Skiz 2000

  • last month
00:00:29Oh, no, no, there are roses there.
00:00:32A rosebud, more rosy than all the roses.
00:00:35More beautiful than...
00:00:36No, enough.
00:00:37Come on, give me your hand.
00:00:39But there are roses there.
00:00:59A rosebud, more rosy than all the roses.
00:01:24What a fresh bed.
00:01:26What eyes.
00:01:27What lips.
00:01:29Child's carnation.
00:01:32Well, I'm old again.
00:01:36And the cousin?
00:01:40How old is the cousin?
00:01:42You shouldn't ask about the years.
00:01:43You can't guess which years.
00:01:46I'm old.
00:01:48But I'm really...
00:01:49Oh, here on the slopes.
00:01:51In May, it also sometimes snows.
00:01:53Or as short as long.
00:01:55No, no, cousin, you have to live as long as possible.
00:01:58What for?
00:01:59Can my life be useful to anyone?
00:02:02Am I necessary, necessary?
00:02:05Does anyone watch me when I leave?
00:02:07Or ask when I'm not there?
00:02:09Or wait? Or...
00:02:10And the wife?
00:02:12But she goes ahead by herself.
00:02:13She will never look after anyone.
00:02:16But she loves.
00:02:18In her own way.
00:02:20Otherwise she can't love like a wife.
00:02:23It seems to me that all wives love their husbands equally.
00:02:26Child, Lulu, take note that no love is similar to the other.
00:02:31Every woman loves differently.
00:02:34My wife loves me differently than you love your husband.
00:02:37I would give my soul to be so loved, even for a moment.
00:02:40How can I?
00:02:41You can, you can.
00:02:42I don't want to.
00:02:43You can.
00:02:45It's important not to hurt anyone.
00:02:48The hidden sin is half-forgiven.
00:02:51Someone is talking about sin. How can I?
00:02:53I'm withdrawing the word, but the shadow remains.
00:02:55Stop it.
00:02:57I'm sick of these words.
00:02:59Why are you closing your eyes?
00:03:01Lulu, but you're talking.
00:03:04So gently, so beautifully, I'm drowning.
00:03:07Because I'm drowned myself.
00:03:09Out of pity.
00:03:11All right, all right.
00:03:13I won't.
00:03:19It's strange that my words affect you so much.
00:03:21You're in honeymoon.
00:03:23Two years of marriage is enough to get used to each other, not to get used to.
00:03:28Passion in full development.
00:03:30And yet I have the impression that you want something.
00:03:32I have to leave.
00:03:34Why don't you want to say it?
00:03:35Don't you trust me?
00:03:36These are issues that I don't realize myself.
00:03:39You can't or you don't want to?
00:03:41I'll help you.
00:03:43You're too beloved, do you understand me, Muszko?
00:03:46Your husband is only your husband.
00:03:48He has such a pastellatura, he must be a lover.
00:03:51The husband must be the first, middle and last lover of the wife.
00:03:54Otherwise, he seems inevitable.
00:03:57Be afraid that your beauty will not become unnecessary beauty.
00:04:02For a love like Vitolda, you don't need it so beautiful.
00:04:06Ask him.
00:04:08We never talk about it with him.
00:04:11How so?
00:04:13However, in words, a woman is more sensitive than a gesture, right, Muszko?
00:04:20Well, calm down.
00:04:22I'm not brutal.
00:04:24I'll wait.
00:04:25For what?
00:04:26For you, my dearest, for you, wonderful.
00:04:29Doesn't it bother you?
00:04:32Ah, lulu.
00:04:33Well, ah, lulu.
00:04:35Husband to wife, wife to husband should never enter without knocking.
00:04:39They save themselves thousands of disappointments.
00:04:43Although in the aesthetic nature of a nice virgin.
00:04:46You should have a separate apartment for that.
00:04:50The common room, speaking in the style of the 16th century,
00:04:54is an excess allowed in the court buildings, the so-called fours.
00:04:59You forget that just ...
00:05:01Let me finish with people who are 20 and 28 years old.
00:05:05Why not later?
00:05:07Well, tell me about it in 20 years, when you look in the big mirror,
00:05:12and it's without covers.
00:05:14Ah, lulu.
00:05:15Well, ah, lulu.
00:05:17As soon as possible from the common apartments.
00:05:20You withdraw with honor.
00:05:23You were right to flirt.
00:05:26He walks over the pond.
00:05:28The view was wonderful.
00:05:29Imagine Witold in long tennis shoes,
00:05:33among the floating horses.
00:05:36He came to the pond.
00:05:38It was not enough.
00:05:40My presence made him mad.
00:05:43I saw that he was furious for this reason.
00:05:46I leave you.
00:05:48No, to your cows and sheep.
00:05:50No, my dear.
00:05:51But Wituś will be angry.
00:05:53The only way to get forgiveness from a man is not to beg.
00:05:57Oh no.
00:05:58Anyway, I have to talk to you.
00:06:00I mean, Mrs. Tolo, go to the meeting of Wituś.
00:06:14I'm not angry.
00:06:17A moment ago, I also looked at your husband,
00:06:20but be calm, it's purely platonic.
00:06:24Here you are.
00:06:26What a change.
00:06:28Two months ago, a young, template husband,
00:06:30and today I hear, oh, here you are.
00:06:33You see, lulu, I haven't changed.
00:06:35It's a pity.
00:06:36Only fools don't change.
00:06:39After all, you have your mind, and that's not bad.
00:06:42You're wrong, lulu, I'm completely stupid.
00:06:45You are stupid enough, like each of us when she was young.
00:06:51But you have a certain complication.
00:06:54You are sentimental.
00:06:56No, I'm not sentimental anymore.
00:06:59Do you fall in love with my husband?
00:07:01Oh, lulu.
00:07:03Oh, lulu, you see, I don't have a pin or a glass of oil in my hand.
00:07:07But I assure you that...
00:07:09Oh, calm down.
00:07:11You see, I don't care about it, but I enjoy it.
00:07:14Doesn't your husband care about you?
00:07:16He cares about me a lot.
00:07:18Every woman cares about her last toilet.
00:07:22Aren't you afraid that your husband...
00:07:25Why now?
00:07:29Even if I explain it to you, you won't understand it.
00:07:32These are the subtleties.
00:07:34But I know everything, I've been married for so long.
00:07:36Child, what do you know?
00:07:39Love is a card game.
00:07:43The one who has the most and the most cleverly collected cards wins.
00:07:48But love in marriage requires separate cards.
00:07:52Like this year.
00:07:53Do you know this year?
00:07:55Never mind that.
00:07:57There is one card called a sketch.
00:08:03This one beats all, even ladies.
00:08:06Do you think so?
00:08:10When you have a sketch in your hand, you win the game.
00:08:15And a sketch in marriage?
00:08:18I won't tell you now.
00:08:21Maybe once I got these secrets quite hard.
00:08:27As for my husband's flirts, I appear at the right moment.
00:08:32And I benefit from my husband's flirts.
