• 2 months ago
00:00:00Yes, sir. We promised you a great main event here tonight.
00:00:05WrestleMania is running wild.
00:00:10It is not a world that's watching.
00:00:15Ladies and gentlemen,
00:00:20please welcome the 16 time
00:00:25world champion and
00:00:30the WWE Hall of Famer,
00:00:35The Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
00:00:41We are live
00:00:46on Monday Night Raw
00:00:51with the legendary Nature Boy.
00:00:56A man of unbridled passion,
00:01:01incomparable emotion,
00:01:06and off the chart charisma.
00:01:11There's only one, Nature.
00:01:1616 time world champion.
00:01:21He's still styling and profiling.
00:01:26I'll never forget WrestleMania last year.
00:01:31I'll never forget it.
00:01:36I'll never forget it.
00:01:41I'll never forget it.
00:01:46I'll never forget it.
00:01:51I'll never forget it.
00:01:56WWE superstars very supportive of Mickie Rook's role
00:01:59in, of course, the movie The Wrestler.
00:02:01Look at all the signs everyone's brought here tonight.
00:02:12There's only one Ric Flair.
00:02:24God, does it feel good to be out here in front of all of you again!
00:02:27I have missed you!
00:02:32The Nature Boy has missed you all!
00:02:37This time, a year ago, I was fighting for my career, knowing that the next time I lost,
00:02:45I would have to retire from the greatest sport in the world.
00:02:50Well, the time came.
00:02:55WrestleMania 24 was the event.
00:02:58My opponent was the great Shawn Michaels.
00:03:03And I couldn't, I couldn't have lost to a man I have more respect for and a business I have loved a lifetime.
00:03:15I have no regrets! I'm honored!
00:03:18Enough! Enough! Enough! That is enough!
00:03:27I'm not going to stand in the back and allow you to wax nostalgic about your career, Ric Flair, and waste valuable air time.
00:03:35That is enough from you.
00:03:48That is disrespectful.
00:03:59You came out here to address comments that I made about you last week, but before you do that, I have another comment for you, Flair.
00:04:06I want you to think about last year.
00:04:09I want you to think about the night after WrestleMania when you officially said goodbye to this business for good.
00:04:16I want you to watch this right now.
00:04:46I hugged you that night out of respect, Flair.
00:04:50But had I known what you would become, had I known that you would begin to prostitute yourself for any two-bit promoter who would sign his name on a check for you,
00:04:59had I known that you would crave the spotlight more now than you ever have your entire life,
00:05:05had I known the horrible example that you would be setting for current and future performers in this business,
00:05:11had I known what you would become, I wouldn't have hugged you, Flair.
00:05:14I would have slapped you right in your face.
00:05:26Had I known about you what I know now, knowing that you're a condescending little punk,
00:05:37insecure with yourself,
00:05:42you will never, ever tell me what to do.
00:05:47I have never sold out. Never.
00:05:51I will never sell out. I'll never go back in that ring.
00:05:55I'll never wrestle again. You understand that?
00:05:59I have too much respect for Shawn Michaels, too much respect for the WWE.
00:06:06But look at you now, right now. I'm losing more respect for you by the minute.
00:06:13And I'm sure you're going to say that you have too much respect for these people to do that, too, right?
00:06:19Yeah. Yeah. I knew you would say that.
00:06:21I respect each and every one of these people out here.
00:06:26I live and die for these people every day.
00:06:30You really expect me to believe that you care for these hypocrites in this arena right now, huh?
00:06:39And I'm sure that's why you sign up with any promoter who will slap your face on a poster
00:06:44and allow you to shake hands and sign autographs with these liars.
00:06:55It's not them, Flair. It's you.
00:06:58You're the problem. You have to be in the spotlight.
00:07:02You have to be the center of attention.
00:07:05Yes, I do. You know why? Because I am the Nature Boy.
00:07:12I love the spotlight.
00:07:15Yes, I retired from the ring, but I will never retire from this business.
00:07:22I love every moment I have with these fans.
00:07:27I love to shake their hands. I love to put my arm around them.
00:07:31I love to take pictures with them.
00:07:33And I love to tell them stories about the legendary Nature Boy Ric Flair and all the legends.
00:07:43And you, Chris Jericho, will never wake up a day in your life that you'll tell me how to run my life.
00:07:52I'll live my life the way I want to because I can.
00:08:01Okay, I get it. I get it. So what you do with your life is none of my business, right?
00:08:05Let me tell you this, Flair.
00:08:07When you're an honest man who tells the truth like I do and like I am,
00:08:13you get a lot of people saying it's none of your business.
00:08:18But you're wrong because it is my business because I am a locker room leader.
00:08:25And I have a whole roster of performers back there who respect me a whole hell of a lot more than they respect you, Flair.
00:08:37So you can pat yourself on the back that you haven't returned to the ring yet.
00:08:42But eventually, you know you will. It's inevitable, Ric.
00:08:46And when you do, you're going to put your body through hell and whatever else
00:08:50because you cannot walk away from this business with any dignity whatsoever.
00:08:55And you know that's true.
00:08:57That's the point of your friend Mickey Rourke's movie, The Wrestler, that you don't even get.
00:09:03You've missed it completely.
00:09:04The point is that these people could care less about you.
00:09:12They could care less about any of the legends.
00:09:15I'm sure they're going to patronize you and cheer you while you're standing here right now.
00:09:19But as soon as the show is over, they're going to go home, post the pictures they've taken on Facebook,
00:09:25go to sleep, and completely forget about you forever.
00:09:34And you just don't realize it.
00:09:36Until you do, you're going to continue down the same path as Mickey Rourke's character in The Wrestler.
00:09:42But unlike Mickey Rourke, you don't have a director yelling cut.
00:09:46You don't have to have anybody telling you when to stop.
00:09:49So I'm going to tell you to stop.
00:09:52I'm going to tell you to stop catering and patronizing to these parasites.
00:09:58Stop allowing them to leech off of you, Flair.
00:10:04I'm telling you right now to tell them you don't need them anymore.
00:10:09Do it.
00:10:11Tell them you refuse to embarrass yourself for their entertainment.
00:10:16Go ahead, Rick.
00:10:17Tell them that you are better than they are.
00:10:24Do it. Now.
00:10:42Have it your way, Flair. That's fine.
00:10:44If you want to see a clown who literally falls on his face for your entertainment,
00:10:49then keep your eyes on this pathetic shell of a human being.
00:10:57Take out your cameras and get a good shot of the nature boy for the last time.
00:11:02Or at least until he decides to come back again.
00:11:04Come on, Rick. Strut back and forth like a puppet.
00:11:07Come on. Do your woo. Woo.
00:11:09Do all your tricks like a good dog.
00:11:12Pander to these parasites, to these hypocrites.
00:11:15Come on, Flair.
00:11:16Every picture they take of you is one more reminder of how low you have gotten.
00:11:22How much you have fallen.
00:11:23And the worst thing is, Flair, is that you don't have anybody else to blame for this but yourself.
00:11:34You know it's true.
00:11:40Oh, my God.
00:11:48Ric Flair couldn't take it anymore.
00:11:57Jericho just saw the Ric Flair, the legendary Ric Flair we all know and love.
00:12:02Well, Jericho's been consumed with Ric Flair,
00:12:05but he better start concentrating on his Elimination Chamber Championship match on Sunday.
00:12:27There's only one nature boy.
00:12:29Nature boy.
00:12:34Doing it his way.
00:12:38What an exciting start to Monday Night Raw here live tonight in Oakland, California.
00:12:43And look at the appreciation the legendary Ric Flair is receiving from our fans here tonight.
00:12:50And speaking of legends, the Phenom, the Undertaker, comes to Raw tonight to face Randy Orton.
00:12:57The Undertaker making a rare appearance on Monday Night Raw following the explosive chain of events last week
00:13:03between Randy Orton and Stephanie and Shane McMahon.
00:13:10Last week when Raw went off the air, I was approached by Randy Orton's legal team.
00:13:15They said that Randy Orton wants to face me at No Way Out.
00:13:20And I've accepted in a no holds barred match.
00:13:25Randy, I'm not going to be out there at No Way Out to pin your shoulders to the mat.
00:13:30After that deplorable and cowardly act you did to my father,
00:13:33I'm going to ensure after No Way Out that you are unable to compete at WrestleMania.
00:13:43No holds barred. I can do whatever I want to do to you without any consequences.
00:13:50So Shane, if I were you, I would call that hospital that I put your father in.
00:13:56And I would order a bed and put it right alongside him.
00:13:59Because after I'm through with you at No Way Out, your father is going to have some company.
00:14:07Hey, Cody Rhodes, DVLC legacy, but Shane with an equalizer.
00:14:13It was an ambush, a trap.
00:14:16Yeah, but one that Shane was obviously ready for.
00:14:20I just want you to be careful.
00:14:22I mean, Sunday's a really big night and, you know, it's no holds barred and we're going to...
00:14:36Get off him! Get off him!
