Nineties Eastenders (30th December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (30th December 1996)
00:30Are you sure about this?
00:32I mean, you never used to like it when you were at home.
00:34Yeah, I know. I just woke up in the middle of the night with some craving for it.
00:38Right, might as well have some porridge if you want some.
00:40Porridge? You could have more paper with that stuff.
00:42Hey, watch it, you.
00:43Could do with some sugar.
00:47Need tea in that pot?
00:48Yeah, I'll pour you one.
00:50Morning, Oliver.
00:52Where are you going?
00:53Well, we've got a delivery coming.
00:54Just a minute. I want a word with you all together.
00:56Tomorrow is New Year's Eve.
00:58Now, I've thought it over and decided we're going to throw a party in the Vic.
01:01Nothing sets up a good year like a good party, and that's exactly what we're going to have.
01:04Oh, wonderful. Just like Christmas.
01:08I've put the disaster of Christmas behind me.
01:10Now, this is going to be a good party full of happy, smiling faces.
01:13And so help me, if I find anyone not smiling...
01:15Mum, don't you think you've left it a bit late? I mean, it's New Year's Eve tomorrow.
01:18Which is why I'm telling you now, we need to tell everyone.
01:20We need to organise food, music, decorations.
01:23So, volunteers, please.
01:24Who wants to organise what?
01:27Sanjay's going to kill me.
01:33Oh, sorry.
01:35Do you want me to pour some of this in you, yeah?
01:37Don't bother.
01:38I'll see you later.
01:39Yeah, see you.
01:41Have a nice day at the office, darling.
01:43What's that supposed to mean?
01:54I was just ringing you.
01:56I'm sorry I overslept.
01:58Oh, right.
01:59Can you hang on for a few minutes?
02:01What was that?
02:02I just thought we might have a quick chat.
02:04Gran, I've been here all night.
02:06Just a few minutes.
02:07I'll pour us a cup of tea.
02:09Later, then.
02:13If your mother wants a fair party, then it's up to her, Grant.
02:15You can't stop her.
02:16She's supposed to be resting, not running around trying to organise her knees up.
02:19You heard what she said.
02:20She's only doing this to make up for Christmas.
02:22Christmas wasn't all my fault, was it?
02:24I mean, your brother wasn't exactly the perfect little angel.
02:26Look, I'm not blaming you.
02:27I'm just saying we should do all we can to take the pressure off her.
02:30I don't know why she's bothering.
02:31Fine, don't help me.
02:32I didn't say I wouldn't.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:37It's all right. I'll beg her downstairs.
02:41I didn't mean to interrupt.
02:43No, no, it's all right.
02:55What are you drawing?
02:57Peggy just asked me to draw some posters for the party.
02:59Oh, can I see?
03:03Maybe later, eh?
03:05Who's the card from?
03:10Well, what does it say?
03:12Dear Jo, have a good Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Love, Dad.
03:15Well, at least he remembered.
03:17Yeah, didn't leave an address, though, did he?
03:19Well, would you want to see him if he did?
03:21But he didn't.
03:23If he wanted to see me, he would have said so.
03:25Jo, it doesn't mean he wouldn't want to see you.
03:28Don't care. I wouldn't go anywhere.
03:30I like living here.
03:39You sure one's gonna be enough?
03:41It's just milk, Simon.
03:42He only did it to wine me over.
03:44Look, the more you rise to it, the more he's gonna do it.
03:46Just do what I do, yeah? Ignore it.
03:48Yeah, well, that's your solution to everything, innit?
03:50Just ignore it and it'll go away.
03:54You all right there?
03:59You know what we need?
04:01A great big banner saying,
04:03Welcome, 1997.
04:05Right across there. That'll do it.
04:07Let's just keep it simple, eh?
04:09A few bowls of peanuts, a DJ and old Enzyme.
04:11That's what people around here want.
04:13What do you think, Tiffany?
04:14Peggy, I'm not being funny, but don't you think people
04:16want to go over to the Cobra Club come midnight?
04:19I mean, I know we've got an extension, but the club's gonna be open later,
04:21so everybody's gonna want to go over there, ain't they?
04:23Not everyone wants loud music and funny lights.
04:25I can't see the likes of Ethel and Nellie
04:27over at the Cobra Club, can you?
