• last month


00:00:00He's stopped in a mud hole on the bus and won't get a drive.
00:00:07Mr. McMahon crawled under the bottom rope and now Austin's in for sick.
00:00:27Mr. McMahon has won the Royal Rumble thanks to The Rock!
00:00:55I waive all rights and privileges as the number one contender.
00:01:00You checked yourself out of the main event at Wrestlemania and Stone Cold Steve Austin has been checked in.
00:01:09I will put up my right for the WWF title at Wrestlemania if you will face me in a match.
00:01:15You and me in a cage. In a cage match.
00:01:18You're on, you got your match!
00:01:20Nothing more important than the WWF championship.
00:01:23Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mr. McMahon going one on one.
00:01:50Hello everybody and welcome to Skydome in Toronto.
00:02:14This is history in the making as we get set to kick off Raw in front of its largest crowd ever.
00:02:21Nearly 43,000 are here.
00:02:24And what a night it's going to be.
00:02:26Michael Cole, Jerry The King Hauler at ringside.
00:02:29I mean everyone watching live throughout Canada on TSN.
00:02:59A thunderous ovation for Stone Cold Steve Austin.
00:03:09It feels like an earthquake in Canada.
00:03:13It's just six days in St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
00:03:17Austin will meet Mr. McMahon in a sealed cage.
00:03:21And the Rattlesnake title shot at Wrestlemania hangs in the balance.
00:03:33As we learned on Sunday Night Heat in the States last night, Stone Cold is going to have to face Mankind here tonight.
00:03:42Another part of the brilliant plan of Mr. McMahon.
00:03:46Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mankind just beat the hell out of each other.
00:03:53And quite frankly I think they will.
00:04:05Austin! Austin! Austin!
00:04:21I know when Vince McMahon made the non-title match between myself and Mick Foley,
00:04:32he was counting on the fact that we'd be in this ring beating the living hell out of each other.
00:04:40That's what I said!
00:04:42And that's all fine and well with me because I got all the respect in the world for Mick Foley.
00:04:47And as far as I'm concerned, he is one tough son of a bitch.
00:04:56But to Vince, I'll tell you this, no matter what happens in this ring,
00:05:03when I get your ass in that steel cage,
00:05:10there ain't gonna be a damn thing you can do against Stone Cold Steve Austin
00:05:15except lace up your truck shoes real tight and run around the damn cage because let me tell you something,
00:05:25you sit there in your office and you think, oh what can I do next to Steve Austin?
00:05:31How can I screw Steve Austin?
00:05:34What can we do to get Stone Cold Steve Austin out of the World Wrestling Federation?
00:05:41I'll tell you this, there ain't a damn thing that you can ever do to get rid of Stone Cold Steve Austin
00:05:47and that's all I got to say about that.
00:05:52Rattlesnake laying down the law.
00:05:55You see Vince, you're the only person standing between me and my title shot at WrestleMania.
00:06:04And it always seems, it always seems that you're so good at making guarantees.
00:06:11Well let me tell you something, I got a couple guarantees I want to lay on you.
00:06:16There's that word again, King. Yeah.
00:06:18I can guarantee you, number one, that I will beat your ass up and down every side of that damn cage.
00:06:27Wait a minute. He can do it.
00:06:32The second guarantee I'll make is that I will step right over your limb carcass
00:06:39and walk my ass right into WrestleMania to the title shot.
00:06:45That would put Mr. McMahon in a coma.
00:06:47The third guarantee I'll make you, Vince, is I will guarantee in that cage match there will be bloodshed.
00:07:00A lot of bloodshed and it ain't gonna be mine.
00:07:06That means McMahon's blood. No way!
00:07:10This is Sunday. Your ass is mine. And that's the bottom line.
00:07:16The Stone Cold said so.
00:07:21King, I believe so.
00:07:24Wait a minute.
00:07:25He is the most unlikely WWF Champion ever.
00:07:28Mankind, who in six days on pay-per-view, will meet the Rock King
00:07:35in a last man standing match for the WWF Championship.
00:07:40But tonight, he meets Stone Cold. What a night.
00:07:44Wait a second, wait a second.
00:07:49Did I hear you use the word bloodshed, bloodshed
00:08:12the word bloodshed he did you see I'm thinking Steve about walking myself down
00:08:22right next to that cage and maybe getting a little bit of mr. McMahon's
00:08:28blood on my new white shirt what's he talking about but I want you to remember
00:08:35after this Sunday when mankind in the rock have the last man standing match I
00:08:43fully intend to be the last man standing and that means in WrestleMania you're
00:08:50going to look into these eyes wait wait wait let's not forget about tonight
00:08:57because I got the feeling and I think you feel it too that about 50,000
00:09:03Toronto fans want to see somebody
00:09:11they want to see somebody get their ass kicked
00:09:17oh hey don't get upset it might be you it might be me all I'm saying Toronto
00:09:26and to a worldwide audience is that somebody in this very ring is going to
00:09:32take one hell of a beating
00:09:40I'll just leave you with one last little thought
00:09:48I am the WWF champion until I'm not
00:10:26mankind in a last-man-standing match
00:10:33obviously there's a strong need to set both of your candy asses straight
00:10:44I'm sure the Rocks gonna be the one to do it mankind this Sunday st. Valentine's
00:10:51Day massacre the Rock plans are making your death wish come true
00:10:59and how he plans on doing that is dragging your candy ass down no Euro
00:11:12hang that right on Jabroni Drive but instead of checking you into the
00:11:21Smackdown Hotel the Rock figured he just bashed your living brains in
00:11:33and after bashing your living brains in when it's all said and done all the smoke
00:11:40is cleared the millions
00:11:46and millions of the Rocks fans are through chanting his name you'll realize
00:11:53without a shadow of a doubt why the Rock is the great one why the Rock is the
00:12:04chosen one and why the Rock is the best damn WWF champ there ever was
00:12:18if you smell what the Rock is cooking
00:12:24now as far as for you stone-cold Jabroni
00:12:35Vinnie Mac the Rock says set his candy ass straight
00:12:43the Rock says set his candy ass straight
00:12:48nicest Toronto reception to the boss may I have your attention please
00:12:55please show some respect Canada
00:13:02he's more important than the Prime Minister you know that don't you there's
00:13:06the chant again Austin Austin I hope you heard the anthem when the corporation
00:13:12came out here because the anthem that was played for the corporation is
00:13:17entitled no chance in hell I stinkly remember giving you that precise chance
00:13:27as to whether or not you are going to win the Royal Rumble I said you had no
00:13:35chance in hell I distinctly remember hearing the ring
00:13:40announcer say if memory serves me correctly the winner of the 1999 Royal
00:13:48Rumble mr. Vince McMahon
00:13:56thanks to the Rock he was the one that concerned it has a real nice ring to it
00:14:01so nice that I would like to hear it again I'd like to hear it again this
00:14:07Sunday night as a result of the cage match between you and me so confident am
00:14:17I that you will hear the ring announcer announce me the winner I'm gonna go you
00:14:23won better Austin oh you made certain guarantees I'm gonna make you even
00:14:32better guarantees you see Austin I'm gonna guarantee you that not one not one
00:14:41corporate member not one family member will ever in any way shape or form
00:14:47interfere in my match with you in the cage this Sunday what wait a minute now
00:14:55I know what I'm doing and I mean this Patterson
00:15:00Briscoe Jamrock test chain rock all of you cane China boss man if any one of
00:15:09you so much as in if you're in the slightest way and my moment of victory
00:15:14my cage match with Austin I'll fire every damn one of you whoa and you'll
00:15:18never again ever work for the World Wrestling Federation he's lost it King
00:15:24now Austin I'll guarantee you something else you better heed my words because
00:15:31Austin after the cage match is over and they're trying to scrub it down they're
00:15:37trying to scrape your guts off of the cage you're going to remember these words
00:15:42and that is that after the cage matches over Austin the World Wrestling
00:15:50Federation for you will never ever ever be the same again
00:16:03and as far as tonight is concerned just one other small item to make sure that
00:16:11we have a guest referee in the match between Austin and Mankind to make sure
00:16:16we have someone who will be totally impartial let me announce now that the
00:16:22guest referee for your match here tonight will be the winner of the 1999
00:16:28Royal Rumble mr. Vince McMahon
00:16:34thank you very much
00:16:39mr. McMahon the special guest ref for Mankind and Austin tonight I can't
00:16:45believe it King I'll tell you what I hope the airbags deploy King cause we're
00:16:50going to need him we are on a crash course here in Skydome tonight DX is in
00:16:54the house X-Pac is going to take on King oh yeah that's a David and Goliath
00:16:59situation X-Pac, David, King, Goliath, my money's on Goliath this time how about the interview with Val Venis and his latest
00:17:06squeeze Ryan Shamrock. Oh the big Val Moschke has promised to get down and dirty tonight
00:17:12The Rock is in action a tune-up perhaps for St. Valentine's Day Massacre
00:17:17against the lethal weapon Steve Blackman. I'm a little worried about that The Rock cannot afford to get derailed on his way to the title
00:17:23and you just heard it folks Mankind will meet Stone Cold Steve Austin in a
00:17:28non-title match and guess who the special guest referee is none other than
00:17:33the winner of the 1999 Royal Rumble mr. McMahon himself. What a ride it's going
00:17:39to be in front of 43,000 here at Skydome in Toronto
00:17:44take a look at this King. Oh baby!
00:17:52It's Sexual Chocolate! He's got a side on Deborah, he's never going to learn!
00:18:15D'Lo Brown! D'Lo Brown set for one-on-one action this week here on Raw. Led to the ring by Mark Henry and
00:18:25Sexual Chocolate had his problems last week on Raw with Deborah, Owen and Jeff.
00:18:32I'm the kind of chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
00:18:36Once again Sexual Chocolate was smooth-talking Deborah and got himself in trouble
00:18:41I'm telling you Owen and Jeff Jarrett did a number on Sexual Chocolate, he almost melted.
00:18:48So between D'Lo's problems with TMS and Mark Henry's well-documented problems
00:18:53with China, TMS and now Deborah, women problems for both of these two.
