Nineties Eastenders (17th December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (17th December 1996)
00:27Billy, come on, love, you've hardly touched him.
00:32Where's my dad?
00:33Oh, he'll be back soon, you'll see.
00:35Why's he gone?
00:37Because he was feeling unhappy.
00:40Everyone feels unhappy sometimes, and when they do,
00:43they like to be on their own to sort things out.
00:46Doesn't he like us anymore?
00:48Of course, love, your daddy loves you very much.
00:51You know that.
00:54I'd better go after him.
00:57Gran, Alan will come back, won't he?
01:00I don't know, love.
01:14You OK?
01:24All right, mate?
01:28Look, Megan, beside you, I had a bit of a rough night.
01:32So I've been on the phone to the hospital.
01:34So have I. Must be getting sicker the pair of us, eh?
01:37Look, give Peggy a kiss for me, tell her I'm thinking of her.
01:40Yeah, sure. Are you going to be all right on your own today?
01:42Look, just go. I've told you, I've got everything under control.
01:45Oh, yeah, and don't forget about this evening.
01:47You have forgotten, haven't you? It's the seventies night.
01:50Yeah, well, I've had a lot on me plate.
01:52Yeah, well, do, you go take your miler for things.
01:54OK, OK. You promised.
01:56OK, OK, OK.
01:58You've been through quite a lot in the last 24 hours, Peggy.
02:02Thank heaven it's all over.
02:04You know, I was so frightened.
02:07Not knowing what they would find.
02:13I won't need any more surgery, will I?
02:15No. Mr Simpson was really worried about you.
02:18No. Mr Simpson was really pleased with the way it all went.
02:21The carcinoma was contained, so only a small incision was necessary.
02:25And what about any scarring?
02:27There's really very little.
02:31You know what I could do with right now?
02:34A very large brandy.
02:39Before you say anything, I know I'm late.
02:42It's the kids.
02:44Billy's so upset, Alan. What am I supposed to say to him?
02:47I had to leave him in his room. He's refusing to go to school.
02:50Look, I'll go. Carol's not there, is she?
02:52No, she's at work. I left him with Robbie.
02:55Listen, Gran, don't worry about it. I'll talk to him. I promise.
02:58Oh, you will, will you? Mm-hm.
03:00And what are you going to say to him?
03:02Your daddy loves you very much. But yes, it's true.
03:04I've walked out and you've just got to get on with it.
03:07Is that what you're going to say?
03:09I just don't understand how he found out, that's all.
03:12It was Kathy.
03:14What do you mean?
03:15George turned up in the cafe and she felt sorry for him.
03:18She thought she was doing the right thing.
03:20Yeah, I know, but, in the end, it turned out a good job he was in.
03:25She's going to be all right, isn't she?
03:27Listen, from what they say, she's going to be fine.
03:30Let's hope so, eh?
03:32But, Gran, that dress was meant to be for my mum.
03:34And here she is, bald as brass, shying it off in the Vic.
03:36I mean, what is Alan blowing at?
03:38Don't ask me, Bianca. I give up.
03:42What do you want? Cheese roll and a donut?
03:46It was brilliant yesterday.
03:48On the radio, Frankie singing.
03:50There are going to be more singers in the Vic.
03:52What, have I said something wrong?
03:54No, no, of course not. Glad you enjoyed it.
03:57You were in there early, weren't you?
03:58Yeah, school outing, geography trip.
04:00Got to be at the station at 8.15.
04:02Nigel isn't going, is he?
04:03No, he's saving up for his own field trip with Cassandra.
04:06He's still seeing her, is he?
04:08Yeah, she's convinced him to go on some psychic weekend.
04:10250 quid for two days,
04:12just to get in touch with yourself or something.
04:14And how nervous is he going to pay for that?
04:16I don't know. He's thinking about getting another job.
04:18Hi, lads. Come and play. I'll be late.
04:20OK. Don't say I said anything, will you?
04:22No, of course not.
04:25So what are we going to do about Nigel?
04:27I don't know, but Cassandra's definitely ripping him off.
04:29He's been getting himself into trouble ever since we were kids.
04:32He ain't going to change, is he?
04:33No, but we'd better think of a way of bailing him out again.
04:36Come, we'd better get going, then.
04:40What's up?
