• last month
00:00:00Cruiserweight Championship time, Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, what a night for Rey Mysterio.
00:00:07And there are Rey Mysterio's family looking on, cheering daddy on here tonight.
00:00:14Great moment for the Mysterio family.
00:00:16Think about the obstacles that Rey Mysterio's had to overcome to get to this point.
00:00:20Mysterio lost to Matt Hardy at WrestleMania when Matt Hardy used the ropes to pick up the victory.
00:00:26Mysterio strapped to that stretcher, Big Show with like a baseball bat whipping Mysterio into a steel post.
00:00:32And then of course Rey Mysterio ripped that groin a couple of weeks ago when he defeated both Janet Law and Crash to get this cruiserweight shot here tonight.
00:00:41No doubt Rey has earned this opportunity.
00:00:43If he wins this title here tonight, it will be the crowning moment in an already shining career for Rey Mysterio.
00:00:51Rey Mysterio, oh and he was caught by Matt Hardy.
00:00:54The MFers, the Mattitude followers going to work on Mysterio and referee Brian Hector trying to keep control.
00:01:00And now Hector's doing the right thing.
00:01:02He's sending Crash and Janet back to the locker room.
00:01:05And Matt ain't happy.
00:01:06The 619.
00:01:07Rey's not one leg 616.
00:01:09Rey Mysterio, seconds away perhaps from winning the cruiserweight title.
00:01:14Mysterio has to get in pop time.
00:01:16He can do it, he was caught by Matt Hardy.
00:01:18And both men sent out of the ring.
00:01:23This is desperation time.
00:01:25The referee at six, if he gets to ten this match is over and Matt Hardy will retain the title.
00:01:31Mysterio got in.
00:01:33Matt Hardy just grabbed the cruiserweight title.
00:01:37Hey, look at this.
00:01:38Crash and Janet are back out here.
00:01:40The referee's in a tug of war with Matt Hardy with the gold.
00:01:43And Matt Hardy, he's going to steal this match.
00:01:46And here's the cover.
00:01:47What a way to deal with the match.
00:01:49It's all kicked out.
00:01:50Matt Hardy is beside himself right now.
00:01:53Going for the twist of fate.
00:01:54Look at Mysterio.
00:01:55Double leg.
00:01:56Here's the counter.
00:01:57He's down.
00:01:58He got him.
00:01:59He got him.
00:02:00Mysterio wins the title.
00:02:01Mysterio wins the cruiserweight title.
00:02:16Mysterio wins the cruiserweight title.
00:02:47I want it all.
00:02:48The excess.
00:02:49The sex.
00:02:50And much success.
00:02:51Stress ups.
00:02:52I want it all.
00:02:53No less.
00:02:54So come on.
00:03:09Tonight another chapter will be written in a ferocious rivalry between Brock Lesnar
00:03:15and The Big Show with the title on the line.
00:03:18Welcome to SmackDown from Orlando, Florida.
00:03:21Michael Cole and Tarzan Ringside.
00:03:23Coming on the rise of the late great Gorilla Monsoon.
00:03:26It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:33It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:38It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:41It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:44It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:47It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:50It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:53It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:56It's the irresistible force meets the immovable object for the championship.
00:03:59Live from San Diego, California.
00:04:01Weighing in at 175 pounds.
00:04:04The Cruiserweight Champion.
00:04:06In the studio.
00:04:09What an emotional night.
00:04:11It was last Thursday.
00:04:14Rey Mysterio defeating Matt Hardy for the Cruiserweight Championship.
00:04:19Hey Cole, it's the first of two championship matches tonight.
00:04:22Later it's show and legend.
00:04:24You're gonna get that Cruiserweight title back tonight.
00:04:27There is no way that Rey Mysterio could have beaten Matt Hardy.
00:04:30If it wasn't for you two screwing up.
00:04:32If it wasn't for you screwing up.
00:04:34If it wasn't for you screwing up.
00:04:35You understand that?
00:04:36So tonight, neither one of you will be going to the ring with me.
00:04:44Well, Matt Hardy's all business.
00:04:48I guess no Shannon Moore and Crash to be accompanying Matt Hardy in his rematch tonight.
00:04:55I respect that Matt Hardy.
00:04:56Come out here and get that gold back on you.
00:04:58Oh Matt, that's cool.
00:05:04And the challenger from Cameron, North Carolina.
00:05:07Weighing in at 220 pounds.
00:05:09Matt Hardy.
00:05:12And look at the eyes of Matt Hardy.
00:05:14Wasting little time exercising the return match clause in his contract.
00:05:18He's been furious all week.
00:05:20Matt Hardy is.
00:05:21Matt Hardy embarrassed and humiliated that he lost to Mysterio.
00:05:26Matt Hardy holding that championship and staring at it.
00:05:29But Rey Mysterio capitalizing on Hardy not paying attention.
00:05:32Well, maybe Matt Hardy should look in the mirror instead of blaming Shannon and Crash for that loss last week.
00:05:37Matt Hardy trying to regain Cruiserweight gold here on SmackDown.
00:05:42It was a great championship matchup last week, Cole.
00:05:45We pointed out.
00:05:46And I'll tell you what.
00:05:47Kick it off SmackDown.
00:05:48Nice drop toehold by Rey Mysterio.
00:05:51Who won that Cruiserweight title with a groin injury last week.
00:05:54In front of his family and friends.
00:05:56It's one-night time already.
00:05:58And Matt Hardy ducked underneath that.
00:06:00Mysterio scouted it quickly.
00:06:02Gains control of the matchup.
00:06:03Matt Hardy the 220 pounder into the cover.
00:06:05Hook of the leg.
00:06:06And Mysterio gets the shoulder up.
00:06:08You can feel the desperation in Matt Hardy right now.
00:06:12Matt Hardy version one.
00:06:13Wants to be the Cruiserweight champion again.
00:06:16Mysterio's going to be a tough customer to beat though.
00:06:19What a night it's going to be.
00:06:20Piper's pinned here tonight.
00:06:22Mr. McMahon and Zack Gallant in an arm wrestling challenge.
00:06:25If Zack Gallant defeats Mr. McMahon,
00:06:27Zack Gallant is a contract to the WWE.
00:06:30Let's look at this.
00:06:31He's going for a neck break here.
00:06:33Mysterio fighting out of it.
00:06:35Mysterio with a great counter.
00:06:36Rey Mysterio.
00:06:38A bulldog loop.
00:06:40Planting Matt Hardy.
00:06:43Both men down right now.
00:06:44You got to wonder if Mysterio's feeling his groin.
00:06:47Mysterio's grabbing his tailbone.
00:06:50Rear end area there.
00:06:51Mysterio got jolted there.
00:06:53Important point of the matchup.
00:06:54As we take another look at Rey Mysterio's bulldog
00:06:57from the top right there.
00:06:58Mysterio landing right on his hip.
00:07:00Right on his rear end.
00:07:01And that just sends a shock through your spine, Cole.
00:07:03You can't explain it to people.
00:07:05I myself, when I wrestle,
00:07:06land it on my butt sometimes and tell you.
00:07:08It just sends a shock right through your spinal cord.
00:07:11Will it be Rey Mysterio or Matt Hardy
00:07:13as the Cruiserweight champion with a WWE head to Odessa Lubbock
00:07:17and Corpus Christi Texas this weekend?
00:07:19Side effect by Matt Hardy.
00:07:21It may be Matt Hardy.
00:07:22Championship on the line.
00:07:24And Mysterio again powers out.
00:07:27And perhaps now the frustration is beginning to build
00:07:30in Matt Hardy, the challenger.
00:07:32I'm telling you, that frustration was seen in Hardy earlier,
00:07:34I thought.
00:07:35Matt Hardy's got Mysterio hooked right here.
00:07:37Went for the side effect again.
00:07:38Rey Mysterio, great counter.
00:07:40Shoulders down.
00:07:41And Matt Hardy kicks out before the count of three.
00:07:43Rey Mysterio's so quick.
00:07:45Just counter a move on you so quick
00:07:46and go for a near throw on you.
00:07:48Mysterio, 175 pounds of dynamite.
00:07:50The unorthodox offense.
00:07:52Mysterio, top rope.
00:07:54Shoulders down.
00:07:56And Matt Hardy misses.
00:07:58Shoulders down again.
00:07:59And Mysterio just kicked out.
00:08:01Oh, so close.
00:08:02Matt Hardy a half second away.
00:08:04Well, Mysterio's going for that west coast pop,
00:08:05but instead nailed that senton.
00:08:08Both men nailed each other with haymakers.
00:08:10And Matt with a shot to the chin of Rey Mysterio.
00:08:13Mysterio, the champion, went into the reversal.
00:08:15Matt Hardy hangs on.
00:08:16Look at that.
00:08:17They've tweaked the groin.
00:08:19That's exactly what I was talking about earlier.
00:08:21When he hit that bulldog,
00:08:22we don't know what it might have done to his groin,
00:08:24but he rang on his rear end.
00:08:25And Matt Hardy seething right now.
00:08:27Knows that he's got Mysterio hurt.
00:08:29Went for a low blow.
00:08:30Rey Mysterio, count.
00:08:32And the drop taken his own.
00:08:33Went for that 619.
00:08:35How much has he got left in the count?
00:08:36Oh, he got it.
00:08:37619 connects.
00:08:39I bet that grindage would affect him.
00:08:41Rey Mysterio perched on the apron.
00:08:43Might be going to drop the dime.
00:08:45Big leg drop.
00:08:46Across the back of the neck.
00:08:48Mysterio dropping the dime,
00:08:50but also hurt that groin again.
00:08:52That's right.
00:08:53He's got a cover here.
