Nineties Eastenders (7th November 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (7th November 1996)
00:00You all right this morning?
00:30Can I get a cup of coffee?
00:31Oh, good night Peggy.
00:32Mind your own business.
00:33This place smells like a flipping garage.
00:34What's been going on?
00:35Oh, um, Joe spilled some of the light fuel last night.
00:36I did ask you not to smoke up here, Joe.
00:37I'm going to have to give the place a good airing.
00:40What's it up, love?
00:41We've got McJoe?
00:42He's got a lot on his mind at the moment.
00:43Teenagers, eh?
00:44But you should tell him not to muck around.
00:45He's got a lot on his mind.
00:46He's got a lot on his mind.
00:47He's got a lot on his mind.
00:48He's got a lot on his mind.
00:49He's got a lot on his mind.
00:50He's got a lot on his mind.
00:52He just likes to experiment.
00:53Are you sure he's only playing around with lighter fuel?
00:54I think so.
00:55He's got it all over the carpets.
00:56I hope he washes out.
00:58Ryan, you'd better get a move on.
01:00Oh, I don't believe it,
01:01that guy left me this makeup bag over at George's.
01:02Huge món.
01:03It's gonna be fine.
01:04I'm afraid I'll be rubbing it's butt.
01:08I will be miserable.
01:12So, have you found him a phone?
01:15Not yet.
01:18Bag over at George's.
01:23No, it's engaged.
01:24I'm sure if anything happens after you left, Lorraine will let you know.
01:27Yeah, I suppose so.
01:35Oh, now what?
01:49Who is it?
01:53That's right, she's not.
01:55What do you think she wants?
01:57I don't know. If it's important, she'll call back later.
02:00What do you want to do today?
02:02Oh, I don't know.
02:03The same as we did yesterday.
02:05Well, they wouldn't get the same as that.
02:07How's that, then?
02:09Is that better, yeah?
02:10I would have done that.
02:11No, it's no problem.
02:13I've got to go.
02:15I would have done that.
02:17No, it's no problem.
02:19I hope the doc gives him the all clear.
02:21Course he will.
02:23He's the office kid on the square, ain't ya?
02:25Feel the weight of him, yeah?
02:26It's not about how he looks, though, is it?
02:28We didn't know anything about his hearing problems till they did the tests.
02:31We just don't know.
02:32Kathy, you can't think like that.
02:34Yeah, I know.
02:36Oh, fetch his clothes.
02:38Kathy, look at him, will ya?
02:41He's gorgeous.
02:42There's nothing wrong with him.
02:44There's nothing wrong with him.
02:50Look, we've got to go out today because
02:52Daddy's got to go to the hospital for a check-up.
02:55I tell you what, why don't you get your doctor's bag
02:57and you can help the nurse, yeah?
02:59Yeah, that'd be fun.
03:00Yeah, I tell you what.
03:03Why don't we make a nurse's hat, eh?
03:05Shall we make a nurse's hat?
03:08Yeah, fold it over like this.
03:10Put it on like that.
03:13Silly idea, wasn't it?
03:15I suppose the nurses wear them to try and cheer the patients up, didn't they?
03:19Go on, are you going to eat some of your breakfast?
03:21Go on, have some breakfast.
03:23Oh, come on, darling, have some for Daddy.
03:29Daddy, have some.
03:32Do you want some?
03:34Go on, please, darling.
03:46I'm sure she'll turn up later today.
03:48Do you reckon?
03:50Look, don't be too hard on her.
03:52It's not often she gets some time to herself.
03:55Why don't you give Auntie Sue another ring?
03:58There's no point, Gran, she's not there.
04:00How do you know?
04:02I saw her last night, she's here.
04:05She was at David's, Gran, I saw her.
04:08I can't believe you were ever that young.
04:11Look at me, posing away.
04:13Not a care in the world.
04:14You always did make me laugh.
04:16It's not the same.
