Necessities Of Life By Pir Ajmal Raza Qadri. Islamic & informative channel

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Islamic and informative video
00:00Our commentators say that what Allah has said, that those who are with him, means Abu Bakr as-Siddiq as-Siddiq.
00:10This is what Janab-e-Siddiq means.
00:14In fact, there is a beautiful saying of a muhaddith, he used to say,
00:17that some of the great scholars have written that there was no shadow of the Prophet,
00:22so if there is a shadow of the Prophet, then it is of Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
00:27So, like a shadow, stay with the Prophet. This is the shadow of my Prophet.
00:33Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, is the leader of this Ummah.
00:41The people of the Ummah have learnt from Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq,
00:47how to serve the Prophet and how to love the Prophet.
00:51This is what the Prophet learnt from Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
00:54It so happens that when we talk about a personality,
01:00there are many titles of that person.
01:03His personality is also a title.
01:06His merits, excellences, qualities and qualities are also a separate title.
01:12And his character and character is a separate title.
01:15Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, is that beautiful personality
01:20whom Allah, the Exalted, has chosen for His Beloved's servitude.
01:27Our time is a time of gossip.
01:32It is a time of bad omens.
01:36Every fourth person has a problem.
01:40And the problems are very scary.
01:43Now some people, after reading a little,
01:48they say, I do not believe in gossip, I am a little educated.
01:51I do not believe in gossip, I am a little intelligent.
01:57Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq was very educated.
02:00He was very educated.
02:04There is a Hadith of the Prophet.
02:06The Prophet said, if anyone wants to ask anything after me,
02:09it is my Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
02:11He is a beautiful person.
02:14The Prophet gave a statement on his knowledge.
02:17If anyone wants to ask anything, it is my Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
02:21He was very educated.
02:24There are two types of intelligence.
02:27There is a Hadith of Hazrat Mullah Rumi.
02:29Because many people now ask,
02:32that I know more than him.
02:34No matter what, people are not ready to be satisfied.
02:38So Mullah Rumi said a very beautiful thing.
02:40He said, Allah has given intelligence to use people.
02:44But people use intelligence all their lives.
02:48Allah has given intelligence to use people,
02:51but here intelligence does not use people.
02:54And Iqbal said in a critique,
02:56that intelligence is an illusion.
02:58It can make a hundred disguises.
03:01He is very clever.
03:04Intelligence is an illusion.
03:07It can make a hundred disguises.
03:10Love is an illusion.
03:12There is no Mullah, no Zahid, no Hakim.
03:15There is nothing.
03:16What is this?
03:17This is just an illusion.
03:18Intelligence is an illusion.
03:21Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq was very intelligent.
03:24He knew how to earn a lot of money.
03:27He did business with honesty.
03:29And he earned a lot.
03:31He was not an ordinary man.
03:34He was the leader of his tribe.
03:36He was not born to be an ordinary man.
03:38But my Prophet, peace be upon him, said,
03:41Whoever I presented my religion to,
03:43he asked for arguments.
03:45He asked for proofs, he asked for miracles.
03:47This is Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
03:49I told him to read the Kalima,
03:51and he read the Kalima and became a Muslim.
03:54No, he did not ask for arguments.
03:56He did not ask for arguments.
03:58It is very difficult when you start asking for arguments from your own people.
04:02When you ask for advice from your own people.
04:05When you say to your own people that you have to give explanation to this and that.
04:09It is very difficult when you make a claim of love
04:12and make the other person stand in a corner.
04:14This is a difficult thing.
04:16The most important and first aspect of the life of Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq
04:19is that he did not let his intellect interfere in the matter of Allah and the Prophet.
04:25He did not listen to the intellect anywhere,
04:27nor did he listen to the Prophet.
04:29The first thing he rejected in this philosophy
04:32was that man should be used by the intellect.
04:34All his life he used his intellect.
04:37If he listens to another great scholar, a Mufti, a dervish, a Mufassir and a Muhaddith,
04:42then he says that first I have to test my intellect.
04:45He should stay away from this.
04:47He should stay away from this.
04:49Look, my brother,
04:51the Prophet said,
04:54I said, Hazrat Abu Bakr has read the Kalima.
04:57Allah has revealed the Qur'an.
04:59Allah said,
05:06Allah said,
05:07There are those who have brought the truth
05:09and there are those who have confirmed the truth.
05:11Both are great disbelievers.
05:13Allah has confirmed them.
05:16The incident of the Ascension is a very difficult incident.
05:20There have been 9 incidents of the Ascension so far.
05:24There have been 9 incidents so far.
05:26They are confused as to how this can happen.
05:28Till now people,
05:30when we narrate the incidents of the Ascension,
05:32we give them some rational medicine.
05:34We try to make them understand some things.
05:36A little bit.
05:37But the people who read the Kalima,
05:39and still people say,
05:40he eats all kinds of food,
05:42sometimes he gets up, sometimes he sits, sometimes he thinks,
05:44sometimes he is on the right, how is this possible?
05:46But Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq was not present
05:48when the Prophet narrated the incident of the Ascension.
05:51Some of the disbelievers told him that
05:54if someone says that I am a Mufti of the night,
05:57he will understand.
05:58I am explaining it to you.
05:59The one who has a lot of intelligence,
06:01and keeps running all day,
06:03and in the evening,
06:04when he gets up in the morning,
06:06he starts running again.
06:08We should use this everywhere.
06:11In the case of the Prophet,
06:12Iqbal has said,
06:13it is good to be with the heart,
06:15to be close to the mind,
06:16but sometimes leave it alone.
06:19Sometimes leave the day alone,
06:21so that it starts with the Hijazi.
06:24Listen to him all the time,
06:26run after him all the time.
06:28Don't use your intelligence all the time,
06:30do a little bit of slavery.
06:32Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:34someone told me that,
06:36if someone says that I have gone in a small part of the night,
06:39when a person lies down in the bed,
06:41the bed becomes warm.
06:43In Punjabi it is said,
06:44Nikah has taken place.
06:45The bed becomes warm.
06:47When a person performs ablution,
06:48the water flows down,
06:49so it keeps flowing.
06:51It flows for a while,
06:52until it is absorbed.
06:53The Prophet went,
06:54came back,
06:55travelled for 18,000 years,
06:57the bed was still warm.
07:01The Prophet had poured water,
07:02so it was still flowing.
07:04And it was very difficult.
07:06The poor person's intelligence
07:07falls down here,
07:08in fact,
07:09it gets hurt in many places.
07:11She doesn't accept it.