00:19:00And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Deborah and Owen Hart, from the great state of Tennessee.
00:19:12Weighing in at 240 pounds, one half of the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champion, Jeff Jarrett!
00:19:21So Jeff Jarrett set to take on D'Lo Brown. Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart will defend the WWF Tag Team title
00:19:27this Sunday on Tape Review at St. Valentine's Day Massacre against D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry.
00:19:34That's right, that's going to take place in Memphis, Tennessee. Jeff Jarrett's home state.
00:19:39In your hometown. Right. Can't wait.
00:19:43Jeff Jarrett led to the ring by the lovely Deborah.
00:19:47So it should be an interesting matchup here at SkyDome in front of nearly 43,000.
00:19:53Give me a good shot of Deborah, look at, oh man.
00:19:58Yeah, Mark Henry, she is something.
00:20:02I think sexual chagrin is totally infatuated.
00:20:05Look, he's waving at her. Deborah, wave back. What, do you blame him?
00:20:09Hold up, hold up, wait one minute. Before we get this party started.
00:20:15Mark, Mark, Mark. I know you're looking at Deborah and I know you want exactly what she's got.
00:20:24But Mark, Mark, listen to me. There's one thing that I want.
00:20:29And that's what Owen and Jeff got. And that's the WWF Tag Team titles.
00:20:34They have a chance to win them this Sunday. Mark, I know you like looking at eye candy.
00:20:40I know you like looking at pretty things.
00:20:42Well, I got someone that'll do exactly what you want.
00:20:48I got someone that'll do anything when you want it.
00:20:55And Mark, my man, she'll do it anywhere you want it.
00:21:00And guess what, brother? She's all yours.
00:21:04So right now, I'd like to bring down Ivory.
00:21:18And look at Mark Henry.
00:21:19Wait a minute.
00:21:21Mark Henry loving life.
00:21:25I guess. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning.
00:21:27An early Valentine's Day gift for sexual chocolate.
00:21:31And she's decked out Valentine's Day red.
00:21:35Look at that.
00:21:36I think I've seen her before.
00:21:41She's not your type.
00:21:42She's not inflatable.
00:21:43I didn't mean that way.
00:21:44Oh, so D-Lo presenting Mark Henry with Ivory.
00:21:50Oh, there's a match made in heaven.
00:21:55I think Cupid just shot his little bow and arrow right there.
00:21:59About six days early.
00:22:01He looked like a teenager.
00:22:02Just got his first kiss.
00:22:08So his sexual chocolate gets to enjoy Ivory outside the ring.
00:22:12Jeff Jarrett now goes to work on D-Lo Brown.
00:22:15Should be a great matchup.
00:22:16Former Intercontinental Champion against the former European Champion.
00:22:20Jarrett now whipped off the ropes.
00:22:21D-Lo telegraphed it.
00:22:22Watch it.
00:22:23Look out now.
00:22:24Missed with an attempted clothesline.
00:22:26Jarrett kicked to the midsection.
00:22:29Nice maneuver by Jeff Jarrett.
00:22:31Kane, what in the world did Mr. McMahon mean when he said the WWF will never be the same
00:22:36for Stone Cold Steve Austin?
00:22:38Now, why are you asking me that?
00:22:40In other words, you think I'm inside Mr. McMahon's head?
00:22:42I'm telling you, he is the smartest man, not in the World Wrestling Federation.
00:22:46He's the smartest man in the world.
00:22:48I don't know what he's got in store for him, but I can assure you that-
00:22:50Oh, look at that.
00:22:51Owen Hart from behind, grabbing D-Lo Brown.
00:22:54And Jarrett takes advantage.
00:22:55Going to work on that leg.
00:22:57I can assure you that when Mr. McMahon says the WWF is never ever going to be the same
00:23:02for Stone Cold-
00:23:03Oh, look at this.
00:23:04Figure four.
00:23:05Jarrett's hooked a figure four on Jeff Jarrett.
00:23:07Look at-
00:23:09Ivory paying immediate dividends for D-Lo Brown.
00:23:14She's in the ring.
00:23:18Sky high.
00:23:21And there's two.
00:23:22And this one's over.
00:23:24D-Lo Brown is defeated.
00:23:26Here is your winner, D-Lo Brown.
00:23:29And Ivory.
00:23:36We may have ourselves a little confrontation here.
00:23:41They're going to have trouble getting-
00:23:42Oh, there we go.
00:23:44And here we go now.
00:23:45Ivory and Deborah.
00:23:49Ivory and Deborah getting into it.
00:23:50But I'll tell you one thing, King.
00:23:52Whoa, what?
00:23:52If Ivory pulls that stunt this Sunday at St. Valentine's Day Massacre,
00:23:57we're going to have new WWF Tag Team Champions.
00:24:03Well, King, you know what happened earlier today?
00:24:05Right here in Sky Dome?
00:24:06Oh, wait a minute.
00:24:07Let me tell everybody what happened.
00:24:09I'll put you on all the fun.
00:24:10Yeah, I do.
00:24:11For the Toronto Blue Jays fans, it was sort of a little bit of deja vu.
00:24:15If you don't know it, the Toronto Sky Dome has a hotel connected to it.
00:24:19The Sky Dome Hotel.
00:24:20And look, our candid camera, you might want to say,
00:24:24caught the Big Balboaski in action in his hotel room.
00:24:28Look, he didn't draw the blinds.
00:24:30And look who's with him.
00:24:34That is Ryan Shamrock, Ken Shamrock's sister with Val Venus.
00:24:39Oh, I feel like I'm peeping Tom.
00:24:41Oh, look at this.
00:24:42Adding more fuel to the fire between Shamrock and Val Venus.
00:24:45It's back, King.
00:24:46Oh, look at this.
00:24:47Kessin and Teller coming up next.
00:24:49Val and Ryan Teller.
00:24:51Look at this.
00:24:55We are live in Toronto with Roy's War on the banks of Lake Ontario.
00:24:59And the sign says it all.
00:25:02We are live on TSN all across Canada.
00:25:05And folks, inside Sky Dome, right here in Toronto, Toronto.
00:25:10Right here in Toronto tonight, the largest brawl crowd in history.
00:25:1542,894 people here in Sky Dome.
00:25:20And live this Sunday at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre on pay-per-view,
00:25:25it's going to be Val Venus and Ken Shamrock getting it on.
00:25:29And I'm telling you, Michael, there's a lot of bad blood boiling there.
00:25:33And we're going to take just a little look at how this all came about.
00:25:37Hello, Kenny.
00:25:41Shamrock's sister and Val's latest flick.
00:25:46Kenny, that's one sweet sister.
00:25:51They don't mess with my family.
00:25:52That's my sister they're talking about.
00:25:54This guy's corrupting her mind.
00:25:56She's not thinking straight.
00:25:57Right, they were in the shower together.
00:25:59He disrespected my sister.
00:26:01And nobody, nobody gets right with that.
00:26:04Hello, Kenny.
00:26:06I'm in the zone.
00:26:07I'm about to lose control.
00:26:13Kenny, do you think that your sister has actually seen the Big Bad Wolfie in person?
00:26:17I promised my sister I cannot lay a hand on him.
00:26:22Shamrock from behind with a chair.
00:26:24Oh, I knew this was going to happen.
00:26:26And I'm a man of my word.
00:26:28Shamrock has got a chair, King.
00:26:30Kenny, no, whoa, no.
00:26:31Oh, Shamrock just snapped.
00:26:34He disrespected my sister.
00:26:36Shamrock's going to freak out.
00:26:37His head is going to explode.
00:26:39Shamrock's freaking out.
00:26:41Val is toast.
00:26:42Payback time.
00:26:42I would not want to beat Val Midas.
00:26:44No, thank you.
00:26:48She loves him.
00:26:50Oh, wrong words.
00:26:50That is the worst three words you can hear.
00:26:52Being a big brother.
00:26:54I love him.
00:27:02A cover by Vileish Shamrock.
00:27:05Ladies and gentlemen, Val Midas.
00:27:09Well, King, in six days on pay per view this Sunday, St. Valentine's Day Massacre,
00:27:14Val Midas will meet Ken Shamrock for the Intercontinental Championship.
00:27:19And I'll tell you what, it takes some, well, big ones to be turned down in the ring with
00:27:24Shamrock's sister so close to the pay per view.
00:27:27I can't believe it.
00:27:28I mean, this year he's gonna put Shamrock in and out and in and out of the zone.
00:27:32He's gonna be snapping like Rice Krispies.
00:27:36I just can't believe this.
00:27:37And what about that footage we saw?
00:27:40What do you think Shamrock thinks when he sees his sister, Ryan,
00:27:43playing console hockey with the VALS host?
00:27:46Well, that's Sunday on pay-per-view.
00:27:48Oh, look at this!
00:27:49Not about the title for Shamrock.
00:27:51It's about revenge on VALVENUS.
00:27:54Ken Shamrock telling us last week on RAW
00:27:57that he doesn't want Ryan dating Val.
00:27:59He says Ryan doesn't know what she's doing.
00:28:02Val's bad for her.
00:28:03I think Ryan's old enough to make up her own mind.
00:28:06I don't know. Look, she's obviously got stars in her eyes.
00:28:10She loves him. You heard her say it.
00:28:12Oh, my goodness.
00:28:14Val, it's pretty obvious you and Ryan are quite the item.
00:28:18Really, isn't this just your way of trying to get a rise out of Ken Shamrock?
00:28:23A rise?
00:28:24First of all, I don't need to get a rise out of Ken.
00:28:30You see, I'm too busy with Ryan getting a rise out of me.
00:28:40Secondly, let's take a look at things through Ryan's eyes.
00:28:47Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
00:28:49It's Shamrock.
00:28:50Shamrock attacking VALVENUS now.
00:28:53I knew this was gonna happen. I don't blame him.
00:28:56Shamrock doesn't want to wait for Sunday.
00:28:59You can't blame him.
00:29:00Intercontinental title on the line or not, it's not about that for Shamrock.
00:29:05His poor little precious baby sister.
00:29:08She's been shamed.