04:41Frankie singing. News, was it?
04:44Come on, we don't want to be late, do we?
04:50You come to take me away?
04:52I haven't forgotten.
04:54Black Bull Tower.
05:01It's good to see you.
05:03You too.
05:07So, you got through it.
05:10I told you it'd be all right.
05:12How are you feeling?
05:16Why don't I go and get a cup?
05:18Come back a bit later, let you get some sleep.
05:20You haven't mind?
05:21Course not.
05:23I just came to check you're OK.
05:26Now, I've been thinking...
05:28perhaps we should go somewhere else.
05:30I mean Black Bull.
05:32It's not the most romantic place.
05:37What about Paris?
05:39Or the Seychelles?
05:42Or the Isle of Wight.
05:49You OK this morning?
05:50Yeah, yeah, course.
05:52Just seemed a bit quiet, that's all.
05:54So, everything's fine?
05:58Do you want me to move out yet?
05:59No, of course not.
06:01I like you staying, Joe, you know that.
06:03Yeah, but I made Ellen move out, didn't I?
06:05No, it had nothing to do with that, Joe.
06:09I was wondering what you might like to do at Christmas.
06:13Well, I'll be at your place, won't I?
06:15Yeah, I just thought you might want to pop over and see your mum, that's all.
06:18Mum, come on, I'll come back later.
06:21Thanks, love.
06:22So, what do you think?
06:24I know she'd love to see you.
06:25Well, yeah, maybe, but I still want to be with you, though.
06:28Joe, nobody's making you do anything that you don't want to do.
06:36All right, Mum? How you doing?
06:38Hello, sweetheart.
06:40Don't I get a kiss?
06:47Listen, I'll go and get that cuppa.
06:49Leave you in peace, all right?
06:54I got myself in a right state yesterday.
06:58I'm still in one piece.
07:00I got myself in a right state yesterday.
07:03I'm still in one piece. That's the main thing.
07:06Listen, Mum, I'm sorry if I come on a bit strong.
07:09Oh, that's all right, love.
07:11I understand why you did it.
07:14Went well, didn't they?
07:16Yeah, I know.
07:18So, no more operations,
07:20and I bet you'll be glad to see the back of this place.
07:23I haven't.
07:25Not quite yet.
07:27I've still got all the radiotherapy to go.
07:30All right. Hiya.
07:32Do you fancy a coffee in the cafe?
07:34No, I'm off down to the job centre.
07:36There's nothing else in the paper, then?
07:38No. Something's bound to turn up sooner or later.
07:40Let's just hope it's sooner rather than later, eh?
07:42Oh, listen, I saw an old mate on the stall earlier.
07:44He knows the manager of this new club.
07:46He says he can get us in for nothing. Shall we fancy it?
07:48Yeah, but who buys all the drinks once we're in there?
07:50Yeah, well, I will. Don't worry about it.
07:52Oh, come on, it'll do you good.
07:54It'll do you good.
07:56I will. Don't worry about it.
07:58Oh, come on, it'll do you good to get out.
08:00Forget about your troubles.
08:02Like not having a job and you paying for everything, you mean.
08:04But just think about it, yeah?
08:06I want a good luck.
08:11You all right, Mum?
08:13Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
08:21Listen, Trice, will you look after the stall for me for two minutes?
08:31Can I get you one?
08:33No, thanks.
08:35She's pairing up well,
08:37considering what she's been through.
08:39Look about you and Mum.
08:41Listen, Grant, I don't need you to tell me I made a mistake.
08:44I let something happen.
08:46She'd never have got that far.
08:48You put her in danger.
08:50All right, but I dealt with it. It won't happen again.
08:53How can you be so sure?
08:55Listen, the only thing we should be discussing here
08:58is how to get your mother through all this.
09:00She's got me and Phil to do her.
09:02No, this is about what Peggy wants, not just you.
09:06And she wants me here.
09:08Surely even you can see that.
09:10Your mother means a great deal to me.
09:13As far as I'm concerned, nothing else matters
09:15except getting her well again.
09:18Look, in the end, we both want what's best for her.
09:22All right.
09:24But on one condition.
09:26If there's any more trouble brewing,
09:28you let me know about it.
09:30No more cover-ups.
09:34Don't worry.