04:18It's like I'm a different person.
04:20I look at you now and I see exactly the same girl as I saw then.
04:23No, you don't.
04:25What is it they say, you know, your life in your face?
04:28Well, something like that.
04:29Well, isn't it obvious I haven't exactly had an easy one?
04:34Your face is perfect.
04:36Oh, the things I wanted to do, everything I wanted to be, went wrong.
04:41Guess I didn't help much.
04:43No, I'm not blaming you.
04:45Well, not anymore.
04:47No, when I look back, it's no wonder things went wrong.
04:50The way I was, if you couldn't tell me anything at all, I always knew best.
04:57My mum and dad, they never really cared.
05:01They never really cared enough.
05:03They never really cared enough.
05:04Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, don't talk like that.
05:06No, it's true.
05:08I don't ever remember them telling me that they loved me.
05:11I mean, they just weren't interested.
05:14My kids will never be able to say that about me.
05:17I mean, I may not be much, but at least I love my kids.
05:20And it shows.
05:22You've done a really good job bringing up your family.
05:26Me, I've spoiled everything.
05:30Look at the mess I've made with Jo.
05:33You should be proud of yourself, what you've done.
05:37Bianca is really special.
05:39All my kids are special.
05:41I just want them to go out there and make something of themselves.
05:43Do all the things that I never did.
05:45Well, all the right things.
05:48Do you think she will marry Ricky?
05:50Oh, I don't know.
05:52She's still so young.
05:54I certainly don't think they'll last the course.
05:56She's got her own little shop, is that one?
05:58Oh, yeah. Bags of common sense, unlike her older sister.
06:04What are we doing, David?
06:11I shouldn't be here.
06:13I mean, I've lied to my family about where I am.
06:15Well, then follow them and tell them the truth.
06:17No, I can't.
06:18I've got responsibilities.
06:20It's like we've got five kids between us.
06:23I've got to get away from that.
06:25Yeah, but you've got to think about yourself, too.
06:27About us.
06:29The future could be great.
06:31I can't afford to think about the future.
06:34Get through today and think about tomorrow later.
06:37Then do that.
06:39Stay with me today.
06:41I can't.
06:42Yes, you can.
06:47I don't want you to go.
06:53All right, Kath?
06:54Yeah, fine, thanks.
06:55What can I get you, darling?
06:56Oh, nothing. Peggy can do her own shopping this weekend.
06:58What was that?
06:59I'm going to be in Paris for a bit, aren't I?
07:02Didn't Phil tell you?
07:03Oh, yeah.
07:04Yeah, I must have forgot.
07:06Why Paris?
07:07Well, ask a silly question.
07:08Romantic capital of the world, isn't it?
07:10I've always wanted to go there.
07:11Those lovely little cafes, the Eiffel Tower, Champs-Élysées.
07:15When was this arranged?
07:16It was just last minute.
07:17Client just sprang it on me.
07:18Lucky, though, isn't I?
07:19Have a nice time.
07:31Never mind that. She's still not back yet.
07:33Who ain't?
07:34My mum.
07:36Well, you know what that means, don't you?
07:37I saw her at David's last night, remember?
07:38Oh, yeah.
07:39She must have stayed there.
07:41Well, she might have gone somewhere else.
07:42I mean, you weren't watching the flat all night, were you?
07:44She could have slipped off five minutes after you left.
07:46Ricky, use your brains.
07:47I know what she's been up to.
07:48I just know.
07:51It's only outpatients, Joe.
07:53It won't take all day.
07:55Doctor Legg's arranged it all.
07:56We can't let him down.
08:01You want to make sure everything's all right, don't you?
08:07Look, I've put some clothes out for you.
08:09I hope you don't mind.
08:13Look, your dad's not at work today.
08:15Maybe he could come.
08:17Shall we give him a call?
08:19Would you like to speak to him?
08:32Are you going to answer that?
08:34Not today.
08:36Answer it, David.
