Nineties Eastenders (25th December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (25th December 1996)
00:41Happy Christmas, Billy.
00:43Is Daddy here?
00:44No, he's not, love.
00:45But you said he'd be here.
00:46I know I did, but I promised he'd come later.
00:56I reckon we ought to dish up about three
00:58after the Queen's speech.
01:00Sound about right?
01:02Getting late last night, did you?
01:05Uh, yeah, something like that.
01:07Oh, Nigel's a lovely boy.
01:10So, the turkey should go in the oven about eight.
01:13Now, where's that Tiffany?
01:16Oh, Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
01:17Merry Christmas, Mum.
01:23Did you sleep all right?
01:24Fine, you?
01:26Yeah, fine.
01:27Your mum's got the whole day mapped out.
01:29I'm surprised she hasn't got us to synchronise watches.
01:31She will do.
01:32But you know about last night.
01:33Bacon strips.
01:35I'm sorry?
01:36Bacon strips.
01:37Stop the turkey drying out.
01:38Right, have you come to help out, Grant?
01:40Mum, I was...
01:41Good, then the first thing you can do
01:42is help put that turkey in the oven.
01:44There you are.
01:46Yeah, Grant, there's no time for chat.
01:48We've got a turkey to cook.
01:51Oh, don't you just love Christmas?
01:56There's really no need for you to do this, you know, Ruth.
01:58No, no, it's my pleasure.
02:03Um, what are you doing?
02:06Start getting the sprouts ready.
02:07What, no?
02:08They'll need to go on in a little while, won't they?
02:11Well, yeah, but it just seems a bit eerie, that's all.
02:14Well, we don't want it to be like bullets.
02:16Of course not.
02:17But we don't want it to be like baby food either.
02:21Yes, well, I think you'll find that Mark
02:24likes his sprouts tender.
02:26Nothing he can break a filling on.
02:28Everything OK?
02:31I brought you some sherry.
02:32Isn't it a bit early for that?
02:33Come on, Mum, it's Christmas.
02:35Live a little.
02:36Life on the edge, eh?
02:39That's me.
02:42Oh, Mum, brilliant!
02:44What is it?
02:45A mute for me trumpet.
02:46You know, it makes it quieter.
02:47Wouldn't a sock do?
02:49Thank you, darling.
02:51Is Daddy in?
02:52No, but he'll be coming soon, darling, yeah?
02:55He'll come over, he'll have lots of fun, won't we?
02:57He'll play games.
02:58It'll be great, won't it?
03:03Yeah, picked it up from the store.
03:05They are opening and expanding, but the mat's all right.
03:08But Twister?
03:09Get in it.
03:10What am I, a kid?
03:12What am I supposed to do with this?
03:13Robbie, don't be so ungrateful.
03:14Well, last time I looked, she played with it.
03:15We're friends, if you've got any.
03:16I've got loads of friends, actually.
03:17Yeah, inside your head.
03:18We don't just sit around playing Twister.
03:19Maybe you should...
03:21Maybe I don't want to.
03:23Maybe you should thank your sister nicely.
03:24I just thought it'd be a bit of fun.
03:25Hey, hey, stop it, the two of you.
03:26Stop bickering.
03:27Have you seen Billy anywhere?
03:28He's not in his room.
03:29Have you tried the airing cupboard?
03:31Well, it's Billy, Mum, who rhymes.
03:56Cool jacket, mate.
03:57Who did you get that from?
03:59Oh, Martin, you're definitely going to look the business in there.
04:02And here you are.
04:03If you want to know about anything,
04:04there's where you'll find the answer.
04:15This is for me and Mark.
04:17There you go.
04:21A gun.
04:23He'll soon get bored of it, won't he?
04:25Anyway, Mum, the encyclopaedia is going to come in a lot more useful, isn't it?
04:29Paulina, this is for you and Mark.
04:32Oh, for me?
04:33Well, yeah.
04:34It was Ruth's idea.
04:35As soon as she saw it, she said,
04:36that's for Mum.
04:39Oh, a car ticket.
04:42Yeah, well, I didn't think I needed a new one.
04:45What's wrong with my old ones?
04:47Oh, how do I look?
