• 2 months ago
00:00:00Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event here tonight.
00:00:05WrestleMania is running west.
00:00:10It's not a world that's watching.
00:00:15Randy Orton, tonight, I'm gonna go out to the ring,
00:00:20and we're gonna settle this thing until one of us isn't moving.
00:00:27No rules, no referees, no legacy, just you and me in an unsanctioned fight.
00:00:34One way or another, this ends tonight.
00:00:37I have no problem fighting Shane.
00:00:40I do have a problem, however, by the implication that I need Rhodes and
00:00:43DiBiase to do my work for me, and they won't be present later on.
00:00:48If Shane McMahon wants this fight to be over once someone isn't moving,
00:00:53I can make that happen.
00:00:55I can make that happen.
00:00:57That's my right now.
00:01:08Wait a minute.
00:01:24Wait a minute.
00:01:28This was not supposed to be part of this.
00:01:42If Shane McMahon wants this fight to be over once someone isn't moving,
00:01:47I can make that happen.
00:01:58Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane.
00:02:08Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane
00:02:38Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane
00:03:08Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the General Manager of Friday Night SmackDown, Vickie Guerrero!
00:03:22Excuse me!
00:03:27I said, excuse me!
00:03:33Excuse me!
00:03:38Due to the unfortunate incident involving the McMahons last week, the WWE Board of Directors has officially named me as the Interim General Manager for Monday Night Raw!
00:04:09Thank you! Oh, thank you! Thank you for your support!
00:04:17I just want to say from the bottom of my heart that I wish the McMahons nothing but the best!
00:04:25I, excuse me!
00:04:27I assure the McMahons and I assure each and every one of you that I will carry out the commitment and dedication for Raw as I do each and every week for Friday Night SmackDown!
00:04:47And I just want to say that I...
00:04:58Excuse me!
00:05:01A new General Manager has been interrupted!
00:05:04Interim General Manager!
00:05:27Hold on! Wait! Wait! Stop! Stop! This isn't right! Wait! Stop! Wait! Wait! Wait!
00:05:34Let me...
00:05:37The Board of Directors is going with you?
00:05:41The Board of Directors chose you?
00:05:47With everybody looking for a job nowadays, hell, we still have Mike Adamley's number, bring him back!
00:05:53At least it was funny when he screwed up on live TV!
00:05:57We could have hired... We could have hired him ourselves! Put that loser Michael Cole out here!
00:06:03And instead of, excuse me!
00:06:08We could have heard great quotes like, oh my! Vintage Michael Cole!
00:06:18Don't let him talk to you about that, Michael!
00:06:29I would have made a hundred other choices, but you know what? I'm not going to fight City Hall!
00:06:36Congratulations on being the new General Manager!
00:06:40Thank you!
00:06:43Thank you!
00:06:47But as General Manager, especially on RAW, please, have some pride in the product and do not lie to all of us.
00:06:58We all know that you do not care one bit about the McMahons!
00:07:03We all know that you do not care one bit about any of us!
00:07:07All you care about is the fact that your husband is the World Heavyweight Champion!
00:07:18I did point this out last week, and since you are the new General Manager, I should probably let you know...
00:07:25That I do have a rematch clause!
00:07:27And boss, I'm going to cash it in tonight!
00:07:57Hold on a minute! Hold on a minute!
00:08:01Who do you think you are?
00:08:05You think you can come out here and intimidate and threaten my wife to get what you want?
00:08:11What do you think you are, Randy Orton?
00:08:28I think it's about time that you feel intimidated!
00:08:36Don't make this any more than it is. Listen, man. Just me to you for a second.
00:08:41For once in your life, for once in your life, you're a damn champion. Stand up and be a man, will you?
00:08:47This match, this match between you and me, it is going to happen.
00:08:52And you have no reason and no excuse for you not to defend that World Heavyweight Championship right here tonight.
00:09:03Actually, I do. Because I don't answer to you.
00:09:08You know, John, I actually feel sorry for you.
00:09:12I do, because you want to be this generation's Bruno Sammartino or Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold Steve Austin.
00:09:23You want to be that guy that every loser kid and every working stiff looks up to.
00:09:29You want to be that guy that every loser kid and every working stiff looks up to.
00:09:33You want to be that guy that every loser kid and every working stiff looks up to and says,
00:09:38That's my guy! That's my guy!
00:09:44You want to be that guy so bad.
00:09:49But it can't happen.
00:09:52It's impossible. Because I won't let it happen.
00:09:57And really, really, Cena, it's just a matter of bad timing, because you happen to exist in the same era as me.
00:10:10And you see, I happen to be tougher, more talented, and smarter than anyone who has ever held this title before.
00:10:27You see, John, while I exist, you can never be that guy that you and all these people want you to be.
00:10:40And in the grand scheme of things, that's a shame.
00:10:44It's a shame because people are losing their jobs, they're getting divorced, they're failing tests at a higher rate than ever.
00:10:50And you, you're that shining light, that beacon of hope that they all cling to, John.
00:10:59So when it comes to this rematch that you want so bad, I think maybe, maybe just maybe you should hold off.
00:11:05Stretch this out as long as you can.
00:11:08Because when we do have this rematch, and when I do beat you,
00:11:12beat you,
00:11:19these people, all of these people will be left with absolutely nothing.
00:11:33Fine speech.
00:11:35You know, something tells me you're talking so tough.
00:11:42Beat him! Beat him! Beat him!
00:11:47And you all of a sudden got a dose of courage because you're standing in the ring with a barbaric,
00:11:57400-pound beast.
00:12:04And, of course, you brought the big show out, too.
00:12:13How dare you? You can't disrespect my wife!
00:12:17Let me set you straight on something.
00:12:20I don't pretend to be anybody else, and there's no elaborate blueprint of your life or my life.
00:12:25It's real simple.
00:12:27You're a champion.
00:12:29I'm a former champion.
00:12:31I am one match away from being a future champion.
00:12:35And Vickie Guerrero is the new general manager of Raw.
00:12:39You should step up, do the right thing, and make sure this match happens.
00:12:50Why don't you show a little respect for your general manager?
00:12:57Why don't you show a little respect for your general manager?
00:13:04What do you know? There he is.
00:13:06You're the only guy I can't really fit into this equation.
00:13:10She, Vickie Guerrero, is the general manager on both shows. I get that.
00:13:13Edge, world heavyweight champion. I get that.
00:13:17Where do you fit in?
00:13:20No, wait. I missed it. I overlooked it.
00:13:23I overlooked it. You, you were hired to take care of Vickie Guerrero.
00:13:31Wow, Edge, I really didn't think you were that much of a slouch in the bedroom.
00:13:37It gets weird here, though, because that's a whole lot of love.
00:13:42Do you guys cover each other in salted deli meats?
00:13:44Excuse me!
00:13:46Excuse me!
00:13:48Let me make myself perfectly clear.
00:13:51Edge is my family. The Big Show is my friend.
00:13:57You, you're neither.
00:14:01You're my subordinate.
00:14:04And I have just made the decision to put you in action tonight.
00:14:08It'll either be against my friend, or my family.
00:14:13Awesome job, Vickie. It appears that if the board of directors made the right choice, I'm sure you'll do great.
00:14:26Because tonight, I think it appears that I'll either be slaying a giant,
00:14:34or I'll be walking out of here the new world heavyweight champion.
00:14:44An intense match determined John Cena, but King, Vickie Guerrero, the new winner of GM, she holds all the cards.
00:14:52Excuse me? Friend or family? That's who Cena's going to face here tonight. Who will it be?
00:14:59Well, ladies and gentlemen, we can tell you this.
00:15:02Tonight here, live on Raw, one of these three men will get to punch his ticket to the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:15:08The winner will qualify for the prestigious Money in the Bank ladder match at the biggest WrestleMania in history.
00:15:39Cody, see you. See you in a minute. Hurry up.
00:15:44Randy Orton and Legacy have arrived. I gotta wonder, can Triple H be far behind?
00:15:53Monday Night Raw is live tonight in Nashville, Tennessee, Music City, USA.
00:15:57The world famous Tootsie's Pork and Lounge here on Broadway.
00:16:01And Raw jam-packed just across the street, the Sommet Center.
00:16:05Up to one heck of a night thus far, and a huge main event to come later on.
00:16:10Huge may be an understatement, Michael.
00:16:13Shawn Michaels, one-on-one with JBL, and the winner will challenge The Undertaker
00:16:19in his amazing undefeated streak at WrestleMania at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:16:25And speaking of WrestleMania, this will be the site of the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:16:28That briefcase will have inside a contract, a guaranteed championship opportunity whenever you want to cash it in.