07:12Someone said,
07:13if a person says this,
07:14then you accept it.
07:15Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him,
07:18there is nothing to accept,
07:19so how will I accept?
07:20He said with a smile,
07:22then the matter was solved.
07:24The one whom you accept as the Prophet,
07:26he said this.
07:28The one whom you accept as the Prophet,
07:30he said this.
07:31Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him,
07:32did not even say,
07:33first I will go and ask the Prophet.
07:35First he said,
07:36understand my point,
07:37where you have to stop,
07:38he never understood the passion of Khitabat.
07:40Stop and think.
07:42I say,
07:43they have made their own people
07:44to stand in the queue.
07:45They have made their own people
07:46to stand in the queue
07:47to get the explanation.
07:49Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him,
07:52I will go,
07:53I will ask,
07:54I do not know what will happen,
07:55what are you saying?
07:56He said,
07:57where is the Prophet?
07:59Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:02if Mustafa Kareem has said it,
08:03then it is the truth.
08:06It is absolutely correct
08:07if my Prophet has said it.
08:09There is no room for comment.
08:12In fact,
08:13listen to Bukhari.
08:16Hazrat Sayyiduna Umar Farooq, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:19when the treaty of Hudaibiyah was signed,
08:21the conditions were such
08:22that it seemed
08:23as if we were signing the treaty of Tabuk.
08:25Those were the conditions of wisdom.
08:27Ordinary people were not able to understand.
08:29But later,
08:30most of the benefits
08:31came from those conditions.
08:32Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:33had decided
08:35there is no condition
08:36from among the disbelievers,
08:37from among the Meccans.
08:38If the disbelievers
08:39are tortured
08:40and he goes to Medina,
08:41then the people of Medina
08:42will return him.
08:43And if he goes from Medina
08:44to Mecca,
08:45then the people of Mecca
08:46will not return him.
08:47The condition was written.
08:48It was very difficult.
08:49But most of the benefits
08:50came from these conditions.
08:52Do you understand
08:53what I am saying?
08:54If a Muslim
08:55in Medina
08:56is tortured
08:57by the Meccans
08:58and he goes to Medina,
08:59then the people
09:00of Medina
09:01will not return him.
09:02How difficult
09:03is it?
09:04If your relatives
09:05do not return you,
09:06let me speak openly.
09:07If the Pompeian
09:08does not return you,
09:09does your religion
09:10still exist?
09:11Where is your religion?
09:12Where is your religion?
09:13Where is your religion?
09:14Where is your religion?
09:15Where is your religion?
09:16Where is your religion?
09:17He said
09:18I have not kept you.
09:20The Prophet must decide.
09:21If a Muslim
09:22goes from Medina
09:23to Mecca,
09:24then the people
09:25of Mecca
09:26will not return him.
09:27Now this is
09:28a very strong condition.
09:29Back then,
09:30the Muslims
09:31who came to Medina
09:32from Mecca
09:34that the Prophet
09:35would not keep them.
09:36He used to sit
09:37in another city.
09:38So the city
09:39he sit in
09:40the whole city
09:41was Muslim.
09:42The whole city
09:43was Muslim
09:44The whole city becomes Muslim
09:48Wherever you go
09:49Otherwise no one would have left the feet of the Prophet
09:52Everyone would have stayed in Medina
09:54But because of the blessing of this condition
09:57Because of the connection of this condition
09:59The religion spread in many cities
10:01Can you hear my voice?
10:06When the Prophet, peace be upon him, wrote these conditions
10:09It was decided
10:10He said, I don't understand
10:12Why should I listen to you?
10:13And that too because
10:14Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq was passionate about Jihad
10:17Why should we listen to you?
10:19Is he weak?
10:20This was also his passion for Jihad
10:22He said, I came to the tent of the Prophet
10:25I said, O Prophet of Allah, are you a true Prophet?
10:29The Prophet said, I am true
10:31Is the Qur'an true?
10:32It is true
10:33He said, O Prophet of Allah, why should we listen to you?
10:39The Prophet, peace be upon him, said,
10:41O Umar, I am the Messenger of Allah
10:43I do not speak at will
10:46I only say what my Lord commands me to say
10:49The Prophet said, let's do it
10:521500 people came with the Prophet
10:551500 people
10:57Now here at the place of Udaybiyah
10:59The disbelievers said, we will not let you
11:01Next year come to the Prophet
11:02He said, open the Haram
11:04Tell me, so that I can reach the airport
11:07He said, the flight is delayed, we will go tomorrow
11:10Although we have made it
11:12People used to go to Madinah for 6-7 months
11:15Even the people who tie the Haram were beaten
11:17Those who have the courage to do Jihad
11:20They were beaten
11:22It is a very difficult task
11:24You go from home
11:25You put your hand in your throat
11:27You go there and find out that the visa has not been applied
11:29Does it hurt or not?
11:31Tell me
11:32It is a difficult task
11:33The Prophet told 1500 people to tie the Haram
11:37But at the place of Udaybiyah
11:39He said, open it
11:41We will come again
11:42The matter is different now
11:44Imam Zulkani wrote
11:46The Companions were worried
11:47They got up a little late
11:49The first one who got up and opened the Haram
11:51Was Abu Bakr
11:54The first Haram
11:56A Companion said, you are in a hurry
11:58He said, what is the hurry?
12:00I tied it on the Prophet's order
12:02I opened it on the Prophet's order
12:04I did not even look at the drop
12:06Nor did I see the river
12:08I just saw your glimpse
12:10And I drowned
12:12The Prophet said, tie it
12:14He tied it
12:15The Prophet said, open it
12:16He understood this
12:17Hazrat Umar said
12:18I said, why should the Prophet make a treaty?
12:20He said, I am the Messenger of Allah
12:23I say what my Lord commands me
12:27My Lord commands me
12:31Hazrat Umar said
12:32O Messenger of Allah!
12:33You did not say that you will make a treaty
12:37Now you are saying to go back
12:39The question is
12:40The Prophet smiled
12:42The Prophet said
12:43I said we will make a treaty
12:44I did not say we will do it this year
12:47We will do it
12:48If Allah wills
12:49The Ka'bah will be ours
12:50The house of Allah will be ours
12:51Whenever we want, we will make a treaty
12:54Hazrat Umar said
12:55I came back
12:56This was the tent of the Prophet
12:57And it was not a minute away
12:59It was the tent of Siddique Akbar
13:01He said
13:02I would have left from there
13:03Straight to the tent of Siddique Akbar
13:05I would have gone
13:06Abu Bakr Siddiq
13:07The Prophet is a true Messenger
13:08I said he is true
13:09The Quran is true
13:10Islam is true
13:11Then why should we make a treaty?