00:29:11Shamrock's had enough.
00:29:13He's had enough of the hotel rooms.
00:29:15Oh, no. He just clobbered referee Tim White.
00:29:19Here comes referee Mike Chioda.
00:29:22And Chioda gets it.
00:29:23More officials now down in the ring.
00:29:27He stepped all right.
00:29:29There's senior official Earl Hebner now.
00:29:33And Shamrock with a headbutt.
00:29:34This is ridiculous.
00:29:37Shamrock has lost control again.
00:29:40He headbutted Earl Hebner.
00:29:43Shamrock's got the ankle lock king on Jimmy Corneras.
00:29:46What is he?
00:29:48Look out.
00:29:51Shamrock has lost control yet again.
00:29:55Ken Shamrock's out of control.
00:29:57How are they gonna be able to control Shamrock Sunday?
00:30:00I can't believe he headbutted Earl Hebner.
00:30:03We're back on Raw and King Shamrock has done it again.
00:30:06During an interview with Val Venus and Ryan Shamrock, Kenny's sister,
00:30:11Shamrock came in from out of nowhere and snapped on Val Venus.
00:30:14Well, who can blame him?
00:30:15I mean, you know, how can you sit back there and watch this X-rated Romeo
00:30:19humiliate your sister?
00:30:21And then look at this.
00:30:22He's doing a number on all of the referees.
00:30:24Every single referee and official that came down,
00:30:27he either suplexed or he actually headbutted Earl Hebner.
00:30:30I couldn't believe that.
00:30:31Once again, the referee's in front of a Shamrock attack.
00:30:33And this now back in the locker room.
00:30:38I know he's your brother, but it's got to stop.
00:30:41And I'm gonna end it tonight.
00:30:42I've had enough.
00:30:45Well, King Val Venus isn't going to wait for Sunday.
00:30:52The Gold Dust heading to the ring, but this Sunday it is going to be a war.
00:30:56Shamrock, Val Venus for the Intercontinental title.
00:30:59A pay-per-view.
00:31:00But you just heard the words from Val Venus.
00:31:04He's not going to wait.
00:31:05He's going to end it tonight.
00:31:06What's he talking about?
00:31:08The following contest is scheduled for one fall
00:31:11with a 20-minute time limit.
00:31:13In the ring, from Hollywood, California,
00:31:15weighing in at 260 pounds,
00:31:19Gold Dust.
00:31:22Well, King's State Valentine's Day Massacre
00:31:24six days away this Sunday on pay-per-view.
00:31:27Gold Dust with a date, so to speak, with Blue Dust.
00:31:32That should be an interesting matchup.
00:31:34That should last about 30 seconds.
00:31:36I spoke with Gold Dust.
00:31:38He has had enough to hear with this moronic ECW reject, Blue Dust.
00:31:43And wait a minute.
00:31:49Some blue roses and blue candy were just delivered to Gold Dust,
00:31:54and Gold Dust didn't take it too kindly.
00:31:58Not in the back of his mind.
00:32:01Gold Dust didn't take it too kindly.
00:32:04Not in the Valentine's Day mood.
00:32:06I used to think candy was dandy.
00:32:09Let's go out on a limb here.
00:32:10What do you think the blue roses came from?
00:32:12Don't be eating the chocolate they went in for Gold Dust.
00:32:15Wait a minute.
00:32:18He's got strawberry in his eye.
00:32:19Is it good?
00:32:25So Gold Dust set for one.
00:32:28He's going to burn.
00:32:29He's going to burn.
00:32:30He's going to burn.
00:32:31He's going to burn.
00:32:32He's going to burn.
00:32:33He's going to burn.
00:32:34He's going to burn.
00:32:35Here we go.
00:32:41And his opponent, he weighs in at 213 pounds, Gilbert.
00:32:49It's Skydoc Kang chanting Gilbert.
00:32:54I don't know about that.
00:32:56over there channing it, but look at this.
00:32:59You know, Gilberg is 0-2, who will be first?
00:33:02The count continues.
00:33:04Watch it, you'll knock yourself out.
00:33:07And, King, on a more serious note,
00:33:09we understand that senior referee Earl Hebner
00:33:11has a statement to make concerning Ken Shamrock
00:33:15immediately following this matchup.
00:33:18Well, that doesn't sound good.
00:33:21So, it's Goldust versus Gilberg.
00:33:24Gilberg looking for his first victory here in the WWF.
00:33:30You think he might find an over, Goldust?
00:33:33I don't think so.
00:33:36And, King, I'm still wondering what Mr. McMahon meant.
00:33:38Listen, listen, he said that.
00:33:41I hear, now, wait a minute, look around me, Michael.
00:33:44Well, I hear the chant, but I don't see any lips moving.
00:33:46It sounded like 43,000 people, but nobody's saying a word.
00:33:51He's having this piped in to Skydo.
00:33:54Oh, look out.
00:33:57Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:33:58Well, as Gilberg heads to the ring, King,
00:34:00I'm still wondering what Mr. McMahon meant earlier on
00:34:02when he said the WWF will never be the same
00:34:05for Stone Cold King Austin this Sunday
00:34:08at St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
00:34:10Well, I'm wondering for myself, but whatever it is,
00:34:12I can assure you it's gonna change Austin's life forever.
00:34:17And later on tonight,
00:34:18mankind Austin, one-on-one,
00:34:21Mr. McMahon, the special guest referee.
00:34:25And the great thing about that is
00:34:26you can count on the fact that Mr. McMahon
00:34:29will be impartial and just very fair.
00:34:32That's hard to find these days in a referee.
00:34:35You know, it's definite in here.
00:34:38Oh, watch yourself. Enjoy your trip.
00:34:40So, Gilberg getting in the zone, so to speak,
00:34:45as he gets set for action against Goldust.
00:34:47Could Goldust be number one
00:34:50for the man they call Gilberg?
00:34:53And here we go now as Gilberg poses Goldust.
00:34:58Watch. This should be a joke.
00:35:00Well, not a joke, but fun.
00:35:02I slipped there a little bit. Watch yourself.
00:35:05Well, he went to spear him, and Goldust took advantage.
00:35:09And there's the clothesline. He almost decapitated him.
00:35:12Oh, watch it, Gilberg.
00:35:14Oh, oh, oh.
00:35:17Two, three.
00:35:19Goldust kicked to the midsection on Gilberg.
00:35:23Oh, look at this.
00:35:26You're right. It's good to last 30 seconds.
00:35:29For Gilberg, I'm afraid he's still
00:35:31gonna be looking for number one.
00:35:32Here we go. Curtain call time.
00:35:34Curtain call time. King, you know, you never know.
00:35:36Oh, my gosh.
00:35:39See here in the WWF, but this really takes the cake.
00:35:42What do you see at the end of the... Wait a minute.
00:35:44Uh-oh. He hasn't won yet.
00:35:47Played his music a bit early here.
00:35:50One pin Gilberg.
00:35:52Oh, no.
00:35:57It's Blue Dust.
00:35:59What? That idiot.
00:36:02Yes. Yes.
00:36:10Oh, my gosh.
00:36:12Never forget the name of Blue Dust.
00:36:21I'm gonna get sick.
00:36:24That's revolting.
00:36:26Wait a minute. Gilberg rolls up Goldust.
00:36:28It's over. Goldust is first.
00:36:31Gilberg is one.
00:36:33What? Wait a minute.
00:36:36Gilberg has beaten Goldust.
00:36:39No way. That's not fair.
00:36:41I don't...
00:36:42Oh, he's gonna pay for it now with Shattered Dreams.
00:36:48Well, Goldust was distracted by the idiot Blue...
00:36:51Oh, wait a minute.
00:36:53What the hell's gonna happen now?
00:36:57I don't like this.
00:36:58A blue hue has filled SkyDome.
00:37:02That looks like Goldust and Gilberg still going at it.
00:37:07Another psychological ploy, perhaps, for Blue Dust.
00:37:11Oh, look out.
00:37:14Goldust, watch your back.
00:37:16That was Blue Dust from behind.
00:37:23I can't see anything.
00:37:25Oh, my gosh.
00:37:26It's a blue mask.
00:37:29It's covered in blue.
00:37:31It's like the brood. It's the brood.
00:37:36Blue Dust with a takeoff on the brood.
00:37:39Goldust suffers a blue mask.
00:37:43I guarantee it.
00:37:44I guarantee it. Goldust does not see one bit of humor in this.
00:37:48Let's go to Kevin Kelly with senior referee Hebner.
00:37:51Mr. Hebner, I understand you have a statement to make
00:37:53regarding Ken Shamrock.
00:37:54Kevin Kelly, as senior WWF official,
00:37:57I've decided that none of my refs
00:37:59will officiate Ken Shamrock's title match
00:38:01against Val Venis this Sunday.
00:38:03So, in other words...
00:38:04In other words, if nobody volunteers
00:38:06to officiate this match,
00:38:07Ken Shamrock will forfeit his title to Val Venis this Sunday,
00:38:11and that's it.
00:38:14Are you ready?
00:38:16You think you can tell us what to do.
00:38:22You think you can tell us what to wear.
00:38:26You think that you're better.
00:38:30Well, you better get ready.
00:38:34Bow to the masters.
00:38:37Break it down.
00:38:38Break it down.
00:38:40Break it down.
00:38:43Break it down.
00:38:44Break it down.
00:38:45Break it down.
00:38:4743,000 strong in Skydome.
00:38:52That's a pretty little man.
00:38:533DD Generation X.
00:38:58And last night on Sunday Night Heat Game,
00:39:02Triple H and X-Fox will meet Kane and Chyna
00:39:05this Sunday on pay-per-view.
00:39:08I'm telling you, that was a shock of a lifetime.
00:39:12Chyna is going to jump right in there
00:39:15and tie it up with DX.
00:39:17Plus, the Road Dogger will be in action
00:39:19at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre against Dallas Stone.
00:39:23Hardcore Championship Series continues.
00:39:27Break it down.
00:39:30Break it down.
00:39:33Triple H fresh off his victory last week
00:39:37on Raw over Kane in a steel cage match.