00:08:54He's got a cover.
00:08:55And Matt Hardy.
00:08:56Ho, ho, ho.
00:09:01What action.
00:09:02Cruiserweight Championship kicking us off
00:09:04here on SmackDown.
00:09:06We ended SmackDown last week with it.
00:09:08We're kicking it off with it again.
00:09:09Matt Hardy shot to the midsection.
00:09:11Rey Mysterio in all kinds of trouble
00:09:13for a powerbomb.
00:09:14Mysterio's fighting out, though.
00:09:16Matt Hardy.
00:09:17Oh, look at Mysterio.
00:09:18Great balance.
00:09:19But again, the groin gave way.
00:09:20Matt Hardy took advantage.
00:09:22Matt Hardy going for that splash,
00:09:24mountain bomb that Matt tried last week
00:09:26but didn't nail.
00:09:28Smithers down.
00:09:29He got it back.
00:09:33You've got to admire the guts
00:09:34and the heart of this Rey Mysterio.
00:09:36That's a high-impact move
00:09:37that Mysterio just got nailed with.
00:09:39And Hardy knows it.
00:09:41Hardy wants to go in for the kill, Matt.
00:09:43Well, Matt Hardy, the frustration
00:09:44has reached a fever pitch here.
00:09:47Matt Hardy setting up Mysterio
00:09:49for a twist of fate.
00:09:50Mysterio countered.
00:09:52Slides underneath Matt Hardy.
00:09:53Quickness by Hardy.
00:09:54Again, goes for the twist of fate.
00:09:56Mysterio hung on to the timer.
00:09:58What a counter.
00:09:59Big time smart.
00:10:00Here's the ringers of air life
00:10:01by Rey Mysterio.
00:10:02Yeah, look at Mysterio.
00:10:03Watch your back, Matt.
00:10:05Watch your back.
00:10:06Top rope for Mysterio.
00:10:08Look at this.
00:10:09West Coast Pop from the top rope.
00:10:11Desires down and down.
00:10:12Mysterio retains the title.
00:10:16Here's your winner
00:10:18and still Cruiserweight Champion
00:10:21Rey Mysterio.
00:10:24Unique West Coast Pop from the top rope.
00:10:27Absolutely great matchup right there.
00:10:30Rey Mysterio retaining the championship.
00:10:33Matt Hardy got caught in the West Coast Pop.
00:10:39Let's take another look at Rey Mysterio.
00:10:42Romantic counter of the twist of fate.
00:10:44Very smart.
00:10:45I don't think I've ever seen anybody do this.
00:10:47Mysterio knows where he was in that ring.
00:10:49Ring pressure.
00:10:50Using the ring as his ally
00:10:52in that West Coast Pop.
00:10:53Hook the leg.
00:10:54Holding him on the shelf.
00:10:56Rey Mysterio proving to us
00:10:58last week was not a fluke.
00:11:00I wonder what Shannon and Chris are thinking.
00:11:02They might still be laid out.
00:11:04Well, tonight,
00:11:05inspiring one-legged wrestler
00:11:07Zach Galbraith's future hangs in the balance.
00:11:09For a contract,
00:11:10Zach must beat Mr. McMahon
00:11:12in arm wrestling contest.
00:11:13Will Zach's dreams come true tonight?
00:11:15Oh, we'll see.
00:11:19We are back on SmackDown
00:11:21and it's time for Piper's Pick.
00:11:23Ladies and gentlemen,
00:11:25how are ya?
00:11:30Welcome to International Piper's Pick.
00:11:37We spare no expense on SmackDown.
00:11:41And without further ado,
00:11:43it is my pleasure and yours to
00:11:46please welcome
00:11:48the WWE Tag Team Champions
00:11:53Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri.
00:11:59Well, they are an unlikely tag team
00:12:01in odd couples, so to speak.
00:12:03But great champions.
00:12:04And check out the ride.
00:12:06Great champions.
00:12:07They always got a great ride.
00:12:09Look at that 65 in power.
00:12:11I think that is gold.
00:12:12How do you know?
00:12:13He's got an arm of gold.
00:12:14How do you know?
00:12:15With a black interior.
00:12:16Of course I know.
00:12:17I normally have a gold.
00:12:18I'll tell ya.
00:12:20It's unusual.
00:12:21Tag team really clicked, didn't it?
00:12:23They definitely clicked.
00:12:24I mean, it's very odd.
00:12:25I mean, some would say
00:12:26they're a makeshift tag team
00:12:27Tajiri and Eddie Guerrero.
00:12:29But I'll tell you what.
00:12:30Makeshift or not,
00:12:31these guys get it done.
00:12:32It's a red circle, no doubt.
00:12:33That's why they're champions.
00:12:34Tajiri's learning to lie and cheat and steal
00:12:37in the family tradition.
00:12:38You think they stole the car?
00:12:40You can't be accusing people
00:12:42of more grand theft auto, Cole.
00:12:44I don't know.
00:12:45I don't know.
00:12:46I don't know.
00:12:47I don't know.
00:12:48I don't know.
00:12:49It's a olive oil, I think.
00:12:50I like olive oil.
00:12:51I like gold.
00:12:52It's slippery all the time.
00:12:53It's silly.
00:12:54This is gonna be fun.
00:12:55Eddie and Tajiri in Piper's pit.
00:12:58It's like an international buffet
00:13:00set up in the center of the ring.
00:13:02You got little Mexican cowboy hats out there.
00:13:05There's sombreros.
00:13:06Yeah, they got those, too.
00:13:07And they got the little Chinese hats,
00:13:09the little cornbread hats, whatever you call that.
00:13:11Eddie Piper should have J.R.'s cookbook out here.
00:13:14Get some recipes.
00:13:28What's up?
00:13:29What's up?
00:13:31Man, check it out!
00:13:32Piper's pit, Tajiri!
00:13:35See, I'm so excited, man!
00:13:37I've always wanted to be on Piper's pit.
00:13:40I'm a great admirer of yours, host.
00:13:42And check it out, man, you're a gracious host, too.
00:13:45You have sushi.
00:13:47Yes, I have sushi.
00:13:49And you have tacos and burritos.
00:13:51Tacos for you.
00:13:52You recognize?
00:13:53Yeah, yeah.
00:13:54Just something from home.
00:13:56Hey, Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie!
00:13:57You're not going to do the loaded burrito gimmick, are you?
00:14:00You know, like the coconut to the head, huh?
00:14:03No, no, no, no.
00:14:05Way too much respect for you.
00:14:07Way too much respect for you because, you see, you're a tag team.
00:14:10And what you pride yourself on is lying, cheating, and stealing, right?
00:14:18It's a family tradition.
00:14:21Well, host, at least we're honest.
00:14:25Well, speaking of honesty, you know, this will be the next world champion
00:14:32of anything he wants to be, Mr. Sean O'Hara.
00:14:34Why don't you just let him just for a second be a sport and hold that tag team belt?
00:14:39Let him know what it feels like.
00:14:41No, no, no, host.
00:14:43The only thing you can hold is my maracas, mato, but you ain't going to hold my belt.
00:14:48You're not going to hold Tajiri's belt.
00:14:52You're not going to hold Tajiri's belt.
00:14:54And there's nothing you can say or do to change our minds, homes.
00:15:05Sushi, Eddie.
00:15:09You like sushi?
00:15:10Hey, hey, hey.
00:15:11What are you talking about, homes?
00:15:12What do you mean sushi?
00:15:13You like sushi?
00:15:14Yeah, me too.
00:15:16Show him belt.
00:15:19Tajiri, what are you doing?
00:15:21Now look at the next champion.
00:15:22Oh, yeah, yeah.
00:15:23Let's be honest.
00:15:24Okay, he got his sushi.
00:15:25You got to touch the belt.
00:15:26Now give me the belt back.
00:15:27Hey, S.A., guess what?
00:15:29We lied.
00:15:30What are you going to do about it?
00:15:31What am I going to do about it?
00:15:32Oh, oh.
00:15:33I'll show you what I'm going to do about it.
00:15:34Oh, boy.
00:15:35It's heating up.
00:15:41You and me.
00:15:42Hang on.
00:15:43Hang on.
00:15:44Hang on.
00:15:51Hang on.
00:15:52Hang on.
00:15:53Hang on.
00:15:54Hang on.
00:15:55Pour one.
00:15:56Pour one.
00:15:57Pour one quick.
00:15:58Pour one quick.
00:15:59How about a drink for you?
00:16:00That's a big one for me.
00:16:01Big one.
00:16:02Big one.
00:16:03Big one.
00:16:04Is that tequila?
00:16:06To friends almost.
00:16:08Here you go.
00:16:09You like sushi?
00:16:11Sake in the eye.
00:16:13It is over.
00:16:14You got to watch it, man.
00:16:15With the tag team champs.
00:16:16They laugh.
00:16:17They shoot.
00:16:18They steal.
00:16:19How do you get that done?
00:16:20The jury needs the green mist.
00:16:21All it needs is a little tequila.
00:16:22Up in his swallow.
00:16:23What the hell?
00:16:24It's a family show.
00:16:25For God's sake.
00:16:26It's a family show.
00:16:27It's a family show.
00:16:28It's a family show.
00:16:29It's a family show.
00:16:30It's a family show.
00:16:31It's a family show.
00:16:32It's a family show.
00:16:33It's a family show.
00:16:34It's a family show.
00:16:35It's a family show.
00:16:36It's a family show.
00:16:37It's a family show.
00:16:38It's a family show.
00:16:39It's a family show.
00:16:40It's a family show.
00:16:41For God's sake.
00:16:43It's a family tradition.
00:16:45I think it might have been shocking.
00:16:46They are a unique tag team.