13:13Hazrat Umar said
13:15I swear by Allah
13:16Abu Bakr Siddiq's words and sentences
13:19Did not make a difference
13:20They were the same words
13:22That the Prophet said
13:23Siddique Akbar said
13:25O Umar!
13:26You will be killed
13:27He is the Messenger of Allah
13:29He does not say it willingly
13:31He says what Allah commands
13:35I said immediately
13:36I said Abu Bakr
13:37The Prophet did not say
13:38That we will make a treaty
13:40He said
13:41Siddique Akbar smiled
13:43I just came back from the Prophet
13:45Just now
13:46And the same sentences
13:47He did not say
13:48We will make a treaty
13:49Abu Bakr Siddiq said
13:51The Prophet said
13:52We will make a treaty
13:53He did not say
13:54We will do it this year
13:56The Prophet said
13:57We will do it this year
13:58He said
13:59We will do it
14:00Hazrat Umar said
14:01I came back
14:02When my anger subsided
14:03Then a voice came from inside me
14:05That Umar
14:06Allah has given Abu Bakr Siddiq
14:08Such a strong faith
14:10Allah has given him such a great faith
14:13On small things
14:15On small things
14:18I will say one thing
14:19Many people have come
14:20Will you get angry?
14:22No, you will not get angry
14:24You are not innocent
14:26It seems that the work will be ruined
14:28Should I say something?
14:31He had published slander on the Prophet's innocence
14:34Then there was a protest on it
14:35It should have been
14:36In fact, it was less
14:37It should have been more
14:39It happened
14:41There were two people
14:42With slander
14:43One was the publisher
14:44One was the supplier
14:46The supplier
14:48He was more dishonest
14:50He wrote two books
14:52Against Islam
14:54He raised allegations against the Prophet
14:56Now two weeks have passed
14:57That person has become a Muslim after reading the Kalima
15:01Have you read that news?
15:03Raise your hand if you have read it
15:07So many people
15:09It has become a lot of people
15:10About 50-60
15:11Have you read that news?
15:13I want to talk to you
15:14You don't have to be angry
15:16But it is necessary to talk about this
15:18That person
15:19Not only that
15:20All national institutions in Pakistan
15:22Published that news
15:23London published that news
15:24New York Times published that news
15:26I have collected a lot of material
15:28That person has asked for forgiveness
15:30From Muslims
15:31From Allah
15:32And from the Prophet
15:34He said
15:35I am ashamed
15:36And he said
15:37Do you know
15:38He said
15:39No Mubalig told me
15:40That the Darwish Sufi did not read the Kalima
15:42I went to investigate against my beloved
15:45But while reading
15:46I became his slave
15:50Do you know what the problem is?
15:51When there was blasphemy
15:53Then the news reached everyone
15:56Everyone posted it on Facebook
15:59Someone made him a dog
16:01Someone made him a donkey
16:03My question to you is
16:04When he repented
16:05Then why didn't we kick him out?
16:09Your national newspapers published the news
16:11I am not alone
16:12You heard the testimony of 50-60 people
16:14Why don't we know?
16:16We have become convinced of negative things
16:19You are not upset, are you?
16:21This is our temperament
16:22It is difficult to speak positively
16:26We will spend the rest of our lives in despair
16:32Why didn't we kick him out?
16:33Should we have done that?
16:35Should we have appreciated him?
16:41Should we have given him a message
16:42That you have done a good thing?
16:44Those who knew English
16:45They would have written in English
16:46Those who knew Dutch
16:47They would have written in Dutch
16:48Those who knew Arabic
16:49They would have written in Arabic
16:50Should we have done that?
16:51I don't know
16:52Where has our thinking gone?
16:55The matter of love
16:56The matter of love
16:57The matter of slavery
16:58We should have caught that person
16:59He would have received so many messages
17:01From all over the world
17:02Isn't the concept of Muallifatul Qulub in Islam?
17:06That when a person recites a new Kalima
17:08You should give him so much
17:09That his heart becomes strong
17:10So who is going to strengthen such people?
17:13But we are not upset
17:15This is not our temperament
17:17This is not our temperament
17:18If you catch a fake Pir
17:19You make noise all over the world
17:21If you find the real one
17:22Then why don't you make noise?
17:26Then why don't you make noise?
17:28Then why don't you make noise?
17:30If you catch a fake Pir
17:31You publish it
17:32You make noise all over the world
17:33You forward it to everyone
17:35That you should send someone
17:37A picture of the real one
17:38Yes, please do
17:40The whole life
17:41The mind will also be propaganda
17:43The whole life
17:44It will be wrong
17:46You talk about those who are late
17:48You should also talk about those who are on time
17:51When you think that
17:52Something is going wrong
17:53You should do it quickly
17:54There are two types of flies
17:57One sits on flowers whenever it wants
18:00And when it gives
18:01It gives honey
18:03And when it sits
18:04It sits on dirt
18:06And if it sits again
18:07It spreads diseases
18:09Now it is our own work
18:10I am upset
18:12I asked dozens of people
18:13I asked dozens of people
18:14That day
18:15I asked dozens of people
18:16Didn't anyone tell you
18:17Why did you read the Kalima?
18:18It was very clear
18:19It was well written
18:20But because
18:21That is not the news for us
18:23For us
18:24The news is that
18:26Where there is a little
18:28Where there is a little excitement
18:30Where there is a preacher like me
18:31Who says
18:32Turn it around
18:33Do it
18:34Don't do it like this
18:35Take positive things with you
18:36Will you do it?
18:38Will you pay attention to it?
18:40Ever since
18:41In society
18:42We have started
18:45I have gone to another side
18:46I think
18:48That so much criticism
18:49Was put on fake saints
18:50That people have
18:51Even left the good deeds
18:54We have been so strict
18:55That love, love
18:57All that
18:58All that
18:59All that
19:00All that
19:01All that
19:02All that
19:03All that
19:04All that
19:05And one more thing
19:08The unfortunate slave
19:09The one who has the trust of his master.
19:15The one who thinks about his work, he should think about it.
19:19That his slavery is weak.
19:21His father is afraid to tell him about his work,
19:25that he doesn't know if he wants to do it or not.
19:27Or he doesn't know from where he will speak.
19:29Is he a human being?
19:30The one whose teacher is afraid to speak,
19:33that he doesn't know if he will agree or not.
19:35The one whose master, i.e. peer,
19:38claims to be his slave,
19:40he should never tell him about his work.