00:08:38I don't understand.
00:08:40The better.
00:08:42Keep flirting, I'll be grateful to you.
00:08:46And here is your husband.
00:08:50What are you doing here?
00:08:52I stopped her.
00:08:54My cousin is joking.
00:08:56And I want her to be honest with the farm.
00:09:00That's what her parents and my parents want.
00:09:02And my mother and your mother.
00:09:04I love you, I have you.
00:09:06Go away, husband, since you are so urgently called.
00:09:10But come back soon, because we have to discuss tonight.
00:09:14I'll be back in a moment.
00:09:20What a surprise.
00:09:22Good heart and good soil.
00:09:24From a good nest.
00:09:27Just a little sanded.
00:09:29I believe in life.
00:09:31Just sand.
00:09:33This is the court of a villager who has to deal with hard soil.
00:09:37Oh, God.
00:09:38Always talk about hard soil.
00:09:40When it's raining, it's soft.
00:09:42Too much.
00:09:43I almost have to force the bed to take care of the farm.
00:09:47Lack of inclination?
00:09:49At home.
00:09:51Women often marry to free themselves from what they do at home.
00:09:56Otherwise, they would stay at home.
00:10:01My cousin often tells me riddles.
00:10:04And I am a simple man.
00:10:06My whole advantage is honesty.
00:10:08And temperament.
00:10:10And the fly?
00:10:15Does she have such a temperament?
00:10:18Does she know that I don't know?
00:10:20Think about it.
00:10:23What does she need it for?
00:10:25She needs it.
00:10:27For happiness?
00:10:28Who knows, maybe.
00:10:30As she prefers.
00:10:33To have temperament or not.
00:10:36For my purposes, I prefer not.
00:10:38Sentiment is enough.
00:10:39That's how it is.
00:10:41My fly has no temperament.
00:10:43Does every wife have it in her husband's eyes?
00:10:47I don't understand.
00:10:48There are two types of lack of temperament.
00:10:50In Poland, women have it in their eyes.
00:10:55I didn't know.
00:10:56Anyway, I'm sure that my fly really has no temperament.
00:10:59Thank God.
00:11:03That's what my cousin thanks God for.
00:11:06Of course, I like peace.
00:11:09I prefer that my fly has no temperament.
00:11:11Me too.
00:11:12Why does my cousin care so much?
00:11:15Baby, you'll start to betray your cousin.
00:11:19Oh, no.
00:11:21I don't like it.
00:11:23It's family.
00:11:24We are exemplary husbands.
00:11:27There are flaws that you inherit.
00:11:30My cousin is joking.
00:11:33I'm sure that my cousin and Tola...
00:11:36It's best not to talk about the present.
00:11:39As for Tola,
00:11:42I'd love to allow him...
00:11:45To what?
00:11:46To flirt with beautiful ladies.
00:11:49That's bad.
00:11:51It's not...
00:11:54I allow him to flirt with ladies without temperament.
00:11:59I'm here.
00:12:00Is everything all right?
00:12:01They've lost two of their bodies.
00:12:06You can't be serious.
00:12:13Not really.
00:12:15And now...
00:12:17Let's do it.
00:12:24I love women
00:12:26who understand them by force.
00:12:28Why do they live in this world?
00:12:34If I could speak...
00:12:36Let them not speak.
00:12:39Maybe they have too much to say?
00:12:42No, I don't think so.
00:12:45They are so delicate.
00:12:48So you think they live?
00:12:51No, it spoils my charm.
00:12:55It gives me charm.
00:12:58Their sins?
00:12:59Their sins.
00:13:02You've inherited a tendency to sin.
00:13:07No, only to flirt.
00:13:10Oh, someone's going to the ball.
00:13:15Where are you going, cousin?
00:13:20Is there something new?
00:13:24My death will be the last novelty.
00:13:31Always full of charm.
00:13:37And you are full of flattery and gallantry.
00:13:45Where does the flattery come from?
00:13:47I need it.
00:13:49I was born a few years too early.
00:13:51You always have to remind me of it,
00:13:53because when I look at you,
00:13:54no one remembers it.
00:13:56But there is, unfortunately, someone
00:13:58who often and indiscreetly reminds me of it.
00:14:01Who is it?
00:14:05I'm very brave, but I don't understand.
00:14:08That's all my effort,
00:14:10so that you don't understand.
00:14:12Sometimes great, tiring.
00:14:17You're made of steel.
00:14:19And of a smile, you're right.
00:14:21But you don't have the same face.
00:14:23You're right.
00:14:24I'm one of those happy ladies
00:14:25from whom you always ask for a smile.
00:14:27Like a flower's scent.
00:14:30Sentimental women are boring.
00:14:33You're not your own kind.
00:14:36A little.
00:14:38I'll send you a fly.
00:14:40What an insinuation.
00:14:42I'd rather say,
00:14:43praise to the undefeated.
00:14:58I'm waiting.
00:15:02I'm stubborn.
00:15:07And permanent.
00:15:08You don't give proof of this permanence.
00:15:11How come?
00:15:13Haven't I been loving you for two months?
00:15:15If so, you stopped loving your wife,
00:15:17where is the permanence then?
00:15:18Cousin, you sometimes have a way of speaking
00:15:19that closes your mouth.
00:15:21And you're angry, cousin.
00:15:22I'm sorry,
00:15:23but I promise you,
00:15:24my cousin will never be mean.
00:15:26You can only be sentimental.
00:15:28Vitya says it's boring.
00:15:29Women are always funny.
00:15:30They're boring.
00:15:31I thought that...
00:15:32You don't think anything,
00:15:33be yourself.
00:15:34You're stubborn.
00:15:35Oh, God.
00:15:36To me.
00:15:41What is it?
00:15:42Are you alone?
00:15:43I was here a moment ago.
00:15:44Where are they?
00:15:45They went out.
00:15:46They prepared a surprise.
00:15:48I must admit,
00:15:49I'm tired of them.
00:15:50Why are you so young?
00:15:51You should be around the household.
00:15:52How stupid.
00:15:53I set my standards.
00:15:54If everyone thought like you.
00:15:57there are people like you.
00:15:59You know,
00:16:00you look perfect in this suit.
00:16:02No, I'm tired.
00:16:03I'm white,
00:16:04I have to be careful.
00:16:05I was just between the buildings.
00:16:06What a bummer.
00:16:07I have to change.
00:16:08Don't hurry.
00:16:10You know,
00:16:12let's please our ladies.
00:16:14Let's put on our clothes.
00:16:15They also have something in secret.
00:16:17But let's put on our clothes.
00:16:18We'll present ourselves nicely.
00:16:19In front of whom?
00:16:20In front of our wives.
00:16:21Can't you ever sit quietly?
00:16:23You and your wife?
00:16:25What kind of life is this?
00:16:26You never get bored?
00:16:27If a cigarette is dry and pulls well,
00:16:28and women are beautiful,
00:16:29you can't talk about boredom.
00:16:30As for cigarettes,
00:16:31that's another story,
00:16:32but as for women,
00:16:33I love them like God.
