Blizny pamięci

  • 2 days ago
00:00:30I swear before God, on the cross of my Son, that I will faithfully serve my Fatherland
00:00:52and freedom.
00:00:53I will sacrifice everything I have for Him.
00:00:54I will fulfill the commandments of my forefathers, and I will keep the secrets of the unfaithful.
00:01:01So help me God, and the innocent Menka will be saved.
00:01:13So help me God, and the innocent Menka will be saved.
00:01:22The second time they send me to the government in exile.
00:01:27I constantly have to repeat to myself and arrange memorized information,
00:01:33thrown at my head like a package running between the government in London and the authorities in the country.
00:01:42I have to repeat every sentence given to me precisely,
00:01:47so that I can use it without mistakes in words or intentions.
00:01:50I can't write anything down.
00:01:52It's my secret ammunition.
00:01:55I load it into the memory magazines like a pistol bullet.
00:02:06I learn loneliness and distrust.
00:02:15I am only aware of myself.
00:02:21I regret that politics is so different from sports.
00:02:28Its foreign, honorable rules of fair play.
00:02:34Poland was completely lonely and abandoned then.
00:02:40We were not able to defend ourselves militarily against two hostile powers
00:02:46around the crowds of a few countries with a smear of swastika.
00:02:54And from the east, a bloody moon of a red star from a shot sky.
00:03:07How beautiful.
00:03:09On this background, our white and red chessboard stands out.
00:03:17For a long time, it will remain a moral rejection of humanity's conscience.
00:03:32You were like a great old tree, my nation.
00:03:38Like a house of praise.
00:03:42Aroused by the fire of juicy juices, like a tree of faith, power and anger.
00:03:50And if you were to be cut down and rooted with a thorn,
00:03:58to change your voice, your shape,
00:04:04to turn you into a dream of a vampire.
00:04:39In the middle of a desolate street.
00:04:44The streets of a Jewish street.
00:04:53A little bit of soot, a little bit of bread.
00:05:01A little bit of soot, a little bit of bread.
00:05:14A little bit of soot, a little bit of bread.
00:05:22That's why I'm going to steal your time.
00:05:31A little bit of soot, a little bit of bread.
00:05:35Everyone knows where to go.
00:05:40Why get involved in this?
00:05:49Victory without death.
00:05:54It rebukes and slaughters this land.
00:06:02I'm in the Warsaw Ghetto.
00:06:07I agreed to see with my own eyes and remember how Jews live and die here.
00:06:18I haven't shaved in a few days, so as not to stand out.
00:06:23I passed a tunnel under Muranówka Street,
00:06:29connected to the cellar of the ghetto house.
00:06:37Well, fortunately, I'm avoiding SS men and Jewish policemen for now.
00:06:47Skeletons of houses with burnt windows and gates.
00:06:59Among the rubble, human remains of the living and the dead,
00:07:06torn from the rags.
00:07:10I'll be out of here in a few hours.
00:07:13Without help, without miracles, they will all die here.
00:07:19Or they will be taken to Bełżec, Treblinka or Majdanek.
00:07:46Two Hitlerjugend puppies.
00:07:52As if they were hunting for something.
00:07:56One pulled out a gun.
00:08:01Oh, God.
00:08:03God, there's a man in the window.
00:08:07He needs a little soap.
00:08:10A crumb of bread.
00:08:14To quench his hunger.
00:08:17To quench.
00:08:20A friend patted him on the shoulder.
00:08:31They went.
00:08:36Who will believe me?
00:08:41If I don't believe it when I see it.
00:08:49What have we done to this land?
00:08:54What have we done to this world?
00:09:02The leaders of the Jewish underground.
00:09:06Wanting to stop the faithful dying.
00:09:10They mention weapons.
00:09:12I would like to remind you that I will inform Commander A.K. Grota-Rówecki and, of course,
00:09:22Chief of Staff General Sikorski immediately after arriving in London.
00:09:58A few days later, with the same excitement, I am to enter the transition camp in the Lubelska hut.
00:10:17Between Bełżec and Majdanek.
00:10:21You ask if I was allowed to take such a risk?
00:10:27Well, because I didn't consider myself a hero.
00:10:36So many Jewish thoughts.
00:10:40Where are thousands of deported Jews disappearing?
00:10:48Trains that always return empty.
00:10:54And food never arrives in pursuit of them.