19:42Listen to the wonder of Hazrat Siddique Akbar.
19:45Listen to this.
19:47Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas said,
19:49O Messenger of Allah, I want to give all my wealth to Allah.
19:52Mustafa Kareem had a lot of trust in him.
19:55But the Prophet said,
19:56No, give only a fourth share.
19:58Give only three shares to your daughter.
20:01Hazrat Ubay bin Ka'b said,
20:02I am speaking responsibly.
20:03O Messenger of Allah, I want to give all my wealth.
20:06The Prophet said,
20:07No, give only a fourth share.
20:09Give only three shares to your family.
20:11Hazrat Abu Lubaba said,
20:13O Messenger of Allah, I want to give all my wealth.
20:17The Prophet said,
20:18No, give only three shares to your family.
20:21Give only a fourth share to Allah.
20:23He refused all three.
20:25Abu Bakr Siddiq brought all his wealth.
20:29He brought all his wealth.
20:31The Prophet said,
20:32All your wealth is accepted.
20:35All your wealth is accepted.
20:36What a wonderful Hadith!
20:38The Prophet said,
20:39No one's wealth has benefited me as much as Abu Bakr Siddiq's wealth.
20:44And when Hazrat Abu Darda used to say these words,
20:47he used to cry.
20:49The Prophet said,
20:50When Abu Bakr Siddiq's wealth came before me,
20:53O friends, I wish you could understand.
20:56You and I are the claimants of love.
20:58I wish we could understand.
20:59I wish we could understand.
21:01Hazrat Abu Darda said,
21:03My Prophet said,
21:05Whatever wealth came before me,
21:07I thought about it and spent it.
21:09But when Abu Bakr Siddiq's wealth came before me,
21:12I thought about it and spent it.
21:14I thought about it and spent it.
21:17Do you think this is a small matter?
21:19I thought about it and spent it.
21:20I did not have any obligation
21:21that someone will think about it,
21:22someone will say something.
21:24What kind of matter will it be?
21:26I thought about it openly.
21:27We should have confidence in our religion.
21:30We should have confidence in our religion.
21:33We should have the attitude of people
21:35that they are not like this.
21:37They will do as the religion commands.
21:40We should have this attitude, my dear.
21:42This is the first aspect of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq's life
21:45that we should think about it.
21:47And the second thing in the life of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq
21:51is that the Prophet was not fond of them.
21:55Some people become a burden on the nature.
21:58There are some guests to whom a person says,
22:01How long will you sit? I have to go.
22:05Some people came to visit Hazrat Isri Sakti,
22:08and one of them was not going.
22:11He was not going.
22:12Now you are worried that he should go.
22:14So I am a little concerned.
22:16He was not going.
22:18He was not going.
22:20So he said,
22:21The door was open for a while,
22:23and when the wind started blowing,
22:25he said,
22:26Should I close the door?
22:28So Isri Sakti said,
22:29Do it, but do it from the outside.
22:31Close the door,
22:33but do it from the outside,
22:35not from inside.
22:36Because now you can go.
22:38It is enough.
22:40Hazrat Shah Waliullah Sahib Muhaddis-e-Delvi has written,
22:44One day the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
22:47Hazrat Abu Huraira was there,
22:49and some other people were there.
22:51When you meet a Waqf, love increases.
22:54When you meet a Waqf,
22:56do not stay away all the time.
22:57When you meet a Waqf, love increases.
22:59Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar was also listening.
23:02He also did not come.
23:03Zohr came,
23:04and left.
23:05Asr came,
23:06and left.
23:07Magrib came,
23:08and left.
23:09Hazrat Anas bin Malik says,
23:11Three times the Prophet asked me,
23:13Didn't Abu Bakr come?
23:15Didn't Abu Bakr come?
23:17Didn't Abu Bakr come?
23:19Hazrat Anas bin Malik says,
23:21Three times the Prophet asked me,
23:23and I reached there.
23:24I said, Abu Bakr, where are you?
23:26The Prophet asked three times.
23:28He said,
23:29Come immediately.
23:30O Messenger of Allah!
23:31Where were you since morning?
23:33Why didn't we meet?
23:35Understand this pain.
23:37Where were you since morning?
23:38Why didn't we meet?
23:40He said,
23:41O Messenger of Allah!
23:42You said,
23:43When you meet a Waqf, love increases.
23:44The Prophet said,
23:45I did not say that to you.
23:47I did not say that to you.
23:49You should not go.
23:50If you sit,
23:51my health is affected.
23:53You should not go.
23:55You should stay here.
24:05Give me the book.
24:07It is fine.
24:08When we
24:09When we start to hurt the other person,
24:12start to torment him,
24:14then the matter is different.
24:15And when we become
24:18when our nature
24:19is in favourable
24:21and faithfulness,
24:22we will do as you say.
24:24Hazrat Asid Di Akbar
24:25has given the ummah
24:26this environment
24:27that it should not be a burden.
24:28We should not be burdened
24:29by our nature.
24:30Be slaves.
24:31You should believe that
24:32some children are such
24:33that their mother says,
24:34if he comes I will not
24:35need a medicine.
24:37The son should be like the one
24:39who sits like this.
24:41There are some people
24:42who are like the Taweez.
24:44Some people are like a talisman. Whenever they meet, they are healed.
24:49Some people are like a talisman.
24:51Create an environment like that. Don't be a burden.
24:54Listen to the third thing.
24:56Some people say that I am very affectionate.
24:59I am very affectionate in religion.
25:01I am affectionate towards father, priest, teacher.
25:04But no one listens to me.
25:06I am affectionate.
25:08Hazrat Siddique Akbar used to be with me all the time
25:11and he used to follow every instruction of the Holy Prophet.
25:14Imam Jalal-ud-Din Suyuti, may Allah have mercy on him,
25:17has written that the Prophet looked at the congregation
25:20and said, who has fasted today?
25:23Hazrat Siddique Akbar said, I have fasted.
25:26If you had asked, I would not have told you.
25:29The Prophet said, has anyone gone to the funeral today?
25:33He said, if you have asked, how can I deny that I have gone?
25:38He said, has anyone gone to the funeral today?
25:41He said, if you had asked, I would not have told you.
25:44I have gone.
25:46Look here, the duty of the Beloved is complete.
25:49The duty of servitude is also complete.
25:51The duty of Nawafil is also complete.
25:53He said, if you had asked, I would not have told you.
25:57This service has come in my share.
26:00The Prophet is looking and smiling.