00:16:34Quintus Metellus already
00:16:35speaks ill of women.
00:16:36But without a woman,
00:16:37you can't live.
00:16:40And so we lived here
00:17:21In the rhythm of Menuet and Gavotte
00:17:27the old clock is ringing.
00:17:39The chalice is filled with the sweetness of flowers.
00:17:45Go, give me your hand, give me a moment.
00:17:52Emptiness of life, life is dry.
00:17:58The crow flies like a butterfly.
00:18:07Give me your hand, give me a moment.
00:18:13To live as to live in life.
00:18:20To float among the flowers in the silver dust.
00:18:26To float among the flowers in the silver dust.
00:18:38Bravo, bravo!
00:18:40The fly is charming again.
00:18:43A living tradition.
00:18:45I love her like God.
00:18:47For nothing in the world.
00:18:49My cousin is with me,
00:18:50my husband is by the fly.
00:18:59A very modest dinner,
00:19:00but that's what Lulu ordered.
00:19:02On the contrary, a stylish menu.
00:19:04In addition, I will have to look at the credence.
00:19:14Cousin, I have a very weak head.
00:19:17Then don't drink.
00:19:19Because I'll get drunk.
00:19:20Cousin, you are so beautiful today.
00:19:23Well, yes, ten years ago he was really beautiful.
00:19:26There is a legend about it.
00:19:27He was slender, thin in the waist.
00:19:29I don't know, I don't remember.
00:19:31Gone with the past.
00:19:33Fly, you are wonderful today.
00:19:36Don't drink any more, fly.
00:19:38Because I'll get drunk.
00:19:39It's so hot here.
00:19:45What a silver night.
00:19:51Swans can be seen from here.
00:19:53Swans don't sleep.
00:19:55They swim.
00:19:57And they are all so silver.
00:20:01I'll go.
00:20:05I'll run to give them crumbly cakes.
00:20:13It's cold above the pond.
00:20:16I'll bring her a scarf.
00:20:18And you?
00:20:19I prefer to smoke a cigarette with my cousin.
00:20:22If you let me.
00:20:26Even your cousin looks good today.
00:20:30It's even sensitive.
00:20:34Oh, it means a lot to me.
00:20:36Because I don't play compliments.
00:20:39And the mussel in this suit doesn't suit me.
00:20:41It's too red.
00:20:42On the contrary.
00:20:43It's totally in style.
00:20:45She looks like a guy in cream.
00:20:49And your cousin looks real.
00:20:53Your cousin looks real.
00:20:55Like in the picture.
00:20:57Does she?
00:20:58Your cousin has something in her mouth.
00:21:01I can't say what it is.
00:21:03But it's something.
00:21:06Does your cousin understand such things?
00:21:11It's only now that the economy has taken me, but...
00:21:15Is a glass of champagne enough?
00:21:18Of course.
00:21:19How to get rid of trouble?
00:21:21It turns out to be a connoisseur.
00:21:23I'm leaving in a hurry to get to know you.
00:21:25On horses?
00:21:28And on women.
00:21:29No one has ever cheated me.
00:21:31On horses or on women?
00:21:34And if it's hard in the mouth, I'll break it.
00:21:37Your cousin is a genius.
00:21:40In his own way, amazing.
00:21:44And curious.
00:21:46Curiosity is no longer my weakness.
00:21:49My cousin doesn't understand me.
00:21:53My cousin has beautiful legs.
00:21:56She's delicious, please don't be angry.
00:22:00Tied up.
00:22:02I love God.
00:22:05You don't see our lords?
00:22:07They're somewhere in the shade.
00:22:11And your cousin, aren't you jealous?
00:22:15I was.
00:22:16I was like a tiger in my times.
00:22:19And even Othello.
00:22:21My cousin hears Othello.
00:22:22And then Othello was God, have mercy.
00:22:24But I was stupid.
00:22:26Maybe that's when you were very wise, cousin.
00:22:28No, give it to me, cousin.
00:22:29But to like a woman, a man must be...
00:22:32Sometimes enough to be and that's enough.
00:22:36I don't understand.
00:22:39The rustle of steps.
00:22:40No, it's branches.
00:22:42Anyway, what can a cousin understand on such things?
00:22:46Because a cousin is an honest woman.
00:22:50If men were more discreet,
00:22:52there would be very few honest women in the world.
00:22:57I don't believe it.
00:22:58And I'm sure.
00:22:59But now it's definitely some steps.
00:23:09Come here.
00:23:11I wanted to go to my room.
00:23:14Why do you want to go to your room?
00:23:18I don't know.
00:23:19Very valuable.
00:23:21I told you.
00:23:22You drank too much.
00:23:25Stay with us.
00:23:26Where's Polo?
00:23:27I don't know, I don't know.
00:23:28He stayed.
00:23:29Very valuable.
00:23:30I'll go.
00:23:32No, no, no.
00:23:33Good night.
00:23:34No, no.
00:23:35This is the good head.
00:23:37Her eyes shine like two lit lanterns.
00:23:40Follow her.
00:23:41No, I have to go around the buildings.
00:23:44Her eyes shine like two lit lanterns.
00:23:46My powder princess.
00:23:54Ah, you're still here?
00:23:56I was waiting for you.
00:23:58Are you happy with me?
00:24:00Oh, overstatement.
00:24:02Fabulous ideas are born in this head.
00:24:05Please, untie my dress.
00:24:14And now let me say good night and see you tomorrow.
00:24:18What do you mean see you tomorrow?
00:24:20You won't believe how sleepy I am.
00:24:22You too?
00:24:25So you're sleepy.
00:24:29I'm going to sleep.
00:24:31Good night.
00:24:57What is it?
00:24:58I missed you.
00:24:59Someone might see us.
00:25:00I missed you.
00:25:01Oh, let them look.
00:25:02Let them admire me together.
00:25:04It doesn't matter.
00:25:05I would like to shout before the sun, before people.
00:25:07I love you, I love you, I love you.
00:25:08But before the service, you're exhausted.
00:25:10But it doesn't matter.
00:25:11All I know is that I'm different.
00:25:12Different since yesterday.
00:25:13Transformed, alive.
00:25:14Tolu, alive.
00:25:15Or maybe I'm not different.
00:25:17Maybe I was already like that,
00:25:18but I slept like the princess in the fairy tale.
00:25:20And now I woke up and here I am.
00:25:22Muska, I don't recognize you.
00:25:24And I don't recognize myself, Tolu.
00:25:27You really woke up.
00:25:29You're my prince, come on.
00:25:30Come on, let's run.
00:25:31No, no, no, no.
00:25:32Too early for me, Muska.
00:25:34Too early.
00:25:35But later the dew will be falling.
00:25:37The cataract will fall on my chest.
00:25:39Come on, come on.
00:25:41We'll kiss.
00:25:46I finally found you.
00:25:47Where have you been since dawn?
00:25:49Usually you can't be asked to get up.
00:25:51She was somewhere.
00:25:54Meanwhile, good morning.