08:37I'm back to bed.
08:38Answer it.
08:43Oh, all right.
08:48Oh, great.
08:50I'll make the most of that. It's the last of the milk.
08:52No, I'll just have to send it for more supplies, then, won't we?
08:57He's probably out looking at a car.
09:03You all right?
09:04All right. What do you want?
09:05Orange juice, please.
09:06Is she turned up yet?
09:08So what are you going to do?
09:09I don't know. I'm so confused.
09:11Hang on, there's no...
09:12I mean, your mum's shacked up with your dad.
09:14What's the problem?
09:15You can be really stupid sometimes.
09:17Do you know I'm there?
09:18Everything all right?
09:20Can I have an orange juice, please?
09:25What else do we need?
09:27Just milk.
09:30You're thinking of going, aren't you?
09:32I should do soon.
09:35I want to see my kids.
09:38I know.
09:41You will still be here when I get back, though, won't you?
09:51My gran used to bring me over here when I was about your age, I suppose.
09:56We used to just sit here and watch the world go past.
09:59Didn't know we were here, you see.
10:01It was like we were invisible.
10:03I like that.
10:05You can do...
10:21Right, I'm going to pack a suitcase.
10:23All right. Well, hurry up, cos I've got to pack mine along.
10:25Yeah, right.
10:30Will what?
10:31Did you find Dr Legge?
10:32Since when did you become my keeper?
10:34No, he didn't do it.
10:36There's a customer down there that wants serving.
10:38In a minute.
10:39Oh, never mind. I'll do it.
10:40What do you think Grant's going to say about this when he finds out?
10:42Leave Grant out of this.
10:43Well, at least he'll get you out of it.
10:45I'm not going to do it.
10:48Leave Grant out of this.
10:49Well, at least he'll get you over to Dr Legge's, even if it meant carrying you there.
10:52Now, do it today, piggy.
11:14David, wait!
11:16Oh, hi. Sorry.
11:17I've been looking everywhere for you.
11:19Why, what's up?
11:20Oh, so you do care, do you?
11:22You know I care.
11:23I thought after what happened last night you'd at least come and visit your son to see how he is.
11:27Yeah, I know. I'm sorry I got caught up.
11:29He's not trying anything stupid again, is he?
11:31No, but I just can't get him to do anything. He won't talk to me.
11:34He hasn't moved all day and he's just sat in front of the telly.
11:37We're supposed to be going to see the psychiatrist in half an hour.
11:40I just don't know what to do.
11:41Come on, show me.
11:44Er, yes, Peggy Mitchell.
11:47I'd like an appointment with Dr Legge.
11:49As soon as possible.
11:57Where is he?
11:58In here.
11:59Hi, I'm John Collins from Oldham.
12:01I live in High Lane.
12:02Hi, Joe.
12:03Look, he's here to see you.
12:04On my right is Andrew, who's a training manager.
12:06And on my left is Joan, who's a domestic engineer.
12:09You see, what am I going to do?
12:10I can't take him to the hospital like this.
12:13I'll call Dr Legge.
12:14Tell him to join us in the hospital.
12:16Oh, I see, it's up to me, is it?
12:18It's your son too, you know, you might as well forget it.
12:23This ain't helping.
12:24What do you know about helping Joe?
12:26How could you say that?
12:29If you weren't so unreliable, he wouldn't be in such a state now.
12:33That ain't fair.
12:34When Joe needed you, I mean really needed you, were you around for him?
12:38No, you were off chasing Cindy, playing your stupid game.
12:41You're being ridiculous.
12:43Joe is ill.
12:45Isn't it about time you accepted that?
12:49He's been ill for a long time.
12:51It's not just about what happened yesterday or since you came down here.
12:56It's about Karen.
12:58And who knows how many other things.
13:01I know.
13:03I mean, we came here because I hoped that being near you he'd get better.
13:08Sort himself out.
13:11What a joke.