00:14:40Come on, Randy!
00:14:43I want some payback.
00:14:45I'm going to sacrifice my body.
00:14:48I'm going to ensure that you are unable to compete at WrestleMania.
00:15:00Firing you would be too easy.
00:15:07We've got bigger plans.
00:15:17Randy, get back. Get back. Get back. Come on. You've got to get back. Get back. Get back.
00:15:21Shane! Shane, are you okay?
00:15:25Did you talk to him?
00:15:27He'll be here.
00:15:29And it's official. At No Way Out, you are in the Elimination Chamber.
00:15:35And next week, Randy Orton goes one-on-one...
00:15:40with The Undertaker.
00:16:11In the ring, the team of Jillian Hall and Beth Phoenix, The Glamazon.
00:16:18Beth Phoenix hoping to build some momentum toward next week's rematch game.
00:16:23Beth has an opportunity to get her women's title back from Melina right here on Raw.
00:16:27You're right. Next week, it's going to be WWE women's title at stake.
00:16:31Melina going against Beth Phoenix for the championship.
00:16:36I think Rosa Mendes will be on hand, I'm sure.
00:16:39And Rosa Beth's an intern.
00:16:41And Santino as well.
00:16:47And making their way to the ring, the team of Kelly Kelly and the WWE Women's Champion, Melina.
00:16:56Melina, today's daily diva at WWE.com.
00:17:00I love diva tag matches.
00:17:03And you know, we gotta tell you, if you're looking for some canine companionship,
00:17:07the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, presented by Pedigree,
00:17:10can be seen live tonight on CNBC.
00:17:14We've got diva tag team action right here on Raw.
00:17:21Melina so proud to be the women's champion, won the title for Beth Phoenix back at the Royal Rumble.
00:17:28Oh, my eyeballs are very happy right now.
00:17:34Santino's pretty lucky, but how would you like to be arm candy for the team of Kelly Kelly and Melina?
00:17:39So it will be Kelly Kelly starting things off against Raw's own karaoke singer, Jillian.
00:17:46Emcee, emcee, emcee, emcee, emcee, emcee.
00:17:51Kelly starting things off against Raw's own karaoke singer, Jillian.
00:17:56I understand Jillian's pretty foul mooching.
00:17:59Actually expected to be nominated for a Grammy last night.
00:18:03Her singing can clear a room faster than a smoke alarm.
00:18:06Great athleticism from Kelly with a drop kick to the gut of Jillian.
00:18:14Here comes the women's champion.
00:18:19Oh, man.
00:18:21Melina next week could be going against Beth Phoenix.
00:18:23Watch Melina.
00:18:24Back at the Rumble, Melina shocked the World Gang when she beat Beth for that women's title.
00:18:31Beth with an opportunity for revenge next week.
00:18:37Here's Santino barking orders at ringside.
00:18:39Yes, unfortunately we can't hear Santino.
00:18:42Oh, referee never saw that.
00:18:47Speaking of Beth, I wonder what she thinks about Santino and Santino's comments on WWE.com.
00:18:51He claims he has a secret admirer and is going to reveal that person this week.
00:18:55Oh, look out here.
00:18:56Beth Phoenix at her best right now.
00:18:59The glamazon.
00:19:00Covers Melina, hooks the leg and a kick out.
00:19:03So Santino's got a secret admirer?
00:19:05That's what he claims.
00:19:08Imagine if Beth could pin Melina here tonight.
00:19:12She goes after that women's championship next week.
00:19:15Oh, that would give her a ton of momentum.
00:19:17And of course, Santino would be singing her praises all over town.
00:19:22Santino with a unibrow over there.
00:19:27I heard he's starting to leave the locker room in nose hairs as well.
00:19:30What did he make of Rosa Mendez, the intern?
00:19:34Well, I mean, uh...
00:19:37Whoa, nice move by Melina.
00:19:38There's that quickness and flexibility from the women's champion.
00:19:47Rising back.
00:19:49Glamazon in trouble.
00:19:50Women's champion looking to pin Beth again.
00:19:53That's too fast.
00:19:54Too fast.
00:19:57Santino a hold of Beth's...
00:19:59Look at Melina.
00:20:00She's just slamming.
00:20:02She's on fire here tonight.
00:20:04Beth, of course, diva of the year in 2008.
00:20:08Watch it.
00:20:10Referee never saw Rosa get involved.
00:20:14And Beth Phoenix, can she take advantage?
00:20:22And Beth Phoenix, ladies and gentlemen,
00:20:24has pinned the women's champion thanks to Rosa Mendez.
00:20:32And Beth Phoenix, the Glamazon.
00:20:35King Rosa must be earning high marks in her internship.
00:20:39As we show you what happened here earlier in the matchup
00:20:43when Melina was rolling.
00:20:44Yeah, Melina with this big right foot right to the mouth of Beth Phoenix.
00:20:49But watch now. Watch Rosa Mendez here.
00:20:51Look at that.
00:20:54You know, Rosa could be a factor when the women's championship
00:20:57is on the line next week on Monday Night Raw.
00:20:59If this happens, we'll have a new women's champion next week.
00:21:11Beth Phoenix sending a message to Melina here tonight on Raw.
00:21:16Ladies and gentlemen, as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania,
00:21:21let's take you back to the historic Wrestlemania from Detroit, Michigan.
00:21:26The Pontiac Silverdome, Wrestlemania III, 1987.
00:21:34The 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania.
00:21:37Celebrating 25 years of historic Wrestlemania moments.
00:21:42There are many classic films, a few memorable Super Bowls,
00:21:46and a plethora of record-breaking athletic achievements.
00:21:50But there is one happening that holds a firm place
00:21:53in the Mount Rushmore of entertainment main events of the 20th century.
00:21:57Welcome to the magnificent Silverdome.
00:22:01And welcome to Wrestlemania III.
00:22:06In a world indoor record that stands to this day.
00:22:13Fore witness to this once-in-a-lifetime event.
00:22:16And Alice Cooper is inside.
00:22:19Oh, Damien Gottham.
00:22:22This colossal spectacle captured the imagination of the entire world.
00:22:28The champion's still in control.
00:22:29Now a small package by the dragon.
00:22:32Ricky the Dragon, Steve-O, the new Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion.
00:22:37When Wrestlemania III comes to mind, one exhortation reigns for...
00:22:42Hulk Andre.
00:22:46Like Ali Frazier or Bird and Magic,
00:22:48Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant personified their industry.
00:22:52I'm here for one reason.
00:22:54To challenge you for a world championship match in the Wrestlemania.
00:22:59You got 93,173 standing on their feet for this one, Gorilla.
00:23:05The irresistible force meeting the immovable object.
00:23:09Hogan's giving it everything he's got right here.
00:23:13He dropped him.
00:23:14He dropped the big guy.
00:23:16At Wrestlemania III, Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant
00:23:21slammed their way to the forefront of the world's collective conscious.
00:23:25Look at this.
00:23:27He slammed the Giant.
00:23:29I don't believe it.
00:23:31Oh, dropping the big leg.
00:23:33Over for the cover.
00:23:35He got him.
00:23:36History made here in the Silverdome, part of Wrestlemania III.
00:23:41The foundation had been laid.
00:23:44The enormity of Wrestlemania III set the tone
00:23:47for many of the record-breaking, history-making Wrestlemanias
00:23:51that were to follow.
00:24:13Can you see me?
00:24:27Yeah, I did, Shawn.
00:24:30I wanted to remind you that this Sunday at No Way Out
00:24:33or All or Nothing match...
00:24:34Did you somehow think I was going to forget about that?
00:24:38Let it slip my mind?
00:24:43What I thought might slip your mind is the fact that
00:24:45you're still my employee.
00:24:48And as my employee, I still control all of your matches,
00:24:51so I decided to schedule before the big match this Sunday...
00:24:56Let's call it a tune-up.
00:24:57A little tune-up for HBK against...
00:25:02the world's strongest man...
00:25:05Mark Henry.
00:25:07Mark Henry.
00:25:11Good luck, Shawn.
00:25:15Shawn, Michael's got to face the world's strongest man here tonight
00:25:18in a tune-up match?!
00:25:37You've got your rules and your religion
00:25:40All the time to keep you sane
00:25:43But when rules start getting broken
00:25:46You start questioning your faith
00:25:49I have a voice that lives to save you
00:25:52It's alive when you ask for pain
00:25:55I have a voice that has the knowledge
00:25:58And the power to heal your pain
00:26:07Lost in the controversy surrounding the McMahon family and me
00:26:13Is the fact that I won the Royal Rumble
00:26:23Which means that I will main event Wrestlemania
00:26:26Facing either the WWE or World Champion
00:26:32The choice is up to me
00:26:35And while everyone else isn't thinking about it
00:26:38I haven't stopped thinking about it
00:26:44I will be champion!