04:29Well, then again, why should you worry?
04:30This time next year, you'll be married to George,
04:32you can have your finger in both pies.
04:34I'm not marrying because it makes good business sense.
04:36Well, people get married for this.
04:38Oh. Anyone in mind?
04:42Are you two all right?
04:43Yeah, I suppose so.
04:45I don't know why he bothered dragging me back here, Peggy.
04:47He makes all these big promises about how he wants things to work out
04:50and then he just carries on like before.
04:52He is trying.
04:53Is he? It doesn't seem like it.
04:55Do you know what I feel like?
04:57One of those chocolate eggs with a surprise toy inside.
05:00Only Grant just wants a toy.
05:09I'm sorry, Kathy.
05:11Are you all right?
05:12Yeah, I'm fine. I'm really sorry.
05:14I thought I was miles away.
05:16What can I get you, Nigel?
05:17Tea, thanks.
05:19Look, why don't you take a break, eh?
05:21No, I'm fine, really.
05:23Oh, go on, I'll take over.
05:24Are you sure?
05:25Well, I might be a bit rusted.
05:27I'm sure I can manage.
05:29Thanks, Kath. I won't be long.
05:34I'm just getting these out of the way.
05:40Look, this obviously isn't working out, is it?
05:43What do you mean?
05:44Me, living here, I'm just getting in the way.
05:46No, you're not.
05:47Well, I think it'd be better for Joe and I to move out.
05:49But you live here, you've got a job here.
05:51It would be better for Joe.
05:52Joe's all right here, isn't he?
05:53But this is impossible.
05:55Can't you see that?
05:57Rob? Are you in here?
06:01What are you two creeping around out here for?
06:03She was just bringing out some empties, that's all.
06:05I've just been talking to Tiffany.
06:07Oh, yeah, and what have I done wrong now?
06:09We were just talking.
06:11Eh, discussing my good points, were you?
06:13You've got to make more of an effort, Grant.
06:15If you're not getting along, then you've got to do something about it.
06:18I am.
06:19Well, what?
06:20Happy marriages just don't fall out of the sky.
06:22I never said they did.
06:23Do you want this marriage to work?
06:28Then do something about it.
06:30I don't know what to do, Mum.
06:32Every time I try and talk to her, I just end up rowing.
06:34I don't know what she wants from me.
06:36Well, I'll tell you what she wants.
06:38One word. Romance.
06:41Like the rest of the planet, she wants to feel wanted.
06:43And not just because she's carrying your child.
06:46Spend a little time with her.
06:48Take her out somewhere.
06:50Yeah, OK.
06:58Disgusting, isn't it?
07:00Someone should clear this up.
07:01Self-hazard, that's what it is.
07:02It's a perfect breeding ground for rats.
07:04Oi, don't you go touching it.
07:05It's not your rubbish.
07:07Just head straight through the marketing determinant,
07:09and there's one every 20 minutes, all right?
07:13You looking for Alan?
07:14No, no, no, it's all right. I'll talk to him later.
07:18What's all this?
07:20Looks to me like something's got into the rubbish bags.
07:22What do you say, you?
07:23Yeah, it looks that way.
07:24Probably a dog.
07:25Yeah, well, it's your rubbish.
07:26But it wasn't our dog.
07:27Look, they're not going to collect it like this.
07:28It's just going to get kicked all over the square.
07:30I'll tell you what.
07:31Why don't you leave it to us?
07:33All right, well, just make sure you clear it up.
07:35Do you ever get the feeling that Ian doesn't like us?
07:38It's the only reason I get up in the morning.
07:417.30 for two.
07:44Great, thanks.
07:47You all right, Joe?
07:48Yeah, I'm just going for a walk.
07:50Well, does your mum know where you're going?
07:52Um, I don't know.
07:54Well, I heard your friend's doing a couple of jobs for me instead, eh?
07:59Well, I'll pay you.
08:01What, a job?
08:02Yeah, a job.
08:03All right.
08:04Well, you go through to the backyard,
08:05and I'll be along in a minute to show you what he's doing, all right?
08:07All right, great.
08:11Right, you and me, 7.30.
08:13What about it?
08:14I'm taking you out for dinner. It's all booked.
08:15Maybe I didn't want to go out for a meal.
