• last month


00:00:00For 17 years, it has been a cornerstone of the WWE.
00:00:26A one-of-a-kind event.
00:00:29Unchanged, yet unpredictable.
00:00:35It has delivered some of the most memorable moments in wrestling history.
00:00:43And so tonight, the legacy continues.
00:00:50And now, RAW and SmackDown present WWE Royal Rumble.
00:01:00Welcome to the 18th annual Royal Rumble!
00:01:04Michael Cole and Terry Crews!
00:01:07Welcome to the 18th annual Royal Rumble!
00:01:10Welcome to the 18th annual Royal Rumble!
00:01:13Welcome to the 18th annual Royal Rumble!
00:01:16Welcome to the 18th annual Royal Rumble!
00:01:19Welcome to the 18th annual Royal Rumble!
00:01:22Welcome to the 18th annual Royal Rumble!
00:01:25Welcome to the 18th annual Royal Rumble!
00:01:28Michael Cole and Taz at ringside tonight.
00:01:31And, Taz, tonight, someone will realize a lifelong goal of headlining WrestleMania.
00:01:38No bigger opportunity in the world, Cole.
00:01:41Hey, watch this place! It's electric!
00:01:43Let's listen to this.
00:01:44And check it out. Our Spanish colleagues sit right next to us.
00:01:47Hugo Savinovich, Carlos Cabrera. Hello, guys.
00:01:49Thank you, Michael Cole. Thank you to all of our friends.
00:01:52This is a moment you don't see anywhere else.
00:01:54Only once a year, Royal Rumble.
00:01:57The Royal Rumble.
00:01:59The people are ready.
00:02:01Jerry, the King, over.
00:02:02And the one-up goes to James Ross.
00:02:05Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you very much, King.
00:02:07I'll tell you what, this is electrifying atmosphere.
00:02:09This is the night. We are started.
00:02:11We are on our way to WrestleMania.
00:02:13It begins here, now.
00:02:14Boy, you're right. This is not the West Side Story.
00:02:16It's the West Coast Rumble.
00:02:17You talk about tough neighborhood.
00:02:19You see it in the background.
00:02:21We're ready for some tough going tonight.
00:02:25Let's get it.
00:02:26Here he is, Taylor.
00:02:28Here he is.
00:02:31I'm just coming over here.
00:02:34There he is.
00:02:38The Humbling Contestants make it a four-one call.
00:02:41Introducing first, from Toronto, Canada, weighing 242 pounds, Edge.
00:02:48Edge has got a lot of energy.
00:02:50Yes, he does. He electrified this crowd.
00:02:52He has a lot of pent-up emotion.
00:02:54He has been very disgruntled in recent weeks,
00:02:57going all the way back to Taboo Tuesday,
00:02:59when the fans voted not for Edge, but for Shawn Michaels,
00:03:03to challenge for the World's Heavyweight title.
00:03:05And Edge blames Shawn Michaels for the fact that Edge is not the World's Champion today.
00:03:10I don't understand that logic, but that's what's in that young man's head.
00:03:14What do you mean you don't understand that logic?
00:03:16Have you not ever had somebody screw you out of something that you fought for,
00:03:19something that you wanted so bad, something that you deserved?
00:03:22Well, that's what happened to Edge.
00:03:23Shawn Michaels screwed him out of the chance to be the World's Champion.
00:03:38From San Antonio, Texas, weighing 225 pounds,
00:03:43the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!
00:03:50What an ovation for the, no doubt, first-bound Hall of Famer, Shawn Michaels.
00:03:56I liked that.
00:03:58Well, he did. Edge electrified the crowd, but I'll be darned if the showstopper didn't top it.
00:04:04Fresno's always been a great city for Shawn Michaels.
00:04:06He won the Royal Rumble match here in 1996.
00:04:10But the look on Edge's face tells me that Edge is going to do whatever he can
00:04:15to win this match tonight.
00:04:17To notch his thumb with a victory over a legend like Shawn Michaels.
00:04:23Here we go!
00:04:26This match is not wasting any time getting started.
00:04:28Mike Piotta, the referee, and Shawn Michaels still in his ring, his entrance attire, if you will.
00:04:34Look out! Look out!
00:04:35And Michaels and Edge both going over the top, but Michaels skins the cap.
00:04:39Shades of 1995 when he and the British Bulldog went over the top in the Rumble.
00:04:44Michaels only a one-foot touch king.
00:04:46That's a patented move by Shawn Michaels at these Royal Rumble events.
00:04:50Look at Edge.
00:04:52He's beside himself. This is not starting out the way he wanted it to.
00:04:57Both these men are scheduled to be in the Royal Rumble match tonight,
00:05:01if, well, a big if, if they are physically able to compete later tonight in the Rumble match.
00:05:08I told you earlier what Edge told me.
00:05:10He said after tonight, he is going to personally make the HB and HBK stand for has-been.
00:05:16Well, all I can say is that Edge has got that to do because Shawn Michaels,
00:05:20the first ever WWE Grand Slam champion, meaning that he has won every championship
00:05:26available to an athlete in the WWE.
00:05:29I know! He's a championship hog.
00:05:31He wants every title, every championship.
00:05:33He doesn't want anybody like Edge.
00:05:35He doesn't want anybody else to have a chance at the title.
00:05:37That's why he screwed Edge out of his chance to be the champion.
00:05:40Backhand shot by Shawn Michaels.
00:05:42You may call him a championship hog. I call him a winner.
00:05:46Another shot there.
00:05:47Trying to take Edge's head off.
00:05:49Michaels now controlling the pace of veterans from San Antonio, Texas.
00:05:54A three-time champion.
00:05:56Two-time winner of the Royal Rumble.
00:05:59One at 95 and 96.
00:06:01Another shot there on Edge.
00:06:03Edge has been in this match one fall.
00:06:05This has been building since October.
00:06:09Swinging neckbreaker.
00:06:10Edge taking advantage of Michaels getting set a half a second early.
00:06:14And Edge now the aggressor.
00:06:16And the key here is for Edge to stay focused.
00:06:18That's exactly what I was about to say.
00:06:20He can't lose his cool.
00:06:22He can't let his emotions get the best of him in this match.
00:06:25Edge has got to eliminate any crucial mistakes here.
00:06:28I just don't believe Shawn Michaels, in a big match environment,
00:06:31is going to make too many.
00:06:32Three right hands by Edge.
00:06:33Knocking down Shawn Michaels.
00:06:35And Michaels got a right hand in of his own.
00:06:38And Michaels now fighting back.
00:06:41That right hand came from nowhere and it crossed Edge's eyes.
00:06:45Michaels again with a straight right hand and a thumb to the eye there.
00:06:52Michaels starting to slow with that thumb and a little chop.
00:06:55Michaels reversing the Irish whip.
00:06:57One fall of the match.
00:06:58Lupez press.
00:07:01And Michaels pulling Edge with those right hands,
00:07:04following the best press.
00:07:08This is not the Royal Rumble match, but if it had been,
00:07:12that's not the way you win this match, Shawn.
00:07:15Michaels is fully aware of it.
00:07:19Michaels measuring Edge, which I'm going to do here.
00:07:22Looking at the baseball slide.
00:07:23Did not connect.
00:07:25Michaels still with the advantage.
00:07:27Edge walks around.
00:07:28Michaels can't connect with his.
00:07:30And Edge dropping Michaels.
00:07:32Michaels back of his head, hitting those very thin black mats.
00:07:37We both know those mats don't offer a lot of protection.
00:07:39They're right there.
00:07:40I think they're more to protect the floor than they are the wrestlers that are out there.
00:07:45And Shawn Michaels can attest to that right now.
00:07:47Like you said, the back of his head bouncing off of that floor.
00:07:50Both these superstars representing RAW.
00:07:52All the RAW superstars, all the SmackDown superstars are here tonight.
00:07:56We thank you for being with us here at the Tape Review Baseball Slide.
00:07:59But Edge does connect.
00:08:00So we want to thank all the fans watching around the world,
00:08:03especially our fans watching all of our great friends in the UK,
00:08:07the Sky Box Office.
00:08:09In over 150 countries, you'll get to see the Royal Rumble.
00:08:17What about Egypt?
00:08:18First time as Eric O'Reilly in New Zealand.
00:08:19I'm just looking here.
00:08:20I'm trying to.
00:08:21I don't want to get my eyes off the action.
00:08:22Look at that.
00:08:23That's what Shawn Michaels tried earlier.
00:08:25He said he didn't connect, but Edge did.
00:08:28Michaels pulls himself back up by using the ropes.
00:08:31And now Edge with a decided offensive advantage.
00:08:34The crowd here getting Shawn Michaels emotionally back in this match.
00:08:42Hard Irish Whip.
00:08:43And Michaels will lift the WWE.
00:08:47Now, I see it now.
00:08:49I see the intensity.
00:08:50And now Edge is focused.
00:08:51So Edge is going to try to exploit Michaels' back.
00:08:53If he can ding that back.
00:08:55And certainly again, both these men, as we mentioned,
00:08:58scheduled to be in the Rumble match tonight.
00:09:01Representing two of the 15 slots on Raw,
00:09:04if they are physically able by the end of the night to compete.
00:09:07Before those big knees by Edge in the Shawn Michaels tournament.
00:09:11HBK will be absent in the Rumble.
00:09:13He's chomping Edge right back at him.
00:09:15As you can imagine with this, a victory over Shawn Michaels
00:09:20would mean to Edge's career and to his psyche.
00:09:22And imagine if Edge were able to make it,
00:09:25Shawn Michaels couldn't even participate in the Royal Rumble.
00:09:28Oh, look at this.
00:09:29Cover here.
00:09:33That was really close.
00:09:35You know what?
00:09:36If either one of these guys weren't able to make it to the Rumble,
00:09:38if I know Eric Bischoff, he would find someone to take their place.
00:09:41I don't think Raw is going to go in shorthanded.
00:09:43No, not at all.
00:09:44No doubt about that.
00:09:45The prestige of winning the Royal Rumble is just that.
00:09:48Reverse chin-lock applied by Edge and the body scissors.
00:09:53The winner of the Royal Rumble has a guaranteed spot
00:09:56at WrestleMania to meet the champion.
00:10:00Edge has to cut his arm.
00:10:01When you say guaranteed spot, you're talking about
00:10:03they're going to be in the main event at WrestleMania.
00:10:05The main event.
00:10:09That's what makes this Royal Rumble so good.
00:10:11When you look back at the history of WrestleMania,
00:10:13all the great athletes that have headlined WrestleMania,
00:10:16how many did you leave out?
00:10:17There's Hall of Famers that have never been to the main event
00:10:20at WrestleMania.
00:10:21No, without a doubt.
00:10:22This is your ticket.
00:10:23First-class ticket one way right to Hollywood.
00:10:27And this is not that strategy for Edge,
00:10:29grounding Shawn Michaels.
00:10:31No sweet chin music from this position.
00:10:33No, you got that right.
00:10:36Edge about 6'4", using his long legs and his arm there.
00:10:43I never understood why you don't think that Edge
00:10:45deserved that world championship shot.
00:10:47Because it was up to a vote for the fans.
00:10:49The fans voted more for Shawn Michaels
00:10:52than they did for Edge.
00:10:53That's how I figured it out.
00:10:56Good blood coming out of Shawn Michaels now.
00:10:58Or Edge's arm.
00:10:59Edge's arm.
00:11:04Michaels trying to fight back up.
00:11:05He's already freed himself.
00:11:07The body says he's on his feet.
00:11:08Michaels up to one knee.
00:11:11Michaels such a great counter wrestler.
00:11:13He's so resilient, as we have seen over his illustrious career.
00:11:17And that's why he's so great.
00:11:19He's having a little bit of trouble countering this.
00:11:20This nice little hold from Edge, isn't he?
00:11:22Oh, yeah.
00:11:23Listen, Edge is a nine-time tag champion,
00:11:25a five-time Intercontinental champion.
00:11:27He was a King of the Ring winner.
00:11:28But he just hasn't been the world champion.
00:11:30That's what he wants.
00:11:34He's never had a one-on-one fight.
00:11:38He's never had a one-on-one shot to win the world championship.
00:11:43He's won all these other titles.
00:11:45He's just never had that one-on-one opportunity to win the world title.
00:11:48Michaels fighting back into it.
00:11:50And Edge deserves it.
00:11:51Look at that.
00:11:53Edge can be the main event of WrestleMania if he can win the Rumble match tonight.
00:11:56First, he's got to get there.
00:11:58And getting Shawn Michaels is not going to be easy.
00:12:02Reminiscence of HBK.
00:12:04Edge unhooking Shawn Michaels, taunting Shawn Michaels.
00:12:07And this crowd here.
00:12:12He's not actually taunting Shawn Michaels.
00:12:14Maybe he's just showing that he can pose better than Shawn.
00:12:21Way out there.
00:12:22That was a talk.
00:12:24That was a disrespectful gesture, in my view, as far as Edge is concerned.
00:12:29And Edge again, cutting the fire out of Shawn Michaels.
00:12:32Taking Michaels face-first into the top turnbuckle.
00:12:36Well, you know what?
00:12:37You're right.
00:12:38Edge is a little bit disrespectful.
00:12:39And I like that in a guy.
00:12:41Oh, look out here.
00:12:43Edge landing on his feet.
00:12:45Thanks, Michaels.
00:12:48Boy, Edge taking advantage of Shawn Michaels' hair.
00:12:50There's more than once in this match.
00:12:51Edge looking very crisp in that exchange there.
00:12:54Landing on his feet.
00:12:55You got to admit, Edge does have better hair.
00:12:58Look at this.
00:13:02Well, if you start doing shampoo commercials, I'll keep that in mind.
00:13:05Everybody there.
00:13:06There's Oklahoma roll there by Shawn Michaels.
00:13:09And that helped Ed Nelson.
00:13:10Got a near fall.
00:13:12There's some sweet chin music.