00:26:57Nobody, nothing can stand in my way
00:27:01Not Vince McMahon
00:27:05Not Shane McMahon
00:27:07And certainly not Stephanie McMahon
00:27:13Now unfortunately, Stephanie has been intimidated
00:27:16Scared to death
00:27:18Because she thought that I was going to punt her
00:27:22Last week on RAW
00:27:28I was never going to do that
00:27:35I just wanted to show Shane McMahon
00:27:38What could have happened
00:27:41If I wanted it to happen
00:27:49Why would I want to hurt Stephanie?
00:27:52I don't want to hurt Stephanie McMahon
00:27:54I want her to be around
00:27:56So I can see the look in her eyes
00:27:59When I take out yet another member of her family
00:28:05And Shane
00:28:11The Undertaker
00:28:13Couldn't stop me at Royal Rumble
00:28:18And he's not going to stop me tonight
00:28:22So if The Undertaker
00:28:25Can't beat me
00:28:29What kind of a chance
00:28:33Do you think that you have?
00:28:56Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:00Oh, baby, I'm priceless
00:29:14I'm priceless
00:29:16Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:29I'm priceless
00:29:31Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:33Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:35Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:37Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:39Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:41Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:43Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:45Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:47Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:49Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:51Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:53Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:55Yeah, I'm priceless
00:29:57Yeah, I'm priceless
00:30:28Yeah, I was on that bridge this afternoon
00:30:46Yo, yo, yo!
00:30:49Brooklyn, Brooklyn
00:30:57The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall
00:31:00Making their way to the ring
00:31:02From Brooklyn, New York
00:31:04As the final weight of 525 pounds
00:31:07Chad and GTG
00:31:10Crime Time
00:31:12Okay, this coming Friday
00:31:14It is going to be a great day
00:31:16Sacramento, California
00:31:18Tickets going to be available for Night of Champions
00:31:20Now remember that pay-per-view in June?
00:31:22Every match is a championship match
00:31:25At Night of Champions
00:31:28Here in this tag team matchup
00:31:31Crime Time likes to call themselves
00:31:33The Quarantine Boys
00:31:36The Quarantine Boys
00:31:37Because they're so sick
00:31:39Chad Gaspard starting things off with Cody Rhodes
00:31:42Remember what happened last week when these two teams met
00:31:45Rhodes and DiBiase taking out their frustrations
00:31:48After Shane McMahon was ready for the trap that they had set with Randy Orton
00:31:53They were disqualified
00:31:55Crime Time here tonight
00:31:57I understand that their appearance here tonight is part of their community service
00:32:01I think, I'm not sure
00:32:03These guys have had quite a time in Oakland today
00:32:06Oh man, big boot right to the mouth
00:32:09And Ted DiBiase
00:32:12Second generation superstar
00:32:14Chad didn't realize the tag was made
00:32:16And here goes DiBiase
00:32:18You gotta watch your back at all times when you're in there against Priceless
00:32:21Are DiBiase and Rhodes
00:32:23Are they learning the right lessons from Randy Orton in your mind?
00:32:28Well, you know, I'm still saying you can't argue with success
00:32:33These two young men
00:32:35You know, I certainly personally don't agree with their attitudes
00:32:38But, once again, they're successful
00:32:41Very impressive
00:32:43DiBiase and Rhodes, part of the final four men in the Royal Rumble match
00:32:48These guys, when they get their opponent down there, just relentless
00:32:52Well, they were relentless last week as well
00:32:54In that ambush, that assault on both Stephanie and Shane
00:32:58In the locker room area
00:33:04JTG can't wait to get in this match
00:33:10DiBiase and Rhodes doing a great job isolating the bigger Shad Gaspard
00:33:14Well, you just don't realize how big Shad is until you stand next to this guy
00:33:18300 pounder
00:33:19He's about 6'6
00:33:23He signed a picture for me earlier this afternoon
00:33:26Did you know their publicity photo has a height chart in the background?
00:33:31Oh, he got two!
00:33:33Yeah, the publicity photo
00:33:35The height chart is right in the background
00:33:37Did you check up on WordUp?
00:33:39www.com this week
00:33:41Go ahead, tell everybody
00:33:42Almost fat, but just right
00:33:46They used the
00:33:49Shad, look at Shad, just flying it
00:33:51Make a tag and pure power
00:33:53This is opportunity
00:33:55Oh, whoa, nice catch
00:33:57Look at the strength
00:33:59Can he make a tag?
00:34:01Ted DiBiase does to Cody Rhodes
00:34:03And here comes JTG
00:34:05And the pace will quicken
00:34:08Clothesline there for JTG
00:34:10He's been chomping at the bit to get in this match
00:34:13Oh, man!
00:34:17All fired up
00:34:22Let's go!
00:34:24This is what he calls the Bunk Shot
00:34:29Right into it
00:34:30And Ted DiBiase
00:34:32Saving the day
00:34:34And Ted DiBiase
00:34:36Saving the matchup for his team
00:34:38And here comes Gaspard
00:34:39And there goes Ted
00:34:43For a moment
00:34:46DiBiase pulling that top rope now
00:34:48And looking from behind
00:34:49Cody Rhodes took advantage of the distraction
00:34:53And Rhodes appropriately
00:34:55Calls that brutal move Crossroads
00:35:00And Rhodes and DiBiase win
00:35:05Well, somewhere Randy Orton's got a
00:35:09I was starting to say a smile on his face
00:35:11I don't know if Randy Orton smiles very much
00:35:13But he's certainly proud of these guys right now
00:35:15Well, there is no doubt that Rhodes and DiBiase
00:35:17Are at a crossroads of their career right now
00:35:20They have aligned themselves with Randy Orton
00:35:22As part of his legacy
00:35:24And the aggression has definitely come out
00:35:30Ladies and gentlemen
00:35:31A lost Sunday at No Way Out
00:35:33For Shawn Michaels
00:35:34Means he becomes almost an indentured servant
00:35:37To his employer JBL
00:35:39Tonight JBL has arranged for SBK to compete in a
00:35:42Tune-up match
00:35:44Versus the world's strongest man
00:35:46Mark Henry
00:35:47Oh my gosh
00:35:48Also tonight
00:35:49These six men will participate in a special
00:35:52Six-man tag match
00:35:54Just six days before battling one another
00:35:56For the World Heavyweight Championship
00:35:58Inside an Elimination Chamber Championship match
00:36:02And of course John Cena
00:36:03Will be defending the World Heavyweight Championship
00:36:05Inside the Elimination Chamber
00:36:07This coming Sunday at No Way Out
00:36:08But John Cena
00:36:09Earlier this week
00:36:10Hanging out with a bunch of celebrities in Florida
00:36:12Including Derek Jeter
00:36:14And Tiger Woods
00:36:15Big shots
00:36:18We're at the campus of Central Florida
00:36:20And we're here for Gillette's enormous launch
00:36:22Of the Gillette Fusion-powered Gamo Razor
00:36:24The champ
00:36:25Come on up here, John
00:36:27I've been chosen as one of a
00:36:28Awesome round table of folks
00:36:30Reggie Bush
00:36:31Denny Hamlin
00:36:32Tiger Woods
00:36:33And Derek Jeter
00:36:34It's fun for me
00:36:35I mean we have pretty strict rules
00:36:37When it comes to the Yankees
00:36:38In terms of no facial hair
00:36:39So it's a fun event for all of us
00:36:42We all shaved at the same time
00:36:44We had, you know
00:36:45A bunch of clean-shaven
00:36:46Good-looking celebrities up there
00:36:47To have these guys come out here
00:36:48And support Gillette
00:36:49It's just a fun atmosphere for everyone
00:36:51I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed it
00:36:52You know I would love to get out to a match
00:36:54One of these days
00:36:55I mean I've seen them at some baseball games
00:36:57Down here in Tampa
00:36:58So we gotta try to turn them into a Yankee fan
00:37:00Bronx Bombers aren't exactly my team
00:37:02I don't know
00:37:11Born of evil
00:37:13Made of steel
00:37:15Satan's structure
00:37:17It is
00:37:18The Elimination Chamber
00:37:22Face the place
00:37:23One man will risk everything
00:37:25Against five determined superstars
00:37:28For the first time ever
00:37:30The champ John Cena defends his title
00:37:32Versus the Big Red Monster King
00:37:34The explosive Kofi Kingston
00:37:36The high-flying Ray Mysterio
00:37:38The vicious Mike Knox
00:37:40And the ruthless and cunning Chris Jericho
00:37:43Inside the World Heavyweight Championship
00:37:46Elimination Chamber match
00:37:48There's only one way in
00:37:50But no way out
00:37:54No Way Out
00:37:55Live this Sunday on Pay-Per-View
00:37:59And over 15,000 here in Oakland
00:38:01Live from Monday Night Raw tonight
00:38:02Yeah, look at this
00:38:03Many players from one of the most
00:38:04Starring franchises in the NFL
00:38:06The Oakland Raiders on hand with us tonight
00:38:10Man, he's got a little Bataroi going on there
00:38:12Go hold it out, Jay
00:38:21The following is a six-man tag team contest
00:38:24Given for one fall
00:38:25Introducing first
00:38:27Weighing in at 323 pounds
00:38:31Kane has appeared in the Elimination Chamber matchup
00:38:34Before he should be at home in the Demented Structure
00:38:36Two miles of chain
00:38:38Ten tons of reinforced steel
00:38:42The Elimination Chamber
00:38:53Introducing his tag team partner
00:38:56Weighing in at 293 pounds
00:38:59Mike Knox
00:39:00And in this Elimination Chamber Championship matchup
00:39:02Two men will start the match, Kane
00:39:04Well, you're right, and then the other four
00:39:05Are encased in these pods
00:39:07And at regular intervals
00:39:08They'll be released into the ring
00:39:10Which could lead to all sorts of combinations
00:39:12You could conceivably
00:39:14Fall all six in the ring at once
00:39:22And weighing in at 226 pounds
00:39:25Chris Jericho
00:39:28Jericho has the most experience in Chamber matches
00:39:30This will be his fifth
00:39:32He understands the only way to eliminate your opponents
00:39:35Will be via pinfall or submission
00:39:38And the last man standing
00:39:40Will win the championship
00:39:42In the Elimination Chamber
00:39:44Tonight, Raw is brought to you by
00:39:46Just For Men
00:39:48Stay in the game with Just For Men hair color
00:39:50And by New Line Cinemas
00:39:52Friday the 13th
00:39:54Everywhere this Friday
00:40:24From San Diego, California
00:40:26Weighing in at 175 pounds
00:40:29Rey Mysterio
00:40:32Will Rey Mysterio's high flying ability
00:40:34Help him or hinder him
00:40:36Inside the Elimination Chamber
00:40:38Well, I don't know
00:40:40Anytime you're in that
00:40:42Elimination Chamber championship match
00:40:44With the likes of Monstrous Mike
00:40:46Mike Knox and Kane
00:40:49Of course, Chris Jericho
00:40:51He's gonna have to use everything in his arsenal
00:40:58Introducing his tag team partner
00:41:00Kurt from Jamaica
00:41:02Weighing in at 218 pounds
00:41:05Kofi Kingston
00:41:07Kingston making his first Chamber appearance on Sunday
00:41:09But depending where he enters the matchup
00:41:12Could go a long way in determining
00:41:14The eventual winner
00:41:16The later you enter the match, the better
00:41:18The champion
00:41:30The champion's here
00:41:32From West Missouri, Massachusetts
00:41:34Weighing in at 240 pounds
00:41:36He is the world heavyweight champion
00:41:39John Cena
00:41:42Can you feel the excitement?