09:36But if there are, you have my word.
09:41So why didn't you tell me?
09:43I didn't know how.
09:45I mean, what does he think he's playing at?
09:47Who knows?
09:48I don't understand.
09:50How can he do this?
09:51I mean, I thought you two were trying to make a go of things.
09:53You can't mend a marriage with a piece of sticky tape, Bianca.
09:55But you can't just let him go like this.
09:56So what do you expect me to do, go and drag him back home?
09:59Anyway, I don't know if I want him back again
10:01after he's been living with her.
10:02No, that's rich.
10:05I know I've made a mess of things, Bianca, but that's over.
10:08You know, I really was trying to work things out.
10:12I honestly didn't think he'd go off and do something like this.
10:15What a mess.
10:18What are we going to do?
10:23How's your mum?
10:25Yeah, she's doing fine.
10:27I didn't expect you back so soon.
10:29Well, letting her get some rest.
10:31Oh, right. Going to go in again this afternoon?
10:33I don't know.
10:34What, is that going to mess up your plans or something?
10:36No, of course not.
10:38Well, you haven't booked any cab racing today, then?
10:40Oh, so you heard about that?
10:42Yeah, I did. But not from you.
10:44Yeah, well, you had a lot on your mind, so I didn't really want to bother you.
10:47Well, you should have asked.
10:48Yeah, but it was a spur-of-moment thing,
10:50and you did leave me in charge, so I decided to give him a go.
10:53Everybody really enjoyed him, and the takings went up.
10:56Well, next time...
10:57Yes, if you're around, I'll remember to ask.
10:59So that's all right, then?
11:00It's nice to know that you trust me.
11:03Oh, and Grant, pour us another one, will you?
11:06I'd do it myself, but my legs have been playing me up.
11:08I think it must be all this extra weight I'm carrying around.
11:12Eh, that is brilliant.
11:14Look, you've nearly finished it.
11:16It's my house.
11:18Who will we put inside?
11:20Will we put, um, Mummy and Daddy?
11:29Do your Mummy and Daddy play with you like this at home, Addy?
11:36Do you like being at home with Mummy and Daddy?
11:39Do you get upset sometimes and you don't want to be there?
11:43Don't want to play.
11:46Come on, Adam.
11:48I'm your friend.
11:51Tell me what happens at home, eh?
11:59I tried to explain things to him.
12:02I'm not sure how much went in.
12:04Take a bit of time, that's all.
12:06Well, what do you expect, Alan?
12:08If I don't understand it, why should Billy?
12:11Grant, I know what I've done.
12:13And I'm not proud of myself, believe me.
12:17It can be hard with Carol and the kids, I know that.
12:21But isn't it worth it?
12:23All I'm asking is that you think very seriously about what you've given up.
12:28It was impossible for us to live under the same roof any longer.
12:31And if Carol's honest, she knows that too.
12:35I couldn't go on like that.
12:38Look, the truth is, I don't know what I want.
12:41All I know is I had to get out, that's all.
12:44It still doesn't explain why you're with her, though.
12:47To me or to Billy?
12:50See you later.
12:52See you tomorrow.
12:55Oh, hi, Nicola. Thanks for coming.
12:57I was thinking we'd talk over here.
13:00Look, I know I shouldn't have asked them questions,
13:03but I didn't expect they would respond like that.
13:06You shouldn't have done it.
13:08Ruth, I've told you before, you have to be extremely careful
13:11when you're handling anything like this.
13:14You could have all sorts of people on to you.
13:16Not just Adam's parents, but Tom and the authorities.
13:19Look, I know all of that.
13:21I just know something's not right.
13:23I mean, today was even more proof of that.
13:26You were going about this completely the wrong way.
13:29Believe me, you've already overstepped the mark.
13:32Others count as evidence.
13:35You could be the one who ends up in trouble, Ruth.
13:39What do you mean?
13:41If you're not careful, you could end up losing your job.
13:47Right, I'm off then. I said I'd be there by ten.
13:50Is there still time for you to change your mind?
13:52No, I don't feel like it.
13:55Did you find anything down at the job centre?
13:58There were a couple of opportunities.
14:00I can call them jobs, the money they offer.
14:02Well, I suppose you could always go back to college.
14:05You sound like me old man, do you know that?