00:13:14I think Edge did that better.
00:13:15Straight thrust kick.
00:13:16And a near fall again.
00:13:18There's no doubt that thus far in this match, Edge is ahead on near falls.
00:13:23And Edge looking at the referee like, couldn't you count it a little bit faster?
00:13:29Stay focused, Edge.
00:13:30Don't lose your cool.
00:13:31Don't lose your cool.
00:13:32Again, Michaels in a very tough spot here for his favorite offense.
00:13:36That sweet chin music.
00:13:37This time, Edge is easily frustrated.
00:13:40Do you think?
00:13:41Maybe not.
00:13:42No, look.
00:13:43That's a look of confidence.
00:13:44His expression changed about everything.
00:13:47His heartbeat.
00:13:49I think the guy's got some mental issues.
00:13:53I think he's caught up.
00:13:54Oh, Michaels caught up.
00:13:55Michaels reaching back with a leg and couldn't quite hook the leg.
00:13:58Michaels countering in midair.
00:13:59And Edge beating Michaels up.
00:14:01And knocking Michaels quickly back down with another clothesline.
00:14:05And Edge is thinking, my God, I almost got pinned there.
00:14:08What a counter.
00:14:12There you go.
00:14:13And Edge sinking in on that neck.
00:14:18This is taking the starch out of Shawn Michaels.
00:14:22Michaels right-handed.
00:14:24Huge crowd here tonight.
00:14:27Here in the Save Mart Center, Fresno, California.
00:14:30We've been told capacity crowd.
00:14:32That's it.
00:14:33Damn to the rafters here.
00:14:35Thankful that they are here.
00:14:36We are thanking you for joining us.
00:14:38As Michaels fights back up.
00:14:41I got a feeling, oh, everybody's going to be thankful that they're here as well.
00:14:44Oh, there's that hair again.
00:14:47Forearm shot.
00:14:49Right hands.
00:14:50Not bad shots.
00:14:52Edge is getting hit by everything that Michaels can throw at him here.
00:14:55Michaels, a million dollar knee lift.
00:14:58And a sledge knocking down Edge.
00:15:01He's back up, he's back up.
00:15:02You feel the momentum changing here.
00:15:05Inverted atomic drop.
00:15:07And a right hand knockdown.
00:15:09I know Edge can feel more than the momentum changing.
00:15:14Inverted atomic drop.
00:15:16Michaels cautiously going to the corner.
00:15:20And Michaels counters.
00:15:22It's almost as if Michaels lured Edge to the corner.
00:15:28Hard shot and Michaels now climbing to the second rope.
00:15:31In control is the Heartbreak Kid.
00:15:34One, two, three.
00:15:37Come on, referee.
00:15:39Referee Mike Piota letting this one roll a little bit.
00:15:42Sunset flip could be, but it's not.
00:15:45Thought it was going to be three, but not today.
00:15:47I'll tell you, the referee letting Shawn Michaels use those close fists.
00:15:51Quick count on Edge.
00:15:53And now this.
00:15:56And Edge ate some ring pulls.
00:15:58Should be over here.
00:16:00But rolled off and Edge had a kick out.
00:16:02Michaels couldn't quite get the technique and leverage that he wanted.
00:16:05And Edge is saying, he's not just kicking out ahead with this.
00:16:08Edge is leaving.
00:16:14And Michaels is saying, you're not leaving here today.
00:16:20Another hard shot by Michaels as Edge was
00:16:22taking a walk down the entrance way.
00:16:25Looking for the exit.
00:16:30He's got to be careful they're not countered out here.
00:16:33Hard shot by Michaels on Edge.
00:16:35You're right.
00:16:36You said the referee just letting this roll.
00:16:37He is.
00:16:38He ain't leaning in here.
00:16:42Shawn Michaels.
00:16:44Edge letting him wait with a spear.
00:16:47Michaels distracted only a second or two.
00:16:51With the official.
00:16:53And that will let Edge regroup his strike with his spear.
00:16:57And Edge may win this by count out.
00:17:01And I think at this stage of Edge's career.
00:17:04Check this out.
00:17:05Edge laying in wait.
00:17:07There you go.
00:17:10That drove the air right out of Shawn Michaels' referee now.
00:17:14Got a count of four.
00:17:17I don't know if Shawn's going to be able to make it back in.
00:17:21Michaels has got to get in before the referee signals ten.
00:17:25This match will be over.
00:17:30No time to waste here.
00:17:34Michaels is in.
00:17:35He's in, Edge.
00:17:36He's got him.
00:17:37Michaels got in at the count of nine.
00:17:39Look, Edge can't believe it.
00:17:41But Michaels is in a distinct disadvantage.
00:17:45Edge connected with a spear on the outside.
00:17:47If Edge can do that on the inside of the ring.
00:17:50Edge is going to leave with a huge victory.
00:17:57More disrespect, more taunting by Edge.
00:18:02Look at this.
00:18:03I love this.
00:18:05He's tuning up the band.
00:18:07Edge doesn't even have a band.
00:18:08We're about to hear some sweet champions.
00:18:10Oh, no.
00:18:11The spear.
00:18:12The spear.
00:18:13Oh, the spear.
00:18:14They're going to do it right there.
00:18:15One, two.
00:18:17Oh, come on.
00:18:20Don't pull your hair out.
00:18:21That wasn't three counts.
00:18:22They are two.
00:18:23He's pulling his hair out.
00:18:25Edge cannot believe that Michaels kicked out from the spear.
00:18:30I can't believe this either.
00:18:31Come on.
00:18:34Great spear.
00:18:36It couldn't have been any better.
00:18:41It was a perfectly executed spear of this crowd.
00:18:44This huge crowd here in Fresno.
00:18:46Canning HBK moments ago.
00:18:48You're right.
00:18:49Edge may have some mental issues,
00:18:50and they're all being caused by Shawn Michaels.
00:18:53Shawn Michaels is going to cause Edge to have a nervous breakdown
00:18:55before this is over.
00:18:58Michaels sat on that top turnbuckle.
00:19:00A hard shot by Edge here.
00:19:02Michaels has suffered from two spears.
00:19:05Can Michaels overcome this?
00:19:07All right, Edge.
00:19:08You got HBK at the body shop.
00:19:09HBK right here.
00:19:11Anybody can at Shawn Michaels,
00:19:12but Edge will continue to try to stay in the same offensive end.
00:19:18Look out.
00:19:20And now, Edge on the,
00:19:22knocked from the second turnbuckle to the canvas.
00:19:27Michaels surveying this huge crowd.
00:19:30Oh, no.
00:19:31Michaels having trouble keeping his feet up against two spears.
00:19:35The elbow.
00:19:37The elbow off the top.
00:19:39Michaels connected,
00:19:40but he also may have driven the air right out of his body.
00:19:44He must have wrenched his back.
00:19:45You know Shawn Michaels and that back of his.
00:19:49Michaels and his history of back issues.
00:19:51You could be right.
00:19:53Get up, Edge.
00:19:54Somehow, Shawn Michaels has withstood two spears of Edge,
00:19:58and now the referee again using the count.
00:20:04Oh, this is not looking good.
00:20:07Get up, Edge.
00:20:08Michaels used the rope to pull himself up.
00:20:11Michaels, remember, he's only one shot away
00:20:15from winning this thing.
00:20:16Oh, no.
00:20:19He's the maestro.
00:20:21Michaels has got the band.
00:20:22Edge, can you hear that?
00:20:25Get up, Edge.
00:20:26No, don't get up.
00:20:31Michaels tuning up the band.
00:20:33Sweet tune music.
00:20:34What is?
00:20:35Wait, no.
00:20:36A counter into the electric chair.
00:20:40I've never seen that before.
00:20:41Edge moved his head.
00:20:42The counter.
00:20:43He's got three.
00:20:46You can't tell me that wasn't three.
00:20:50That was a three.
00:20:51I can tell you.
00:20:54They could be the one to break the bad news.
00:20:55I cannot believe this.
00:20:57Edge is going to be.
00:20:58He's going to pull his hair out bald.
00:20:59What a counter.
00:21:01Amazing counter.
00:21:03Give Edge credit for that.
00:21:04An amazing counter from the sweet tune music.
00:21:07That's got to take the wind out of Edge's sail.
00:21:09He had to know that he had this match won.
00:21:11Edge must be thinking, what do I have to do to beat this man?
00:21:14That's what I'm thinking as well.
00:21:16Or if he thinks, can I beat this man?
00:21:17Well, here we go.
00:21:18There's a roll through.
00:21:22Oh, no, it's.
00:21:23Edge with that submission.
00:21:24That's it.
00:21:25He's got it.
00:21:26Edge with that submission.
00:21:27Look at that.
00:21:28And Michaels is fighting.
00:21:29This is so appropriate.
00:21:31Michael is going to have to tap out.
00:21:32Michaels may be a moment away from tapping out.
00:21:34Edge has got Michaels in the center of the ring.
00:21:36He tapped.
00:21:37Did he tap?
00:21:38I don't think so.
00:21:39I think he did.
00:21:41Referee's right there.
00:21:42I think he told us.
00:21:44Come on.
00:21:45He'll break your back, Sean.
00:21:48Save yourself.
00:21:49Edge has got that whole rich game.
00:21:51All you've got to do is just tap.
00:21:53Michaels' body from the ropes, but he can't get there.
00:21:55Damn it.
00:21:57Michael, for the first time in your life, all you've got to do is tap.
00:21:58One hand is all it takes.
00:22:00Save yourself.
00:22:02Trying to fight for those ropes.
00:22:04Can't get there.
00:22:06Again, trying to get those ropes and break this hold.
00:22:08Come on, Michaels.
00:22:11Michaels is inches away from that bottom rope.
00:22:13Can Michaels make it?
00:22:15He's going to break your back, Michaels.
00:22:17He's going to tap.
00:22:19He's going to tap.
00:22:20Oh, he tapped.
00:22:21Oh, Michaels got the bottom rope.
00:22:23Michaels got the bottom rope.
00:22:25He was trying to tap and the rope had to be there.
00:22:26Well, that's a good story.
00:22:28Michaels got to the bottom rope, bottom line, and this match is going to continue.
00:22:30Edge may be bleeding from the mouth.
00:22:32Inside cradle.
00:22:34Inside cradle.
00:22:36That was just two.
00:22:38That was a beautiful counter by Michaels out of instinct.
00:22:40Michaels' left leg has got to be bothering him now.
00:22:42Michaels, you can tell he's very tender on that knee.
00:22:44Pulling out.
00:22:46And Michaels on the roll-up.
00:22:50Counter by Edge.
00:22:52He's got the counter.
00:22:53Hey, wait a minute.
00:22:57Hey, hey, hey.
00:22:59It's a three-count.
00:23:01He's finally getting the three.
00:23:03You've done it, Edge.
00:23:05You've done it.
00:23:07Edge has his hands all over Ruth.
00:23:09They both sort of bailed.
00:23:11That doesn't really matter.
00:23:13What matters is that Edge has done it.
00:23:15He's fulfilled his dream.
00:23:17Look at this.
00:23:19Look at this.
00:23:21Look at this.
00:23:23Look at this.
00:23:27What's the concept?
00:23:29Look at this.
00:23:31Referee didn't contest the ropes.
00:23:33Edge had a double hand on a rope.
00:23:35The unfair advantage leads to a victory.
00:23:37Edge has beaten Shawn Michaels.
00:23:39Yes, the winner of the Rumble.
00:23:41The winner of the match and possibly the winner of the Royal Rumble.
00:23:45What a victory.
00:23:47That was a little weird.
00:23:49A little weird.
00:23:51I wonder if the men in the white coats are around.
00:23:53I don't see it.
00:23:55Nonetheless, we can tell you that coming up next, ladies and gentlemen,
00:23:57here at the Royal Rumble, SmackDown will deliver.
00:23:59The Undertaker looks tonight to finally get rid of his arse rival
00:24:03when he meets Heidenreich in a casket match.
00:24:06You just heard it a second ago.
00:24:08Heidenreich freaking out at the thoughts of caskets.
00:24:11It's simple.
00:24:13It's the Undertaker's type of match.
00:24:15If Heidenreich can get rid of this hatred of caskets,
00:24:17he could very well win this thing.
00:24:19The Undertaker has reigned supreme for so long.
00:24:24But things are changing with Heidenreich's dawn.
00:24:29His bell would toll and the time would draw near.
00:24:34Opponents' hearts tremble with uncontrollable fear.
00:24:39But there is no fear in the heart of Heidenreich
00:24:43whose sole purpose for living is the destruction of life.
00:24:50Taker's beaten me once, but I got him twice.
00:24:55Costing him the championship gold.
00:24:58Two triumphs for Heidenreich.
00:25:01Taker's never faced one quite like me.
00:25:06Twisted, depraved, at peace with insanity.
00:25:14I am not afraid of the Undertaker.
00:25:22I fear no man living or dead.
00:25:30Heidenreich, your final resting place has been chosen.
00:25:38At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:25:54I want you to witness firsthand what happens to those souls.
00:25:59You think they can look into the eye of the dragon.
00:26:02I'm not afraid of the Undertaker.
00:26:08But Kaskis, I hate Kaskis.
00:26:17I'll do anything to get out of that mass.
00:26:23At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:26:32At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:02At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:09At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:16At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:23At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:29At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:36At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:43At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:51At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:27:57At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:04At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:11At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:18At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:24At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:31At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:38At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:45At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:51At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:28:58At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:29:05At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:29:12At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:29:18At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:29:48At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:29:55At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:02At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:09At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:15At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:22At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:29At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:36At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:42At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:49At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:30:56At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:31:03At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:31:09At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:31:16At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:31:23At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:31:30At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:31:36At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:32:06At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:32:13At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:32:20At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:32:27At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:32:33At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:32:40At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:32:47At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:32:54At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:00At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:07At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:14At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:21At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:27At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:34At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:41At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:48At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:33:54At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:34:03At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:34:12At the Royal Rumble, you will rest in peace.