04:48It's lovely, Mum.
04:49Nice and bright.
04:50Do you like it?
04:53Yes, I think I do.
04:56All right!
04:58Look, what are you doing here?
04:59I said I'd be over in half an hour.
05:00Listen, never mind that.
05:01Get some clothes on.
05:02What's the matter?
05:03Billy's gone missing!
05:09We've got an odd number of boys, you know that?
05:12We've got one too many, what with Ted coming,
05:13so we can't go boy-girl-boy-girl.
05:15Does it matter?
05:16Well, no, not really.
05:17I don't know why you're bothering.
05:18I beg your pardon?
05:19I mean, who cares where anybody sits?
05:21I just thought it might be nice, that's all.
05:23I'm surprised you've got the energy to do anything after last night.
05:26Don't start, Grant, OK?
05:28Yes, I went out with my friends last night,
05:30and yes, I know what you think of them,
05:32but no, I don't want to hear it all over again.
05:34That was last night, but now I'm here doing my bit
05:36to make sure this dinner is at least bearable.
05:38Last night Tiffany, today Mrs Mitchell.
05:43Someone's at the door.
05:52Hello, Kath.
05:54Merry Christmas.
05:55I wish you a Merry Christmas.
05:56Hello, mate, nice outfit.
05:57Is there anything I didn't know about you yet?
05:59Go and see how Peggy's doing, eh?
06:00See ya.
06:01Merry Christmas, bruv.
06:02Happy Christmas, mate.
06:03You been OK?
06:05Well, get us a drink and tell me all about it.
06:13Bit early for that, innit?
06:14Things must be bad.
06:16Who said it?
06:18Giddy-up, my dears!
06:33It's, um...
06:34It's funny not being home at Christmas, isn't it?
06:39Yeah, it makes me a bit homesick.
06:42Gets me down sometimes, to be honest.
06:46And, er...
06:47Well, last night...
06:49You know, I got a bit depressed.
06:52I see.
06:53Yeah, and Grant, well, I was talking to him.
06:56Telling him how I was feeling and...
06:59He was just comforting me.
07:03Do you see, there wasn't anything going on or anything, just Grant.
07:07Comforting you.
07:13Caffey's the same.
07:14They like to think they can still do what they want.
07:17But they can't, of course.
07:18It's not just that, though.
07:21No, it's a bit more complicated.
07:23I'm not with you.
07:25Oh, it's Robbie Ted.
07:29I'm sorry, Robbie, I won't be home till later.
07:31No, it's not that. I need help. It's Billy. He's gone missing.
07:41Any idea where he might be, Robbie?
07:43Sorry, Cap, I've already turned half the square round.
07:45Where's Carol now?
07:46She's gone back home, you know, just in case.
07:48Yeah, that's all right.
07:49Cap, Lorraine, do you want to go and look round her port cabin?
07:51You never know, he might be there.
07:52Yeah, of course. Come on, Joe.
07:53Look, I'll go and look everywhere, you all right?
07:55Yeah, all right.
07:59Come on, if you're hiding, come out.
08:05Yeah, boy.
08:06Ah, it's over.
08:07Ah, it's over.
08:26Oh, hello, darling.
08:27Yeah, I found this bloke, Lorraine, outside.
08:29Thought I'd bring him in.
08:30Oh, hello, Joe. Come in.
08:32Merry Christmas, Peggy.
08:33I, er...
08:34brought you these for, um...
08:36proud of me.
08:37Oh, they're lovely.
08:38That's very sweet of you.
08:40It's an hour's notice.
08:44So, where is everyone?
08:45I thought this joint would be jumping by now.
08:47Haven't you heard?
08:49Oh, one of the kids gone missing.
08:50Coward Jackson's littlers.
08:52Well, shouldn't we go and help if everyone's...
08:54No, please stay.
08:55I mean, they've got most of the square, Lucky.
08:57Why don't you boys keep me company here?
09:04Oh, it's you.
09:07Got any news?
09:10We've looked in the playground.
09:12He's got to be somewhere, hasn't he?
09:13Yeah, we were looking everywhere.
09:14Yeah, but you haven't looked hard enough, though, have you?