13:41Come on.
13:58How are you?
14:00I'm fine.
14:01I'm really well, I'm feeling great.
14:03How do you think I am?
14:05Don't you dare say you're sorry.
14:09I'm not interested.
14:12OK, I understand how you feel about me, but I want you to know...
14:17..I am sorry.
14:19I am. I never knew it would end up like this.
14:21Did you know what she was going to do? No, I didn't.
14:23She never talked about having me...
14:26She never said anything to you about it?
14:29I'll be honest with you.
14:30Oh, that'd make a refreshing change, wouldn't it?
14:33She said a lot of strange things.
14:35Like what?
14:37Odd things.
14:39I don't remember exactly. She wasn't making much sense.
14:42Well, it must have made some sense. You gave her the money.
14:45I mean, didn't you question her about it? Didn't you ask her what it was for?
14:48She said she wanted the money for a flat.
14:50Well, did you give her the money before or after she started saying these strange things?
15:00Have you heard from her?
15:03I heard she's in France.
15:04No, don't give me that. You probably bought the tickets and put my kids on a train.
15:07Ian, if I'd have known, there's no way...
15:08Come, Lucy.
15:10Just get out of here.
15:16I was just on my way home. I thought I'd say hi.
15:18Oh, hi.
15:19OK, see you later.
15:20No, hang on. Sit down.
15:23I wanted to talk to you.
15:25Why? Is something the matter?
15:26No, no.
15:28No, I just thought we should have a talk.
15:33Look, you're a clever girl, Claire.
15:36You're a clever girl, Claire, so some of this, well, most of it, you'll probably know.
15:40Will I?
15:41I hope so.
15:43You see, young people see images and read things in books and magazines and films.
15:55But just because you've read things and seen photos doesn't mean you know everything.
16:01It doesn't even mean that what you read is right.
16:03You see, there's more to it than just the mechanics.
16:08It's what you feel that's important.
16:12That's the difficult part, and nobody prepares you for that.
16:18Well, as far as I can see, nobody's written about it, at least not in a magazine.
16:22Guess who I've just seen in the market?
16:25Phil Kidd.
16:26Oh, no.
16:27Come on, hurry up.
16:28Can we have a talk later?
16:29Yeah, yeah. No, it doesn't matter.
16:32I'm glad I found you.
16:36Can we talk?
16:47How's your cheek?
16:51Are you going to tell me what that fight was about?
16:53I just want to forget about it, Mark.
16:55I'm not going to tell you.
16:57Are you going to tell me what that fight was about?
16:59I just want to forget about it, Mark.
17:01Well, you might, but I can't.
17:03I don't like to see you getting hurt.
17:05Especially when you're doing it for me.
17:08I'm right, aren't I?
17:09How did you know?
17:11Doesn't matter.
17:13Look, Martin, I know you were sticking up for me, but it's not the right way to go about things.
17:19You should have just ignored that lad.
17:21But he said...
17:23He said that I had AIDS.
17:26And that made you angry?
17:29Because it's not true.
17:31You're right.
17:33Sort of.
17:35You see, that boy...
17:38He got his facts a bit mixed up.
17:43I'm HIV positive, Martin.
17:45And that means one day that I could get AIDS.
17:47But it's not for definite.
17:49I mean, nothing's for definite in this world.
17:53We have to talk about this. It's important.
17:55How come they all knew?
17:57I thought they were lying. How could they know?
18:00Because I told people and...
18:02They got about, didn't they?
18:04Why don't you tell me?
18:07Get off me!
18:09I didn't know what to say to you.
18:11I wasn't sure if you'd understand or not.
18:15I'm sorry.
18:18I'm sorry I've made life so terrible for you lately.
18:21I didn't mean for it to happen.
18:23Why does everybody go away?
18:25Nobody's going away.
18:26Dad's gone. Mum's not here.
18:28And you.
18:29You'll go, won't you?
