Seven Nights of… Audiobook part1/3

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Seven Nights of… Audiobook part1/3
00:00:00This is Audible.
00:00:02Narrated by Jacob Morgan and Andy Arndt
00:00:11Pressley is standing on the curb as I pull up to the gas station.
00:00:16I took the Porsche, not the SUV.
00:00:19She doesn't get to see that part of my life any more.
00:00:22She lost that privilege about the same time she destroyed whatever trust we had built,
00:00:27shattered it like a crystal glass thrown against a concrete floor.
00:00:31It's messy.
00:00:32The ugly remnant's still there, mocking me by reminding me of what happened and of what
00:00:37we had.
00:00:39I still feel so deceived, so hurt and angry, but I'm here.
00:00:46I'm still not entirely sure why I'm here, but I guess it's because she sounded so desperate
00:00:51on the phone, the sound of tears evident in her shaky voice.
00:00:57Not that she told me much on the call, only that she needed me to come get her.
00:01:01Curious and a little bit worried, I called Francine to come over, then grabbed a jacket
00:01:06and took off once she arrived to watch the girls.
00:01:09I had a lot of questions, and even more spring to mind now that I see how Pressley is dressed.
00:01:15She's wearing the same little black cocktail dress and heels she wore on our weekend at
00:01:19Roger's Lake House.
00:01:22Was she on a date?
00:01:24My hands grip the steering wheel harder.
00:01:27It shouldn't matter.
00:01:28We're broken up now.
00:01:29I don't even want to be involved with her anymore, but none of that reasoning stops
00:01:33the twinge of jealousy I feel low in my stomach.
00:01:36When I get closer, I see her makeup is smudged beneath her eyes.
00:01:41She's been crying, either before or after her frantic phone call to me, I'm not sure,
00:01:48and she's shaking like a leaf.
00:01:50What the hell is going on?
00:01:52How long has she been standing outside?
00:01:54More importantly, why is she standing out here all alone?
00:01:58It may be summer in Seattle, but the nights like tonight can be chilly.
00:02:02Her arms are bare, but still, she waited out here for me.
00:02:07When I park beside the curb, she scurries to the passenger door and quickly gets into
00:02:11the car.
00:02:13Thank you so much, she says through chattering teeth, rubbing her exposed arms.
00:02:20I didn't know who else to call, I know it's late.
00:02:23I'm really grateful.
00:02:25I nod in acknowledgment.
00:02:27I should ask where to drop her off, but for some reason I can't bring myself to take Presley
00:02:32to her apartment and leave it at that with no explanation.
00:02:36Telling myself it's because I want answers first, I turn toward her.
00:02:41So what's going on?
00:02:43I ask.
00:02:44I deserve at least some answers as to why I was her first phone call, don't I?
00:02:51She stares ahead, not meeting my eyes, fidgeting with her purse strap.
00:02:56Well, my phone was dead, and the only number I could remember was yours, so...
00:03:05That explains why you called me, but it doesn't explain why you needed my help.
00:03:09I want to know what happened.
00:03:13Although I'd never abandon a woman stranded alone at night, I make no effort to soften
00:03:18my tone.
00:03:19My genetic makeup won't allow me to ever walk away from or hang up on a female in need,
00:03:25but I also don't have to forgive her betrayal just because she's in trouble.
00:03:31Presley's gaze drops to her lap, and her hands wring her purse strap so hard I'm surprised
00:03:36it doesn't break.
00:03:40She pauses, hesitating.
00:03:43I say nothing.
00:03:44Just wait.
00:03:45We can sit here all night if that's what it takes.
00:03:48The only sound is the subtle purr of the Porsche's engine.
00:03:52It's a sound that used to calm me, but tonight I feel anything but.
00:03:57On edge, anxious, pissed off, sexually frustrated, hell, maybe even a combination of all of them.
00:04:05Presley mutters,
00:04:06I was doing a gig for Allure.
00:04:11My gut twists so hard at her admission that I'm glad I waited to start driving, because
00:04:16I'm pretty damn sure I'd have wrapped this car around a tree with the physical reaction
00:04:20I have to this bombshell.
00:04:23Rage burns hot inside me, and it takes a minute to respond because my heart is hammering so
00:04:27hard blood roars through my ears.
00:04:31You what?
00:04:33Like, as an escort?
00:04:36She winces.
00:04:37I needed the money.
00:04:39I thought I'd lost my job because of, well, the whole Genesis thing.
00:04:45She twists to face me, her eyes pleading.
00:04:48Dominic, I'm so sorry, but...
00:04:51We're not doing this right now.
00:04:54Her mouth snaps shut.
00:04:56After a tense few moments, I grit out, we can talk about it later.
00:05:02Her eyes flit over her face.
00:05:05At work?
00:05:06No, tonight.
00:05:07I'm taking you to my place.
00:05:11I pull back out onto the street.
00:05:14A different kind of surprise flashes across her features now, mixed with emotions I can't
00:05:20Is she happy about that?
00:05:24Just plain confused, I don't know.
00:05:27I can barely sort out the chaos inside my own head, let alone try to figure out what's
00:05:31going on in hers.
00:05:33But I do know the last thing I want to do is take her back to a darkened apartment,
00:05:37not knowing what the catalyst was for her to be out here all alone after having just
00:05:41left God-knows-what type of situation that would warrant her calling me from an out-of-the-way
00:05:45gas station.
00:05:47This possessive feeling I have over her is entirely inappropriate, but in this moment
00:05:51I give zero fucks.
00:05:53I'm driving too fast, but I'm angry and hurt and beyond frustrated with her.
00:06:01Why would she have put herself in an escort-type situation?
00:06:03Why do I even care where she was tonight?
00:06:07Those files and the jump drive she had in her bag are all I should give a damn about.
00:06:11I am still pissed about that, beyond pissed, but this stings in a different way.
00:06:19And deep within my anger is a tiny grain of relief that even though she was with another
00:06:23man in whatever capacity, at least he wasn't a man she really cared for, which just makes
00:06:28me even more furious, this time at myself.
00:06:34Back at home I take a deep breath, trying to slow my heart and guide Presley toward
00:06:39the guest room.
00:06:41She watches me with wide eyes, pausing in the center of the plush carpeting with her
00:06:45heels dangling from one hand.
00:06:47Get comfortable, I say in a gruff voice, then head straight to the kitchen to pour myself
00:06:53a neat scotch.
00:06:56On second thought I make it a double.
00:06:58I'll need some serious alcohol if I have any hope in hell of falling asleep tonight with
00:07:02this swarm of contradictory emotions fighting in my gut.
00:07:08And with Presley sleeping just a few yards away, whispers a voice from deep in the less
00:07:13evolved parts of my mind, here with me in my home where we once shared so many happy
00:07:20I drink like I'm forcing down medicine.
00:07:24No, I'm not going to dwell on her, I'm not happy she's here.
00:07:29Go the fuck to sleep and deal with it in the morning, like I told her.
00:07:33Stick to the plan.
00:07:35Francine steps into the kitchen and watches me.
00:07:38I didn't even bother to turn on a light, and in the dim glow cast by the moon I can see
00:07:43her frown as she watches me.
00:07:45She must have a million questions about what's going on between Presley and me, but I have
00:07:50exactly zero answers.
00:07:52It's a very unusual predicament for me.
00:07:56Thanks for coming in.
00:07:57I'm sorry it's so late.
00:07:59I say, my throat hoarse from the liquor.
00:08:02She makes a sympathetic noise and crosses the room to stand before me.
00:08:06For a moment I think she's about to hug me, which surprises me because Francine and I
00:08:10have never had any kind of physical contact.
00:08:13Even though she's always treated me with a motherly warmth, it's always lacked any affection,
00:08:18which has been just fine by me.
00:08:21But rather than hug me, she reaches around me and grabs her purse from the counter.
00:08:26Good night, Dominic.
00:08:27Try to get some rest.
00:08:28You need it.
00:08:30She touches my forearm once, pats it softly, and then disappears around me toward the door.
00:08:37Drive safe, I mutter into the darkness.
00:08:42Once the tumbler is empty, I head back down the hall.
00:08:45But something slows me as I walk past the guest room.
00:08:49It occurs to me that I never checked to make sure Presley was okay.
00:08:54What's wrong with me?
00:08:55That client clearly scared her.
00:08:57She called me begging for help and I didn't even bother asking about what happened.
00:09:02I need to know if he hurt her, did something to upset her, touched her.
00:09:08There will be hell to pay with allure if that prick did something to her.
00:09:13Their screening process is supposed to be rigorous, specifically to keep sick fucks
00:09:17away from their escorts.
00:09:20The idea of Presley entertaining another man is an unpleasant one.
00:09:23I shake my head.
00:09:24Dammit, I don't care who she did or didn't fuck.
00:09:28Taking care of her is just the right thing to do.
00:09:30I'd do the same for anyone in the same situation, wouldn't I?
00:09:34I'll just check on her quickly, I tell myself, and then head to bed.
00:09:39Just to see if she needs any help.
00:09:41She's a guest and she's my employee.
00:09:44Something bad obviously happened tonight.
00:09:46It's the least I can do.
00:09:49I ease open the door as quietly as possible and peek in.
00:09:52She's facing away, her dark hair spilled luxuriously over the pillow.
00:09:57Her side rises and falls in a gentle, even rhythm.
00:10:01Fast asleep.
00:10:03I should leave now.
00:10:05So naturally I find myself seated on the edge of the bed because I've made some pretty stellar
00:10:08decisions when it comes to this woman, obviously.
00:10:13Her lovely face is peaceful.
00:10:16As far as I can tell in the dim moonlight, there are no bruises or any other marks, thank
00:10:22The covers have slipped, revealing her bare shoulder and the strap of her dress.
00:10:28It's obvious she would sleep in her clothes without anything to change into, and because
00:10:32I didn't even offer her one of my t-shirts to wear.
00:10:36Real smooth, Dom.
00:10:38I carefully pull the top blanket back over her, and she sighs.
00:10:43What am I doing?
00:10:44I have no idea, maybe I never did.
00:10:49I must have fallen asleep sitting up, just like I used to do next to the girls' cribs
00:10:54when they were babies and restless, because I quickly wake at the sound of the toilet
00:10:59I grunt and rub my eyes before glancing at the clock on the nightstand.
00:11:04Three in the damn morning, terrific.
00:11:07Presley pads barefoot out of the ensuite bathroom, spots me, and freezes.
00:11:13I clear my throat.
00:11:16Coming in here was obviously a mistake, I don't act like this, ever, but here I fucking
00:11:22I came to ask if you needed anything, but you were asleep.
00:11:27She nods, not moving any closer.
00:11:31I guess I fell asleep too, I admit.
00:11:35Are you okay?
00:11:39She moves to sit on the bed, giving me a wide berth, because she doesn't want to be
00:11:44near me, or because she thinks I don't want to be near her.
00:11:47I do, which is precisely why I shouldn't.
00:11:51I'm okay, she says.
00:11:55What happened tonight?
00:11:58She looks down at her hands, stalling for time.
00:12:02I went out with a client, I told you that.
00:12:05Needed the money.
00:12:07Her voice is small, barely above a whisper, the embarrassment about her financial situation
00:12:12obvious in her tone.
00:12:15And your client?
00:12:17I ask, my voice cold.
00:12:21She looks up, meeting my eyes.
00:12:24He was an asshole.
00:12:28Rage stirs in my veins.
00:12:29Knowing that she went out with another man shouldn't bother me this much, but it does.
00:12:33I was the first man to touch her, the first inside her.
00:12:36The intimate moments we shared meant something, although apparently all that's behind her
00:12:41I see, so you've sucked two dicks now, I ask.
00:12:48Her face tightens, on the verge of crumpling.
00:12:52It didn't get that far, she says, her voice choked and wavering.
00:12:58She swallows hard.
00:13:00In fact, when he tried to push me into touching him, that's when I ran away.
00:13:05I shouldn't have said that, it was mean and pointless and it just leapt out of my mouth
00:13:09like a toad.
00:13:10Feeling like an asshole, I look away.
00:13:13Did he hurt you?
00:13:17She shakes her head.
00:13:19He was really gross, but not violent.
00:13:22Did he touch you?
00:13:23Yes, not, uh, anywhere under my clothes, though.
00:13:29I consider asking for his name, then decide it's better for me not to know or else I might
00:13:33hunt him down and kill him.
00:13:37She had told me it would just be dinner, she says.
00:13:40Just companionship.
00:13:41Then that's what she believed it would be.
00:13:44This piece of shit must have been trying to game the system by lying on his request form.
00:13:49Report him and enjoy the fireworks.
00:13:52Presley manages a feeble, heh.
00:13:55Her weak smile tugs at my insides.
00:13:58I can't spend all night in here or I'll do something I'll regret.
00:14:02I stand up and start for the door.
00:14:05Get some sleep.
00:14:09Her tiny voice stops me in the doorway.
00:14:13I really wasn't going to go along with Austin's plan.
00:14:16I'd never sabotage anyone's company like that, let alone yours.
00:14:21When he first approached me, I thought it was a happy coincidence.
00:14:24I thought he wanted to be friends.
00:14:28She wets her lips.
00:14:30But then after a few get-togethers he told me what he really wanted and of course, it
00:14:34was all a set-up from the very beginning.
00:14:37He was saying all these things about what happened with Aspen and Genesis that didn't
00:14:41match the official story.
00:14:42I just didn't know what to think about it all so I took his dossier home to read later.
00:14:48Instead of turning and walking away like I should, I ask coldly, in the jump drive.
00:14:53I was going to analyze the files on it and then hand it over to I.T.
00:14:57Her eyes beg me to believe her.
00:15:00I want to believe you.
00:15:02I drag my hand over the stubble on my cheek with a loud, aggravated sigh.
00:15:07I'm just so drained.
00:15:09Maybe I do, but I still don't know where we stand, whether I can trust you anymore, even
00:15:17if I wanted to.
00:15:20She presses her lips together, blinking fast, then nods.
00:15:24That's fair, I just wanted to tell you.
00:15:29I have to check on the girls and you need to get some rest.
00:15:33At the threshold, I add a quiet goodnight.
00:15:38Everything should have already ended between us, but closing the door still feels like
00:15:42I'm tearing something fragile apart for good.
00:15:45It scares me how much I hate it.
00:15:51Chapter 2 Presley
00:15:53I'm frozen, staring at the guest room door.
00:15:59I can't move an inch, not even to bury myself under the covers in the bed behind me.