00:39:41Yeah, it went hard to X-Fox.
00:39:43What kind of mood do you think that's going to put Kane in
00:39:45for X-Fox tonight?
00:39:47X-Fox with a date with Kane a bit later on.
00:39:53And Triple H, I'm sure, has plenty to say
00:39:56as he gets ready for Sunday.
00:39:59St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
00:40:05Chyna, you want to be a man?
00:40:11You want to play in a man's world?
00:40:17Well, here's your big chance, baby.
00:40:21Only problem is, Chyna, you're stepping up to the plate,
00:40:26but you're not carrying a bat.
00:40:30As a matter of fact,
00:40:33you can't even draw a walk
00:40:37because you're not playing with any balls.
00:40:48Chyna, you think you're my equal?
00:40:54Well, at St. Valentine's Day Massacre,
00:40:57let's find out whose arrow hits the mark.
00:41:06I still say the Blue Jays would draft Chyna.
00:41:09For those of you who didn't happen to see Raw last week,
00:41:17I slammed a steel cage door into Kane's head
00:41:22and made him bleed like a pig.
00:41:25Biggest mistake you ever made.
00:41:28Well, if this all happens tonight,
00:41:31it's going to be Kane and X-Pac right here on Raw,
00:41:36and I ain't got a problem with that one bitch
00:41:39because I ain't afraid of nobody, Kane.
00:41:45And as for you, Shane McMahon,
00:41:50my friend, if you seriously think you can kick my ass
00:41:55to steal a line from a good old friend of mine,
00:41:59don't sing it, bring it!
00:42:05X-Pac with pointed words to one of the owners.
00:42:11No respect.
00:42:12Now then, Toronto,
00:42:19let's kick it for him one time, doggy style, shall we?
00:42:26Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
00:42:28to you all, the generation X proudly brings to you
00:42:32its former tag team champion of the world,
00:42:38the road dog, Jizzy J, the badass, Billy Goode,
00:42:42The New Age of Raw!
00:42:49My message is short and sweet.
00:42:53Al Snow, you know they say that two out of three ain't bad,
00:42:59but there will be no third game for you
00:43:03and your bodiless bizzitch,
00:43:07because in Memphis, Tennessee,
00:43:09at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre,
00:43:12the D-O-double-G is gonna walk a mud hole in your ass
00:43:18and I'm gonna moonwalk it dry.
00:43:24Road Dogg Al Snow, this Sunday, pay-per-view.
00:43:29Gee whiz, guys.
00:43:31Looks like all you guys got matches
00:43:34at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
00:43:36I don't think that's fair.
00:43:38I thought I was the number one contender
00:43:40for the Intercontinental title.
00:43:43I gotta figure out some way to get into it.
00:43:46Well, I know. Hold on a second.
00:43:51What? Whoa!
00:43:54Oh, I got it.
00:43:56You're gonna apply for a job at the Foot Locker.
00:44:01No, dumbass.
00:44:03Kenny, Val, happy Valentine's Day,
00:44:09because at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre,
00:44:13you're looking at your ref.
00:44:16Wait a minute. Can he do that?
00:44:19He can do what he wants.
00:44:20Now, if you're not down with us,
00:44:23we got two words for you.
00:44:26Go, Kenny!
00:44:29So this Sunday on pay-per-view,
00:44:32Triple H, X-Pac against Chyna and Kane.
00:44:36Road Dogg Al Snow,
00:44:38home court championship series continues.
00:44:41And badass Billy Gunn
00:44:44will be the special guest ref.
00:44:46Val being a shamrock,
00:44:48Intercontinental title on the line.
00:44:52Hey, look at this.
00:44:55Mr. McMahon, special guest referee,
00:44:59Austin Mankind, in the ring,
00:45:02on Raw, in Skydome, next.
00:45:12No chance, that's what you got.
00:45:18Ladies and gentlemen, the special guest referee,
00:45:21Mr. McMahon.
00:45:24Well, tonight he's the special guest referee
00:45:26for Austin Mankind,
00:45:27but Kane, in a cage, in six days,
00:45:30on pay-per-view, he needs Stone Cold Steve Austin.
00:45:34He's tried to provoke the Rattlesnake for weeks now.
00:45:37Will Austin take the fate tonight?
00:45:40Look at that, would you?
00:45:44Oh, yes!
00:45:46But I'm telling you, as good as he looks,
00:45:48I gotta be concerned, because we heard
00:45:51the words from Stone Cold Steve Austin.
00:45:53Stone Cold is not gonna be content
00:45:55until he beats Mr. McMahon into a bloody pulp.
00:45:58I mean, let's face it, Austin is a sicko.
00:46:01He's a sadist.
00:46:02He won't be satisfied until he sees
00:46:05Mr. McMahon's blood.
00:46:08And, Kane, the reason this match is on now,
00:46:10as the war zone begins, is simple.
00:46:12Mr. McMahon wants to give Austin and Mankind
00:46:15plenty of time...
00:46:17Uh-oh, to kill themselves tonight.
00:46:20The following non-title contest
00:46:22is scheduled for one fall.
00:46:24Making his way to the ring,
00:46:25he weighs in at 287 pounds,
00:46:28the World Wrestling Federation
00:46:30champion, Mankind!
00:46:34What an embarrassment, Michael Cole,
00:46:37for an individual like Mankind
00:46:39to be the champion of the World Wrestling Federation.
00:46:42I mean, he carried the richest prize
00:46:45in all of sports today over his shoulder.
00:46:48And look at this.
00:46:49I mean, it's just totally embarrassing.
00:46:52I'll be honest.
00:46:53Perhaps the most unlikely champion ever.
00:46:56But the bottom line is,
00:46:57no one is more deserving.
00:46:58He's a two-time champion.
00:47:00And in six days, on pay-per-view,
00:47:03he meets The Rock
00:47:04in a last-man-standing match.
00:47:06But if him and Austin get it on here tonight,
00:47:08and if they go out there and they destroy each other,
00:47:11there's no way Mankind's gonna be 100%
00:47:14on Sunday.
00:47:17Good thinking there, genius.
00:47:22You're finally starting to catch on
00:47:23to Mr. McMahon's plans, I guess.
00:47:42Stone Cold has to wait just six more days
00:47:45to get his hands on Mr. McMahon
00:47:47inside a steel cage.
00:47:49Well, he doesn't have to wait.
00:47:51He can get his hands on Mr. McMahon right here tonight.
00:47:54But if he touches him, he'll be fired.
00:47:57Look at this.
00:48:00He can't touch him.
00:48:01If he touches him without provocation,
00:48:03he's fired.
00:48:05And keep in mind,
00:48:06this match, Mankind-Austin,
00:48:08is a non-title matchup.
00:48:11The reason being,
00:48:12Mr. McMahon says Austin will never, ever
00:48:15get a shot at the title.
00:48:16Well, that's important,
00:48:17unless he can defeat Mr. McMahon on Sunday.
00:48:21Boy, how brilliant is Mr. McMahon
00:48:23to have come up with this plan?
00:48:25As the official in this match,
00:48:27let's get this together.
00:48:29Come on.
00:48:30I want some action.
00:48:33What a ref.
00:48:34Gotta admire him.
00:48:35This is no ordinary wrestling match.
00:48:38I don't want to see any handshakes.
00:48:41Throw the rule book
00:48:44out the window.
00:48:48Who can ask for more?
00:48:52Perfectly legal.
00:48:57The use of chairs,
00:49:01and assorted other furniture,
00:49:04quite acceptable.
00:49:06Right up Mankind's alley.
00:49:09Kicks to the groin,
00:49:11quite frankly,
00:49:12would be appreciated.
00:49:16King, please.
00:49:17So, therefore,
00:49:20let's get this thing on,
00:49:22and I want you to show the world,
00:49:24both of you,
00:49:25exactly who I know you are,
00:49:28a bunch of Neanderthal animals.
00:49:32Now, let's get it on.
00:49:38basically, what you're saying is
00:49:42you want somebody here
00:49:43to get their ass beat.
00:49:45Is that clear?
00:49:48I want somebody in this.
00:49:49I want somebody's ass kicked.
00:49:54Well, that's exactly what's going to happen, Vince,
00:49:56but I'm going to tell you right now,
00:49:59I'm not going to get my ass kicked.
00:50:03Mankind ain't going to get his ass kicked.
00:50:11So, I guess that means it's you
00:50:13that's going to get your ass kicked.
00:50:16What's he talking about?
00:50:18Stone Cold can't touch him or he's fired.
00:50:22Come on.
00:50:27No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:50:29No, no.
00:50:30I'm not going to kick your ass.
00:50:34Mankind ain't going to kick your ass.
00:50:38He's going to kick your ass.
00:50:40Oh, no!
00:50:46Mr. Sokko in the gullet of Mr. McMahon!
00:50:49Get him! Get him!
00:50:51And here comes The Rock!
00:50:56Stone Cold takes out The Rock!
00:50:58Shane, look out!
00:51:00Shane McMahon at ringside!
00:51:02Here's Shane Rock!
00:51:05Boss Man China!
00:51:14Mr. McMahon's plan has backfired big time!
00:51:20Where is Mr. McMahon?
00:51:22He's hurt!
00:51:23He's hurt bad!
00:51:25King Austin and Mankind have outsmarted Mr. McMahon!
00:51:29And now the Corporation's getting it!
00:51:31It's not possible to outsmart Mr. McMahon!
00:51:33I can't believe this is happening!
00:51:35Look out!
00:51:36King Austin and Mankind want to meet at WrestleMania
00:51:39for the WWF title!
00:51:45They both want to be in 100% this Sunday on pay-per-view
00:51:50to make that dream possible!
00:51:52Look out!
00:51:54The Corporate team has been thwarted by Austin and Mankind!
00:52:01Mr. McMahon is going to have to go back to the drawing board
00:52:04and come up with a new plan!
00:52:06He can do it, though!
00:52:08He can do it!
00:52:11I certainly hope that you're all satisfied.
00:52:16I certainly hope that you're all satisfied.
00:52:25You see, I'm sure...