09:16Maybe you should go and look, too, if you can do better.
09:18Someone's got to be here if Billy came back.
09:19It wouldn't be much good if he came back to an extra house.
09:21Yeah, all right, all right, it's just a suggestion.
09:22That's a stupid thing to say!
09:23Well, don't take it out on me!
09:24Why not?
09:25I think you're a really good person to take it out on!
09:27It's not my fault.
09:28What's there to say in that?
09:29It would make it easier, though, wouldn't it,
09:30if all this was down to me?
09:31But, see, it wasn't me who made promises I couldn't keep.
09:34Promises to Billy, promises to me!
09:37So go ahead, make out it's all my fault,
09:39because it's never yours, is it?
09:41Shut up, Alan!
09:42Do you want to know whose fault this is?
09:43This is our fault!
09:47I've never hurt Billy.
09:49You knew what you was doing as much as I did.
09:51Yeah, we're adults, Alan,
09:52and when we do things, we have to cope with the consequences.
09:56You and Frankie, me and David,
09:59you moving out of here, consequences!
10:01You're being ridiculous!
10:03Frankie's got nothing to do with Billy!
10:05Come on, Alan.
10:06I mean, unless you want to, you do not live in a vacuum!
10:09What you do affects things!
10:11This, this, the entire square,
10:14giving up their Christmas to look for our son!
10:17This is the effect of our behaviour!
10:20You know, you make out I'm just blaming you,
10:22but this is our fault!
10:23This is our mess, all of it!
10:25You're wrong!
10:27I would never hurt Billy!
10:28You'd better pray to God that he is going to be OK!
10:35Just go away, Alan.
10:37You need to figure this out on your own.
10:40Fine. I'm going to go and join the others.
10:49I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about this.
10:51They've got to be around here somewhere.
10:53Perhaps we should head back. Maybe the others will have more luck.
10:56Nigel, listen.
11:03Dog barks
11:08Dog barks
11:17Dog barks
11:25Dog barks
11:30I'm just saying, watch it, that's all.
11:32And what am I supposed to do, eh?
11:33And Grant's got a lot on his plate at the moment,
11:35and he wanted to talk.
11:36Besides, it was just one drink.
11:38Yeah, well, top it up enough times,
11:40you can't make one drink last all day.
11:41Your point being?
11:42Phil, look, I don't want to fight,
11:44and I know it's Christmas and everything,
11:46but, well, it would be nice if you were still on your feet
11:48at the end of the day.
11:49Yeah, you're right.
11:51It's Christmas, and I don't want to fight either.
11:53So if I decide it would be nice to have one drink
11:56or 20 drinks with my brother,
11:58then today, of all days, that's what I'm going to do.
12:01Well, now, shall we look for this kid or what?
12:10Who's it?
12:11It's me, Carol.
12:14What's happened to me?
12:16There's someone to see you.
12:19Oh, thank God!
12:21Thank God!
12:23He was in a derelict building.
12:25Claire found him, he was just sitting there.
12:28I can't...
12:33There you go, bruv.
12:39What is his problem, eh?
12:40I mean, he's a moody sod, him, sometimes, isn't he?
12:42No idea. Who knows what he's thinking?
12:44It's a bit harsh, isn't it, Phil?
12:46Can't all be sweetness and light, can we?
12:49Well, the way I look at it, Ted,
12:51what I say to my brother is our business.
12:53Do you know what I mean?
12:55But since you asked, I think that moody sod is just about right.
12:59So, Ted, Kelly tells me you're on your own today.
13:02That's right.
13:03Rafty, get rid of the kids, come over here for a good time, eh?
13:06Something like that.
13:08You know Grant pretty well, don't you?
13:10Yeah, I don't know about that.
13:12Does he ever do things that you can't explain?
13:14Yeah, all the time.
13:16Bad things?
13:18Grant, bad? Are you kidding me?
13:21There are days when sometimes I swear somewhere on him
13:23he's got that 666 mark.
13:26Right, here we go then, team. Food's here.
13:29And red cabbage.
13:31Oh, no, not red cabbage.
13:33She knows I hate red cabbage.
13:38Before we start, and now we're all here,
13:40I've got a small announcement to make.
