highly sensitive laser observatory called LIGO.
06:23On December 14, 2015.
06:25This machine captured some gravitational waves.
06:28Which emerged due to the merger of two black holes.
06:31These two black holes were very big.
06:34Each of them had a mass of 30 suns.
06:37And when these two merged.
06:39The gravitational shock wave of 3 solar masses was released from them.
06:43And it came towards the spin at the speed of light.
06:46But we didn't feel anything.
06:48We didn't feel anything because that blast was very weak.
06:53But this time there will be a very strong shock wave due to the collision of the pleasure bomb.
06:58What kind of shock wave will it be?
07:00It may be a nuclear reaction in the sun for a moment.
07:04Or the bonds of the atoms will be broken.
07:07Which will break our spin.
07:09Or it may also be that there is an explosion in space.
07:12And no one knows anything on the ground.
07:15Keep the hatches in their places.
07:18The gravitational waves that LIGO has captured so far.
07:21They are much weaker than that.
07:23Which can destroy the universe.
07:25That's why no one can give the right answer to this question.
07:29And scientists are also calculating the exact mass of the black hole from this blazer.
07:34But scientists are sure that this blazer will explode in the next 10,000 years.
07:39If this blazer is 9 billion light years away from us.
07:42Then it may also mean that they will collide the two black holes long before the solar system and the spin.
07:50If this has happened, then the gravitational shock wave of the blazer is moving in the Milky Way.
07:56And only 10,000 light years away from us.
07:58What do you think about this?
08:00Do let us know by commenting below.
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08:05See you in another amazing video.
08:07Take care of yourself.
08:09Allah Hafiz