00:52:32I'm sure that Austin and Mankind think they got the best of yours truly.
00:52:39Austin, you're going to rue the day.
00:52:42You're going to rue the day.
00:52:44Not just this Sunday in the cage match.
00:52:47In that very ring here tonight, Austin,
00:52:51you're going to be in action, Stone Cold.
00:52:55And you know what you're going to do, Austin?
00:52:58With the only exception of the next WWF champion,
00:53:02Austin, you're going to face each and every member of the Corporation!
00:53:09Austin, you're going to run the gauntlet!
00:53:12Until somebody's pinned, Austin!
00:53:17So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Austin!
00:53:21Run the gauntlet?
00:53:22That's suicide, King! Suicide!
00:53:26Yeah, for Austin!
00:53:27Stone Cold Steve Austin has already thwarted one plan of the Corporate team tonight,
00:53:32but I'll tell you what, how in the world is he going to get out of this one?
00:53:35He's not going to!
00:53:37I told you, Mr. McMahon is brilliant!
00:53:39This is another part of his plan.
00:53:41If one part doesn't work, he'll come up with something that does.
00:53:44Austin's got to run the gauntlet, and he ain't going to make it.
00:53:47Austin against all members of the Corporate team tonight.
00:53:52Austin! Austin! Austin! Austin!
00:53:58The contest is scheduled for one fall and twenty minutes on the limit.
00:54:02Making his way to the ring from New York City, weighing in at 310 pounds,
00:54:07The Goodfather!
00:54:10It ain't easy, King!
00:54:12Well it sure looks like fun!
00:54:14I wouldn't mind running that gauntlet!
00:54:17So Mr. McMahon has decreed
00:54:19that Stone Cold Steve Austin will be running the Corporate gauntlet tonight.
00:54:27Each member of the Corporate team against Austin until somebody's pinned,
00:54:31and King, there's no way the Laddlestakes are getting out of this one.
00:54:37I couldn't hear you, I was, uh...
00:54:39I was blinded by passion!
00:54:41Get your mind back in the game.
00:54:44So the Godfather's set for one-on-one action,
00:54:47in front of 43,000 in Skydome,
00:54:50and all you watching at home, all across Canada, on TSN.
00:54:54Thank you, Canada, for what's been a tremendous raw thus far in Toronto.
00:55:06Look at the Godfather!
00:55:13It's time once again,
00:55:16for everybody to come aboard the
00:55:19HOLE TRAIN!
00:55:23Give me a ticket!
00:55:25And if you like what you're looking at,
00:55:29and I'm sure you do,
00:55:31man I want to hear you from the top of this building,
00:55:34to the front row and everybody in between,
00:55:38turn this mother out and say,
00:55:40Pimpin' Ain't Easy!
00:55:47So the Godfather's set for action.
00:55:52And his opponent,
00:55:55is a member of the Ministry of Darkness,
00:55:58and being accompanied by Midian,
00:56:00he weighs in at 500 pounds,
00:56:05So over 500 pounds of Viscera set for action
00:56:08Viscera set for action against the Godfather.
00:56:10He's one of the members of the Ministry of Darkness,
00:56:13under the mind control of The Undertaker.
00:56:16And what about the shock last week, King,
00:56:19when The Brood joined the Ministry.
00:56:22Unbelievable, look at this.
00:56:24Accept the purity of evil?
00:56:27So Viscera set for action,
00:56:29against the Godfather, and
00:56:31Oh my gosh, look at those eyes!
00:56:33Well, looks like we're going to be joined by Midian here.
00:56:39Welcome, Midian.
00:56:41Thank you very much.
00:56:43What have you brought along here?
00:56:45This is my friend.
00:56:47Who's your friend?
00:56:48Oh, I can't tell you his name, but I can tell you this.
00:56:51He sees everything.
00:56:53Who's he looking at?
00:56:54Well, he might be looking at you,
00:56:56he might be looking at the Godfather,
00:56:58he might be looking at the Bossman.
00:57:01So Viscera now, action underway against the Godfather.
00:57:04Folks, we understand that Val Venus is in the locker room area,
00:57:08looking for Ken Shamrock,
00:57:10and when Val finds Shamrock, if he does,
00:57:13we'll bring it to you, we have cameras back there.
00:57:15Midian, you might let him use that eyeball if he's looking for him.
00:57:18Oh, I couldn't give this up, Lawler.
00:57:20I couldn't give this up, this was a special present from The Undertaker.
00:57:23Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said his name.
00:57:25Well, where is The Undertaker?
00:57:26Oh, don't you worry about where The Undertaker is right now,
00:57:29because his power is everywhere.
00:57:31It's inside me, it's inside you,
00:57:33it's inside all of us.
00:57:34And a kick out.
00:57:35It's inside all of us.
00:57:37Jerry Lawler, I can feel him running through me right now.
00:57:40Let me see what's inside that.
00:57:41That's a real eyeball.
00:57:42Come on, King.
00:57:43All you have to do is allow the Lord of Darkness as your savior,
00:57:47and accept the power of evil to guide you.
00:57:50Well, the power of evil's in trouble now.
00:57:53Godfather's taking him to the 500-pounder Viscera.
00:57:56Viscera is never in trouble.
00:57:57Let me tell you that,
00:57:58he is just lulling the Godfather into a false sense of security.
00:58:01Oh, my God.
00:58:03What is it?
00:58:04So, Viscera in trouble now.
00:58:06What's he doing? Look at this.
00:58:07Minion now in the ring.
00:58:09And here we go.
00:58:10Minion and Godfather going at it.
00:58:13Godfather's outweighed, outnumbered,
00:58:16in the ministry on the side of Minion and Viscera.
00:58:21I better go take care of the hoes.
00:58:22What do you think, King?
00:58:25This is bad.
00:58:27Look at Minion.
00:58:29Oh, 500 pounds across the chest of Godfather.
00:58:36Yeah, we see it.
00:58:42I started to say, what's gotten into Minion?
00:58:44But you know what's gotten into him?
00:58:45It was the Undertaker's blood.
00:58:47That's what's gotten into him.
00:58:49I mean, I think it's affected his brain.
00:58:51And look at the eyes of Viscera.
00:58:53Look at those eyes.
00:58:55The Undertaker's mind control over Viscera, Minion,
00:58:59the Acolytes, the Brood, the entire Ministry of Darkness.
00:59:03And Sunday on pay-per-view, it's Minion and the Boss Man.
00:59:07Boss Man, you see what you got in store for you?
00:59:10You better get that nightstick ready.
00:59:13For the first time this Sunday on pay-per-view,
00:59:15the St. Valentine's Day Massacre,
00:59:18Minion and the Big Boss Man.
00:59:21Corporation versus the Ministry of Darkness.
00:59:25And what the hell is that?
00:59:28That's that eyeball that was in the jar that Minion had.
00:59:30It's a real eye.
00:59:31The Godfather's been dismantled, folks.
00:59:33And wait a minute.
00:59:35Look at Minion and Viscera.
00:59:38Viscera, he looks possessed.
00:59:43Hey, wait.
00:59:44Back in the locker room,
00:59:45Thalbenus and Kenshirock.
00:59:48Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen.
00:59:50Hey, hey, hey, you guys, cut it out.
00:59:52Hey, hold on.
00:59:53Cut it out.
00:59:54Cut it out.
00:59:56Oh, wait.
00:59:57Oh, Billy Gunn now involved.
00:59:59Is this what's going to happen this Sunday?
01:00:01Come on.
01:00:02Come on.
01:00:03Come on.
01:00:04Come on.
01:00:05Come on.
01:00:06Come on.
01:00:07Come on.
01:00:08Come on.
01:00:09Come on.
01:00:10Come on.
01:00:11Come on.
01:00:12Come on.
01:00:15It's not.
01:00:16It's not.
01:00:17It's not.
01:00:18You think you can tell us what to do?
01:00:20You think you can tell us what to wear?
01:00:23You think you better?
01:00:25Well, you better get ready to bow to the Master.
01:00:34And here he comes,
01:00:35the European Champion X-Box,
01:00:37set to take on Kane.
01:00:39But, Kane, this is a non-title match.
01:00:42Mr. McMahon ordered this to be a non-title match and I gotta wonder what that's all about.
01:00:48You figure he'd want Kane to bring home his gold.
01:00:52I'm telling you, Mr. McMahon works in mysterious ways.
01:00:55You can't always understand what he's thinking because he's so smart!
01:01:02I'll tell you, X-Pac and Shane, the son of the owner of the WWF, have had some problems.
01:01:08Two weeks ago the rivalry continued.
01:01:10X-Pac had offered Kane a place at D-Generation X.
01:01:16Kane responded with a big no way.
01:01:19Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:01:23He followed Shane McMahon's orders and then Shane McMahon got to ride the fucking Bronco.
01:01:30But last week, X-Pac got revenge, slamming the steel cage door into the head of Kane and helping Triple H win.
01:01:40That happened last week in the Warzone.
01:01:43X-Pac, the cage door into Kane, helped Triple H take up a huge victory.
01:02:07I hate that.
01:02:09Look at this.
01:02:12This is what good old JR would usually say.
01:02:15Hellfire and brimstone.
01:02:17I'm telling you, Michael, last week Kane lost a lot of blood because of that man right there, X-Pac.
01:02:24And you can see by the way Kane is walking to the ring, he's got one thing on his mind.
01:02:28We talked about revenge and that's what Kane is wanting.
01:02:32This Sunday on Pay-Per-View, St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
01:02:38Cover your ears.
01:02:42This Sunday, Kane will team with China to take on X-Pac and Triple H if X-Pac gets out of this one.
01:02:50But this 210-pounder doesn't know the two words, I quit.
01:02:54And here we go now, X-Pac and Kane.
01:02:57The martial arts expert off the ropes, ducks underneath Kane.
01:03:01Obviously, the quickness in X-Pac's favor, but the strength in Kane's favor.
01:03:06X-Pac was out here screaming, he's not afraid, I'm not afraid.
01:03:09He's too stupid to be afraid.
01:03:11He's got more guts than brains, that's his problem.