00:34:20That's what happens in combat.
00:34:21You do what you have to do, and I think Heidenreich will.
00:34:24Big shoulder knockdown by Heidenreich,
00:34:25but he continues to glance out of the corner of his eye
00:34:27at that casket at ringside.
00:34:29There's the side headlock on The Undertaker.
00:34:30Your elbow, you ever been in a casket?
00:34:32No, and I don't plan on being anytime soon,
00:34:34unless I gotta continue working with you.
00:34:35Well, maybe not soon,
00:34:37but pal, you're gonna make it through a casket, I promise.
00:34:39Oh, there's another shoulder knockdown by Heidenreich.
00:34:41When that happens, it'll make a lot of people happy.
00:34:43Nice, things don't change on pay-per-views.
00:34:46As Undertaker, with a nice takedown of Heidenreich,
00:34:48delivering that elbow directly into the midsection.
00:34:51First, Undertaker got an inside trip right there on a leg,
00:34:53and now he's got a single-leg Boston Crab
00:34:56on that long limbs, a long leg of Heidenreich.
00:34:58Now listen, Heidenreich is now pulling himself
00:35:00toward the rope, and as he pulls toward the rope,
00:35:02he's going closer to that casket.
00:35:04Well, Undertaker's kinda pushing him
00:35:05towards the rope, towards the casket.
00:35:07Heidenreich trying to make it to the bottom rope here.
00:35:10Undertaker continues the pressure
00:35:11with that single-leg Boston Crab, and Heidenreich.
00:35:13He's trying, Heidenreich's trying to get away
00:35:15from that casket.
00:35:16Heidenreich, you can't catch it!
00:35:18Well, it's nothing to do with that casket.
00:35:20He says it's enough, that is enough.
00:35:23I don't quit, I do the same thing,
00:35:25except watch your back here.
00:35:27I quit, heads up, I tell you!
00:35:28Undertaker from behind, knee to the midsection.
00:35:31Heidenreich is so freaked out by the fact
00:35:34that that casket's at ringside, and he may be placed in it.
00:35:36He's been shaken out of his game.
00:35:37Undertaker kicked the first into that casket.
00:35:41We had an opportunity earlier today
00:35:43to actually get near that casket,
00:35:45and I'll tell you, that thing must weigh
00:35:48500 pounds at least.
00:35:49I mean, it is huge, it is thick,
00:35:51and it is very steely.
00:35:52I know, but you're moving it up, right?
00:35:53That's what you're doing, you're moving it up.
00:35:54No, you told me about it.
00:35:55I didn't, we're doing those Hindu squats near it.
00:35:58And then Undertaker bounced off the top of the casket.
00:36:01Heidenreich, now in control of the Undertaker,
00:36:03and now he's near the casket.
00:36:05If you could back up for a second.
00:36:09See right there, Heidenreich putting a bad mouth
00:36:10on the Undertaker, telling him,
00:36:12I guess, maybe I'm not so psyched out.
00:36:14Smoked by Heidenreich to use the casket as a weapon.
00:36:18I didn't expect Heidenreich to think that way,
00:36:19but the man thinks that's out of the box.
00:36:21Heidenreich, you know, we caught, we caught.
00:36:24I'll tell you what,
00:36:25he's getting on his fears, Heidenreich.
00:36:26That's what Heidenreich's doing.
00:36:26Well, you know, we call him crazy,
00:36:27we call him a lunatic, we say he's special,
00:36:29but he obviously has nothing to his name.
00:36:31Well, look at the way the man puts his hooks together, Cole.
00:36:34He's got his first pick in the corner,
00:36:35who jabs at the left and right corner.
00:36:38No, it's not his first pick.
00:36:39He took the Undertaker right to the limit
00:36:40in Survivor Series.
00:36:42And look at another kick to the midsection by Heidenreich.
00:36:45Heidenreich now continues to control the Undertaker
00:36:48as these great SmackDown fans at the Royal Rumble.
00:36:50Ooh, nice body shot.
00:36:51On the Undertaker.
00:36:53A couple more body shots by Heidenreich.
00:36:54You don't see many people try to throw hands
00:36:56with the Undertaker.
00:36:57My world!
00:36:58Smacked to the Undertaker.
00:37:00My world!
00:37:01My world!
00:37:03Oh, look at this!
00:37:05What the hell's this?
00:37:08Looks like, oh, Heidenreich.
00:37:11He's got, ah!
00:37:12He's using those big legs to control Heidenreich here.
00:37:15He's got the arm, too, of Heidenreich.
00:37:18That's a triangle choke.
00:37:20And look at the position.
00:37:22He's using a rope, which is legal,
00:37:24because if anything goes, he had him there a moment ago,
00:37:27and it almost, it's a triangle choke,
00:37:30and now he's got it off the shoulder.
00:37:32Still has the triangle choke.
00:37:33Locked into Heidenreich here.
00:37:35The Undertaker does it.
00:37:36And if he can wear the Heidenreich out.
00:37:38It's triangle choke, not triangle truck,
00:37:39whatever you said.
00:37:40You can allow me to call a match.
00:37:41You just want to keep going.
00:37:42All right, cool.
00:37:43If Undertaker can allow Heidenreich to pass out here,
00:37:46it's easier for Undertaker to roll Heidenreich
00:37:48into the castle.
00:37:49Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute!
00:37:50What the hell is?
00:37:51That's Gene Snitsky!
00:37:52He's from RAW!
00:37:53This is a SmackDown issue!
00:37:55What the hell is he doing out here?
00:37:57Well, it's legal!
00:37:58It's all legal!
00:37:59Was this the plan Snitsky was talking about earlier today?
00:38:02I guess so.
00:38:03No, Snitsky said he had a plan.
00:38:04You gotta be kidding me!
00:38:07And what a clothesline by Snitsky!
00:38:09And referee Nick Patrick cannot do anything about it!
00:38:12It's all legal!
00:38:15This has turned into a handicap match!
00:38:17I kinda like it!
00:38:18And Snitsky trying to snap Heidenreich
00:38:19back into things here.
00:38:22Wait a minute!
00:38:23These two are gonna chuck the Undertaker into that.
00:38:26Maybe, let's see, wait.
00:38:28Well, here's the double team.
00:38:30Double suplex!
00:38:31Undertaker landed high and tight on that shoulder!
00:38:33That double vertical suplex.
00:38:36And Heidenreich dropping the elbow into that shoulder
00:38:38that the Undertaker was dropped under
00:38:40and now Heidenreich dropping the suplex from Snitsky
00:38:42with one of his own.
00:38:43And this is ridiculous.
00:38:44This is a two-on-one assault.
00:38:46The Undertaker has absolutely no chance.
00:38:48Heidenreich, Snitsky putting their brain together here
00:38:51and coming up with this idea of a name, a thing.
00:38:55Wait a minute!
00:38:57It's Kane!
00:38:58The Undertaker's throw is in the casket!
00:39:00You're kidding me!
00:39:01Snitsky's arch enemy!
00:39:03Kane with the right hand!
00:39:05Kane is in with the arms for his brother, the Undertaker!
00:39:08Holy smokes!
00:39:10Kane taking out Heidenreich with the right hand!
00:39:13What a shocker here at the Rumble!
00:39:17I can't believe this!
00:39:19Another right by Kane to Snitsky!
00:39:21Snitsky's right, bumping over the top rope!
00:39:25Just when it looked bleak for the Undertaker,
00:39:27his brother Kane!
00:39:28And it's all legal, Paul, it's all good!
00:39:31Anything goes!
00:39:32Chaos is broken out here in Fresno at the Rumble!
00:39:37Kane and Snitsky battling through the crowd!
00:39:40I am shocked!
00:39:41Kane popped up out of the casket!
00:39:45Kane and Snitsky!
00:39:47And Snitsky's bounced off that steel barricade!
00:39:50And the support he's been abating up from
00:39:52would have not worked, but we saw when
00:39:54Kane junk slammed off the stage,
00:39:56Snitsky and Holtman went for that tech area!
00:39:59And what is Heidenreich doing?
00:40:00Heidenreich trying to move the casket out the ringside!
00:40:04He's moving it out of the way for...
00:40:05I don't know what...
00:40:06You're not going to win a match if you move the casket too far away!
00:40:08Maybe we'll see if the wheels are working on it.
00:40:10I don't know what he's doing.
00:40:13Maybe there's somebody else in there!
00:40:14Maybe there's like a double-sided,
00:40:15like a double-stuffed...
00:40:17I guess not.
00:40:19What a shocker moments ago, though,
00:40:20when Kane popped out of that casket!
00:40:22And Heidenreich just focuses on the casket!
00:40:24He's got his opponent!
00:40:25And Heidenreich just bounced off the steel leg!
00:40:28Paul Heidenreich is really focused on the casket
00:40:30when he's first into it, the Hand of the Deadman!
00:40:32Undertaker in control!
00:40:36Look at...
00:40:37He drops the reversal!
00:40:39Knee first into that steel step goes The Undertaker!
00:40:45Wow, I'll tell you what, that knee,
00:40:46that Undertaker's knee exploding on those steel steps!
00:40:51And Heidenreich...
00:40:53What the hell is he...
00:40:54Wait a minute, he's ripping off the...
00:40:56Heidenreich taking off that protective mat
00:40:58and hits the concrete floor there
00:41:00as he's taking off the protective...
00:41:01Check it out!
00:41:02Oh, my God!
00:41:03And Undertaker bounced off the apron by Heidenreich!
00:41:08Well, right there, landed right on his head on the...
00:41:09And now, Heidenreich again,
00:41:11throwing those hands, putting those punches together.
00:41:14On the cold concrete lies The Undertaker.
00:41:18Where's he going, man?
00:41:18I have no clue.
00:41:20You ask me.
00:41:21This guy could be close to a shot.
00:41:22Who the hell knows what he is?
00:41:24He peeked in, there's nobody else in there.
00:41:25Oh, no.
00:41:26He's gonna run him over!
00:41:26Oh, no.
00:41:27Wait a minute.
00:41:28Heidenreich, he's gonna run him over!
00:41:31Heidenreich, the casket driven into The Undertaker!
00:41:34That casket driven into The Undertaker
00:41:36by that psychotic lunatic,
00:41:38the same man that drove that truck
00:41:41into a hearse back at No Mercy into The Undertaker,
00:41:44to now driving a casket into the dead man.
00:41:46Undertaker getting sandwiched between that casket
00:41:49and the ring apron, the ring, the side of the ring there.
00:41:52And remember, you win this thing
00:41:53when you incapacitate your opponent
00:41:55and put him in the casket and shut the lid.
00:41:57And right now, Undertaker is pretty much incapacitated.
00:42:01Well, can't, can't, well, look,
00:42:02what's Heidenreich doing now?
00:42:03Wait a minute.
00:42:05Looks like he's, looks like he's trying to,
00:42:07we've seen Heidenreich in the past,
00:42:09use, there it is, a version of a choke, like a cobra clutch.
00:42:13Heidenreich trying to, trying to
00:42:14just knock The Undertaker out here.
00:42:16He knocks The Undertaker out,
00:42:18it's easier to roll The Undertaker into the casket.
00:42:20Taker looks like his eyes are rolling behind his head.
00:42:21Looks like Taker's losing a lot of oxygen to his headband.
00:42:26It might be out, and then also,
00:42:27Heidenreich's gotta do is bring the body of Taker
00:42:32right up to that casket.
00:42:32And the lid's up, and Undertaker's to the apron.
00:42:34And Heidenreich could just be a few seconds away
00:42:36from winning this casket match.
00:42:38Don't tell me Heidenreich's gonna win this thing.
00:42:39Undertaker into the casket.
00:42:41He's got him, he's got him.
00:42:42He's got him, he's got him.
00:42:42He's got him, he's got him.
00:42:43He's got it, Cole.
00:42:44He, Undertaker, yes, his arm, his arm is out.
00:42:48The lid can't be shut completely.
00:42:51Undertaker, oh my God, with a right hand,
00:42:53and here comes The Phenom.
00:42:55Don't let him get any more momentum going here, Heidenreich.
00:42:58And now Heidenreich, uh-oh, dragged into the casket
00:43:01as Undertaker with a blows to the back of the head.
00:43:04A nasty punches to the back of the head.
00:43:08Oh no, oh my God.
00:43:09Watch out, oh my God.
00:43:10Watch out.
00:43:11Into Junder Taker, he's gonna decapitate him.
00:43:14Oh my, right across the side, the neck,
00:43:17the back of the head, with the lid of that casket.
00:43:20Oh my God.
00:43:21Oh my God.
00:43:24Oh man.
00:43:27My sentiments exactly.
00:43:28Heidenreich is barely moving.
00:43:31That was Vintage Undertaker with a twist.
00:43:35What condition's Heidenreich in?
00:43:38Oh man, did you see the height that The Undertaker got?
00:43:43Woo, I don't believe Heidenreich knows where he's at.
00:43:45Well, me neither.
00:43:46Oh my God.
00:43:47Oh boy, Heidenreich in a headbutt
00:43:49to the temple area.
00:43:51Well, Heidenreich's all goofy.
00:43:53I thought he was gonna say he was on Goofy Street,
00:43:55but I guess not.
00:43:56Undertaker whipped across the ring with authority.
00:43:59There's a boot to the face.
00:44:01He might just live on Goofy Street.
00:44:02Watch out, watch out, Junder Taker attacking Heidenreich.
00:44:07Well, I don't know, I mean, did Taker counter it?
00:44:08I mean, I think Heidenreich countered it.
00:44:10Here's the cover, but you can't cover here.
00:44:13Not in this matchup,
00:44:14you gotta put Undertaker in the casket.
00:44:16Well, Heidenreich kinda had a little brain lapse,
00:44:18something that happens.
00:44:19He just said, I won, I won.
00:44:21No, you didn't win.