00:25:55Follow me, follow me.
00:25:57So what's new?
00:25:59The whims of a beautiful woman.
00:26:01First of all, Muska is not a beautiful woman.
00:26:04She's just a wife.
00:26:05And besides, I don't want whims at home.
00:26:07And I won't.
00:26:08You can say that, it won't hurt.
00:26:10And it won't help either.
00:26:11It has to help.
00:26:12Others also said that to you,
00:26:14but they lost similar battles.
00:26:16Muska has suddenly changed.
00:26:18She was always apathetic, but equal.
00:26:20Yesterday, for example.
00:26:21I'm coming back from the office.
00:26:23I see her with my eyes stuck in some kind of ecstasy.
00:26:26I think to myself,
00:26:27I drank too much, I have a fever.
00:26:29Let her sleep.
00:26:30In the morning, I want to tell her,
00:26:31Good morning, she ran away.
00:26:33And now you saw how she received me.
00:26:35You have to admit that she has changed.
00:26:37That's how it looks.
00:26:38And it's like that from today to tomorrow?
00:26:40You can never predict when a woman will wake up.
00:26:43I'll take her to the doctor.
00:26:45Wonderful idea!
00:26:48My son.
00:26:49Just on a day like this,
00:26:50when I have some free time from work,
00:26:52I would like to devote it to her.
00:26:53You're late.
00:26:54No, I should always wait for my wife.
00:26:57Your husband will have time to take care of her.
00:27:00Write down once and for all
00:27:03that your house is not filled with a wife,
00:27:05but a woman.
00:27:07Listening to both of you,
00:27:08you might think
00:27:09that nothing in the world is more important than a woman.
00:27:12Meanwhile, this is a side thing.
00:27:16This is a life's main adventure.
00:27:18And because it's an adventure,
00:27:19it's loud and absorbing.
00:27:21Like who?
00:27:22Like who?
00:27:24I just wanted to fly a horse before breakfast today.
00:27:28Isn't this fly stupid?
00:27:30I would take it with me.
00:27:32I can't run like this alone.
00:27:35Maybe you?
00:27:37You fly like crazy,
00:27:38and I don't have the head for a change.
00:27:40Good morning, gentlemen.
00:27:42Did you sleep well?
00:27:45Well, I understand that.
00:27:47Always good humor, courtesy.
00:27:50This is a wife.
00:27:51What happened?
00:27:52The fly is capricious today.
00:27:55She didn't even let me kiss her.
00:27:57Vitus had a bad taste.
00:28:00He forgets that women, children,
00:28:02and other refined creatures
00:28:04come to his hands.
00:28:05Yes, wait, wait.
00:28:07Be capricious.
00:28:08A sad necessity.
00:28:10Doesn't your wife tell you to be capricious?
00:28:12No, because I tell her to be mine.
00:28:26You know, Zynka,
00:28:28I'll be honest.
00:28:30For me, you are the woman.
00:28:33A woman is always to be capricious.
00:28:35I think the fly...
00:28:36No, no, no.
00:28:38When I think about it,
00:28:39I see that she wasn't capricious.
00:28:41She just did it
00:28:42because she couldn't do otherwise.
00:28:44And on the first occasion, she carried it.
00:28:46It is necessary to bend it back.
00:28:48And it is still worth it
00:28:49until she carries it.
00:28:51Maybe she's right.
00:28:54With capriciousness,
00:28:55you can lose a lot.
00:28:57You can lose
00:28:59the stake of your whole life.
00:29:03Zynka, something is going on today.
00:29:06Did something happen?
00:29:08I don't know.
00:29:10Maybe it happened, maybe not.
00:29:12Then she'll recover.
00:29:15No, because, Vitus,
00:29:16there are things I can't give up.
00:29:18No, I don't know that.
00:29:25Let Zynka go with me to the steppe.
00:29:27We'll fly like a wind.
00:29:28No, no.
00:29:29I'm not ready today.
00:29:30But you'll find a way.
00:29:32Well, no, I love God,
00:29:33but Zynka is my wife.
00:29:36Yes, we would agree.
00:29:37I love God.
00:29:38I feel it.
00:29:39At first, I didn't like Zynka very much,
00:29:41but now more and more.
00:29:44There will be a fire,
00:29:45and there will be a declaration.
00:29:46There will be what I want,
00:29:47but from a woman
00:29:48with whom you can make peace,
00:29:50so that we don't get married.
00:29:51I would have to be born much later for that.
00:29:54And Zynka looks so beautiful,
00:29:56that if I love God,
00:29:57it would be a pity to do stupid things for Zynka.
00:29:59But, Vitus,
00:30:00it's your way.
00:30:02Let the goose kick me,
00:30:04but I have to kiss Zynka.
00:30:14And now, let's go to the steppe.
00:30:45What happened to you?
00:30:47Do you have a migraine?
00:30:50But I have a feeling.
00:30:52You and a feeling?
00:30:54I didn't know about this little bourgeoisie.
00:30:56I'll put it more clearly.
00:30:58I'm about to lose my faith.
00:31:00In yourself?
00:31:01Yes, in myself and in others.
00:31:04What is all this about?
00:31:07I hope it's not about me.
00:31:10You're nervous today.
00:31:12Try to get your balance back.
00:31:14And being yourself again
00:31:16is like a sorceress
00:31:17who keeps us all under her spell.
00:31:24Why are you running away?
00:31:26You've been running away since yesterday.
00:31:28Why don't you greet me with a table?
00:31:30We've already met.
00:31:32Yes, for a moment.
00:31:33In the morning.
00:31:34I don't want to see you.
00:31:36I don't want to see you.
00:31:38We've already met.
00:31:39Yes, for a moment.
00:31:40In the morning.
00:31:42And with me?
00:31:43Good morning, Lulu.
00:31:45Aren't you going to kiss me?
00:31:47But Lulu, you look like an inquisitor.
00:31:50No, no, no.
00:31:51I'm just stating the facts.
00:31:52Usually Muszko would throw herself at my shoulders
00:31:54with all her childlike confidence.
00:31:56And today...
00:31:57Maybe she's not fit like you.
00:32:00Although the sky is clear,
00:32:01there's a storm in the air.
00:32:02I'm going to the garden for a while.
00:32:08Maybe the ladies will come too.
00:32:24I know everything.
00:32:31Are you silent?
00:32:39So it's like this.
00:32:41It's better to explain everything right away.
00:32:43I love him.
00:32:44I love him and he loves me.
00:32:46You're his lover?
00:32:51What a scoundrel.
00:32:54Be quiet.
00:33:28It's true.
00:33:29You're to blame for what's going on.
00:33:33Remember how you came here and how you found me.
00:33:36Do you agree with fate?
00:33:38I didn't love and I didn't know what it was to be loved.
00:33:41And I would have stayed that way,
00:33:42but you both, especially you,
00:33:43started to wake me up
00:33:45and show me that there is a world
00:33:47that's different than mine so far.
00:33:49And now you're going to say that we've depressed you?