14:07Sorry, it was just a thought.
14:09Look, I don't have to go. I can stay in if you want.
14:13No, I'm not bothered. You go.
14:16Right, OK, yeah.
14:18I'll see you later then.
14:20Yeah, see you.
14:23I think you look great.
14:25I look like an idiot?
14:26No, you don't. You look really handsome.
14:29I bet Grant's not dressing up.
14:30He is. Tiffany's making him.
14:31Oh, yeah? I think she's the boss now, does she?
14:33After the other night he dampled his foot wrong.
14:35Yeah, and how long's that going to last for?
14:37As long as she don't make a habit of kipping around at our place every time they pull out, all right?
14:42Give me a call in the morning and I'll come and pick you up.
14:47I'm sorry.
14:49Give me a call in the morning and I'll come and pick you up.
14:53So what did the doctor say?
14:55That's good, innit?
14:58Yeah, you too, love.
15:00You sleep tight, yeah?
15:05Well, I suppose you're going to find out sooner or later.
15:08Mum and her sisters.
15:10She's in hospital.
15:17She's recovering.
15:19You mean she's had an operation?
15:22Mum's got breast cancer.
15:25She had a lump removed. It hasn't spread.
15:28Grant, I had no idea.
15:31Yeah, well, I only found out myself a couple of days ago.
15:33She didn't want anybody else to know.
15:35And how is she?
15:37As far as I know, it was a success.
15:39She starts radiotherapy in a few weeks' time.
15:42Is there anything I can do?
15:44Just make sure she doesn't overdo it.
15:47She's got to rest.
15:49I know, Mum, she won't sit still.
15:53One more thing.
15:55I'd really appreciate it if you could keep this to yourself.
15:59Well, yeah. Yeah, of course.
16:08All right, bruv?
16:09So you going to come and pick up Mum with me tomorrow morning?
16:11Oh, she's definitely coming out, then?
16:13Yeah, I just had her on the phone. She sounded a lot brighter.
16:15Nice one.
16:16So where did you get off to today?
16:18Oh, I, er, went and got me fortune told her.
16:21Her lovely Cassandra went and paid her a little visit.
16:24Oh, yeah? And what happened?
16:26Well, it weren't easy, but I managed to persuade her
16:28that she should tell Nigel he doesn't need her any more.
16:30And how did you wangle that?
16:32Oh, just told her what her future would be if she didn't.
16:35You good Samaritan?
16:36Yeah, I know. There must be something wrong with me.
16:39All right, I'll see you later.
16:41Yeah, see you.
16:42Oh, well, enjoy your disco.
16:47I'm off in a minute. You be all right on your own?
16:49Yeah, of course.
16:50It's a shame I was hoping you'd say no.
16:52Oh, who knows? You might even enjoy yourself.
16:54That lot? I doubt it.
16:56Right, you ready, then?
16:58Where's those flares I got you? You're supposed to dress up, remember?
17:00Yeah, well, I'm not.
17:01Well, can't you go and get changed? You look a bit like a square.
17:04Yeah, a bit.
17:05All right, I'll go and put a T-shirt on.
17:07Come on, then, let's go. Right, ready?
17:09Now, that dress.
17:10Yeah, do you like it?
17:11You're six months pregnant.
17:13Yeah, hardly shows, does it? I'll see you there.
17:29All right, Tone? How's it going?
17:31What the hell do you want? I'm getting lost.
17:34I've just come to see an old mate, man, that's all.
17:37Look, let me in, will you? I've got nowhere else to go.
17:40Please, Tone, just five minutes, that's all.
17:42Look at you, you're a mess.
17:44Yeah, I know.
17:46My aid's killing me.
17:48Five minutes, and that's it?
17:50Five minutes.
17:51Five minutes.
17:52Five minutes.
17:53Five minutes.
17:54Five minutes.
17:55Five minutes.
17:56Five minutes, and that's it.
18:01George, before you go, I want to ask you something.
18:06When I start the radiotherapy, would you come with me, please?
18:11Of course I will.
18:13Thanks, love.
18:15None of this is going to be easy, is it, for either of us?
18:19Remember what I said, Peggy?
18:21We're in this together, right?
18:26I wish I could stay.
18:28Stay tomorrow.