00:44:22Okay, Cole, go tell him.
00:44:23Go to the ring and tell him in the ring.
00:44:24Ring referee Nick Patrick did that.
00:44:27And now Heidenreich trying to drag
00:44:28this 300 pound carcass of The Undertaker
00:44:30toward that casket and try to win this matchup.
00:44:33Uh-oh, uh-oh.
00:44:34What an upset this would be.
00:44:35It would be a humongous upset
00:44:37and Taker's gonna be put in there, Cole.
00:44:38Undertaker rolled into the casket for the second time.
00:44:41He's gonna close the lid.
00:44:42Heidenreich gonna close the lid here.
00:44:44And wait a minute.
00:44:49A handful of Heidenreich for Undertaker.
00:44:52A right hand off the head.
00:44:53Undertaker battles out again.
00:44:55Oh, what a back elbow.
00:44:57That was well-placed.
00:45:00Heidenreich with a right of his own.
00:45:01A big right hand and one from Heidenreich.
00:45:04And these two huge men exchanging blows
00:45:06center of the ring.
00:45:07Oh, punch for punch.
00:45:09Got some big balls in there.
00:45:10I'm loving this, baby.
00:45:11What a fight!
00:45:13Heidenreich backed up against the ropes.
00:45:14Reversal, Undertaker off the ropes.
00:45:16DDT planted Heidenreich.
00:45:19Short, dead, flat in the middle of the ring.
00:45:22And now,
00:45:24a universal sign of shame.
00:45:28Heidenreich might be done, Cole.
00:45:29Heidenreich struggling to make it to his feet.
00:45:31Undertaker stalking his opponent.
00:45:38What goes up, chokeslam!
00:45:40Must come down.
00:45:41Undertaker with a chokeslam,
00:45:44changing direction in midair.
00:45:47The damage still done.
00:45:50Look at that freaky look.
00:45:52I don't like Heidenreich's chances now.
00:45:56Heidenreich to his feet.
00:45:58Here's the Undertaker.
00:45:59Oh my God!
00:46:01He's got him set up for a cold stone.
00:46:03Tombstone, piledriver!
00:46:05Connecting for the Undertaker,
00:46:08who asks for the win to be raised on the casket.
00:46:10Heidenreich's getting rolled over to that casket, Cole.
00:46:15What's Taker doing?
00:46:17Taker, a shot to the shoulder with the boot.
00:46:20And another one, trying to force the man into the casket.
00:46:23He puts him down and he's down!
00:46:24The Undertaker wins the casket match!
00:46:28Here's your winner,
00:46:30the Undertaker!
00:46:35Wow, the Undertaker exercising his demons tonight.
00:46:40Getting revenge on the man
00:46:42who's lost to the WWE Championship.
00:46:45What a match though.
00:46:46Heidenreich puts up on the Undertaker.
00:46:49I mean, Undertaker, I'll tell you what,
00:46:51Heidenreich's the real deal, in my opinion.
00:46:53But what a matchup, what a matchup.
00:46:56Despite Heidenreich, and for that matter,
00:46:58despite Snitsky, the Undertaker is dominant again
00:47:03in a casket match here at the Rumble.
00:47:07Wow, still can't believe Kane was in the casket.
00:47:15A match of surprises
00:47:18on what expects to be a night of surprises
00:47:22at the Royal Rumble.
00:47:27The Undertaker, victorious in his type of match,
00:47:31the casket match over Heidenreich.
00:47:36Now we gotta take another look
00:47:38at stuff that develops in this matchup.
00:47:41Snitsky coming to the aid of Heidenreich,
00:47:42but look who was in the casket.
00:47:46I just said it, I can't believe this happened,
00:47:48but it did, obviously.
00:47:50Look at this!
00:47:52It's just shocking, Kane just popping in.
00:47:55And look at this leg drop, look at the high knee, man!
00:47:58Wow, right on top of that.
00:48:00Right on top of Heidenreich's neck,
00:48:02and then look at that, there you go.
00:48:04Moonstone shit.
00:48:06As I said before,
00:48:08as the Undertaker closes the gate on Heidenreich,
00:48:11despite Snitsky, despite Heidenreich,
00:48:14Undertaker, with a surprise from his brother in the casket,
00:48:17picks up a huge win tonight at the Royal Rumble.
00:48:31Give you what?
00:48:32Listen, I've got a job to do,
00:48:33and I'm not gonna tolerate this.
00:48:35Now I know that you've got Ric Flair's number,
00:48:38let me have it.
00:48:39What number are you talking about?
00:48:40Hey, hey, hey!
00:48:40Come on!
00:48:41Hand it over!
00:48:42Hand it over!
00:48:43Just a minute!
00:48:44Just a minute!
00:48:45You were there for a minute!
00:48:46Hold on a minute, players!
00:48:47I'm trying to straighten this out right now.
00:48:49Hold on just a minute.
00:48:50Eddie, come on, give me Ric's number.
00:48:54Phone number?
00:48:54Eddie, give me Ric Flair's number.
00:48:57Cough it up, jumping beans.
00:48:59Oh, that's good, that's real good.
00:49:03Here's your number.
00:49:04Thank you.
00:49:06What's the matter with you?
00:49:08Hey, just a minute.
00:49:10Hold on.
00:49:13What are they, homes?
00:49:13You know I love you, man.
00:49:15Slap me some skin.
00:49:16Eddie, Eddie.
00:49:20Give it up, dog.
00:49:31My wallet!
00:49:31My wallet!
00:49:32My wallet!
00:49:33My wallet!
00:49:34I'll see you at the Rumble, man.
00:49:36Keep an eye when I get there.
00:49:37Pick it up.
00:49:38You're dead meat at Rumble, bro.
00:49:40Sorry about the confusion.
00:49:41Better run.
00:49:43This is Evolution's night.
00:49:45I'm gonna show everybody.
00:49:46It's our night.
00:49:47It is our night.
00:49:48I'm on my way to Bishop's office to get my number.
00:49:50No, no, no.
00:49:51We gotta go over this stuff with Orton right now.
00:49:53We need to talk about that.
00:49:53I'll be right back.
00:49:54No, no, no, champ's got a plan.
00:49:55Champ's got a plan.
00:49:56I'm gonna get my number.
00:49:57I'll be right back.
00:49:58Hey, I said we need to go over this stuff with Orton.
00:50:02And I said-
00:50:04I'm gonna go get my number, and I'll come right back.
00:50:12Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:50:13Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:50:15Evolution, Evolution.
00:50:16It's about you beating Orton.
00:50:18It's about winning the World Rumble.
00:50:20One for all, all for one, man.
00:50:21Come on, lighten up.
00:50:22Deep breath.
00:50:24Come on, deep breath.
00:50:25That's right.
00:50:26Come on, champ.
00:50:27Come on, man.
00:50:28It's Evolution.
00:50:29Come on.
00:50:31Come on.
00:50:32There we go.
00:50:33Business, all right.
00:50:34It's all right.
00:50:36Come on, tell me.
00:50:37Christian, you know I can't tell you.
00:50:38What about Mysterio?
00:50:39At least tell me that.
00:50:40Come on.
00:50:41Derek, you can calm down now.
00:50:42I've got everything straightened out.
00:50:43Eddie Guerrero gave Ric Flair's number back.
00:50:46Teddy Wong, I just signed a petition
00:50:49to have you kicked off SmackDown.
00:50:50How you doing?
00:50:51So did I.
00:50:52And we really don't have any more time
00:50:54to wait for SmackDown talent, so Christian, you're up.
00:50:57Don't mind if I do.
00:50:57Ladies, spin him up.
00:50:58Do it.
00:51:00You're doing a very tough job.
00:51:02You should be proud of yourself.
00:51:05Let me get that for you.
00:51:06Thank you.
00:51:08Let's see what happens here.
00:51:17Champ is here!
00:51:18Hey, T-Lone, what up, player?
00:51:19How are you?
00:51:20Yo, Burt Reynolds.
00:51:21Love doing Boogie Nights, dog.
00:51:24Tell me, how you doing, Lord?
00:51:25Got the sausage ring on or something?
00:51:27Oh, yo, how you doing?
00:51:32Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second.
00:51:34Hold on a second, everybody.
00:51:36John Cena in the house.
00:51:37Everybody take notice.
00:51:39Come on, man.
00:51:40No, no, no, no, no, you know something?
00:51:42You've seen me rap before, Cena.
00:51:43You know something?
00:51:44It doesn't impress me.
00:51:44Not one bit.
00:51:45This whole freestyle rapping thing,
00:51:47it's not even that hard.
00:51:48You got an F, whatever.
00:51:50I could do that.
00:51:51In fact, I could beat you at a rap competition
00:51:53any day of the week, any day.
00:51:56All right, homies, show me some street cred.
00:51:57Show me what you got.
00:51:58That's cool.
00:51:59Right now?
00:52:00You said you can freestyle.
00:52:01Hit a little something.
00:52:02Do what you gotta do.
00:52:03Tomko, give me a beat.
00:52:09All right, forget it.
00:52:09It goes a little something like this.
00:52:12My name is Christian, the King of Crunk.
00:52:15I'm taking you to school, Cena,
00:52:17and you're gonna flunk.
00:52:20I'm Captain Charisma.
00:52:22I'm, I'm Captain Charisma.
00:52:25Read him in weeks.
00:52:27I'm gonna throw you out for all my peeps.
00:52:32And just like,
00:52:35just like Dracula comes from Transylvania,
00:52:38I'm winning the Rumble and going on to WrestleMania.
00:52:45What do you think of that, baby boy?
00:52:47Come on, beat that.
00:52:49Captain Charisma, walking around with your fake smile.
00:52:53Think you can rap just because you watch 8th Mile?
00:52:55Word on the street is your peeps are weak,
00:52:58and you and Blackbeard share a bed when you sleep.
00:53:03Yo, this is Chain Gang.
00:53:04We run the showdown.
00:53:06Tonight's like your sex life.
00:53:07Your ass is gonna go down.
00:53:09I go to the ring when my name is called.
00:53:12You can pick my number.
00:53:14You like playing with balls.
00:53:21Well, ladies and gentlemen,
00:53:22there's only one John Cena, and he is only on SmackDown.
00:53:26That's the Save Mart Center, Fresno, California.
00:53:29We are live tonight.
00:53:30Perhaps past.
00:53:31John Cena's the man who's gonna win
00:53:32the Royal Rumble matchup and head to WrestleMania.
00:53:35But it's a tremendous chance that had happened.
00:53:37That could go down that way.
00:53:38I wouldn't mind as a SmackDown guy.
00:53:39That's cool.
00:53:41But we still got business to take care of tonight here
00:53:43at the Royal Rumble, including our SmackDown main event.
00:53:47The WWE Championship is on the line next.
00:53:50A huge score to settle as the chess game continues
00:53:53between JBL, Kurt Angle, and The Big Show.
00:53:56Like we said on Sunday Night Heat,
00:53:58before this pay-per-view,
00:53:59what condition will Kurt Angle and JBL be in physically
00:54:03after that last man standing match at SmackDown?
00:54:06These two men beat the hell out of each other.
00:54:08What are they gonna be like tonight?
00:54:10We're gonna find out right now.
00:54:12You suck!
00:54:13You suck!
00:54:14You suck!
00:54:15You suck!
00:54:16This capacity crowd chanting in unison,
00:54:17you suck.
00:54:18As Kurt Angle gingerly makes his way to the ring
00:54:19following the last man standing match three nights ago.
00:54:20Fully contesting a triple threat.
00:54:21No disqualification match.
00:54:22And it is for the WWE Championship.
00:54:23In the ring is the only Olympic gold medalist
00:54:24in the world.
00:54:25Kurt Angle.
00:54:26Kurt Angle.
00:54:27Kurt Angle.
00:54:28Kurt Angle.
00:54:29Kurt Angle.
00:54:30Kurt Angle.
00:54:31Kurt Angle.
00:54:32Kurt Angle.
00:54:33Kurt Angle.
00:54:34Kurt Angle.
00:54:35Kurt Angle.
00:54:36Kurt Angle.
00:54:37Kurt Angle.
00:54:38Kurt Angle.
00:54:39Kurt Angle.
00:54:40Kurt Angle.
00:54:41Kurt Angle.
00:54:42Kurt Angle.
00:54:43Kurt Angle.
00:54:44Kurt Angle.
00:54:45Kurt Angle.
00:54:46Kurt Angle.
00:54:47Kurt Angle.
00:54:48Kurt Angle.
00:54:49Kurt Angle.
00:54:50Kurt Angle.
00:54:51Kurt Angle.
00:54:52Kurt Angle.
00:54:53Kurt Angle.
00:54:54Kurt Angle.
00:54:55Kurt Angle.
00:54:56Kurt Angle.
00:54:57Kurt Angle.
00:54:58Kurt Angle.
00:54:59Kurt Angle.
00:55:00Kurt Angle.
00:55:01Kurt Angle.
00:55:02Kurt Angle.
00:55:03Kurt Angle.
00:55:04Kurt Angle.
00:55:05Kurt Angle.
00:55:06Kurt Angle.
00:55:07Kurt Angle.
00:55:08Kurt Angle.
00:55:09Kurt Angle.
00:55:10Kurt Angle.
00:55:11Kurt Angle.
00:55:12Kurt Angle.
00:55:13Kurt Angle.
00:55:14Kurt Angle.
00:55:15Kurt Angle.
00:55:16Kurt Angle.
00:55:17Kurt Angle.
00:55:18Kurt Angle.
00:55:19Kurt Angle.
00:55:20Kurt Angle.
00:55:21Kurt Angle.
00:55:22Kurt Angle.
00:55:23Kurt Angle.
00:55:24Kurt Angle.
00:55:25Kurt Angle.
00:55:26Kurt Angle.
00:55:27Kurt Angle.
00:55:28Kurt Angle.
00:55:29Kurt Angle.
00:55:30Kurt Angle.