00:16:04To think, not long ago, I was in his bed, thrumming with the amazing clarity of knowing
00:16:09I was exactly where I wanted to be, giving him a gift I'd held onto for someone special.
00:16:14Oh, God.
00:16:16The knot in my gut tightens with each passing second.
00:16:19My mind is racing with questions, and not for the first time, I berate myself for being
00:16:24so damn stupid.
00:16:26What was I thinking?
00:16:28How could I have been so blind?
00:16:30I should have never taken that file from Austin.
00:16:33He had seemed so harmless at first.
00:16:36He was nice to me, interested in my work, good with Bianca, but a complete parasite
00:16:41the entire time we spent together.
00:16:44The sheer arrogance of the guy—no, damn it, my own arrogance.
00:16:49Why would I take the file if I knew that it would jeopardize my already unstable standing
00:16:53at Aspen Hotels?
00:16:55Why would I risk Michael's future like that?
00:16:58Why hurt Dom?
00:17:00That's the bigger question.
00:17:02Just when he was starting to open up to me, to trust me.
00:17:06He'd let me in, however briefly, and let me meet his daughters.
00:17:10I knew how big of a deal that was.
00:17:12He keeps them highly guarded from the public, the media, everyone.
00:17:17I was one of the few people he trusted to meet them.
00:17:20And now I've made a real freaking mess of things.
00:17:23I'm not one to let things die, though, especially not if I'm the one who dropped the ball.
00:17:28If there's a problem, I'm going to face it head on.
00:17:31Still, I don't think I've ever been this unsure, this terrified about addressing a problem.
00:17:38This isn't quite a spat between co-workers, or even friends.
00:17:42I don't even know what we are, so there's no surefire way to approach this situation.
00:17:47Regardless, I know what I have to do.
00:17:50I need to try, at the very least.
00:17:53I place a firm hand on the doorknob.
00:17:56I can see through the crack of his bedroom door that Dominic still hasn't gone back to his room.
00:18:02As I sneak down the hall, my feet pad lightly across the wooden floor.
00:18:06I can hear his murmuring voice, calming a scared little girl.
00:18:10My heart falls from my throat to my belly.
00:18:13I wonder if the noise of our argument, discussion, whatever the hell it was,
00:18:17woke one of his daughters from a deep sleep.
00:18:20Am I to blame?
00:18:22I make a small promise to myself to make it up to her later.
00:18:26I'm also struck at how, in the midst of his personal turmoil,
00:18:29Dominic still has to take the time to be a dad,
00:18:32to offer soothing words, to place his child's needs ahead of his own.
00:18:37My heart breaks a little more at the thought that I've hurt this man.
00:18:41When I reach Dominic's room, I don't think.
00:18:44Instead, I pull my dress off over my head.
00:18:48And since I've already removed my bra before getting into bed earlier,
00:18:51I'm in my birthday suit in less than a second.
00:18:55Showing Dominic how sorry I am,
00:18:57showing him that I'm willing to put all my insecurities,
00:19:00my doubts,
00:19:01my freaking self-preservation aside to get him to trust me again,
00:19:05is the only thing on my mind.
00:19:07I'm offering myself up on a silver platter,
00:19:10offering to fix this without words.
00:19:13Sex is a language that Dominic knows well,
00:19:16and one I need to use to communicate what he means to me.
00:19:20Just like I felt backed into a corner to go to work for Allure to save Michael,
00:19:24this is my last shot to salvage my relationship with Dominic.
00:19:28My only chance.
00:19:30God, I hope it works.
00:19:32I slip under the silky sheets and fluffy duvet and wait,
00:19:36one elbow propping myself up so I can watch the doorway.
00:19:39My heart hammers wildly behind my ribs.
00:19:43His footsteps sound from down the hall,
00:19:45and my heart rate picks up.
00:19:47This is it.
00:19:49The look on Dominic's face when he enters the room is almost comical.
00:19:53He's so confused, his beautiful eyebrows drawn together,
00:19:57his stormy eyes fixed on mine.
00:19:59It isn't fair how this man can wear any expression and still look like some
00:20:03flawless male model on a billboard.
00:20:07Hey, he says,
00:20:08almost as a question.
00:20:11Hi. Here goes nothing.
00:20:13Before he can say anything else, I sit up,
00:20:15letting the sheet slip from my breasts.
00:20:18His gaze drops to my naked chest,
00:20:20his eyes widening slightly as my nipples tighten in the cool air.
00:20:24His lips part.
00:20:27Can you forgive me?
00:20:28My voice is soft,
00:20:30barely above a whisper,
00:20:31and my self-confidence is gone.
00:20:35His tone is so broken,
00:20:37I feel it like a sharp stab inside my chest.
00:20:40I promise.
00:20:42I promise I was never going to sabotage you.
00:20:45You have to believe that.
00:20:46If that's all I wanted, I wouldn't still be here now.
00:20:50I can't read his expression.
00:20:52God, I wish more than anything that I could just get one tiny peek into the
00:20:56mind of this exquisite, confusing man.
00:20:59Not that he'd ever let me.
00:21:01Dominic looks at me with dark, seeking eyes.
00:21:04He licks his lips,
00:21:05his thumb pressing against the lower one as he watches me.
00:21:09What's your plan?
00:21:11My plan?
00:21:13I tilt my head.
00:21:15His thumb slips away from his lip, and he nods.
00:21:18What are you going to do to make up for it?
00:21:22My plan.
00:21:23I rise to my knees,
00:21:25the sheet completely abandoning my bare flesh.
00:21:28I don't know where this confidence has come from,
00:21:30but I'm plenty aware of what my body does to his,
00:21:33and vice versa.
00:21:35Maybe this is what I need to do.
00:21:37Be brave and make him forget all the ugly, messy things that have happened
00:21:40between us.
00:21:42I cock my head at him and smile,
00:21:44holding one hand outstretched.
00:21:46Come here.
00:21:48He remains stock still, watching me.
00:21:50And God, he's so beautiful,
00:21:52so masculine and commanding,
00:21:55while I feel small and frightened and unsure.
00:21:58The balance of power is tipped entirely in his favor,
00:22:01and right now I don't care at all.
00:22:03He has all the control.
00:22:05Everything that happens next is up to him.
00:22:07God, please let him choose me.
00:22:10Dominic takes two steps forward,
00:22:13and then he practically attacks me,
00:22:15his mouth on mine in a hard, brutal kiss of passion.
00:22:18No matter how angry he may be,
00:22:20no matter how confused he is,
00:22:22right now I can tell that he wants me,
00:22:24that he wants to put all this behind us.
00:22:27And with the way his tongue sucks shamelessly on mine,
00:22:30he can have whatever he wants.
00:22:32I melt into his touch,
00:22:33my heart now hammering for an entirely different reason than it was a moment ago.
00:22:38I clutch his dress shirt in my fingers as his hands sink into my hair,
00:22:42holding me close.
00:22:44You know what they say,
00:22:46I whisper between gasping, open-mouthed kisses.
00:22:50The fingers of his right hand slide up my thigh.
00:22:53I know what his destination is,
00:22:55and I can't wait to feel those fingers caressing me once again,
00:22:59readying me for his thick length.
00:23:02The bigger the break-up, the better the sex, I whimper.
00:23:06His kiss is now almost bites against my throat.
00:23:10This is going to work, Presley.
00:23:12This is actually going to work.
00:23:14But then he pulls away.
00:23:18The man before me wears an unreadable mask.
00:23:20He steps back, releasing me.
00:23:23I can still feel the warm imprints of his hands,
00:23:25now suddenly exposed to the cool air of the room.
00:23:28His breathing is ragged, his chest rising and falling quickly,
00:23:32and there's an unmistakable bulge beneath his zipper.
00:23:36I want you, Presley.
00:23:37You know that.
00:23:39My throat tightens.
00:23:41But I can't trust you.
00:23:42And trust, he swallows, his eyes locking onto mine.
00:23:47It's everything to me.
00:23:49Don't just stop.
00:23:50I've been burned before.
00:23:52His eyes are dark and unreadable,
00:23:54and I know that the moment has passed.
00:23:57Their mother?
00:23:58Yes, he says, his voice hoarse.
00:24:01I hate to press him on this,
00:24:03but my curiosity has always gotten the better of me.
00:24:06He's vulnerable.
00:24:07Now may be the only chance I'll get to peek inside.
00:24:11I sit back on the bed and pull the sheet up to cover myself,
00:24:14while he remains standing beside the bed.
00:24:17Who was she?
00:24:18He weighs my question for a moment,
00:24:20and I'm not sure if he'll answer.
00:24:22It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't.
00:24:24He's not exactly known for being the type
00:24:26to offer up personal details.
00:24:28But then his lips part and he meets my eyes again.
00:24:31Her name was Sarah.
00:24:33She was an escort I hired for an event.
00:24:36We clicked and I started requesting just her.
00:24:39It went on that way for a couple of months.
00:24:41Then we got careless and I clear my throat.
00:24:45She got pregnant.
00:24:47He nods.
00:24:48She didn't want them.
00:24:49She didn't want to be a mother.
00:24:51She wanted her life back.
00:24:52But the paternity test said they were mine.
00:24:55So I paid her.
00:24:57Paid her?
00:24:58I cock my head to the side.
00:25:00Dear God, the things this man does with his money.
00:25:03To give birth,
00:25:04rather than have the abortion that she wanted to.
00:25:07Oh, my skin feels cold and my heart hollow.
00:25:12I can see how much this hurts him to tell me.
00:25:14I can see it in his eyes and hear it in the tremor
00:25:16of his deep, full voice, now strained with emotion.
00:25:20I never wanted him to relive that devastation,
00:25:23but I'm the one who pushed him to the edge.
00:25:26I'm so sorry to-
00:25:27I think you should go.
00:25:29There, I've really done it now.
00:25:32I've jeopardized my job, my brother's future,
00:25:35my, whatever this catastrophe of a relationship is.
00:25:39I have no place here.
00:25:40Dominic's life is a complicated mess,
00:25:42and I've only scattered the pieces even more,
00:25:44like a selfish child.
00:25:47It's time to grow the hell up, Presley.
00:25:49I screwed up,
00:25:50and now I have no choice but to live with the consequences.
00:25:54Without a word, I stand.
00:25:56I put on my dress and panties under his watchful gaze,
00:25:59my fingers trembling,
00:26:01and head to the guest room where my bra lays on the floor.
00:26:04After I gather my purse and shoes,
00:26:06I slowly make my way down the hall,
00:26:08past the girls' bedroom and through the front door.
00:26:11The door clicks shut behind me.
00:26:14Never once in my walk of shame,
00:26:16shame over everything I've done,
00:26:18does he try to stop me.
00:26:20Why would he?
00:26:25Chapter Three
00:26:28After my roller coaster of a weekend,
00:26:30coming into work on Monday morning is a relief.
00:26:33The atmosphere at Aspen is fast-paced and high-pressure,
00:26:36as always, but it's also familiar.
00:26:39I'm in my element here, in control,
00:26:42unlike in certain other areas of my life.
00:26:46I grab a cup of coffee and settle in at my desk
00:26:48with an inbox full of emails and release a heavy sigh.
00:26:52My improved spirits last for all of an hour
00:26:54before Oliver pokes his head into my office.
00:26:57Hey, boss man, he says.
00:27:02Looking up from my computer screen,
00:27:03I give him a wry look.
00:27:05I have told you not to call me that.
00:27:08Even if I am his boss, he's also my best friend.
00:27:12Oliver just shrugs as he strolls inside
00:27:14and settles into the armchair in front of my desk.
00:27:18What's going on with Presley?
00:27:21My stomach tightens, but I train my features to remain calm.
00:27:25Oliver couldn't possibly know the extent
00:27:27of what's gone on between us.
00:27:29Presley wouldn't have spilled the beans, would she?
00:27:33I wouldn't expect that of her,
00:27:34but given everything that's happened in the past 48 hours,
00:27:37I clearly don't know her as well as I thought I did.
00:27:41I never thought in a million years
00:27:42she could be bribed by the competition
00:27:44or that she'd join the ranks at Allure.
00:27:48Careful to control my tone, I reply,
00:27:51What do you mean?
00:27:52She's not here, that's what, and nobody's heard from her.
00:27:57Oliver scratches his head.
00:27:59I guess that means you haven't either.
00:28:02Weird, I figured if she'd said anything to anyone,
00:28:05it would be you.
00:28:09His eyes narrow.
00:28:10Yeah, her direct supervisor.
00:28:14I sit back in my chair.
00:28:19His eyes widen as he watches me.
00:28:21I have no idea why she's not here.
00:28:23Is she too upset to work?
00:28:25That doesn't seem right.
00:28:27Knowing what I do about her personality,
00:28:29I would have guessed she'd at least call in sick,
00:28:31not just disappear.
00:28:33Then I remember the comment she made
00:28:35when I rescued her two nights ago.
00:28:37She thought she'd lost her job, that I'd fired her.
00:28:41At the time, I'd been too focused
00:28:42on all the other crazy shit going on to address it.
00:28:46I'll give her a call right now and check on her, I say.
00:28:50Oliver nods and crosses one ankle over his knee,
00:28:53apparently settling in for the long haul.
00:28:57I meant in private, I add.
00:29:00He rises and walks out with a grunt.
00:29:02I'll deal with his moody ass later.
00:29:05Right now, all I care about is dialing Presley's cell.
00:29:09After a few rings, she answers with a confused.
00:29:14You're not fired, I say.
00:29:16But I...
00:29:18Get to your desk.
00:29:20A long pause.
00:29:24Her tone wavers and then firms.
00:29:28Yes, sir, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
00:29:30I'll be right there.
00:29:32She's as efficient as ever.
00:29:35In under half an hour, I hear heels tapping on the floor
00:29:39outside my office and a knock at the door.
00:29:41I call out abrust.
00:29:43Come in.
00:29:45Presley looks polished and beautiful
00:29:47in her black pencil skirt and white silk blouse.
00:29:50Of course she does.
00:29:51She's always lovely, no matter what she wears.
00:29:54And my body hasn't forgotten last night's
00:29:57interrupted make-out session
00:29:58and subsequent case of blue balls.
00:30:01But I can't notice details like that anymore.
00:30:04I have to lock away everything we've done,
00:30:05everything personal we've seen about each other,
00:30:07and go back to just being her boss.
00:30:09Strictly professional.
00:30:11It's the only way.