00:11:02Yes, they are murdered, but...
00:11:07But how?
00:11:09By electricity?
00:11:11By fire?
00:11:12Or shot?
00:11:16Where do they hide them?
00:11:20I can hear from my Ukrainian guide that you don't look like a Jew.
00:11:29The camp wires are taut with hatred.
00:11:33I am not allowed to speak Polish or get close to the guards.
00:11:58I entered the beast's interior.
00:12:07Stop it!
00:12:09Go away!
00:12:13Between the barracks, in a dance like a mannequin,
00:12:19a pulsating crowd of men, women, elders and children.
00:12:28Get up!
00:12:33I saw the bones of the bodies under the wild gaze of the eyes infected with death.
00:12:41Get to work!
00:12:44You can't do this here!
00:12:48This beast makes human life to its last breath.
00:12:53God, how can I understand your silence?
00:13:02When a long convoy of cattle wagons arrives on the railway ramp,
00:13:11a mighty SS man shouts,
00:13:13All Jews are to get on the train. You are going to work.
00:13:20Those who resist or cause panic will be shot.
00:13:25Do you understand?
00:13:30He shot in the middle of the crowd.
00:13:33People began to retreat.
00:13:35Now shots were fired from behind.
00:13:38Dogs force a stream of people to move forward.
00:13:43Prisoners, pushed into the wagons by force, retreat.
00:13:49They climb on the shoulders and heads of those who are already inside.
00:13:54The wagon is filled to the brim with impossibilities.
00:13:59The guards slam the door, crushing and cutting off the protruding parts of the body.
00:14:10After reaching the last station of life,
00:14:15the madmen on the road, out of pain and suffering,
00:14:20kill themselves on the spot.
00:14:24The rest, on the pretext of a bath, have to undress,
00:14:28instead of water, the German gendarmes pour in gas, cyclone B.
00:14:35The bodies are transported by wagons to crematoriums.
00:14:41What have we done to this earth?
00:14:47What have we done to this world?
00:14:58I'm sorry.
00:15:12How is it possible that the Germans so brazenly believed in their superhumanity?
00:15:25That covering up with an order can justify these beastly crimes?
00:15:33How am I supposed to live in this world?
00:15:38How am I supposed to report about it,
00:15:41so as not to be condemned for thinking or exaggeration?
00:15:47When I hear it, I don't say you're lying,
00:15:53but I don't believe you.
00:16:01I'm troubled by one thought.
00:16:06In Bełżec there were 30 SS men and about 200 guards guarding thousands of prisoners.
00:16:15It seems almost certain that if all the prisoners
00:16:19had thrown themselves at their captors,
00:16:22they would have won with their bare hands.
00:16:27Of course, at the expense of many victims.
00:16:31I just can't agree with the fact that the extermination camps
00:16:39would have been able to unilaterally kill hundreds of thousands of innocent victims
00:16:44in front of the whole world.
00:16:50Although I didn't shoot them in this war.
00:16:53Not once.
00:16:55However, if I could, I would take part in an armed liberation action,
00:17:01even the destruction of the camp,
00:17:04or at least its communication links.
00:17:08It seems to me that such a well-organized action would have succeeded.
00:17:13But you could also use the element of surprise.
00:17:16If I, in the disguise of a guard, managed to enter the camp without any obstacles
00:17:20with the help of a bought-out Ukrainian,
00:17:23there was also a chance to smuggle a few brave partisans.
00:17:31Fortel Konia Trojeńskiego.
00:17:36After all, the prisoners often fled under the trenches.
00:17:42But why couldn't it be done the other way around?
00:17:47Under the trenches from the outside to the inside.
00:17:51And statistically speaking,
00:17:54such a factory of death could have been bombed at the right time
00:18:01and the Germans would have had a tool for industrial killing.
00:18:06How many people would have survived?
00:18:13This carelessness of the free, civilized world,
00:18:20or maybe the purposeful neglect,
00:18:26would have been a quiet allowance for genocide.
00:18:57So I'm setting off.
00:19:00On a second mission to the government in exile.
00:19:05I have the whole structure of the underground state in my head.
00:19:11Hundreds of surnames, pseudonyms, addresses,
00:19:16passwords and identification codes.
00:19:22Now I have to sneak through the green border again.
00:19:30We will not go anywhere in the mountains for supplies.