00:55:31Kurt Angle.
00:55:32Kurt Angle.
00:55:33Kurt Angle.
00:55:34Kurt Angle.
00:55:35Kurt Angle.
00:55:36Kurt Angle.
00:55:37Kurt Angle.
00:55:38Kurt Angle.
00:55:39Kurt Angle.
00:55:40Kurt Angle.
00:55:41Kurt Angle.
00:55:42Kurt Angle.
00:55:43Kurt Angle.
00:55:44Kurt Angle.
00:55:45Kurt Angle.
00:55:46Kurt Angle.
00:55:47Kurt Angle.
00:55:49I like the big man's chances, I like his chances in this match tonight, for the WWE
00:55:55Well, the Big Show loves it when a good plan comes together at, point in the never on Thursday
00:56:06Here comes the champ.
00:56:10And from New York city, weighing in at 297 pounds, is the WWE Champion, Kane!
00:56:16WWE Champion, John Richard Mayfield.
00:56:23I'll tell you about the ride,
00:56:24the champ, JBL rides in style.
00:56:26I mean, I think the limo's got extra big long horns.
00:56:29Uh-oh, I don't like that buckle stuff.
00:56:32Extra big long horns, look at that,
00:56:33look at the size of the long horns.
00:56:34Cole, you ought to get those
00:56:36on your little car that you have here at home.
00:56:38Those long horns are bigger than my car.
00:56:39I'll tell you, those look really
00:56:41like a little Toyota Corolla that you got there.
00:56:42You roll around, it's the 81 that you drive.
00:56:44Anyway, let's see how the champ's doing.
00:56:46Where's the champ?
00:56:50Surprised you're not riding in the limo with him.
00:56:51Yeah, it's a limo.
00:56:53All right, he's hurting a little bit, he's hurting.
00:56:55Well, of course, because three nights ago,
00:56:57JBL and Kurt Angle went through
00:56:59a brutal last man standing match
00:57:01in which they both knocked each other out
00:57:03with a steel chair.
00:57:05Well, you know, Cole, not just that.
00:57:07In that match, what I remember was Kurt Angle
00:57:09hitting eight German suplexes in a row.
00:57:12That's right, eight German suplexes.
00:57:15That man, Angle, hit on that man right there, JBL.
00:57:17I'll tell you what, my man,
00:57:19that will take something out of your body.
00:57:20For seven months, JBL has been WWE champion.
00:57:25For seven months, JBL has defeated the best
00:57:28that SmackDown has had to offer,
00:57:30including The Undertaker, Booker T, and Eddie Guerrero.
00:57:34But tonight, JBL may face his stiffest challenge,
00:57:38including Angle and the seven-foot, 470-pound Big Show.
00:57:43This is why I love JBL.
00:57:44He's got this humongous match right now,
00:57:46this humongous pay-per-view, and he's hurting,
00:57:49and he still has time to wave to his public.
00:57:52Why aren't they chanting his name?
00:57:53JBL, look at that smile, look at that grin.
00:57:57My man, look at him.
00:57:59He may not be smiling when this triple threat match
00:58:00is over with.
00:58:02I mean, remember, JBL went through
00:58:04that fatal four-way match back at Armageddon last month
00:58:07with Eddie Guerrero, Undertaker, and Booker T,
00:58:09and tonight, he's facing not only the Olympic gold medalist,
00:58:13but he's facing the seven-foot, 470-pound Big Show.
00:58:17Well, JBL kissing that championship
00:58:19and looking at that thing,
00:58:21he may be kissing it goodbye.
00:58:22I mean, you never know.
00:58:24And remember, JBL, the man who signed the petition
00:58:28to get rid of General Manager Theodore Long
00:58:30that Carlito's bringing around,
00:58:31that after the General Manager
00:58:35put JBL into this triple threat matchup here tonight.
00:58:38Apparently, Christian signed a big deuce.
00:58:40I guess Carlito's getting the boy guys, too.
00:58:43So this is the triple threat matchup,
00:58:44and the rules are simple.
00:58:46All three men involved in the matchup at the same time,
00:58:48the first man to gain pinfall or submission
00:58:51will win the WWE Championship.
00:58:53There are no disqualifications,
00:58:55and the champion does not have to be involved
00:58:57in the decision to lose his title.
00:58:59That's right, that's a bad deal if you're the champ.
00:59:01Close that.
00:59:03Running into a brick wall on a Sunday night
00:59:05in Fresno, California.
00:59:06That's not fun.
00:59:08JBL tries to intimidate his opponents
00:59:10with size and power,
00:59:11but he can't do that tonight with the Big Show.
00:59:14Look at Kurt Angle.
00:59:15He's just hanging out at ringside.
00:59:16He hasn't even gotten the matchup yet.
00:59:18Kurt Angle's smart.
00:59:19He's intelligent.
00:59:20That's one of the three eyes of Anthrogenus.
00:59:22Like to thank all our great WWE fans
00:59:25for joining us here tonight live on pay-per-view.
00:59:31Including over 150 countries around the world.
00:59:34We'll see the rumble at one time or another,
00:59:35including tonight for the first time,
00:59:37we're airing live in New Zealand.
00:59:40Oh, really?
00:59:40Oh, that's cool.
00:59:41WWE legend, Tony Guerrilla.
00:59:43I remember him.
00:59:44And look at JBL, caught in midair by the Big Show.
00:59:47The power.
00:59:48Champion in trouble.
00:59:48And Big Show extremely focused in the early going.
00:59:52470 pounds on the drop.
00:59:53Here's the cover.
00:59:54And Kurt Angle picks up the three count
00:59:57because a pinfall there would've given the title
00:59:58to Big Show.
00:59:59Well, the Big Show dropping that big redwood
01:00:01on the neck of JBL.
01:00:02Kurt Angle hooking that front headlock there.
01:00:06Big headbutt by Big Show, driving Angle to the corner.
01:00:10And that is like being hit in the chest
01:00:11by a frying pan or a skilt.
01:00:14You're not gonna crush the sternum.
01:00:15Oh, and a right hand.
01:00:18And Big Show dominating in the early going.
01:00:20Big Show is what he's doing is,
01:00:22he's taking advantage of pain.
01:00:23That's very smart.
01:00:24Stunned to the eye by the champion.
01:00:25I was gonna say, he's taking advantage, Big Show,
01:00:27of the pain that these guys went through.
01:00:30Now, that's standing there.
01:00:31JBL trying to suplex the 470 pounder.
01:00:33And he gets his own to pay for it.
01:00:36Nice technique, too, on popping those hips
01:00:38by the 500 pound largest athlete in the world.
01:00:4122, 5'8", into the skull of Kurt Angle.
01:00:45Show is dominating and not surprising either.
01:00:48Big Show with that bandage on his forehead,
01:00:50the wounds from two weeks ago.
01:00:51Watch out!
01:00:52And look at this!
01:00:53JBL and Kurt Angle over the top rope.
01:00:57And how dominating has the Big Show been
01:00:59in the early going?
01:01:00Big Show got a big old grin on that big face
01:01:03and that big, large head.
01:01:04And Big Show feeling good, and I don't blame him.
01:01:07Watch out here, right off the table.
01:01:09A straight right hand to the champion.
01:01:11Again, it was Kurt Angle and JBL a couple of weeks ago,
01:01:14along with their protégés in their cabinet,
01:01:17who went seven on one, causing the Big Show injuries,
01:01:20including that shot with a steel step to his head.
01:01:23Watch out, look at this!
01:01:24JBL head first off the steel post.
01:01:26Kurt Angle, Kurt's got, oh, wow!
01:01:31Kurt is probably, no, Kurt is trying
01:01:33to take the German suplex.
01:01:36That was big shot again.
01:01:39Big Show, I don't know what he's doing at all.
01:01:41I have no clue what he's doing here.
01:01:42But he's moving the steel steps,
01:01:44and this is a little too close for comfort,
01:01:46ladies and gentlemen.
01:01:46Not doing that, buddy.
01:01:47And Big JBL, the champion.
01:01:51And I'll tell you what, Big Show's hammering,
01:01:53hammering JBL there.
01:01:56And now Big Show clearing out the outtakes.
01:01:58Right now, this is not good.
01:02:00Yeah, right out here in front of us for the champion, JBL.
01:02:03And Big Show is just, he's not in a rush.
01:02:07He knows he's got Angle and JBL down and out.
01:02:12And he's, and he's, he's got us up a tree here.
01:02:18What are the plans, what are the thoughts
01:02:19going through the head of Big Show?
01:02:21I don't know, but.
01:02:22Oh, man.
01:02:23Oh, my God.
01:02:24I think I got an idea now.
01:02:25What the hell's gonna, Big Show to the top of the steel.
01:02:28And Kurt Angle with a low blow,
01:02:30perfectly legal in this matchup.
01:02:32Angle with a low blow, television monitor.
01:02:34Oh, no, no, no.
01:02:36Off the skull of the Big Show.
01:02:38What's with the Big Show?
01:02:40By three on the table.
01:02:42The Big Show teetered for a moment,
01:02:44lost his balance, and went crashing
01:02:47through the table and ringside.
01:02:49And perhaps Kurt Angle has eliminated
01:02:51the most important part of this matchup,
01:02:54the toughest part of the matchup for him and the champion.
01:02:56Big Show's out, man.
01:02:58He's out of time, I'm telling you.
01:02:59And now it allows Kurt Angle to go on the attack.
01:03:03JBL, the champion, here at ringside.
01:03:06This is like a continuation of SmackDown
01:03:09in that last speed standing match.
01:03:11Kurt Angle driving that elbow to the back
01:03:13of the neck of JBL, and a clubbing blow
01:03:15to the back by the champion.
01:03:16Now down to a one-on-one matchup.
01:03:18JBL and Kurt Angle.
01:03:20JBL and Kurt Angle two weeks ago
01:03:21wanted a one-on-one matchup,
01:03:23and I believe they may have gotten it now.
01:03:25Textbook arm drag into an arm bar
01:03:28by the Olympic gold medalist.
01:03:29Let's take another look at this.
01:03:31That's just keeping monitor to the head of the Big Show.
01:03:38Let's take a look, I thought he was slowing him down.
01:03:42I thought for a minute he was gonna keep his balance.
01:03:45He was out of his feet.
01:03:47Double leg takedown by Kurt Angle.
01:03:49Quickly into the arm bar again.
01:03:51He's got a key lock version of a top wrist lock.
01:03:53Oh, and he's gonna be able to talk back now.
01:03:55Oh, yes!
01:03:57That'll rip your elbow up.
01:03:58I'll tell you, Kurt Angle is focused.
01:04:00Emerson taking out the Big Show,
01:04:01but the champion with the right hand.
01:04:03And if you're these two opponents, Taz,
01:04:04you have got to do everything you can
01:04:06to put this matchup away while the Big Show is down and out.
01:04:10You are not kidding, my man.
01:04:11Right there, that clothesline,
01:04:13while Kurt Angle had nowhere to go.
01:04:16I'll tell you, I don't think Big Show's
01:04:18coming back anytime soon.
01:04:19Well, I just glanced down at the man,
01:04:21and he's out like a damn light.
01:04:22He has not moved since going through the table.
01:04:24Nobody home for the champion.
01:04:26And look at this!
01:04:26Here we go!
01:04:27German suplex!
01:04:28And Kurt Angle keeps the hands locked,
01:04:30the arms around the waist.
01:04:31That's one, and the fingers are locked.
01:04:34And Kurt's trying to pop those hips.
01:04:36His level's lower already now.
01:04:38Well, JBL learned his lesson Thursday night on SmackDown
01:04:41when he suffered eight German suplexes
01:04:43in the hands of Angle.
01:04:44That's right, watch out.
01:04:45Watch out!
01:04:46Here it comes!
01:04:47For the clothesline from Hell!
01:04:48Here it is!
01:04:49Counter by Kurt Angle!
01:04:49Into a German of his own!
01:04:51I'm telling you right now,
01:04:53Kurt Angle knew that this past Thursday on SmackDown,
01:04:57those German suplexes took something out of JBL.
01:05:01Now to strap it down, and Kurt's going for the kill.
01:05:03And Taz, what you just saw was Kurt Angle
01:05:04looking back here at ringside to make sure Big Show
01:05:06is taking him out.
01:05:08Went for the Angle Slam.
01:05:10With a boot to the jaw!
01:05:11The champion lets Angle down.
01:05:13Elbow kicks out!
01:05:14Here's the cover!
01:05:15And Kurt Angle kicks out.
01:05:17I want him first of all to pick up a pinfall or submission
01:05:20and let Angle win this matchup and be WWE champion.
01:05:22What a match, Cole!
01:05:23What a match!
01:05:25Uh-oh, look, look!
01:05:26Big Show is stirring.
01:05:28Big Show is back in the ring.
01:05:29He's back in?
01:05:30How the hell?
01:05:31I can't believe it!
01:05:32And JBL catches Angle!
01:05:33And there's a double clothesline by the big man!
01:05:36Oh, man!
01:05:37Headbutts galore by the Big Show!
01:05:40The champion knocked down.
01:05:41Kurt Angle knocked down.
01:05:42Big Show came in here to prove a point,
01:05:45and he's taking it out!
01:05:47He's dominating!
01:05:48Look at this!
01:05:49Oh, my God, he's stacking him up, Cole!
01:05:52Wow, Big Show is fired up!
01:05:55The largest athlete in the world
01:05:57is focused on becoming the WWE champion.
01:06:00JBL, Irishman, both into the corner.
01:06:04Both his opponents in deep trouble in a 470 pounder.
01:06:08Watch out!
01:06:09That's like a man truck running you down on the highway.
01:06:11Oh, my God!
01:06:12Double clothesline again!
01:06:14Both men in deep, deep trouble!
01:06:17They talk about straps being down.
01:06:20Well, Big Show saying that JBL's gonna go for a ride.
01:06:24And I think he's saying Kurt Angle is as well!