00:30:14Violating my trust isn't something that I can overlook,
00:30:17no matter the person.
00:30:18But I don't want to raise any suspicions at work,
00:30:20so it's better if she's here.
00:30:22Business as usual.
00:30:24Do you have a question?
00:30:25I ask.
00:30:27Yeah, actually, I was surprised to get your call.
00:30:29I thought we were...
00:30:31She looks around to make sure no one is in earshot.
00:30:34You know, done.
00:30:37We are done.
00:30:38Outside the office.
00:30:39But your internship isn't over yet.
00:30:42She blinks.
00:30:44I thought you said you didn't trust me anymore.
00:30:47I don't.
00:30:48However, the fact remains that your work here
00:30:49has been top-notch,
00:30:50so I'd like to give you a chance to prove me wrong.
00:30:54Plus, her finishing her internship here
00:30:56will mean fewer questions from Oliver
00:30:58and the rest of my staff,
00:30:59but I don't share that tidbit.
00:31:01It's been obvious to everyone that Presley
00:31:03is one of the most talented interns here,
00:31:05so firing her wouldn't make any sense.
00:31:08A flurry of emotions flit through her eyes,
00:31:10then she suppresses a smile.
00:31:14Challenge accepted.
00:31:17I resist the urge to watch her walk away
00:31:18and instead force my gaze to return to my laptop.
00:31:22I seriously need to pull my shit together.
00:31:25What kind of boss is the last person to notice
00:31:27when their own intern doesn't show up?
00:31:29Fucking hell.
00:31:31Oliver must know something's up,
00:31:32but I'll deal with that later.
00:31:35Not 10 minutes later,
00:31:37the intercom on my desk beeps and I almost groan.
00:31:40For God's sake, what now?
00:31:43I press the button.
00:31:45Yes, Beth?
00:31:47There's a phone call for you from Mr. Harwood.
00:31:49Shall I put him through?
00:31:51I sigh and rub my temples.
00:31:54Go ahead, thank you.
00:31:56Another beep and Roger's jovial voice booms.
00:32:00Morning, Dominic.
00:32:01Hope you're having a good day so far.
00:32:04Not remotely.
00:32:05Same to you.
00:32:07I reply with as much friendly cheerfulness as I can fake.
00:32:11What's on your mind?
00:32:12Well, I've been chewing over everything we've talked about
00:32:14and I've got to say, you make a damn compelling argument.
00:32:18I think I'd like to invest
00:32:19in Aspen's international growth.
00:32:22This is everything I could have wanted.
00:32:24All those long evenings of elbow rubbing
00:32:26have finally paid off.
00:32:28So why aren't I doing a touchdown dance at my desk?
00:32:31Maybe I'm just too distracted by this whole Presley mess.
00:32:35That's fantastic news.
00:32:37Great to hear we've impressed you.
00:32:39I'll have Beth send a, not so fast, son.
00:32:42Roger chuckles.
00:32:43I want to at least see the property
00:32:45you plan to build on first.
00:32:47You know what they say about location.
00:32:50That's fair.
00:32:52Looks like I can't put off that scouting trip any longer,
00:32:56but the idea of being so far away from Amelia and Lacey
00:32:59for so long is unpleasant enough
00:33:01that I've been pushing it back for months.
00:33:04There are a few spots in London I've had my eye on.
00:33:07How's your schedule look for, say, next week
00:33:10for a little trip across the pond?
00:33:13He laughs.
00:33:15You get right to the point, don't you?
00:33:17Sure I can make time.
00:33:18Surprise the missus with a little vacation.
00:33:21Then I'll see you there for high tea.
00:33:24Sounds terrific.
00:33:25I'll bring the paperwork.
00:33:26Speaking of significant others,
00:33:28will your lady friend be joining us?
00:33:30I certainly enjoyed talking to her
00:33:31a hell of a lot more than you.
00:33:34He almost belly laughs at his own humor
00:33:36while I inwardly groan, fuck.
00:33:40Presley is the main reason why Roger warmed up
00:33:43to the idea of working with Aspen Hotels,
00:33:45but I can't see her outside the office now,
00:33:47let alone jet off across the Atlantic
00:33:50for a week of pretend canoodling.
00:33:52On the other hand,
00:33:53I am so close to locking down this deal I can taste it.
00:33:56I have to bring my A game,
00:33:57or in this instance, my P game.
00:34:03I refuse to risk blowing a massive deal
00:34:05at the last minute over such a tiny detail.
00:34:08You still there?
00:34:09He asks.
00:34:11I clear my throat.
00:34:12Sorry, I was just thinking.
00:34:14I'm not sure I'll have to talk it over with Presley first
00:34:18and make a brutally tough decision.
00:34:21Being in a hotel with her all week
00:34:22is bound to invite complications
00:34:24and send her the wrong message.
00:34:26Of course, and while I'd love to see her,
00:34:30Roger's voice turns teasing.
00:34:32I understand that a man needs to fly solo
00:34:34every once in a while.
00:34:37Something about his choice of words rattles me.
00:34:40I've been flying solo for most of my life.
00:34:43I go out of my way to avoid messy entanglements,
00:34:47and look where that's gotten me.
00:34:49I inhale and try to focus.
00:34:52I'll email you as soon as I know.
00:34:54Have a good one.
00:34:57I hang up and lean back in my chair,
00:34:59my fingers steepled over my mouth and thought.
00:35:02Roger just gave me the out I was looking for.
00:35:06I can claim that I want to use this business trip
00:35:08as a girlfriend-free getaway,
00:35:10but now that I've thought about it,
00:35:12maybe bringing Presley to London with me
00:35:14wouldn't be such a bad idea.
00:35:17Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone.
00:35:20Or maybe being alone with her will kill me.
00:35:23Who the hell knows at this point?
00:35:29Chapter Four
00:35:30Wait, let me get this straight.
00:35:33Austin was like a spy?
00:35:35Bianca sits across from me in a small cafe
00:35:38a block away from our apartment.
00:35:40Her hands are tightly wrapped around her tea mug,
00:35:42her fingernails a deep navy blue.
00:35:45She leans forward like an angsty preteen,
00:35:47hungry to eat up some hot gossip.
00:35:50That's really not the important part, I say with a sigh.
00:35:54I had my reservations about telling her any of this,
00:35:56but who else is there?
00:35:58It's not like I can tell Michael.
00:36:00He would blame himself for any pain he's caused me.
00:36:03He'd also freak out if he knew about my finances,
00:36:05but he needs to focus on school.
00:36:08Plus, he would think it's somehow his fault
00:36:09that my life is such a colossal shit show.
00:36:12No, there's no way I can share any of this with him.
00:36:16It would break him.
00:36:18I breathe in the steam of my herbal tea,
00:36:20willing it to calm my buzzing nerves.
00:36:23Hello, are you still there?
00:36:26Bianca's gazing at me with a confused expression.
00:36:29I blink.
00:36:30I'd completely zoned out,
00:36:32spiraling down into the pit of my despair.
00:36:35Bianca reaches over and places a hand on mine.
00:36:38She squeezes it tightly,
00:36:40as if to squeeze the thoughts right out of me.
00:36:43Sorry, Bee, what did you say?
00:36:45I asked if you were okay.
00:36:48I laugh, feeling anything but okay.
00:36:51Honestly, no.
00:36:53I let out a long, slow exhale.
00:36:56I'm freaking out.
00:36:57Because of the job,
00:36:59or because of your hot boss who hates you,
00:37:01she asks before taking a sip of her tea.
00:37:04Both, I say, my voice tight with the tears I refuse to cry.
00:37:09Bianca rubs her thumb across the back of my hand
00:37:11in a sweet gesture of comfort.
00:37:13I look into her eyes,
00:37:15searching for any bit of wisdom she may have to offer.
00:37:18I'll take just about anything right now.
00:37:21No situation is completely unsalvageable.
00:37:25Take me back to the beginning.
00:37:26And so I do.
00:37:28I tell Bianca about meeting Dominic in the bar
00:37:30on that fateful night,
00:37:32about how my heart practically leaped out of my throat
00:37:34when he proposed the arrangement,
00:37:36a two-week arrangement of being his fake girlfriend.
00:37:40I don't tell her how well-versed he is
00:37:41in this kind of thing,
00:37:43preferring to only date high-end escorts.
00:37:45Even if he's no longer mine,
00:37:47I do still have some sense of wanting to protect him.
00:37:50Not that Bianca would run to the media
00:37:52with that information.
00:37:53I know I can trust her.
00:37:55We've been besties
00:37:56since we were freshman roommates in college.
00:37:58But still, if that got out, it could crush him.
00:38:02And he'd know I was somehow involved with it getting out,
00:38:04and that would damage our relationship beyond repair.
00:38:07It's already hanging on by a thread.
00:38:10I explain how nervous and insecure I was
00:38:12before I realized that I'm a natural actress
00:38:14around men with heavy wallets,
00:38:16men who are capable of cinching
00:38:18a million-dollar deal over appetizers.
00:38:21And then, how electric every touch and caress felt
00:38:24when Dominic and I became physical.
00:38:26And finally, the moment I realized
00:38:28that he was a single father of two tiny children,
00:38:32and a truly fantastic one at that.
00:38:35At this point, Bianca interrupts me.
00:38:37Wait, he's a dad?
00:38:40He's like 25.
00:38:42He's 26, actually.
00:38:44Well, I am no less amazed right now.
00:38:46A single dad to twins and running a huge corporation?
00:38:49That's impressive, to say the least.
00:38:52Believe me, I know.
00:38:54And the craziest thing is, he makes it look so effortless.
00:38:58Sure, he has Francine, but still.
00:39:00My runaway thoughts are interrupted
00:39:01by another question from Bianca.
00:39:04Where's the mama, she asks, leaning forward on her elbows.
00:39:08Her name is Sarah.
00:39:10She was, I swallow, an escort.
00:39:13Excuse me, what?
00:39:15She blurts out.
00:39:16She was a, no, I heard you.
00:39:18He knocked up an escort?
00:39:20Bianca leans back in her chair
00:39:21as if to let this new information breathe
00:39:23in the space between us.
00:39:27He has custody of the children.
00:39:29Why, because she was too coked up to care about her kids?
00:39:32Bianca, it wasn't like that.
00:39:34I'm surprised by how stern my tone is, but I mean it.
00:39:38I don't want Bianca to think any less of Dominic
00:39:40for the situation he was in,
00:39:42or even Sarah, for that matter.
00:39:44The whole situation is so fucked up, but who am I to judge?
00:39:49He really tried to take care of her.
00:39:50He wanted to do the right thing.
00:39:52Okay, okay, I'm sorry.
00:39:54I'm in hyper-defensive mode because my friend is hurting.
00:39:57This is all just so crazy.
00:39:59And honestly, who else do I direct all this anger toward?
00:40:02Tell me.
00:40:03I don't know, I moan, burying my face in my hands.
00:40:09Presley, you did nothing wrong.
00:40:10Dominic is the dickhead here.
00:40:12Don't say that, I say, my voice muffled by my palms.
00:40:18Give me one good reason.
00:40:20Because I think I have feelings for him.
00:40:23I press my hands over my face, groaning.
00:40:26There's a solid 10 seconds of silence.
00:40:29I peek through my fingers to see Bianca studying me
00:40:31when she absentmindedly picks off her nail polish.
00:40:34She's waiting for me to say more,
00:40:36to divulge all my innermost thoughts.
00:40:39Do I have to?
00:40:41I feel like all I do lately is ruin things.
00:40:44I used to think I had my shit together,
00:40:46armed with my fancy new degree.
00:40:48I was on the fast track.
00:40:50I was going to storm the business world,
00:40:52take care of my brother, be everything to everyone.
00:40:55And now the only fast track that I'm on
00:40:57is to become the world's hottest mess of a failure.
00:41:00And it's only taken me a matter of weeks to get here.
00:41:02Good times.
00:41:04I just thought I had him pegged from the beginning, you know?
00:41:07I thought he was arrogant, unfeeling,
00:41:10hot, but totally insufferable.
00:41:12And then he completely surprised me.
00:41:14He has this side of him
00:41:15that's so incredibly gentle and considerate.
00:41:18And when I got a glimpse of that,
00:41:20hell, when I got a piece of it myself, it was so good.
00:41:24The sex, Bianca smirks, watching me.
00:41:28Obviously, even though we only did it once.
00:41:31But it was more than that, I say, shaking my head.
00:41:34He was broken.
00:41:36And I got to see the parts of him that were still whole.
00:41:38You should have seen him cutting up grapes for his daughters.
00:41:42Well, I got to say that that's not my definition of sexy,
00:41:45but hey, you do you.
00:41:47We both fall into a flurry of giggles.
00:41:49I'm so relieved to have talked to someone about all of this.
00:41:52I've had it clutched tightly to my chest for so long,
00:41:55thinking that no one would understand.
00:41:57But Bianca would never judge me for feeling what I do.
00:42:01What do you think I should do?
00:42:02I ask, clasping my hands under the table
00:42:05like I've got my heart in my lap.
00:42:07Bianca chews her lip thoughtfully.
00:42:10Well, he didn't fire you.
00:42:13The opposite, in fact.
00:42:15He demanded I get to my desk on Monday
00:42:17once he noticed I was missing.
00:42:19That's a good sign.
00:42:21Is it?
00:42:22I'm not convinced.
00:42:23The way Dominic has been treating me
00:42:25feels like I'm only one minor misstep away
00:42:27from being blacklisted from the entire industry forever.
00:42:31He wouldn't do that to you, would he?
00:42:33Not knowing makes the back of my neck
00:42:35feel hot and cold all at once.
00:42:38You're going to keep seeing him at work.
00:42:40Since he hasn't completely removed you from his life,
00:42:43you've got this opportunity before you.
00:42:45Maybe you can win him over again and he'll let you back in?
00:42:48After all of this?
00:42:50Bianca sees the question in my eyes
00:42:52and puts up a hand as if to say, stop right there.
00:42:55It's his loss if he's too stubborn to let you back in.
00:42:59Don't sell yourself short for a man, sweetie.
00:43:02Let me back in.
00:43:04Those are apt words for what I'm looking for
00:43:06from Dominic now.
00:43:07When I met him, he was a locked vault
00:43:10and not just anyone was given the key.
00:43:12I was lucky enough to get a chance to connect with him
00:43:15on a level I never imagined possible.
00:43:17Now I just want him to open the door again.