00:41:48Huge capacity crowd here today
00:41:50Video here to see the champ
00:41:52John Cena
00:41:56The battle lines have been drawn
00:41:59A huge six man tag team match
00:42:01Which will directly impact
00:42:03The world title elimination chamber match
00:42:05There's no way out
00:42:06The champ, John Cena
00:42:08The champ now, but will he remain the champion
00:42:10After that elimination chamber championship match
00:42:13Six man tag team match
00:42:15And it's live, and it's next
00:42:19Sunday's No Way Out
00:42:22We're back live on Monday Night Raw
00:42:24In the middle of a huge six man tag team matchup
00:42:26That will directly impact Sunday's No Way Out
00:42:29You're right, all of these participants
00:42:32Participants in this tag match
00:42:34Will be in the ring in that elimination chamber championship match
00:42:38They're saluting John Cena as the champ
00:42:40Kofi Kingston working against Kane
00:42:42Kofi Kingston upset Kane a couple of weeks ago
00:42:45But to qualify for the chamber match
00:42:47Yeah, but unlike tonight
00:42:49In that chamber match, it's gonna be every man for himself
00:42:52Tonight it's Kingston and Mysterio and Cena on one team
00:42:55Kane knocks in Jericho on the other
00:42:57And there's the defeatability of Kofi Kingston
00:42:59Yeah, in that chamber match
00:43:01Look at this now
00:43:02Cover, he might have him
00:43:03And Kane just kicked out
00:43:04It'll be Kofi Kingston against Ray Mysterio
00:43:07And against John Cena
00:43:09Only two ways to eliminate opponents inside that chamber
00:43:12Pinfall or submission
00:43:15World title on the line
00:43:17Oh, look out here
00:43:20Kingston will make his first appearance in the chamber
00:43:22Kane has been there before
00:43:25Well, at least we think he will
00:43:27If he survives this match
00:43:29And here is monstrous Mike Knox
00:43:33Who has just been picking apart opponents
00:43:36Here on Monday Night Raw
00:43:38He is skilled
00:43:40Well, the strength is one thing
00:43:42But it's just
00:43:44Unbridled aggression from Mike Knox
00:43:46Mike Knox, what a battle royal to qualify for the Elimination Chamber match
00:43:51Witness week after week of Mike Knox
00:43:53Just making Ray Mysterio's life miserable
00:43:56Every time Ray turned around
00:43:58Mike Knox was there to attack him
00:44:00And then when the opponent...
00:44:02Mike Knox had no explanation
00:44:04Look at this now
00:44:05The world champion John Cena
00:44:07John Cena
00:44:13There's some strength for you
00:44:15Well, Cena better be fired up
00:44:17He's only got one in the sixth opportunity
00:44:19To keep the title Sunday
00:44:22It's gonna be Cena vs. every man in this ring Sunday
00:44:25You can't see me
00:44:26How about some five number shuffle
00:44:30Cena has successfully defended the chamber
00:44:32Look at this
00:44:33Going for the attitude adjustment
00:44:36And Kane with the referee
00:44:37John Cena with the right hand
00:44:39The referee did his best
00:44:40He kept Jericho out of the ring
00:44:42And then
00:44:44Kane was able to
00:44:46Make his way around the referee
00:44:50Save Mike Knox
00:44:51Oh, look at him
00:44:53Mike Knox, 6'6", 293 pounds
00:45:00And this does not look good for John Cena
00:45:05Jericho, man
00:45:07As Kane picks apart Cena
00:45:09The veteran Jericho kept the referee busy
00:45:13Kane just rams Cena's back
00:45:15Into the edge of that ring
00:45:17Just an example of the obstacles
00:45:19Cena's gonna face Sunday inside that chamber
00:45:21John Cena knows how to successfully defend the title
00:45:24Inside the Elimination Chamber
00:45:26He's done it before
00:45:28And just look at what's happening right now
00:45:30Mike Knox against John Cena
00:45:32Kane against John Cena
00:45:33Jericho against John Cena
00:45:35Looks like the year ahead
00:45:36Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston
00:45:38Into the mix
00:45:39They'll also be against John Cena
00:45:40And remember, it's last man standing
00:45:41Cena could be eliminated
00:45:43A lot longer before that last man standing
00:45:45May not even be involved in the end of the matchup
00:45:51Look at the way on the face of Jericho
00:45:54Another statistic that doesn't bode well for the champion
00:45:5760% of the time
00:45:59The championship changes hands
00:46:01Inside the Elimination Chamber
00:46:04And you know, the two men that's gonna start
00:46:06Oh my goodness!
00:46:08Look at Jericho
00:46:10Trying to pin the champion
00:46:12Well, two men are gonna start in that Elimination Chamber match
00:46:15But nobody knows which two it's gonna be
00:46:17The other four men are gonna be encased in these glass pods
00:46:20Inside the chamber
00:46:22They're released at five minute intervals
00:46:24So at any time, you could have
00:46:26From two men up to six men
00:46:28In the ring, inside the chamber
00:46:30Remember, there's no way of getting out of that chamber either
00:46:32There's that big roof on the top
00:46:34Of ten tons of steel surround the ring
00:46:37Yeah, never been in one of those
00:46:39Never wanted to be in one of those
00:46:40Cena, pure strength
00:46:42But Jericho countered
00:46:43Man, Jericho
00:46:45Impressive here today
00:46:46Well, we questioned earlier tonight
00:46:47When he had the altercation with Ric Flair
00:46:49Look at that knee across the top
00:46:50Whether he's going to let the Flair situation
00:46:52Distract him from his quest to be champion again
00:46:54Doesn't look like that's the case, does it?
00:46:56No, it's not
00:46:58Doesn't look like that's the case, does it?