01:03:14Normally, that woman there, China, would have been at ringside helping X-Pac out.
01:03:18Tonight, she's in Kane's corner.
01:03:21Yeah, you hear X-Pac, don't sing it, bring it.
01:03:23Don't sing it, bring it.
01:03:24Who cares?
01:03:25He's bringing it right now, ain't he, X-Pac?
01:03:28China's saying, can't she join the corporation for two reasons?
01:03:33She wanted some of the spotlight.
01:03:35She wanted some money.
01:03:36Bottom line.
01:03:40This Sunday, Kane, China against X-Pac, Triple H.
01:03:43That should be interesting.
01:03:45Oh, you're not kidding.
01:03:47Just take a look at China standing there.
01:03:49I'm telling you, all that's on her mind right now, she's just watching X-Pac
01:03:53and she's just licking her lips.
01:03:55She can't wait till this Sunday on pay-per-view.
01:03:57Oh, she gets to get her a little bit of him.
01:03:59What a clothesline by Kane.
01:04:01I'll tell you what, still to come tonight, Kane.
01:04:04How in the world is Stone Cold going to survive the corporate gauntlet?
01:04:08He's not.
01:04:09Come on, face it.
01:04:11I know you want to be like the rest of these Canadian morons
01:04:14and believe in Stone Cold.
01:04:16That he's invincible.
01:04:18That he can somehow rise to every occasion.
01:04:20But tonight, he is not going to be able to overcome the gauntlet.
01:04:23Look out.
01:04:24The 330-pounder tossing X-Pac out of the ring.
01:04:28And the European champion is in trouble.
01:04:35This guy is a monster.
01:04:37Dropping X-Pac on the barricade outside the ring.
01:04:42You think the Toronto Argonauts could use Kane?
01:04:44He could be their whole offensive line.
01:04:46The Toronto Raptors could use him at center.
01:04:53And Kane now.
01:04:55This is it for X-Pac.
01:04:57This is ridiculous.
01:04:58Steel stairs.
01:04:59And X-Pac moves out of the way.
01:05:02And X-Pac back in the ring.
01:05:06Referee continues the count on Kane.
01:05:09And there now, the quickness of X-Pac.
01:05:11Kick to the midsection again.
01:05:13And what a kick by X-Pac.
01:05:15Face first into the barricade.
01:05:18I'm going to tell you this, though.
01:05:19If X-Pac is really smart, he's going to have to start going downstairs.
01:05:23That's his only hope.
01:05:24Got to take the legs out from under Kane.
01:05:26You're not going to do any good working up top there, X-Pac.
01:05:29Look at this.
01:05:30There's the quickness of X-Pac.
01:05:32Kick again to the midsection.
01:05:34Goes to the legs.
01:05:36Drop kick to the kneecap.
01:05:37And there you go, Kane.
01:05:39Working low.
01:05:40And Kane's in trouble.
01:05:41You think he heard me?
01:05:44Wait a minute.
01:05:45China from behind.
01:05:52And this Sunday, those two who were standing,
01:05:55China and Kane,
01:05:57will meet X-Pac at Triple H.
01:05:59Look at this.
01:06:02The ninth winner of the world with a slam of X-Pac.
01:06:05He's slamming like a feather.
01:06:09Come on, now.
01:06:10Look at those boots China's wearing.
01:06:14Wait a minute.
01:06:15What's she doing?
01:06:19China calling Kane off.
01:06:22I think she wants to take care of this life work herself.
01:06:26Oh, no.
01:06:27Oh, no.
01:06:30This is the pedigree, Kane.
01:06:33And there's Triple H.
01:06:35Triple H.
01:06:38And now Triple H goes to work on Kane.
01:06:41Double team by DX.
01:06:44And there goes Kane.
01:06:47Wait a minute.
01:06:49China wants both of them.
01:06:54China wants Triple H and X-Pac.
01:06:58Missed with a clothesline.
01:06:59And Kane, luckily for China,
01:07:04gets him right here.
01:07:09Here's Shane.
01:07:10This Sunday, China will have her chance.
01:07:13China, Kane, Triple H, X-Pac.
01:07:15It's a Valentine's Day.
01:07:17It's a good thing Shane intervened.
01:07:19Gonna have to make her wait till Sunday.
01:07:24We're back in the war zone.
01:07:25This happened just a few moments ago.
01:07:27China wanted both Triple H and X-Pac.
01:07:31I'm telling you, look at the look in her eyes.
01:07:33Brother, she was ready to go.
01:07:35But Kane grabbed her, pulled her right out of the ring.
01:07:38And then, of course, Shane intervened.
01:07:42Triple H and China.
01:07:45What does everybody want?
01:07:48Wait a minute.
01:07:50Al Stone.
01:07:52And he's not scheduled to work here tonight.
01:07:54What does everybody need?
01:07:55We don't need you.
01:07:57But he is scheduled to go to work Sunday
01:08:00at St. Valentine's Day Massacre
01:08:02against the Road Dogg in the second match
01:08:04in the best two-out-of-three series
01:08:06for the Hardcore Championship.
01:08:08This is not Sunday.
01:08:09Get him out of here.
01:08:10What's he doing here?
01:08:13Now, Whirling Derby.
01:08:14We know last week the rivalry between Al Stone and Road Dogg
01:08:17intensified when Road Dogg blamed Al Stone
01:08:20for leaving him high and dry.
01:08:21I would too.
01:08:22And that Hardcore Tag Team Match
01:08:24against the Ministry's Acolytes.
01:08:27We've come to Toronto to prove a point.
01:08:32Road Dogg, Jesse James,
01:08:35we respect you.
01:08:36We really do.
01:08:39You're tough.
01:08:40You're hardcore.
01:08:42But you're not
01:08:43the Crown Prince of Hardcore.
01:08:47That belongs to me.
01:08:49Oh, boy.
01:08:50And this Sunday at St. Valentine's Day Massacre,
01:08:53I'm coming to take my title,
01:08:56number two out of three.
01:08:59You stabbed us in the back, Jesse.
01:09:02And we are a man of our word.
01:09:06And to show you just how hardcore we are,
01:09:08we're not gonna wait till Sunday.
01:09:10No, I don't think so.
01:09:12I'll tell you what.
01:09:14I think I've got some toys hidden underneath here.
01:09:18He's whacked.
01:09:19No kidding.
01:09:20I'll tell you what.
01:09:22No sense in waiting till Sunday.
01:09:24Let's have a hardcore match tonight.
01:09:26So if somebody back there
01:09:28has just got the guts,
01:09:30let's do it right now.
01:09:32What did he pull from out under the ring, King?
01:09:34Look, there's a broom, a fire extinguisher, a table,
01:09:38and a pan of a bunch of cookies.
01:09:40Give me one of those cookies.
01:09:43I guess nobody's back there.
01:09:45Who are you gonna hurt with a cookie?
01:09:47Like I said, we are men of our word.
01:09:53Since nobody will have a hardcore match with us,
01:09:56I guess I'll just have one by myself.
01:10:02Al Stowe is in a hardcore match against himself.
01:10:06Oh, come on. I told you.
01:10:08This guy is nuts.
01:10:10Metal pan into the head,
01:10:11into the announce table.
01:10:14Somebody get some help.
01:10:18You idiot.
01:10:19King putting the cookie down.
01:10:21Look at that.
01:10:22Al Stowe just sprayed himself with a fire extinguisher.
01:10:25Right in his mouth.
01:10:27Look at that. Watch it.
01:10:31Somebody bring out the white coats.
01:10:37Have you ever seen anything like this?
01:10:39No, and I hope I never see anything like it again.
01:10:42Oh, yeah.
01:10:43King, stop.
01:10:45Stop throwing.
01:10:46Will you stop?
01:10:48He's an idiot.
01:10:50What is he gonna do now?
01:10:52He's setting up a table in the middle of the ring.
01:10:55Al Stowe is in a hardcore match against himself
01:10:59as he gets ready for this Sunday.
01:11:01Al Stowe has lost what little mind he ever had.
01:11:04What are you doing?
01:11:06He's certifiable.
01:11:07Oh, man.
01:11:08Al Stowe went through a table on his own.
01:11:12I hope he's crippled.
01:11:14They're laughing.
01:11:15The referee doesn't know what to do.
01:11:18And now Bob Holly out to the ring.
01:11:21Another member of the job squad.
01:11:26And Al Stowe doesn't want anything to do with it.
01:11:28He's going for it.
01:11:30He's going for it.
01:11:31He's going for it.
01:11:32He's going for it.
01:11:33He's going for it.
01:11:34He's going for it.
01:11:35He's going for it.
01:11:36Al Stowe doesn't want any part of it.
01:11:39Get him out of here, Holly.
01:11:40He's got a hardcore championship match in six days.
01:11:44And he's brutalizing himself.
01:11:47Look at him.
01:11:48That's how Al Stowe treats his friends.
01:11:50What are you gonna do to his enemies?
01:11:51Look at this idiot.
01:11:52Al Stowe just swallowed Bob Holly.
01:11:55Watch it.
01:11:56I'm doing fine.
01:11:58Bob Holly from behind.
01:12:00And Bob Holly now.
01:12:02And Al Stowe into the stands at SkyDome.
01:12:08Look at this.
01:12:10What the hell is going on?
01:12:11I don't know.
01:12:16First Al Stowe's in a hardcore match with himself.
01:12:18And now he's battling Bob Holly.
01:12:22I'm telling you, this is bad.
01:12:25Al Stowe shouldn't do it.
01:12:26Al Stowe shouldn't do it.
01:12:28Al Stowe should have never been out here tonight to begin with.
01:12:33Look out.
01:12:36Holly and Stowe going at it.
01:12:38Come on, guys.
01:12:40I'll be honest with you.
01:12:41Al Stowe should have never even been in the WWF.
01:12:48It seems you're not looking too bright right now.
01:12:52Stowe with a chair to Holly.
01:12:58There's cookies and metal flying everywhere.
01:13:03Wait a minute, King.
01:13:04Oh, look out.
01:13:07Holly bent that metal chair across the head of Al Stowe.
01:13:10And Al Stowe's laughing.