00:16:48Eddie and Tajiri.
00:16:49But yes, indeed, they are tag team champions.
00:16:52Getting the last laugh in Peffer's pit.
00:16:55Here tonight...
00:16:58Everybody wants to fight us.
00:17:00Boy you look like the weed the ones you're on the beat for me.
00:17:03Oh, hi Stephanie, hi Sable, um, I was just looking for Zach Cowan's contract.
00:17:17Did you find it?
00:17:18No, I didn't find his contract, but I did see you were bringing back the U.S. title.
00:17:25Yes, that's right.
00:17:27I am bringing back the U.S. title to SmackDown and thank you for ruining the surprise.
00:17:32And uh, Sable, listen, you might try to sweet-talk me or try to lie to me and say that you were
00:17:40just looking for Zach Cowan's contract, but I don't trust you.
00:17:44But Stephanie, I'm your assistant.
00:17:45I'm only here to help.
00:17:47Sable, so sweet, you know, but I know my dad assigned you to be my assistant, but let's
00:17:55get this straight, okay?
00:17:56I don't need an assistant.
00:17:58I don't want an assistant, particularly not you.
00:18:01And if you think you can out-manipulate or out-connive me, Sable, well, you've got another
00:18:08thing coming.
00:18:09Here we go!
00:18:10Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your special guest, ring it out, sir, WWE Diva
00:18:11Tori Wilson.
00:18:12Hey, do you think you're a diva?
00:18:13Uh, no.
00:18:14I don't mean you, I mean our great female fans will show us the goods.
00:18:35We're looking for fans who believe that they have the goods.
00:18:36In June is Diva Search Month.
00:18:37We're going to pick four finalists, fly you to Phoenix.
00:18:38For more information, head to divasearch.com.
00:18:39Speaking of divas, I mean, any fan can become like Tori Wilson.
00:18:40Any fan can become a diva.
00:18:41Any fan can be like you.
00:18:43I'm not a diva, poof.
00:18:44Tori Wilson's a diva.
00:18:45A diva's got to be a female.
00:18:46Oh, come on.
00:18:47Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest has been scheduled for a one-fall.
00:18:48Introducing first, from Boston, Tori Wilson.
00:18:49Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your special guest, ring it out, sir, WWE Diva
00:18:50Tori Wilson.
00:18:51Hey, do you think you're a diva?
00:18:52Uh, no.
00:18:53I don't mean you, I mean our great female fans will show us the goods.
00:18:54We're looking for fans who believe that they have the goods.
00:18:55And ladies, he is a dreamboat, if you like a bald man with massive back hair.
00:19:21Well, this is a treat.
00:19:22We weren't expecting Tori Wilson.
00:19:23He's a guest ring announcer for the Smack Show that we now know A-train's involved in.
00:19:24Well, I'll tell you what, I think Tori Wilson should come out here with a different color
00:19:25every week and be the special guest ring announcer on every match.
00:19:26Well, Tori Dennis' stable has been busy.
00:19:27How about the bombshell she just dropped?
00:19:28Stephanie's bringing the U.S. title back.
00:19:29United States Championship on SmackDown.
00:19:30That's heavy duty, man.
00:19:31Big time news.
00:19:32I don't think Stephanie McMahon, our general manager, is too excited about this.
00:19:34But that's another story.
00:19:35I don't think our general manager Stephanie McMahon is too happy with her new assistant,
00:19:36Mr. McMahon, assigning Stable to that role last week.
00:19:37Why would A-train give Tori Wilson a dirty look?
00:19:38Is that about right?
00:19:39I don't know.
00:19:40I don't know.
00:19:41I don't know.
00:19:42I don't know.
00:19:43I don't know.
00:19:44I don't know.
00:19:45I don't know.
00:19:46I don't know.
00:19:47I don't know.
00:19:48I don't know.
00:19:49I don't know.
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00:31:10I don't know.
00:31:11I don't know.
00:31:12I don't know.
00:31:13I don't know.
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00:31:35I don't know.
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00:31:38I don't know.
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00:31:54I don't know.
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00:31:56I don't know.
00:31:57I don't know.
00:31:58I don't know.
00:31:59I don't know.
00:32:00I don't know.
00:32:01I don't know.
00:32:02I don't know.
00:32:03I don't know.
00:32:04I don't know.
00:32:05I don't know.
00:32:07I said I don't know!
00:32:12Mr. America is in galantic..
00:32:15Come on big brother.
00:32:16Pull up those Patriots, dude, because in just a couple of minutes you're going to be arm
00:32:20wrestling Vince McMahon for your WWE contract!
00:32:23So turn that shoulder.
00:32:25Twist that wrist and snap that big arm of Vince McMahon, brother.
00:32:32You're not alone out there.
00:32:34One bond, one friendship.
00:32:37The American spirit.
00:32:38Let's do it, brother.
00:32:40I don't know, I think Zack's in trouble, Cole.
00:32:43This kid's in trouble.
00:32:46Well, we are back on SmackDown
00:32:47and well, apparently everyone wants to be part
00:32:50of this Mr. McMahon, Zack Galvanor wrestling contest.
00:32:53Even our general manager.
00:32:57Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
00:32:59the general manager of SmackDown,
00:33:02Stephanie McMahon.
00:33:04Well, Stephanie's the boss.
00:33:06She's the general manager, so Stephanie can do whatever
00:33:08she wants to do out here, Cole, you know that.
00:33:10And you know, Stephanie's been very, very supportive
00:33:12of Zack Galvan and his dreams of one day
00:33:16becoming a WWE superstar.
00:33:19Zack's got humongous dreams, no doubt about it.
00:33:22Stephanie, I think you're right.
00:33:23She would love to let those dreams come true for that kid.
00:33:26This kid has accomplished so much in his life,
00:33:28but tonight, he's gonna have his hands full, literally.
00:33:33As your general manager of SmackDown,
00:33:37I am here to oversee the arm wrestling contest
00:33:40between Zack Galvan and Mr. McMahon.
00:33:45Now, should Zack Galvan be victorious
00:33:48and defeat Mr. McMahon, then Zack Galvan will win
00:33:51his first ever SmackDown contract right here tonight.
00:33:58So without further ado, allow me to introduce you
00:34:01to the most extraordinary young man to ever step.
00:34:09This isn't Zack Galvan.
00:34:10Uh, no, that's definitely not Zack Galvan.
00:34:15That's Stephanie's assistant, Sable.
00:34:19Sable looking hotter than ever.
00:34:22Stephanie's not too happy.
00:34:25Sable just interrupted the general manager.
00:34:28And remember, earlier tonight,
00:34:30Sable blew Stephanie's surprise,
00:34:32saying that Stephanie's gonna bring back
00:34:33the United States Heavyweight Championship to SmackDown.
00:34:37I mean, you know, Sable is Stephanie's assistant.
00:34:40I mean, new assistant, Mr. McMahon appointed her.
00:34:47Sable, how nice of you to interrupt.
00:34:51How can I help you?
00:34:52Well, Stephanie, I am...
00:34:56All right.
00:34:57Big time diss.
00:34:59Now, before I was so rudely interrupted,
00:35:01allow me to introduce the first contestant.
00:35:04The most extraordinary young man I have ever met.
00:35:07Being accompanied to the ring by Mr. America.
00:35:12Ladies and gentlemen, Zack Galvan.
00:35:15♪ When it comes crashing down, you've got to cry ♪
00:35:23One night for Mr. America's biggest fan.
00:35:28To have this kid, Zack Galvan.
00:35:30♪ You've got to take a stand in the ring tonight ♪
00:35:32A huge heart, a big smile,
00:35:34and he's overcome a tremendous amount
00:35:36of obstacles in his life.
00:35:38Zack Galvan lost a leg to cancer.
00:35:42But tonight, if Zack Galvan can defeat
00:35:45the chairman of the board of this company
00:35:47in an arm wrestling contest,
00:35:49Zack Galvan will be a superstar.
00:35:52Zack Galvan will be a sports entertainer
00:35:55right here on SmackDown.
00:35:57No doubt about it, Corey.
00:35:59I mean, Zack Galvan waited his whole life,
00:36:02waited his whole life for an opportunity like this.
00:36:06And I'm telling you, in my opinion, my view,
00:36:09I just don't see this kid
00:36:11beating Mr. McMahon in an arm wrestling contest.
00:36:12I just don't see it happening.
00:36:14Before tonight, I didn't think so either.
00:36:16But the fact that Mr. America's out here with him.
00:36:19And his opponent, the chairman of the board,
00:36:23Mr. McMahon!
00:36:28Oh, here comes the boss.
00:36:29-♪ No chance, son, that's no chance ♪
00:36:33Somebody's been in the gym.
00:36:37Mr. McMahon.
00:36:40Well, he's headed in for this kid, Zack Galvan.
00:36:43Ever since Zack Galvan and Mr. America became great friends,
00:36:48because Mr. McMahon believes Mr. America is Hulk Hogan.
00:36:51Look at the bicep, the triceps on Mr. McMahon.
00:36:54I mean, Mr. McMahon, uh, warming up for Zack Galvan.
00:36:58Does he look nervous to you?
00:36:59Does Zack look nervous to you?
00:37:01Zack Galvan has never, ever looked nervous to me.
00:37:04He's been through so much in his life.
00:37:06I don't know if nervous is the right word.
00:37:07I understand. Well, maybe in your opinion, it's not.
00:37:09In my opinion, I know the kid's been through a lot.
00:37:11Zack Galvan, in my opinion, is nervous right now.
00:37:14And Mr. McMahon, he ain't nervous.
00:37:16He's calm, he's cool, he's collected.
00:37:18The boss is in charge. That kid's nervous, Cole.