00:47:00Well, I don't know
00:47:01We saw him still feeling the effects
00:47:03From the punch that the Extra Boy landed on
00:47:05Jericho's chin earlier
00:47:07You are watching cable television's hottest show
00:47:10As Kane goes into the cover
00:47:11This is Monday night, we're all live in Oakland
00:47:13Already tonight, we talked about the Flair
00:47:16And Chris Jericho confrontation
00:47:18Ric Flair knocking Jericho down with the right hand
00:47:21Jericho will back out here right now
00:47:23Full of himself
00:47:24Taking it to John Cena
00:47:26Along with his teammate Kane
00:47:27And Mike Knox
00:47:28Also tonight, a very confident Randy Orton
00:47:30Saying that he's going to take out Shane McMahon
00:47:33In the No Holds Barred match Sunday
00:47:35At No Way Out
00:47:36And he's going to take out The Undertaker
00:47:38Later on tonight
00:47:39Yeah, well, that's some big words
00:47:41Undertaker and Orton here tonight
00:47:43Live on Raw
00:47:44And what about the fact
00:47:45JBL's got O'Shawn Michaels in a warm-up match
00:47:48Against the World's Strongest Man later on
00:47:50But look at this now
00:47:51Here comes the champ
00:47:53And Kane with a side slam to Cena
00:47:57And Kane, cover
00:47:59Hooks the leg, can Cena
00:48:01And he does
00:48:02Oh, Cena taking just a lot of punishment in there
00:48:05The world champion can ill afford any type of injury
00:48:08Head into the chamber match
00:48:11You know, sometimes I wonder
00:48:13I look at Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio
00:48:15Standing over there
00:48:16You think maybe his partners might be
00:48:17Oh, look at Kane
00:48:18He's troubled
00:48:19That's it
00:48:20The attitude adjustment
00:48:21But can Cena take advantage
00:48:26I was wondering if maybe Kofi and Rey
00:48:28Were just letting Cena take this abuse
00:48:30Where Cena would be not 100%
00:48:32For that Elimination Championship Chamber Match
00:48:36It seems they want a tag
00:48:38Cena trying to drag himself
00:48:41To the corner
00:48:44Kane made his tag
00:48:45On the other side of the ring
00:48:46To Jericho
00:48:47And here comes Rey Mysterio
00:48:49A former world champion in his own right
00:48:53Look at this
00:48:55The scintillating Mysterio
00:49:01Mysterio beat William Regal to
00:49:03Qualify for the Elimination Chamber
00:49:06And Rey Mysterio
00:49:07All over Jericho
00:49:08Jericho can't find an answer for it
00:49:10Look at this now
00:49:12Mysterio into the corner
00:49:13Will he win this matchup?
00:49:15And it's the monstrous Mike Knox
00:49:18Saving the match for his team
00:49:20And again targeting Mysterio
00:49:24Rey right back on Mike Knox
00:49:26But this Mike Knox is so strong
00:49:31But maybe not so smart
00:49:32And it allowed Jericho the advantage
00:49:35And distraction
00:49:37For a moment
00:49:40Jericho face first into that
00:49:42Little turnbuckle
00:49:44What's this now?
00:49:49Oh, did you see that?
00:49:50With Godry!
00:49:51What an arm!
00:49:54Mysterio's spine
00:49:55Cracking against the apron
00:50:01And Kofi's got Jericho off balance
00:50:04And Jericho
00:50:05With a Codebreaker!
00:50:07Right midair he caught Kofi
00:50:08With a Codebreaker!
00:50:09And Chris Jericho
00:50:10Into the cover!
00:50:12Talk about building momentum
00:50:14Toward the Elimination
00:50:15Championship Chamber match
00:50:17Here are your winners
00:50:18Kane, Mike Knox
00:50:20And Chris Jericho
00:50:22But on Sunday
00:50:23We will have
00:50:24Four more pinfalls
00:50:26Or submissions
00:50:27To determine the champion
00:50:29Boy, I'm gonna tell you something
00:50:31Jericho was really
00:50:33Impressive here tonight
00:50:35And look
00:50:36His two teammates
00:50:37Don't look all that happy
00:50:38With the victory
00:50:39But you know what?
00:50:40Like we said
00:50:41It's every man for himself
00:50:42This Sunday
00:50:43A not-so-subtle reminder
00:50:46That this Sunday
00:50:47When six men are locked inside
00:50:49The Elimination Chamber
00:50:51It's not about friendship
00:50:53It's about the World
00:50:54Heavyweight Championship
00:50:59Let's check this out
00:51:01A little bit earlier
00:51:02Rey Mysterio really rolling
00:51:04But he got caught right here
00:51:06Watch this!
00:51:07Oh, man!
00:51:10I think that was the turning point
00:51:11Of the match there
00:51:12But how impressive
00:51:13Is Jericho here?
00:51:15The Codebreaker in midair!
00:51:19I don't think I've ever seen
00:51:20Anything like that before
00:51:23Jericho obviously focused
00:51:25And ready
00:51:27He wants to reclaim
00:51:28What he claims is his
00:51:29World Heavyweight Championship
00:51:32Inside the Elimination Chamber
00:51:34With five other men
00:51:35Including the World Champion
00:51:37John Cena
00:51:38Standing his way
00:51:40What a match!
00:51:45Yes, but
00:51:50Well, I didn't
00:51:54Look, I know what I'm doing
00:51:58Provoke him
00:52:00I'm not provoking Randy Orton
00:52:01By showing up
00:52:02And being the general manager
00:52:03Of RAW
00:52:09Look, I heard what Randy
00:52:10Had to say earlier
00:52:11And I don't trust Randy Orton
00:52:14If Orton comes back here at all
00:52:15Security is not far away
00:52:20I know
00:52:22Look, I promise you
00:52:23I will be careful
00:52:25I can handle myself
00:52:33Look, we've got a lot
00:52:34Going on this weekend
00:52:35All of us do
00:52:42You too
00:52:49This Sunday
00:52:50It's all or nothing
00:52:51For Shawn Michaels
00:52:52Beat JBL
00:52:53And he's released
00:52:54From JBL's contract
00:52:55And insures financial security
00:52:56For his family
00:52:57Yeah, but losing
00:52:58Michaels' name and likeness
00:52:59Becomes the property
00:53:00Of JBL
00:53:21Versus me
00:53:22At No Way Out
00:53:23Winner take all
00:53:25If you beat me
00:53:26At No Way Out
00:53:27I will pay you
00:53:28Everything I owe you
00:53:31But if I win
00:53:32I own the Heartbreak Kid
00:53:34I own Shawn Michaels
00:53:35And you work for me
00:53:37For the rest
00:53:39Of your life
00:53:42I accept
00:53:44You're a broken down old man
00:53:46And there's no way
00:53:47Right now
00:53:48That you can beat
00:53:49The Wrestling God
00:53:51You should have just
00:53:52Got fired
00:54:02Shawn Michaels
00:54:04Is walking away
00:54:05From a fight
00:54:07And he's also
00:54:08Headed home
00:54:18I think I'm keen
00:54:20I know I'm sexy
00:54:22I've got the looks
00:54:24And the drive
00:54:26While I've got the weed
00:54:28That'll make me cool
00:54:30I said shoot
00:54:38This contest is scheduled
00:54:39For one fall
00:54:40Making his way to the ring
00:54:42From San Antonio, Texas
00:54:44The Heartbreak Kid
00:54:46Shawn Michaels
00:54:48And king of the competition
00:54:49We saw from last week
00:54:50If Shawn Michaels
00:54:51Had struck back at JBL
00:54:53The match would have been off
00:54:54For this coming Sunday
00:54:55At No Way Out
00:54:56That was one of the conditions
00:54:57Of the deal
00:54:58Right, it just
00:54:59It just gets worse and worse
00:55:01You wouldn't want to be
00:55:02In Shawn Michaels' shoes
00:55:03First of all
00:55:04Having to work for JBL
00:55:05And now having to face
00:55:06The world's strongest man
00:55:10WWE No Way Out
00:55:11Presented by AT&T
00:55:13Plays superstar entrance
00:55:14Trivia powered by AT&T
00:55:15On m.wwe.com
00:55:18No Way Out is live
00:55:19From the Key Arena
00:55:20In Seattle, Washington
00:55:21This Sunday
00:55:22Exclusively on Pay-Per-View
00:55:26And this Sunday indeed
00:55:27The match of Shawn Michaels' life
00:55:32And representing ACW
00:55:33From Philby, Texas
00:55:35Weighing in at 392 pounds
00:55:38He is the world's strongest man
00:55:42The world's strongest man
00:55:44Mark Henry
00:56:00Make no mistake about it
00:56:02This is not a tune-up match
00:56:04By any stretch of the imagination
00:56:06Mark Henry is the world's strongest man
00:56:09He weighs nearly 400 pounds
00:56:11He's a former ECW champion
00:56:15So you're saying
00:56:16You think JBL came up with this match
00:56:18To punish his employee?
00:56:20Mark Henry's a hired gun
00:56:25And not just punish his employee
00:56:27Weaken him
00:56:28With that match on Sunday
00:56:30Because remember what's at stake
00:56:31In this match, King
00:56:32If Shawn Michaels wins
00:56:34He gets financial freedom
00:56:36Plus freedom from that man
00:56:38JBL no longer has to work for him
00:56:40No longer has to work for him
00:56:41But what if Shawn loses?