00:19:37You have to have everything you need with you.
00:19:45A real highlander is leading me.
00:19:48Franio Musiał, pseudo-mouse.
00:19:54On the route we have only one base.
00:20:00On the outskirts of Demiat village in Slovakia.
00:20:07In the house of some Michał, of Polish origin.
00:20:21I don't know if I'll make it.
00:20:24I haven't skied for a long time,
00:20:28especially at night, in an unknown area.
00:20:34I have a vest in my shoe just in case.
00:20:37I've heard so much about the torture of the Gestapo.
00:20:40I don't want to get caught.
00:20:43I know too much.
00:20:46I mustn't risk it.
00:20:49That's what I swore.
00:20:56Skis are waiting for me at Melin.
00:21:04God, help me.
00:21:35Get out!
00:21:39Get out!
00:21:43Get out!
00:21:47Get out!
00:22:04Get out!
00:22:20They got me.
00:22:26They caught me alive.
00:22:31We didn't know that our host
00:22:34had become a co-worker of the Slovak security services.
00:22:39The Gestapo caught us right away.
00:22:49After me,
00:22:53I killed everyone.
00:22:57Myself included.
00:23:02I'm in Potrzask.
00:23:08This is where my career ends.
00:23:24I suffered...
00:23:29How much?
00:23:33Two hearings.
00:23:44I have...
00:23:49broken ribs.
00:24:03I can't eat.
00:24:12They know I'm lying.
00:24:16They know who I am.
00:24:21They call me Mr. Courier.
00:24:27They want to take everything from me.
00:24:33I'm afraid...
00:24:37I don't know when
00:24:41and how
00:24:45I found myself in the office
00:24:50of a Gestapo officer.
00:25:00I wanted to talk to you personally.
00:25:07I appreciate your heroic attitude.
00:25:26Despite the critical situation you found yourself in,
00:25:30you didn't tell anyone.
00:25:35Don't worry.
00:25:39You won't get hurt again.
00:25:47I don't expect any betrayal from you
00:25:50or anything from our agent.
00:25:53I expect, however,
00:25:56that our conversation will lead to an agreement
00:25:59for the good of our countries.
00:26:05I don't understand you Poles.
00:26:09Poland is a strange country.
00:26:14You can't see it, but it exists.
00:26:18It's defeated, but the resistance is still going on.
00:26:21And it's fighting.
00:26:23I admit that you are a difficult opponent.
00:26:27You'd rather die than give up
00:26:30or cooperate.
00:26:34But we brought you the faith
00:26:38you are so proud of.
00:26:42As brothers in Christ.
00:26:48We can get along.
00:26:56Why are you Poles so stubborn?
00:27:00Can't you see you are a lonely island
00:27:04on the border of two oceans,
00:27:08a western and an eastern one?
00:27:10An island incapable of self-determination.
00:27:14Your freedom and independence dreams
00:27:19are just a fleeting moment.
00:27:23Judge the situation yourself.
00:27:27Anschluss, Austria.
00:27:30Czechoslovakia surrendered.
00:27:32Your government fled.
00:27:34France is defeated.
00:27:36England is trying peace talks.
00:27:39America is far away.
00:27:41And Russia stabbed you in the back.
00:27:47Führer will soon introduce a new order.
00:27:51It's a hypocrisy of Jewish-democratic plutocracy.
00:27:58A real peace will be established.
00:28:02Pax Germanica.
00:28:09We want to establish a Polish-German cooperation.
00:28:14I give you my German word of honor
00:28:16that no one is in danger.
00:28:18You will only be in direct contact.
00:28:20It's a fair solution, isn't it?
00:28:27If you love your homeland,
00:28:29you should cooperate with us
00:28:33for the good of Poland and Germany.
00:28:41It's the only fact in this war.
00:28:45None of the Poles
00:28:48has ever held a position
00:28:52in the official political-administrative apparatus of Germany.
00:28:59All the other countries
00:29:01that were under our influence
00:29:04want to establish a dialogue with us.
00:29:06Realists are everywhere.
00:29:10Those who cooperate with us
00:29:12for the good of their own country
00:29:14such as the Norwegian Kisling,
00:29:19Tiso in Slovakia,
00:29:23Bandera in Ukraine
00:29:25or Petain in France
00:29:27should follow their example.
00:29:35do you accept
00:29:37our proposal?