01:06:26Yeah, double choke here.
01:06:28Nice, a Kurt Angle shot to the knee.
01:06:29Right in the knee, yeah.
01:06:31Look at that!
01:06:32A clothesline from hell
01:06:33as Kurt Angle took out the knee of the Big Show!
01:06:35Yeah, Kurt with a low flip,
01:06:37and then a clothesline from hell on top by JBL.
01:06:40I don't think that was teamwork,
01:06:41that just was a coincidence.
01:06:43And now JBL and Kurt Angle back to their feet.
01:06:46And look at this!
01:06:47There's a German, I'm telling you!
01:06:48Kurt Angle trying to take out Bradshaw
01:06:50to take advantage!
01:06:51He got him, he got him!
01:06:51And Big Show kicked down with authority!
01:06:54What a match, man!
01:06:58Kurt Angle!
01:06:58Angle slam!
01:06:59A 470 pound Angle slam!
01:07:02But Angle may have hurt his back delivering it!
01:07:05Oh, to the jaw!
01:07:07What a shot!
01:07:08And JBL looking to take advantage of Kurt Angle.
01:07:10Got him, got him!
01:07:11He's got him!
01:07:12And Big Show at two and a half!
01:07:15Kicks out!
01:07:17I'll tell you what, you gotta wonder,
01:07:19what is left in JBL's tank?
01:07:23After just coming off the last man standing,
01:07:25and this brutal, brutal match up here!
01:07:27You gotta wonder what's left in Big Show's tank!
01:07:30I don't know what's left in his tank,
01:07:31but JBL is going for something here!
01:07:33Oh, JBL caught!
01:07:36JBL got caught, Big Show's got him guzzled!
01:07:39Look at that choke slam!
01:07:42And it could be over!
01:07:42The new champion right here!
01:07:44But JBL with the wherewithal
01:07:47to get his foot on the bottom rope.
01:07:49Great ring presence, sense of mind,
01:07:51know where you are at all times in the ring,
01:07:52that's why JBL's so smart,
01:07:54and that's another reason why he's a WWE champion.
01:07:57Big Show, with the frustration and disappointment
01:08:00in his eyes, for a split second,
01:08:02but now he's back on the attack.
01:08:03Hey, Cole, I don't think JBL can count on this here.
01:08:07Watch out, watch out!
01:08:08Oh, my God!
01:08:11Oh, my God!
01:08:12Big Show driving Bradshaw through that barricade!
01:08:15Both men are down!
01:08:17Can you believe the impact?
01:08:19That was nearly 800 pounds driven through that barricade!
01:08:25I don't think I've ever seen anything like that!
01:08:29That is almost a half a ton of human beings
01:08:32going through that barricade!
01:08:33Look at this!
01:08:35Let's take another look at this, another angle here.
01:08:38Look at this, look at this shot here, look at this!
01:08:40Oh, my God!
01:08:42Oh, my God!
01:08:43Those barricades, ladies and gentlemen,
01:08:45are made of steel!
01:08:47Yeah, this is back live now.
01:08:49Yeah, underneath, underneath that thin cushion,
01:08:51there is steel there, and I can't believe it!
01:08:53Uh-oh, look at, oh, wait a minute, Kurt Angle!
01:08:54Kurt Angle with that steel chair in the ring,
01:08:56and Big Show and JBL have no clue!
01:08:58Oh, I think Kurt's trying to hide the chair!
01:09:03Well, now what's gonna happen?
01:09:04You got JBL!
01:09:06I think the champion's out cold.
01:09:08I believe the champion's out cold
01:09:10as Big Show realizes Kurt Angle's in the ring.
01:09:13Yeah, and Big Show, I think, wants some of Kurt.
01:09:16Big Show knows all he's gotta do, which is not easy,
01:09:19is beat Angle on his own,
01:09:21and Big Show's the new champion, new WWE champion.
01:09:24Okay, we see the bastions,
01:09:25the co-secretaries of defense come down,
01:09:28and wait a minute, Kurt Angle with his steel chair!
01:09:30Oh, my God!
01:09:32Almost first, Kurt Angle's skull off that steel chair
01:09:36as the EMTs come out to the aid of the champion!
01:09:38Wait a minute, Big Show's covered!
01:09:40How's the leg?
01:09:41And look at that, that's Burt Jindrak,
01:09:43Angle's protege, pulling the referee out of the ring!
01:09:46Oh, that's how Kurt taught Jindrak!
01:09:47And look at Luther Reigns, Angle's other protege!
01:09:50It's a trap, how'd it be a trap?
01:09:51Maybe it was, I don't know,
01:09:52but pretty smart by Kurt Angle's camp right there.
01:09:56Now Reigns and Jindrak, the double team of the big show.
01:09:59Now you see Orlando Jordan, the cabinet of JBL.
01:10:02Well, we gotta point out, too,
01:10:03Kurt, there's no disqualification here in this matchup.
01:10:05No, but the concern is for the champion,
01:10:06JBL, his cabinet's out here along with the EMTs.
01:10:09Oh, Bradshaw's out of this, man.
01:10:10Now JBL's out.
01:10:11They're gonna put JBL on a board out there.
01:10:14He ain't got no keys.
01:10:15Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak around as well,
01:10:17and what's Orlando Jordan doing?
01:10:18They're not in the match.
01:10:19I mean, I'm just shocked.
01:10:20What the hell's going on?
01:10:22Orlando Jordan's got the champion.
01:10:23Look at the Chief of Staff do it!
01:10:25Wait a minute!
01:10:26He's throwing JBL back in the ring!
01:10:28JBL is back in the ring!
01:10:30Kurt Angle's to his feet!
01:10:32JBL with a claw!
01:10:33What the hell?
01:10:35He's gonna steal this thing!
01:10:36JBL's gonna steal it for the match!
01:10:40He did it again!
01:10:41He stole another damn title match!
01:10:45Here's your winner,
01:10:47and still WWE Champion,
01:10:51Jon Bradshaw, the champion!
01:10:55And the Big Show's expression says it all.
01:10:57You have gotta be kidding me!
01:10:59You have got to be kidding me!
01:11:01JBL survived again!
01:11:04I don't know about survive,
01:11:05but I thought it was a valiant effort.
01:11:07Kind of, in my opinion,
01:11:09but I kind of get what you're saying,
01:11:10but the cabinet's excited.
01:11:12JBL retains the title!
01:11:16A valiant effort.
01:11:17I don't even believe JBL knew where he was.
01:11:20I believe he delivered the clothesline from hell
01:11:22on straight instinct.
01:11:24There's the man, the Big Show,
01:11:26who should be WWE Champion
01:11:29if Angle's protege didn't pull the damn referee
01:11:32out of the ring.
01:11:33Well, an extremely, very impressive performance
01:11:35by the Big Show tonight.
01:11:36That's for sure.
01:11:37When JBL delivered the clothesline from hell,
01:11:40the Big Show was taken out
01:11:42by the cabinet members of Angle's guys.
01:11:44This is what, meanwhile,
01:11:45while this was going on right here,
01:11:47check out what was going on here.
01:11:49Orlando, the Chief of Staff,
01:11:50was chucking JBL back in the ring,
01:11:52and this is pure instinct by the champion.
01:11:54Oh, yeah, it's brilliant.
01:11:56It's brilliant, I'm telling you.
01:11:58Clothesline from hell, I don't know what's going on.
01:12:01But, Taz, the bottom line, again,
01:12:03is JBL survived.
01:12:05This champion is a survivor,
01:12:07thanks to his cabinet here tonight.
01:12:10You did it again, JBL.
01:12:12Once again.
01:12:12Oh, I'm in shock.
01:12:16Hey, hey, big man.
01:12:20Look at you, man, you're a monster.
01:12:22That's cool, man.
01:12:24You're cool.
01:12:25Yeah, and check this out, this is cool.
01:12:26Why don't you sign my petition
01:12:28to get rid of Theodore Long
01:12:30as the general manager of SmackDown?
01:12:33Why don't you take this pen right here in your hand, man?
01:12:36I don't think so, man.
01:12:37Good luck with it, but I'm not gonna sign it.
01:12:39Oh, you're not gonna sign it?
01:12:48You watch Raw last week?
01:12:52You see what I did with that flagpole?
01:12:57Imagine what I could do with your little petition.
01:13:06I'm just kidding, man, you just-
01:13:07Good luck with it.
01:13:09Thank you.
01:13:10Take it easy.
01:13:15What the hell kind of championship match
01:13:17do you call that when you have 100 people interfering?
01:13:19What are you talking about?
01:13:20Like your world championship match
01:13:22isn't gonna have a ton of interference?
01:13:24Everybody knows that Evolution's gonna get involved.
01:13:27Batista, you can even ask him, he can tell you that.
01:13:28Yeah, well, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
01:13:30I'll just give you my number, man.
01:13:32What I'm gonna do?
01:13:33What are you gonna do?
01:13:34Raw's championship match, Evolution is banned
01:13:37from ringside.
01:13:39Is that right?
01:13:42That's right, Batista, and my decision is final.
01:13:45The only question is, do you wanna tell Triple H
01:13:48or would you like me to?
01:13:54No, I'll tell him.
01:13:57You know something?
01:14:00For once, you've done something right.
01:14:06There's only one WrestleMania, ladies and gentlemen.
01:14:08WrestleMania goes Hollywood.
01:14:10WrestleMania 21 sold out in Los Angeles
01:14:13in a matter of moments.
01:14:1563 days away.
01:14:17I can't wait, King.
01:14:18And fortunately, there's only one Eugene
01:14:20still causing trouble back at the home.
01:14:22No doubt about it.
01:14:23Well, ladies and gentlemen, coming up,
01:14:24the Raw main event for the World's Heavyweight Championship.
01:14:29I gotta thank Huge News.
01:14:30Eric Bischoff, our general manager, just said,
01:14:33no Evolution members at ringside.
01:14:35They have been barred.
01:14:36It will be one-on-one.
01:14:37And what about the look on the face of Batista?
01:14:40I think he's gonna get some kind of pleasure
01:14:43in giving that news to Triple H.
01:14:46Would seem that way.
01:14:47Perhaps, ladies and gentlemen,
01:14:48we've been waiting a long time for Randy Orton
01:14:50to get the opportunity to get back in the hunt.
01:14:53Of course, King, there you see-
01:14:55Yeah, listen, listen, JR.
01:14:56Listen up for a second.
01:14:57That's the official theme song of the Royal Rumble.
01:14:59It's Find the Real.
01:15:01It's by Alter Bridge.
01:15:03And it's available right now.
01:15:04Now, or so they say, ladies and gentlemen,
01:15:06Randy Orton, the number one contender
01:15:08for the World's Heavyweight title
01:15:09against the Cerebral Assassin.
01:15:11This is going to be an awesome, now,
01:15:14one-on-one main event.
01:15:16And let's go back to the Elimination Chamber
01:15:20and see the latest installment between these two.
01:15:2310 tons of steel.
01:15:26Two miles of chain.
01:15:28Five of the greatest wrestlers
01:15:32in the history of this business.
01:15:35And yet, here I stand,
01:15:39the World Heavyweight Champion.
01:15:44Triple H, you pinned me in the Elimination Chamber
01:15:48with Batista's health
01:15:50after he had been eliminated.
01:15:54I demand a rematch
01:15:57for the World Heavyweight Championship.
01:16:02I agree.
01:16:03Tonight, we're gonna have a number one contender's match.
01:16:08It'll be Batista versus Randy Orton.
01:16:13Go Randy!
01:16:15Oh, Orton has smashed Batista in the cover.
01:16:19Where'd he go?
01:16:21No way!
01:16:23Randy Orton is the number one contender
01:16:26for the World's Heavyweight title.
01:16:29The single greatest moment in my life
01:16:33happened at SummerSlam.
01:16:37Because right here in this ring,
01:16:38I became the youngest world champion in history.
01:16:44Randy Orton, the man of destiny.
01:16:47Now, everything I dreamt of,
01:16:49everything I worked oh so hard for,
01:16:51was taken away from me by one man.
01:16:57Triple H.
01:17:03Orton made a choice.
01:17:05The choice was to take the World Heavyweight Championship.
01:17:09World Heavyweight Championship.
01:17:11And the beating that you took was a consequence
01:17:15of the decisions that you made.
01:17:19I've suffered for it too, haven't you Randy?
01:17:22Well, trust me, you're gonna suffer some more.
01:17:26At the Royal Rumble, it will be Triple H
01:17:28defending the World's Heavyweight title
01:17:30against Randy Orton.
01:17:32What a main event.
01:17:34Triple H, I want it all back.
01:17:38Randy Orton, I brought you into this world
01:17:41and I will take you out of this world.
01:17:44I'm gonna beat you and once again,
01:17:47become the World Heavyweight Champion.
01:17:51Look at the look on Triple H's face,
01:17:53he's seeing right into his future.
01:17:55Is it Orton's destiny to regain the World Heavyweight title?
01:17:58I don't believe in destiny.
01:18:01I want back my pride, I want my blood,
01:18:05and I want my title.
01:18:07Is it Orton's destiny?
01:18:31Nothing you can say
01:18:32before they wanna change my team.
01:18:35It's for the World Heavyweight Championship.
01:18:39Introducing first, but the challenger
01:18:41from St. Louis, Missouri,
01:18:43weighing 260 pounds,
01:18:46Randy Orton!
01:18:50The time is here and now for the 24-year-old Randy Orton
01:18:54to step up one more level again
01:18:56and regain the World Heavyweight title.
01:18:59King of Tugging,
01:19:01U.S. dad Bob Orton Jr. earned a week.
01:19:04Mom and dad are watching back in St. Louis.
01:19:06They gotta be sitting on the edge of their seat.
01:19:08I know I would if my son was competing
01:19:10for the richest prize in this business,
01:19:13the World Heavyweight title.
01:19:15Well, he's done it before,
01:19:16and certainly he's capable of doing it again.