00:37:20He looks scared to death, actually.
00:37:22He's been through hell in his life, no doubt.
00:37:24But he's nervous. And he should be.
00:37:27His future hangs in the balance right here.
00:37:32Zack Galvan must beat Mr. McMahon
00:37:34to get a contract on SmackDown.
00:37:36Plain and simple.
00:37:40Well, let me tell you something, brother.
00:37:43Number one, you're in the wrong war zone.
00:37:52This is the red, the white,
00:37:53and the blue of Orlando, Florida, brother.
00:38:01And you're definitely fighting the wrong battle
00:38:03because Hulk Hogan is sitting at home watching, brother.
00:38:10And Zack Galvan is not in your battle sites.
00:38:13The problem you have, brother, is with Mr. America.
00:38:17And this is between you and me.
00:38:20So I suggest you put that skinny little spaghetti string
00:38:25up on the table so I can break it in half
00:38:29with this 24-inch Patriot, brother.
00:38:32Mr. America's just challenged Mr. McMahon.
00:38:34I don't know about spaghetti.
00:38:35That's one big piece of linguine, trust me.
00:38:38That's spaghetti? How big are my arms?
00:38:40I'll tell you what, right there, Mr. America,
00:38:42you have a take on the buffet.
00:38:47USA chance to fill the Orlando arena here.
00:38:52Wait a minute. Let me get this straight.
00:38:55You think I'm afraid of you?
00:38:57Me? I'm Vince McMahon.
00:39:01I've got billion-dollar bicep, pal.
00:39:05You want to take me on?
00:39:07Your answer is no.
00:39:11No way. No way.
00:39:14Because I didn't sign to arm-wrestle you.
00:39:16I signed to arm-wrestle that little kid right there.
00:39:21No. Now get out of the ring.
00:39:27What's this?
00:39:29What's this?
00:39:39What's going on?
00:39:40I'll tell you what.
00:39:45All right, I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:39:47USA! USA! USA!
00:39:52USA! USA! USA!
00:39:55You're telling me Mr. America sucks?
00:39:59I agree with you.
00:40:00But I'll tell you what, Hogan, you're on.
00:40:03I'll arm-wrestle you.
00:40:05Well, there's got to be two little stipulations, though,
00:40:07before we get started.
00:40:09Number one, we're not arm-wrestling
00:40:11for Zach Galin's contract.
00:40:12That's between me and Zach Galin.
00:40:16And the second stipulation, Hogan, is not when,
00:40:19but after I jam your arm down, after you lose,
00:40:24you leave the premises, Hogan.
00:40:26What do you say?
00:40:28I say put that skinny little arm down there, brother.
00:40:35Well, Mr. America with a lot on the line here.
00:40:37Mr. America loses. He's out of the arena.
00:40:44What do you think?
00:40:45If you were an odds maker, who are you betting on?
00:40:47I don't know. I don't know what I'd bet on.
00:40:48This would be one hell of a...
00:40:51I don't know, Cole.
00:40:53I got to...
00:40:55I got to, you know, with respect to the boss,
00:40:58maybe Hogan. No, no, I got to go with Mr. McMahon.
00:41:00I don't know.
00:41:01McMahon is the starter. My word, go.
00:41:05Using that left hand, too, Cole.
00:41:10And we're underway.
00:41:13It's a stalemate right now.
00:41:17Oh, man.
00:41:19McMahon's struggling here.
00:41:21This could be good for Zack Gallant
00:41:23if Mr. America can wear out Mr. McMahon.
00:41:26But look at Mr. America.
00:41:28What the hell?
00:41:30Having some fun with Mr. McMahon.
00:41:32Oh, wait a minute.
00:41:35What are you talking about?
00:41:38Sable, if you so much as lay a hand on another contestant,
00:41:42I will call this a disqualification
00:41:45and declare Mr. America the winner.
00:41:48Who knows Mr. America cheated?
00:41:49Who knows Mr. America cheated?
00:41:51I don't know how she cheated. I don't get it.
00:41:57I had you, damn it.
00:42:00You stay out of this, I had you.
00:42:01Mr. McMahon just told Sable, I had him.
00:42:05I don't know about that.
00:42:08This time we're going to go to the right.
00:42:10Now we're going to right hands.
00:42:12I heard it.
00:42:15Come on.
00:42:16I'm going to break that damn right arm
00:42:18and walk over.
00:42:19Well, come on, let's go.
00:42:21Come on.
00:42:23Here we go.
00:42:25Get ready.
00:42:29Oh, man.
00:42:35McMahon's trying, but he ain't getting far.
00:42:37Mr. America.
00:42:39Oh, look, look.
00:42:40Oh, my God.
00:42:49Mr. America's almost got him.
00:42:51Yeah, someone else is getting it.
00:42:52Wow, did you see that?
00:42:55Sable just flashed Mr. America.
00:42:58Mr. McMahon won.
00:43:02Mr. America did what anybody would do
00:43:04and looked at Sable and Mr. McMahon took advantage.
00:43:08I'm speechless.
00:43:13Did you see that?
00:43:14I'm going to announce who won this.
00:43:19Here is your winner, Mr. McMahon.
00:43:22Oh, give me a break.
00:43:25Well, he did.
00:43:26Mr. McMahon won in the fair and square, I guess.
00:43:28My name's Hogan.
00:43:41Mr. America is furious.
00:43:43As you know, the stipulations.
00:43:45Go ahead.
00:43:46Go ahead and nail me.
00:43:48Go ahead and hit me.
00:43:49That son of a bitch will never get a shot.
00:43:50Go ahead.
00:43:51Go ahead and hit me.
00:43:53I'll never let him get a shot, ever.
00:43:55No matter what.
00:43:56He'll never get a contract.
00:43:59So you can live up to your word now, get out of the ring,
00:44:02and let this kid have a shot,
00:44:04or is Mr. America selfishly going to get his ass kicked
00:44:07by Mr. McMahon?
00:44:14Why don't you get out of here
00:44:16and take the general manager of SmackDown with you?
00:44:24I would suggest you take your leave, Stephanie.
00:44:30And take the loser with you.
00:44:34And by the way, just for the record,
00:44:39if you're at the table, I would just like to state
00:44:41that you have the most beautiful set,
00:44:48the most beautiful set of eyes I think I've ever seen.
00:44:53Thank you very much.
00:44:59Hold the rope for her.
00:45:04Thanks for the advice.
00:45:10Well, now then.
00:45:15Looks like it's going to be old Zach Gowen and Mr. McMahon.
00:45:18How about that?
00:45:23Kid, you don't have a prayer winning this event.
00:45:30Come on, kid, lost your nerve?
00:45:31Come on.
00:45:32Let's go.
00:45:40Now I'll even take you with my bad arm.
00:45:44Come on.
00:45:46This is only about your dreams coming true.
00:45:49You're not getting nervous, are you?
00:45:54All right, come on.
00:45:55All right.
00:46:02Let's go.
00:46:04Come on, watch him now.
00:46:06Watch him, boy.
00:46:09All right, here we go.
00:46:11Here's Zach, that's McMahon, on the go.
00:46:14All right, you're ready, set, go.
00:46:18Ha, ha, ha.
00:46:22Oh, oh, look at this.
00:46:26Look at this.
00:46:27I think Mr. McMahon's got him.
00:46:30Mr. McMahon's got him.
00:46:35Oh, we're coming back this way.
00:46:36Yeah, we are.
00:46:37We're coming, almost, almost, almost, almost.
00:46:45Hey, lighten up, kid.
00:46:49Hey, kid.
00:46:51I said lighten up.
00:46:51He's cheating, Gavin, he's cheating.
00:46:54He's cheating.
00:46:55Look at this kid go.
00:46:57Look at this kid go.
00:46:58Come on, Zach.
00:46:59Look at this kid, got him.
00:47:00Come on, Zach.
00:47:01He's got him.
00:47:02Look at this kid.
00:47:04Oh, oh my God.
00:47:06That is downright despicable.
00:47:18I can't believe this.
00:47:21Look at that prosthetic leg, Cole, that was.
00:47:23Well, I'd like to say, I'd like to say good try.
00:47:30I'd like to, but I guess maybe, Zach,
00:47:34I don't know about you.
00:47:35You didn't quite make it.
00:47:38I wonder what you're thinking right about now.
00:47:44You gonna cry, Zach?
00:47:48You gonna cry?
00:47:51Just cause your dreams went up in smoke, Zach?
00:47:54You gonna cry, Zach?
00:47:56Get out of my ring!
00:48:00Get the hell out of my ring!
00:48:02You don't deserve to be in my ring.
00:48:04You never deserve to be in my ring.
00:48:07I need athletes in here, not some freak.
00:48:11Now get the hell out of here.
00:48:22Are you out of your mind?
00:48:32Get out of my ring!
00:48:34Get out of my ring!
00:48:43What is wrong with him?
00:48:46Zach Gowen's dreams have been crushed.
00:48:50Zach Gowen's hopes of becoming a WWE superstar
00:48:54have gone up in smoke.
00:48:56All right, now hit my music.
00:48:59Mr. McMahon, I can't believe I saw it.
00:49:03Mr. McMahon just kicked Zach Gowen in his prosthetic leg.
00:49:10This aspiring one-legged wrestler
00:49:14is not gonna live his dream.
00:49:17And now Mr. McMahon is just boxing the kid.
00:49:21I don't think that that bothers the kid as much
00:49:23as the fact that Zach Gowen's dream has been shattered.
00:49:28He's not getting a WWE contract.
00:49:30Mr. McMahon is cocky and pompous and proud about it.
00:49:33Zach Gowen had him defeated.