26:04At the end, the Beloved said,
26:06Abu Bakr, whatever qualities you have,
26:09whichever person you find,
26:11Allah will invite him to enter paradise from every door on the Day of Judgment.
26:16He will be invited to enter paradise from every door.
26:19In fact, there is a Hadith in Abu Dawood, very magnificent.
26:22You will enjoy it.
26:23I enjoyed reading it, you will enjoy listening to it.
26:26I read the Fajr prayer in the Prophet's garden.
26:29Hazrat Abdul Rehman bin Abi Bakr,
26:33He is the son of Hazrat Siddiq Akbar, he narrates.
26:36He says, the Prophet, as soon as he offered the Fajr prayer,
26:39asked, who has kept the fast today?
26:42Whose fast is it?
26:44Hazrat Umar says,
26:45I had the intention to keep the fast at night, but I could not.
26:49He says, there was silence on the gathering.
26:52The Prophet said, why don't you say, who has kept it?
26:55Hazrat Siddiq Akbar said,
26:57The Prophet, Allah has given me the ability, I have kept it, Alhamdulillah.
27:01Immediately, Hazrat Siddiq Akbar said, I have kept it.
27:04The Prophet asked a second question.
27:07He said, today, if someone has taken care of a sick person,
27:12Hazrat Umar says, I said it quickly,
27:15I said, O Messenger of Allah, the day has just started.
27:18The Fajr prayer has just started.
27:20If the Prophet goes, he will take care of the sick person.
27:22He is right here.
27:24If you are asking a question right now, the prayer has just started.
27:27The Prophet said, Umar, wait a little.
27:31Stop for a while.
27:33Hazrat Umar stopped.
27:34The Prophet asked again, tell me, who has taken care of a sick person?
27:37Everyone was silent.
27:38Hazrat Siddiq Akbar said,
27:40O Messenger of Allah, for the last two or three days,
27:43Hazrat Abdur Rahman Ibn Aww was not coming to pray.
27:46So, after Isha, I asked him, and I found out that he was sick.
27:50So, the poet has written,
27:52Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq knew that after Isha,
27:55people get up early, but they must get up at the time of Tahajjud.
27:58He said, Huzoor, I knew, I knew,
28:01that now he will not be found, but he will be found before Fajr.
28:05So, O Messenger of Allah, he is my friend, he is my friend,
28:08so before I came to pray,
28:11I took care of the sick person.
28:14The Prophet asked a third question.
28:18The Beloved said, tell me,
28:20is there anyone who has given charity to a poor person?
28:24So, Hazrat Umar said, I said quickly,
28:27I said, Huzoor, I have just prayed.
28:30If I go out, I will give charity.
28:32It is the prayer of Fajr, O Messenger of Allah.
28:35Huzoor, if I go out now,
28:37Huzoor said, Umar, you wait.
28:39You wait.
28:40So, Hazrat Umar said, I stopped.
28:43Huzoor asked again.
28:45Hazrat Siddiq Akbar is silent.
28:47When the Beloved asked a third time,
28:49he said, Huzoor, my heart does not want
28:51to sit among my friends and count my good deeds.
28:54But Huzoor, Allah has given me the reward of giving charity early in the morning.
28:59So, it is still Fajr.
29:01Understand this.
29:02This is a reflection of character and character.
29:05Some people say,
29:06I stayed with a saint for 21 years.
29:09I stayed for 22 years.
29:10So, my question is,
29:11what did you learn?
29:13What did you take?
29:15If you had taken something,
29:16then you should be able to see its reflection in your nature.
29:19And if you can't see the reflection,
29:21then what is the meaning of talking and doing business?
29:24Huzoor said, Abu Bakr, how did you give charity?
29:27He said, O Messenger of Allah,
29:29when I got up for the morning prayer,
29:31my grandson also got up.
29:33So, Huzoor, he first insisted that I go with him.
29:37And then he said,
29:39I am also hungry.
29:41So, while doing my ablution,
29:43and while doing my Sunnah,
29:45his mother cooked him two rotis.
29:48Huzoor, he ate one,
29:49and the other was in his hand.
29:51So, O Messenger of Allah,
29:52when I came out of my house for prayer,
29:55a poor man was sitting there.
29:57He called out,
29:58I have been sitting hungry since last night.
30:00So, he said,
30:01I said to my grandson,
30:02Son, you have eaten,
30:03give the rest to him.
30:05So, Huzoor,
30:06Abu Bakr said,
30:09I have also given charity.
30:11I have also fasted.
30:12I have also taken care of a sick person.
30:16The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
30:18raised his hand and said,
30:19O Allah,
30:20I am pleased with Abu Bakr.
30:22You also be pleased with him.
30:24I am pleased.
30:25You also be pleased.
30:26My brother,
30:28I often think,
30:30there was no command in any Hadith
30:32about fasting.
30:33But it has started happening.
30:35Was there a command in any Hadith?
30:37Tell me.
30:38In the Hadith,
30:39there was a command that
30:40if you want to know
30:41how much is the reward for the first row,
30:43then you should fast.
30:45When will that happen?
30:47This is the command.
30:49When will it happen?
30:52There is no mention of Umrah
30:54in the Qur'an.
30:55I am not denying it.
30:56I am not saying it is haram or unlawful.
30:58But I am asking to make it clear.
31:00There is no mention of Umrah in the Qur'an.
31:02It happens.
31:03There is mention of motorcycle in the Qur'an.
31:05There is mention of car in the Qur'an.
31:06There is mention of car in the Qur'an.
31:07So, in the first row,
31:08there is so much reward for the first row.
31:10If you come to know,
31:11then you should fast.
31:12When will that happen?
31:13It used to happen in the time of Hazrat Umar.
31:16It used to happen in the time of Maula Ali.
31:18It used to happen in the time of
31:20Janab-e-Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
31:21When will we do it?
31:23The Prophet said,
31:24if you come to know
31:25how much is the reward for reciting Adhan,
31:26then you should fast.
31:28When will we do it?
31:30When will it happen?
31:33When will this program be made?
31:35My brother,
31:36Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq has told us
31:39that I have done the servitude of the Prophet openly.
31:42And I have acted upon the instructions of the Prophet,
31:44even then I have done it openly.
31:46It is not that I have become a good servant,
31:48I have been praised,
31:49so now I will not act.
31:51I have also seen
31:52what is the need of the Beloved?
31:54What is the need?
31:55What do you want?
31:56I have started understanding the temperament of the Prophet.
32:00I have been loyal to the personality of the Prophet,
32:02so I have done it openly.
32:04With the personality.