00:33:52You told me to flirt with your husband.
00:33:55What for? What was your goal?
00:33:57You told me about one thing,
00:33:58that I also want to be loved.
00:34:00I remembered one thing, that you're honest.
00:34:03I didn't allow betrayal.
00:34:06But you were his wife.
00:34:08His, do you understand? His.
00:34:10And your honesty was not a virtue.
00:34:12Your honesty was your depravity.
00:34:15And I, maltreated by this animal force,
00:34:18I, by you alone,
00:34:20will throw it at your husband.
00:34:22I thought you'd stay where there's a border for an honest woman.
00:34:26But once you've crossed the border,
00:34:28you don't know if you're a human being.
00:34:33This is what I demand of you,
00:34:36and I have the right to demand.
00:34:38You can't demand anything.
00:34:39I love and I'm loved.
00:34:40You're not loved.
00:34:42He told me that himself.
00:34:44If he loved you, he wouldn't say it.
00:34:46Besides, men always lie to women
00:34:48when they want to get her.
00:34:50But I demand that you break up,
00:34:52that you don't talk to my husband
00:34:54for a single moment
00:34:56before you leave.
00:34:58If you think that I and he will give up our happiness,
00:35:01you're wrong.
00:35:03First death!
00:35:15You called me?
00:35:20I need to talk to you.
00:35:23For a moment you were with Muska,
00:35:25now with me.
00:35:26You're full of secrets today.
00:35:29I know everything.
00:35:31But Lulu,
00:35:32you speak like a pale Countess.
00:35:35I know everything.
00:35:36Don't joke.
00:35:38Muska has confessed to everything.
00:35:40It depends on what this nice person
00:35:42calls everything.
00:35:44She's your lover.
00:35:47Oh la la,
00:35:48what a terrible word.
00:35:51Do you have anything to say to me?
00:35:53Muska lied.
00:35:55The most.
00:35:57By the way,
00:35:58it seems to me that this is...
00:36:00a person...
00:36:01We made a mistake on this bergerette.
00:36:03And with a certain tendency to hysteria.
00:36:05Muska lied.
00:36:07You say so.
00:36:08I can give you a word of honor for that.
00:36:11because then I'll be sure you're lying.
00:36:13I give you a word of honor.
00:36:14Women always give a word of honor
00:36:16in such cases,
00:36:17but I know,
00:36:18I feel,
00:36:19I am convinced that Muska told the truth.
00:36:22Well, if you want to take things from this side.
00:36:25But what happened to you?
00:36:28I can say with confidence
00:36:29that this is the first such scene
00:36:31that you honor me with.
00:36:32And yet I flirted in your eyes,
00:36:34it seems quite clear.
00:36:35You never forbade me.
00:36:36On the contrary,
00:36:37you encouraged me.
00:36:39but it was a flirt that had limits.
00:36:41How could you know?
00:36:43I knew.
00:36:45So if those flirts were indifferent to you.
00:36:53You just had to look at me carefully
00:36:55to find out
00:36:57if those flirts were really indifferent to me.
00:37:03Maybe I know
00:37:05how much tears and dignity cost me.
00:37:10But I knew you exactly.
00:37:13I knew that new, beautiful faces
00:37:15have a magical influence on you.
00:37:18From every ball,
00:37:21you came back
00:37:29Your grace
00:37:32fell on me then.
00:37:35Interesting, all this.
00:37:37It's a pity you're telling me this.
00:37:40Because it spoils your image.
00:37:42It spoils the proof
00:37:44how much I was attached to you,
00:37:46living in the shadow and shards
00:37:48of your feelings for others.
00:37:50No, but it casts a shadow of sentiment.
00:37:53And sentiment and you,
00:37:55mainly your charm,
00:37:57was this delicate, delusional depravation.
00:38:01This chic,
00:38:03in things a bit different,
00:38:05in love.
00:38:07But feelings...
00:38:09I'm sorry I told you.
00:38:12But you see,
00:38:14it's hard for a clown
00:38:16to carry his mask.
00:38:18Sometimes he wants to throw it away.
00:38:20It wasn't so hard for you
00:38:22with that fake mask of a happy pervert.
00:38:24Especially that I wasn't a husband
00:38:26too strict.
00:38:27I allowed you to flirt
00:38:28and I don't make a tragedy out of it.
00:38:30You forget that my flirt
00:38:32was a flirt of an honest woman.
00:38:34I never doubted.
00:38:36In any case,
00:38:37your cross is quite cheerful.
00:38:39I was faithful to you.
00:38:41And who knows if I don't regret it now.
00:38:43Let me go away.
00:38:45You're starting to cross the line.
00:38:48I set the conditions for my husband.
00:38:50He has to keep them.
00:38:52We'll get out of here as soon as possible.
00:38:54I'm sorry, dear friend,
00:38:55but I don't accept it.
00:38:57Between me and my husband
00:38:58nothing happened
00:38:59that could be punishable.
00:39:01That's why your conditions don't make sense.
00:39:03You're lying, you're lying.
00:39:04She's your mistress.
00:39:06I don't accept this word.
00:39:07I'll tell my husband.
00:39:09How can a woman,
00:39:10so dominated,
00:39:11even say such things?
00:39:12But free will,
00:39:13pity in the dust,
00:39:14doesn't invent,
00:39:15but has a sound reason.
00:39:16You're laughing
00:39:17and I won't accept it.
00:39:18So you don't want to
00:39:19break up with the fly?
00:39:21I can't break up
00:39:22what I don't have.
00:39:23I'm going crazy.
00:39:24No, I don't think so.
00:39:25A momentary irritation.
00:39:26But let me tell you
00:39:27that scenes of jealousy
00:39:28made by a woman
00:39:29in your high style
00:39:32There are certain passions
00:39:33like colors,
00:39:34not to the face.
00:39:35Jealousy made by a fly
00:39:36would be easier
00:39:37to bear.
00:39:38I think so.
00:39:39It would be appropriate
00:39:40for her age.
00:39:41Aversion to the element
00:39:43makes you impertinent.
00:39:45Do you think
00:39:46you're not getting old?
00:39:48A man doesn't get old
00:39:50Until what?
00:39:51Until he's in love.
00:39:58So, let's go.
00:40:00I have something to tell you.
00:40:02I'm listening, I'm listening,
00:40:03but there are horses
00:40:04on the saddle.
00:40:05Tell me on the saddle.
00:40:06Not here.
00:40:07First of all,
00:40:08what would you do
00:40:09if you found out
00:40:10that your wife
00:40:11cheated on you?
00:40:12A fly?
00:40:13Yes, her.
00:40:15My cousin will come up
00:40:16with something.
00:40:17It's impossible.
00:40:20Because a fly
00:40:21is a fly.
00:40:22It's impossible.
00:40:23But if you had evidence.
00:40:24Black on white?
00:40:26Then I'd kill her.
00:40:28Her? No.
00:40:29Her for what?
00:40:30It's his.
00:40:32His for making me
00:40:33look like a dog.