00:29:43Oh, you're silent.
00:29:48What can a conversation
00:29:52between a cat and a victim entail?
00:29:58Thank you
00:30:02that you don't blindfold me
00:30:04and don't pinch my lips.
00:30:08You want to build a new order
00:30:11on terror and violence.
00:30:15Nothing good will come of it,
00:30:17only blood.
00:30:20You've turned us into an object
00:30:23that you want to manipulate
00:30:25and then destroy.
00:30:27You want to turn a sovereign nation
00:30:30into a free human resource.
00:30:32Do you want to deprive us of our identity?
00:30:36Take away our voice?
00:30:39You won't succeed.
00:30:42You compared Poland to an island.
00:30:45That's true.
00:30:47We are a lonely island
00:30:50between two hostile oceans,
00:30:53surrounded by fascism and totalitarianism.
00:30:56And you?
00:30:58We have mass destruction and ruin,
00:31:00and from the east?
00:31:02A treacherous shot in the back of the head,
00:31:04hidden graves and cathedrals.
00:31:07You don't come here to defeat us,
00:31:11but to murder us.
00:31:15Your regular army breaks
00:31:17all international conventions.
00:31:20You bomb hospitals,
00:31:22schools, churches, even cemeteries.
00:31:26Against martial law,
00:31:28you shoot defenseless civilians.
00:31:30You kill the wounded.
00:31:33You rape and rob.
00:31:36In Poland, the desire for freedom
00:31:39is so great
00:31:42that we prefer to die as unknown soldiers
00:31:45than to wear a German bow or corset
00:31:49Drawn by Moscow,
00:31:52you have your Führer as a messiah.
00:31:57You confuse his obsession with religion.
00:31:59We curse him.
00:32:02You put on a black crown for us.
00:32:05You call him an exehomo.
00:32:10We will pray for you one day.
00:32:19This is the end of my road.
00:32:24Let someone help me.
00:32:29I can't take it anymore.
00:32:34I can't take it anymore.
00:32:39I can't take it anymore.
00:32:44I can't take it anymore.
00:32:48I can't take it anymore.
00:32:53I don't want to die like this.
00:32:57For some stinking purpose.
00:33:03My family, my command.
00:33:08They won't even know where they buried me.
00:33:13They will kill me.
00:33:23I have to escape from here.
00:33:34I have to escape from here.
00:33:43I have to escape from here.
00:33:54I will report that I am sick.
00:34:03I will tell the doctor who to inform.
00:34:08No, no, it's definitely their man.
00:34:18The priest.
00:34:20I will ask the priest.
00:34:22He won't give me away.
00:34:25I have the right to be cleansed before death.
00:34:28I am bound by the secret of confession.
00:34:36I will torture the priest.
00:34:44A letter.
00:34:47I have to write a letter.
00:34:52But who and where will help him?
00:35:00Let it end.
00:35:06Let it end.
00:35:16I haven't released anyone yet.
00:35:22I can still die with dignity.
00:35:27I have my vest.
00:35:57I have my vest.
00:36:27My God.
00:36:32My God.
00:36:37Why did you leave us?
00:36:45Why did you leave us all?
00:36:50I can't take it anymore.
00:37:20I can't take it anymore.
00:37:31When he was summoned to speak about Poland,
00:37:42look for your name on the letter.
00:37:55I feel suffocated.
00:38:12I didn't even have children.
00:38:17I don't have children.
00:38:27I feel sorry for the most precious people.
00:38:39Forgive me.
00:38:47Forgive me.
00:39:17Forgive me.
00:39:47Forgive me.
00:40:17Forgive me.
00:40:38So it didn't work.
00:40:44They will continue to torture me until they break me.
00:40:50I can't take it anymore.
00:41:03Maybe it's easier to run away from here.
00:41:13Maybe it's easier to run away from here.
00:41:18My son is in a hospital in Nowy Sącz.
00:41:38My son is in a hospital in Nowy Sącz.
00:41:48I know a few streets from here.
00:41:53I know a few streets from here.
00:41:58But how can I inform them?
00:42:03At the door of two guards.
00:42:08I have to pretend to be seriously ill.
00:42:14Maybe this Polish doctor will help.
00:42:19No, I don't know if I should trust him.
00:42:27The only hope.
00:42:54I want to confess.
00:43:13I want to confess.