13:42Last night I asked Peggy to be my wife.
13:46You don't know how happy it makes me to tell you that she said yes.
13:53Oh, brilliant.
13:56Did you know about this?
14:01Relax, I know what I'm doing.
14:04So does your mum.
14:10He doesn't seem to have suffered at all.
14:12I know, and I don't think he thinks anything much happened.
14:16Can I stay?
14:18I'm a young dad.
14:20Of course you can.
14:22I don't think Billy would let you go anyway, would you?
14:25Calm, son. We'll see what the others are doing, eh?
14:28There you go.
14:32Well, it's refreshing to see family and friends all round the table.
14:35That's right, darling.
14:37If you haven't got family, you've got nothing.
14:39Family's important. Isn't that right?
14:42It's all right, isn't it?
14:44Very nice.
14:46Hey, Grant, is this room at room temperature?
14:48Haven't you had enough?
14:49Not yet, no.
14:51It's all very quiet. Is this your first Christmas away from home?
14:54Um, yeah.
14:56It must be a bit strange.
14:58Don't believe what you've heard about us down here.
15:00We're not all monsters.
15:03Tiffany, you haven't got any wine. Where's your glass?
15:05She's not drinking.
15:06Surely one's OK.
15:08Thank you, George. I'd love a glass.
15:12Grant, why don't you carve?
15:16No! Mum, don't let him!
15:18What is his problem?
15:20Joe, what are you drinking?
15:22Whatever you're having, I'll have some of that.
15:24Joe, it's all right. It's only Grant.
15:26If you're looking for the black mass,
15:28the next one's at six o'clock, up on the allotments.
15:30This isn't funny.
15:31I'm kidding. It's hilarious.
15:32For God's sake, Phil, shut up.
15:33You think my son being ill is funny?
15:35All right, all right. I'm sorry.
15:36Did you see me laughing when Ben was ill?
15:38Phil, watch what you say.
15:40Mum, it was a joke, honest. Where's your sense of humour?
15:42Grant being the devil, that's funny, isn't it?
15:44You heard Peggy, Phil.
15:45Oh, give it a rest, will you, Kathy?
15:47That's it. I've had enough.
15:48How about you trying to make me, eh?
15:50Phil, take it easy. You've had enough to drink.
15:52Why don't you concentrate on your missus and leave me alone, yeah?
15:58Tiffany's Grant's wife, right?
16:00Why was he kissing my mum?
16:04We were under the mistletoe.
16:05No, you weren't.
16:06Yes, we were. It was a Christmas kiss.
16:08No, you weren't. Mum said you were comforting her.
16:10She didn't say anything about a Christmas kiss.
16:14He's mistaken, Mum.
16:16Well, we'll put it past you.
16:18You probably really fancy the idea of having two of us under one roof.
16:22I don't think you should be drinking, neither.
16:24Oh, don't you?
16:25George, give us another glass of wine.
16:27I need a top-up.
16:28I told you.
16:29Mum, it's all right. I can handle this.
16:30I don't believe this.
16:31That's my grant charge you're carrying.
16:34Peggy's right, though.
16:35Oh, don't you start.
16:36Oi, Mum.
16:37Do you mind? That's my wife you're talking to.
16:38Are you satisfied?
16:39What have I done?
16:40If you hadn't been so idiotic.
16:41Oh, rubbish, just having a laugh.
16:42Actually, I don't know what I'm doing here.
16:45Mum, make them stop, please.
16:46Oh, hello.
16:47Time for the big injection.
16:48Look, why don't you shut it?
16:49Phil, you're out of order.
16:50Oh, what, have I touched your nerve, have I?
16:51Well, shut up!
16:52All of you!
16:58Well, that was good.
16:59We must do it again sometime, in the next century, perhaps.
17:01Where are you going?
17:02I'm going to go and see Simon.
17:03You're right.
17:04Even if you fail, he's important.
17:05And if anybody wants me, I'll be with mine.
17:07Tiffany, sit down!
17:08No, Grant.
17:09Christmas is meant to be fun, and this...
17:10Well, this came nowhere near it.
17:15Here you go.
17:18This way.
17:19Come on.