00:40:34You see, cousin,
00:40:35I know this from experience.
00:40:36A man always
00:40:37starts it,
00:40:38then the woman
00:40:39follows him,
00:40:40and for everyone
00:40:41it looks like a woman.
00:40:42So I'd kill him.
00:40:43It's natural.
00:40:46But cousin wanted
00:40:47to tell me something.
00:40:51And cousin is joking
00:40:52and there are horses
00:40:54Let's go.
00:40:55Leave me alone.
00:40:56I'm almost unconscious.
00:40:57Does your head hurt?
00:40:58Yes, my head.
00:40:59Then the only medicine
00:41:00for the head
00:41:01is a horse
00:41:02and a solution.
00:41:03I'm sorry
00:41:04to say it so bluntly,
00:41:05but it's an old
00:41:06and tested medicine.
00:41:07Did you take it?
00:41:08Of course.
00:41:09What does cousin think?
00:41:10Does she think
00:41:11I didn't fall in love once?
00:41:12I did fall in love
00:41:13in my own way,
00:41:14but I fell in love.
00:41:15But if I reach
00:41:16for it a little better,
00:41:17I'm not happy and proud.
00:41:18So I'm going
00:41:19for a horse and a solution.
00:41:20If you're worried,
00:41:21do the same.
00:41:22It's too late now.
00:41:23But better late
00:41:24than never.
00:41:26I've wasted my life.
00:41:28As long as you're alive,
00:41:29your life isn't wasted
00:41:30because you can fix it.
00:41:31You're crazy.
00:41:32But that's what it's all about,
00:41:34to go crazy.
00:41:35Not like you,
00:41:36like a mouse
00:41:37behind the altar,
00:41:38but like us,
00:41:39with our hooves,
00:41:40our whole chest
00:41:41to lose our breath,
00:41:42to remember.
00:41:43Maybe it's true.
00:41:44There's happiness in it.
00:41:46The only,
00:41:47the only happiness
00:41:48is to drown,
00:41:49to drown
00:41:50on horseback.
00:41:51And if not,
00:41:52then I'll take it
00:41:53like Tatar Branko.
00:41:54Give it to me.
00:41:55I love it.
00:41:56Let Marty
00:41:57do it for me.
00:41:58Let go of me.
00:41:59Let go of me.
00:42:00Let go.
00:42:01Not so powdered,
00:42:02but so crazy,
00:42:17Why are you opening the door?
00:42:18Fear God.
00:42:19He'll bring lightning.
00:42:20I'm afraid.
00:42:21I hate this kind
00:42:22of sensationalism.
00:42:23My nerves can't take the storm.
00:42:25I like this crazy time.
00:42:27I used to love it
00:42:28when I was your age.
00:42:31If you're afraid,
00:42:32then yes.
00:42:34And you'll forget about everything.
00:42:35You're crazy,
00:42:36and it's so easy
00:42:37to lead you astray.
00:42:38Step aside.
00:42:39So what?
00:42:40If both of us
00:42:41were to die together,
00:42:42I'd want the whole soul,
00:42:43and you?
00:42:45You don't love me?
00:42:46On the contrary.
00:42:47Apparently I love you,
00:42:48since I'd rather live with you
00:42:50than die together.
00:42:52I want you
00:42:53to love me.
00:42:54Do you hear?
00:42:55I hear, I hear.
00:42:56Just close the door
00:42:57from the garden.
00:43:02What have you done
00:43:03to make you so strange?
00:43:04Ask me
00:43:05what I haven't done.
00:43:07This meanness.
00:43:08You should have
00:43:09waited for me.
00:43:13You should have lived
00:43:14like Vitus.
00:43:15He's afraid of the storm.
00:43:16It's a shame he's not here.
00:43:17Are you angry?
00:43:19but these comparisons
00:43:20aren't pleasant.
00:43:21Give it to me.
00:43:22It's stupid of me.
00:43:23Don't remember.
00:43:24Please, get up.
00:43:25I'm sorry.
00:43:26It doesn't make any sense.
00:43:29You're tired.
00:43:30Why all this?
00:43:31Because I torture you.
00:43:32I torture you
00:43:33and I want you
00:43:34to torture me.
00:43:35It's my miracle.
00:43:36My dear,
00:43:37move away.
00:43:39But it's really funny.
00:43:40Only children, women
00:43:41and grandfathers
00:43:42are afraid of the storm.
00:43:43And people
00:43:44with delicate nerves.
00:43:45Someone who has nerves
00:43:46like ostriches
00:43:47isn't afraid of the storm.
00:43:48It's me and Vitus
00:43:49who have such nerves.
00:43:50Exactly, you and Vitus.
00:43:51But where is Lulu?
00:43:53Have you missed her?
00:43:54Your presence
00:43:55doesn't matter.
00:43:56But you're asking about her.
00:43:57You're used to her.
00:43:58I don't want you
00:43:59to be used to her.
00:44:00You have to get used to me.
00:44:01Do you hear me?
00:44:02I will love you,
00:44:03but I'm used to my wife.
00:44:05And you love her.
00:44:06It's a completely different feeling.
00:44:08I don't want you
00:44:09to hate her.
00:44:10I have no reason.
00:44:11You have a reason
00:44:12because you love me.
00:44:14Women's logic.
00:44:15Calm down.
00:44:16I can't.
00:44:17I can't.
00:44:18When I imagine
00:44:19that another woman
00:44:20has no right to you,
00:44:21I'll go crazy.
00:44:22But my dear,
00:44:23I have a wife.
00:44:26You have to break up with her.
00:44:30But she will never agree to it.
00:44:31She has to.
00:44:32I demand it from her.
00:44:33I beg you,
00:44:34not yours.
00:44:35I only managed
00:44:36to convince her
00:44:37that there was nothing
00:44:38between us
00:44:39and it's a gift.
00:44:40But I have to give it to you
00:44:41that you didn't tell her.
00:44:42I can't lie.
00:44:43I don't want to lie.
00:44:44My dear,
00:44:45telling the truth
00:44:46is a simple thing.
00:44:47So why?
00:44:49Why do I love you,
00:44:50my darling?
00:44:51That's why
00:44:52you were so delicate,
00:44:55I don't want to,
00:44:56I don't want to,
00:44:57I don't want to.
00:44:58I beg you,
00:44:59I beg you
00:45:00to have a look
00:45:01at my nerves.
00:45:02I want you
00:45:03to love me
00:45:04like I love you.
00:45:05It's a similarity.
00:45:06I'm older than you
00:45:07and I can give you
00:45:08the love
00:45:09I can afford.
00:45:10I'm so unhappy.
00:45:11My dear,
00:45:12my dear,
00:45:13come back.
00:45:14You'll catch a cold.
00:45:15You'll catch a cold.
00:45:16I want to die.
00:45:18come back.
00:45:19I'm freezing.
00:45:20I'm freezing.
00:45:21Come back.
00:45:22You'll catch a cold.
00:45:23I'll catch a cold.
00:45:24Come here.