08:17Fine, I'll cancel it.
08:18No, you should have asked me.
08:20I just thought you might like a night away from this place.
08:22No, listen, leave it. I'd love to go.
08:24You sure?
08:25I mean, we could always do something else.
08:27No, a restaurant sounds good.
08:29You ever been talking to your mum by any chance, have you?
08:39How are you?
08:40I'm all right.
08:41And how about you?
08:42Cold enough out here for you?
08:43You'll get used to it.
08:44Listen, I wanted to ask you something.
08:46New Year's Eve, what are you up to?
08:48I'm not sure yet. Why?
08:50Oh, we're throwing a party in the Vic.
08:52Food, music, the old works.
08:54I'd really like it if you could make it.
08:57Sounds good.
08:58Good. I'll see you there.
09:00Oh, and tell Paul and Ruth, of course.
09:03All right?
09:06Peggy's just invited us over to the Vic for New Year's Eve.
09:09Why? What's going on?
09:10Well, she's throwing a party.
09:11Sounds like it might be a pretty good boo.
09:13Do you want to go then?
09:15I think we should.
09:16Yeah, definitely.
09:17Listen, I just popped home and there's a message on the answering machine for Michelle.
09:20What, did you tell Mum?
09:21Well, no, she was asking for you, so I had to give her a call.
09:25Can you hand some towels with us, Carol?
09:26Yeah, yeah, leave them with me.
09:27Yeah, good.
09:28What are you doing tomorrow night?
09:30New Year's Eve?
09:31Don't know, haven't thought about it.
09:33Party at the Vic. It's got to be a night to remember.
09:35Will you come?
09:36Well, I'll try.
09:38That's a yes.
09:39And spread the word, the more the merrier.
09:41We'll see you in the new year with a bang.
09:43You mark my words.
09:48I've just been looking for you.
09:50How do you fancy some lunch?
09:51Sorry, darling, but I've got a million and one things to do today.
09:54No, you haven't.
09:55You're supposed to be resting, and I'm here to fuss over you.
09:58I love it when you get tough.
10:00All right, what are you up to?
10:02Just going to put a little wager on horse.
10:04In return.
10:05In return.
10:06Lucky Dan, it's called.
10:07Far too coincidental to let it slide, eh?
10:09How much you putting on?
10:10Watch your tone.
10:11If it misses on your case, again.
10:16You coming?
10:17Yeah, I'll catch you up, yeah?
10:20I told you, just ignore it.
10:22I can't.
10:23That idiot just winds me up too much.
10:25Doesn't it bother you at all?
10:26No, cos I know he's harmless.
10:28Have you spoken to him about the rent yet?
10:30This so-called £50 a week.
10:31I mean, he's flush enough to gamble money on horses, after all.
10:34Yeah, I will.
10:35Look, just forget about him, yeah?
10:37What do you fancy doing tonight?
10:39Oh, apart from sitting around listening to Dan cracking jokes at my expense.
10:42What if I get him out of the way?
10:44Oh, I don't know.
10:45I'll ask him to go out somewhere.
10:47Is that flat?
10:49See you.
10:53How is she?
10:54Yeah, she's fine.
10:55Mark Junior, little Vicky.
10:56All doing well.
10:57What does she want?
10:58She wants us to go out there and visit, doesn't she?
11:01Yeah, on holiday.
11:02Then you won't hurt the best of it.
11:03Yeah, fair.
11:04Well, what did you say?
11:05Well, I said I'd talk to you first.
11:07Have you seen what they're doing to your property?
11:10Hugh and Lenny, the neighbours from Hilton.
11:11There's rubbish spilling out all over the streets.
11:13What, do you want us to talk to them?
11:15Look, I'm not kidding, Mark.
11:16I'm beginning to lose my patience.
11:17Someone has to do something.
11:22I was thinking, er, maybe I could take Billy to the zoo, if that's all right?
11:25Of course it is.
11:26You don't have to ask my permission, Alan.
11:27I just didn't know what was going on.
11:29No, it'll be fine. He'll love it.
11:30OK, then.
11:31We won't be late.
11:33What are you doing near his eve?
11:35I don't know.
11:36I'll see what Hugh and Lenny up to, I suppose.
11:38All right, yeah, of course.
11:44Promise me you won't take this the long way.