01:13:12Al Stowe has a smile on his face.
01:13:14This guy's whacked.
01:13:16Watch it.
01:13:20King, can you believe he's laughing?
01:13:22Yeah, because he's an idiot.
01:13:28He's twisted.
01:13:33Al Stowe, I guess he's warming up for Sunday.
01:13:36He should move to Canada because he fits right in with the rest of these morons.
01:13:43Bob Holly now in control.
01:13:45I guess we got a hardcore match going on, although it's not official.
01:13:52Officials are now in.
01:13:53Maybe they'll beat each other into oblivion.
01:13:55Okay, what is going on?
01:13:57Stomp that head, somebody.
01:13:59You see that broken table in the background.
01:14:01Al Stowe did a backflip off the top rope through the table on his own.
01:14:11And Al Stowe is laughing.
01:14:13Is it stopped?
01:14:15Look at Holly.
01:14:16Bob Holly comes out here to try to help Al Stowe.
01:14:19To try to keep him from mutilating himself.
01:14:21And now look what the thanks he gets.
01:14:24Come on.
01:14:25Officials now pulling Al Stowe and Bob Holly apart.
01:14:30And head is...
01:14:32Looks like heads out cold in the corner.
01:14:35Bob Holly's had enough.
01:14:37Al Stowe is nuts.
01:14:38Folks, The Rock is coming up next.
01:14:44Dross, I've got to ask you about some really rude behaviors lately from you.
01:14:47Especially when it concerns the oddities.
01:14:49Everybody loves the oddities.
01:14:50Why do you have such a problem with them?
01:14:52Wait a minute, Kevin Kelly.
01:14:53You're the one that's always asking questions.
01:14:55I have a question for you.
01:14:56Do I look like a punk?
01:15:00Do I act like a punk?
01:15:03All right.
01:15:04Then why last Sunday night did you call me a punk?
01:15:08Did I do something to offend you?
01:15:10No, but I...
01:15:11What's the reason?
01:15:12I apologize.
01:15:13I was caught up in the moment.
01:15:14You know, I can kick your...
01:15:15I'm not even going to bother.
01:15:18I got you.
01:15:19Right here.
01:15:21Yeah, huh?
01:15:22What's up, Kevin, huh?
01:15:24Get the hell off of him!
01:15:26It doesn't involve you!
01:15:28Wait now.
01:15:31All right, man.
01:15:36Okay, what?
01:15:42The following contest is scheduled for one fall of a 20-minute time limit.
01:15:46Making its way to the ring from Anvil, Pennsylvania.
01:15:49Weighing in at 246 pounds,
01:15:52the Lethal Weapon,
01:15:54Steve Blackman!
01:15:57I guess the moral of the story is,
01:15:59don't call Draz a punk.
01:16:02Wait a minute.
01:16:03Did you just say Draz was a punk?
01:16:04I said don't call Draz a punk.
01:16:07Don't try to correct me.
01:16:09I think you just called Draz a punk.
01:16:11Why do you always got to start?
01:16:13So the Lethal Weapon, Steve Blackman, set for action.
01:16:16And what a tremendous opportunity tonight.
01:16:19But will opportunity not for Stone Cold Steve Austin?
01:16:22He still has to run the corporate gauntlet coming up in the War Zone.
01:16:29That is career suicide for the Rattlesnake.
01:16:34Yeah, but what we're fixing to see is the next WWF champ.
01:16:36Let's hear it.
01:16:37You smell what the Rock is cooking.
01:16:42And his opponent, from Miami, Florida,
01:16:45The Lethal Weapon at 275 pounds,
01:16:49The Rock just won!
01:16:53Mixed reaction from the 43,000 in SkyDome
01:16:58to the two-time WWF Champion, The Rock.
01:17:01And he hopes this is a warm-up match tonight
01:17:04for Sunday's Last Man Standing match.
01:17:07And look at that sign.
01:17:09That's up in the SkyDome Hotel.
01:17:11It's now the SmackDown Hotel.
01:17:13That's where we saw Val in the SkyDome Hotel earlier
01:17:16with Ryan Shamrock.
01:17:18But King, this Sunday on pay-per-view,
01:17:20St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
01:17:22The Rock, Mankind, for the title.
01:17:25Last Man Standing.
01:17:27And how can they top what happened at the Royal Rumble?
01:17:31Well, I'll tell you how that man right there,
01:17:33look at that corporate eyebrow,
01:17:35I'll tell you how The Rock will top it.
01:17:37He will lead Mankind horizontal.
01:17:40How can they top halftime heat?
01:17:44Mankind winning the title with a forklift.
01:17:49Unfortunately for you,
01:17:51The Rock is going to have to kick your roo-dee-poo candy ass!
01:17:59The Rock better not get too overconfident here.
01:18:02He's taking on the lethal weapon, Steve Blackman.
01:18:05Blackman's not intimidated,
01:18:07and a tremendous opportunity
01:18:09if Blackman could upset, could knock off The Rock tonight.
01:18:11What a career boost!
01:18:14And that would certainly be a downer for The Rock
01:18:17going into St. Valentine's Day Massacre pay-per-view this Sunday.
01:18:20I'd like to thank everyone across Canada
01:18:23joining us on our great affiliate TSN
01:18:25and the 43,000 strong here in SkyDome in Toronto.
01:18:29As The Rock goes to work
01:18:31on the lethal weapon, Steve Blackman.
01:18:34This Sunday, Last Man Standing, it's simple.
01:18:37When you can't get up, you lose.
01:18:39Bottom line.
01:18:42Here's Rock now,
01:18:44in the corner.
01:18:46It's Steve Blackman, martial arts expert.
01:18:48What quickness by the 248 pounder.
01:18:51See, this is what I was worried about.
01:18:53There's another right hand by Blackman.
01:18:56This is not good for The Rock.
01:18:59I'm afraid he might be looking past Blackman
01:19:02and let his guard down here a little bit.
01:19:05Six days, it's St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
01:19:07Last Man Standing will be the WWF Champion.
01:19:17Blackman's been on a big roll here in the WWF King.
01:19:21He's taken care of The Beast, Dan Severin.
01:19:23And again, what a huge upset this would be tonight
01:19:26against The Rock.
01:19:28And Rock with a right hand.
01:19:30Don't count Blackman's chickens before they hatch now.
01:19:34Listen to this.
01:19:36Maybe these Canadians aren't as dumb as I thought.
01:19:39They're chanting The Rock.
01:19:41Blackman whipped into the ropes now.
01:19:43Rock missing with a clothesline.
01:19:45There's the quickness again of Blackman.
01:19:47A kick to the midsection goes to work with the right hands.
01:19:49Combination of kicks and right hands now.
01:19:51Rock off the ropes.
01:19:53And what a chop to the throat by Blackman.
01:19:55This is not good.
01:19:57I still don't know how Stone Cold
01:20:00is going to get through the corporate gauntlet
01:20:02coming up next.
01:20:03You're an eternal optimist, aren't you?
01:20:05You don't know how he's going to get through it?
01:20:07Why don't you just say,
01:20:09Stone Cold is not going to be able to get through it.
01:20:11Rock ducks underneath.
01:20:13And claps him with a DDT.
01:20:17And look out.
01:20:19The crowd knows what's coming.
01:20:21That was a little difference maker right there, wasn't it?
01:20:25And King, I want to know.
01:20:27Oh great.
01:20:29Take it out.
01:20:30Now what The Rock has just done
01:20:32is show that Rudy Poole cameo.
01:20:34Give him a big Rockwich
01:20:36with a little bit of extra rock sauce
01:20:38on the side of his smelling.
01:20:42Why does he never take your headset off?
01:20:45Are you kidding?
01:20:47I love it when he comes over here
01:20:49and shares a little bit of The Rock's wisdom with us.
01:20:51Blackman now.
01:20:53Nice counter.
01:20:55Nice suplex by Steve Blackman.
01:20:57And The Rock, who lets his mouth
01:20:58get carried away sometimes,
01:21:00is in trouble here.
01:21:02Blackman, elbow to the teeth that time.
01:21:07Come on, Rock.
01:21:09Blackman has nothing to lose.
01:21:11Beautiful shoulder block.
01:21:13Rock has everything to lose.
01:21:15He can't go into St. Valentine's Day Massacre
01:21:17with a loss and hope to beat Mankind.
01:21:19Nobody home.
01:21:21Blackman off the top rope.
01:21:24Look at The Rock now.
01:21:26Blackman may have ripped his hamstring.
01:21:28Here it comes.
01:21:30Rock, bottom time.
01:21:32Planting him.
01:21:37There's no doubt he's a great athlete.
01:21:39There's no doubt he's a tremendous entertainer.
01:21:41Shut up. I'll take over now.
01:21:43Let me do this.
01:21:45There it is.
01:21:47For all of you idiots here in Canada,
01:21:49the most electrifying move in wrestling today.
01:21:51The cover.
01:21:55They almost planted the hook of the leg.
01:21:56Rock is going to St. Valentine's Day Massacre
01:21:59on a major roll.
01:22:01The Rock.
01:22:04And he will be
01:22:06the last man standing.
01:22:08And he will be
01:22:10the next WWF champion.
01:22:13This time at pay-per-view,
01:22:15this Sunday,
01:22:17St. Valentine's Day Massacre
01:22:19from the sold-out pyramid in Memphis.
01:22:21The Rock, Mankind,
01:22:23last man standing.
01:22:24The Rock hooks three times
01:22:26a John
01:22:28as he goes for his third reign
01:22:30as title holder.
01:22:34Gaze at him, Michael.
01:22:36There he is.
01:22:38The Rock.
01:22:40Stone Cold will have to run
01:22:42the corporate gauntlet.
01:22:44Mr. McMahon rallying the troops.
01:22:46I feel sorry for you, Stone Cold.
01:22:48This is one time
01:22:50you're not going to be able to make it, son.
01:22:52It's next.
01:22:54The Rock.
01:22:59No chance.
01:23:06The following gauntlet match
01:23:08will be decided by pinfall
01:23:10or submission.