01:19:19But mom and dad back in St. Louis
01:19:20aren't gonna be able to help Randy Orton tonight.
01:19:22He's gonna have to take this title himself.
01:19:25Is he a man of destiny,
01:19:26or is he destined to be looking up at the lights
01:19:29at the hands of Triple H again?
01:19:35Time to play the game!
01:19:45Representing Evolution,
01:19:48from Greenwich, Connecticut,
01:19:49weighing 225 pounds,
01:19:53the World Heavyweight Champion,
01:19:57Triple H!
01:20:03Well, as far as this man is concerned,
01:20:05his life revolves around,
01:20:07is centered by being the World's Heavyweight Champion.
01:20:13Well, is that more important in life, to Triple H,
01:20:16than being the World Heavyweight Champion?
01:20:18It's what he's all about.
01:20:19He says it's what defines him.
01:20:24You know, you might very well say the same thing
01:20:26for young Randy Orton,
01:20:28the third-generation superstar,
01:20:31young man that was bred to be a champion.
01:20:34He has tasted it once back at SummerSlam 2004.
01:20:39Orton has fought his way back into the hunt.
01:20:42The Game regained the world title
01:20:44inside the Elimination Chamber earlier this month.
01:20:48The way you describe Orton,
01:20:49he's a guy with a wonderful future behind him.
01:20:52He had the world at his fingertips
01:20:55when he was part of Evolution.
01:20:56Look at him.
01:20:57He threw it all away himself.
01:20:58He's got nobody to blame but himself.
01:21:01Oh, look at that shot.
01:21:03And the shadow of a champion.
01:21:05Will Randy Orton step out of that shadow tonight
01:21:08and regain his spot
01:21:11as the number-one man in this business?
01:21:14And remember, ladies and gentlemen,
01:21:15again, it is one-on-one,
01:21:17mandated by Eric Bischoff just moments ago,
01:21:21sole Evolution at ringside.
01:21:23All right. You can imagine.
01:21:25I mean, whatever plan that Triple H
01:21:27was talking to Batista and Flair about earlier in the evening,
01:21:30I mean, it went right out the window instantly
01:21:32at the hands of Eric Bischoff.
01:21:34It's stealthy.
01:21:35I think there was some sort of a smile
01:21:38on the face of Batista.
01:21:40I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall
01:21:41with Batista's gold.
01:21:42Triple H, thank you.
01:21:43And may have shaken Triple H's confidence.
01:21:45It certainly has altered his strategy,
01:21:48one would have to assume.
01:21:50There's no backup.
01:21:52It's only one-on-one.
01:21:53You notice Randy Orton's left leg is taped.
01:21:56That's a result of the beating that he survived,
01:21:59I underscore, this past week on Raw.
01:22:06One fall here, senior referee Earl Hemmer,
01:22:08and there's what it's all about, folks.
01:22:10The world's heavyweight title.
01:22:11Only two men in the history of our business
01:22:13have been world champion more than Triple H.
01:22:16They're both Hall of Famers,
01:22:17Hollywood Hogan and Ric Flair.
01:22:19That's where Triple H stands right now
01:22:21in the history of this business.
01:22:29Oh, and Randy Orton not to be intimidated.
01:22:32I wish we could have heard what Triple H was saying,
01:22:33but I can guarantee you one thing.
01:22:35Obviously, Randy Orton didn't like it.
01:22:37He took the mid-time exception to it.
01:22:38Orton's so blocked by the 24-year-old Randy Orton.
01:22:41He looks to be moving quite well on that bum knee.
01:22:44And Orton now on the back side,
01:22:45looking quickly here for the cover.
01:22:47He's going for the pinning combination early.
01:22:50Orton scores with a right and a left
01:22:52and another right hand,
01:22:53and the number one contender for the world's title
01:22:55is starting out quickly.
01:22:57He is, oh!
01:22:59Oh, wow, oh my gosh!
01:23:00Triple H up in the lights here in Fresno,
01:23:03a capacity crowd on hand.
01:23:04Orton will hit the Royal Rumble and launch the game.
01:23:07Look out, RKO, RKO, RKO, and Triple H.
01:23:10Look, the saw his life flash before his eyes there.
01:23:14Oh, the title flashed before his eyes.
01:23:15Well, I mean, he tried to end this thing early.
01:23:17Triple H's life is the title.
01:23:19The title is his life,
01:23:21and Orton cannot win by count out.
01:23:23He must keep that in mind.
01:23:25The young man, there he is,
01:23:27shoving Triple H back in the ring.
01:23:31Triple H trying to get a head on the beam and a pin.
01:23:32Right to the drop kick.
01:23:34Will it be?
01:23:35Oh, look at the leg go!
01:23:36Orton got another near fall following that drop kick.
01:23:39Referee signifying only a two count.
01:23:42I say, how long has this match been going?
01:23:44Maybe around a minute,
01:23:46and we've already had two near falls by Orton.
01:23:48Clearly the aggressor in this match.
01:23:50On right hand, taking Triple H down
01:23:52for that knee in the corner.
01:23:53Straight right hands.
01:23:55Referee has got to be very, very careful
01:23:57he doesn't get disqualified here.
01:23:59You're right, he's got to be careful
01:24:00because if ever anyone had an opportunity,
01:24:03I mean a rare opportunity,
01:24:05to beat Triple H because it's one on one.
01:24:07Orton's got that opportunity here tonight.
01:24:08Some say that Randy Orton has the game snubbed
01:24:11in the last five weeks.
01:24:13Orton has defeated every member of Evolution
01:24:15in one on one matches.
01:24:16Well, you're one of the ones that's been saying it.
01:24:20I'm not the only one.
01:24:21By the way,
01:24:23Correlation now that,
01:24:24mounting that second roll,
01:24:26hammering down at the challenger.
01:24:28And Orton, oh look out!
01:24:30Orton wants his snake eyes
01:24:32dropping Triple H's face first
01:24:34into that top turnbuckle.
01:24:37I'm going to tell you something.
01:24:38That's a devastating move right there.
01:24:40I'll tell you.
01:24:41Well, I've realized that.
01:24:42And Orton, look out!
01:24:44Let me in!
01:24:45What a counter!
01:24:46I was really worried about the game.
01:24:47I was about to say he looks,
01:24:49he looks wobbly legged,
01:24:50but look at that.
01:24:51What a counter to that RKO by the game.
01:24:54Certainly a desperation attempt
01:24:55by Triple H to counter.
01:24:57Look at this one more time.
01:24:59Randy Orton, he's wanting to end this thing early.
01:25:01He's going for the RKO!
01:25:04He just catapulted him right out over the top
01:25:05of onto the floor.
01:25:07Orton laying on that SmackDown announce table.
01:25:10Where's the SmackDown?
01:25:11Where's Taz and Cole?
01:25:13Where are they now?
01:25:14They're down.
01:25:15They're celebrating.
01:25:16Triple H is surveying the territory here.
01:25:18Triple H would be more than pleased
01:25:20to win this match by count out.
01:25:22Wish I would think that he would,
01:25:23but perhaps Orton has been so incapacitated
01:25:25that Triple H is going to be easy pickings here.
01:25:29And that may not be true.
01:25:31And again, I might be wrong.
01:25:33You might be wrong.
01:25:35Look at the impact that was.
01:25:36That put the exclamation point
01:25:38on Orton's problems on the outside.
01:25:42Oh, look at that.
01:25:42A lot of mocking going on here tonight.
01:25:45That's why they call this man the Cerebral Assassin, JR.
01:25:49He's always thinking.
01:25:50He's always one step ahead of his opponent.
01:25:52Now, the referee's got a count going right now.
01:25:53Randy Orton's got to think about getting back
01:25:55in the ring sooner than later.
01:25:57Orton's thinking about his shoulder right now.
01:25:59Triple H has to be careful with those steel steps.
01:26:02Triple H, you know, that move right there
01:26:05may come back and backfire the game.
01:26:06I bet the referee's up to about a count of five.
01:26:08Well, you know, Triple H just broke that count.
01:26:11I don't know that Orton would have made it back in or what.
01:26:13I thought you were talking about the move
01:26:14where Triple H could go into those steps.
01:26:16That's not going to come back.
01:26:17I don't know why.
01:26:18Maybe I'm wrong.
01:26:19In any event, Triple H,
01:26:21perhaps he just wants to beat Randy Orton.
01:26:24Come on, Orton!
01:26:25Get on the side!
01:26:26Orton's a hell of a chump.
01:26:27One, two, three!
01:26:30Come on, Orton, knock him out!
01:26:31Come on, one, two, three!
01:26:35You know what I'm thinking?
01:26:36I think we may have already witnessed
01:26:38the best of Randy Orton here tonight.
01:26:40He was pretty good there for about, what,
01:26:41three and a half minutes?
01:26:42Great offensive player here in the early going.
01:26:44Let's not count Randy Orton out yet.
01:26:46I told you he had a wonderful future behind him.
01:26:48A couple of near falls, all that kind of stuff.
01:26:50Ash in the pan.
01:26:51Great right hand.
01:26:53This has been a tough event for Triple H to master
01:26:57since winning the Royal Rumble in 2002.
01:27:00Orton's got a rustle Triple H back in this thing.
01:27:03Right in the boot, right in the face.
01:27:04Right in the boot, right in the boot,
01:27:06right in the face, and he saw plenty of that.
01:27:08A right hand by Orton.
01:27:09Orton's got a rustle Triple H back in this thing.
01:27:11Orton's just street fight style here going upstairs.
01:27:15Left knee!
01:27:16Right knee!
01:27:17That's it for the ride.
01:27:18Oh no.
01:27:19Good counter.
01:27:21That's not knee.
01:27:22That's knee again.
01:27:23You see the tape on it.
01:27:24Orton, if you watched well this past week,
01:27:26that's why the game is a spring of assassin.
01:27:29Of course, you think Orton was trying to hide that tape.
01:27:32It didn't matter if he didn't wear tape out here at all.
01:27:35The game knows that.
01:27:36Look at him play out here.
01:27:37Ring post.
01:27:38Here he goes.
01:27:39Triple H using the ring post as an ally.
01:27:42Wrapping Orton's leg around the post,
01:27:44and now ripping at the face of the 24-year-old.
01:27:47But Orton has it made on the edge of his equipment.
01:27:51Watch this one more time.
01:27:52This is Triple H's first-round shot at that damaged left leg of Randy Orton.
01:27:57Certainly reminiscent of Ric Flair
01:27:59as he prepares for a big and poor leg lock.
01:28:02Triple H has learned well from Flair.
01:28:04Flair, the name's been there.
01:28:05He's in fact going to have to watch this on a monitor in the locker room.
01:28:09He can't be happy about this.
01:28:12I don't know what to do.
01:28:13Triple H is happy about being in the Royal Rumble.
01:28:15Certainly is.
01:28:16He must have locked his number, whatever it was,
01:28:19he's got it back.
01:28:22No wrist locks, no hammer locks, no head locks,
01:28:25only working on that left knee.
01:28:28He don't need wrist locks, hammer locks when he does that,
01:28:31but believe me, he's got them if he needs them.
01:28:33My point is, the Cerebral Assassin has a strategy now,
01:28:37and that is to continue to damage the knee of Randy Orton.
01:28:41If Orton had an advantage in quickness and speed, he has lost it.
01:28:46Watch this.
01:28:47Oh, man.
01:28:48Watch that kneecap, that knee off.
01:28:50Right to the canvas.
01:28:51Triple H not wasting any motion here.
01:28:53Knows exactly what he's doing.
01:28:56He likes hurting people.
01:28:57He likes hurting people's knees.
01:28:59He likes ruining moments.
01:29:01Ruining a moment like this for Randy Orton.
01:29:04Randy Orton's done it.
01:29:07I like Randy Orton.
01:29:12He should be happy with that.
01:29:13He's using his left knee to post there,
01:29:16and that's a very energetic angle.
01:29:20Trying to free himself any way he can here.
01:29:23And that leg of Orton's has turned into a really ugly angle.
01:29:27You really have a way of keeping him.
01:29:29And again, that knee dropped.
01:29:31Triple H driving his knee into the knee of Randy Orton,
01:29:34and Orton is damaged goods right now.
01:29:36I'd be lucky if he could even stand.
01:29:38We'll see if he's just stuck with evolution.
01:29:41Instead, no.
01:29:44He's got it!
01:29:45Orton's got it!
01:29:46He's got it!
01:29:47Orton countered with an inside right,
01:29:49and the game goes right back to the knee.
01:29:52The game going right back to the knee.
01:29:54And now, Triple H with a big hit to the leg!
01:29:58You hear the woos in the crowd.
01:30:00That's right.
01:30:01Reminiscing of the legendary Claire himself.
01:30:04Come on, tap out!
01:30:06Orton being punished here with that figure four leg lock.
01:30:09Oh, no!
01:30:10Oh, no!
01:30:11Orton seems to be...
01:30:13Oh, come on!
01:30:14Lacerations in his head as well,
01:30:16but a little insult to injury.
01:30:18That's the main thing right now is working on that knee.
01:30:21That figure four is a painful, painful maneuver.
01:30:24Watch the game.
01:30:25He's trying to get to those ropes.
01:30:27Orton is about six-four.
01:30:29Reaching as far as he can.
01:30:31Triple H trying to sit back
01:30:33and not let Orton get any closer to the ropes.
01:30:35Tear your knee right out of the stocking.
01:30:37You've got to tap!
01:30:38Heavyweight title on the line here.
01:30:40The Challengers are in trouble.
01:30:42After a very fast offensive start.
01:30:44Shoulders down.
01:30:45Referee counting!
01:30:46They've got a two-and-a-half.
01:30:50Triple H maintaining control.
01:30:54Just touch it.
01:30:55Not reaching.
01:30:56You see it there.
01:30:57So close.
01:30:59You've got to hold it.
01:31:00You can't touch it.
01:31:01A little too weak.