11:46Why? What is it?
11:47Just promise.
11:48I can't promise until I know what you're going to say.
11:51I think we should hold back on the wedding for a bit.
11:54You know.
11:55It's not that I don't want to marry you, I do.
11:58I just want to get everything else out of the way first.
12:01What do you mean?
12:02Everything's very uncertain at the moment.
12:04With the Oedo therapy coming up.
12:06You're going to be OK.
12:08I'm scared.
12:10Come here.
12:12Of course you're scared.
12:14But you're going to be fine.
12:15There are a lot of people who want to help you through it.
12:18And nobody more than me.
12:21Don't mean it, Peggy.
12:22I'm going to be there.
12:24You know, when I marry you, I want it to be right.
12:29I want to be worrying about how the dress looks
12:31and who to invite to the reception.
12:33Stuff like that.
12:35Do you understand?
12:36Of course I do.
12:38I'm not going to rush you into anything.
12:40If you want to wait, that's what I want to.
12:46I'm sorry about earlier.
12:47I was just tired.
12:48I'm surprised you can sleep at all living over there.
12:50Party's all weekend, was it?
12:52How do you know about that?
12:53I bumped into some of your guests leaving this morning.
12:56Nice-looking girls.
12:58Oh, right.
12:59Lenny's friends.
13:01We're just friends, that's all.
13:03You might want to be a bit more careful about how it looks.
13:05Because somebody might put two and two together
13:07and come up with five.
13:09This is a lecture.
13:10It's about time somebody tried getting through to you.
13:13Look, Gran, you're not going to make me feel guilty
13:15for something that I haven't done.
13:16Alan, sooner or later, you're going to have to come home.
13:19Am I?
13:21I'll see you later.
13:24The other ones.
13:25Get some tomato juice and all.
13:28Erm, thanks.
13:29What for?
13:30Keeping it busy.
13:31Ah, he's a good worker.
13:34Where have you been, Mum?
13:35You're supposed to be taking it easy.
13:36That's what I said.
13:37I was only in the square.
13:38I was worried about you.
13:39I didn't know where you were.
13:40Well, she's doing nothing for the rest of the afternoon.
13:42I'll take her upstairs and fix her some lunch.
13:44Why don't you stop fussing over me?
13:46There you go, Gran.
13:48I see you did.
13:49I've done my job.
13:50Well, he's the older, though.
13:51You'd better not be risking my license, Gran.
13:53All he's doing is clearing out the stockroom
13:55and helping out with the lunches, that's all.
13:57Are you sure about this?
13:59Well, you might be glad of him tonight,
14:00cos I'm taking Tiffany out for dinner.
14:02I've booked a restaurant.
14:03Oh, you're romantic.
14:04I'll get Tracy into cover.
14:06I'll see you in a minute, yeah?
14:08Yeah, what's going on?
14:10You and Tracy, you're working the bar tonight.
14:12Grant's taking Tiffany out for the evening.
14:14Just the two of them.
14:15Oh, right.
14:18Hello, all.
14:21All right, Alan?
14:22What are you doing here?
14:23I've come to take Billy to the zoo.
14:25Want to come?
14:26I'm a bit too old for the zoo, Alan.
14:27Well, I'll buy you an ice cream.
14:29What about Robbie?
14:30Do you think he'd want to come as well?
14:31That's a bit dangerous, isn't it?
14:32If Robbie goes to the zoo,
14:33they might not let him out again.
14:35Well, come on, get your coats.
14:36We're out of here.
14:37Come, Billy.
14:39Where's your coat?
14:51All right?
14:54Where is he?
14:55Who, Dan?
14:56Yeah, Dan, the permanent fixture.
14:58I told you I'd get him out of the way tonight, didn't I?
15:01How'd you manage that?
15:02I just asked him.
15:06Look, I'm sorry about earlier.
15:09You were right.
15:10I shouldn't let things get to me.
15:11I'm always right, aren't I?
15:13Yeah, yeah, of course you are.
15:15Hey, can you hear that?
15:18Quick peace and quiet.
15:20The sound of no Dan Zappieri.
15:26Oh, very smart.
15:30Where you taking her?
15:31Somewhere nice.
15:33I don't know about nice.
15:34Sure, it'd be lovely.
15:36So has George gone home?