00:43:20Maybe then we can revisit what we had,
00:43:23the banter, the chemistry, the tenderness,
00:43:26before he ripped it apart and threw it in the trash.
00:43:29You've got this, Presley,
00:43:31Bianca says with a confident smile.
00:43:34You're the strongest person I know.
00:43:36If anyone can figure out how to wade through this mess,
00:43:39it's you.
00:43:41My lips turn up and my heart warms.
00:43:44If Bianca believes in me,
00:43:45then maybe I do have a fighting chance.
00:43:51Chapter five.
00:43:54My flight to London and the hotel room are booked.
00:43:57Francine has confirmed she can stay
00:43:59in my apartment for a week.
00:44:01I'll pay double her normal fee as thanks for her trouble.
00:44:04She insisted I didn't have to,
00:44:06but she's going the extra mile at the last minute
00:44:08and there's no one I trust more to care for my girls.
00:44:11There's only one detail left to arrange.
00:44:13I almost buzz Beth and think better of it
00:44:16and dial Presley's desk phone myself.
00:44:20This is Presley Harper, operations department.
00:44:22How can I help you?
00:44:24She says.
00:44:25It's Dominic.
00:44:26Can you stop by my office for a moment?
00:44:29Oh, hi, Dominic.
00:44:32In the background is some brief rustling
00:44:34and the sound of keys tapping.
00:44:37Yes, I'll be right there.
00:44:39I lean back in my chair and try to relax.
00:44:42It isn't long before I hear a knock.
00:44:44I don't get up, only call out.
00:44:47Come in.
00:44:48Today she's wearing a simple black sheath dress,
00:44:51but the hint of her curves beneath the supple fabric
00:44:54makes a painful knot form in my throat.
00:44:58Presley shuts the door behind her as she enters,
00:45:00her brow creased quizzically.
00:45:03You wanted to see me?
00:45:04Is something wrong?
00:45:06I don't blame her for being curious about what I want.
00:45:09It's not like we had a meeting scheduled
00:45:11and for anything short of an emergency,
00:45:13I usually just email her,
00:45:15knowing she'll respond within an hour or two,
00:45:18but this matter deserves a face-to-face talk.
00:45:22No, nothing like that.
00:45:23I just had a proposal for you
00:45:26and thought I should extend it in person.
00:45:30She blinks but says nothing,
00:45:32only watches me with those wide blue eyes
00:45:34and waits for me to explain.
00:45:37Would you like to sit down?
00:45:39I ask.
00:45:41Without a word, she lowers herself gracefully
00:45:43into the leather chair in front of my desk.
00:45:45Swallowing, I weigh my options
00:45:47for how to present this to her.
00:45:49I have to approach it with care
00:45:50if I want to avoid giving her the wrong impression.
00:45:53I keep my face and body language neutral,
00:45:55fully leveraging the cold, calculated persona
00:45:58that's served me well in so many business dealings.
00:46:01If she's searching for a hint of what I expect from her,
00:46:04she won't find it.
00:46:06Steepling my fingers beneath my chin, I say.
00:46:11Next week, I'll be in London
00:46:12to scout potential building sites
00:46:14for Aspen's first international location
00:46:17and finally nail down an investment deal with Roger.
00:46:21We're expanding?
00:46:22And Roger's on board too?
00:46:24She grins.
00:46:26Wow, that's great news.
00:46:29It is.
00:46:30Her delight is contagious,
00:46:32and I allow myself a small smile.
00:46:35Why not?
00:46:36We've won a big victory
00:46:37and with an even bigger payout after all.
00:46:40But let me finish.
00:46:42I was thinking I should invite you to come along.
00:46:47Excitement spreads over her face,
00:46:49her eyes widening and lips parting slightly.
00:46:52You want me to sit in on your meetings?
00:46:55Does this mean we're okay?
00:46:59I fight to ignore how cute she looks
00:47:01with her face all lit up like that.
00:47:03I can't betray any hint of the affection
00:47:05that despite my best efforts still lingers in me.
00:47:09Not exactly.
00:47:10You wouldn't be attending strictly as my intern.
00:47:13What I had in mind was more selfish on my part.
00:47:19Her smile vanishes.
00:47:21Now it's my turn to search her and come up dry.
00:47:24I'm not too worried.
00:47:25I already knew this would be a gamble
00:47:27and I doubt she'll go running to HR,
00:47:29but having no idea what's going on in her head
00:47:31grips me like nothing else.
00:47:34At last, she says slowly,
00:47:37what do you mean by that?
00:47:40It's seven nights, Presley.
00:47:42You can do as you please while I'm busy during the day,
00:47:44but in front of Roger, out at dinner,
00:47:47we'll pretend we're still dating.
00:47:50I fix her with a sharp look,
00:47:52assuming you can handle that.
00:47:55She sucks in a breath.
00:47:57Was that a tiny shiver or just my imagination?
00:48:01So when you say pretend we're dating,
00:48:04I assume her voice is quiet.
00:48:08I assume we won't be doing anything date-like for real?
00:48:12No, that time is over.
00:48:15If you accompanied me to London,
00:48:16it would be for work only, plain and simple.
00:48:19You'll obviously be compensated handsomely
00:48:21for your time away.
00:48:24Presley drops her gaze.
00:48:26She's trying to hide it, but I can tell she's hurt.
00:48:28Hell, if it stings me to say those words,
00:48:30it must feel a hundred times worse to hear them,
00:48:33but I'd rather err on the side of being
00:48:35a little too harsh than lead her on.
00:48:37I can't make her think that this offer
00:48:39is about anything emotional,
00:48:41anything beyond keeping Roger
00:48:43in a happy, cooperative mood.
00:48:46Just to be crystal clear, I say,
00:48:49I want to emphasize that you're absolutely free to say no.
00:48:52Your job doesn't depend on agreeing to this trip.
00:48:56Sure, she came on to me a few days ago,
00:48:58but for all I know, maybe she's totally over the idea
00:49:01of sleeping in a hotel room with me ever again.
00:49:05The thought triggers a twinge of hurt
00:49:06that I immediately squelch.
00:49:08I can't unduly influence her decision
00:49:11just because she thinks it's what I want,
00:49:13even though I do want it so damn badly.
00:49:18She still doesn't respond,
00:49:19just keeps studying my office carpet, looking torn.
00:49:23I can practically hear the gears
00:49:25spinning in her agile brain.
00:49:28After another few moments of silence,
00:49:30I wave my hand airily.
00:49:32There's no rush.
00:49:33You have a few days to think it over.
00:49:35My flight doesn't leave until, I'll do it.
00:49:38Her tone is firm.
00:49:40I blink.
00:49:43Presley looks up again, still unsure, but determined.
00:49:47I want to go to London with you.
00:49:51She's caught me off guard.
00:49:52I didn't plan on that.
00:49:53I expected hesitancy, and instead she's given me urgency.
00:49:58I hate it and love it too.
00:50:02Are you sure?
00:50:03I wouldn't be angry or let it affect our work relationship
00:50:06if you'd rather not.
00:50:08I know, Presley replies,
00:50:10like it's so obvious it goes without saying.
00:50:14You wouldn't hold my career hostage just to get your way.
00:50:17You're not the kind of man who'd do something like that.
00:50:19I trust you, she hesitates,
00:50:23and I want you to trust me again.
00:50:26She said want, not need.
00:50:29Maybe I'm reading way too much into one little word,
00:50:31or maybe I'm not.
00:50:34What else do you want, Presley?
00:50:36I can't resist asking.
00:50:39I tell myself it's not because I'm desperate
00:50:41to hear about her feelings.
00:50:43I just need to know for sure
00:50:44why she's agreeing to do this again.
00:50:46Is it entirely about earning her way back
00:50:48into my good graces, or is there more to it?
00:50:52Pink creeps over her cheeks,
00:50:54but her voice is strong when she answers.
00:50:57I'm not sure.
00:50:59I purse my lips, then slowly nod.
00:51:02That's fine.
00:51:03Lust isn't dangerous in and of itself.
00:51:05The most likely scenario is that nothing will happen
00:51:07between us, and worst case,
00:51:09say we do fall into bed together.
00:51:11Two mature adults can fuck without things
00:51:14getting weird and complicated, right?
00:51:17Okay, I'll have Beth reserve an extra plane ticket for you.
00:51:21What about the hotel, she asks.
00:51:24The corner of my mouth twitches up.
00:51:27We won't need two rooms.
00:51:28You'll be staying in mine, remember?
00:51:31Oh, right, of course.
00:51:34Her blush deepens.
00:51:36I suppress a smile.
00:51:38You can go back to work now.
00:51:40After she's gone, I'm still staring at the door,
00:51:43suddenly not sure whether I made a genius win-win decision
00:51:46or a huge mistake.
00:51:49There's a very fine line between the two
00:51:50when it comes to Presley.
00:51:53Can we really prevent emotions from getting involved here?
00:51:56I have no freaking clue,
00:51:57but I guess I'm about to find out.
00:52:00Sighing, I shake my head.
00:52:02I'm way overthinking this.
00:52:04Fine, it's just to please Roger, I tell myself.
00:52:09At the very least, her company let me unwind
00:52:11from the hectic work that awaits
00:52:13and keep my mind off all the miles between me and home.
00:52:17Being away from my girls displeases me,
00:52:20and so any distraction will be a welcome one.
00:52:24And I can't think of a better distraction
00:52:26than Presley in my bed.
00:52:31Chapter six.
00:52:34London is colder than Seattle, right?
00:52:36I ask Bianca.
00:52:38She's lounging across her bed
00:52:39next to an impressive pile of sweaters
00:52:41in all shapes and colors.
00:52:43I leave for England with Dominic this afternoon,
00:52:46and in my distracted state,
00:52:48I've procrastinated packing the necessities,
00:52:50like clothes and toiletries,
00:52:53which means I've emptied my suitcase and duffel bag
00:52:55onto her bed so she can help me pack.
00:52:57Bianca pulls out her phone and scrolls briefly.
00:53:01The weather app says it will be rainy.
00:53:03That doesn't necessarily mean cold, though.
00:53:0560s during the day and 50s at night.
00:53:08Hmm, all right.
00:53:10So maybe something a little breathable, like this?
00:53:13I hold up my favorite,
00:53:14a peach-colored cardigan in a clunky knit.
00:53:17Bianca squints at it.
00:53:19I don't think that's gonna be breathable enough.
00:53:22I like it, I say,
00:53:24examining the texture between thumb and finger.
00:53:27I wore this cardigan through most of my time at Brown.
00:53:30It's been through some of the best
00:53:31and worst times of my life,
00:53:34from late night essay writing
00:53:35to early mornings at my favorite coffee shop.
00:53:37Presley, Bianca says, sitting up with a huff.
00:53:41You don't need sweaters, you need lingerie.
00:53:45I practically snort.
00:53:46Didn't he say you wouldn't be there strictly for business?
00:53:50I'm just reading between the lines.
00:53:52She wiggles her eyebrows in my direction.
00:53:54Just because I won't be there only for business
00:53:57doesn't mean I should only pack underwear.
00:53:59It's not underwear, it's lingerie.
00:54:03I know you have some, I've seen it.
00:54:05She's right.
00:54:06She was there when I bought it.
00:54:08We'd gone to a discount boutique
00:54:10to look for something for her latest sexcapade.
00:54:13Naturally, I ended up in a dressing room as well.
00:54:16I remember turning around, looking at myself in the mirror,
00:54:19admiring the way the lacy pink bodysuit
00:54:21hugged my slight curves.
00:54:23Although it took me a minute to get used to it,
00:54:25I liked how it looked on me.
00:54:27The sheer silk fabric caressed my skin like a kiss.
00:54:31My nipples were almost completely visible,
00:54:33perky and curious in this new getup.
00:54:36The thong sat high on my hips
00:54:38with garters stretching down my thighs.
00:54:41Looking over my shoulder at my reflection,
00:54:43I knew I had to buy it, even if I had no one to wear it for.
00:54:47I've never worn those, I admit.
00:54:51We got them months ago, Prez.
00:54:53It's now or never, she says, peeking inside my duffel bag.
00:54:57Where did you stash them?
00:54:59I slide past her and pull out a gift bag
00:55:01from where I stored it.
00:55:03I open it and we both peek inside.
00:55:06Tags still attached?
00:55:08Wow, you really never wore these.
00:55:11I shrug.
00:55:12Never had the inspiration to.
00:55:14What about now?
00:55:15I chew on my lip.
00:55:17I can very clearly imagine the look on Dominic's face
00:55:20if he were to undress me and find this underneath.
00:55:23The way his eyes would grow dark and his lips would part.
00:55:26God, my heart rate kicks up just thinking about it.
00:55:29I guess I am a little more inspired now, I admit.
00:55:33Hell yeah, you are.
00:55:35This is an incredible deal.
00:55:37You get to literally just laze around
00:55:39in one of the most beautiful cities in the world,
00:55:41all expenses paid, with a gorgeous man.
00:55:45I snort and shake my head.
00:55:47I'm joining Dominic on this business trip
00:55:49as a sign of good faith.
00:55:50I want to prove to him that I'm worthy of a second chance.
00:55:53And if he wants me to come along, of course I'll go.
00:55:57I have nothing holding me back here.
00:55:59And if this internship leads to a full-time position,
00:56:02the perks will be absolutely unbelievable.
00:56:05Maybe I'll fall in love with London
00:56:07and even take Michael on a trip there someday.
00:56:10We could get tickets to the Royal Ballet
00:56:12and spend the evening exploring the cobblestone streets.
00:56:15Wow, my belly swirls with butterflies.
00:56:18This trip may be the worst decision I've ever made,
00:56:21or it may very well be the best.
00:56:24But only time will tell.
00:56:26Bianca plants a kiss on my cheek.
00:56:29Lucky duck, just give me a shout when you're ready to go.
00:56:33You don't have to drive me.
00:56:34I can just get an Uber.
00:56:36Hey, I'm your friend.
00:56:38I want to at least see this guy
00:56:40before I let him take you across the Atlantic.
00:56:42With a wink, Bianca leaves me alone to finish packing.
00:56:46My passport gets stuffed into my purse
00:56:48along with a pack of gum
00:56:49and a mystery novel for the plane ride.
00:56:52My suitcase goes plenty of sweaters to keep me warm,
00:56:55plus the lingerie in case things get hot.
00:57:01Later, I roll my suitcase down to Bianca's little sedan
00:57:04and we make the short drive
00:57:05to Dominic's luxury high-rise building.
