WWE Raw 11.17.2014 - Team Cena vs Team Authority Contract Signing [Full Segment]

  • 2 days ago
00:00Well still to come tonight guys live it is the contract signing for Survivor Series Team Authority and Team Cena, but
00:07Question is who's going to walk out here for Team Cena?
00:12Ziggler's gone
00:16Yeah, big show hardly any of Team Cena is able to even walk
00:20We are back live on Monday Night Raw
00:33As I I can't imagine what it's about to take place
00:39We're supposed to have the contract signing for the big match on Sunday
00:43And it's not going to be much of a contract signing because as Triple H said what happened Team Authority is decimated
00:54Team Cena here tonight at all starting the Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler
00:59Who was forced into an Intercontinental Championship match against Luke Harper?
01:02Yeah, before the match could even start we see the security guys of Seth Rollins jumping on Dolph Ziggler
01:11Harper joined in the fray and then
01:14Seth Rollins himself with that metal money in the bank briefcase
01:22Dolph Ziggler the match eventually started and then it ended
01:26Yeah, Luke Harper with a clothesline winning the Intercontinental Championship
01:33Yeah, Dolph Ziggler
01:36With a curved stomp to the head courtesy of Seth Rollins and after that Dolph had to be carried from the arena
01:50And then it was later on in the evening when Seamus and Big Show were forced to fight one another by stepping in the mat
01:56Bruce said that Mark Henry and Team Authority would attack
02:02First I want you to watch what Mark Henry did to Seamus here
02:05This is in a moment because after that happened Bruce said would put Big Show in the accolade
02:10And the world's strongest athlete Big Show would pass out at the hands of Bruce
02:17Okay to get back to Seamus
02:19Disturbing news about Seamus moments ago bad news indeed Big Show passed out had to be carried out of here
02:26but Seamus has been taken to a local hospital and
02:31Well, he is definitely not just out of the contract signing Seamus is out of the Survivor Series match
02:38This Sunday
02:40At Survivor Series live in front of the whole world live on the WWE Network
02:49will be made
02:51Team Cena versus Team Authority and the Authority will stand tall
02:57We will win because when it comes to the WWE
03:06When it when it comes to the WWE
03:15So all of you
03:18Don't get it you think
03:21You're the WWE Universe I understand you think you have a passion for this you you
03:26Love the WWE, right?
03:31John Cena will tell you he loves the WWE
03:39But the truth is you have no idea
03:42You have no idea what it's like for us
03:46Every be every
03:49every molecule of your being
03:52Is this everything that you are every fiber of who you are as a person
03:58For your family is this
04:02You have no idea
04:04your great-grandfather
04:07Your grandfather your father for us for our kids. You have no idea this
04:18This is the air we breathe
04:28Can't lose
04:32We can not lose
04:34And we won't lose
04:47You're right
04:50And we won't lose
04:54We won't lose
04:57And we won't lose
05:01We cannot lose
05:04So this is the last chance for every member of suppose it
05:09This is your opportunity to back out
05:15Because after Sunday if you don't back out now trust me
05:22You will wish that you had
05:27Really there's no shame in backing out
05:30I mean sometimes it takes more courage to back down from a fight than it does to start one
05:35I mean my father challenged me and my husband to become better leaders for all of you
05:41And that's exactly what we've done
05:44Look at this team the most dominant the most destructive force in
05:50WWE history in this ring it is survival of the fittest
05:54It is a law of nature and this team has been decimating and annihilating
06:00Team Cena all night long
06:07So without further ado
06:09Allow me to introduce
06:11What's left?
06:13ladies and gentlemen
06:59John Cena
07:17I got
07:36It's actually kind of ironic I I can't see the rest of your team
07:45You got jokes
07:48It's funny
07:50The jokes are gonna stop this Sunday I
07:54Can see it in your eyes this Sunday at Survivor Series the most important day your lives
07:59The WWE universe will all be watching on the WWE Network for free. I might add
08:07They are going to see you lose and then y'all will be out of power
08:19Yeah, John because you and what army are going to defeat this team. I
08:25Mean Seamus has already been taken to the hospital
08:29Because of what team Authority did to him
08:33Okay, I don't see anyone else standing with you. You know, why?