17:20This way.
17:22Sorry we're late.
17:23Have we missed anything?
17:25Yeah, in some derelict building, apparently, Mum.
17:27Nobody's got a clue why he ran off like that.
17:29They're a funny lot, those Jacksons.
17:36You know that Dad used to say a few words about now?
17:40Well, I don't know, it just...
17:42It just seems right if...
17:44If I can say something, if you don't mind.
17:48Well, a lot's happened to us this year, hasn't it?
17:50There were times when I wondered where we'd be at Christmas, but...
17:54Well, we're still here.
17:56We're still together.
17:58And that makes me feel...
18:00Makes me feel really proud, and...
18:02I think that Dad would be really proud of us, so...
18:05Put your glasses up.
18:07I'd like to propose a toast.
18:09Just like Dad did every Christmas.
18:14Wherever he is...
18:16I know he'd say the same thing.
18:19To us.
18:20To us.
18:22We deserve it.
18:27I'll best be heading back, Peggy.
18:29Thanks again for having me.
18:30Oh, my pleasure, Ted.
18:32Cheers, everyone.
18:36Cheers, everyone.
18:39It's not the end of the world, you know.
18:42All over the country, there are thousands saying they'll never have a family Christmas again.
18:46You're probably right.
18:48Honey, maybe this isn't about this afternoon.
18:50What do you mean?
18:51You put up a pretty good act, but I could tell when me and Ted arrived this morning that something was up.
18:56And that was way before everything else.
18:59Maybe I'm a bit worried about Grant and Tiffany.
19:02But nothing else.
19:04Cross my heart and hope to...
19:09Yeah, well...
19:10I ought to be going, too.
19:12You'll have to open up soon, won't you?
19:14Grant can tidy up.
19:16I thought I'd pop out for an hour.
19:18See a few people.
19:19Wish him a happy Christmas.
19:20Fair enough.
19:21I'll call you later.
19:25I'm fine.
19:56Still, I'm glad you came.
19:58Yeah, when I thought about it, you were right.
20:00I mean, it's Lucy's Christmas as well, isn't it?
20:02It's not fair on her.
20:03It's not fair on either of you.
20:13Happy Christmas, love.
20:14Yeah, and you, Mum.
20:17Come on, show Mummy what we've got.
20:20Joe, where are you going?
20:23Well, I'll come with you.
20:24No, look, Mum, it's all right. I just want to be on my own.
20:27I just want to get out, that's all.
20:29I'll see you later.
20:31Oh, Becky.
20:33What do you want?
20:35I just wanted to wish you a happy Christmas.
20:38So, happy Christmas.
20:40And to you.
20:42Is, um, Mark in?
20:46I... I would really like to talk to him.
20:49I'd be surprised if he'd want to talk to you.
20:51Please, Pauline.
20:53Mark, I'd like to talk, please.
20:56It's OK, Mum.
20:58It's OK, Mum.
21:00You'd better come in.
21:04In pride.
21:10Pay no attention, Ricky.
21:11I think a hairdryer's a very useful present.
21:13I feel a bit nervous.
21:14It's not exactly romantic, is it?
21:15It's better than a kettle, isn't it?
21:18Here you go.
21:26I'm taking over, am I?
21:28Nice and locked, aren't they?
21:31You know, I never thought that I'd hear myself say this.
21:34I'm having quite a good time.
21:36I think Alan's a toad.
21:38Him being here, you know, I've forgotten.
21:40It feels complete.
21:42Now that Joe's gone back to the bitch, I think...
21:44Oh, no, no, no, one separate attorney.
21:48Amongst other things, I wanted to apologise to you.
21:51Oh, yeah?
21:52I said some terrible things.
21:54Yes, you did.
21:55I shouldn't have done that.
21:56Damn right you shouldn't have.
21:57Have you got any idea what it's like to be like this?
22:00I didn't even know.
22:02It's bad enough being HIV without somebody telling you it's your fault.
22:06I mean, you wouldn't blame someone with heart disease, would you?
22:08No, you wouldn't.
22:10I'm sorry, Mark.
22:12Really, I am.
22:15Can I ask you something?
22:17If you like.