18:34I'm glad you came back this evening.
18:37You get a good night's rest.
18:45I've been living down in Brighton, you know, trying to make a go of it.
18:48It was going all right.
18:49You still dealing?
18:51No, man, I'm through with that.
18:53I mean it. I've had it up to here with it all.
18:56I've been off it for a while, Tone, honest.
18:58I've been getting back on my feet, you know, trying to make a new life for myself.
19:02Then I bumped into a few hard enemies, and I didn't stand a chance.
19:06If you're expecting any sympathy, then forget it.
19:09After what you did to my sister in Blackpool, I'd say you deserve all you get, don't you?
19:14Look, I'm sorry.
19:15Sorry? Is that all you've got to say?
19:18I know it was a stupid thing to do, but I didn't know what the hell I was doing most of the time.
19:22Don't give me that, Dan. You knew exactly what you were doing.
19:25Look, I'm not proud of what I did. I screwed up. You don't have to tell me that.
19:29Lost a best mate and a girlfriend through it.
19:32It's just not easy giving it all up, is it?
19:36Look, all I'm asking for is a place to lie low while I get back on my feet.
19:40It'll only be for a few days.
19:43And you swear you're out of it for good?
19:46All my life, Tone.
19:49Well, what do you say?
19:53The crowd's getting younger and younger.
19:56They seem to love all this stuff.
19:58They're probably your nabbies the first time it was released.
20:00Not feeling our age, are we?
20:03Here, I've got on a slowie for you.
20:08Hey, Grant, come on. Do you want to dance?
20:15I remember the first time I heard this record.
20:17I was trying to snog Maureen Prescott at the time.
20:20Do you remember her? Braces on her teeth. Big girl.
20:24Lovely mother.
20:26Oh, yeah, I remember. I tried to date her once.
20:29What, Maureen?
20:30No, her mother.
20:32Oh, well, devil. Kept that quiet.
20:35You know, it does make me feel old.
20:3817 years ago.
20:40Except when he was three.
20:44Well, you hardly any alcohol in that one.
20:47It's one of his specialities.
20:49For expectant mothers.
20:51That's right. Dee the para-good, that will.
21:02Thanks, Tom.
21:03A couple of nights and that's it, yeah?
21:06You sure Tiffany won't mind me staying?
21:08How are things going with you two now, anyway?
21:11She's moved back to the Vic.
21:13Yeah? What about the baby?
21:15She's saying it's Grant's.
21:18Well, lucky escape then, I reckon.
21:20Anyway, I'm living with... sharing with Simon now.
21:24Got a job yet?
21:26I'm still looking.
21:27All right.
21:28I hope something will come up, you know.
21:30Yeah, of course it will.
21:32You're stronger than me, Tony. You know when to get out.
21:35Look, how about we finish these, yeah, and I get cleaned up?
21:38I'll treat you to some fish and chips. My way of saying thank you.
21:42Yeah, OK.
21:43We could go down to the club afterwards for a nightcap.
21:46For old time's sake.
21:57Ew, I can't let that dance.
21:59What's up?
22:00You've been drinking, that's what's up.
22:02No, I haven't.
22:03I saw you.
22:04No, not alcoholic cocktails without slurping.
22:06Oh, yeah?
22:08Now when are you going to stop nagging me and start enjoying yourself for once?
22:11When you grow up a bit.
22:18What's he doing here?
22:20What do you care? It's none of your business anymore.
22:22I can't believe you're even talking to him, not after what he did.
22:25I'll get back to your hubby if I were you. I think he's missing you.
22:28Does Simon know he's back?
22:30No, not yet.
22:31You're not letting him keep at your place, are you?
22:33He's off the gear now, too.
22:34Oh, yeah?
22:35He's trying to get himself together.
22:36Oh, and you honestly believe that?
22:38You're a bigger fool than what I thought.
22:42Sonia, what are you doing up?
22:44I can't sleep.
22:45Go on, up those stairs, love.
22:47Will you come up?
22:48No, Sonia, it's the first time I've sat down all day.
22:52I wish Alan was here.
22:55Yeah, I know, love, but he isn't, is he?
22:57We've just got to get on with it.
23:02Come on, then, love.
23:04Thanks, love.
23:05Ladies and gentlemen, guys and gals, good to see you all back here again.