32:05Do we know what is the matter?
32:07There are some people
32:09who claim to have love and affection,
32:11but when they do it,
32:12they do it out of the limits.
32:14And some people,
32:15when they stop offering Salat and fasting,
32:17they become dry.
32:19That love,
32:20that temperament,
32:21that pain,
32:22that taste,
32:23that happiness.
32:24Just now,
32:25my brother had recited a couplet.
32:26But it was a couplet for those who understand.
32:28He was reciting the words of Maulana Hassan Raza.
32:30There was a great sentence in it.
32:32I have lost my home in the path of truth,
32:34many times because of this love.
32:36Just see the order,
32:37the subject,
32:38and the background.
32:40I have lost my home in the path of truth,
32:42many times because of this love.
32:44I have lost my home in the path of truth,
32:46many times because of this love.
32:48A couplet.
32:50But because the poetic taste
32:52is not the same as it used to be,
32:54the pain is not the same,
32:55so the attention is not the same.
32:58Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq
33:00did slavery,
33:01did obedience,
33:02and with the personality of the Prophet,
33:04which is his interest.
33:06Hazrat Ayesha Siddiq,
33:07may Allah be pleased with her,
33:08she said,
33:09I did not know before
33:10that people cry in love.
33:12I only knew that
33:13they cry when they are in pain.
33:15They cry when they are in pain.
33:16I did not know that
33:17people cry in love.
33:19She said,
33:20when the Prophet,
33:21peace and blessings be upon him,
33:22said to my father,
33:23Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq,
33:25that you will come with me
33:27for the migration.
33:28She said,
33:29since the day the Prophet said,
33:30my father has not slept.
33:33He used to stand up all night.
33:35She said,
33:36the day I had to go,
33:37the Prophet came to our house.
33:39You have to wait.
33:41Those who go to Madinah for the first time,
33:43their color is different.
33:45Their emotions are different.
33:49She said,
33:50when the Prophet came,
33:52and the Beloved of Allah,
33:53peace and blessings be upon him,
33:55Siddiq, let's go.
33:56She said,
33:57I saw the tears of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq.
34:00I saw the tears of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq.
34:03Then I understood
34:04that people cry in love.
34:06Then I understood
34:07that people cry in love.
34:09Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq
34:10was a very rich man.
34:12A rich man gives 50,000 rupees
34:14in the mosque,
34:15but does not give a broom in the mosque.
34:19A rich man gives money
34:21to a priest
34:22for the food of the house,
34:24but does not give a broom
34:25at the sanctuary.
34:27This is the nature.
34:28He was very rich.
34:29He gave all the wealth.
34:31But read Kanzul-ul-Maal,
34:32read Muslim Sharif,
34:34read Hadith.
34:35You will find Hadith
34:36in almost all the books
34:37of Hadith
34:38with different words
34:39and some order.
34:42Someone asked,
34:43when did Abu Bakr Siddiq
34:44get satisfied in his life?
34:46There are many occasions
34:47when a person is very happy
34:48when his son is born.
34:50He gets an appointment letter,
34:51but still he is very happy.
34:53When Allah gives
34:54another promise,
34:55then also.
34:56Hazrat Siddiq was given
34:57many opportunities.
34:58Allah also gave him a son.
35:00Allah Almighty
35:01also gave him the ability
35:02to read the Kalima.
35:03Then Allah also gave him
35:04that opportunity
35:05when he became
35:07Someone asked,
35:08when did you get satisfied?
35:09He said,
35:10when I was bringing
35:11Prophet Muhammad from Mecca
35:12to Medina.
35:13He said,
35:14what happened?
35:15He said,
35:16the heat was very severe
35:17on the way.
35:19when I woke up,
35:20there were sweat
35:21drops on the face
35:22of my beloved.
35:23He said,
35:24I started looking
35:25for some water
35:26from somewhere,
35:27to find a place
35:28where there is shade.
35:30when I looked,
35:31there was a slope
35:32on the way.
35:33He said,
35:34if you allow me,
35:35can I see the shade?
35:36My beloved said,
35:37see it.
35:38He said,
35:39I saw the shade
35:40and came.
35:41Then I opened
35:42my turban.
35:43Then I cleaned
35:44that place with him.
35:45Then I took off
35:46my shawl
35:47from my shoulders
35:48and laid it there.
35:49Then he said,
35:50my beloved,
35:51you lie down.
35:52He said,
35:53my beloved lay down
35:54and I started looking
35:55for something
35:56cool in this heat
35:57so that I can
35:58present it to my
36:00There is heat,
36:01there is shade.
36:02He said,
36:03I saw a shepherd
36:04grazing goats.
36:05They were goats.
36:06I said,
36:07can you give me
36:08a goat's milk?
36:09He said,
36:10if you buy it at home,
36:11it will be three dinars.
36:13I will give you
36:14four dinars.
36:15I said,
36:16my beloved,
36:17you asked for
36:18a little money.
36:20I was ready
36:21to give you
36:22whatever you asked for.
36:23Then I asked him,
36:24where is the well?
36:25He said,
36:26it is far away.
36:27I said,
36:28don't tell me the journey.
36:29Just tell me
36:30when love teaches
36:31the etiquettes of God.
36:33He said,
36:34I ran to the well.
36:35I went to the well.
36:36I took out water.
36:37I washed the bowl.
36:38I filled it with water.
36:40I gave it to the shepherd.
36:42I said,
36:43my beloved,
36:44please wash your hands
36:45and also wash
36:46the goats.
36:47He said,
36:48you look very nice.
36:49I said,
36:50I am not nice.
36:51Allah has created
36:52a great sin
36:53for those who
36:54take it with them.
36:55He said,
36:56you wash
36:57the milk yourself.
36:58He said,
36:59I washed the goats.
37:00Then I washed the milk.
37:01Then I filled the bowl.
37:02Then I went.
37:03What is this?
37:04This is love
37:05for the Prophet.
37:07if you don't know
37:08how to cry
37:09for the Prophet,
37:10then you won't
37:11even enjoy
37:12saluting him.
37:13If you don't
37:14have a heart
37:15in your navel,
37:16then you won't
37:17even have a heart
37:18in your prostration.
37:19If you don't
37:20love the Prophet,
37:21then how will
37:22the religion of the Prophet
37:23have mercy
37:24on you?
37:25Our dry
37:27our running
37:28away from
37:29the Prophet,
37:30has created
37:32Our souls
37:33have lost
37:34that freshness.
37:35Our hearts
37:36have lost
37:37that passion.