00:16:38Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is a triple threat match,
00:16:42where the winner will qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:16:57Introducing the participants first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 222 pounds,
00:17:02he is the Intercontinental Champion, CM Punk!
00:17:08Well, this is the man who won the Money in the Bank match last year,
00:17:11about to win and went on to become world champion, CM Punk!
00:17:15He's got his eyes on the prize again.
00:17:18Again, one of the three men in this match here tonight will head to the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania
00:17:24and participate in the Money in the Bank ladder match.
00:17:31CM Punk, the current Intercontinental Champion.
00:17:35And here come more champions!
00:17:37From Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 231 pounds,
00:17:40he is what half of the world's tag team champions, two-time Slammy Award winner, The Miz!
00:17:47And you know how important it is to, first off, qualify for that match,
00:17:51and then if you actually do win the Money in the Bank ladder match,
00:17:54every single person who's won that match has gone on to cash in and win a world championship.
00:18:00Oh, it's absolutely, I mean, the opportunity is amazing,
00:18:03and that's why this match here tonight means so much.
00:18:06As for Los Angeles, California, weighing 219 pounds,
00:18:10he is the other half of the world's tag team champions,
00:18:13two-time Slammy Award winner, Shawn Morrison!
00:18:17Morrison, that Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania,
00:18:20eight superstars compete.
00:18:22How do you win?
00:18:24You climb the ladder, you unhook that briefcase, you hold it in your hands,
00:18:27and you have yourself a guarantee of winning the Money in the Bank match.
00:18:30You climb the ladder, you unhook that briefcase, you hold it in your hands,
00:18:33and you have yourself a guaranteed title opportunity.
00:18:36Morrison knows a little bit about that.
00:18:38He competed in that big match last year.
00:18:40He'd love to be back in there again at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:18:46Once again, you can cash in that opportunity any time you want, any place you want.
00:18:51Remember how CM Punk did it last year, his first appearance on Monday Night Raw.
00:18:56Out of the chute, winning a world championship.
00:19:01Well, many opportune times arise.
00:19:03I remember when Edge defeated Cena.
00:19:12Triple threat rules in this matchup.
00:19:14First man to gain pinfall or submission qualifies for WrestleMania.
00:19:21All champions in the ring right now.
00:19:24What's interesting is Miz and Morrison are the world tag team champions,
00:19:26but it really is every man for himself tonight with that one spot available for WrestleMania.
00:19:32Doesn't look like it right now.
00:19:34Miz and Morrison both on the attack.
00:19:37CM Punk looking to pick up the quick victory again.
00:19:41First man to gain pinfall or submission will win this match and qualify for WrestleMania.
00:19:46And you're right.
00:19:48Great double team early by the world tag team champions.
00:19:51Miz and Morrison would like to go ahead and, as a team, eliminate CM Punk and then fight it out amongst themselves.
00:19:59They are the 2008 Slammy Award winning tag team of the year.
00:20:04Also host the award winning Dirt Sheet on WWE.com.
00:20:10Bounds down to the two of them in this match.
00:20:13Going to create a little dissension among the ranks, wouldn't you think?
00:20:18Maybe the end of the Dirt Sheet.
00:20:21In fact, Miz and Morrison won those tag team titles by defeating CM Punk and Kofi Kingston late last year.
00:20:32That's where these triple threat rules really almost have to have eyes in the back of your head at times.
00:20:37That was nasty. I mean, you know, especially CM Punk's position here is especially difficult when you get to...
00:20:45We agreed that it was supposed to be every man for himself, but certainly not that at all.
00:20:50Watch it. Listen to this impact.
00:20:55John Morrison, to your right, calls himself the Shaman of Sexy.
00:20:59Miz, the self-proclaimed Shit Magnet.
00:21:03CM Punk looks to build momentum.
00:21:05It must have been like a handicap match so far.
00:21:07Punk looked like he was going for the go to sleep.
00:21:09He was hanging on for dear life.
00:21:11Miz realizing what that go to sleep can do.
00:21:15He got a little taste of it.
00:21:17And Punk and Morrison.
00:21:20Who will qualify for WrestleMania?
00:21:22Monday Night Raw rolls on live in Nashville.
00:21:28We're back live on Monday Night Raw.
00:21:30A triple threat match.
00:21:32The winner to be the first man to qualify for WrestleMania's Money in the Bank ladder match.
00:21:36It is CM Punk versus Miz versus Morrison.
00:21:39But only two men in the ring right now.
00:21:41Here's why.
00:21:43And here's why. You're right.
00:21:45Watch this.
00:21:47Punk had Miz covered.
00:21:49And then Morrison off the ropes.
00:21:51And he lands on his own partner, Miz.
00:21:53And Miz has been missing in action ever since.
00:21:55Triple threat rules.
00:21:57The first man to pick up a pinfall or submission will win.
00:22:00And will qualify to be one of the eight superstars
00:22:02in the Money in the Bank ladder match
00:22:04at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:22:07And that briefcase we just saw hanging high above the ring
00:22:09is what everyone in that match at WrestleMania
00:22:12will be looking to get their hands on.
00:22:15And CM Punk, who won the Money in the Bank ladder match last year,
00:22:20would like to repeat here in 2009.
00:22:23CM Punk definitely needs to take advantage of this
00:22:25one-on-one opportunity.
00:22:27First time it's been this way in the match.
00:22:30Current Intercontinental Champion
00:22:32against one-half of the current World Tag Team Champions.
00:22:38Oh, that's it.
00:22:40Oh, and Miz from out of nowhere.
00:22:46Suddenly the tables turned
00:22:48and Miz has control of the matchup.
00:22:50Morrison was knocked out of the ring.
00:22:52And now it could be Miz's turn to capitalize.
00:22:54I don't think CM Punk had any idea
00:22:56that Miz had returned to the ring.
00:22:58Miz laying out on the floor there
00:23:00long enough to recuperate.
00:23:02Come in at blindside.
00:23:04CM Punk.
00:23:06Will it be Miz to qualify for WrestleMania?
00:23:07And a kick out at two by CM Punk.
00:23:10Well, even if Miz had pinned CM Punk right there,
00:23:16he'd still have his partner to contend with.
00:23:19And I think somewhere along the line here,
00:23:21things are going to break down
00:23:23between the Tag Team Champions.
00:23:25They got to.
00:23:27I just don't see how they could continue
00:23:29to operate on the same page
00:23:31when they both want the same prize.
00:23:33As we said earlier on, every man for himself.
00:23:35As it will be in the Money in the Bank ladder match.
00:23:38CM Punk knows the feeling to climb that ladder,
00:23:41grab the briefcase,
00:23:43and then cash it in to win a world title.
00:23:45I love that match every year at WrestleMania.
00:23:49Their hands on that briefcase,
00:23:51what it's all about.
00:23:59CM Punk, he's a survivor.
00:24:01He was that way when he was world champion.
00:24:04Morrison back in the ring.
00:24:05Luckily, this time,
00:24:07Punk saw him coming.
00:24:09And he saw Miz coming as well.
00:24:11Hey, look at this.
00:24:13And CM Punk.
00:24:18And this could be the opening
00:24:20that CM Punk needs in this match.
00:24:22Another high knee.
00:24:25And a pop off clothesline.
00:24:29Nice move by CM Punk.
00:24:31CM Punk screaming,
00:24:33I'm going to WrestleMania.
00:24:35One of these two men submit.
00:24:37Here's the cover up,
00:24:39the scoop slam.
00:24:41And Miz saving the match up.
00:24:43Not only for Morrison,
00:24:45but for himself.
00:24:47This is going to be very,
00:24:49very difficult for CM Punk
00:24:51to be victorious.
00:24:55This could either be good or bad.
00:24:57Looks like bad.
00:24:59Oh, man.
00:25:01Who can capitalize?
00:25:03Will it be Miz?
00:25:05Morrison not going to let it happen.
00:25:07Just took out his own tag team partner.
00:25:09I knew it.
00:25:11And a kick out at two.
00:25:14Let's see this one more time.
00:25:16This high kick bang right there.
00:25:18Look at Miz.
00:25:20Top left hip.
00:25:22Trying to pin his own partner.
00:25:24And you were right.
00:25:26You said it was going to explode at some point.
00:25:28It had to.
00:25:30That's what it's all about.
00:25:32They are world tag team champions.