18:30That's what they said.
18:32I'm not planning on going anywhere.
18:34Not for a long time.
18:43You going?
18:45I have to.
18:50I thought you got lost.
18:53Not exactly.
18:55What's wrong?
18:58Nothing, I'm just tired, that's all.
19:02It's me you're talking to.
19:07It's Joe.
19:09Lorraine's worried about him.
19:12He's not right.
19:15She can't seem to get through to him. He wouldn't even speak to me.
19:18Well, if he's not well, you should be with him.
19:20I don't think Lorraine would approve. She just blames me for everything.
19:23Well, that's understandable.
19:24I mean, it must be difficult for her seeing Joe go through all of this.
19:29Anyway, not your problem.
19:31Of course it's got something to do with me. Joe's a part of your life.
19:38Oh, Carol.
19:40Where did I go wrong?
19:44Please don't go.
19:48I have to go home.
19:50You can't.
19:53I need you.
19:56I love you.
20:03Who's my best little boy, then, eh?
20:05Told you it was going to be all right, didn't I?
20:08Can we just get on with it? Try and live like a normal family?
20:11To the next appointment.
20:12Come on, have you heard what the doctor said? He's doing fine.
20:15We've only got another two appointments to go.
20:17Well, I hope so, Phil.
20:19Listen, do you want to go and get Ian? I'll nip over and seek right now.
20:22Tell him that Ben's OK.
20:23What, before he goes to Paris?
20:26Why didn't you tell me?
20:28There was nothing to tell you. Didn't think it was important.
20:31Bit of a coincidence, though, innit?
20:33We find out Cindy's in Paris,
20:34then suddenly your brother decides to get all romantic and take his girlfriend there.
20:37Do me a favour.
20:38Look, he just wanted to get away for a while and spend some time with Tiffany.
20:43Look, I'm sure while he's there, keep an eye out for Cindy,
20:45but I doubt if he'll find anything out.
20:47She's probably moved on ages ago.
20:50You'd better not mention anything to Ian. He wouldn't want to get his hopes up.
20:53I'm not totally stupid, Phil.
21:01We're off in a minute.
21:03All right?
21:04What? Oh, I'm sorry.
21:06What are you thinking about?
21:08Whether it's worth it, Grant.
21:11This petty feud with David.
21:13It's a family matter.
21:14So why is my son involved?
21:16I'll see you when I get back, all right?
21:18I'll sort out some accommodation while you're away.
21:22There's no need.
21:27I want you to stay.
21:29You know something? It's David you should be worried about, not me.
21:32I don't think you're in any position to put the blame at David's door.
21:35Whatever you think about me, this isn't all my fault.
21:38You know David's trouble. If he hadn't started this business with Cindy...
21:40I know, all right.
21:42But that's in the past. Cindy's gone. David knows he's done wrong.
21:45Anyway, Joe's his main concern now.
21:47Really? I didn't see him an hour to find out how Joe was this morning.
21:50You'd have thought under the circumstances he wouldn't let him out of his sight.
21:53He's been this morning. He's seen him.
21:56Carol Jetson must have kicked him out of bed.
22:01Why don't you ask Bianca all about it?
22:03I'm sure she'll give you the lowdown.
22:05So much for being the caring father, eh?
22:16Hi, love. What are you doing?
22:18I've been looking at the moon.
22:23I've been telling Lucy wherever the boys are, they'll be able to see it too.
22:27I thought it might make her feel better knowing that.
22:29Make her feel closer to me.
22:31That's a lovely thought.
22:35Come on, I'll make us all some supper, eh?
22:38How's Ben?
22:39Oh, he's smashing.
22:40I'm really pleased about that, Mum.
22:42I'm really pleased about that, Mum.
22:44Yeah, the doc says I'm making a good recovery too.
22:47Yeah, you see.
22:48Sometimes things do turn out all right in the end.
22:51That's what I've been telling her.