08:37Because they value their careers. They value their livelihood
08:42You're the only one too myopic to see that there's really only one choice here John
08:48Nobody's gonna join you in your hopeless crusade and throw their entire lives away
08:53Okay, wake up Cena
08:56You tell me to wake up. You tell me to wake up now
08:58Yes, wait a bit of advice don't get used to telling anybody anything cuz after Sunday you're gonna have no power team Authority will lose
09:11I'll tell you why I look at you. You're sitting over there. You got your dream team set up all smug
09:15Think you've got your bases covered and all through the night
09:19underhanded tricks to sabotage
09:21Every member of team Cena every member except one man the man who's gonna show up on Sunday and make sure you lose
09:30Because you say you say I don't see what's going on hell
09:33I see what's going on you waltz down here every week and put all these people to sleep and
09:39Then you say that, you know, what's best for business you do what's best for business every decision you make is what's best for yourself
09:47I'm gonna find my team on Sunday by any means necessary
09:50Hell I'll pick four people out of the crowd
09:56Is there anyone here that wants to kick the crap out of the authority
10:04I need four good team members
10:09Anybody anybody
10:13Okay, I like nun boy and Captain Steuben those guys are in
10:19My man heck we can fight on Sunday at Survivor Series, I don't even care
10:27My man right here
10:29And you know something Steph, you know some Triple H
10:33Even if I did go to war on Sunday with those four individuals as a huge difference between my team and yours
10:40Yeah, and this is it every single one of the members on my team have passion for the WWE your
10:49Your team is a bunch of suck-ups and sellouts
10:56So I can promise you I have an idea what's going on
10:59I'm even gonna give you a little preview of what's going on. Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot miss Survivor Series on
11:07Sunday the WWE Network. Hell, it's free
11:13And this is why you need to see it
11:17Because the Queen and the King
11:19Will saunter down to the ring
11:23Noses up
11:24watching their dream team
11:27Try and destroy John Cena, excuse me. I need a prop
11:34They will take their ringside seat and
11:37think that it is all but a formality as the man in the yellow shirt is destroyed and
11:43That's when your team
11:46one by one
11:48will fall
11:56Kane will be the first
12:00former fire-breathing monster kin to the Undertaker controlled by the magical urn
12:06now a
12:07suit wearing butt-kissing bootleg Drew Carey
12:15And then your narcolepsy will kick in but you'll wake up just in time to see Luke Harper fail
12:20And it's so ironic because he's from the swamp and when he fails, you'll have a swamp in your pants Stephanie
12:26You know what? I'm talking about
12:31It's a good one now, but then your jaws will drop when your boy Rusev can't get the job done
12:38And that's when it gets serious
12:39That's when you get those weird red eyes that are about to tear up and your hand starts to shake and you're sweating through your suit
12:46And you look to Stephanie for some support, but she's like the new guy in the corner puking her guts out
12:55Which is actually okay because after you're done throwing up you're gonna be hungry and I got no problem feeding you sexual chocolate
13:20That leaves just one
13:22the sellout golden boy Seth Rollins
13:27The bleached blonde brunette with a fetish for latex
13:32And when he finally gets his attitude adjusted you will be crushed
13:41You're gonna sit there and watch that referee count one two
13:46Three and those three seconds will feel like three years because your life will flash before your eyes
13:53Every person you stepped on to get to the top every single live you destroyed
13:58It's actually gonna be pretty fitting that you spend the rest of your time in the WWE cleaning toilets
14:14You better get out of the ring does this go to
14:28Come on
14:37Let's get a little better
14:40Dolph Ziggler's back. He's walking under his own power
14:45But he's hurt
14:59And it's getting even better
15:04The Big Show is still around
15:12And Dolph and the Big Show may be hurt but 80% of a team is a lot better than no team at all
15:2380% of the team
15:28But it's a start looks a lot better now that it did about the two minutes ago
15:48He's doing the math
15:58What are you kidding me
16:04Luke Harper can't believe it his former lion family brethren
16:09Eric Rowan
16:11I can't believe it. Is he siding with Ziggler?
16:13Yeah, what's he doing?
16:15He is
16:25Look at the face
16:28Triple H. Did you see Stephanie?
16:36Okay, so that's it that's a big surprise right but it's still only one two three four
16:45you're still one man short John and
16:48Considering who you're in this ring with if you compete with only four team members at Survivor Series
16:54It's tantamount to career suicide
16:58So I'm giving the rest of you one last chance to reconsider
17:09Nobody's stepping out one chance
17:35Because there's no turning back
18:08Any more surprises
18:18Maybe one more maybe the big guy
18:22Could it be?
18:24It is! It is!
18:26Team Cena with five men
18:28Going after the authority
18:30And it is on
18:32Ryback and Rowan
18:34Big Show and Ziggler
18:36And now the two captains
18:38Oh look at this
18:40Wait a minute the game
18:42Triple H
18:44Triple H
18:46His entire future at stake
18:48Triple H
18:50His entire future at stake Sunday
18:52His life is at stake you're right
18:54His legacy
19:18Hey man! Cena!
19:20A.A. to the table!
19:22A.A. to the table!
19:26Symbolic perhaps
19:28Of the fall of the authority
19:30Crashing and burning Sunday
19:32You crossed the ball
19:34You better go all the way
19:36If they do go all the way
19:38After Sunday
19:40There'll be no more Triple H
19:42No more Stephanie on RAW
19:44On Smackdown
19:46Team Cena
19:48Declaring themselves tonight
19:50Putting it all on the line
19:52Don Quixote chased windmills
19:54And that was a stupid quest also
19:56This is career suicide
19:58By Team Cena
20:00John Cena
20:02Putting Triple H to the table
20:04Look at that
20:06You talk about a monstrous
20:08Indestructible team
20:10Look at Team Cena
20:12At Survivor Series
20:14The beginning of a new era
20:16There's no second place
20:18The authority loses you don't see them anymore
20:20Team Cena loses though
20:22You better kiss these guys goodbye
20:24It could be an exhilarating night in St. Louis
20:30One thing's for certain
20:32The WWE will never be the same after Sunday
20:34A new genesis
20:36A new beginning
20:38The future of the WWE changes forever
20:40Live Sunday
20:42On pay-per-view
20:44On the WWE Network