15:38What was your afternoon like?
15:40We had a little chat,
15:41and we've both agreed on a long engagement.
15:45Well, good, I wouldn't want to see you rushing into it.
15:47I'm not rushing anything.
15:49But that doesn't mean anything's changed.
15:51I'm still marrying George.
15:57Did Alan say what time he'd have him back?
15:59Oh, he didn't.
16:01But I wouldn't worry.
16:02They're probably having a great time.
16:04Oh, I'm sure.
16:05But in the meanwhile,
16:06I've got to rearrange my meal times around Alan's schedule.
16:08Oh, he's bound to want to spend some time with them, Carol.
16:11Oh, sure, when it suits him.
16:12And then he can skip across the road to his mates.
16:14Look, I'm furious with him myself,
16:16but Alan's a family man.
16:17He always has been and always will be.
16:19He'll come to his senses.
16:21Why should he?
16:22He's got the best of both worlds now, hasn't he?
16:30Nearly done.
16:31I'll take your time.
16:34You look great.
16:36Are you feeling OK?
16:38I just look a bit tired, but I'll be all right.
16:40Well, if you're not up to it, we could always...
16:41No, no, no, I want to go.
16:45You back then?
16:46Looks like you brought the zoo back with you.
16:48Good time.
16:49Oh, Mum, it was brilliant.
16:50You should have been there.
16:51I didn't think you were going to keep them out so late.
16:52Yeah, I'm sorry.
16:53It wasn't Alan's fault, Mum.
16:54Billy wandered off in the aquarium.
16:55Well, weren't you watching him?
16:56Of course I was.
16:57Right, you two, wash your hands.
16:58Let's get your bread.
17:00Er, they've already eaten, Carol.
17:02Oh, well, let's throw this lot into the bin, then, shall we?
17:04I'd better get back to the camp.
17:06Yeah, of course.
17:07Thanks, Alan.
17:08See you later.
17:15So, how's it going?
17:17What do you think?
17:18Oh, yeah, that's wonderful.
17:21Do you mean that?
17:22Of course I do.
17:23Throw in a few more colours, then we can stick one on each door.
17:28You're a joke.
17:29Quite the artist.
17:30Look at that.
17:31Oh, yeah.
17:32That's really good.
17:33Did you get that from you?
17:35I can't even draw stick men.
17:36Right, then, that's the posters, and you and Tiffany can see to the food.
17:38Now, what else?
17:39Oh, music.
17:40Who do we know can do the music?
17:42Well, why don't you ask Nigel?
17:44Of course.
17:45Nigel, do you know who can get to do the music?
17:47Oh, no, I'm only teasing, love.
17:50Are you up for it?
17:51I want good happy tunes, mind, something that people can dance to.
17:54Leave it to me, Mrs M.
17:57New Year's already.
17:58I suppose I'd better find something to give up.
18:00It's a tradition for me.
18:01At the stroke of midnight, I give up something for a whole 12 hours.
18:04So, what's it going to be this year?
18:06I don't know.
18:07My problem is I'm a man of very few vices,
18:09so every New Year's it's a bit of a struggle to find something.
18:12Well, what about beer?
18:13No, you're just being silly.
18:17Grant's in a suit.
18:18Didn't know he had a court appearance.
18:19Very funny.
18:20Actually, he's taking me out for a posh meal, if you must know.
18:22Ah, anywhere nice?
18:23Don't know, somewhere French.
18:25Well, take a look at you two.
18:27You look terrific, darling.
18:29Oh, thanks, Peggy.
18:30Does she look beautiful, Grant?
18:31Yeah, of course she does.
18:32Right, we'd better go.
18:33Table's booked.
18:34Well, I hope you have a wonderful evening.
18:37Enjoy yourselves.
18:39We will.
18:49What are you doing, Colt?
18:50Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just heard that one.
18:52No, he's taking me out for dinner.
18:53Oh, it's all right for some.
18:54See you later, yeah?
18:55See you later.
19:01Hiya, Mum.
19:02Hello, darling.
19:03The husband?
19:04Oh, he's great.
19:05Yeah, he and I've been serving,
19:06so we thought we'd stop by for a drink.
19:08Well, I hope you haven't made any plans for tomorrow night
19:10because you're both coming over here to the party.