00:57:09Okay, I have to ask,
00:57:10are you sure you want to go through with this?
00:57:13Bianca's hands are on the wheel
00:57:14and her foot is on the brake pedal.
00:57:16We've just arrived outside of Dominic's apartment building
00:57:19and I'm about to step out.
00:57:21Bianca's hand slips from the lock on the door.
00:57:23What do you mean?
00:57:25I'm not used to Bianca being the voice of caution
00:57:27in our friendship.
00:57:28Actually, she's the opposite.
00:57:31She lowers her sunglasses to the tip of her nose.
00:57:34I know things have been shaky between work and Mr. Mann.
00:57:38I just want you to be sure about it.
00:57:40You don't have to go if you don't want to.
00:57:43I sink back into my seat, grateful for her concern.
00:57:47I'll admit I'm kind of nervous.
00:57:49This isn't really me
00:57:51and Bianca isn't who I thought I was.
00:57:54I meet her eyes, continuing in a braver voice.
00:57:57But now I'm learning things about myself on the daily.
00:58:01This new Presley is someone
00:58:03I'd like to get to know a little better.
00:58:05So I figure why not follow my instincts
00:58:07and go on an all expenses paid trip
00:58:09with the hottest guy I've ever met.
00:58:11Bianca throws her head back and laughs at that.
00:58:14And I say, I feel like leaning into this.
00:58:18The adventure?
00:58:19I don't know why.
00:58:20Bianca leans over and wraps me in her arms.
00:58:23And for a second, I feel safe and warm and loved.
00:58:27After the tumultuous few days I've had, it's nice.
00:58:30Having her approval during this wild chapter in my life
00:58:33is everything to me.
00:58:35I squeeze her tight.
00:58:36I'm thankful for you, I say, finally pulling back.
00:58:40Oh, I'm thankful for you too.
00:58:42Now go get some dick.
00:58:44I bark out a laugh and exit the car.
00:58:46Yeah, right.
00:58:48Unfortunately, Bianca doesn't get to examine Dominic
00:58:51in person like she wanted.
00:58:53After being let in by the doorman,
00:58:55I ride up to the 12th floor alone,
00:58:57just me and my worn out suitcase.
00:58:59I pause at his front door,
00:59:01my fist hovering inches from the door.
00:59:04Come on, Presley.
00:59:05It's hardly leaning in if you can't even knock on his door.
00:59:09Before I can make a decision, the door suddenly opens.
00:59:12Thought you'd be there, Dominic says,
00:59:14those sharp eyes appraising me.
00:59:16Come in.
00:59:18I follow him inside,
00:59:19taking note of the comfortable clothing
00:59:21he's wearing for our flight.
00:59:23I don't think I've ever seen him in a pair of jeans,
00:59:25but damn, his tight glutes are just as awe-inspiring
00:59:29in denim as they are in dress pants.
00:59:31And to make everything worse,
00:59:33the cotton T-shirt he has on perfectly hugs
00:59:35his broad shoulders and firm biceps.
00:59:38I can't help but wonder what he'd look like peeling it off.
00:59:42I don't have a lot of time to ogle this new look
00:59:44before I'm distracted by Lacey and Amelia's
00:59:46small voices down the hall.
00:59:48They're not the cheerful voices I remember
00:59:50from my brief visit with them.
00:59:52Of course, they wouldn't be happy to lose their father
00:59:54for an entire week, I get that.
00:59:57They must be so confused.
00:59:58Work trips aren't really within the realm
01:00:00of a two-year-old's understanding.
01:00:02I wonder how Dominic is feeling,
01:00:04having to leave his two little girls
01:00:06for an extended trip like this.
01:00:08Stay here, he says, relegating me to the front hall.
01:00:12He disappears around the corner,
01:00:14his voice a low hush compared to the whimpers
01:00:16of two toddlers.
01:00:18Despite his order, I tiptoe after him,
01:00:20leaving my suitcase at the door.
01:00:22Curious to see what the interaction
01:00:24with his daughters will be, I peek around the corner.
01:00:28Don't go, Lacey whines, her tiny hands clasped
01:00:32around Dominic's fingers, who crouches before her.
01:00:35Amelia sits sulking on the floor next to Lacey,
01:00:38her eyes wide and wet with tears.
01:00:40I can hear Francine bustling around in the kitchen,
01:00:43giving the family the space they need
01:00:45for this tearful moment.
01:00:47I'm going to miss you both too, Dom murmurs,
01:00:50kissing each little girl on top of the head.
01:00:53You have to promise to call me every night, okay?
01:00:56The girls nod vigorously,
01:00:57their curls bouncing around their faces.
01:01:00My heart warms at the sight.
01:01:02Dominic so easily made his girls feel better,
01:01:05not by being patronizing or cliche,
01:01:08but rather by admitting his own feelings to them.
01:01:11If only he were like this
01:01:13with people his own age.
01:01:14He turns to see me watching him and my breath catches.
01:01:18Let's go.
01:01:19The limo ride to the airport is awkward and quiet.
01:01:23We sit in silence, a stark contrast
01:01:25to our more recent highlights in limos.
01:01:28He barely speaks to me at all,
01:01:29even when we arrive at the airport.
01:01:32We only make eye contact once when he offers
01:01:35to lift my luggage onto the counter for me.
01:01:37Please, I say, my voice cracking with disuse.
01:01:42His gaze seems to pass right through me
01:01:44as if I'm merely a stranger in line
01:01:46he happened to do a favor for.
01:01:48Now, as we make our way down the aisle
01:01:50to our first class sleeping pods,
01:01:52I'm itching to speak to him.
01:01:54Have you been to London before?
01:01:56Where will we be staying?
01:01:57What's going on in your head right now?
01:02:00There are so many unanswered questions desperate
01:02:02to slip out of my mouth
01:02:03and onto my growing list of regrets,
01:02:05but there's no opportunity for even casual conversation
01:02:08when he slides into the seat behind mine.
01:02:11He doesn't want to talk to me.
01:02:13He's made that plain,
01:02:14and he's making it abundantly clear
01:02:16exactly what his expectations are concerning me.
01:02:19Then why the hell am I here?
01:02:22I turn away from his pod,
01:02:23refusing to waste any more time staring at his profile.
01:02:26If he wants to acknowledge me, he will.
01:02:29I won't beg for his attention.
01:02:31No, I'll eat my dinner in silence
01:02:33and watch a mind-numbing movie
01:02:35about someone with bigger problems than my own,
01:02:37or I can read the book I brought with me
01:02:39and get lost in the pages.
01:02:41I won't spare another regretful thought
01:02:43about this situation I've willingly placed myself in.
01:02:47As the plane takes off
01:02:48and rumbles with turbulence during the ascent,
01:02:51I sink into my seat and close my eyes,
01:02:53welcoming the escape of the roaring noise
01:02:55to drown out my own thoughts.
01:02:57Even as I slip off into sleep,
01:03:00I can't help but wonder,
01:03:02what will tomorrow bring?
01:03:03Chapter Seven
01:03:06We touch down at Heathrow around dawn
01:03:08and take a taxi to our hotel,
01:03:10a ritzy affair in the heart of downtown.
01:03:13Once we're checked in,
01:03:14I disappear into the bathroom without a word,
01:03:17leaving Presley to unpack
01:03:18and wander around the opulent suite.
01:03:21With only an hour to get ready
01:03:22for a packed day of meetings,
01:03:24I have no choice but to be efficient here.
01:03:27I shave, shower, comb my hair,
01:03:29and dress in a freshly washed suit.
01:03:31I shave, shower, comb my hair,
01:03:32and dress in a fresh suit
01:03:33without paying much attention to her.
01:03:36At least I pretend not to,
01:03:38because I can never stop myself from noticing Presley,
01:03:40no matter how hard I try.
01:03:42I can feel her big blue eyes following me
01:03:44as I move about the suite.
01:03:47I know I'm being kind of a dick,
01:03:49but the gaping hole where our trust used to be
01:03:51still gnaws at me,
01:03:52and I don't particularly feel like talking shit out.
01:03:55It's not something that can be solved
01:03:57with a few words anyway.
01:03:59Besides, I had the excuse of a tight schedule
01:04:01to use in my arsenal of avoidance techniques,
01:04:04so I continue saying as little as possible.
01:04:07Hey, Dom?
01:04:09Presley says quietly.
01:04:11What is it?
01:04:12I don't look at her, busy tying my shoes.
01:04:16Nevermind, you're in a hurry.
01:04:18Let me know when you're coming back,
01:04:19and I'll make sure to be here.
01:04:22I give her an affirmative grunt.
01:04:25The last I see of Presley
01:04:26is her sitting on the edge of the bed,
01:04:27still watching me.
01:04:29Then the door closes, and I leave her behind,
01:04:31still wondering what she was going to ask me about.
01:04:34My first stop is breakfast
01:04:36at the very posh Ramsey Terrace
01:04:37with a pair of top real estate agents,
01:04:40who will pitch the living hell out of their property
01:04:42before taking me to view it.
01:04:44I order a full English breakfast with all the trimmings.
01:04:47I won't have time to grab much more than a bagel for lunch,
01:04:50and plenty of coffee.
01:04:52Correction, loads of coffee,
01:04:55because even a first-class pod
01:04:57can't negate the fact that a bumpy airplane ride
01:04:59is nowhere near as restful as sleeping in my own bed,
01:05:02near Amelia and Lacey.
01:05:05That's not the only reason I didn't sleep well.
01:05:07I was too aware of Presley just down the aisle,
01:05:10of her beauty and our unresolved tensions.
01:05:13It's too bad I couldn't have breakfasted with her
01:05:15instead of chattering salespeople.
01:05:18If I weren't so damn busy this week,
01:05:20I could have shown her around my favorite spots in London.
01:05:24No, I catch myself.
01:05:27Even if my time were my own, I still couldn't.
01:05:30That's not what this trip is about.
01:05:32I didn't bring her along
01:05:33for some fucking romantic getaway.
01:05:36Still, I feel a little bad
01:05:38about ditching her to fend for herself.
01:05:40I should have at least fed her before leaving.
01:05:43Oh, for God's sake, she's a grown woman.
01:05:45I made sure she knew to charge anything
01:05:47she needed to the room,
01:05:48ensuring she could take care of herself,
01:05:50and beyond that, she's more than smart enough
01:05:52to figure it out on her own.
01:05:55Don't you agree, Mr. Aspen?
01:05:56One of the brokers asks.
01:05:58I shake myself out of my thoughts.
01:06:00My apologies, I guess I'm not completely awake yet.
01:06:03Can you repeat that?
01:06:06I manage to focus on business
01:06:07for the rest of the meeting and the tour afterward,
01:06:10which is just as well
01:06:11because the location is absolutely stunning
01:06:13with a view of the bustling city beyond the Iron Gates
01:06:15where a tower once stood.
01:06:18In a taxi bound for my second appointment,
01:06:20I pull out my phone and dial Frank,
01:06:22the head of Aspen Hotel's legal department.
01:06:25It's a phone call I've been meaning to make for days.
01:06:28If nothing else, I can at least address the problem
01:06:30that started this whole shitstorm.
01:06:33It's Dominic, I say.
01:06:36A man named Austin asked one of our employees
01:06:38to infect Aspen's computer systems with a virus.
01:06:42He was working for Genesis Software.
01:06:44I need you to get in touch with Genesis about this.
01:06:46Tell them to back off, preferably fire this Austin guy too,
01:06:50but I'll take what I can get
01:06:52or else we'll press charges for attempted sabotage.
01:06:56A pause, which is impressive.
01:06:58It takes a lot to rattle Frank.
01:07:01I'll take care of it right away, sir.
01:07:04In case this escalates, do we have evidence?
01:07:07Yes, in the top left drawer of my desk,
01:07:09you'll find a flash drive containing the virus
01:07:11and a folder marked Genesis.
01:07:14And who was the employee he approached?
01:07:17I hesitate.
01:07:19Do I want to subject Presley to interrogation?
01:07:22She didn't actually do anything,
01:07:23at least based on what she divulged.
01:07:25And at this point, I think I believe her
01:07:27when she says she never intended to.
01:07:29Just because this whole incident has scared me straight,
01:07:32so to speak, reminding me how important it is
01:07:35not to let anyone get too involved in my personal life.
01:07:38It doesn't mean she deserves to get tangled up
01:07:40in legal repercussions.
01:07:43Finally, I say, I'd like to keep her out of this.
01:07:47I see, he says slowly, in a tone that means he doesn't.
01:07:54If we do end up taking Genesis to court,
01:07:56I'll talk to her about testifying, of course.
01:07:59But for now, call it an anonymous tip.
01:08:01I don't want to punish employees for reporting trouble.
01:08:05All right, anything else you need?
01:08:07That's all, thank you.
01:08:09I hang up.
01:08:11A few minutes later, my cell rings again
01:08:14and I glance down as the taxi pulls to a stop.
01:08:17It's Frank.
01:08:18That was fast.
01:08:20Frowning, I climb out of the car
01:08:22and into a light drizzle of rain.
01:08:27I head under the awning of a nearby building,
01:08:29my phone pressed to my ear.
01:08:32Sir, I thought you'd want to be made aware
01:08:34Austin Champlain isn't an employee
01:08:37whose employment would be easily terminated.
01:08:40He's the son of Genesis Software's owner.
01:08:42I see.
01:08:44No wonder the kid had balls.
01:08:45He's got a huge stake in making sure Genesis doesn't fail.
01:08:50I step inside the glass and chrome building,
01:08:52shaking the rain droplets from my briefcase.
01:08:55That doesn't change things on our end,
01:08:57although I guess the suggestion
01:08:59that they fire him won't be met well.
01:09:01No, sir, I don't see how it would,
01:09:03but I'll make the call and keep you posted.
01:09:06I appreciate that, Frank.
01:09:08I'm in London all week, so make sure you call my cell
01:09:10and leave a voicemail in case
01:09:11the time difference gets in our way.
01:09:14Absolutely, enjoy your trip, he says before clicking off.
01:09:20My day continues how it began,
01:09:22in a whirlwind of sales meetings
01:09:24and on-location visits until twilight falls
01:09:28and it's too dark to keep looking at properties.
01:09:31The last group of agents insist upon treating me
01:09:34to dinner at their favorite restaurant, Dalloway,
01:09:37which I happen to know is one
01:09:38of the most expensive places in London.
01:09:40It's obvious that they're trying to butter me up,
01:09:42but why not?