37:38Hazrat Siddiq
37:41I washed
37:42the milk
37:43in the bowl.
37:44Then I went.
37:45Again I went
37:46to the well.
37:47I took out
37:48a bucket of water
37:49and put
37:50the milk in it.
37:51When it
37:52cooled down,
37:53then I brought
37:54it back.
37:55He said,
37:56it couldn't
37:57get warm
37:59He said,
38:00when I reached
38:01the well,
38:02the Beloved
38:03was resting.
38:04Now again
38:05my love
38:06got worried
38:07that he
38:09wake up.
38:10And if the
38:12would wake up
38:14then the
38:15milk would
38:16get warm.
38:17But the
38:19has also
38:21my eyes
38:23but my
38:25remains awake.
38:26So the
38:28opened his
38:30He said,
38:31when I
38:32sat on
38:33my knees
38:36the milk
38:37in the
38:42took it
38:50the first
39:24I was so happy that day, I have never felt like this before, nor will I ever feel like this after that.
39:29Love the Prophet.
39:31Obey the Prophet's every command.
39:35Follow everything that the Prophet has said is good.
39:39You are the Ameer-ul-Mumin.
39:41Look how much wealth we have accumulated.
39:44And believe me, 15 years ago, people did not have as much wealth as we have now.
39:50And people did not cry as much as they do today.
39:53If you tease a person, he will say, I am very upset.
39:57Pray for me to start a business.
39:59And the reality is that we have a lot of money.
40:01But remember one thing,
40:04The Prophet said,
40:07Seek protection from the desire that gives birth to more desires.
40:12The desires of the soul are not fulfilled.
40:17You will give him one thing and he will ask for another.
40:19What is the standard of Hazrat Siddiq Akbar?
40:21He lived a life of luxury.
40:23He was a Sardar.
40:25When people become a king, then their ways are not unique.
40:30When there is power, then you know that
40:33Until ten cars are in front and ten cars are behind, it is not fun.
40:37What to talk about the ministers, even the saints do not enjoy.
40:41Until there is a complete protocol,
40:43If a hundred people do not come to welcome, then the work of the saints also changes.
40:47Don't you know how to welcome?
40:50When Hazrat Siddiq Akbar became the Caliph, he asked for water.
40:57One of the companions gave him milk with honey.
41:02When he came close to Hazrat Siddiq Akbar,
41:05It was not a matter of crying,
41:07It was not a matter of pain.
41:09But those who have pain inside, their pain also comes out.
41:12If someone had to do it himself, he would have done it himself.
41:16He gave him milk with honey.
41:18When he came close to Hazrat Siddiq Akbar,
41:21He said, Huzoor, I have added a little milk and honey.
41:24Hazrat Siddiq Akbar cried with such pain,
41:27That his beard was filled with tears.
41:30People said, Huzoor, what happened?
41:33What happened?
41:35He said, Nabi Kareem A.S. was sitting one day.
41:38I was serving Huzoor.
41:40Huzoor said, move away, move away, move away.
41:43I said, O Messenger of Allah, who are you saying?
41:45Huzoor said, the world was coming closer to me.
41:48The tastes of the world were coming closer to me.
41:50I have removed it.
41:52Nabi Siddiq Akbar said,
41:54My beloved had removed it, and you are putting me on tastes.
41:57Huzoor had removed it, and you are putting me on tastes.
42:00He said, take it away.
42:02Give it to the one who needs it.
42:04Treat me like this.
42:06Treat me like this.
42:08Give me the water that I have asked for.
42:10Don't put me on tastes.
42:12If I drink milk and honey now,
42:14I will ask for something else.
42:16Believe me, we got entangled.
42:18At the breakfast table,
42:20the plan for the afternoon was being made.
42:22What should we eat in the afternoon?
42:24The food for the afternoon is not complete yet.
42:26People bring it in advance for the evening.
42:29To cook this mutton in this order.
42:32We got entangled in this.
42:34One has to wear it, one has to eat it.
42:36Will we spend our whole life in this?
42:38Is this the whole life?
42:40Did we come for this purpose?
42:42He said, take it away.
42:44There is no need for it.
42:46When he became Ameer ul Momineen,
42:48he lived a strange life.
42:50When he became Hazrat Umar Khalifa,
42:52he waited for three days to become
42:54Ameer ul Momineen.
42:56Let me tell you one thing.
42:58The happiest people in the world
43:00are those who serve the people.
43:02The one who says, take my name,
43:04then I will serve you.
43:06This person is in pain.
43:08The one who is fond of protocol
43:10is the one who is annoyed
43:12that he did not get the friend seat.
43:14I don't know what happened.
43:16The one who is used to it,
43:18faces a lot of difficulty.
43:20The one who creates the atmosphere
43:22of service, is so peaceful.
43:24Hazrat Umar said,
43:26I became Khalifa three days ago.
43:28I was sitting and two little girls came.
43:30They said, uncle, you became Khalifa?
43:32I said, should I be the Khalifa?
43:34What happened?
43:36They said, it was the time of Asr.
43:38The Ameer ul Momineen used to give us time.
43:40I said, it is your time?
43:42What do you mean?
43:44They said, we are five or seven sisters.
43:46Our father passed away.
43:48We have no brother.
43:50We have 30-35 goats in our house.
43:52Siddique Akbar used to come with some people,
43:54with some slaves.
43:56He used to wash the milk of our goats
43:58with his own hands.
44:00He used to wash the milk and give it to us.
44:02He used to sell some and drink some.
44:04Uncle, my mother has been crying
44:06and my sisters are also crying.
44:08The Ameer ul Momineen has passed away.
44:10Who will come now?
44:12Uncle, someone has told me that
44:14now Umar ibn Khattab is on duty.
44:16Will you come with us?
44:18Will you come with us?
44:20Hazrat Umar said,
44:22I got up.
44:24When I was going after the little girls,
44:26I was crying.
44:28I was crying on the way.
44:30When I met the Companion on the way,
44:32he said, Umar, why are you crying?
44:34I said, what should I tell you?
44:36This Abubakar Siddique has made
44:38such a difficult path for me.
44:40He left such a mark in my heart.
44:42The path I have passed through,
44:44I still remember it.
44:46I said, my friend,
44:48he has made such a difficult path.
44:50Where did he go?
44:52What did he do?
44:54He used to go to Umar ibn Khattab's house
44:56all his life.
44:58He used to wash the milk of the goats.
45:00Brother, you develop this hobby.
45:02You also have this attitude with someone.
45:04You also have this lifestyle.
45:06Do you ever walk like this?