00:45:25Why are you
00:45:47Get out of here, but remember that you swore to me.
00:45:50All right, all right.
00:46:02It's true that it's madness.
00:46:04We could easily sit in the stable,
00:46:06horses, the whole storm,
00:46:08fly like this after the rain and the rain.
00:46:10Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
00:46:12Finally, I would have remembered.
00:46:14It wasn't worth it.
00:46:16No one knew.
00:46:18Me and you, and that's enough.
00:46:22I understand this matter
00:46:24quite differently.
00:46:26Everyone understands such matters.
00:46:30In the stable, when I loved God,
00:46:32there was not much missing.
00:46:34And the fly?
00:46:36No, the fly.
00:46:38It's to blame for itself.
00:46:40Let it not be an ice cube.
00:46:42Tomorrow we'll go to the steppe again.
00:46:47And what will come of it?
00:46:49A little bit of happiness.
00:46:53Not long ago,
00:46:55three hours ago,
00:46:57you said you would kill
00:46:59the one who would marry you.
00:47:01I would kill him.
00:47:03If I love God, I would kill him.
00:47:05Do you want to marry someone else's wife?
00:47:07Let him kill me.
00:47:11I fell in love with my cousin.
00:47:13That's how I am.
00:47:15One or two times,
00:47:17and I fall in love.
00:47:23Tell me,
00:47:25but honestly,
00:47:29can I still like you?
00:47:33So what?
00:47:39That's all I wanted to know.
00:47:45Oh, there you are.
00:47:47We're here.
00:47:49Leave it. I have a thermometer.
00:47:51Where have you been?
00:47:53To the steppe.
00:47:55Two madmen.
00:47:57A great thing.
00:47:59Not so easy.
00:48:01Someone has hereditary arthritis.
00:48:03My cousin has arthritis?
00:48:05What's so strange about it?
00:48:08She's beautiful. She's not old.
00:48:10Where did you get it?
00:48:12From you.
00:48:14You talked so much
00:48:16that I used it.
00:48:18I'm telling you,
00:48:20I heard two crows
00:48:22crowing in the steppe.
00:48:26How can a crow crow?
00:48:28It's not a T-shirt.
00:48:30I'll kill him.
00:48:32I'll kill him!
00:48:38Kiss me.
00:48:40Be careful.
00:48:42They're back.
00:48:44Are you afraid?
00:48:48You mean her?
00:48:50I'm shivering.
00:48:52I had to take a shower.
00:48:54Come to the abbey.
00:48:56I'm telling you, I'm shivering.
00:48:58Thirty-six, eight.
00:49:00Oh, stop it.
00:49:02I'm telling you,
00:49:04I'm shivering.
00:49:06Oh, stop it.
00:49:08Thirty-six, eight.
00:49:10Leave me alone.
00:49:12Have you been to the steppe?
00:49:16It doesn't make sense.
00:49:18You'll get sick again.
00:49:20Thank you for your concern.
00:49:22Stay here.
00:49:24I have something to tell you.
00:49:26You'd better do it while you're here.
00:49:28You must be cold.
00:49:30I'm also shivering.
00:49:32I'm thirty-six, eight.
00:49:35I'm healthy.
00:49:37But I'm thirty-six, eight.
00:49:45come here.
00:49:47Don't be afraid.
00:49:49We'll talk openly and calmly.
00:49:51All right.
00:49:53I also have something to tell you.
00:49:59This kind of situation
00:50:01can't go on.
00:50:03I'm too proud
00:50:05to stand in someone's way.
00:50:07So I'm moving away
00:50:09and leaving you some freedom.
00:50:11Would you like to break up with your husband?
00:50:13Of course.
00:50:15Don't you love him?
00:50:17It's a different matter.
00:50:19But he doesn't seem to want me
00:50:21and that's enough for me.
00:50:23I'll also break up with Vitus.
00:50:29we've said the simplest
00:50:31things that could
00:50:33go through our lives.
00:50:35You say
00:50:37you want to break up with Vitus.
00:50:39I think it's too much,
00:50:41but it's not.
00:50:43You can do whatever you want
00:50:45with your existence.
00:50:47But remember one thing.
00:50:49Tolo belongs to those
00:50:51who need to be captured constantly.
00:50:53I don't think so.
00:50:55Let him capture me.
00:50:57Oh, miss.
00:51:00I see I was right
00:51:02when I said you don't love your lover.
00:51:04I do.
00:51:08You love waking up
00:51:10to your own passion.
00:51:12That's the difference.
00:51:14You really don't want Tolo anymore?
00:51:16I don't.
00:51:18I wouldn't mind trying
00:51:20my latest ballroom dance,
00:51:22but I can have your gesture
00:51:24and give it to him.
00:51:26Give it to him?
00:51:28Don't be so mean.
00:51:30You should admire me
00:51:32and try to keep up
00:51:34with my jokes.
00:51:36Why are you provoking me?
00:51:38It's the pinnacle of everything.
00:51:40You're mean.
00:51:44Let's end this historical conversation
00:51:46of two wives who are not sure
00:51:48of their fate.
00:51:52Anyway, I have to thank you.
00:51:57Because I found out
00:51:59that I can still like you.
00:52:01But your husband...
00:52:03Is my husband the only one
00:52:05in the world?
00:52:07I want to rub myself
00:52:09with vasogen.
00:52:11What do you think, vasogen?
00:52:13What do you think, miss?
00:52:15Should Tolo rub himself with vasogen?
00:52:17Where did she come from?
00:52:19Instinct should guide her.
00:52:21I'll bring it.
00:52:23Vasogen is a necessity for me.
00:52:25I'll rub her hands.
00:52:27Will you let her?
00:52:31She's after me.
00:52:33Are you on her side?
00:52:35You know you're a little hell.
00:52:37You should tell her to light a fire
00:52:39on the fireplace.
00:52:41Leave me alone.
00:52:43This is the way to know
00:52:45the instinctive feeling.
00:52:47You should rub from top to bottom
00:52:51Where is she?
00:52:53She's a madwoman.
00:52:55I feel sorry for you.
00:52:59If she's the one who should
00:53:01lighten your life.
00:53:03I'm not made for jokes.
00:53:05I'm not joking.
00:53:07I lost the last game.
00:53:09So I kiss the table
00:53:11and leave.
00:53:15The easiest in the world.
00:53:17I'm going to my relatives
00:53:19and I'm leaving you here.
00:53:22I'll give you a scene
00:53:24that I arranged for you
00:53:26this morning.
00:53:28My dear,
00:53:30I'll give you this scene.
00:53:34I don't like her.
00:53:36I felt I had a problem with her.
00:53:38On the contrary.
00:53:40She was very gentle.
00:53:42In comparison?
00:53:44We both started
00:53:46to make mistakes.
00:53:48You were impertinent.
00:53:50I don't remember.
00:53:52You told me
00:53:54that you were in love.
00:53:58I calmed down
00:54:00and I came to the conclusion
00:54:02that you will be adored
00:54:04but not loved.
00:54:10but only in the right moments.