01:31:02It's a small move.
01:31:03Bringing Orton back to the center of the ring.
01:31:06Now applying all the pressure once again.
01:31:10I think, was that a tap?
01:31:12Orton could tap and say, I quit.
01:31:14But the bottom line here is that
01:31:16if Orton can't survive, I don't know that he can.
01:31:18Shoulders are down.
01:31:19The pain's going to be riveting from the count.
01:31:21Another near fall.
01:31:23I'll tell you something.
01:31:24The figure four is, at least to me anyway,
01:31:27I mean, it's one of the most painful holds you can get in.
01:31:29That's when you've got two good legs.
01:31:32Orton with a damaged knee.
01:31:34Triple H adding that insult to the injury.
01:31:38That may have rejuvenated Randy Orton.
01:31:40Orton trying to reverse the pressure
01:31:42of the figure four.
01:31:44No, I think Triple H may have outdone himself there.
01:31:48Outsmarted his own self.
01:31:50He got Orton fired up.
01:31:52Look out!
01:31:54And now Triple H is being punished.
01:31:56Orton with a turn into almost a version
01:31:58of an Indian deadlock.
01:31:59He's in the ropes.
01:32:00Triple H quickly into the ropes.
01:32:02Referee's quickly breaking the hold,
01:32:04but damage has been done to Orton,
01:32:06but Triple H got a taste of it as well.
01:32:08Yeah, but a lot more damage done to Orton.
01:32:10Come on, game.
01:32:13Triple H trying to shake the feeling
01:32:15and the blowback in that leg,
01:32:17but Randy Orton has yet to regain his feet.
01:32:19Not sure that Orton can,
01:32:21and if he does, how effective will he be?
01:32:23He hasn't even tried to get back up on his feet.
01:32:25I don't think he's going to now.
01:32:29Triple H driving Orton.
01:32:31Triple H driving aggressively.
01:32:33Viciously, his knee right into
01:32:35the leg of Randy Orton,
01:32:37and Orton is writhing there in pain.
01:32:45And Orton's leg breaks off that apron,
01:32:47and Randy Orton,
01:32:49it may be now just a matter of time
01:32:51until the referee either stops this match
01:32:53or Orton is unable to continue.
01:32:55Due to Orton being unable to continue.
01:33:01Look out!
01:33:03T-Bell and Carlos are nervous now, Steve.
01:33:05I think one of them,
01:33:07I think Carlos took a cheap shot
01:33:09at Triple H there.
01:33:13Be careful, it's hands and cold down there.
01:33:15Maybe a little airbag.
01:33:19Triple H is now the referee
01:33:21to count Randy Orton.
01:33:23Orton's trying to get up,
01:33:25and he has still yet to get on his feet.
01:33:27Orton's still on his knees.
01:33:29That's the best Orton's been.
01:33:31He's up, he's finally up.
01:33:33Out of desperation,
01:33:35hits that modified back rip through his.
01:33:37That wasn't smart, that was dumb.
01:33:39He hurt himself even more.
01:33:41Maybe not, maybe not.
01:33:43Orton still has a lot of confidence.
01:33:45He's only 24 years old.
01:33:47He believes he can, he knows he can.
01:33:49He's been there before, can he do it tonight?
01:33:51Can Orton get his body back in this thing?
01:33:53I guess at 24
01:33:55you have tremendous recuperative powers.
01:33:57He started sliding like he did
01:33:59when Stacy Keefer landed a kiss on his face.
01:34:01Look at this.
01:34:11Triple H couldn't defend himself.
01:34:13Orton's on the Irish whip.
01:34:19One for the cover, one for the title.
01:34:21And Orton got a near fall.
01:34:23Orton's having a good position there.
01:34:25Another modified neck breaker there.
01:34:27Orton again with a hook to the leg.
01:34:29Orton up.
01:34:31Get out on the floor, buy some time.
01:34:33The game's off his game right now.
01:34:35This is not good.
01:34:37Orton showing great resilience.
01:34:39And this time Orton said we were too early.
01:34:41And the game that he paid.
01:34:43A power slam.
01:34:45A power slam.
01:34:47Orton couldn't lock his hands
01:34:49on the hook of the leg.
01:34:51Triple H able to kick out at the last moment.
01:34:53That was really close.
01:34:55World's Heavyweight Championship on the line
01:34:57here at the Royal Rumble.
01:34:59A capacity crowd from Fresno.
01:35:01A worldwide audience looking on.
01:35:03There you go.
01:35:05And man from that second rope
01:35:07you could only imagine
01:35:09the impact.
01:35:11Just in time because as you saw
01:35:13Orton was ready to start teeing off on the game
01:35:15with those big right hands.
01:35:17That was a cerebral move
01:35:19by the World's Heavyweight Champion.
01:35:21A seesaw matchup ladies and gentlemen
01:35:23for the World's Heavyweight Title.
01:35:25The momentum has changed
01:35:27on several occasions.
01:35:29And this may not be the...
01:35:31Well maybe it is.
01:35:33No it's not.
01:35:35Off the clock.
01:35:37That was an orange whip off the clock.
01:35:39Triple H doesn't take those chances.
01:35:41Now Orton looks like he's gonna try to take a chance here.
01:35:43Well it didn't work for
01:35:45Triple H the World's Champion.
01:35:47What a challenger.
01:35:49This is a stupid thing for Orton to do.
01:35:51I can tell you that right now.
01:35:57Man what a crossbody
01:35:59off the top.
01:36:01Orton thinks that was a three.
01:36:03Pretty damn close wasn't it?
01:36:05That was an awesome crossbody off the top.
01:36:07Orton thought he had the three.
01:36:09Shades of Ricky the Dragon steamboat off the top rope.
01:36:11And that hook on the leg.
01:36:13Triple H barely and I mean barely folks
01:36:15able to kick out the World's Title.
01:36:18A second away from changing hands here.
01:36:22What a face buster.
01:36:24Triple H for that face buster.
01:36:26A very unique and timely counter
01:36:28by the World's Heavyweight Champion.
01:36:30Pedigree time.
01:36:32Yes it is pedigree time.
01:36:34Randy Orton's got a pedigree.
01:36:36Pedigree countered.
01:36:38Pedigree countered.
01:36:42And the Game made some turnbuckles.
01:36:44Oh no.
01:36:46He's ready.
01:36:48He's going with the RKO.
01:36:50Triple H countered the RKO
01:36:52for the third time in this match.
01:36:54There you have a high
01:36:56herniated knee right in the sternum
01:36:58of Randy Orton.
01:37:00Triple H taking Orton down.
01:37:02The champion with an arm over.
01:37:04Oh and another near fall.
01:37:06This World's Title match
01:37:08full of near falls from both men.
01:37:10And I'll tell you
01:37:12a lot has been taken out
01:37:14of both of these great athletes.
01:37:16Get up, get up, get up Game.
01:37:18Who's going to win this thing now JR?
01:37:20Orton as he fought through
01:37:22the pain and the difficulty
01:37:24of that knee and the ball
01:37:26the bleeding from the mouth
01:37:28that shot into Orton's lip
01:37:30you can tell where it's busted open.
01:37:32What a seesaw battle at first
01:37:34it looked like Orton had this thing
01:37:36well in hand then the game took the momentum
01:37:38I thought the game had it for sure
01:37:40now it's anybody's game.
01:37:42I don't think he can do it.
01:37:44Orton will do it.
01:37:46The game looking for the play
01:37:50Culls line!
01:37:52The cover! No!
01:37:54Orton couldn't get
01:37:56chest to chest.
01:37:58That young brash cockiness
01:38:00of Orton
01:38:02Orton could have had it
01:38:04if he had a better pin there.
01:38:06Well if, if, if
01:38:08he couldn't get it done
01:38:10chest to chest
01:38:12but Orton's going to keep the momentum here
01:38:14Orton not giving Triple H any time
01:38:16to regroup
01:38:18I say that's a smart move
01:38:20from the number one contender
01:38:22bouncing off those steel steps
01:38:24you can feel and see
01:38:26in this crowd here at Fresno
01:38:28can sense the momentum has changed drastically here
01:38:30I can't believe that Earl Hemner
01:38:32our senior official will let Orton go out there
01:38:34run our World Heavyweight Champion's head
01:38:36into those steel steps.
01:38:38That's why I can't let that happen.
01:38:40This is not the Australian Open. This is not Wimbledon.
01:38:42In a big valet
01:38:44rights and lefts
01:38:46and another right hand! Oh that big right hand
01:38:48and they may have done it right there
01:38:50Triple H is going to fall
01:38:52he's going to go down
01:38:54look at this
01:38:56Orton is holding the game up
01:38:58Orton is holding Triple H up
01:39:00He's punishing the game
01:39:02that is not right
01:39:04Three thunderous right hands
01:39:10Orton going for that DDT
01:39:12and man he hit hard
01:39:14and so did the champion
01:39:16Orton's mouth bleeding
01:39:18but not moving
01:39:20look at Orton's eyes
01:39:22his eyes are a little...
01:39:24I see that again
01:39:26the Cerebral Assassin blocking this DDT
01:39:28this could have been devastating
01:39:30but look at the last second
01:39:32so smart Dave
01:39:34look at Orton's head bounce right off the canvas
01:39:36he may have a concussion here
01:39:38that scrambled Orton's brains
01:39:40and I don't know
01:39:42if he knows where he's at
01:39:48Orton's head bouncing off that canvas
01:39:50he's got those Krispy Kreme eyes that glaze over
01:39:52he's history
01:39:54get up Dave you got him
01:39:56Orton having trouble standing
01:39:58shot to hell
01:40:00he's counting out referees
01:40:02look at Orton looking so dissatisfied
01:40:04come on Randy
01:40:10get in or I'm going to have to count you out
01:40:12come on
01:40:14let's go Randy
01:40:16come on
01:40:18good discretionary offense
01:40:20by our senior official
01:40:22I mean that's good discretionary
01:40:24he should have already been got out of the ring
01:40:26I've never seen something like that
01:40:28in my life
01:40:32come on
01:40:38he's got two legs
01:40:40mauling Orton
01:40:42and Orton running to the referee
01:40:44I'll tell you what
01:40:46the right finally prevails
01:40:48now boy Dave
01:40:50two legs grilling Orton
01:40:52who subsequently smashed
01:40:54Earl Hector the referee himself
01:40:56right in the back of the head of a man
01:40:58who's very easy to have a concussion
01:41:00and if Orton didn't have a concussion before
01:41:02by now he's got one now
01:41:06what a kick
01:41:10firmly stiffly in the back of the head
01:41:12and what does the game do
01:41:14oh my god
01:41:16the game
01:41:22does he see
01:41:24is this Triple H
01:41:26telling us he can't beat Orton in a wrestling match
01:41:29he's telling you that he can't beat Orton in a wrestling match
01:41:31what does he need a sledgehammer
01:41:33what does Triple H need a sledgehammer
01:41:35I can't look into the future
01:41:37I don't know what he's going to do with that sledgehammer
01:41:39Orton's not even defending himself
01:41:41Orton can't even focus on the game
01:41:43Orton can't defend himself
01:41:45I don't think Orton sees the champion
01:41:49and this is such
01:41:51so easy pickings
01:41:53Triple H face first
01:41:55into the ring post
01:41:57Triple H face first
01:41:59into the ring post
01:42:01he may have broken his nose there
01:42:03Triple H holding his face
01:42:05Orton was just biding his time
01:42:07he was loving the game in
01:42:09that was instinctive
01:42:11I don't think Orton had that thought in mind
01:42:13I think you're right
01:42:15I think Orton is still out
01:42:17Orton is in another stratosphere
01:42:19the referee is still down
01:42:21Triple H holding his face
01:42:23he may have broken his nose
01:42:25or a title is on the line
01:42:29Orton is in no condition in my view
01:42:31to continue
01:42:33what are we going to do
01:42:35try to get the referee to decide that
01:42:37I don't think the referee is in any condition to continue
01:42:39so dangerous here
01:42:41a man that very easily
01:42:43probably has a confession
01:42:47I think he is focusing
01:42:49on that hammer
01:42:51I think Orton sees that hammer
01:42:53I think maybe he has seen
01:42:55two or three or four hammers
01:42:59I think he's got it
01:43:01oh my god
01:43:03what a clothesline
01:43:05what a thunderous clothesline
01:43:07right in the head of Randy Orton
01:43:09and look at this kid's face
01:43:11I am not liking the
01:43:13look in Randy Orton's face
01:43:15he's 24 years old
01:43:17he's perking in right now
01:43:19oh my god
01:43:25enough is enough
01:43:27enough is enough
01:43:29the referee is beginning to stir a little bit
01:43:33Triple H got rid of the smoke
01:43:35I don't think he needs it
01:43:37he realizes that
01:43:39Orton is out
01:43:41I don't know that Orton can defend himself
01:43:43whatsoever here
01:43:45Triple H is picking Orton up
01:43:49no doubt deadweight
01:43:51the pedigree
01:43:53the pedigree to land with a confession
01:43:55the game with a hook and a far leg
01:43:57the referee is down
01:44:01and Triple H is still
01:44:03the world champ
01:44:05it's the winner of this year
01:44:07and still the world heavyweight champion
01:44:11the man of destiny in that ring right now
01:44:13but it's the game
01:44:15I have on my notes
01:44:17it was the pedigree vs the RKO
01:44:19Orton never got to utilize
01:44:21the RKO
01:44:23the game did
01:44:25the man Orton's gonna need some medical attention
01:44:27I am
01:44:31just don't have a good feeling about this
01:44:33there are more ways than one
01:44:35don't try to blame it on the sledgehammer
01:44:39never use the sledgehammer
01:44:41I know I'm aware of that
01:44:45that was impressive
01:44:47indeed it was
01:44:49there's no doubt about it
01:44:51Randy Orton gave us everything
01:44:53he had
01:44:55he had such a tremendous start
01:44:59an awesome start