19:12Well, I don't know if I'm going to be able to get a babysitter, Peggy.
19:14And get in here too, Kathy.
19:16He looks as if he could do with a good night out.
19:18Well, I'll see what I can do.
19:24Oh, sorry.
19:26Do you want me to come back later?
19:27I thought that was the idea.
19:42Your halftime.
19:43Cheers, mate.
19:57It's all right, this place, isn't it?
19:59Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's fine.
20:01Maybe we should get away a bit more often,
20:03make it a regular thing, one night a week.
20:05As long as it's not always here, I'll be bankrupt in a month.
20:08It really feels like we're married, doesn't it?
20:10Well, we are married.
20:11Yeah, but you know what I mean.
20:12We're doing married couple things, aren't we?
20:14Yeah, you're right.
20:16We should go out more often, I'm sorry.
20:18What for?
20:19Well, I should spoil you more.
20:21I mean, look at you.
20:22Most blokes would give their right arm to be sat where I am tonight.
20:26Maybe it's just that we're living at the Vic.
20:28I don't really feel like the place is ours.
20:30I mean, there's always so many people around.
20:32There's always Peggy or Joe or Lorraine.
20:34What do you want me to do, throw them out on the street?
20:36No, I'm just saying that we don't really have the freedom
20:38to do stuff like this, to talk, just us.
20:41Well, it's a pub.
20:42I mean, it's always going to be busy.
20:43There's always going to be people around.
20:44That's not what I'm saying.
20:45I'd just like some more time for you and me.
20:50Throwing a party or something?
20:53No, no, it's Peggy's party.
20:55Who's Peggy, then?
20:56She's the landlady. She's my boss.
20:58You work here?
20:59Well, I'm just helping out.
21:01Why don't you ask Peggy if you can take a break,
21:03grab a drink and come and join us?
21:05Sure. No, I'll go. I'll go and ask her.
21:08What do you think you're doing?
21:10I'm just having a bit of fun. He's cute.
21:12He's a bit young, isn't he?
21:13I'll be gentle with him.
21:18It's a good home, Tiffany.
21:19A lot better than most people have got.
21:21Sometimes I don't feel like I belong there.
21:23You don't always make me feel like I belong there.
21:25I'm sorry if that's the way you feel,
21:27but I think it works fine the way it is.
21:29I like having people around.
21:30Yeah, but they're your people, your pub, your family.
21:34I mean, I'm the one that has to try and fit in, Grant.
21:36You're the one that just carries on as normal.
21:38I tried getting on with your friends, remember?
21:40Be honest, Grant, you didn't really.
21:42I mean, I've worked hard with Peggy. You know how she felt about me.
21:45And what about Simon?
21:46What about him?
21:47Well, he's my brother.
21:48I mean, well, have you ever had a good word to say about him?
21:51Well, have you ever taken him out for a beer or for a game of snooker?
21:54Your brother?
21:55Yes, my brother.
21:58So why don't we just go to America?
22:00Are you serious?
22:01Yeah, I am.
22:02How long?
22:03I don't know. A month, maybe two.
22:05A month?
22:06Come on, Ruth.
22:07We haven't seen Michelle and Vicky in ages.
22:09We haven't seen little Mark at all.
22:11Yeah, I know, but who are we kidding?
22:13We've got the stall and I've got the nursery.
22:15I mean, we can't just pack up and leave everything.
22:17Well, you know.
22:20You really want to go, don't you?
22:22It's a nice dream, isn't it?
22:23Well, maybe you should go,
22:25and I'll stay here and look after everything.
22:27But I want to go with you.
22:29Well, maybe next time.
22:31Look, she's your sister, Mark.
22:34You should really go and see her.
22:36I thought we'd put her in.
22:38It's just a quick one.
22:39But, well, I'll catch up if you want.
22:42Look, actually, Phil, I wanted to talk to you.
22:44I want to start working in the cafe again.
22:46What do you think?
22:48If that's what you want to do.
22:51Well, I'll let Blossom know,
22:52and I'll ask Ruth if she's available to look after Ben.
22:56Yes, Ruth.
22:58Well, whatever.
23:00Look, do you think I should talk to Ruth now?
23:02What about?
23:04About looking after Ben.
23:06When I go back to work, remember?