01:09:44They might be a chance to get a better deal out of them.
01:09:46Unfortunately, Roger and his wife won't arrive in London
01:09:49until later tonight,
01:09:50which means I don't have an excuse to bring Presley,
01:09:53though part of me still wants to.
01:09:55But we head out right after leaving the last property,
01:09:58an undeveloped strip of land far outside of the city center.
01:10:03I hope we've made you feel welcome,
01:10:06says the jolly man seated next to me,
01:10:08whose name I can't remember for the life of me.
01:10:11I force my most winning smile.
01:10:14Except for the jet lag, everything has been amazing.
01:10:18The others chuckle politely.
01:10:20Damn, that joke wasn't as funny out loud
01:10:22as it was in my head.
01:10:24I'm off my game.
01:10:26While I'm more or less satisfied with how the day has gone,
01:10:28I'm still exhausted and very much in the mood
01:10:30for a pick-me-up, something to relax me,
01:10:33something to help me work off this excess stress
01:10:35and my foul mood, and I know exactly what I want.
01:10:39Struck by inspiration, I text Presley.
01:10:43I'll be done in one hour.
01:10:45Meet me at the hotel bar.
01:10:47Don't wear any panties.
01:10:49It's bold of me, and who knows,
01:10:51she might not comply with my demand.
01:10:53In fact, she'd have every right not to.
01:10:55But something tells me the game Presley and I
01:10:57have been playing isn't nearly done,
01:11:00and that she'll be tripping over herself to please me.
01:11:03At least that's what I'm hoping.
01:11:05Just the prospect of what I have to look forward to
01:11:08puts me back in shape for the rest of dinner.
01:11:10When the waitress comes by to pick up our plates
01:11:12and asks if we'd like anything else,
01:11:14jowly man nudges me.
01:11:17How about it?
01:11:19He asks.
01:11:20A few cocktails, Delaware's famous desserts,
01:11:23all on our agency's tab, of course.
01:11:25My personal favorite is a blood orange cake
01:11:27with chocolate mousse.
01:11:30As delicious as that sounds,
01:11:32I stand up with an apologetic dip of my head.
01:11:35I should actually get going.
01:11:36I have an early morning tomorrow
01:11:39and a much more tempting dessert
01:11:41waiting for me at the hotel.
01:11:46Chapter Eight.
01:11:49So far, my experience of London hasn't made it
01:11:52past the view from the hotel room window,
01:11:54although you really can't call this a hotel room at all.
01:11:57First, it's much larger than Bianca's entire apartment.
01:12:01There's a formal entryway with crystal vases
01:12:04containing fresh-cut flowers, gleaming marble floors,
01:12:07then a formal sitting area with teal-colored velvet chairs
01:12:10and elegant paintings on the wall.
01:12:13The living room boasts a gray sectional sofa
01:12:15and a large flat-screen TV.
01:12:17A bar area is beyond that,
01:12:19with a wall of windows that overlook the city,
01:12:22and then a private bedroom
01:12:23with a massive adjoining bathroom.
01:12:25The bed is positively oversized,
01:12:27and the slate-colored carpeting
01:12:29is the plushest I've ever felt.
01:12:31This place is a dream.
01:12:33Bored, I've already filled my cell phone's camera roll
01:12:36with pictures of its opulence.
01:12:38I don't know why Dominic's wealth still surprises me.
01:12:41He is a billionaire, after all.
01:12:43But I guess I haven't wrapped my head around that just yet.
01:12:47Sighing, I sit perched on a tufted stool
01:12:50in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the bedroom,
01:12:52gazing out at the bustling city below.
01:12:55I'm not complaining.
01:12:56It's a spectacular view.
01:12:58Our hotel stands tall,
01:13:00towering over the dense fog of the city.
01:13:03The skyline here is so different than that of Seattle.
01:13:06But even though the buildings are different sizes and shapes,
01:13:09the blue-gray hue of the city reminds me of home.
01:13:12So far today, I've napped and eaten room service, twice,
01:13:16and surfed the channels on the TV,
01:13:18amused by the posh accents of the newscasters,
01:13:21and have been content, for the most part,
01:13:24to sit taking in the view.
01:13:26But it's been hours since Dominic took off
01:13:28to do his business in the city,
01:13:29and I'm getting increasingly antsy as the minutes tick by.
01:13:33I'm not used to napping during the middle of the day,
01:13:36nor am I used to having so much downtime to myself.
01:13:39Even before college, I've always operated at 110%,
01:13:43balancing my studies with work and a social life.
01:13:47I never knew it would be so hard to actually relax.
01:13:50My only excuse is that there is quite literally
01:13:53nothing for me to do here but laze around.
01:13:56If I'm going to be confined to the hotel,
01:13:58I may as well make the most of it.
01:14:00The freestanding bathtub is massive,
01:14:02with all sorts of bubble bath concoctions to choose from.
01:14:06I select the one called Peachy Clean,
01:14:09listening to the satisfying glug, glug, glug
01:14:11as I pour it into the steaming water.
01:14:13One foot at a time, I submerge myself in the bath.
01:14:18Holy shit, this is heaven.
01:14:22I let my back slide against the warm ceramic,
01:14:24an involuntary sigh escaping my lips.
01:14:27As a 20-something always on the brink of breaking the bank,
01:14:30I never have the luxury of taking a bath.
01:14:33My morning routine is simple.
01:14:35Get up, take as fast a shower as I can and get out.
01:14:39My showers aren't even enjoyable
01:14:41since I'm usually saving the hot water for Bianca,
01:14:44cognizant of my couch surfing status.
01:14:47To make it worse,
01:14:48the pipes in her building are old and finicky.
01:14:50I'm lucky if there's decent water pressure.
01:14:53I sink deeper into the bubbles,
01:14:55willing this moment to last forever.
01:14:57I can barely remember the last time I took a bubble bath.
01:15:01God, I must have been only five or six years old.
01:15:03Our mother always bathed Michael and me together,
01:15:06probably because we were so inseparable at that age.
01:15:09Michael, I should buy him a present while I'm here.
01:15:12He'll totally flip out when he learns I've been to London.
01:15:16What should I get him?
01:15:17More importantly, how will I explain this trip?
01:15:20I can't exactly tell him
01:15:22that I'm accompanying my megalomaniac boss
01:15:24on a business trip as his fake plus one.
01:15:27No, I'll just tell Michael what he wants to hear.
01:15:30It was a work trip.
01:15:31I was chosen to accompany my boss.
01:15:33I'm his intern, after all.
01:15:35We stayed in a fancy hotel
01:15:37with huge windows and complimentary room service
01:15:39in separate rooms.
01:15:41I had a lovely time.
01:15:43At least that last part is true so far.
01:15:46Once I'm clean and shaved
01:15:48and my fingers look like pale little raisins,
01:15:50I wrap myself in a towel
01:15:51and re-enter the bedroom to get dressed.
01:15:55It's already past six o'clock.
01:15:56Is tonight the night to wear lingerie?
01:15:59Should I put it on now?
01:16:00Is it something women usually change
01:16:02into later in the evening?
01:16:04So many questions about one tiny article of clothing.
01:16:08Worry about it later, I grumble to myself.
01:16:11I take the time to dry my hair,
01:16:12but don't bother with any makeup.
01:16:15Then I slip on a pair of leggings and a loose T-shirt.
01:16:18There is exploring to be done first.
01:16:20I'm not supposed to leave the building,
01:16:21but surely there's some wiggle room in that restriction.
01:16:25On the first level of the hotel,
01:16:26I find a tiny gift boutique
01:16:28that sells pleasant and affordable little trinkets
01:16:31ranging from functional to simply ornamental.
01:16:34I find a magnet for the Royal Ballet.
01:16:37It's just within my budget too.
01:16:39Should I get anything for Bianca?
01:16:42What about for Dom's girls?
01:16:44I'm certain that Dom
01:16:45would be extremely uncomfortable with that.
01:16:47I snort at the imaginary scene playing out in my mind.
01:16:50Me giving tiny snow globes of London
01:16:53to those wide-eyed beaming angels
01:16:55while Dominic sweats from a distance.
01:16:58My phone buzzes in the pocket of my leggings.
01:17:01I pull it out to find a message from the devil himself.
01:17:04Meet me in the hotel bar in one hour.
01:17:06Don't wear panties.
01:17:09Heat floods my cheeks and belly all at once.
01:17:12He can't be serious,
01:17:14but that's the thing about Dominic.
01:17:15He's always serious.
01:17:17Oh my God.
01:17:19I pay for the magnet with trembling hands
01:17:21instantly forgetting my plans to shop for anyone else.
01:17:24I head straight for the elevator,
01:17:26ride it up to our floor and fumble with the door key.
01:17:30Once inside, I toss the magnet on the table
01:17:32and dump the contents of my suitcase on our shared bed.
01:17:36The little black dress I brought
01:17:37has miraculously survived the trip without any wrinkles.
01:17:40Thank goodness.
01:17:42I tug off the leggings and T-shirt
01:17:43and put them and the rest of the clothes I've scattered away.
01:17:47Taking the dress over to the full length mirror,
01:17:49I pull it over my body,
01:17:51smoothing the material over my breasts and hips.
01:17:54I'll have to run a brush through my hair
01:17:55and put a little color on my lips.
01:17:58But first, I slide the dress up my thighs,
01:18:01slipping my hands underneath.
01:18:03My skin is silky soft,
01:18:05freshly shaved and moisturized from my bath.
01:18:08Imagining Dominic's hands on my skin later
01:18:10makes my entire body break out in goosebumps.
01:18:13I hook my thumbs around the lacy underwear,
01:18:16pulling them down inch by inch
01:18:17until I can step out of them.
01:18:20Looking at myself in the mirror,
01:18:21I take in my long hair hanging over one shoulder,
01:18:24my breasts round and firm within the bodice of my dress
01:18:27and the feeling of nothing between my legs.
01:18:30Shit, I'm already turned on from a text.
01:18:35I check the clock.
01:18:36I have 40 more minutes to get ready.
01:18:39With how excited I am, I could probably get ready in 10.
01:18:42Instead, I take my time in the bathroom,
01:18:45applying my eyeliner in a perfected black stroke
01:18:49and add a little highlight here and there to my skin.
01:18:52The final touch is a swipe of pink lipstick.
01:18:55The gloss slides across my lips with purpose,
01:18:57painting my mouth a striking pigment
01:18:59a few shades darker than my natural coloring.
01:19:02With my hair brushed and lips plump,
01:19:04I'm ready to handle whatever Dominic has planned.
01:19:07I can't help but rub my thighs together,
01:19:10noticing the lick of cool air that meets my bare flesh
01:19:12whenever my dress swishes.
01:19:15One last glance in the mirror and I'm ready,
01:19:18ready for whatever this evening throws my way.
01:19:21Although if Dominic has plans for us
01:19:22to entertain investors with me in this state,
01:19:25I'm fairly certain all my composure will vanish.
01:19:28By the time I make it down to the hotel bar,
01:19:31my heart is hammering against my ribs
01:19:33and I'm eager to see Dominic.
01:19:35Composure, Presley?
01:19:37My heels click on the dark tile of the bar floor.
01:19:40The lighting is dim and sultry.
01:19:42The result of low hanging lanterns and tea light candles
01:19:45strewn randomly across the small tables.
01:19:48I pause, uncertain if he's here yet.
01:19:52You're early, good.
01:19:54I practically jump out of my dress.
01:19:56Dominic's lips are against my ear and his hand is on my hip.
01:20:00I can feel the warmth of his body
01:20:02passing across the inches of empty space between us.
01:20:05I swallow.
01:20:06Can he feel that I don't have underwear on?
01:20:09That I obeyed his commands?
01:20:11Being early is being on time, I say,
01:20:14impressed with how steady my voice is.
01:20:17Who is this woman with her straight back
01:20:19and unwavering charm?
01:20:21I don't know her, but I love her.
01:20:24Without touching me again,
01:20:25Dominic leads me to the far corner of the bar counter.
01:20:29We sit as the bartender places a glass of dark liquor
01:20:32and a glass of bubbly before us.
01:20:34Dominic must have placed the order before I even arrived.
01:20:38Okay, why is that hot?
01:20:40I sit down, acutely aware of how nervous I am.
01:20:43Dominic sits next to me, raising his glass to his full lips.
01:20:47Which Dominic am I getting tonight?
01:20:50The confident CEO of a multimillion dollar conglomerate?
01:20:53The soft-spoken, sensitive father with a broken heart?
01:20:57Or the insatiable sex god
01:20:58I've recently come to know and crave?
01:21:01Based on his criteria for my wardrobe this evening,
01:21:04I'm guessing it's the latter.
01:21:06How was your day?
01:21:07He asks, his lips twitching with a smile
01:21:10as he watches me.
01:21:11Did you keep yourself entertained?
01:21:13Nodding, I reach for my glass of champagne
01:21:16and take a slow sip.
01:21:17I can feel his eyes on me the entire time,
01:21:20that kissable smirk still plastered across his mouth.
01:21:23I may do.
01:21:25That's good to hear, he says, his tone low.
01:21:28And how about you?
01:21:30Did the amazing Mr. Aspen lock down any deals today?
01:21:34I bat my eyelashes for effect and he laughs.
01:21:37God, that laugh.
01:21:38I've missed it more than I thought possible.
01:21:41This feels a little surreal right now,
01:21:43us flirting like this when he's barely spoken to me
01:21:46since I walked into his penthouse.
01:21:48Just days ago, all hope seemed lost.
01:21:51Maybe rules on heartbreak and betrayal don't apply
01:21:54when you're on a different continent.
01:21:55Who the hell knows?
01:21:57I feel so out of my element and consumed,
01:21:59but there's one thing I'm certain of.
01:22:01Dominic is staring at me.
01:22:04As his dark blue eyes roam over me,
01:22:06examining every curve hidden by my dress,
01:22:09warmth spreads across my chest and neck.
01:22:12I return the favor, enjoying his look for the day,
01:22:15a slightly stubbled jawline, a navy blue suit jacket,
01:22:19and a matching tie now pulled loose from his throat.
01:22:22He takes off his jacket, folds it, and sets it on the bar.
01:22:26I would be lying if I pretended
01:22:27I didn't want to kiss every inch of him,
01:22:30starting with his full mouth
01:22:32and then down the thick column of his throat.
01:22:35I don't have long to fantasize about touching him
01:22:37because he beats me to it.