01:23:12Being led to the ring
01:23:14by Mr. McMahon
01:23:16and Shane McMahon
01:23:18who are each in members
01:23:20of Big Horseman
01:23:27and King.
01:23:29So the corporate team
01:23:31set to make Stone Cold run
01:23:33the corporate gauntlet
01:23:35and King, it's simple.
01:23:37This match will only end
01:23:39when Stone Cold Steve Austin
01:23:41beats one member
01:23:43of the corporation.
01:23:45And how in the world
01:23:47can Stone Cold survive
01:23:49so close to meeting
01:23:53This is not about wins and losses,
01:23:55you idiot.
01:23:57This is about making sure
01:23:59that Stone Cold Steve Austin
01:24:01don't make it to Memphis.
01:24:03Earlier on,
01:24:05Mr. McMahon said that
01:24:07it's St. Valentine's Day Massacre
01:24:09this Sunday.
01:24:11The WWF will never be the same
01:24:13for Stone Cold Steve Austin.
01:24:14Stone Cold Steve Austin!
01:24:16Stone Cold Steve Austin!
01:24:18Stone Cold Steve Austin!
01:24:20And their opponents
01:24:22from Victoria, Texas
01:24:24weighing in at 250 pounds
01:24:26Stone Cold
01:24:28Steve Austin!
01:24:30You just saw NBA superstars
01:24:32Ray Allen and Ray Taylor
01:24:34enjoying the fun
01:24:36among the 43,000 here in SkyDome
01:24:38in Toronto tonight.
01:24:40Stone Cold is not going to
01:24:42have fun in this one.
01:24:44Samrock starting the corporate
01:24:46gauntlet against Austin
01:24:48and as we saw earlier, King,
01:24:50Samrock is not in a pleasant mood.
01:24:52Oh, that's right.
01:24:54He's in a foul mood to say the least.
01:24:56Wait a minute, Stone Cold
01:24:58from behind is going to work
01:25:00on Ken Samrock.
01:25:02Again, this match only ends
01:25:04when Austin can beat
01:25:06one member of the corporation.
01:25:08There you go. Pay attention, Samrock.
01:25:10If Austin beats you,
01:25:12it's over for the whole gauntlet.
01:25:14Samrock caught a foot to the face
01:25:16and there's the clothesline.
01:25:22Earlier this evening, King,
01:25:24look at this now.
01:25:26Stone Cold hammering away on Samrock.
01:25:28Earlier this evening,
01:25:30Mr. McMahon tried
01:25:32to set up Austin
01:25:34in a match against Mankind
01:25:36but that one backfired.
01:25:38Oh, you think it was a setup?
01:25:40It was a setup.
01:25:42Of course it was
01:25:45There's a cover now.
01:25:47There's two.
01:25:49And Austin with the shoulder up.
01:25:51Pay-per-view this Sunday.
01:25:53That man there,
01:25:55you look over his shoulder,
01:25:57Mr. McMahon will be in a steel cage
01:25:59with Stone Cold.
01:26:01And you heard earlier tonight,
01:26:03Mr. McMahon has barred any member
01:26:05of the corporation from interfering
01:26:07in that match.
01:26:09Yeah, Stone Cold Steve Austin said
01:26:11that he's not going to be content
01:26:13Stone Cold Steve Austin must run
01:26:15the corporate gauntlet in this one.
01:26:17It only ends when he can defeat
01:26:19one member of the corporation
01:26:21by pinfall or submission.
01:26:23And Samrock now ankle lock.
01:26:25Break it! Break it!
01:26:27He'll never be able to climb out of a gate
01:26:29with a broken leg.
01:26:31Samrock is locked in the ankle lock
01:26:33on the rattlesnake.
01:26:35This is career suicide for Austin
01:26:37who broke the ankle lock.
01:26:39Stunner! Stunner! It's over!
01:26:40Here's the ankle lock!
01:26:42And Test!
01:26:44How smart was that?
01:26:46That should be a disqualification
01:26:48right there.
01:26:50Samrock's been tossed out of the ring
01:26:52but now Test is the next member
01:26:54of the corporation.
01:26:56Samrock's been disqualified
01:26:58so now it's Test,
01:27:00the corporate team's hired gun
01:27:02against Austin.
01:27:04This is what's called
01:27:06running the gauntlet.
01:27:08I love it!
01:27:10The 180 pound Test
01:27:12kicked to the lower extremities.
01:27:15We got a look of concern
01:27:17on the face of Mr. McMahon.
01:27:19Don't worry, he's got a plan.
01:27:21Stone Cold has a plan as well.
01:27:24Beat the hell out of one of these
01:27:26members of the corporation.
01:27:28Get out of this gauntlet.
01:27:30Still standing. Still in one piece.
01:27:32Austin whipped into the turnbuckle now.
01:27:35Test misses with the right hand.
01:27:38It's over! It's over!
01:27:40Stone Cold has succeeded
01:27:42and Kane now!
01:27:44Damn it!
01:27:46And Test has been disqualified.
01:27:49Oh, finally!
01:27:51What is it, like a veil lifting
01:27:53in front of you, Michael Cole?
01:27:55Or like a cloud parting there?
01:27:57And do you see the sunshine?
01:27:59Do you finally realize
01:28:01what Mr. McMahon's plan is now?
01:28:03Yeah, his plan is to beat down Austin.
01:28:05He doesn't care about winning this thing.
01:28:07What a Sherlock Holmes you are!
01:28:11Let's go, Kane!
01:28:13It's not about wins or losses, Kane.
01:28:15It's about crippling Stone Cold
01:28:17before the steel cage match
01:28:19against Mr. McMahon on Sunday.
01:28:21So what? What's wrong with that?
01:28:23Well, no wonder Mr. McMahon is part of
01:28:25the corporate team from the cage on Sunday.
01:28:27He's not going to need him.
01:28:29Austin may not be able to walk.
01:28:31And here goes Austin!
01:28:33Austin has the big man down!
01:28:34Look out!
01:28:36Oh, elbow!
01:28:39The Rattlesnake is fighting for his life!
01:28:43Whipped into the ropes now!
01:28:45Big boot to the face!
01:28:47And Austin's in trouble!
01:28:49Again, this match only ends
01:28:51when Austin beats one member of the corporation!
01:28:53Mr. McMahon can always count on Kane!
01:28:56Chokeslam! Got him!
01:29:00And Kane now!
01:29:02And Austin somehow gets the shoulder up!
01:29:04Watch it!
01:29:06Kane delivered a chokeslam!
01:29:08And Austin is still surviving!
01:29:10I can't believe it!
01:29:12This will finish him! Oh no!
01:29:14Austin counter! It's over!
01:29:16It's over!
01:29:18It's not over when you shut up!
01:29:20It's not over!
01:29:22And China now!
01:29:24Now it's over!
01:29:26A low blow by China!
01:29:28And Kane's been disqualified!
01:29:29China's taking on Stone Cold!
01:29:31China takes it!
01:29:33Oh no!
01:29:35And now Bossman in the ring!
01:29:38I can't believe it!
01:29:40And it's Bossman now!
01:29:42Hammering away on Austin!
01:29:46How much more of this can Austin take, Kane?
01:29:49I hope not much more!
01:29:51Bossman is the last man in the gauntlet!
01:29:54The last man!
01:29:59And Bossman making Austin pay!
01:30:03Can Austin survive?
01:30:05I hope not!
01:30:07Surely he can't take much more of this!
01:30:09Bossman the last member of the corporation!
01:30:12Stone Cold!
01:30:14He's got him with a sleeper!
01:30:16Sleeper hold on Bossman!
01:30:18What are we going to do now?
01:30:20And Bossman, Stone Cold couldn't get that top hand up over the forehead!
01:30:24And Bossman capitalizes!
01:30:26Look at this!
01:30:27And now a nightstick, come on!
01:30:29Mr. McMahon tossed a nightstick into the ring!
01:30:31I didn't see that!
01:30:33McMahon doesn't want to face Austin on Sunday, period!
01:30:41A little hard time now for Stone Cold Steve Austin!
01:30:44Mr. McMahon wanted him in a cage!
01:30:50And Bossman now with a nightstick into the throat of Stone Cold Steve Austin!
01:31:01Mr. McMahon now barking out orders on the apron!
01:31:04It looks like he's ordered the whole corporation to say no!
01:31:08Stone Cold has nothing left!
01:31:11The breath being drawn out of him by Bossman!
01:31:19Austin can't defend himself!
01:31:21He got hit a number of times in the head by that nightstick!
01:31:24He's had the breath choked out of him by Bossman!
01:31:27Oh look at this! I get it now!
01:31:29What in the world is Mr. McMahon doing?
01:31:32He wants to apply the coup de grace!
01:31:34He wants to put the finishing touches on Stone Cold Steve Austin himself!
01:31:39He is walking and he is talking!
01:31:41He's going to run the gauntlet with Austin!
01:31:44McMahon! McMahon is coming for Austin!
01:31:47Turn him again!
01:31:49Turn him again you son of a bitch!
01:31:51No damn it!
01:31:52No damn it!
01:31:54What a disgrace!
01:31:59Mr. McMahon!
01:32:01Defends Steve Austin!
01:32:03The winner of this match by pinfall over Stone Cold Steve Austin!
01:32:10Mr. McMahon!
01:32:13Oh come on!
01:32:15Look at this!
01:32:17McMahon is making a mockery of Austin!
01:32:19And now the corporation!
01:32:21Adding insult to injury!
01:32:24Will Austin...
01:32:26How in the world is Austin going to get into a cage this Sunday?
01:32:32Don't worry about a cage! He ain't going nowhere right now!
01:32:35But look at the fight! The rattlesnake!
01:32:37Look at the fight!
01:32:44Austin is irate!
01:32:46Look at the look on his face!
01:32:50He's hot!
01:32:52He's hot!
01:32:54I tell you!
01:32:58Get that off his tongue!
01:33:02Never be the same!
01:33:04Never be the same!
01:33:06Never be the same!
01:33:16Never be the same!
01:33:18This Sunday in a cage!
01:33:20Austin McMahon!
01:33:22Pay per view!
