What NASA Has Seen Inside A Black Hole. Islamic & informative channel

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Islamic and informative video
00:00Friends, our universe is as vast and vast as the human mind can possibly be.
00:05To understand it, the human mind is very limited.
00:08About 100 years ago, Albert Einstein presented the general theory of relativity and said
00:14that according to my calculations, I am seeing some things in the universe whose gravity is much more than the rest of the things.
00:21And this thing was later named the black hole.
00:24So, on the basis of computer simulation or calculation, a black hole was artificially created,
00:30which we have seen in many sci-fi films and computer generated animation for better understanding.
00:37No one had seen a black hole until today, so only theoretical evidence was not enough to prove its existence.
00:45But then on April 10, 2019, something happened that changed the history of space.
00:50Because on this day, astrophysicists took a picture of a real black hole for the first time,
00:55which is a giant supermassive black hole of the M87 galaxy located in the Virgo constellation 53 million light years away,
01:03which is active.
01:05It is as big as 400 billion kilometres in size,
01:08that is, as big as our entire solar system,
01:10and its mass is 65 million times more than the mass of the sun.
01:14For comparison, let me tell you that the mass of the sun is 10 lakh times more than the mass of the earth.
01:19Black holes have such a strong attraction that they wrap the entire star around them and swallow it,
01:24so much so that even the light cannot pass through them because they swallow it too.
01:29So, where they are present, there will be nothing but darkness for many light years.
01:34They attract so much that the entire galaxies are also forced to revolve around them.
01:39Friends, there is a black hole in our galaxy Milky Way, which is called Sagittarius A.
01:45It is 400,000 times bigger than our sun, but is so small in size that it can fit in the orbit of a Mercury planet.
01:52It is 26,000 light years away from the earth.
01:55It is so far away that suppose we have to see a golf ball on the moon from the earth.
02:01Sagittarius A black hole is not very big and not very active,
02:05so it cannot force the entire Milky Way galaxy to revolve around it.
02:10But as far as its gravitational pull is present, that is, up to the Sagittarius constellation,
02:14we can clearly see the star cluster revolving around something that is not visible,
02:20that is, around a black hole.
02:22When there are clouds of gases and dust around the black hole,
02:25they emit extremely bright light and x-rays due to friction,
02:30which causes the temperature of these gases to reach several million degrees centigrade.
02:34The biggest sign of black holes is a white light like milk coming out of them,
02:39which can be clearly seen in the universe.
02:42But the question is, why is the existence of black holes so important to us today?
02:46The reason is that it will make it easier for us to understand the system of the universe
02:51because the entire system of the universe is based on gravitational force.
02:55All the stars, planets, are somewhere in the universe revolving around this force.
03:01In addition, this view is also gaining a lot of strength that there are big holes in the universe
03:07which can be a way to go from one universe to another universe
03:11or time passes very slowly here due to the curve of space-time,
03:16which means that we can travel back and forth in time because of them.
03:20That is, time-travelling, as Stephen Hawking believed,
03:24he believed that according to the principles of quantum mechanics,
03:27all the space of the universe is filled with particles and antiparticles
03:31that are born and kill each other at all times.
03:34If anyone can reach them, then time travel is possible.
03:38But these particles are extremely small and die out in a very short time.
03:43Therefore, it is impossible.
03:45Whereas, black holes are such a trap that we cannot understand.
03:48They can be a way to go from one universe to another universe.
03:52That is, it is possible to come out of the black hole.
03:54Exactly the same thing is stated in Surah Al-Tariq of the Holy Quran in the following way
03:59I swear by the sky and the sun, and how do you know what the sun is?
04:03This star is Saqib, and Saqib in Arabic language is called Arpar Surakh or Dood Ki Maanid Roshni,
04:09which goes very far while making a hole in the darkness,
04:13which is a feature of all black holes.
04:15And after the latest advanced research, humans have come to know this today.
04:19And most of all, the word Tariq has come out of Tarq, which means the way,
04:23that is, the way to go to other universes.
04:26Because in Surah An-Nuh, Allah Almighty says,
04:28Have you not seen how God has made the seven heavens upside down?
04:33That is, the sky is more than one, which science today accepts as a parallel universe.
04:38And black holes can be a way to go to these parallel universes, that is, to the seven heavens.
04:44But it is only possible to enter it when a person becomes massless like light
04:50and travels at a faster speed than light, which is impossible for humans.
04:55But such a ride, Buraq, that is, the accumulation of electricity,
04:58was only given to the Messenger of Allah on the Day of Ascension,
05:03which crossed all heavenly paths and reached the Throne of Allah.
05:07Before today, many people considered black holes to be just a fiction.
05:11But this picture of a black hole had shocked the world.
05:15And 1400 years ago, the Qur'an, while 100 years ago, Einstein's
05:21General Theory of Relativity, proved it to be true.
05:24Taking a picture of this black hole was like taking a picture of darkness
05:28because it is not possible to see it until the gases around it,
05:31the horizon disk or ring, are heated to millions of degrees
05:36and the X-rays on the special wavelength are extracted
05:39and they are so powerful that they do not get absorbed in all the dust particles
05:43and gases on their way and do not collide with anything and reflect.
05:47Since this black hole was very powerful and large in size,
05:51it extracted X-rays of one millimeter wavelength,
05:54which were received by the big eight telescopes on Earth three years ago.
05:59And this is how this black hole was discovered.
06:01Since this black hole is located at a distance of 53 million light years,
06:04at least such a large and powerful radio telescope was needed to take a picture of it,
06:10which is as big as our Earth, which is impossible.
06:14But scientists found a solution to it that such countries all over the world
06:17whose environment is always clean and they are higher than the sea level,
06:21including France, Spain, Mexico, Hawaii, Chile, Arizona and the South Pole,
06:27large telescopes have been installed here,
06:29which work together using atomic clock.
06:33Professor Shepard Dallman, who is also the director of this project,
06:37who is also the director of this project,
06:39connected these eight large telescopes all over the world and focused them at one place,
06:44which can work together in such a way that we needed a large telescope the size of the Earth.
06:50The data of this black hole was collected three years ago.
06:53It was so large that it was impossible to transfer it from the internet.
06:57That is, it was a data of 10 lakh GB.
07:00So it was stored in a hard disk and sent to Boston,
07:03the city of America, and Bonn, the city of Germany,
07:05and after decoding all the information in this data,
07:08finally, this picture was completed three years later,
07:11on which Shepard Dallman said that we have achieved that success
07:15which was considered impossible for previous generations.
07:18Earth's rotation was used to collect the data of this picture,
07:22because after the Earth's rotation, these telescopes can also rotate
07:25and scan the data around it easily.
07:28In this black hole, you can clearly see white light like milk,
07:33which is spread over 5,000 light years.
07:36After taking the picture from so far, it was zoomed again,
07:39so this picture is not as clear as it should be.