00:54:12It will be rather tiring
00:54:14if it's not already.
00:54:19all we have to do
00:54:21is to say
00:54:25I don't agree with you.
00:54:27You will have to.
00:54:31One more thing.
00:54:33You told me
00:54:35that a man is not old
00:54:37until he is loved.
00:54:39And now
00:54:41I'll tell you
00:54:43that a woman is not old
00:54:45until she feels desired.
00:54:51What did she want from you?
00:54:53It's our thing.
00:54:55I'm sorry, it's mine too.
00:54:57What is it?
00:54:59What right do you have to me?
00:55:01I have a right and I will have even more.
00:55:03I want you to run away with me.
00:55:07Yes, after what happened
00:55:09I can't stay at home.
00:55:11But you can.
00:55:13We will visit old palaces.
00:55:15We will love each other
00:55:17among the ruins
00:55:19where flowers grow.
00:55:23Yes, and neither she nor he will find us.
00:55:25When are you going?
00:55:27I don't think about it.
00:55:29I've travelled enough.
00:55:31But I haven't.
00:55:33Travelling is bad for me.
00:55:35I want to love you abroad.
00:55:37You are wrong.
00:55:39How can you say that to me?
00:55:42I was expecting something else from you.
00:55:44I was expecting something else from you too.
00:55:46We are not guilty of anything.
00:55:48No, now
00:55:50this is
00:55:52the peak of everything.
00:55:54You've crushed my thermometer.
00:55:56One is broken.
00:55:58It's a pity.
00:56:00The devilish vet won't come.
00:56:02You have to send him.
00:56:04I sent him to the devil
00:56:06but it's all for anger.
00:56:08You could go to the dairy.
00:56:10I have a table to talk to.
00:56:12You could go to the dairy
00:56:14and the crown wouldn't fall off your head.
00:56:16That's enough!
00:56:20You shouldn't worry so much.
00:56:22Let's hope the other one won't break.
00:56:24That's right.
00:56:26I'm the only one who has such problems.
00:56:28I kicked out two shepherds
00:56:30and now I'll take over.
00:56:32If you think it will make you feel better.
00:56:36I wanted to ask you
00:56:39about the horse for the evening train.
00:56:41When are you leaving?
00:56:43Are you leaving?
00:56:45I'm leaving.
00:56:47We'll see about that.
00:56:53I'm very grateful
00:56:55for your generosity.
00:56:57My will to live
00:56:59and my faith in myself came back.
00:57:01I haven't received flowers for some time
00:57:03and no one has given me flowers.
00:57:05You gave me flowers.
00:57:07I beg you.
00:57:09Believe me,
00:57:11it will be better for us
00:57:13if I leave.
00:57:15Believe me,
00:57:17the charm of love is in its memory.
00:57:19I'd like you to have
00:57:21a beautiful memory of today.
00:57:23Let the devil take it.
00:57:25Why so suddenly?
00:57:27We can still see each other.
00:57:31I think someone is here.
00:57:37I think I'll go against him.
00:57:39Against whom?
00:57:41God, what a stupid cousin!
00:57:43Against the vet!
00:58:05Where's Vitus?
00:58:07He went against the vet.
00:58:11with those cries
00:58:13the great story will break.
00:58:15And he doesn't see God
00:58:17except for this catastrophe of the world.
00:58:21he doesn't see.
00:58:23He doesn't see.
00:58:25He doesn't see.
00:58:27He doesn't see.
00:58:29He doesn't see.
00:58:31He doesn't see.
00:58:34He doesn't see.
00:58:38I'm cold.
00:58:40I'll ask the lady of the house
00:58:42to tell you to light a fire.
00:58:44Please don't.
00:58:48Because I want to be calm.
00:58:50Ah, yes.
00:58:52But here,
00:58:54the tree is arranged,
00:58:56all you have to do is light a fire.
00:58:58Please, here are the matches.
00:59:16I'm going to faint.
00:59:20you're cold.
00:59:22And irritated,
00:59:24and you know how it hurts me.
00:59:26But you don't look well.
00:59:30Do you still stick to your decisions?
00:59:34I don't dare to stop you.
00:59:36I think that if you stay alone...
00:59:38I don't know what to do yet.
00:59:40Don't do it.
00:59:42It hurts you.
00:59:44And less.
00:59:46Does it hurt you?
00:59:48Very much.
00:59:50I'll spread it.
00:59:52No, no, no.
00:59:54It hurts the least.
00:59:58You're changed.
01:00:01I lost my imagination.
01:00:05But if I have to be honest,
01:00:07it seems that you too...
01:00:15My poor Tolo.
01:00:17You said one thing,
01:00:21and you said everything.
01:00:23I'm old.
01:00:29For me,
01:00:31you were always young.
01:00:35We sit by the fireplace
01:00:37like sometimes at home in the autumn.
01:00:39Just like we were
01:00:41supposed to end our life.
01:00:45There was an old man
01:00:47and a woman,
01:00:49both very old.
01:00:51She was coughing,
01:00:55He was depressed, both of them.
01:00:57They were living in a small cottage.
01:00:59As old as they were.
01:01:03And most importantly,
01:01:05they were allowed to be themselves
01:01:07in that cottage.
01:01:11Their youth,
01:01:13their impulses,
01:01:15their pains,
01:01:17their sorrows,
01:01:19their sufferings,
01:01:21their mistakes,
01:01:24their aesthetic
01:01:28had no edges
01:01:30in a gentle
01:01:34of getting used to.
01:01:38Your Excellency,
01:01:40the carriage has arrived.
01:01:48I'm coming with you.
01:01:52I'm coming
01:01:54and I'm not going crazy.
01:01:56I'm not 20.
01:02:02For others, 20.
01:02:12Go through my room.
01:02:14I'll take the toilet.
01:02:16We'll go to the porch over there.
01:02:19Are you leaving?
01:02:23We're leaving.
01:02:27Yes, him.
01:02:29I have to see him.
01:02:31He's setting up his travel agency
01:02:33and it's more than important
01:02:35for him,
01:02:37so I advise you not to interrupt.
01:02:39You see, Muszko,
01:02:41men are bound
01:02:43not by passion,
01:02:45not by sense,
01:02:47but by something very subtle
01:02:49and binding like steel.
01:02:51This is, Muszko,
01:02:53the power of habit.
01:02:55I was a habit
01:02:57of my husband
01:02:59and that's why he comes back to me.
01:03:01It was my sketch
01:03:03that I used
01:03:05to overcome even your
01:03:07triumphant 20 years.
01:03:11What will happen to me now?
01:03:13You'll calm down
01:03:15and you'll try hard
01:03:17to sit down
01:03:19with your sketch
01:03:21to your wedding party,
01:03:23but I advise you
01:03:25to start early
01:03:27because it's a bit difficult
01:03:29and tedious
01:04:15Did they leave?
01:04:23I'll sit on a horse and chase them.
01:05:07It's better
01:05:09that we are alone again.
01:05:15It's better
01:05:17that we are alone again.