45:08Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab,
45:10may Allah be pleased with him,
45:12says, I started making a list
45:14of the poor during his Khilafat.
45:16I make a list.
45:18How many poor people are there in Madinah?
45:20He says, I had some time from Jihad.
45:22I had some time,
45:24so I made a list of the poor in Madinah.
45:26In that list,
45:28I also named an old lady.
45:30She was blind.
45:32She had no one to work
45:34in her house.
45:36Have we ever made a list?
45:38We make lists when elections come.
45:40We make lists very openly.
45:42Then many poor people
45:44start doing this work.
45:46He says, I made a list of the old lady.
45:48When the name came,
45:50Umar ibn Khattab said,
45:52I went to that old lady's house.
45:54I knocked on the door.
45:56She said, who is at the door?
45:58I said, I am from the same community,
46:00but I am from Tabqaat Ibn Saad.
46:02She said, who is at the door?
46:04I said, I am Khattab's son, Umar.
46:06I heard that there is no one
46:08to work in your house.
46:10I will come daily and give you a broom.
46:12I will wash the utensils.
46:14Utensils and a broom.
46:16I don't give it in my house.
46:18Look at the hobby of the Companions.
46:20Look at the style.
46:22I will wash the utensils.
46:24I will give a broom.
46:26I will wash the utensils.
46:28She said, it has been three years
46:30since one person has come.
46:32He does all the work.
46:34He is the right one.
46:36Hazrat Sayyiduna Umar said,
46:38he does all the work.
46:40What is the difference?
46:42She said, there is a lot of difference.
46:44He said, what is that?
46:46She said, you said on the first day
46:48that I am Khattab's son, Umar.
46:50Whenever I ask him,
46:52what is your name?
46:54What is the name of your tribe?
46:56He said, tell me if I have a complaint.
46:58What is the name of your father?
47:00He said, tell me, I do all the work.
47:02He doesn't tell me.
47:04On the first day, you come and say Khattab's son.
47:06Hazrat Umar said, I already had a package.
47:08Who can it be?
47:10But still I said,
47:12you have to hold it with your bare hands.
47:14He said, I went to Zohr,
47:16I went to Yassar, Maghrib, Isha,
47:18I didn't come.
47:20At the time of Sehri,
47:22Ameer ul Momineen,
47:24opened the door of Abu Bakr Siddiq.
47:26He said,
47:28give me a person who is saved from this fragrance.
47:30Take off your shoes and put them in your armpits.
47:32He said,
47:34then I went to that old man's house.
47:36Ameer ul Momineen,
47:38Khalifatul Muslimeen.
47:40If you ever see a consular,
47:42you will know.
47:44He said, when Abu Bakr Siddiq
47:46entered that old man's house,
47:48I saw with my own eyes,
47:50he was sweeping.
47:52He said, then I saw Abu Bakr
47:54sweeping that old man's utensils.
47:56Then I saw him bringing water.
47:58Then I saw him talking about love
48:00and making that old widow
48:02and naked woman laugh.
48:04He said, I was watching from a distance
48:06and was shedding tears.
48:08He said, when Siddiq came out,
48:10I stood in front of him.
48:12I said, I understood your sweeping
48:14and sweeping.
48:16But I didn't understand
48:18what you were doing.
48:20What is this?
48:22Then Abu Bakr Siddiq said,
48:24Omar, when a man walks with his shoes,
48:26a voice is created.
48:28People are sleeping.
48:30I have come to do the old woman's job.
48:32I have not come to tell the world
48:34that I work in someone's house.
48:36This is the secret of me and my Lord.
48:38I don't want to tell anyone.
48:40This is the secret of me and my Allah.
48:42My brother, with this order,
48:44Abu Bakr Siddiq spent time.
48:46With this order,
48:48he left the world.
48:50And in this way,
48:52he got a place in the green dome
48:54of his beloved.
48:56With this order,
48:58he went in the shadow of the Prophet.
49:00I am summarizing.
49:02Our scholars have written,
49:04there is a hadith in Bukhari,
49:06that when Siddiq Akbar
49:08went to Madina Munawwara with
49:10the Prophet,
49:12not everyone visited the Prophet.
49:14Some visited him,
49:16some did not.
49:18Those who did not,
49:20would greet Siddiq Akbar
49:22and sit down.
49:24And some would greet
49:26the Prophet and sit down.
49:28Although the Sufis have written,
49:30the Sufis say that
49:32because for three days,
49:34three nights,
49:36he stayed in front of the Prophet
49:38without anyone's presence,
49:40the reflection of his face
49:42was so great,
49:44that he was lost in the reflection
49:46of the Prophet.
49:48Now people began to doubt.
49:50So when Siddiq Akbar saw
49:52two people greeting him,
49:54he immediately stood up.
49:56He immediately stood up.
49:58And he took off his shawl
50:00and shadowed the Prophet.
50:02So that people know
50:04that the one who is in the shadow
50:06is a slave.
50:08And the one who is in the shadow
50:10is a slave.
50:12The Muhaddithin have written
50:14a wonderful sentence.
50:16They say that the day
50:18when he came to Medina
50:20for the first time,
50:22Siddiq Akbar shadowed the Prophet
50:24for a while.
50:26It seems that the Beloved
50:28had already decided in his heart
50:30that for a while,
50:32I will keep the shadow
50:34of the dome of Khazra
50:36till the Day of Judgment.
50:38That the one who greets
50:40the Prophet today,
50:42he greets Siddiq Akbar too.
50:44He greets Hazrat Farooq-e-Azam too.
50:46Accept their life.
50:48Stop your foolishness.
50:50Keep yourself close to the Prophet.
50:52The second thing is that
50:54don't just claim to be a slave.
50:56Do what the Beloved has said.
50:58The greatness and greatness
51:00that the Prophet had mentioned,
51:02the first row, the call to prayer,
51:04the beard, the veil,
51:06we have to act because
51:08our Beloved has said it.
51:10Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
51:12And the third thing is
51:14to understand their character.
51:16He had a big heart.
51:18He loved the poor.
51:20Being such a great man,
51:22he used to spend thousands of dinars
51:24and he used to sweep the poor's houses.
51:26He used to wash the milk of the poor girls.
51:28Create this temperament.
51:30Then there will be beauty in our society.
51:32Then there will be beauty.
51:34Then there will be dignity.
51:36Then there will be a naturalness.
51:38When people will take care of each other
51:40then there will be less tears.
51:42Then there will be more happiness.
51:44May Allah give us all
51:46the ability to act.