00:56:42Well, if he loses
00:56:43That man, JBL
00:56:44Owns Shawn Michaels
00:56:46I mean, he owns his name
00:56:47His likeness
00:56:48For perpetuity
00:56:50You know, that means forever and ever
00:56:58You might have expected JBL to
00:57:02Join us here
00:57:03And so Shawn Michaels
00:57:05Not wasting any time
00:57:07To go after Mark Henry
00:57:09This match has not officially started
00:57:19And Shawn Michaels now
00:57:20The match underway
00:57:21And just going right at Mark Henry
00:57:25The emotion that must be
00:57:26Running through the veins
00:57:27Of Shawn Michaels
00:57:33I started to say
00:57:34I don't know if I agree
00:57:35With the strategy here
00:57:37Of Shawn Michaels
00:57:39It's infuriated Mark Henry
00:57:41The way Mark Henry
00:57:42Has made the first mistake of the match
00:57:44Shawn all over him
00:57:47I mean, you gotta ask the question
00:57:48If Shawn is trying to send a message
00:57:50To JBL
00:57:51No, no, wait, not on the floor
00:57:53And Shawn using his quickness
00:57:55As Henry on the steel post
00:57:58And Shawn Michaels is just
00:58:00A bundle of nervous
00:58:04What is this?
00:58:05Get over here
00:58:07Henry's trainer
00:58:08Tony Adams up on the ring
00:58:09And the referee
00:58:10Shawn, what are you
00:58:11Here we go, here we go
00:58:12Hey, Shawn
00:58:14Boom, six hit music
00:58:15Off the steel chair
00:58:16Off the skull
00:58:19Wait a minute, I think that's
00:58:20I think that just got
00:58:21Shawn disqualified
00:58:22Ladies and gentlemen
00:58:23Here is your winner
00:58:24As a result of a disqualification
00:58:36Must feel good
00:58:37To get out all that
00:58:38Aggression, Shawn
00:58:40I hope that next Sunday night
00:58:41You don't go over the top like that
00:58:43Because you have to understand that
00:58:45You get disqualified
00:58:47You get counted out
00:58:49Or you just don't adhere to the
00:58:51Referee's rules
00:58:54You win
00:59:04Then you lose
00:59:07It's that simple
00:59:10And when I beat you
00:59:13The name Heartbreak Kid
00:59:15Will forever be synonymous
00:59:17With JBL Enterprises
00:59:19And Layfield Energy and
00:59:25What Mickey Mouse
00:59:30Is to Disney
00:59:34You will be to me
00:59:36I will put your name and likeness
00:59:38On everything that I own
00:59:55I didn't dismiss you
00:59:59But since every decision you make
01:00:01Has your family's best interest
01:00:03At stake
01:00:04How about this
01:00:05How about you bring somebody with you
01:00:07To No Way Out this Sunday
01:00:08How about you bring
01:00:13How about you bring your wife
01:00:21Because I want your wife to witness
01:00:23First hand
01:00:24What a broken
01:00:30Old man
01:00:32Her husband
01:00:34Has become
01:00:36And I want to look at your wife
01:00:38When she comes to the realization
01:00:40That you
01:00:42Have gambled and lost
01:00:44The one and only
01:00:46Opportunity to keep the vaunted
01:00:48Michael's respect
01:00:54You will be the loser
01:00:58And I will do what I've always done
01:01:00My entire life
01:01:05I will win
01:01:24And Sean
01:01:31Speaking of your wife
01:01:34I really think that in my office
01:01:36There's always going to be a place
01:01:38For such a beautiful
01:01:40And talented lady
01:01:54Sean is seething
01:02:05Well ladies and gentlemen
01:02:07Tonight on Monday Night Raw
01:02:08A huge main event
01:02:10A rare Raw appearance
01:02:12By the legendary Undertaker
01:02:14The Phenom has his focus
01:02:16On the Viper
01:02:17Randy Orton
01:02:18Tonight live
01:02:19On Monday Night Raw
01:02:20And that is not all
01:02:21How about the Intercontinental Championship
01:02:23At stake
01:02:24That's right
01:02:25Intercontinental Championship match
01:02:26CM Punk the champion
01:02:28Puts it on the line
01:02:29Against William Regal
01:02:31And that match
01:02:32Is next
01:02:37Randy Orton has earned
01:02:39The title of legend killer
01:02:42Oh no!
01:02:43Can you believe it?
01:02:44But the explosive aggression
01:02:46That took him to the top
01:02:47May have just pushed him
01:02:49Over the edge
01:02:52I'm going to sacrifice my body
01:02:54And I'm going to ensure
01:02:55That you are unable
01:02:56To compete
01:02:57At WrestleMania
01:02:59As a son avenges his father
01:03:01There'll be
01:03:02No rules
01:03:04No restraints
01:03:05No holds barred
01:03:07I can do whatever I want to do to you
01:03:10Without any consequences
01:03:13Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon
01:03:15In a no holds barred match
01:03:17WWE No Way Out
01:03:19Live this Sunday on Pay-Per-View
01:03:21Go to www.wwe.com
01:03:23To find out how you can order
01:03:24WWE No Way Out
01:03:26Right now
01:03:31This next contest is scheduled for one fall
01:03:33And it is for the
01:03:35Intercontinental Championship
01:03:39Introducing first
01:03:41From Chicago, Illinois
01:03:43Weighing in at 222 pounds
01:03:46He is the
01:03:47Intercontinental Champion
01:03:49CM Punk!
01:03:52Been an incredible 12 months
01:03:54For CM Punk
01:03:56ECW Champion
01:03:58He won Money in the Bank
01:03:59At WrestleMania
01:04:00Won the World Championship
01:04:02The World Heavyweight Championship
01:04:05The World Tag Team Titles
01:04:07And now the Intercontinental Champion
01:04:09What about that man
01:04:12Sitting right behind us here
01:04:14What about a 160 million dollar contract
01:04:16With the Yankees
01:04:17That was a great move
01:04:18By your team
01:04:19Your former team
01:04:20The Indians
01:04:21Then I had to get
01:04:22Free tickets here tonight
01:04:23What about that?
01:04:25It's good to be the king
01:04:31Introducing the challenger
01:04:33From Blackpool, England
01:04:35Weighing in at 240 pounds
01:04:37He is
01:04:38William Regal!
01:04:40We just saw moments ago
01:04:41This man, William Regal
01:04:42The former champion
01:04:43He's gonna do whatever he needs to do
01:04:45To try to win back that title
01:04:46Does he ever smile?
01:04:48I don't believe so
01:04:49He may smile tonight
01:04:50If he wins the championship
01:04:54Regal pinned CM Punk last week
01:04:56In the mixed tag team matchup
01:04:58He was eliminated
01:05:00From the Royal Rumble matchup
01:05:02By CM Punk
01:05:05If I was accompanied by Layla 24-7
01:05:08I'd have my smile surgically removed
01:05:11What does Layla see in Regal?
01:05:13I'm trying to figure out
01:05:15So it's about the prestigious
01:05:17Intercontinental title
01:05:20Regal, the former champion
01:05:22Lost the title in CM Punk's hometown of Chicago
01:05:25To Punk about three weeks ago
01:05:27Regal originally won
01:05:29Oh man, that shot right to the rib
01:05:31Was that to the rib cage early on?
01:05:33Look at this!
01:05:34Look at the cover of the champion
01:05:36I believe it was to the temple cage
01:05:38Oh, he's hurt
01:05:39The same side of the skull that Regal
01:05:41Knee punked in last week
01:05:43To win the championship
01:05:46Man, that first shot
01:05:48Is hurt Punk
01:05:50Punk a survivor
01:05:52He learned a lot about CM Punk
01:05:54For his world championship
01:05:56For his world championship reign last year
01:05:59Let's take one more look
01:06:00To see if this is where Regal days Punk
01:06:02Oh yes, you're right
01:06:03Left knee right to the temple
01:06:06CM Punk can use his legs
01:06:08As well as his arms as well
01:06:09CM Punk returning the favor
01:06:11A big boot to the forehead of Regal
01:06:14Oh, look at this!
01:06:15CM Punk!
01:06:16Going for the go to sleep
01:06:18Regal trying to battle out with all he can
01:06:21And that last shot to the skull
01:06:24Look at the viciousness from Regal
01:06:26Again, cover of the champion
01:06:29Regal got a victory that way
01:06:31Oh man
01:06:33Uh, you were saying?
01:06:34Uh, what was that?
01:06:36He said Regal got a victory that way last week
01:06:38And look at this hold by Regal now
01:06:40He's got
01:06:41And this
01:06:42The neck of CM Punk
01:06:47Punk's face turning blood red here
01:06:50CM Punk submits
01:06:52He would relinquish
01:06:53The Intercontinental Championship to Regal
01:06:57Regal, no nonsense
01:06:59And Regal looking Punk up over the top
01:07:03A kick butt
01:07:04That's a unique way to
01:07:06Escape from what looked like
01:07:07There's gonna be a sunset flip there
01:07:08Well, Regal had a game plan
01:07:10Focus on the skull
01:07:11He's done it since the beginning of the match
01:07:14Regal is just relentless
01:07:15Again, a cover of the champion
01:07:17Will Regal win the title?