01:22:39I almost don't feel the brush of his fingers on my knee,
01:22:42his touches so soft at first.
01:22:45But then more firmly, his hand presses against my leg,
01:22:49his thumb rubbing pulsing circles into my skin.
01:22:52I don't break his searing eye contact,
01:22:55afraid that I'll lose him to some passing thought or whim
01:22:57if I let go of him now.
01:22:59And there's no way in hell I want that hand pulling away.
01:23:03He does move his hand though, but not away from me.
01:23:07Instead, his fingers inch up beneath my dress,
01:23:10caressing my inner thigh.
01:23:13I draw in a breath, realizing what he's doing,
01:23:16and squirm when he pauses
01:23:17just before discovering my lack of panties.
01:23:20While my heart hammers against my ribs,
01:23:22he casually takes a sip of his drink before setting it down,
01:23:26and then his hand inches higher.
01:23:29I panic for a moment, glancing down at my lap.
01:23:32My dress covers everything still,
01:23:34even if I do feel exposed.
01:23:36With the cover of the bar,
01:23:38no one would know what he's doing, what we're doing.
01:23:42And I never expected it,
01:23:43but the secret thrill of being discovered
01:23:45makes my blood heat even more.
01:23:48When I part my thighs a little,
01:23:49Dominic makes a low groan of approval
01:23:51and his fingers brush against my center.
01:23:54I see you followed my instructions perfectly.
01:23:58I gasp out a breath and give him a shaky nod.
01:24:01Of course, Mr. Aspen.
01:24:03He shakes his head in disapproval.
01:24:07I lick my lips.
01:24:08Right, Dominic.
01:24:11I recall how he corrected me my first few days
01:24:13at Aspen Hotels,
01:24:14telling me to call him Dominic instead of Mr. Aspen.
01:24:18I was only trying to be cheeky just now,
01:24:20trying to regain some of the control
01:24:22in this crazy situation.
01:24:24His fingers part me,
01:24:26his index and ring fingers
01:24:27sliding up and down my soft folds
01:24:29while his middle finger teases my center.
01:24:32He presses deeper
01:24:33and I shudder and whimper audibly,
01:24:36finally breaking eye contact.
01:24:38I take a long swallow of my champagne,
01:24:41trying to focus on the sensation
01:24:42of the bubbles on my tongue
01:24:44rather than the sensation of his finger finding my clit.
01:24:48Well, that's obviously impossible.
01:24:51Dominic is skilled,
01:24:52perhaps too skilled at foreplay.
01:24:55His touch is soft and gentle
01:24:57and wholly focused on my pleasure.
01:24:59He knows exactly what to do
01:25:01to bring me right to the brink.
01:25:03My fingers clutch the cool granite of the bar
01:25:05to avoid rocking my hips against his hand.
01:25:08I'm remembering exactly how it felt
01:25:10to have him press inside me
01:25:11and I want nothing more than to...
01:25:13Dom, is that you?
01:25:16My heart stops.
01:25:17A man stands just behind us,
01:25:19his hand on Dominic's shoulder.
01:25:22Dominic turns and smiles broadly,
01:25:24but he doesn't remove his hand
01:25:25from its spot between my legs.
01:25:28Jerry, it's been so long.
01:25:31Oh God, don't shake his hand,
01:25:32don't shake his hand,
01:25:33don't shake his hand.
01:25:35He fucking shakes his hand.
01:25:37Luckily with the one not covered
01:25:39with my sticky sex nectar.
01:25:42He hasn't removed his hand from between my legs
01:25:44and I can't decide if I want him to or not.
01:25:47I just pray it's not obvious what we're doing.
01:25:50Before I can even process what's happening,
01:25:52Dominic glides one confident finger inside me.
01:25:56I clear my throat to hide the squeal I make,
01:25:59then snatch Dominic's jacket
01:26:00and hold it tightly over my lap.
01:26:03You look great.
01:26:04And who is this?
01:26:06Fuck my life.
01:26:07I turned to Jerry with a terrified smile.
01:26:10He has thin blonde hair
01:26:11and the appearance of a man
01:26:12who could definitely get you fired
01:26:14with one wrong look.
01:26:15Rather than speak,
01:26:17I just smile,
01:26:18knowing I can't possibly open my mouth
01:26:20for fear of whimpering like a horny idiot.
01:26:23This is Presley.
01:26:25She's accompanying me on a business trip.
01:26:27What the hell are you doing in London?
01:26:29I thought you relocated to Amsterdam.
01:26:32Oh, I did.
01:26:33Business is going well over there,
01:26:35but there are still a few loose ends
01:26:37I have to tie up here and in New York.
01:26:39You know how it is.
01:26:41I can only imagine.
01:26:42Relocating your headquarters must be complex.
01:26:45It is, but the move has been a good one.
01:26:48So you're still in Seattle.
01:26:51Rain or shine.
01:26:52Jerry nods.
01:26:54That's a good spot for you though.
01:26:56As they talk,
01:26:57Dominic pumps his finger in and out of me
01:26:59in a steady, unforgiving rhythm.
01:27:02My hands shake as they grasp at his jacket,
01:27:04which barely hides our dirty little deed.
01:27:07I can feel my body responding
01:27:09against his delicious finger,
01:27:11my pleasure blossoming.
01:27:13I'm so close to falling apart
01:27:14in front of this stranger.
01:27:16If I wanted to,
01:27:17I could clamp my thighs together
01:27:19and stop Dominic from finger-fucking me into oblivion.
01:27:22I could join the conversation
01:27:23and shoot a well-deserved dirty glare at him
01:27:26for putting me in such an embarrassing situation.
01:27:29I could do all of that,
01:27:30but I don't.
01:27:32Finally, he and Jerry wrap up
01:27:34with promises of getting lunch
01:27:35before we depart for Seattle.
01:27:38Dominic turns back to me,
01:27:39his face now a mask of pure lust.
01:27:42His finger slides out of me with a slick pull,
01:27:45and I nearly gasp at the loss.
01:27:48Let's go.
01:27:49I step down from the bar stool
01:27:51with quivering limbs.
01:27:53I'm following close behind him,
01:27:54my cheeks flushed and my brain fuzzy,
01:27:57confused and uncertain,
01:27:59and still reeling from the immense pleasure
01:28:01he can make me feel.
01:28:02What just happened?
01:28:04Why did I let that happen?
01:28:06Jesus, Presley, what line won't you let him cross?
01:28:10In the elevator,
01:28:11Dominic doesn't touch me.
01:28:12He just stares straight ahead,
01:28:14watching the numbers change
01:28:15as the elevator climbs higher.
01:28:17He looks angry,
01:28:19and I have no idea
01:28:20what could have possibly set him off.
01:28:22I want him to back me up against the wall so hard
01:28:25that the handrail makes an indentation in my ass.
01:28:28I want him to lay hot, open-mouthed kisses
01:28:30against my throat while he cups my breasts
01:28:32and grinds his leg between mine.
01:28:35But he doesn't do any of that.
01:28:36Instead, he stands a foot away from me,
01:28:39quiet and seemingly uninterested.
01:28:42I feel like I'm back on the plane
01:28:44with the man who wouldn't so much
01:28:45as acknowledge my presence.
01:28:47Meanwhile, I'm still trying to catch my goddamn breath.
01:28:51What the hell is this?
01:28:53Once the sweet door is closed behind us,
01:28:55Dominic finally touches me again,
01:28:58but it's not the kind of touch I like.
01:29:00It's harsh, unfeeling.
01:29:02He pulls at the zipper of my dress,
01:29:04yanking it off me in a few ungraceful motions.
01:29:07The fabric bites at my skin as it leaves my body,
01:29:10and suddenly I'm completely naked before him.
01:29:13With one hand, he grasps my breast,
01:29:16and the other, he dips between my legs again.
01:29:19But this time I stop him.
01:29:20I take one step back and another.
01:29:23When he follows, I place a firm hand against his chest.
01:29:28My voice shakes, but I'm not afraid.
01:29:30No, I'm fucking furious.
01:29:33Dominic stands before me, his eyes dark
01:29:36and his chest heaving with labored breath.
01:29:38Yes, he's turned on, probably even more so than I am,
01:29:42or was, but he stills at my command.
01:29:46Stop, he asks, his voice filled with questions.
01:29:50I stand my ground.
01:29:51This little game he's playing will not be on his terms.
01:29:55It's going to be on mine.
01:30:01Chapter Nine
01:30:06Presley's voice trembles,
01:30:08and her hand presses firmly against my chest.
01:30:11Taken aback, I drop my hands immediately.
01:30:14We freeze together in the dark, panting.
01:30:17I'm burning up.
01:30:18I've undressed her already,
01:30:20only her lacy black bra remains,
01:30:22and I ache to finish the job.
01:30:25I could feel that she wanted me
01:30:26when I touched her at the bar.
01:30:28So why is she calling a timeout?
01:30:30I'm the one who should be pissed off, not her.
01:30:32One touch and she has me losing all control.
01:30:36I flip on the light so I can meet her eyes
01:30:38while she explains herself.
01:30:41Are you going to have a hard time
01:30:43following instructions on this trip?
01:30:45I ask, my voice still low and husky
01:30:48with the desire she so abruptly blocked.
01:30:51Presley is flushed too, but she stares back defiantly.
01:30:57I don't want you like this, this version of you.
01:31:00I'm no different than I've been all along.
01:31:02This is the real me.
01:31:04Bullshit, I know you well enough by now.
01:31:08Her expression is serious,
01:31:10and I have no idea what I've done to anger her.
01:31:14What do you know about me, Presley?
01:31:17I ask, cocking my head as I watch her.
01:31:20She swallows, gathering her courage.
01:31:24You're not this man, this hard, unfeeling, dominating.
01:31:31I place one hand against her cheek, caressing her skin,
01:31:34and Presley leans into my touch.
01:31:37The truth is, I don't know who I am anymore.
01:31:41Before Presley, my life was a series
01:31:42of well-orchestrated details.
01:31:44Commute, work, home, more work,
01:31:47the occasional fuck session to blow off some steam.
01:31:50She's turned everything upside down,
01:31:51all in a matter of weeks.
01:31:53Who could blame me for trying
01:31:55to get back some of the control?
01:31:57Presley swallows, still watching me with wide eyes,
01:32:01waiting to see which version of me she'll get next.
01:32:05You aren't this man, Dominic.
01:32:07I've seen it when you let me in, she whispers,
01:32:12wrapping my hand in her much smaller one.
01:32:15What do you want from me?
01:32:18My voice is more anguished than I intended,
01:32:20and I inhale deeply, trying to calm my raging heart.
01:32:25You, just you.
01:32:28I'm here, aren't I?
01:32:30I'm trying.
01:32:32She nods, her eyes finding mine.
01:32:36I am too.
01:32:38What do you need?
01:32:40She wets her lips with her tongue, watching me.
01:32:44Kiss me.
01:32:46I realize she's right.
01:32:48We broke up, and then I had my fingers up her dress
01:32:50before we'd even officially made up,
01:32:52before we'd even kissed.
01:32:54Sometimes I forget how young she is,
01:32:56how inexperienced, and how much
01:32:59of a dominating prick I can be.
01:33:02Using two fingers, I tilt her chin up
01:33:04and press my lips softly to hers.
01:33:07That better?
01:33:09I murmur, my lips still brushing hers.
01:33:13She reaches up, curling her fingers in the hair
01:33:15at the back of my neck.
01:33:18Yes, more.
01:33:21We kiss again, slower this time, deeper.
01:33:25Her rapid heartbeat flutters against my chest
01:33:27as my fingers work at undoing the clasp of her bra.
01:33:31Everything in me strains toward her,
01:33:33screams to eliminate the distance between us.
01:33:36I want to forget every messy, fucked up thing
01:33:39and just lose myself in her.
01:33:42Instead, I correct her.
01:33:44I'm the boss, not you.
01:33:46We agreed that you wouldn't be the one in charge.
01:33:50Except I was never in charge to begin with
01:33:52when it comes to her.
01:33:53Whenever I see her, I have to have her.
01:33:56If the slightest shadow passes over her face,
01:33:58I need to do whatever it takes to bring back her smile.
01:34:02I haven't forgotten that.
01:34:04Presley looks up and her bold blue eyes lock with mine.
01:34:08I came to London, didn't I?
01:34:11I seize her mouth.
01:34:13The fire that's always simmering between us explodes.
01:34:16Tongues writhe together, she moans against me
01:34:19and I gasp for breath.
01:34:21I must be pressing her backward
01:34:23because suddenly we're on the bed
01:34:24and her fingers are tearing at my buckle and shirt buttons
01:34:27like she can't get me bare fast enough.
01:34:30Damn, this woman is dangerous.
01:34:32I've never known anyone who gets under my skin like her.
01:34:36My restraint has already frayed to a thread.
01:34:39Deciding I need to take back control of this situation
01:34:42before giving in to our unresolved lust
01:34:44becomes something far too intimate,
01:34:46I pull myself away, rising to my feet
01:34:49at the edge of the bed.
01:34:51Presley blinks up at me in confusion.
01:34:54She's mesmerizing, naked and pink-cheeked with arousal.
01:34:58Her lips plump and damp from our ferocious kisses
01:35:01and I have to steel myself not to just dive back in.
01:35:04Enough of that, I say more gruffly than I feel.
01:35:08I want you on your knees now.
01:35:11She looks surprised for a moment
01:35:13before a mix of desire and determination
01:35:15comes over her face.
01:35:17She sinks gracefully to the floor at my feet.
01:35:21Very nice, I say, petting her hair.
01:35:24And I mean that.
01:35:26Maybe I shouldn't be praising her on a night
01:35:28that's supposed to be all about my needs,
01:35:30but she is a pretty sight,
01:35:32ready and waiting to serve me however I ask.
01:35:36Take out my cock.
01:35:38My shirt is already hanging open
01:35:40and my belt is God knows where,
01:35:42but I'm still going to enjoy watching her trembling fingers
01:35:45unzip my dress pants.
01:35:48That's it, I say, encouraging her
01:35:51when she wraps me in her warm fist.
01:35:54She grips the base tight, my heart racing.
01:35:57I watch her soft pink lips meet the tip of my cock.
01:36:01A loud groan of relief escapes me
01:36:03as they part to slide down over the shaft.
01:36:06It's been too damn long since I've had her.
01:36:09I'd forgotten how combustible we are together,
01:36:11how quickly I lose the battle for control when she's near.