00:25:34But it's every man for himself
00:25:36to be the first to qualify
00:25:38for the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:25:44This is really getting interesting now.
00:25:47Tag team champs,
00:25:49partners going at it.
00:25:51And look at CM Punk.
00:25:55Looking to take advantage.
00:25:57There goes Miz.
00:25:59He's got Morrison up for the GTS.
00:26:00He's trying to sleep Morrison.
00:26:02CM Punk is going to WrestleMania.
00:26:08CM Punk.
00:26:10In a recent interview
00:26:12with WWE magazine,
00:26:14CM Punk said he never doubted himself.
00:26:16That he made his own path.
00:26:18And tonight here on Raw,
00:26:20he's made his own path
00:26:22to WrestleMania.
00:26:24CM Punk
00:26:26is going to WrestleMania.
00:26:31Let's go back and look at this.
00:26:33Just how it happened.
00:26:35Miz and Morrison going at it
00:26:37out of nowhere.
00:26:39CM Punk grabs Morrison in midair.
00:26:41Swings him around.
00:26:43Knocks the Miz out of the ring.
00:26:45And then, bang, GTS.
00:26:47Go to sleep.
00:26:49CM Punk becomes the first man
00:26:51to qualify for the prestigious
00:26:53Money in the Bank Ladder Match
00:26:55at the 25th anniversary
00:26:57of WrestleMania.
00:26:58And will CM Punk be the man
00:27:00to get his hands
00:27:02on that briefcase?
00:27:04Looking for a repeat
00:27:06of last year.
00:27:08And remember what's inside
00:27:10that briefcase.
00:27:12Well, that's right.
00:27:14That contract.
00:27:16That can be cashed in
00:27:18any time during the year
00:27:20for a championship match.
00:27:25Ladies and gentlemen,
00:27:26this past Friday night on SmackDown,
00:27:28Triple H sat down with Jim Ross
00:27:30to address Randy Orton's assault
00:27:32on Triple H's wife last week.
00:27:34We will have that intense interview
00:27:36here on Raw next.
00:27:57Welcome back to Monday Night Raw,
00:28:01But right now, we've got a team
00:28:03of activists.
00:28:05This past Friday night on SmackDown,
00:28:07a very emotional interview
00:28:09with Triple H.
00:28:11Well, Triple H, of course,
00:28:13is part of the McMahon family.
00:28:15He's married to Stephanie McMahon.
00:28:17And last week on SmackDown,
00:28:19the game addressed the shocking
00:28:21attack by Randy Orton
00:28:23on his wife.
00:28:24Let's start with seeing
00:28:26that videotape.
00:28:40Randy Orton's been walking
00:28:42a fine line around here
00:28:44for a while now.
00:28:48This past week on Raw,
00:28:50he put his hands...
00:29:11I'm sorry.
00:29:20A lot of people
00:29:22might not like my father-in-law,
00:29:24Vince McMahon.
00:29:27But he's a 63-year-old man.
00:29:31Randy Orton kicked him
00:29:33in the head,
00:29:35and then he hid behind
00:29:37doctors and lawyers.
00:29:40He did the same thing
00:29:42to my brother-in-law, Shane,
00:29:44for trying to defend his father.
00:29:46And then...
00:29:58He put his hands on my wife.
00:30:16You've crossed a line, Orton.
00:30:21One you can't come back from.
00:30:45Stephanie is the mother
00:30:47of my children.
00:31:05Standing by our colleague,
00:31:07Todd Grisham.
00:31:09I'm currently standing outside
00:31:11Randy Orton's locker room.
00:31:13We're hoping to get a word
00:31:15from Randy Orton.
00:31:17However, we...
00:31:19Cody Roach, Ted DiBiase.
00:31:21Gentlemen, do you know
00:31:23if Randy Orton's available
00:31:25to possibly make a comment?
00:31:27Todd, we see how this is
00:31:29all being presented,
00:31:31and it's not right.
00:31:33Randy Orton didn't ask
00:31:35to face Shane McMahon last week.
00:31:37Shane did.
00:31:39Randy Orton didn't ask
00:31:41Stephanie McMahon to come down
00:31:43and confront him either.
00:31:45He's a prisoner on his own show.
00:31:47He'll come out,
00:31:49and he'll address his actions
00:31:51from last week later tonight.
00:31:53And if Triple H,
00:31:55the last McMahon standing,
00:31:57does decide to show,
00:31:59well, we'll be ready.
00:32:05I mean, we don't even know
00:32:07anything about this guy.
00:32:09He's supposed to be pretty good.
00:32:11His name is...
00:32:13Ah, speak of the devil,
00:32:15that's Rosa Mendez.
00:32:17She's the intern for Glamarella.
00:32:19She's in our group.
00:32:21That's Glamazon.
00:32:23Beth Phoenix, my girlfriend.
00:32:25We're very much in lots of love.
00:32:27I'm Dolph Ziggler.
00:32:30Oh, I'm Santino Marella.
00:32:32I see that you've got
00:32:34some pretty strong abominals.
00:32:36They're okay.
00:32:38They're not quite like mine,
00:32:40but I'm wearing this fancy T-shirt,
00:32:42so you can't see them.
00:32:44Are you finished?
00:32:46Come on, let's get going.
00:32:48Let's go, Glamarella.
00:32:50Come on, Ziggler.
00:32:52First-person mixed tag team action is next!
00:33:14Oh, man.
00:33:18With the ref's back turned,
00:33:20Rosa Mendez just put the boots to Molina.
00:33:22Hey, hey, hey.
00:33:24We got company!
00:33:26Mickey James and Candice.
00:33:28The odds have suddenly evened up.
00:33:30Beth trying to avert the fray,
00:33:32but Molina takes advantage!
00:33:34And it's over!
00:33:36Beth Phoenix and her intern
00:33:38and Santino thought they had
00:33:40this all figured out.
00:33:41And now they're fighting
00:33:43for Women's Champion.
00:33:49We are back here on Monday Night Raw,
00:33:51anxiously anticipating the arrival
00:33:53of Triple H later on tonight.
00:33:55Well, if Triple H shows up,
00:33:57I pity Randy Orton
00:33:59or anybody else who gets in his way.
00:34:01They're out in the parking lot now
00:34:03waiting on the game.
00:34:12This is a six-person
00:34:14mixed tag team match,
00:34:16approaching the ring
00:34:18from Los Angeles, California.
00:34:20She is the WWE Women's Champion,
00:34:24As we just saw moments ago,
00:34:26Molina on quite the roll.
00:34:28Won the Women's Championship
00:34:30versus Beth Phoenix
00:34:32back at the Royal Rumble.
00:34:34Oh, is that a hot outfit or what?
00:34:36And then last week successfully
00:34:38defended her title against Beth.
00:34:39That's too much, if not enough.
00:34:41Love those flames.
00:34:43Yo, yo, yo, yo.
00:34:45Chad Gaspard and JTG
00:34:47meets crime time.
00:34:49Brooklyn, Brooklyn!
00:34:51And her tag team partners
00:34:53from Brooklyn, New York
00:34:55at a combined weight of 525 pounds,
00:34:57Chad Gaspard,
00:34:59JTG, crime time!
00:35:01Capacity crowd here tonight
00:35:03at Nashville,
00:35:05all a part of cable television's
00:35:07number one show.
00:35:09Crime time likes to call themselves
00:35:11the Sky Mall Shoppers.
00:35:13They're so fly,
00:35:15they have to shop in the sky.
00:35:19I saw Chad backstage earlier
00:35:21wearing a Tennessee State T-shirt.
00:35:24I said, you go to school there?
00:35:26He said, no, it's for the penitentiary.
00:35:32Introducing their opponents,
00:35:34the team of Dolph Ziggler,
00:35:36Santino Marella,
00:35:37and Beth Phoenix,
00:35:39the Glamazon!
00:35:41I'm the guy who should be
00:35:43in a penitentiary.
00:35:45Well, on Crime Time's Word Up
00:35:47on WWE.com this week,
00:35:49they have a word that perfectly
00:35:51describes Santino.
00:35:53Oh, what is it?
00:35:55It's called wiggin',
00:35:57to act insane or flip your lids,
00:35:59so to speak.
00:36:01He's constantly wiggin'.
00:36:03So it's Beth Santino
00:36:05and Dolph Ziggler.
00:36:09Yeah, every week,
00:36:11everybody's met Dolph Ziggler.
00:36:14Here we have this capacity crowd.
00:36:16I'm surprised he didn't go through
00:36:18the crowd here introducing himself
00:36:20to everyone.