00:49:35Zach Gowen had that arm wrestling challenge won,
00:49:38and Mr. McMahon kicked him in that prosthetic leg.
00:49:48It has been a shocking night in Orlando, Florida.
00:49:51Welcome back to SmackDown, everybody.
00:49:53It's still the cup tonight.
00:49:54The WWE title's on the line.
00:49:56Brock Lesnar defends against The Big Show.
00:50:00That's gonna be intense, man.
00:50:01But moments ago, the dreams of once-aspiring
00:50:04one-legged wrestler Zach Gowen were crushed.
00:50:07First, Mr. America and Mr. McMahon
00:50:09in an arm wrestling contest,
00:50:11and Sable paying immediate dividends.
00:50:13Watch Mr. McMahon here about to lose,
00:50:15and then all of a sudden, Sable.
00:50:17Mr. America had no choice but to lose his concentration there.
00:50:21You see that? Yeah, yeah, I did.
00:50:23And then Mr. McMahon in trouble.
00:50:24Zach Gowen battling for his contract,
00:50:27left alone in the ring when this happened.
00:50:29This was just a despicable act
00:50:32by the chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment,
00:50:34Mr. McMahon.
00:50:35Let's take a little look at this.
00:50:36I guess we have to.
00:50:37I mean, just...
00:50:38Cheap shots of all cheap shots.
00:50:40Look at this.
00:50:40I mean, this young man,
00:50:42dreaming to have a contract here in his company,
00:50:44and Mr. McMahon just kicking Zach in that prosthetic
00:50:47forcing him to lose his balance.
00:50:55You know, kid, I got two words for you.
00:51:00Forget it.
00:51:12Big Show better be worried about Brony Galanchier.
00:51:15And I'm Zach Gowen.
00:51:16Big Show's got a title match tonight.
00:51:18The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:51:22Approaching the ring from Edmonton, Alberta,
00:51:25weighing in at 229 pounds,
00:51:28Chris Van Waal.
00:51:31I'm still in shock.
00:51:32Yeah, I know. Me too.
00:51:34I can't get over what we've seen
00:51:35Mr. McMahon do to that kid.
00:51:36We've seen Mr. McMahon do some pretty low
00:51:38and despicable things.
00:51:40Nothing ever like that.
00:51:42I'm still in shock.
00:51:43I can't get over what we've seen
00:51:44Mr. McMahon do to that kid.
00:51:45We've seen Mr. McMahon do some pretty low
00:51:47and despicable things.
00:51:49And his partner from Detroit, Michigan,
00:51:51weighing in at 275 pounds,
00:51:56Reiner, of course, from what used to be
00:51:58Hockey Town, USA, Detroit.
00:52:00Jersey's Hockey Town now.
00:52:01Congratulations to the Devils.
00:52:03Had to rub it into Reiner a little bit.
00:52:04But what a tag team.
00:52:06That was good. That was a good rubbing.
00:52:07That was real funny.
00:52:08Reiner and Van Waal, what a tag team.
00:52:09They're a great tag team, no doubt about it.
00:52:11Good friends, a lot in common.
00:52:14These new guys, the bashes, man.
00:52:16I dig the bashes.
00:52:18Good cocky little feel to these guys.
00:52:20And making their way to the ring,
00:52:24being accompanied by Sinequa from Columbus, Ohio,
00:52:28weighing in at 492 pounds,
00:52:32the Basham Brothers.
00:52:34Wait a minute.
00:52:35Sinequa, that's Linda Miles.
00:52:36What the hell happened to Linda Miles?
00:52:38She won tough enough.
00:52:40What the?
00:52:42I see Sinequa now in get-gadded leather.
00:52:45And is that a whip?
00:52:47You think that's how she won tough enough?
00:52:49I asked if that was a whip.
00:52:51Yeah, I think it's a riding prop they call that.
00:52:53Funny side, should have had a jockey there.
00:52:54Should have had a bigger one to make her the one to race.
00:52:56You keep them in your closet, don't you?
00:52:57I don't.
00:52:59I got orange whips in my closet, Paul.
00:53:00Well, I'd like to know what this relationship is.
00:53:03Actually, orange whip, orange whip.
00:53:04I just got that.
00:53:05Orange whip, get it?
00:53:08Nonetheless, I'd like to know
00:53:09what Sinequa's relationship is with the Basham Brothers.
00:53:12First two weeks, they were in the WWE.
00:53:15I see Sinequa accompanying them to ringside,
00:53:17but nonetheless, it's Rhyno starting things off here
00:53:19against Doug Basham.
00:53:22Benoit and Rhyno, both former
00:53:24United States heavyweight champions.
00:53:25You heard the news earlier on.
00:53:27That's right, that's right.
00:53:29Back here to SmackDown.
00:53:30That's big news, man.
00:53:31And Rhyno with a big clothesline on.
00:53:33Doug Basham with a big right hand to Matt.
00:53:36275 pounder from Detroit, Michigan
00:53:38takes a knee to the back from Danny Basham.
00:53:40But the man beats tough as hell, no doubt.
00:53:43Big kickbreaker.
00:53:44I'll tell you, I've been impressed with these Bashams.
00:53:46Cover, hook to the inside leg, and a kickout.
00:53:50And Doug Basham, a little work on Rhyno.
00:53:54With that tight rear chin locked in there
00:53:55with all the force at the top of the head.
00:53:57I mean, we talked last week about
00:53:58talking to Danny Basham,
00:54:00how he was a little off his rocker.
00:54:01Had a talk with Doug Basham in the back today.
00:54:04He's not too far away from Danny.
00:54:06Doug's a little out there as well.
00:54:08You think Sinequa keeps these guys in line cool?
00:54:11And that whip, who knows?
00:54:12Rhyno, come on!
00:54:13Look at Rhyno.
00:54:15I think she does with that thing.
00:54:16Oh, come on, we know about your pants.
00:54:18Don't start acting like you don't know what the whip is for.
00:54:20Come on, you little, you're a freak.
00:54:22Come on, fess up, Raw TV, tell the world.
00:54:26Looks great.
00:54:27She does, she looks phenomenal.
00:54:28So does Doug right now, he's got Rhyno on the ropes here.
00:54:31Doug with the right hands to the mad beast Rhyno.
00:54:34Doug Basham whips down the corner.
00:54:36Shoulder to the gut.
00:54:38Soften up Basham for a possible gore.
00:54:41Big back suplex.
00:54:42Man, he's doing Doug Basham.
00:54:44Bounced off that mat like a rubber ball right there.
00:54:47Rhyno's had a lot taken out of him.
00:54:48Trying to get to the corner.
00:54:49Tagging his buddy Benoit.
00:54:55Rhyno crawling to the corner.
00:54:57Here's the tag to the right.
00:54:58Reigns in the house.
00:55:00Danny Basham, man.
00:55:01They never made a tag, the Basham brothers didn't, did they?
00:55:04I think so, I don't know.
00:55:06Good matter to Benoit.
00:55:07He's picking apart both Basham brothers.
00:55:08Snapped suplex.
00:55:11And Danny Basham saves the matchup for his team.
00:55:14No, the tag wasn't made.
00:55:15Doug Basham's still the legal man.
00:55:16No matter, Benoit hit whatever's moving, not moving.
00:55:19He don't care.
00:55:19Oh, Rhyno, nice double team move there.
00:55:22Look at this.
00:55:23Nice head and arm into a side suplex there.
00:55:25Rhyno and Benoit taking it to the Basham.
00:55:28Here's Doug Basham whipped into the corner.
00:55:29Crispy line.
00:55:31German suplex released.
00:55:32Man, what a German right there by Benoit.
00:55:35He landed high, didn't he?
00:55:38Wolverines are gonna fly, Cole, here we go.
00:55:40Chris Benoit heading up to the top rope.
00:55:43Check out, look at that, Shaniqua
00:55:45just distracted Benoit for a moment.
00:55:47Grabbed Benoit's ankle right there.
00:55:50And rolling out of the way.
00:55:52I think that's all it took, Cole,
00:55:53that little pull on the foot by Shaniqua on Benoit's boot.
00:55:56Well, distracting him for a moment
00:55:57allowed Basham to regain himself.
00:55:59Oh my gosh, crossface.
00:56:01There's your crossface right there.
00:56:03Crossface locked in.
00:56:04Will Doug Basham tap out to the crossface?
00:56:08Doug Basham may have an option, but what the hell?
00:56:10Danny with a kick to the back of the neck
00:56:12forces Benoit to release the crossface.
00:56:14Rhino back into the ring as well.
00:56:15Well, like it or not, good move by Danny Basham
00:56:17to save his partner now.
00:56:19This matchup is good for now.
00:56:21All four men are in the ring.
00:56:23We're having to try to get some control,
00:56:25but there's Shaniqua on the apron.
00:56:27Oh, Rhino just cracked his partner.
00:56:30Oh, look at that.
00:56:32Here's the cover, hook of the leg.
00:56:34The Basham steals it.
00:56:36Rhino inadvertently struck Benoit on the Basham steel wall.
00:56:39Here are your winners, the Basham brothers.
00:56:43I'll tell you for where I sit, that's a big time upset
00:56:46and a humongous win for the Bashams.
00:56:48But for the second time in two weeks,
00:56:51Rhino's cost Benoit a matchup by inadvertently striking him.
00:56:55And Benoit is not happy.
00:56:59But you're right, what a huge win for the Bashams.
00:57:02Oh, Benoit ain't happy.
00:57:04Look at this, explosion right here.
00:57:07Friends are nose to nose.
00:57:10Moments ago, a huge win for the Basham brothers.
00:57:12This strange sequence as Shaniqua,
00:57:15well, distracted Benoit for just a moment.