01:07:18Kick out at two and a half
01:07:20Almost a look of surprise
01:07:22On Regal's face
01:07:23That Punk has been hanging in there
01:07:25Well, I mean
01:07:26I think Regal
01:07:27Oh, an exploder
01:07:28Has come out with this onslaught
01:07:32Quite frankly, I'm surprised that
01:07:34That CM Punk has been able to hang on
01:07:36Watch this headbutt
01:07:37This is a
01:07:38He said, oh
01:07:39Very effective way to
01:07:41Stop that sunset flip
01:07:43Punk prides himself on self-discipline
01:07:46Oh, wait a minute
01:07:47He's going to need a break
01:07:48Oh, wait a minute
01:07:49He's going to need to dig down deep
01:07:51Regal is kind of measuring
01:07:52Punk off for another one of those knees
01:07:54Like we saw last week
01:07:55And if he connects this bad
01:07:56To the overman CM Punk
01:07:57Saw it coming
01:08:00And Regal's stunned
01:08:02Look at Punk
01:08:03Took that knee pad down
01:08:04As he sets Regal up
01:08:05For the go to
01:08:06Sling to the skull
01:08:11Punk retains the Intercontinental title
01:08:13Intercontinental title
01:08:16Here is your winner
01:08:17And still the Intercontinental champion
01:08:21CM Punk
01:08:23Boy, in a championship match
01:08:24That was about 90% William Regal
01:08:27CM Punk, I think, lucky
01:08:29In a way to pull this one out
01:08:32But that's been CM Punk's MO
01:08:34Somehow he survives
01:08:39Well, ladies and gentlemen
01:08:40As we celebrate the 25th anniversary
01:08:43Of Wrestlemania
01:08:44We also celebrate the greatest streak in history
01:08:48And the legendary phenom
01:08:51The Undertaker
01:08:53At Wrestlemania 13
01:09:00The 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania
01:09:03Celebrating 25 years of historic Wrestlemania moments
01:09:08Welcome everyone
01:09:09To Wrestlemania 13
01:09:12In Chicago
01:09:14The city of broad shoulders
01:09:16Aptly hosted one of the toughest Wrestlemanias in history
01:09:20This is brutal
01:09:21A vicious fight
01:09:23A Chicago street fight
01:09:25The team was anything but unlucky
01:09:27For the future of the WWE
01:09:30As a plethora of young superstars
01:09:32Were about to break loose
01:09:34This is Rocky Maivia's first Wrestlemania event
01:09:37Rocky Maivia reigning Intercontinental champion
01:09:39Who was named by you the fans
01:09:41To be the new sensation of the year
01:09:44The future people's champ
01:09:46Gave a glimpse of the electrifying presence
01:09:49That would one day dazzle the squared circle
01:09:52Later that night
01:09:54A grueling submission match
01:09:56Solidified a Hall of Fame resume
01:09:58Oh, hell is breaking loose here
01:10:00Between Austin and The Hitman
01:10:02This is a war at Wrestlemania
01:10:04But the sweat and blood a rattlesnake spilled
01:10:07Marked the beginning of a whole new attitude
01:10:1118,000 fans chanting Austin, Austin
01:10:14That's a testament of that man's guts
01:10:16And the admiration these fans have gained
01:10:18For this man here tonight
01:10:20In the main event
01:10:2213 brought good fortune to the man from the dark side
01:10:26The end may be near
01:10:31One, two
01:10:33He did it!
01:10:35This capacity crowd has come to Wrestlemania 13
01:10:39And witnessed The Undertaker
01:10:41Taking his rightful place as champion
01:10:44For The Undertaker
01:10:46It was his first championship won at Wrestlemania
01:10:49And his sixth straight Wrestlemania victory
01:10:52A streak that continues to today
01:10:56The dark days have begun
01:11:06And that same legendary phenom
01:11:09The Undertaker is with us live here tonight on RAW
01:11:13He's going one-on-one with Randy Orton
01:11:23Well, there you hear it
01:11:25It's hung unanimous by saliva
01:11:28And it's the official No Way Out theme song
01:11:30We want to say thank you to saliva
01:11:32You know they're from my hometown of Memphis
01:11:34They are, yes they are
01:11:36Take out your cameras and get a good shot of the nature boy for the last time
01:11:41Or at least until he decides to come back again
01:11:44Come on, Rick, strut back and forth like a puppet
01:11:47Come on, do your woo, woo
01:11:49Do all your tricks like a good dog
01:11:52Pander to these parasites, to these hypocrites
01:11:55Come on, Flair
01:11:56Every picture they take of you
01:11:58Is one more reminder of how low you have gotten
01:12:01How much you have fallen
01:12:03And the worst thing is, Flair
01:12:05Is that you don't have anybody else to blame for this
01:12:08But yourself
01:12:14You know it's true
01:12:18Flair planted a big right hand
01:12:20The legendary right hand
01:12:22From the nature boy, Rick Flair
01:12:24Right on the kisser of Chris Jericho
01:12:26Chris Jericho showing lack of respect
01:12:29But Chris Jericho now must turn his attention to Sunday
01:12:32At No Way Out
01:12:34In the World Championship Elimination Chamber matchup
01:12:37The world champion is John Cena
01:12:39He is in serious trouble Sunday
01:12:41Because he has only a one in six chance of winning
01:12:44There will be five falls in this matchup
01:12:47It is every man for himself
01:12:49At No Way Out
01:12:50And that's not all
01:12:51The WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match
01:12:54Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Undertaker, Edge
01:12:56Big Show and Vladimir Kozlov
01:12:58Edge defends the title
01:12:59The odds are not in his favor
01:13:00Sixty percent of the time
01:13:02The championship is changed hands
01:13:04Inside the Elimination Chamber
01:13:06And in this battle
01:13:07All or nothing match
01:13:09Shawn Michaels
01:13:10The employee versus the employer
01:13:13An HBK win means he is free of JBL forever
01:13:17A loss in his name and likeness
01:13:19Property of JBL for life
01:13:24And tonight Monday Night Raw is live in the
01:13:27California North Coast
01:13:29There's Lombard
01:13:30The world's crookedest street
01:13:31As we look across from San Francisco to Oakland
01:13:34And we take you back to last week on Raw
01:13:36And the situation between Randy Orton and The McMahon
01:13:41I just want you to be careful
01:13:43I mean Sunday is a really big night
01:13:45And you know it's no holds barred
01:13:48Ow! Ow!
01:14:01Come on Randy!
01:14:04I want some payback
01:14:06I'm gonna sacrifice my body
01:14:08I'm gonna ensure that you are unable to compete
01:14:12At WrestleMania
01:14:18We're firing you
01:14:21Would be too easy
01:14:25We've got bigger plans
01:14:35Randy get back, get back, get back
01:14:37Come on, you gotta get back
01:14:38Get back, get back, get up
01:14:39Shane, Shane are you okay?
01:14:42Well there he is, Randy Orton
01:14:45He's on his way out to the ring
01:14:47To face The Phenom
01:14:50The Undertaker
01:14:52Live here next
01:15:11Monday Night Raw
01:15:31We are back live on the longest running
01:15:33Weekly episodic television show in history
01:15:36This is Monday Night Raw
01:15:42This contest is scheduled for one fall
01:15:44Making his way to the ring
01:15:46From St. Louis, Missouri
01:15:48Weighing in at 245 pounds
01:15:51Randy Orton!
01:15:54A very confident Randy Orton
01:15:56Earlier tonight
01:15:57Claims that he will beat The Undertaker tonight
01:16:00And that he will beat Shane McMahon Sunday
01:16:03In the no holds barred match
01:16:05At No Way Out
01:16:08Well, if Orton is scared or nervous
01:16:11Uh oh
01:16:12Stephanie, Stephanie McMahon
01:16:16Watching the entrance there of Randy Orton
01:16:19And you know Orton said earlier
01:16:21That Stephanie was intimidated
01:16:23Is that what he said?
01:16:24Yeah and he claims that he was never going to
01:16:26Punch Stephanie McMahon last week
01:16:29That he wanted to show Shane McMahon
01:16:31What could have happened
01:16:33Yeah and I got some
01:16:37Small plan I'd like to say too
01:16:39I mean, you know what
01:16:41I don't believe that part but
01:16:43You know Stephanie may be intimidated
01:16:45She hasn't confronted Randy Orton here tonight
01:16:51Orton says he wants Stephanie to be around
01:16:53When he takes out another family member
01:16:56Meaning Shane, Stephanie's brother on Sunday
01:16:59Orton has already taken out Stephanie's father
01:17:02The chairman of his company, Mr. McMahon
01:17:05He's shocked at how cool, calm and collected
01:17:07Orton looks
01:17:08Knowing that he's about to face
01:17:10The Undertaker
01:17:35The Undertaker
01:17:44You're about to witness something extraordinary
01:17:48That bell tolling means only one thing
01:17:51The Phenom!