00:36:22He would, given the time.
00:36:24So it's going to be Melina
00:36:26starting things off with Beth Phoenix.
00:36:28Beth's still not over the fact that
00:36:30Melina has defeated her twice
00:36:32over the past month.
00:36:34Melina going right to work
00:36:35and there's the power
00:36:37of Beth Phoenix.
00:36:39Okay, Melina,
00:36:41a feisty champion.
00:36:43Beth, I don't think
00:36:45that was a good pickup.
00:36:47Oh, goodness!
00:36:49Melina just seems to have
00:36:51Beth Phoenix's number.
00:36:53Looking over the shoulder
00:36:55of Glamorella's intern,
00:36:57Rosa Mendez.
00:36:59Beth Phoenix's number.
00:37:01What's her area called?
00:37:03What about Melina's?
00:37:06Santino didn't like it.
00:37:14Santino playing cheerleader.
00:37:18What do you think is going through
00:37:20Beth's mind? She's been so
00:37:22dominating of all the divas here
00:37:24in the WWE, but hasn't been able
00:37:26to get by Melina.
00:37:28Well, it's got to be frustrating.
00:37:30As you see here, the girls must
00:37:32tag out when one of the male
00:37:33opponents is tagged in.
00:37:35Meet Dolph Ziggler, everyone.
00:37:39And JTG from Primetime.
00:37:44Mixed tag team action here
00:37:46live on Monday Night Raw.
00:37:50JTG introducing Dolph Ziggler
00:37:52to the mat.
00:37:54Some nights so far, we learn
00:37:56that we have a new interim
00:37:58general manager here on Raw.
00:38:00As JTG goes into the cover,
00:38:01hooks the leg of Dolph Ziggler.
00:38:03SmackDown's general manager
00:38:05Vickie Guerrero will take over
00:38:07for Stephanie McMahon during
00:38:09Stephanie's absence.
00:38:11Excuse me? Did you say Vickie
00:38:13Guerrero? She's got a big
00:38:15decision to make. Well, she's
00:38:17the interim general manager.
00:38:19Exactly. A big decision.
00:38:21She's going to put John Cena
00:38:23in a match tonight against
00:38:25either friend or family.
00:38:27Either the Big Show or Edge.
00:38:29Missed that tag.
00:38:31Either a short arm. Sometimes
00:38:33we call that short arm in your
00:38:35partner. JTG.
00:38:40A little discord there between
00:38:42the Glamazon and Unibrow.
00:38:44Well, Beth's screaming at
00:38:46Santino to help his partner out.
00:38:48Santino looks eager to get
00:38:50into the match to you.
00:38:52I think he's trying to make
00:38:54Beth Phoenix think that he's
00:38:56eager to get in the match.
00:38:58His unibrow is whistling.
00:39:00And he says the new
00:39:02highlights in his hair.
00:39:06He's pretty impressed with
00:39:08Dolph Ziggler's, what do you
00:39:10call them? Abominables?
00:39:13That butcher's name just
00:39:15slammed. Nice shot by
00:39:21Beth Phoenix screaming,
00:39:23do something!
00:39:24JTG did, because here
00:39:26comes Shad Gaspard.
00:39:28Man, the muscle of prime
00:39:32Grieve is about to take
00:39:34more of Dolph's head off.
00:39:39Shad's old version of
00:39:41introducing himself.
00:39:45And you say that how you
00:39:47used to get a bag of
00:39:52Shad's taking a little
00:39:54bit of time.
00:39:56Santino now forced to get
00:39:58into the ring.
00:40:00This should be good.
00:40:02Shad would hit Santino
00:40:04with that Thugnificent.
00:40:14There he is!
00:40:16The cover!
00:40:18And this one's over.
00:40:25Asking you shall receive.
00:40:27I just said I wish I could
00:40:29see it.
00:40:31Shad showed it to me.
00:40:33I want to hear Santino's
00:40:35take of this match on the
00:40:37Casa this week.
00:40:39Maybe a week before
00:40:41Santino's able to talk.
00:40:43Or type.
00:40:45In a pretty good team.
00:40:47Shawn Michaels and
00:40:49JBL next.
00:40:51The winner will officially
00:40:53challenge to face the
00:40:55Undertaker at the 25th
00:40:57anniversary of
00:41:16That music and that
00:41:18limousine means only one
00:41:22That man.
00:41:27It's about a simple
00:41:29one-fall making his way to
00:41:31the ring from New York
00:41:33City, New York.
00:41:35Shawn Pratchett.
00:41:37JBL the self-made
00:41:39millionaire former WWE
00:41:41champion calls the 25th
00:41:43anniversary of WrestleMania
00:41:46Returns to his home state
00:41:48a conquering hero he says
00:41:50when he challenges the
00:41:52Undertaker and ends the 16
00:41:54and 0 streak.
00:41:56But not so fast because
00:41:58someone else wanted to be
00:42:00the one to end the
00:42:02Undertaker's legendary streak.
00:42:04Well, you know, JBL first
00:42:06thought he wanted to go to
00:42:08WrestleMania as the champion.
00:42:10That didn't quite work out
00:42:12for the rich man.
00:42:14And tonight only one man
00:42:16standing in his way.
00:42:18Shawn Michaels.
00:42:20And his opponent from
00:42:22San Antonio, Texas is
00:42:24the Heartbreak Kid,
00:42:26Shawn Michaels.
00:42:45And no way out.
00:42:47Shawn Michaels beats JBL.
00:42:49In an all or nothing match.
00:42:51It means Shawn Michaels is
00:42:53no longer an employee of
00:42:55JBL. His contract has been
00:42:57paid in full.
00:42:59And since that day,
00:43:01Shawn Michaels has a new
00:43:03lease on life.
00:43:05The old Shawn Michaels is
00:43:09He just looks like the
00:43:11showstopper again.
00:43:13Shawn Michaels versus
00:43:17The winner of the challenge
00:43:19in WrestleMania.
00:43:21But we're now being told
00:43:23that the interim general
00:43:25manager of Raw and also
00:43:27the general manager of
00:43:29SmackDown, Mickey Guerrero,
00:43:31has thrown a little wrench
00:43:33into those plans.
00:43:35Because now what she said
00:43:37she's going to do is
00:43:39she's going to have the
00:43:41winner of this match face
00:43:43SmackDown's home,
00:43:45undefeated, Moscow Mauler,
00:43:47Vladimir Kozlov in a
00:43:49matchup here tonight.
00:43:51They say the biggest
00:43:53American fear is public
00:43:57I think the second biggest
00:43:59fear would have to be facing
00:44:01the Undertaker at WrestleMania.
00:44:03These two guys are both going
00:44:05to fight each other for that.
00:44:07I don't know if you'd say
00:44:09privilege, but for that right.
00:44:11Be careful what you wish
00:44:13for. The Undertaker is 16-0.
00:44:15The most unbelievable streak
00:44:17in WrestleMania history.
00:44:1916-0 in the grandest stage of all.
00:44:21Can't even imagine wrestling
00:44:23at WrestleMania.
00:44:25JBL, the brawler, the bully.
00:44:27But here's Shawn Michaels.
00:44:29Who can now do anything he
00:44:31wants to John Bradshaw.
00:44:33No longer in JBL's employ.
00:44:36Look at Shawn Michaels go.
00:44:38Shawn came out here last week
00:44:40and said the headliner,
00:44:42the showstopper, the main event.
00:44:44This is WrestleMania's back.
00:44:46WrestleMania's down right now.
00:44:47Hooks the leg on Shawn
00:44:49in a kickout.
00:44:51Remember the main reason
00:44:53that JBL bailed Shawn Michaels
00:44:55out of financial crisis in the first place.
00:44:57It's because JBL believes
00:44:59Shawn Michaels is going to be
00:45:01his ticket to winning the world title.
00:45:03And then defending it at WrestleMania.
00:45:05Well, it almost happened.
00:45:07And look at the brutality here.
00:45:09Cover again in a kickout.
00:45:11Brutality on the part of JBL.
00:45:13I don't see how JBL can fault
00:45:15Shawn Michaels.
00:45:17Shawn into the cover.
00:45:19To get JBL to WrestleMania
00:45:21as a champion.
00:45:23He really did.
00:45:25And then JBL gave Shawn that one opportunity.
00:45:27That one out.
00:45:29No way out and Shawn capitalized.
00:45:31I don't know if that was
00:45:33considered giving Shawn anything.
00:45:35Oh man, was that a tooth that flew?
00:45:37I didn't give him anything.