00:43:18I want to confess.
00:43:23I want to confess.
00:43:28I want to confess.
00:43:33I want to confess.
00:43:43I trust you.
00:43:48I have sinned, Father.
00:43:53I wanted...
00:43:58I wanted...
00:44:03I wanted...
00:44:08to take my own life.
00:44:16What I saw inside me...
00:44:21scared me.
00:44:27I'm afraid of my own thoughts.
00:44:32Out of hunger...
00:44:37I could steal food from others.
00:44:43Maybe I would be serving in the camp...
00:44:48in the crematorium oven to steal from the damned time...
00:44:53a moment of existence.
00:44:58I've lost God.
00:45:03I can't forgive.
00:45:08Father, does war justify evil?
00:45:13Thank you for your forgiveness.
00:45:43I'm Jan Karski, a widower.
00:45:48I want to confess.
00:45:53I want to confess.
00:45:58God will pay.
00:46:08I want to confess.
00:47:03I don't know if it was just me, but Zosia was here in Sharytka's habitat.
00:47:16She fixed the pillow.
00:47:18She gave me a tzjanka and said I was to be by the window at midnight.
00:47:39Everyone's asleep.
00:47:43No, I can't fall asleep.
00:48:03I think the police are outside.
00:48:08I'll go up.
00:48:10Maybe the boys are waiting.
00:48:14They won't catch me alive.
00:48:44I can't fall asleep.
00:48:50What's that?
00:48:52Someone's footsteps.
00:48:58No, it's a clock.
00:49:19To the window.
00:49:32Is that you?
00:49:37There you are.
00:49:39Thank God.
00:50:38I didn't have the strength to enjoy my freedom.
00:50:46But I was so happy.
00:50:50I was dreaming about this moment so much.
00:50:55The boys carried me on their shoulders over the river.
00:50:58And here's a new adventure.
00:51:01I fell out of the kayak.
00:51:04And Zbyszek saved me again.
00:51:06They hid me in a haystack.
00:51:11In Mardzinkowice.
00:51:16I survived.
00:51:19I survived.
00:51:21So I have to finish what I swore.
00:51:28I, Sodalis Marianus,
00:51:30entrust my life to Mary.
00:51:33I accept the mission.
00:51:35And I'm getting married again.
00:51:44During the war, I didn't know
00:51:48what fate would befall my forgivers.
00:51:54However, no German died when they shot me.
00:52:00The revenge was terrible.
00:52:04A Polish doctor,
00:52:07pseudonym Dzieńciu,
00:52:10after a few interrogations
00:52:14ran away from Nowy Sącz.
00:52:16So the Gestapo shot his brother,
00:52:20Teodor, also a doctor.
00:52:22Two police officers,
00:52:25Józef Laskowik and Józef Jerzyk,
00:52:29who consciously let the doctor sleep for the duration of the operation.
00:52:35They tried to escape.
00:52:38Only the first of them succeeded.
00:52:42Łączniczka, Zofia Rysiówna,
00:52:46Zbyszek's sister,
00:52:48a great Polish actress after the war.
00:52:53For four years she went to Ravensbrück camp.
00:52:58Only Zbigniew Rys,
00:53:00one of the boys who saved me,
00:53:03left the hospital alive.
00:53:09The others,
00:53:11Karol Gut,
00:53:13Józef Jenet,
00:53:15died in the camp.
00:53:19Tadeusz Safran was shot
00:53:23together with other hostages in Biegonice.
00:53:30They also include,
00:53:32Jan Morawski and Feliks Wideł,
00:53:35who were hiding me in Gajówka.
00:53:41I can't forgive myself
00:53:43that I survived.
00:53:45Why me?
00:53:47Exactly me.
00:53:48Why didn't I die?
00:53:52after cutting my veins.
00:53:59But well,
00:54:02we fought not only for life,
00:54:06but above all for dignity and honor,
00:54:12for those who will come for us
00:54:16They were free.
00:54:33Washington, 1943.
00:54:40My meeting
00:54:43in the Pentagon
00:54:45with the American General
00:54:53Just like that, Mr. Karski?
00:54:57They shot people in the head
00:54:59right after the arrival?
00:55:00Yes, Mr. General.
00:55:03maybe we should ask the translator.
00:55:05I know English fluently, Mr. General.
00:55:07I told you exactly what I saw.