22:19That night in the pub, when you told everyone that you were...
22:22HIV positive.
22:25You said there wasn't a day that goes by when you don't think about it.
22:29That's right.
22:31So how do you cope?
22:32How do you get through the day?
22:34You learn.
22:35Aren't you scared?
22:36All the time.
22:37So how do...
22:38I go to a counsellor.
22:40And we talk.
22:41We talk about this and we talk about that.
22:43You can't bottle it up, you see.
22:45But you've got to talk.
22:47To your friends, if you're lucky.
22:48Your family, for certain.
22:50But you can't pretend it doesn't happen again, can you?
22:52Well, I tried to at first.
22:54Everyone does.
22:55It's only natural.
22:57But you waste so much time that way.
23:00And time's so precious, isn't it?
23:02So you learn.
23:05You learn to enjoy now, because the future's already taken care of.
23:09You learn to make the best of what you've got.
23:12Well, that's all any of us can do, really, when you think about it.
23:16I see.
23:21Why did you...
23:23I don't understand.
23:25Why did you come over here?
23:28I have cancer, Mark.
23:32Has everybody gone?
23:34Yeah, Phil and Kathy just left.
23:36Mum's coming back later to open up.
23:38She's doing one of her first drinks on the house routine.
23:41You'll be bedlam.
23:43Look, can I come in?
23:45Yeah, sure.
23:49Someday, eh?
23:51Where's John?
23:53He needed to get out, clear his head.
23:56I've got to go.
23:58He needed to get out, clear his head.
24:01Is he OK? I mean, after all the stuff at dinner?
24:03Well, he says he's fine.
24:05You know, sometimes I suppose he just overreacts.
24:08And what about you?
24:10Me? Oh, I'm all right.
24:12What about Tiffany?
24:14What about her?
24:16I mean, aren't you going to go and get her?
24:19Shouldn't you?
24:21She'll be at her brother's. It's probably the best place for her.
24:24You can't leave it like this.
24:26Yes, I can.
24:28I don't want to think about Tiffany.
24:30Or Christmas.
24:32Or anything else.
24:34Grant, don't.
24:36Being here with you,
24:38that's all that matters.
24:52Close the door.
24:56Close the door.
25:04I won't know if they've got it all for a little while,
25:07but I keep thinking... I know, I know.
25:09But that doesn't help.
25:11Think about what you know, not worry about what you don't.
25:14And that means telling yourself you called it early.
25:16And that's good.
25:18Thanks, Mark.
25:20And don't keep it a secret.
25:22That don't help either.
25:24Make an announcement in the thick?
25:26I don't know. It breaks the ice.
25:28Mark, I'm sorry.
25:30All I'm saying is don't keep it to yourself.
25:33It's part of your life.
25:35Own it.
25:37It's yours.
25:39Well, I should be going.
25:41Open up.
25:43Will you be coming in later?
25:45I don't think so. I'd better stay with Mum, you know.
25:47Oh. OK.
25:52Thanks, Mark.
25:54My leg up.
25:57Chats one day.
25:59No, no, I'm fine, thanks.
26:01Don't you have to get back?
26:03What, Christmas night at the Vic? No, thanks.
26:05I'm sure they can get by without me.
26:07Must be nice to have a place to run to whenever you want it.
26:09Yeah, well, you should know.
26:11What about Grant?
26:13Listen, he knows where I am.
26:15I'm having a very nice time here, thank you very much.
26:17What I need's another bag of crisps.
26:19What I don't need is Grant in one of his moods
26:21and a hand with a face like a bulldog sucking a lemon.
26:23Here you are.
26:25Oh, cheers.
26:27You OK?
26:35We should go downstairs.
26:37No way.
26:39He'll be wondering where we are.
26:41I really care about you.
26:43I think I...
26:45No, you mustn't say that.
26:47It's the truth.
26:49I need to know.
26:51Whatever happens, I need to know.
26:53Do you feel the same?
26:55Please, Grant, we shouldn't.
26:57Do you?
27:09Lovejoy tricks Lady Jane
27:11into taking part
27:13in an illegal bidding ring.
27:15Lovejoy's at 4.20.
27:17Your soldier is next.