22:54Yeah, don't you worry.
22:56I'll get your brothers back.
22:58I don't care how long it takes or how much it costs.
23:01I promise you, darling.
23:03I'll get them back.
23:10Hiya, Mum. Had a good time at Aunt Sue's?
23:13You're just in time for tea. There's some left over.
23:16Oh, yeah, brilliant. I'm starving.
23:18So, where's Sonia?
23:20She's staying at Claire's, if that's all right with you.
23:23Yeah, yeah, no problem.
23:25So, um, everything all right?
23:27Yeah, yeah.
23:28Everything's fine.
23:31Just Miss Allen.
23:33Yeah, he called about five minutes ago.
23:34Said he'd tried your Aunt Sue's, but no one answered.
23:36Oh, no, no, he was out shopping most of the day.
23:38I'll get it. I've got to go to work.
23:40I'll see you later, yeah?
23:41All right. See you later, darling.
23:44He's been ringing you since yesterday.
23:46He wants to speak to you.
23:51Oh, hello, love.
23:52Oh, look who's here.
23:54You sure it's true?
23:55Bianca saw him.
23:56Well, she saw Carol at the window of David's flat.
23:58What else would she be doing there?
24:00I thought she hated him.
24:01What's that got to do with it?
24:02What's he think he's playing at?
24:04No, Bianca's going mad.
24:05Yeah, so will Alan be when he finds out.
24:07Yeah, my advice is to stay out of it.
24:09He just can't help himself, can he?
24:12Allow me to cab?
24:13Peggy, our taxi's here.
24:16I hope you have a super time.
24:18Thanks, Mum.
24:20Good luck, yeah?
24:23You'll be all right.
24:25Aren't I always?
24:26Bye, Peggy.
24:27Bye, Peggy.
24:36Bianca, what's the matter?
24:38Do you have to ask?
24:40Why didn't you go to Spain with Alan?
24:42Because I couldn't get time off.
24:43Oh, right.
24:45So you went to Auntie Sue's instead.
24:48Come off it, Mum.
24:49Are you going to tell me where you've been?
24:50I'm sorry?
24:51Where were you last night?
24:54What is all this?
24:55Answer me! Where were you last night?
24:56I was at Auntie Sue's.
24:57No, you weren't!
24:59I saw you at David's.
25:01I just called in on my way.
25:02Don't lie to me!
25:05You slept with him, didn't you?
25:11You did.
25:12Just let me explain.
25:13How could you?
25:14What have you done?
25:19So, are you going to answer that?
25:21No, Blossom, please.
25:22She's over for Vic.
25:23I'll do it, shall I?
25:24No, don't! Just leave it!
25:26What were you thinking of?
25:28You've only been married five minutes!
25:30What about Billy and Sonia?
25:31The only one.
25:32And Alan?
25:33What about Alan?
25:36Look, you answer that flipping phone.
25:39It's probably him right now.
25:40Robbie said he's been phoning on the air every hour, all day!
25:45Can I answer it?
25:53I mean, no wonder he's mixed up.
25:55What sort of a father are you?
25:57I don't know what you're talking about.
25:58You and your stupid, selfish life!
26:00Look, I am doing my best.
26:01All this business with Cindy.
26:03And now you're shacked up with another one!
26:05Oh, yeah, it's all round the square.
26:07I mean, surely you should have known
26:08you can't keep anything a secret round here.
26:10I don't know what you're talking about.
26:12Carol Jackson.
26:14I thought she had better taste.
26:16You just be careful what you say, and I mean it!
26:18You stagger from one woman to the next,
26:20dragging everyone down around you.
26:22Well, you can do what you like, it's none of my business.
26:25But don't you ever, ever get involved with my son again!
26:28What he needs in his life right now is stability.
26:31And he's certainly not going to get that from you,
26:33so keep away from him!
27:26Joe's troubles continue.
27:28We return to classic EastEnders after the break, here on Drama.