00:55:11And about those two guys from Hitlerjugend
00:55:15in the Warsaw Ghetto?
00:55:17You didn't say anything?
00:55:19Not a word.
00:55:21They killed a man
00:55:23just because he was standing in the window?
00:55:25Yes, just because.
00:55:27No, that's insolent.
00:55:29They were not in a good mood.
00:55:31They were loudly complaining
00:55:33that they couldn't even play a capsule game because of the Jews.
00:55:36A man was standing in the window,
00:55:37looking at them from above,
00:55:39and they killed him.
00:55:40But they were talking in German.
00:55:42Maybe you misunderstood them.
00:55:44General Major,
00:55:45I know German as well as Polish.
00:55:48But when you were telling me in English
00:55:51about the conversation,
00:55:53you may have misinterpreted it in German.
00:56:02You know what?
00:56:04Let's meet here tomorrow at the same time.
00:56:40Oh, sorry, Mr. Karski.
00:56:42Excuse me.
00:56:43You know, duties.
00:56:45Yes, of course.
00:56:46Yes, yes, yes.
00:56:47What were we talking about?
00:56:48Ah, that Polish camp.
00:56:50Mr. General.
00:56:53Sorry, sorry.
00:56:57That Nazi camp.
00:56:59In Poland?
00:57:03Is it impossible for them to kill everyone?
00:57:07It had to be some kind of a factory of death.
00:57:10Or, I don't know, a powerful killing machine.
00:57:14I would call it that as well, Mr. General.
00:57:18Elders, women, children.
00:57:20It serves no purpose,
00:57:22nor is it a threat, nor a gain.
00:57:24Only costs, sir.
00:57:26No, no, it's absurd.
00:57:28I was there.
00:57:30And I saw.
00:57:32And I agree with you again, Mr. General,
00:57:34it's absurd.
00:57:36Blind hatred.
00:57:50Yes, yes, yes.
00:57:52Yes, Mr. President, yes.
00:57:54I understand.
00:57:56Yes, I'll ask.
00:57:58Thank you, Mr. President.
00:58:01Mr. Karski,
00:58:03Poland is a agricultural country.
00:58:06I don't understand.
00:58:08You don't need horses
00:58:10to cultivate your land?
00:58:12What does that have to do with anything?
00:58:15I'm asking you on behalf of the President of the United States,
00:58:20Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
00:58:23Don't you need horses
00:58:25to cultivate your land?
00:58:27Mr. General Major,
00:58:29I'm talking to you
00:58:31about a multi-million penalty,
00:58:33and you're asking me
00:58:35if I don't need an interpreter.
00:58:37I'm reporting on the genocide
00:58:39that is taking place on Polish soil,
00:58:41and you and your President
00:58:43are interested in
00:58:45whether we don't need horses?
00:58:47Well, you know,
00:58:49we can arrange horses for you.
00:58:51You can do much more.
00:58:53Camps are poorly guarded.
00:58:55You can go into them
00:58:57and see how many guards
00:58:59there are in the Warsaw Ghetto.
00:59:01There's a Jewish combat organization.
00:59:03The National Army helps it.
00:59:05But without your involvement,
00:59:07it's nothing.
00:59:09Think about it.
00:59:11The end of the massacre
00:59:13that the Germans unleashed
00:59:15won't cost you much.
00:59:17And you can arrange
00:59:21horses for us later.
00:59:33That was
00:59:35their answer.
00:59:41Millions of innocent victims.
00:59:51As long as it was possible,
00:59:53practically put on display,
00:59:55millions of them
00:59:57were traded in cars
00:59:59and sold to the Soviets.
01:00:03And we were supposedly
01:00:05in the winning coalition.
01:00:11My vision
01:00:13did not bring
01:00:15any military or political
01:00:19It was only
01:00:21the first drop
01:00:23falling on the rock
01:00:25of indifference
01:00:27and silence.
01:00:31Straight from the heart
01:00:35are pieces of nobility
01:00:39thanks to which
01:00:41we can build
01:00:43the broken conscience
01:00:45of the world.
01:00:53The National Army
01:00:55helps it.
01:00:57But without your involvement,
01:00:59it's nothing.
01:01:01Think about it.
01:01:03The end of the massacre
01:01:05that the Germans unleashed
01:01:07won't cost you much.
01:01:09And you can arrange
01:01:11horses for us later.