00:45:39You're right, Shawn earned it.
00:45:43JBL knew he wanted the deck
00:45:45stacked in his favor.
00:45:47I'm starting to think
00:45:49what would JBL's reaction be?
00:45:51I mean, he's been thwarted so far
00:45:53on his WrestleMania plans.
00:45:55What if this doesn't work out?
00:46:01Look at those
00:46:03horrendous shots
00:46:05to the side of Shawn's head.
00:46:07And you know what?
00:46:09Speaking of horrendous shots,
00:46:11what about Shawn Michaels' wife
00:46:13last time?
00:46:18That's Rebecca's life.
00:46:20Shawn's whole family's life
00:46:22at stake in that match
00:46:24against Bradshaw.
00:46:26Rebecca clobbered JBL.
00:46:29JBL been
00:46:31trash talking her all match long.
00:46:33In fact, all week long
00:46:35leading up to that match.
00:46:37He had said some really
00:46:39inappropriate things and
00:46:41I don't think that that didn't
00:46:43make a difference when she got
00:46:45within arm's reach of JBL.
00:46:47I think it's going through his
00:46:49mind the point you just brought
00:46:51up, King.
00:46:52The fact that what if this
00:46:54doesn't work out for him?
00:46:56Maybe he won't be a part of the
00:46:5825th anniversary of
00:47:02Cover again and a kick out.
00:47:04You know, if you know JBL like
00:47:06I do, you know that
00:47:08everything doesn't always go
00:47:10his way, but he don't stay on
00:47:12the wrong path too long.
00:47:14He gets things turned around
00:47:15at WrestleMania in his home
00:47:17state of Texas and becomes
00:47:19the man to break that
00:47:21undefeated streak.
00:47:23Somebody's going to do it
00:47:27His name will be in the
00:47:29history books now.
00:47:31Physically dominating up
00:47:33that point of Shawn.
00:47:35Shawn Michaels in a history
00:47:37of back problems.
00:47:39Bradshaw knows that well.
00:47:41Bradshaw just walked into
00:47:43a booth at Shawn Michaels
00:47:45and Bradshaw completely
00:47:47knocked Shawn Michaels out of
00:47:49the ring.
00:47:54And this is where JBL is
00:47:56so dangerous.
00:48:00That glowing atmosphere.
00:48:06JBL with some evil
00:48:08intentions, Shawn able to
00:48:10reverse it in.
00:48:12Man, throw JBL into that
00:48:13ring post, but I think
00:48:15Shawn's head hit the ring
00:48:17post as well.
00:48:20You know what?
00:48:24Neither man may get up
00:48:26from this.
00:48:28Referee Chad Patton at a
00:48:30count of six.
00:48:32JBL and Shawn will
00:48:34race back into the ring.
00:48:36And they both beat into
00:48:38the ring.
00:48:40Shawn Michaels and JBL are
00:48:41looking to gain the upper
00:48:43hand when Raw returns.
00:48:45We're back live on
00:48:47Monday Night Raw.
00:48:49Shawn Michaels versus JBL,
00:48:51the winner, one step closer
00:48:53to meeting The Undertaker at
00:48:55the 25th anniversary of
00:48:59These two guys are
00:49:01absolutely tearing each
00:49:03other apart.
00:49:04Watch this.
00:49:06Man, first JBL's head
00:49:08slammed his shoulder,
00:49:11And a back and forth
00:49:13match so far.
00:49:15The physicality of JBL, the
00:49:17quickness of Shawn Michaels.
00:49:19What will be the difference
00:49:21in this huge main event?
00:49:23These men wanting to go
00:49:25onto the 25th anniversary of
00:49:27WrestleMania and put their
00:49:29names in the record book as
00:49:31the man who broke the
00:49:33undefeated streak of The
00:49:35Undertaker, if that's
00:49:37A 3-0 winning streak.
00:49:39Here's Shawn.
00:49:41Tenacity fighting back.
00:49:45JBL to the tip.
00:49:47Oh my goodness.
00:49:49Shawn lost his balance for
00:49:51a second and JBL capitalized.
00:49:53JBL looked like he was
00:49:55kicking a field goal.
00:49:58And watch this.
00:50:00Look at the impact.
00:50:07It looks like JBL's going to
00:50:12Win via count out.
00:50:21Trying to make it back in.
00:50:23He does beat the count.
00:50:25JBL right on top.
00:50:27And that should be it.
00:50:29John Bradshaw lay field and
00:50:31Shawn Michaels kicks out at
00:50:35Almost a look of disbelief
00:50:37for JBL.
00:50:40Well, unfortunately I'm afraid
00:50:42it's more of a look of
00:50:44determination, Michael.
00:50:48JBL has been targeting the
00:50:50back of Shawn Michaels since
00:50:52the beginning of this match.
00:50:54Yeah, it's because he's such
00:50:56a vindictive man.
00:50:58I mean, he just takes pleasure
00:51:00and inflicted pain on Shawn
00:51:04Especially after everything
00:51:06JBL targeting the back.
00:51:11Look at that look on JBL's
00:51:13face and that smug smear.
00:51:15Yeah, true.
00:51:17He's a millionaire.
00:51:19But because of that, he looks
00:51:21down on Shawn Michaels and
00:51:23everyone else.
00:51:25You know how much JBL values
00:51:27his money and you don't want
00:51:29to kill JBL to have to dish
00:51:31out that contracted for the
00:51:33Shawn Michaels.
00:51:36Big amount of money or
00:51:38being denied the chance to
00:51:40go to the 25th anniversary
00:51:42of WrestleMania.
00:51:44You can almost feel momentum
00:51:46beginning to shift.
00:51:51Vintage Joe Stopper.
00:51:54That inverted atomic drop
00:51:56from HBK.
00:51:58And another.
00:52:03JBL is in big trouble here.
00:52:06It's Shawn Michaels.
00:52:13How satisfying could this
00:52:15be for HBK?
00:52:19Mr. WrestleMania with a
00:52:21shot to the heart of JBL.
00:52:27Hey, you know what?
00:52:29You know what may be coming
00:52:36This capacity crowd knows.
00:52:38How about tuning up the band
00:52:40in Music City, USA?
00:52:42But don't count JBL out yet.
00:52:55Shawn was going for sweet
00:52:57chin music.
00:52:59Oh, and now in deep trouble.
00:53:05JBL attempted to buy some
00:53:07time by throwing Shawn Michaels
00:53:09out of the ring, but it didn't
00:53:15That could be the death knell
00:53:17of Shawn Michaels WrestleMania
00:53:21That has got to be JBL
00:53:36Close lines from hell coming
00:53:38from JBL.
00:53:40Sweet chin music from out of
00:53:44May have punched Shawn Michaels
00:53:46ticket to WrestleMania.
00:53:55JBL was going for the
00:53:57close line from hell.
00:54:00And Shawn Michaels from out
00:54:02of nowhere.
00:54:06A lot of happy fans in
00:54:08Nashville right now.
00:54:12Boy, in this during this
00:54:14match, JBL has just
00:54:16absolutely brutalized Shawn
00:54:18Michaels with a big boot to
00:54:20the face.
00:54:22But here was where JBL
00:54:24intended to deliver the
00:54:26close line from hell.
00:54:28Instead, he got some sweet
00:54:30chin music.
00:54:32Picture perfect.
00:54:34And with sweet chin music,
00:54:37Shawn Michaels,
00:54:39they have the opportunity
00:54:41to end the legendary
00:54:43winning streak of the
00:54:45Undertaker at WrestleMania.
00:54:47Man, what a battle that would
00:54:54But this can't be good
00:54:58Smackdown's Vladimir Kozlov.
00:55:00Excuse me.
00:55:03And excuse me, Michael,
00:55:05you mean undefeated
00:55:07Vladimir Kozlov.
00:55:09The Moscow Mauler will
00:55:11face Shawn Michaels next
00:55:13week here on Raw for the
00:55:15opportunity to face the
00:55:17Undertaker at WrestleMania.
00:55:36I don't think that was a
00:55:38good idea, Shawn!
00:55:45Big mistake by Shawn
00:56:13Looks like Randy Orton
00:56:15and the rest of the legacy
00:56:17are awaiting the arrival of
00:56:19Triple H. We are as well.
00:56:21And what would happen if
00:56:23Triple H stood in the same
00:56:25ring with Randy Orton?
00:56:27We hope to find out tonight.
00:56:33We celebrate the 25th
00:56:35anniversary of WrestleMania
00:56:37with a look back at last
00:56:39year's huge event.