00:57:17Just enough of a moment for a man to get out of the way here
00:57:21for the Basham brothers to move for that big headbutt.
00:57:24But then right here, just you'll see in a moment
00:57:27where Rhino just, Benoit's going for a German suplex
00:57:30and bingo, Rhino accidentally just clocking
00:57:33his second time in a week.
00:57:35Rhino inadvertently hit his buddy, and Benoit and Rhino,
00:57:37wait a minute, we're being told
00:57:38there's something going on in the back.
00:57:42Explain yourself.
00:57:43Explain myself.
00:57:44Explain yourself.
00:57:45I made a mistake, Chris.
00:57:46Two times, two times, two times in a row.
00:57:48Yeah, Chris, I made a mistake.
00:57:49What the hell is that about?
00:57:50I didn't mean to hit you.
00:57:51If I meant to hit you, I'd punch you
00:57:52right in the nose right now.
00:57:53Look at me.
00:57:55I'm supposed to trust you.
00:57:56You're supposed to trust me, Chris.
00:57:57I'm supposed to trust you.
00:57:57You're supposed to have my back out there.
00:57:59Look in my eyes, Chris.
00:58:01Look in my eyes, I respect you.
00:58:02Everything we've been through together.
00:58:04You need to look in your own eyes.
00:58:12That's heavy, man.
00:58:18Word of life.
00:58:20Word of life.
00:58:21This is big.
00:58:22Following contention in the state of Florida.
00:58:24One fall.
00:58:25From Newberry, Massachusetts.
00:58:28Weighing in at 248 pounds.
00:58:31John Cena.
00:58:36And from Japan, weighing in at 280 pounds.
00:58:43Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
00:58:49I'm that ill cat with more cork in his bat than Sammy Sosa.
00:58:55I'm too ghetto for merchandise
00:58:57so kids make their own posters.
00:59:00Orlando fans are in the stands
00:59:02throwing up them double hands.
00:59:05After the show, Michael Cole's gonna chase some boy bands.
00:59:09That's nice, though.
00:59:11Taz, Taz, calm down your man.
00:59:13You gotta tell him to slow down.
00:59:15He's got them weird posters in sync
00:59:18and he's falling in love with O-Town.
00:59:22Kunaki-san, reconsider.
00:59:25I'm more than you can handle, bro.
00:59:28I'll cut your two-toed mullet
00:59:29and kick you dead in the camel toe.
00:59:35Hey, you should go back to announcing.
00:59:37This whole match is a waste, man.
00:59:40I don't need to wrestle you.
00:59:41You're choking yourself with your waistband.
00:59:45I ain't from Orlando, but I got the magic stick.
00:59:48That means I represent your city when I grab my.
00:59:54Come on, I'm shoelace.
00:59:56We'll see that this, your knot's a little loose there,
00:59:59shoelace, bye, bye, bye.
01:00:03That was great.
01:00:07What up, dog?
01:00:10Hold up, please, hold up, please.
01:00:19You ain't got no Alba, so you got green.
01:00:22Yolk, yolk, you ugly.
01:00:24Yolk, yolk, you ugly.
01:00:27Yolk, yolk, you ugly.
01:00:29What's ugly?
01:00:29What is that?
01:00:31He said, oh-wee, oh-wee.
01:00:32What's oh-wee?
01:00:33He's got an accent.
01:00:36He's a robot.
01:00:39Oh, it's not wise to tick off Cena.
01:00:41Wait, time's over.
01:00:42I'm still upset.
01:00:44I thought John Cena and I were down and we were boys.
01:00:46I mean, I'm shoelace.
01:00:47He didn't get that.
01:00:51Shot to the face by Kunaki.
01:00:52John Cena may have underestimated Kunaki here.
01:00:55Right-handed Kunaki has seen a reeling.
01:00:58Had seen a reeling.
01:01:01And here's John Cena with the elbows to Kunaki.
01:01:03I don't know if you respect Kunaki.
01:01:04This is a little bit of a mismatch.
01:01:06John Cena too strong right now.
01:01:09Here comes the F-U right here.
01:01:11Hiccup and drive, well, check this out.
01:01:14To the next, the F-U.
01:01:16Hook of the leg.
01:01:18John Cena picks up the win.
01:01:22Here is your winner,
01:01:24John Cena.
01:01:26Well, you know, Taz,
01:01:27you can't spell Kunaki without F-U.
01:01:31Really good.
01:01:35A lesson learned tonight.
01:01:36Moral of the story, don't mock John Cena.
01:01:40Just retake a look at this ferocious shot.
01:01:42A lesson I learned is you're like a,
01:01:44ooh, you're like a big Kurota.
01:01:46Who the hell is that?
01:01:48And then the F-U delivered to Kunaki.
01:01:51Big time impact right there.
01:01:52Big time move by a big time player, John Cena.
01:01:55Why are all these rappers so angry all the time?
01:01:58Oh, John Cena's not that angry.
01:02:00He's not?
01:02:03And there is Kurt Angle.
01:02:05Kurt Angle is back.
01:02:07Gold medals are looking shiny.
01:02:09Kurt's on his way to the ring, I guess so.
01:02:12Maybe Kurt's got a statement, Cole.
01:02:22Kurt Angle!
01:02:28Kurt Angle!
01:02:30Kurt Angle!
01:02:39Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Kurt Angle!
01:02:44You know, Taz, later tonight,
01:02:46Brock Lesnar and Big Showmeat for the WWE title.
01:02:50Kurt Angle will face the winner
01:02:52as Kurt Angle makes his triumphant return
01:02:55from neck surgery.
01:02:57Kurt Angle looks phenomenal coming back from neck surgery.
01:03:00Great comeback last week to SmackDown.
01:03:03A great homecoming for the only Olympic gold medalist
01:03:06in WWE history, Kurt Angle.
01:03:22Kurt Angle!
01:03:23Kurt Angle!
01:03:24Kurt Angle!
01:03:25Kurt Angle!
01:03:26Kurt Angle!
01:03:27Kurt Angle!
01:03:28Kurt Angle!
01:03:29Kurt Angle!
01:03:30You guys have no idea how great it felt
01:03:32to come back last week.
01:03:38And as much as I was looking forward
01:03:39to coming back last week,
01:03:42I'm looking forward even more
01:03:46to the big matchup tonight between Brock Lesnar
01:03:48and The Big Show for the WWE championship.
01:03:53Because last week, I issued a challenge
01:03:56to the winner of that match.
01:03:59So your Olympic hero,
01:04:03it's not gonna take too long for your Olympic hero
01:04:05to have championship gold around his waist once again.
01:04:14And tonight, I'm here to talk about
01:04:17some unfinished business.
01:04:19Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Team Angle.
01:04:24I want you to come out here right now.
01:04:25We need to talk.
01:04:32Well, this should be good.
01:04:34Last week, Team Angle called in sick.
01:04:37Called in sick?
01:04:38I've never heard such a thing.
01:04:40They called in sick on the day Kurt Angle
01:04:42returned to the WWE.
01:04:44The day Kurt Angle returned to the WWE.
01:04:48Team Angle, Team Angle, Team Angle.
01:04:53Haas and Benjamin kind of dejected.
01:04:56They look like they're going to the principal's office,
01:04:58if you know what I'm saying.
01:04:59Well, the fans chanting,
01:05:01you suck, you need it, directed at Team Angle.
01:05:05You don't know that.
01:05:06How can you say that?
01:05:07That stuff is perfect.
01:05:08You can feel it.
01:05:09That's Kurt's up and coming captain.
01:05:14It's good to see you guys.
01:05:18You know guys, I understand why you didn't call me
01:05:21when I was in the hospital having surgery.
01:05:25They didn't call?
01:05:26I mean, you're athletes.
01:05:28World class athletes.
01:05:31But what I don't get is last week, in my big return,
01:05:37you guys were nowhere to be found.
01:05:40You guys were nowhere to be found.
01:05:45I mean, where the heck were you guys?
01:05:48You're calling sick?
01:05:52We were sick, Kurt.
01:05:53We were sick.
01:05:58Both of them?
01:06:00Yeah, we were sick.
01:06:01We were a team, Cole.
01:06:01I mean, we're sick together, I guess.
01:06:03Sick of being in your shadow.
01:06:06We're supposed to be a team, Kurt.
01:06:11But all you can think about is yourself.
01:06:16I mean, it's because of you that we lost our titles
01:06:18in the first place.
01:06:22Where were you when we had to defend our titles
01:06:24in a ladder match?
01:06:26A ladder match, Kurt.
01:06:29Where were you when we come out here night after night
01:06:32after night fighting to keep your name alive?
01:06:37You weren't there for us, Kurt.
01:06:41You let us down.
01:06:43And I, for one, think that you-
01:06:44Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:06:45Hold on a second.
01:06:49I think I'm sick, too.
01:06:54Sick of hearing you guys go from world class athletes
01:06:57to world class whining little b****es.
01:07:07Was I gone that long?
01:07:09You're supposed to be Team Angle.
01:07:11Team Angle.
01:07:13Not Team Wango.
01:07:19Come on, guys.
01:07:21You have a setback.
01:07:23You look for an opportunity and you get the job done.
01:07:25It's that simple.
01:07:27So what we need to do is we need to sit down
01:07:31and discuss our options and figure out how you're going
01:07:34to win the tag team titles back.
01:07:36All right?
01:07:37Now let's go.
01:07:38Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:07:39Hold on, Kurt.
01:07:42You know, it seems that you've been doing a lot
01:07:44of talking lately.
01:07:45As a matter of fact, you're all talking, no action.
01:07:49Let's go back to WrestleMania 19.
01:07:51Brock Lesnar versus Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship.