23:08As you know, it's the last seventies night before Christmas.
23:13So, Winston and Tracey will be coming round to collect for our special Albert Square Christmas tree appeal.
23:18Please give generously, and this one's just for you.
23:21Stay away from her.
23:22Why? Not getting jealous, are we?
23:24Of you? You must be joking.
23:26I've watched it grow.
23:27I've seen it grow.
23:28I've seen it grow.
23:29I've seen it grow.
23:30I've seen it grow.
23:31I've seen it grow.
23:32I've seen it grow.
23:33I've seen it grow.
23:34What can you say I'm not joking?
23:35I've watched it grow, chances are you're her dad.
23:38I'd shut it if I was you before it's too late.
23:42That's right. Run back to your boyfriend where you belong.
23:45Come on, let's get out of here.
23:46But it's too early.
23:47Yeah, and I've had enough.
23:48Now, come on.
23:58Hey, what d'you think you're doing?
23:59He's got alcohol in it. You said it, Ann.
24:02Oh, come on, love.
24:03No, we're having a good time before you notice him. What is your problem?
24:07Right, I'll take it. We're home.
24:09Stay out of this. It's got nothing to do with you.
24:11Right, we're leaving.
24:12No, I don't feel like going yet.
24:14We're having a good time in case you didn't notice.
24:16If you want to go, nobody's stopping you.
24:17It's alright, we'll make sure Tiff gets home alright.
24:19You and me are going home now.
24:21Let's not make this embarrassing.
24:29Poor Tiff, who'd want to be married to that thing?
24:34Look, you sure Simon won't mind me staying?
24:36Nah, he should be OK. Just let me in a bit.
24:38Yeah, but where will he sleep?
24:40Oh, it's OK, you can keep him with me.
24:44Oh, look, we'll need to talk again tomorrow, yeah?
24:47About how long. Yeah.
24:49Thanks, Tom.
24:51I owe you one, mate.
25:17Do you know something?
25:19You're pathetic.
25:20You had no right to do that to me. Do you hear me?
25:25I should never have agreed to come. It was a mistake.
25:28Yeah, you're right, it was.
25:29I've had a much better time on my own.
25:31You made me look like a complete idiot in front of all of my friends,
25:34just like you did last week. Don't you dare ever do that again.
25:37Yeah, well, it's...forgotten.
25:42I'm going to bed.
25:43You just can't stand me enjoying myself, can you?
25:45You promised me you'd give up drinking.
25:47You know the damage you can do to the baby.
25:49How are you going to feel if it's born and it's got something wrong with it?
25:51How can you live with yourself?
25:52I had one drink, Grant, one. That is all.
25:54Every time I looked round, you were knocking them back.
25:56I'm not going to stand by and let you do that.
25:58You're six months pregnant!
26:00I've told you before that just because I'm having this baby,
26:02my life is not going to change, and the sooner you realise that, the better.
26:19Don't you think it's about time you started facing up to your responsibilities
26:23and grew up?
26:24So what do you think I'm doing? I'm having it, ain't I?
26:27Don't give me that. You don't give a toss what happens to it.
26:29It's you that don't give a toss about me.
26:31All you care about is this nothing else.
26:33Do you know how that makes me feel?
26:35It makes me feel like a nobody.
26:36Well, I'll tell you what, I'm sick of it.
26:38One more night of this and I'm out of here.
26:40You ain't going anywhere.
26:41Oh, no? What are you going to do, lock me away for the next three months,
26:44make sure I behave myself like a good little girl?
26:46That is as much my child as it is yours, and you ain't doing this to it.
26:50I haven't done nothing to it!
26:52All I wanted was a bit of fun on the night out with my mates,
26:54but you just can't stand it, can you?
26:56You think you own me, well, you don't!
26:58Shut up, will you?
26:59Is this how you treated Sharon?
27:00Did you think you owned her and all?
27:02I'll tell you what, I don't blame her, cos she got out while she could
27:04and that's exactly what I'm going to do.
27:06Oh, no, you don't!
27:07You ain't going anywhere!
27:09Grant, for God's sake, stop it!
27:27The romance of Scotland continues to dazzle Lovejoy at 4.20pm here on DRAMA
27:33after Soldier, Soldier, next.