00:56:44The 25th anniversary of
00:56:48Celebrating 25 years of
00:56:50historic WrestleMania moments.
00:56:52For the first time in
00:56:54high definition,
00:56:56WrestleMania 24 will light up
00:56:58from the Citrus Bowl in
00:57:00Orlando, Florida.
00:57:02The sights, the sounds
00:57:04of WrestleMania 24.
00:57:06A ladder match at
00:57:08WrestleMania has come to
00:57:10mean money in the bank.
00:57:12For seven superstars, this
00:57:14is their expressway to the
00:57:16title, but the toll along
00:57:18the way is always extreme.
00:57:20CM Punk has won
00:57:22money in the bank!
00:57:24Big Show had money on
00:57:26the mind as well, but it
00:57:28would be welterweight boxing
00:57:29champion Floyd Money
00:57:31Mayweather who would be
00:57:33the one to cash in.
00:57:35And Mayweather wins the
00:57:37match with a brass knuckle
00:57:41And the Phenom would once
00:57:43again return the WWE to
00:57:45the dark days.
00:57:47The Undertaker's legend
00:57:49grows 16-0 at
00:57:53But in the end,
00:57:55WrestleMania 24 will
00:57:57forever be remembered as
00:57:59one of the greatest
00:58:01matches of all time.
00:58:03With his career's
00:58:05conclusion hanging over
00:58:07him, if Ric Flair was
00:58:09going to go out, he was
00:58:11going to go out on his
00:58:13own terms.
00:58:15Shawn Michaels, I want
00:58:17to wrestle you at
00:58:21I can't compete with
00:58:23the best that I don't
00:58:25want my career to
00:58:29Nothing less than a
00:58:31pinnacle performance from
00:58:33Mr. WrestleMania.
00:58:35Flair would fight with
00:58:37every last ounce of
00:58:39strength and valor he
00:58:43But as the match neared
00:58:45its close, it was evident
00:58:47what Shawn Michaels'
00:58:49hesitation in his eyes
00:58:51would have to do.
00:58:53For the victor, it
00:58:55felt like defeat.
00:58:57Michaels would carry
00:58:59the uneasy burden of
00:59:01ending the career of a
00:59:05For the vanquished, a
00:59:07salute befitting a
00:59:0916-time world champion.
00:59:11A superstar till the end,
00:59:13Ric Flair will never be
00:59:15just a man.
00:59:17Ric Flair will always
00:59:19be The Man.
00:59:30In the ring, ready for
00:59:35And I know I only
00:59:37lasted 15 seconds
00:59:39against Kane last week.
00:59:41But if I can last
00:59:43longer tonight against my
00:59:45opponent, then I know
00:59:47Jamie Nobleboy is going
00:59:49to WrestleMania.
00:59:51Well, you're getting
00:59:53out of self-confidence.
00:59:56Here's your winner,
00:59:58weighing 293 pounds,
01:00:00Mike Knox.
01:00:02Monstrous Mike Knox.
01:00:04Now, before you get ahead
01:00:06of yourself, just realize
01:00:08size isn't everything.
01:00:10You know, the whale is
01:00:12in danger.
01:00:14The ant continues to do
01:00:16just fine.
01:00:18So maybe Jamie Noble
01:00:20has a chance here.
01:00:22Now, Jamie Noble is
01:00:26He's got a strong mentality.
01:00:28Enjoys inserting his foot
01:00:30in his mouth, however.
01:00:38Noble sort of a
01:00:40down-home type guy.
01:00:42Should feel right at home.
01:00:44Here in Nashville?
01:00:46Well, you know, I mean.
01:00:48Noble bringing the attack
01:00:50to Mike Knox for a moment.
01:00:52You see the clock ticking away.
01:00:54He's already up 10 seconds.
01:00:56Jamie Noble lasted
01:00:58against Kane here.
01:01:00Jamie Noble, he's already
01:01:02beat the-
01:01:03He beat the 15 seconds,
01:01:05but Mike Knox looking at-
01:01:07Oh, no!
01:01:11And Jamie Noble lasted
01:01:1329 seconds.
01:01:15Actually, 28.
01:01:17The winner of this match,
01:01:19Mike Knox.
01:01:21What an improvement!
01:01:23Progress is being made.
01:01:24Well, does this in fact
01:01:26qualify Noble for Wrestlemania?
01:01:30I don't-
01:01:32I don't know.
01:01:34Well, ladies and gentlemen,
01:01:36speaking of Wrestlemania,
01:01:38it has become tradition.
01:01:40The night before Wrestlemania
01:01:42is the WWE Hall of Fame
01:01:44induction ceremony.
01:01:46And you already know
01:01:48three members of the class
01:01:50of 2009.
01:01:51Yes, we do.
01:01:52And Stone Cold Steve Austin.
01:01:54And now the newest member
01:01:56of the class of 2009
01:01:58in the WWE Hall of Fame.
01:02:03Ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:05from Hawaii,
01:02:07Ricky the Dragon
01:02:10Steve Austin!
01:02:13One of the first superstars
01:02:15to combine technical skills
01:02:17with astounding aerial agility,
01:02:19Ricky the Dragon Steamroll
01:02:20was a true live wire
01:02:22between the ropes.
01:02:24The Dragon will fly here!
01:02:26In a career that spanned
01:02:28three decades,
01:02:30Steamboat would integrate
01:02:32an aptitude for martial arts
01:02:34with unparalleled wrestling
01:02:36expertise to become
01:02:38a decorated champion.
01:02:40In a match widely regarded
01:02:42as one of the greatest in history,
01:02:44the Dragon captured
01:02:46the Intercontinental Championship
01:02:48from Randy Savage
01:02:50in WrestleMania III.
01:02:52Small package by the Dragon.
01:02:54Ricky the Dragon Steamroll
01:02:56the new Intercontinental
01:02:58Heavyweight Champion.
01:03:00The Dragon's finest hour
01:03:02came on February 20th, 1989
01:03:04when Steamboat defeated
01:03:06the man with whom he had
01:03:08a rich and storied history,
01:03:10the Nature Boy Ric Flair,
01:03:12capturing the prestigious
01:03:14NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
01:03:16Wait a minute, side pedal!
01:03:18Get it moving!
01:03:21It's hard for me to believe
01:03:23what I'm holding in my hands
01:03:25after all these years.
01:03:29Steamboat's amazing
01:03:31accomplishments are equaled
01:03:33only by his popularity
01:03:35with crowds across the globe.
01:03:37Ricky Steamboat,
01:03:39personally my favorite guy
01:03:41to ever get in the ring with
01:03:43because he was so good.
01:03:45I can't say enough about
01:03:47Ricky Steamboat.
01:03:48After this stage,
01:03:50he's just a humble, great guy.
01:03:52Admired by his fans,
01:03:54esteemed by his peers,
01:03:56World Wrestling Entertainment
01:03:58is proud to welcome
01:04:00Ricky the Dragon Steamboat
01:04:02as a member of the WWE
01:04:04Hall of Fame Class of 2009.
01:04:06An amazing career
01:04:08for Ricky the Dragon Steamboat
01:04:10and he is here live
01:04:12with us tonight.
01:04:14We will hear from
01:04:16Ricky the Dragon Steamboat
01:04:18in just a moment.
01:04:20Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:22please welcome
01:04:24the latest inductee
01:04:26into the WWE Hall of Fame
01:04:28Class of 2009,
01:04:30Ricky the Dragon Steamboat.
01:04:41They're on their feet
01:04:43standing ovation
01:04:45for Ricky the Dragon Steamboat.
01:04:49What an amazing career.
01:04:51What an amazing athlete.
01:05:04Classic matches with Ric Flair
01:05:06with Stone Cold Steve Austin.
01:05:11Oh, he looks great.
01:05:14Ricky, congratulations.
01:05:16You must be elated.
01:05:19Well, you know, Michael,
01:05:21it's the greatest honor
01:05:23that's ever happened in my life.
01:05:25You know, I can remember
01:05:27at WrestleMania 3
01:05:29at the Pontiac Silverdome
01:05:31wrestling in front of 93,000 people.
01:05:33Winning the Intercontinental Championship
01:05:35was probably
01:05:37the greatest highlight
01:05:39of my career.
01:05:41And now being recognized
01:05:43by the WWE Hall of Fame
01:05:45is the greatest highlight
01:05:46of my life.
01:05:48And as I stand before you
01:05:50and look out to the thousands,
01:05:52I just wanted to say
01:05:54thank you.