01:07:55The outcome, you lost and you broke your neck.
01:08:00Shelton and I, we're victorious at WrestleMania 19
01:08:05and hell, we've both faced Brock Lesnar before,
01:08:07but we haven't broken our necks.
01:08:11Kurt, you taught us one thing as a team,
01:08:14that you're only as strong as your captain.
01:08:17Well, you're not our captain anymore.
01:08:20You're a loser.
01:08:24We're tired of your speeches, we're tired of your advice,
01:08:27and we're tired of every one of these people chanting,
01:08:30you suck, every time we walk out of here.
01:08:35You suck, you suck, you suck, you suck, you suck,
01:08:39you suck, you suck, you suck, you suck, you suck.
01:08:44You're tired of these people chanting, you suck?
01:08:50Let me tell you something, Charlie.
01:08:52You don't deserve to hear these people chant, you suck.
01:09:00Do you have any idea why these people chant,
01:09:03you suck to me every night?
01:09:06For one reason and one reason only, I earned it.
01:09:16Four years in the WWE, winning title after title,
01:09:22I earned that right.
01:09:26So if you want to break up Team Angle, that's fine with me.
01:09:29Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.
01:09:31We're not talking about breaking up Team Angle, Kurt.
01:09:33Hell, Team Angle hasn't even begun
01:09:35to scrape the tip of the iceberg.
01:09:38We just feel that we need a change in leadership.
01:09:43So Shelton and I have come down here
01:09:45to vote ourselves as co-captains.
01:09:50Now Kurt, you're still in Team Angle,
01:09:52it's just now we're your leader.
01:10:01Well, as founder of Team Angle, I am the founder, right?
01:10:07And since I'm the founder,
01:10:09I'm the head of making decisions, right?
01:10:12For now.
01:10:14Well, on behalf of Team Angle, Charlie,
01:10:17you're out of here now!
01:10:19Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle.
01:10:23You can't kick him out.
01:10:24All right, you're out of here.
01:10:27Oh, man.
01:10:27Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle.
01:10:32You're both out of here.
01:10:34What the hell?
01:10:35He's taking it down.
01:10:45Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle, Angle.
01:10:54Oh, you don't like it, you suck, champ?
01:10:57Well, I have a new tune for you.
01:10:59No, no, no, no.
01:11:01No, no, no, no.
01:11:03Hey, goodbye.
01:11:07No, no, no.
01:11:09No, no, no, no.
01:11:12Hey, goodbye.
01:11:16No, no, no, no, no.
01:11:18Kiss my ass!
01:11:20Hey, kiss my ass.
01:11:26Kurt Angle is just firing Team Angle.
01:11:29Well ladies, Haas and Benjamin pushed Kurt Angle too far and Kurt Angle said,
01:11:36Haas a la vista, kiss my ass while you're at it.
01:11:39Well one thing is for sure, Kurt Angle's no loser like Shelton Benjamin and
01:11:44Charlie Haas claim.
01:11:45Yeah, and he earned a few sub-chairs too, Cole.
01:11:47Well ladies and gentlemen, coming up in moments,
01:11:51Brock Lesnar, the big show for the title.
01:11:54Well it's not often that Lesnar gets up size in a match.
01:11:58But as you can see by looking at the numbers, the big show.
01:12:01The big show is the Loser Athlete.
01:12:04Brock Lesnar's gonna have his hands full here in this one.
01:12:06And the championship is on the line.
01:12:08Lesnar, big show for the title tonight.
01:12:11Ladies and gentlemen, during the commercial, breaking news,
01:12:15Kurt Angle confronted by Haas and Benjamin.
01:12:19Let's rethink this.
01:12:20Come on, we gotta keep Team Angle together.
01:12:22Did you guys not hear me before?
01:12:24You blew it.
01:12:25It's over.
01:12:27Haas and Benjamin not taking lightly when they were basically fired.
01:12:32Yeah, no doubt about it.
01:12:33Haas and Benjamin just blew it.
01:12:35And Team Angle-
01:12:36Stop it.
01:12:36Jumping Kurt Angle, saying shove Team Angle.
01:12:44Team Angle with absolutely no respect.
01:12:47I mean, you get fired, is that how you treat your boss?
01:12:49You go around beating him up?
01:12:52Well, nonetheless, Kurt Angle, of course, ambushed by Team Angle.
01:12:55And Kurt Angle has a vested interest, remember, in our next matchup.
01:12:58It's Big Show and Brock Lesnar with the WWE title on the line.
01:13:02Kurt Angle gets the win.
01:13:03Well, it's the Big Show.
01:13:07Big Show is looking to become a three-time WWE champion tonight.
01:13:16The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
01:13:19And it is for the WWE Championship.
01:13:23Introducing the challenger, weighing in at 500 pounds, The Big Show.
01:13:31The Big Show with a huge opportunity.
01:13:34It's Big Show versus Brock Lesnar for the WWE title next.
01:13:41Can The Big Show beat Brock Lesnar again?
01:13:44Can Big Show win the WWE title?
01:13:47We'll find out right now.
01:13:51Well, here comes the pain.
01:13:56And from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 295 pounds,
01:14:02is the WWE champion, Brock Lesnar.
01:14:07It is eerie how confident Brock Lesnar has been all day.
01:14:12He's been focused.
01:14:13Lesnar's loose.
01:14:14He's ready to go.
01:14:16As he pointed out earlier in the show, Cole, how confident should...
01:14:21How confident real should Brock Lesnar really be, though?
01:14:25Brock Lesnar's got to get in there right now with The Big Show.
01:14:29The Big Show, as you pointed out earlier in the show, too, might have Brock's number.
01:14:33Well, who will be champion when SmackDown comes to San Antonio next week?
01:14:38What a lone star state.
01:14:40SmackDown at 200th episode.
01:14:42Ain't that right, Cole?
01:14:43That's right.
01:14:45Don't forget, Big Show's got a pretty good possibility to win the title.
01:14:48He owns two pinfall victories over Brock Lesnar.
01:14:53Look at Brock Lesnar driving The Big Man into the corner.
01:14:55And The Big Show, there's the champ.
01:14:57By any means necessary.
01:14:58That's why Brock's the champion.
01:15:01Do what you gotta do in there.
01:15:02Quick cover.
01:15:03Quick hook of the leg.
01:15:04Big Show going for the quick cover.
01:15:05Hopefully, he had stunned Lesnar for just a moment.
01:15:07Very smart.
01:15:08Put that big, massive body weight across the champion's chest.
01:15:11Look at this.
01:15:12Trying to go for a belly to belly.
01:15:13And Big Show with that big noggin and headbutt.
01:15:15Headbutt to get out of that body lock right there of Lesnar.
01:15:19And if he's able to, we don't know the condition of Kurt Angle, but
01:15:22if he's able to, Angle's gonna be watching this matchup.
01:15:25Kurt Angle, as it stands right now, gets the winner.
01:15:28Either Big Show or Brock Lesnar for the title.
01:15:31Listen to this.
01:15:33Oh, my God!
01:15:35His palms are huge.
01:15:37They're about the size of my head.
01:15:38You can't explain that, man.
01:15:39The people sitting.
01:15:40I've never met The Big Show.
01:15:42Ladies and gentlemen, you see The Big Show up close and personal.
01:15:44Trust me, he's a monster.
01:15:45He's a freak with those big palms.
01:15:47You get this opportunity to see Big Show and Brock Lesnar up close and personal.
01:15:51Odessa, Lubbock, Corpus Christi, San Antonio over the next few days in Texas.
01:15:56And look at Big Show up over the top rope.
01:15:58Dropped to the floor below.
01:16:00The champion is in control.
01:16:02Well, poised right there.
01:16:03That's poised by Brock Lesnar.
01:16:05Waiting for Big Show to make a mistake.
01:16:07Big Show a little overzealous right there.
01:16:09It hurts The Big Show by throwing himself over the top rope like that.
01:16:13I got to ask you a question.
01:16:15You think it's a mistake by the champion to come out of the ring and go on the attack of Big Show?
01:16:18No, I don't think.
01:16:19Everybody says, you only win the match in the ring.
01:16:21It's a bunch of BS.
01:16:23Let me tell you something.
01:16:24You get some licks on the guy on the outside.
01:16:25Beat him down a little bit.
01:16:27Soften him up.
01:16:28That's how you win a match.
01:16:29Then get him in the ring.
01:16:30Well, that's the mistake.
01:16:31Brock Lesnar driven into the steel steps.
01:16:36And Big Show.
01:16:37Oh, man.
01:16:39Oh, man.
01:16:40Big Show.
01:16:41Bad intentions.
01:16:42And look at back into the ring to break up the count.
01:16:46Very smart.
01:16:47Bad intentions on the Big Show's mind.
01:16:48That's the damn straw.
01:16:49Big Show realizes he can't win the title outside the ring.
01:16:52He's got to either make the champion submit or pin Brock Lesnar.
01:16:55Big Show tossing the champion back in the ring.
01:16:57It's all about the title here tonight for The Big Show.
01:17:02Brock Lesnar sent to the midsection.
01:17:04These two big slides.
01:17:07Writing another chapter in his story and history tonight.
01:17:10Get Brock Lesnar.
01:17:11Side slam.
01:17:12Side walk slam.
01:17:13That's a big jump.
01:17:15Hook of the leg.
01:17:16Shoulders down.
01:17:17And Brock Lesnar kicks out.
01:17:19Side walk slam by an average wrestler is about a 3-foot drop.
01:17:22By a man the size of the Big Show's size.
01:17:24That's about a 6-foot drop.
01:17:26Hurts like hell.
01:17:27You got to ask the question, how does Brock Lesnar keep The Big Show down?