23:08Yeah, right, well, if that's what you want to do.
23:10Try and seem a little more interested, will you, Phil?
23:12What, in you going back to work?
23:14I'll talk to you later.
23:17I thought you wanted to try and make it work.
23:20I am trying.
23:21Yeah, well, at this rate, we're not going to get there.
23:23We'll be fighting each other in our wheelchairs.
23:26Well, things change, don't they?
23:27I mean, it's not always going to be like this.
23:29People change.
23:31Yeah, I suppose you're right.
23:33Well, you're not always going to want to go clubbing with Bianca, are you?
23:35I mean, someday we might want the same thing.
23:37What are you trying to say?
23:39That the problem with our marriage is that I'm too immature?
23:41Keep your voice down, will you?
23:43Right, in five years, I might want to dye my hair banana yellow
23:45and go travelling round the world.
23:46What, with a kid?
23:47Yeah, maybe.
23:48I'm not saying I will, but...
23:49Then why say things like that?
23:50The trouble with you is that you've got this picture of this family in your head.
23:53You've got the baby over here, the pub over there.
23:55Oh, we shall have Tiffany in the corner, shall we?
23:57You've been so kind to carry our kid for about the past nine months.
23:59That ain't fair.
24:00Grant, be honest. Put your things in order.
24:02Number one is the baby, number two is your brother and your mother,
24:05and number three is the pub.
24:06I mean, where do I fit into it?
24:08Do I even come into the top ten?
24:10Look, you may be happy for things to carry on the way that they are, but I'm not.
24:13I'm trying to get things right. Why do you think I brought you here?
24:16Probably because your mother suggested it.
24:24Oh, sorry.
24:26I must be invisible today.
24:27Blossom couldn't see me in the cafe this morning.
24:29Is it the shirt?
24:30The shirt's fine. What can I get you now, George?
24:32Oh, same again, please.
24:35I bet they're having a nice time.
24:37Who's that?
24:38Grant and Tiffany.
24:39Yeah, I'm sure they are.
24:40Yeah, you can't beat a classy restaurant, can you?
24:42Good food, someone to wait on you.
24:45Maybe that could be my New Year's resolution.
24:47Eat out more.
24:48But that's not giving up anything, though, is it?
24:50Yeah, sure it is. It's giving up eating in.
24:53So, um...
24:54So, what do you reckon?
24:55Do you, um, fancy making a sacrifice with me again one night?
24:59What, go for a meal?
25:00Yeah, why not? We could go to that Italian place again.
25:03Start the year as you mean to go on.
25:05Yeah, sure. I'm game.
25:06Oh, right then.
25:10Really, yeah?
25:16Hey, what you doing?
25:17I'm just serving someone. I'm not stealing it.
25:19You're not old enough, George. Peggy could lose her licence.
25:24It's OK now, don't worry. What do you want?
25:26Um, two gin and tonics.
25:28It's OK.
25:31Listen, um, do you know when I'm 18, do you think Peggy will let me serve?
25:34We're not going to be living here that long, George.
25:36Yeah, I know that, but if we were, do you think she would let me?
25:38Well, do you really want to work behind a bar?
25:41Why not?
25:42Well, I was kind of hoping you'd do something else with your life.
25:46It's good enough for you, isn't it?
26:02How was it, then?
26:04What's that?
26:05The restaurant.
26:06I got a date with Lorraine next week. I'm looking for a good restaurant.
26:09You know, somewhere classy.
26:10A date?
26:11Only took half a dozen of these to get round to asking.
26:14Well, congratulations.
26:15Well, it's not exactly a date, date.
26:18I wasn't quite as specific as I rehearsed it.
26:20Well, don't you think you should tell her it's a date?
26:22That might be a bit tricky.
26:24Blimey, you're back a bit early, aren't you?
26:27Yeah, well, she was tired.
26:29Can I have two bottles of beer and a packet of crisps?
26:33Come on, then. How did it go?
26:36Didn't I tell you? All you two needed was a little time together.
26:40Where is she?
26:41She's upstairs watching Tilly.
26:42Well, get up there with her.
26:44We're coping just fine down here without you.
26:46Yes, yeah.
26:47There you go. And the crisps.
26:49Oh, sorry.
26:50It's all right.
26:55Good night.
27:22Good night.