01:05:56Thank you.
01:05:58Because without you,
01:06:00I couldn't have achieved
01:06:02this great honor.
01:06:17You know, Steamboat,
01:06:19I also want to say thank you.
01:06:22I want to say thank you
01:06:24to the Academy of Contemporary Wrestling
01:06:26for this great honor.
01:06:28Thank you.
01:06:30Thank you.
01:06:32Thank you.
01:06:34Thank you.
01:06:36Thank you.
01:06:38Thank you.
01:06:40Thank you.
01:06:42Thank you.
01:06:44Thank you.
01:06:46Thank you.
01:06:48Thank you.
01:06:50Thank you.
01:06:52Thank you.
01:06:54Thank you.
01:06:56Thank you.
01:06:58Thank you.
01:07:00Thank you.
01:07:02Thank you.
01:07:04Thank you.
01:07:06Thank you.
01:07:08Thank you.
01:07:10Thank you.
01:07:12Thank you.
01:07:14Thank you.
01:07:16Thank you.
01:07:18Thank you.
01:07:20Thank you.
01:07:22Thank you.
01:07:24Thank you.
01:07:26Thank you.
01:07:28Thank you.
01:07:30Thank you.
01:07:32Thank you.
01:07:34Thank you.
01:07:36Thank you.
01:07:38Thank you.
01:07:40Thank you.
01:07:42Thank you.
01:07:44Thank you.
01:07:46tell it like it is I'm gonna tell you the same thing when you were wrestling
01:07:49all those classic matches with Ric Flair and the NWA an organization that
01:07:55according to this company never even existed you were just Ricky Steamboat
01:08:00and it wasn't till you came to the WWE and sold your soul to all of these
01:08:05parasites that you became the dragon a glorified karate kid selling headbands
01:08:15making poses feeding into stereotypes
01:08:26and then you eventually came to the ring with a Komodo dragon literally spitting
01:08:32fire like the circus freak you'd become it was pathetic but hey it's alright as
01:08:37long as you're making a paycheck right Steamboat huh and then when you decided
01:08:42to retire you ended up just like all the rest down and out on your luck
01:08:46broken beat down dysfunctional family and you know you would have returned to
01:08:52the ring just like Flair and just like Piper you know you wouldn't have done it
01:08:56but instead you took a backdoor route you applied for a job in the WWE you got
01:09:01one working backstage and now here you are see Steamboat you are a lifelong
01:09:06sellout and now with the Hall of Fame induction the loyal dog gets his bone
01:09:14just like Flair just like Piper except instead of wearing a three-piece suit
01:09:20like those guys are wearing a sequined robe or a kilt you have your nice suit
01:09:25on doesn't make you any less pathetic so enjoy your moment with all of these
01:09:29hypocrites that are your fans Steamboat enjoy it because you're the biggest
01:09:38hypocrite of them all
01:09:53you know what a hypocrite is you understand that word that meaning you
01:10:03know I remember about 20 years ago at an autograph session I remember signing an
01:10:10autograph for you
01:10:16I also remember how you said that you had admired me and that I was your hero
01:10:28you wrote that in your autobiography Jericho
01:10:35and then about ten years ago when you came to the WWE you were this snotty
01:10:44brat wrestler of a kid that turned down the wrestling fans and then within a
01:10:52within a year less than a year you embraced them what did you call them
01:11:02Jericho hollocks then you spent the next several years turning on him embracing
01:11:11them turning on him embracing him back and forth so on and so off you know
01:11:16something Jericho that's a hypocrite
01:11:28myself from the very first time I put on my wrestling tights to the day that I
01:11:36retired I didn't change not once I gave this audience the respect and
01:11:49entertained them every time I came through that curtain I never changed
01:12:01not once now myself Ric Flair Roddy Piper and the other legends we know who
01:12:15we are and me coming back to work for the WWE behind the scenes to help our
01:12:24young talent our future superstars to teach them to coach them to pass the
01:12:30torch so to speak that's not a sellout I did it because I love this business
01:12:46I don't care what you think of me it really doesn't matter I'm not a
01:12:54hypocrite I'm not a sellout but I am someone you may never be
01:13:06a Hall of Famer
01:13:16you want to be a Hall of Famer?
01:13:18Hall of Famer?
01:13:20Hall of Famer what?
01:13:22Hall of Famer what?
01:13:24you're a has-been just like the rest
01:13:26just like the rest
01:13:28huh Steamboat?
01:13:30you're just another sellout
01:13:32yeah stay down stay down stay down
01:13:37stay down on the ground where you belong
01:13:40stay down on the ground where you belong Steamboat
01:13:56you alright there?
01:14:00I got nothing on him
01:14:02absolutely inexplicable actions from Jericho
01:14:06Roddy Piper last week and now Hall of Famer, soon to be, Vickie Steenbult.
01:14:12Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's the first night on the job for
01:14:16a new Raw interim general manager, Vickie Guerrero, and a lot for
01:14:20her to deal with, of course, this situation.
01:14:23And then the confrontation which happened earlier tonight,
01:14:26as we went on the air with none other than John Cena.
01:14:30Edge is my family, The Big Show is my friend.
01:14:37You, you're neither.
01:14:42You're my subordinate.
01:14:45And I have just made the decision to put you in action tonight.
01:14:49It'll either be against my friend or my family.
01:14:56John Cena in action next.
01:14:58I want domination, I want your submission.
01:15:06I see you're not resistant to this temptation.
01:15:11I got one conviction, a love declaration.
01:15:17We're back on Monday Night Raw, experiencing technical difficulties.
01:15:19Hopefully, we got that all worked out.
01:15:21But a developing story here tonight, King, between Triple H and Randy Orton.
01:15:25Of course, last week, Randy Orton's vicious attack on Triple H,
01:15:30his wife, Stephanie McMahon.
01:15:32And but we know Randy Orton and Legacy are here tonight, but what about the game?
01:15:35Well, Todd, standing by out in the parking lot.
01:15:38Todd, any word from the game yet?
01:15:40No, gentlemen, no sign of Triple H yet, but
01:15:42I'll be sure to let you know if and when Triple H does arrive.
01:15:45Wow, and again, we do know that Randy Orton and Legacy are here.
01:15:59This guy's set the one ball.
01:16:03Making his way to the ring from West Newbury, Massachusetts.
01:16:06Weighing 240 pounds, John Cena.
01:16:12And I'm so used to saying the champ is here, but John Cena no longer the champ.
01:16:17Cena losing the world title in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out.
01:16:24Well, tonight, Raw is presented by Just For Men.
01:16:28Stay in the game with Just For Men haircuts.
01:16:31And presented by the auto parts experts at AutoZone.
01:16:34Get in the zone.
01:16:35Cena ready for action, but who's his opponent tonight, friend or family?
01:16:44Nikki Grail's friend with a big show or family, Nikki's husband, Edge.
01:16:49Look at Cena, he is definitely ready.
01:16:52Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
01:16:59Hi, John.
01:17:05Lexina, you will not, I repeat,
01:17:08not be granted your World Championship rematch tonight.
01:17:17No championship match, I couldn't see that one coming.
01:17:21You know what?
01:17:25I've tried to be patient, I really have.
01:17:27You're testing me, that's fine.
01:17:30It's your decision to make, so here's what I'm gonna do.
01:17:33I'm gonna follow you wherever you go.
01:17:36This week, when you go to SmackDown, I'll be there.
01:17:44And next week, if you wanna come back to Raw, I'll be right here waiting for you.
01:17:50You know what?
01:17:52You and I are gonna see a lot of each other, a lot,
01:17:55until you decide to give me a rematch.
01:18:01You know, John, I suggest that you stop talking and
01:18:05start concentrating on tonight.
01:18:08Because as I promised, you're facing either my friend or a member of my family.
01:18:15Ooh, Chavo.
01:18:23Chavo Guerrero?
01:18:24Nikki's nephew.
01:18:27Well, it's family.
01:18:28And his opponent, from El Paso, Texas,
01:18:33weighing 215 pounds, Chavo Guerrero.
01:18:38Our interim general manager, full of surprises.
01:18:42Chavo, a SmackDown superstar.
01:18:44Of course, Vickie Guerrero, the SmackDown general manager,
01:18:47the new Raw interim general manager.
01:18:50Chavo goes right to work on John Cena.
01:18:52And Cena, all business here tonight.
01:19:01Cena just glaring.
01:19:06Well, Cena sees Vickie Guerrero, but you can't see me.
01:19:10According to John Cena, he's gonna see a lot of Vickie Guerrero in the next few weeks.