01:17:31Big Show pinned Lesnar a couple of weeks ago in that stretcher match at Judgment Day.
01:17:35Look at this.
01:17:36Lesnar carting The Big Show out on a forklift.
01:17:38Single leg bolster grab.
01:17:39Head grab by The Big Show.
01:17:41This is a submission maneuver.
01:17:43Some say it's a great move by Big Show, which I think it is.
01:17:46But Brock Lesnar, he's a consummate mat wrestler.
01:17:49He's a wrestler.
01:17:50He's a pet wrestler.
01:17:51And he's trying to get to the ropes right now to get that hold off.
01:17:53But he's got to pull a 500-pounder as he's trying to get to the ropes.
01:17:56If anybody can do it, I think it would be Lesnar.
01:17:59We've seen how powerful this freak Brock Lesnar is.
01:18:02Look at Brock Lesnar literally doing a push-up with a 500-pound man on his back.
01:18:05Look at Lesnar crawling to the rope.
01:18:07Can he get there?
01:18:08Can Lesnar get there?
01:18:09He does.
01:18:10He did it.
01:18:11And that's great.
01:18:12That's great for Brock.
01:18:13But how much did that take out of Brock?
01:18:15And that was probably the strategy Big Show was thinking.
01:18:18Let Brock wear himself out and run the tank out of gas.
01:18:21Very smart by The Big Show.
01:18:24And shots by Big Show to the midsection.
01:18:26Remember, Brock Lesnar suffered a broken loop a few months back.
01:18:29And Brock Lesnar will admit that rib gives him problems on occasion.
01:18:32You get a floating rib injury.
01:18:33That thing never goes away.
01:18:34That'll haunt you forever.
01:18:35Especially a guy like Lesnar.
01:18:38And the match as he's wrestling.
01:18:41And Brock Lesnar.
01:18:42Big Show perhaps made a mistake.
01:18:43Lesnar with the clubbing blows to the back of the head.
01:18:45Trying to knock this Big Sequoia down.
01:18:47Takes a lot.
01:18:48Takes a lot of energy to take The Big Show down.
01:18:51Oh, look at this.
01:18:52Trying to go behind.
01:18:53Lesnar trying to go behind The Big Show.
01:18:54What the hell is this?
01:18:55Oh, my God!
01:18:56German suplex!
01:18:57German, that's all of Europe.
01:18:59That was humongous.
01:19:01But how much did it take out of the champion?
01:19:03Lesnar trying to make it to his feet and build on momentum here.
01:19:07And just like we saw on Judgment Day,
01:19:09Lesnar could kick it into another gear right now.
01:19:12Looks like Brock is, like you said, second gear to fourth quarter.
01:19:15And not fitting all those crazy cliches.
01:19:18The bottom line is Brock Lesnar is ready to go.
01:19:21And Big Show's in trouble here.
01:19:22Shot to the midsection.
01:19:23Lesnar going for the elbow.
01:19:24Oh, man.
01:19:25Lesnar to it.
01:19:27Can Lesnar hold the 500-pounder up there?
01:19:29Again, the back, the rib area that Big Show worked on earlier.
01:19:32Well, when you have to lift a man 500 pounds
01:19:35and turn 500 pounds for an F5 in a five-a-guy situation,
01:19:38you have to use the middle of your body.
01:19:40And Brock's middle of his body's hurt.
01:19:42But if Lesnar can't F5 The Big Show,
01:19:44how the hell does he beat the guy?
01:19:45Well, I don't think all that Brock Lesnar's only move to pin a guy
01:19:49is the F5.
01:19:50But it's the most effective.
01:19:51Yes, it is.
01:19:52But he can hook a chunk of the guy, a submission.
01:19:54He can hit him with a high, tight suplex on the head.
01:19:57What a clothesline!
01:19:59Did you feel that impact?
01:20:00That was some shot right there, man.
01:20:02And I think Big Show believes he's seconds away from becoming champion.
01:20:07What a clothesline.
01:20:08Brock Lesnar's in trouble now.
01:20:10Going to get chokeslammed here.
01:20:12Oh, Brock Lesnar reversed it.
01:20:14Shot to the midsection again.
01:20:15And another one by the champion, Brock Lesnar.
01:20:17Walked into a loop by The Big Show.
01:20:20Oh, no.
01:20:21Watch out, heads up.
01:20:22Watch the leg.
01:20:23500-pound leg draw, man.
01:20:24Lesnar might be done.
01:20:25The title's on the line.
01:20:26We've got a new champion.
01:20:27We've got a new champion.
01:20:28Not right now.
01:20:29Lesnar with enough to get the shoulder up.
01:20:32But that had to take a lot out of the champion.
01:20:36Tell you what, the confidence is raging through The Big Show's body right now.
01:20:40Don't wait too long, big man.
01:20:43Don't wait too long.
01:20:44Lesnar walks into the big hand of The Big Show.
01:20:47He's got the guzzle.
01:20:48Look at the look of the champion.
01:20:50He's in trouble.
01:20:52Lesnar's planted.
01:20:53Big Show.
01:20:54Big Show's going to pin Lesnar again.
01:20:56He's got it, too.
01:20:57And Lesnar again got the shoulder up.
01:21:01And a look of disbelief on The Big Show's face.
01:21:05How tough is Lesnar?
01:21:07What have you got to do to beat this freak?
01:21:12Big Show.
01:21:15Big Show's in control right now.
01:21:17But he hasn't been able to pin the champion.
01:21:20Oh, not another one.
01:21:21Don't forget, I think that's a great move right there by Lesnar.
01:21:23By Big Show.
01:21:24Go for another chokeslam.
01:21:28Wait a minute.
01:21:29Where's Big Show taking Lesnar?
01:21:30I don't know what he's doing.
01:21:32Big Show's doing it.
01:21:34Big Show with that hand wrapped around the neck of Lesnar.
01:21:37Tough to break that grip when you have the tall feet out here.
01:21:40Where the hell is Big Show going?
01:21:41Ladies and gentlemen, Big Show ain't no cruiserweight.
01:21:43He's 500 pounds.
01:21:45Where the hell is he going?
01:21:48Oh, look at that.
01:21:49Lesnar desperately.
01:21:50Big Show got caught up on the top turnbuckle.
01:21:53Big Show's in a land where he doesn't belong.
01:21:55Those ropes.
01:21:56And Brock Lesnar looks to take advantage.
01:21:58Oh, here comes Brock now.
01:21:59Here comes Brock.
01:22:01The champion.
01:22:02Oh, whoa.
01:22:03Wait a minute.
01:22:05Lesnar with a clubbing close to the back.
01:22:07No freaking way.
01:22:08Is he setting Big Show up?
01:22:10No, he can't do this.
01:22:11The 500 pound superplex.
01:22:13Brock Lesnar to the top rope.
01:22:15Top rope.
01:22:16A 500 pound superplex.
01:22:19Oh, my God.
01:22:20Holy ****.
01:22:21What the hell?
01:22:22What the hell?
01:22:26The ring just imploded.
01:22:30The ring blew up.
01:22:41Brock Lesnar and Big Show are down and out.
01:22:44A superplex imploded the ring.
01:22:52Oh, my God.
01:22:53Referee Mike Chioda stunned for a moment.
01:22:55He's trying to figure out what to do here.
01:22:57How much impact?
01:22:58And referee Mike Chioda calling for EMTs.
01:23:00Both men.
01:23:01Taz, both men are out.
01:23:02Brock Lesnar and Big Show have not moved.
01:23:04Just about 800 pounds on top rope superplex.
01:23:06Oh, my God.
01:23:07Oh, my God.
01:23:08Oh, my God.
01:23:09Oh, my God.
01:23:10Oh, my God.
01:23:11Oh, my God.
01:23:12Oh, my God.
01:23:13Oh, my God.
01:23:14Oh, my God.
01:23:15Oh, my God.
01:23:16Oh, my God.
01:23:17Oh, my God.
01:23:18Oh, my God.
01:23:19Oh, my God.
01:23:20Oh, my God.
01:23:21Oh, my God.
01:23:22Traders, EMTs, referees down.
01:23:27This does not look good.
01:23:29The high-risk maneuver from Brock Lesnar.
01:23:32The superplex from a top rope exploded this ring.
01:23:35When you do a suplex, especially from the ropes,
01:23:38a superplex, especially a top rope suplex,
01:23:40you take a lot of that impact.
01:23:42You land on your own head and your back sometimes.
01:23:44I'd love to get another shot.
01:23:46Here we go.
01:23:48This is a big...
01:23:53I've never seen anything like this.
01:23:55Look at this.
01:23:56Look at this angle right here.
01:23:57This shot right here.
01:23:58You'll see the whole ring concave here.
01:24:00800 pounds.
01:24:02Oh, man.
01:24:04Take another look.
01:24:05Look at this.
01:24:06The straight-up angle here.
01:24:07Here we go.
01:24:08I wonder what that registered on the Richter scale.
01:24:12It's like an earthquake.
01:24:15I hope that both Brock Lesnar and The Big Show are okay here.
01:24:18Well, ladies and gentlemen,
01:24:20we're running out of time here,
01:24:21but, you know, it's a damn shame
01:24:24that this championship match,
01:24:26a hell of a match,
01:24:27had to end in this manner.
01:24:29I don't know what to say.
01:24:31It's not much to say.
01:24:32We just hope both Big Show and Brock Lesnar's health,
01:24:35they're intact.
01:24:36I mean, a lot of medical personnel out there.
01:24:44I've never seen anything like this.
01:24:46This is amazing.
01:24:47Let's just listen to it.
01:24:54It's amazing.
01:24:57What a night.
01:24:58Good night from Orlando.