01:17:52There he is!
01:17:54And from Death Valley
01:17:56Weighing in at 299 pounds
01:18:00The Undertaker!
01:18:05The Undertaker!
01:18:26I don't know
01:18:29Now Randy Orton is just standing there
01:18:33The mere appearance of The Undertaker
01:18:35Chills up and down your spine
01:18:38Especially if you're his opponent
01:18:49You know what I think
01:18:52I sincerely believe that as cool and confident
01:18:55As Orton looks on the outside
01:18:58I think inside he's quivering like a bowl of jello
01:19:02Randy Orton knows what The Undertaker is all about
01:19:06The two men engaged in a rich rivalry
01:19:10A number of years ago
01:19:24Undertaker here on RAW
01:19:28This capacity crowd is ready for this match
01:19:47So here we go
01:19:49A rare appearance on Monday Night RAW
01:19:52For the legendary, The Phenom, The Undertaker
01:19:55As he goes one-on-one with Randy Orton
01:20:03Randy Orton going to waste little time
01:20:05He would love to put The Undertaker away early
01:20:09Nobody puts The Undertaker away early
01:20:11And that's why
01:20:13The power and physical prowess of The Phenom
01:20:16The Phenom
01:20:22Undertaker setting his sights on the WWE Championship
01:20:26Sunday inside of Elimination Chamber at No Way Out
01:20:34Randy Orton
01:20:36Going to use those same tactics
01:20:38In his No Holds Barred match Sunday
01:20:41As merciless as Randy Orton is
01:20:45The Undertaker is the same way
01:20:49The Undertaker is relentless
01:20:51He will dish out a savage beating
01:20:53And not think twice about it
01:20:55Just like he did to Edge in the Big Show
01:20:57This past Friday Night on SmackDown
01:21:00An Undertaker team with Triple H
01:21:02Tonight his focus is Randy Orton
01:21:04And Orton has nothing to do with the Deadman
01:21:07You're right, Randy Orton didn't want to run into The Undertaker's huge right hand
01:21:11But instead
01:21:12No choice
01:21:15Undertaker, is Randy Orton really
01:21:17Can The Phenom continue to dominate
01:21:20Live on Raw
01:21:24A much different scene here on Monday Night Raw
01:21:26Than when we left you
01:21:27It's now Randy Orton in control of The Undertaker
01:21:29For a moment, but shoulders are down
01:21:31Let's show you how Randy Orton took control of The Phenom
01:21:34Yeah, absolutely devastating
01:21:36Listen to this impact
01:21:40DDT on the second rope
01:21:43Driving The Undertaker
01:21:46Into the mat
01:21:47Randy Orton is so dangerous
01:21:50The Viper
01:21:51Can you imagine what he will be able to do
01:21:53With really no rules Sunday
01:21:55And no holds barred match
01:21:58Quite frankly
01:22:00I don't know if surprised is the word
01:22:02But I'm impressed with the showing
01:22:04That Randy Orton is
01:22:06Having here tonight against The Phenom
01:22:08The Undertaker looking to become WWE Champion Sunday
01:22:11Inside the Elimination Chamber
01:22:13For Friday Night Smackdown
01:22:15Looking to turn the tables
01:22:17On Orton
01:22:18Big right hand from The Undertaker
01:22:20Goes at Orton
01:22:21Out of his feet from out of nowhere
01:22:24As you said Michael
01:22:25Orton is so dangerous
01:22:27So you think you got him hurt or down
01:22:30The Undertaker in trouble
01:22:31Can Orton pin The Undertaker
01:22:33And remember the ominous words from earlier tonight
01:22:37The Undertaker couldn't stop me at the Royal Rumble
01:22:39Orton said
01:22:41And if he can't beat me tonight
01:22:43What kind of chance does Shane McMahon have Sunday
01:22:54There's a ton of rage and passion built up in Shane McMahon
01:22:59Everything that's
01:23:00Happened to Shane's family
01:23:03There's also this rage and this passion
01:23:05That's built up in Randy Orton
01:23:07This huge chip on his shoulder
01:23:09Remember this all began
01:23:11When he was threatened to be fired
01:23:13For insubordination by Mr. McMahon
01:23:15And then he had the audacity to kick
01:23:17The chairman of his company in his head
01:23:21This match
01:23:22Huge implications on this Sunday
01:23:24I mean like you said
01:23:26If Randy Orton wins here
01:23:27What a roll that puts him on going into no way out there
01:23:30If The Undertaker loses
01:23:32You know what does that do to his chances
01:23:34In the
01:23:36Oh and the power
01:23:39In the WWE title
01:23:40Elimination chamber match
01:23:42Undertaker is going to be locked inside that chamber
01:23:44With Triple H
01:23:47Vladimir Kozlov
01:23:49The Big Show
01:23:51And Jeff Hardy
01:24:01Beginning to build momentum
01:24:02And I don't know if you can tell Randy Orton
01:24:04You do not want to trade
01:24:05Big right hand with The Undertaker
01:24:10Maybe you do
01:24:12Impressive standing toe to toe for the moment
01:24:25And he can feel the momentum shift somewhere
01:24:27It's really now
01:24:35Snake eyes
01:24:36And this is vintage Undertaker
01:24:40And Undertaker
01:24:41Looks to put away Randy Orton here live on Monday Night Raw
01:24:45With a big leg drop
01:24:46Here's the cover
01:24:47And Randy Orton kicked out at two somehow
01:24:56Over 15,000 on their feet in Oakland
01:24:59As Undertaker
01:25:01Measuring Orton
01:25:03Things are not looking good for Orton now
01:25:08He's going for the chokeslam
01:25:10Into the RKO
01:25:13Stomping Orton in midair
01:25:17And Randy Orton
01:25:19The intrepid ear
01:25:21Wait a minute
01:25:22It's legacy
01:25:23Rose and Ibiasi
01:25:26Perhaps saving Orton from a tombstone
01:25:31Three on one assault
01:25:33And this is what Orton's all about right here
01:25:38Picking apart the legendary Undertaker
01:25:45We saw Orton couldn't do it on his own
01:25:48So Rose and Ibiasi
01:25:50Show up for this three on one beatdown
01:25:54Look at Orton now just measuring The Undertaker
01:25:56Shots right to the face
01:26:05A vicious attack
01:26:11Oh no
01:26:12Oh wait a minute
01:26:17There's that snake-like fight for Orton
01:26:21Coil is set and coiled for that RKO
01:26:25Shane McMahon!
01:26:26Shane McMahon!
01:26:27Shane is here!
01:26:28What a way for Orton!
01:26:30There goes Rose!
01:26:32On the chokeslam!
01:26:34And Shane and Ibiasi
01:26:35And the emotion pouring out of Shane
01:26:39The Undertaker has Ibiasi out!
01:26:48Orton can hardly believe his eyes
01:26:56What is Shane doing?
01:26:59Oh Shane McMahon said he's gonna sacrifice
01:27:01Every part of his body
01:27:12Shane McMahon
01:27:16Look at Orton pacing back and forth like a
01:27:18Like a caged animal
01:27:19Look at Shane!
01:27:21Oh you're kidding me
01:27:22Shane to the top rope!
01:27:23He's not gonna do this!
01:27:25Shane's not gonna do this!
01:27:32A message to Orton!
01:27:34Watch this Orton!
01:27:36Here comes the cut!
01:27:45Orton in disbelief!
01:27:48Shane sacrificing his body!
01:27:52A completely destroyed Ted Ibiasi in the process
01:27:57And that may be in your future Randy Orton!
01:28:01Because it's no holds barred!
01:28:03Shane just told Orton
01:28:05It's me and you
01:28:06In this emotionally driven matchup!
01:28:27Randy Orton on Sunday will look to keep
01:28:30Establishing his legacy!
01:28:34Right now Shane McMahon inviting Randy Orton
01:28:37Back into the ring right here tonight
01:28:39And Orton wants no part of it!
01:28:43But also on Sunday Shane McMahon will be
01:28:46Fighting for his family
01:28:49And the McMahon legacy!
01:28:57Oh I'm gonna tell you this
01:28:59This is gonna be a match I don't wanna miss!
01:29:02Watch this!
01:29:03Randy Orton!
01:29:04Had the Undertaker measure!
01:29:06Just waiting for the RKO
01:29:07And then Shane McMahon from out of nowhere!
01:29:10All over Orton!
01:29:13Undertaker laying waste to Cody Rhodes!
01:29:16And then!
01:29:18Look at this bygones!
01:29:19Orton launches on!
01:29:22Oh sickos!
01:29:23Driven by emotion!
01:29:26Watch this!
01:29:28And passion!
01:29:30We've seen Kane!
01:29:31And this is just an example
01:29:33Of what Shane McMahon is capable of!
01:29:38But when it comes to the McMahon family
01:29:40What is Shane capable of?
01:29:42Well Shane said he would sacrifice his body
01:29:45He may be doing it this Sunday
01:29:56The best never