01:19:14High Knuckle Shuffle.
01:19:21My God, is this it?
01:19:24The Attitude Adjustment.
01:19:27Into the STF.
01:19:30Chavo taps out.
01:19:32Your time is up, my time is now, now.
01:19:35You can't see me, my time is now, now.
01:19:37It's the real John Cena.
01:19:42John Cena did not take his eyes off Vickie Guerrero that entire matchup.
01:19:48A message being sent to Raw's interim general manager.
01:19:55No matter where Vickie goes this week, Cena's gonna be right behind her.
01:20:00Ha ha ha.
01:20:24My, looks like Morton's brought some protection.
01:20:31And ladies and gentlemen, next week on Monday Night Raw, live in Boston.
01:20:38It's Raw's Shawn Michaels versus SmackDown's undefeated Vladimir Kozlov.
01:20:43The winner will challenge The Undertaker at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
01:20:54Well, Randy Orton the rest of the legacy isn't it?
01:20:59As I said earlier, it looks like Orton has brought a little
01:21:04protection, anticipating the arrival of Triple H.
01:21:08So far it's not happening.
01:21:11Look at Orton, the sledgehammer of Orton.
01:21:16Well, not only are we not heard from, we have not seen Triple H here tonight.
01:21:21And frankly, he may not make it to Monday Night Raw.
01:21:24It was last week here on Monday Night Raw,
01:21:27when first Randy Orton butted Shane McMahon.
01:21:31And then he did it again.
01:21:33And now, he's got a new opponent.
01:21:35And he's got a new opponent, the new Undertaker.
01:21:39And he's got a new opponent, the new Undertaker.
01:21:42First, Randy Orton butted Shane McMahon, and then he turned his attention.
01:21:47He delivered an RKO to a distressed and panicked Stephanie McMahon,
01:21:53Triple H's husband.
01:21:55A vile, vicious assault on Raw's general manager.
01:21:58Well, Triple H's wife suffered that RKO.
01:22:06And of course, we saw Triple H absolutely beside himself.
01:22:11After that shocking attack, and then of course, on SmackDown last week.
01:22:16And then Orton had crossed the line, one that you can't come back from.
01:22:20I've been waiting for Triple H all night.
01:22:34I might as well come out here and wait right in this ring.
01:22:38That is if he's gonna show up at all.
01:22:42Now, for those of you who think that Triple H will show up and
01:22:48avenge his wife, then congratulations.
01:22:53Because if that happens,
01:22:57Triple H truly is a McMahon,
01:23:02arrogant, out of touch, and
01:23:07just plain stupid.
01:23:16Triple H thinks that his wife Stephanie is a victim, but he is wrong.
01:23:22I am the victim.
01:23:29All I ever wanted to do was mind my own business and proceed with my career.
01:23:35But the McMahons just wouldn't stay out of my way.
01:23:43Weeks ago, Vince McMahon insulted my family.
01:23:48And when he was about to fire me, I lost control.
01:23:51And I kicked him in the skull as hard as I could.
01:23:59I have IED.
01:24:03Let's see, then I beat Shane McMahon at No Way Out, but he just kept coming.
01:24:12He wouldn't stop.
01:24:13Last week, he challenged me.
01:24:16And I did exactly what I said I was going to do.
01:24:19And I kicked him in the head and
01:24:21put him in the hospital right next to his old man.
01:24:29It didn't have to go down like that, Shane.
01:24:32But you pushed me, and you pushed me until I pushed back.
01:24:44And then there's Stephanie.
01:24:51The last time that she got in my face, she slapped me.
01:25:02Triple H's wife, Stephanie, thinks that she can do whatever she wants,
01:25:08whatever she pleases, because of what her last name is.
01:25:15But then she got in my face again, and instinct took over.
01:25:22You people sitting in the crowd, you judge me.
01:25:27You have no idea what I go through.
01:25:33You have no idea what it's like to be at the top of your profession.
01:25:38You despise me, because I go through it.
01:25:43You despise me, because I go through it.
01:25:48You despise me, because I can do things that you only fantasize about.
01:25:57You have no idea what it's like to be famous, to be a celebrity,
01:26:05to be constantly scrutinized by the public, by the media.
01:26:09You people have no idea the pressure that I am under.
01:26:17But, the McMahons do.
01:26:33you should have known better.
01:26:41I can only hope that Triple H's children were watching this.
01:26:48I can only hope that Triple H's children were watching last week,
01:26:54so that they can learn from their mother's mistakes.
01:26:58So they're, did last week.
01:27:04I just need a comment from you, anything, please, Triple H.
01:27:06Thank you.
01:27:08Thank you.
01:27:10Thank you.
01:27:12Thank you.
01:27:14Thank you.
01:27:16Thank you.
01:27:18Thank you.
01:27:20Thank you.
01:27:22Thank you.
01:27:24Thank you.
01:27:26Thank you.
01:27:28Thank you.
01:27:30Thank you.
01:27:32Thank you.
01:27:34Thank you.
01:27:36Thank you.
01:27:38Thank you.
01:27:40Thank you.
01:27:42Thank you.
01:27:44Thank you.
01:27:46Thank you.
01:27:48Thank you.
01:27:50Thank you.
01:27:52Thank you.
01:27:54Thank you.
01:27:56Thank you.
01:27:58Thank you.
01:28:00Thank you.
01:28:02Thank you.
01:28:04Thank you.
01:28:06Thank you.
01:28:08Thank you.
01:28:10Thank you.
01:28:12Thank you.
01:28:14Thank you.
01:28:16Thank you.
01:28:18Thank you.
01:28:20Thank you.
01:28:22Thank you.
01:28:24Thank you.
01:28:26Thank you.
01:28:28Thank you.
01:28:30Thank you.
01:28:32Thank you.
01:28:34Thank you.
01:28:36Thank you.
01:28:38Thank you.
01:28:40Thank you.
01:28:42Thank you.
01:28:44Thank you.
01:28:46Thank you.
01:28:48Thank you.
01:28:50Thank you.
01:28:52Thank you.
01:28:54Thank you.
01:28:56Thank you.
01:28:58Thank you.
01:29:00Thank you.
01:29:02Thank you.
01:29:04Thank you.
01:29:06Thank you.
01:29:08Thank you.
01:29:10Thank you.
01:29:12Thank you.
01:29:14Thank you.
01:29:16Thank you.
01:29:18Thank you.
01:29:20Thank you.
01:29:22Thank you.
01:29:24Thank you.
01:29:26Thank you.
01:29:28Thank you.
01:29:30Thank you.
01:29:32Thank you.
01:29:34Thank you.
01:29:36Thank you.
01:29:38Thank you.
01:29:40Thank you.
01:29:42Thank you.
01:29:44Thank you.
01:29:46Thank you.
01:29:48Thank you.
01:29:50Thank you.
01:29:52Thank you.
01:29:54Thank you.
01:29:56Thank you.
01:29:58Thank you.
01:30:00Thank you.
01:30:02Thank you.
01:30:04Thank you.
01:30:06Thank you.
01:30:08Thank you.
01:30:10Thank you.
01:30:12Thank you.
01:30:14Thank you.
01:30:16Thank you.
01:30:18Thank you.
01:30:20Thank you.
01:30:22Thank you.
01:30:24Thank you.
01:30:26Thank you.
01:30:28Thank you.
01:30:30Thank you.
01:30:32Thank you.
01:30:34Thank you.
01:30:36Thank you.
01:30:38Thank you.
01:30:40Thank you.
01:30:42Thank you.
01:30:44Thank you.
01:30:46Thank you.
01:30:48Thank you.
01:30:50Thank you.
01:30:52Thank you.
01:30:54Thank you.
01:30:56Thank you.
01:30:58Thank you.
01:31:00Thank you.
01:31:02Thank you.
01:31:04Thank you.
01:31:06Thank you.
01:31:08Thank you.
01:31:10Thank you.
01:31:12Thank you.
01:31:14Thank you.
01:31:16Thank you.
01:31:18Thank you.
01:31:20Thank you.
01:31:22Thank you.
01:31:24Look, he's locked.
01:31:29Shut the door!
01:31:31Come on, get the couch.
01:31:36Come on.
01:31:40Who is it?
01:31:44Come on.
01:31:55leave me.
01:32:18No, no, no, come on, no, don't, yes.
01:32:28Go, go, go, go.
01:32:39Go, go, go, go, go.
01:32:57Go, come on.
01:33:08Go, go, go, go, go.