01:36:16She follows her hand up and down, sucking hard,
01:36:19her tongue lapping like she's missed this as much as I have.
01:36:23The sight of her is overwhelming.
01:36:25She sure as hell isn't new to sex anymore.
01:36:28She knows exactly what to do now.
01:36:31Still, I can't let her just do whatever she pleases tonight.
01:36:35I tangle my fingers tight in her hair
01:36:37to direct her where to go,
01:36:38how fast to bob her head and work her sweet mouth.
01:36:42She lets out a soft murmur
01:36:44that burns in the pit of my stomach.
01:36:46I make a mental note
01:36:47that she's partial to a little hair pulling,
01:36:49then remind myself for the millionth time
01:36:51that what she enjoys isn't what this trip is about.
01:36:56You look amazing like this.
01:36:58My voice comes out as a groan.
01:37:00I didn't mean to say that aloud, but it slipped out.
01:37:04A little encouragement can't hurt, right?
01:37:07I could watch you suck me all night.
01:37:10She sighs and squirms, rubbing her thighs together.
01:37:13The thought that she's trying to ease her own arousal
01:37:15makes me throb.
01:37:18But when I notice her free hand creeping between her legs,
01:37:20I say sharply,
01:37:22I didn't say you could touch yourself.
01:37:24I'll give you your turn soon enough,
01:37:27right after I'm done fucking your mouth.
01:37:30She makes a tiny noise that could be a whimper
01:37:32and moves her hand up to cut my balls.
01:37:35Oh, fuck.
01:37:37I won't last long if she keeps this up.
01:37:40Sighing, I start slow, rocking my hips in shallow strokes.
01:37:44The head of my cock sliding over her tongue feels incredible.
01:37:47She adjusts quickly,
01:37:49keeping up her own work while letting me move her.
01:37:52I thrust faster, deeper, still careful not to gag her.
01:37:56I'm sure she doesn't know how to handle that yet,
01:37:58but taking my pleasure rather than letting her give it to me.
01:38:03Blood roars through my ears and pulses in my cock.
01:38:06Fuck, this woman is the hottest thing I've ever seen.
01:38:09She looks up at me, her lashes fluttering,
01:38:12her lips still sealed around me.
01:38:14And suddenly I'm way closer to my own release
01:38:17than I planned to let myself get.
01:38:19I pull her away, but she continues to stroke me
01:38:22and my orgasm threatens.
01:38:24Enough, I growl.
01:38:27She snatches her hand away sheepishly.
01:38:31I haul pressly to her feet
01:38:33and give her a quick light slap on the butt.
01:38:35A startled squeak escapes her.
01:38:38You almost made me come too soon.
01:38:41I'm just...
01:38:42I crush my mouth to hers, cutting her off.
01:38:45I'm going to devour her.
01:38:48What more can she possibly give me?
01:38:51Keeping my fingers knotted in the silky hair
01:38:53at the back of her neck,
01:38:54I slide my other hand down her body.
01:38:57She sucks in a sharp breath
01:38:58when I push two fingers into her.
01:39:00For the second time tonight, I'm knuckles deep inside her.
01:39:04She's so wet, so perfectly ready for me.
01:39:08My thumb finds her swollen, eager bud
01:39:11and she arches, clutching at my back and shoulders
01:39:14like she's trying to hang on for dear life.
01:39:16I want her to lose that control,
01:39:18to surrender everything to me.
01:39:20I devour her mouth as her hips buck
01:39:22and stutter forward into my touch.
01:39:25I'm consumed by her scent, her sounds of pleasure,
01:39:28the feel of her under my hand.
01:39:30Yes, this is exactly what I wanted tonight,
01:39:34for both of us to forget the past
01:39:35and the parts we're supposed to play.
01:39:37We're not boss and intern or even lovers
01:39:40because lovers have a shared history
01:39:42and complicated emotions I'd rather ignore.
01:39:46Tonight, we're just man and woman
01:39:48giving into our mutual lust for each other.
01:39:50Our kiss evolves into a messy clash of lips and tongues.
01:39:55She's moving into my hand now, writhing in my grip
01:39:59and her begging cries grow louder and more urgent.
01:40:03Suddenly, she gives a desperate whine
01:40:04and her arms tighten so hard they tremble.
01:40:07My aching erection twitches up, straining.
01:40:10She's coming already.
01:40:12It's um.
01:40:14She groans and I kiss her deeply, possessively,
01:40:18as she spasms around my fingers in rhythmic waves.
01:40:22That's it, she's mine now.
01:40:25It's time to take what I've been needing
01:40:26but didn't let myself have since she broke my heart.
01:40:30I keep rubbing, letting her cling to me
01:40:32until her quaking subsides.
01:40:34Then I withdraw, releasing her hair.
01:40:37Both of us are flushed, sweaty, panting from desire.
01:40:43I pull out of her with a slick noise
01:40:45and can't resist bringing my hand up to taste her arousal.
01:40:49Her eyes lock onto my tongue, running over my fingers.
01:40:53Then I press them to her lips
01:40:54and she only hesitates a second
01:40:56before opening up to suck them.
01:40:58I cock bucks at the feel of her eager mouth
01:41:01closing around my fingers.
01:41:03When she's done, I press a kiss to her forehead.
01:41:06Get back up on the bed, on all fours this time.
01:41:10She obeys with shaking knees, still out of breath.
01:41:14I admire the view, her pert ass raised up like an offering
01:41:18and the needy spot between her legs glistening,
01:41:21ready for me.
01:41:24Quickly, I open a condom and roll it on.
01:41:27I kneel behind her and drag my tip
01:41:28over her sensitive flesh, teasing her.
01:41:32She tries to thrust back
01:41:33and my hands clamp down on her hips to hold her still.
01:41:37I'm the one who dictates when we start
01:41:39and I'll dictate when we finish.
01:41:42Last chance to call this off.
01:41:45My voice is deep and rough with desire.
01:41:48It would just about kill me if she took that chance,
01:41:51but I'm almost certain she won't.
01:41:54We aren't going to stop until I'm satisfied.
01:41:59She says so softly, I almost miss it.
01:42:02Good girl.
01:42:04I bite the back of her neck
01:42:05and bury myself deep in her wet heat,
01:42:08trying to forget everything that happened
01:42:10between us before this moment.
01:42:13It almost works.
01:42:18Chapter 10.
01:42:21Tonight has taken a turn I never could have imagined.
01:42:24I know I should guard my heart,
01:42:26that I shouldn't romanticize this moment,
01:42:28but it's too late.
01:42:29We move together perfectly,
01:42:31my soft pants punctuating the moment
01:42:34that has grown heavy with expectation.
01:42:37His cuff links rest beside my earrings on the bedside table.
01:42:40Our laptop bags sit side by side
01:42:42on the floor near the desk.
01:42:44I have no idea what it all means,
01:42:46but something big, surely.
01:42:49I feel so many warring emotions at once,
01:42:52it's hard to focus on them all.
01:42:54First, there's pleasure unlike any I've ever known,
01:42:57but more than that, there's relief at his forgiveness.
01:43:00And somehow too, I can also feel him releasing
01:43:03all the baggage of his past,
01:43:05excising it with precision as our bodies meld together.
01:43:09Dominic fills me in a way I never could have imagined.
01:43:12He must feel it too, this powerful pull,
01:43:15because we release a simultaneous groan
01:43:18in the otherwise silent room.
01:43:20He withdraws briefly, guiding me onto my back
01:43:22so he can hover over me.
01:43:24In this new position, I can see his eyes.
01:43:28I just wish his emotions were as easy to read
01:43:30as his pleasure.
01:43:32His pupils are dilated and his lips part
01:43:34with a silent moan.
01:43:36He pushes into the hilt,
01:43:37and I wrap my legs high around his hips,
01:43:39grinding myself closer.
01:43:42Ah, that's so good, baby.
01:43:44He groans, his voice deep.
01:43:47I know by now not to read too much
01:43:48into the sweet endearment.
01:43:50He moves in long and deep strokes.
01:43:53I'm still so sensitive from my earlier release
01:43:56that I have to dig my fingernails
01:43:57into his shoulders for stability.
01:43:59I can hear the sounds of our sex,
01:44:01a loud, wet slap of flesh against flesh.
01:44:05My breasts bounce with the efforts of his thrusts.
01:44:08I can't help but release quiet gasps
01:44:10every time I feel the tip of him hit
01:44:12that once mythical, now very real sweet spot inside me.
01:44:16With every pump, I feel closer and closer
01:44:19to the man who has remained such
01:44:20an emotional anomaly to me.
01:44:23As I watch his sculpted body move over me,
01:44:25memories of our brief history flood my brain.
01:44:28The moment when he picked me up on that horrible night
01:44:31and the instant relief I felt just being near him.
01:44:34The moment his gruff voice over the phone
01:44:36promised that I still had my job
01:44:38and elation soared inside me.
01:44:40The moment in his office when he told me
01:44:42he wanted me with him on this trip.
01:44:44Dom, when I cry out his name,
01:44:47he leans closer so our naked, sweaty chests
01:44:49are pressed together in an intimate embrace.
01:44:52He moves above me, taking everything I have to offer.
01:44:56I comb my fingers through his thick, dark hair,
01:44:59gripping it in my fists.
01:45:01I can feel the goosebumps rise on the back of his neck.
01:45:03I can feel him coming close
01:45:05with every shaky breath he takes,
01:45:07and I love knowing that I'm the one
01:45:08bringing him to the brink.
01:45:10With every nip at my neck, my earlobe, and my lips,
01:45:14I can feel the secret tenderness he tries
01:45:16so desperately to keep reined in.
01:45:19His thumb finds my center and rubs it
01:45:21in methodical circles, just how he knows I like.
01:45:25As I get closer and closer to the edge,
01:45:27my eyelids flutter closed, and I brace myself
01:45:30for yet another fall into bliss.
01:45:32And I am falling for him.
01:45:35Despite my best efforts, I have fallen.
01:45:38When I tumble over the edge again,
01:45:40Dominic gathers me close, holding me against his chest
01:45:43as I tremble and gasp.
01:45:45With his lips against my neck and a hand on my breast,
01:45:48Dominic releases a soft grunt,
01:45:50and his grip on me tightens as he finds his own release.
01:45:54The sound he's making, somewhere between a gasp
01:45:56and a groan, is like a drug.
01:45:59I would let him do anything to me
01:46:01just to hear that sound again.
01:46:03When he's recovered, he lifts himself up,
01:46:06propped on his elbows over me.
01:46:08His eyes are hooded, and his forehead is beaded with sweat.
01:46:12I hold his firm biceps in my shaking hands,
01:46:15rubbing my thumbs against the muscle
01:46:16with a tenderness I can hardly describe.
01:46:19But in a blink, he's gone, both physically and mentally.
01:46:24He climbs from the bed, removing himself from my soft touch
01:46:27almost as fast as he ripped off my clothes.
01:46:29He walks across the room,
01:46:31tosses the used condom in the trash,
01:46:33and picks up his boxers, tugging them on.
01:46:36Then he grabs his laptop.
01:46:38He's already on his way into the living room of the suite
01:46:40when I find my voice.
01:46:42Where are you going?
01:46:44I hate how vulnerable I sound.
01:46:47I have some work to do.
01:46:48You can go to bed without me.
01:46:51And just like that, I'm alone.
01:46:54What the hell?
01:46:55Surely he felt it, the same things I did,
01:46:58the intimacy, the closeness, the intensity.
01:47:02That's why he left.
01:47:03He's not ready to face it, to accept it,
01:47:06and I'll have to be okay with that, for now.
01:47:10My body is still warm and flushed
01:47:12from the mind-blowing experience we just shared,
01:47:14but my heart is cold.
01:47:16I fight back the sting of tears,
01:47:18determined not to waste any time feeling sorry for myself.
01:47:22All I can muster is the will to wrap myself
01:47:24in the fluffy duvet and curl into a ball on the bed.
01:47:28After I take a few deep breaths, my heart begins to slow.
01:47:32A voice in my mind that sounds a lot like my mother
01:47:34lulls me to sleep.
01:47:36Just be true to yourself, Presley.
01:47:39Be true to what you want.
01:47:44Chapter 11.
01:47:47The next day, I come back to the hotel early,
01:47:50well right on time by normal standards,
01:47:52but I had to politely fend off a dozen offers
01:47:55of dinners, cocktails, anything that would keep me
01:47:57listening to pitches for another few hours.
01:48:00Not that I mind skipping out.
01:48:01I have a 5.30 date I wouldn't miss for the world.
01:48:05When I enter the suite, Presley is on her laptop,
01:48:08her lips pursed in thought.
01:48:10Working, of course.
01:48:11Both of us are always working.
01:48:14She looks up when she sees me,
01:48:15her lips curving into a grin.
01:48:18I'm still not sure how I feel about what happened
01:48:20between us last night.
01:48:22I have the sense that I'm playing with fire
01:48:24and will most likely get burned.
01:48:27But I return her smile, my lips twitching as I take her in,
01:48:31with her black leggings, an oversized sweater,
01:48:33and messy bun.
01:48:35She looks every bit the college co-ed she was not long ago,
01:48:39and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't tempting as hell.
01:48:42How was your day, dear?
01:48:44She teases.
01:48:46I chuckle.
01:48:48Just fine.
01:48:52She says, cheerily.
01:48:54There's a lot we need to talk about,
01:48:56but first I need to do something else.
01:48:59Can I borrow the desk for an hour?
01:49:03She looks back at her laptop.
01:49:04Oh, sure, no problem.
01:49:05I can use the bed.
01:49:07I repress a quip about how we used the bed last night,
01:49:11and it most certainly didn't involve
01:49:13working or checking email.
01:49:15Now isn't the time.
01:49:16And as today wore on,
01:49:18last night's events had started to not sit right with me.
01:49:22But I don't have time to examine
01:49:24my selfish actions right now.
01:49:26I pull out my own laptop,
01:49:28open up video chat, and call home.
01:49:31After a few rings, the faces of Lacey, Amelia,
01:49:34and Francine fill my screen.
01:49:38My girls cry ecstatically,
01:49:40and the sound of their loving voices
01:49:42calms the uncertainties inside me almost instantly.
01:49:46They've just had their breakfast,
01:49:48Francine informs me.
01:49:50What did you eat?
01:49:52I ask.
01:49:54Lacey's stage whispers,
01:49:56and they both collapse, giggling.
01:49:58Come on, you guys.
